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2015 strategy:
Workplace Health & Safety (Improvement of Business Site Safety Environment)
Workplace Health & Safety System (the company is promoting autonomous safety
assessments and company-wide safety culture during 2016.)

Workplace Health & Safety Activities (Samsung SDI wants to re-position its organization
and system, make its structure become clearer

Implementation of Company-wide Safety Verification (In 2015, Samsung SDI executed a

company-wide integrated safety inspection. The inspection conducted overall checks on
hazardous elements such as injuries, illnesses, fire outbreaks, chemical leakages,
contamination, or utility supply cuts, and urged its onsite managers to address managerial
problems and inadequate items and invest in countermeasures, which will be executed no
later than 2018, to bring about an improvement.)

Proliferation of Safety Culture among Partner Companies

Execution of SSCA (Samsung Safety Culture Assessment)

SET Safety Culture Improvement Goals

Train the employees,
Deal with lacking in preventive management against accident responses

Response to Climate Change plane (2015)
Energy Management
Energy saving activity
(Set a Major Energy Saving task.)
Activities for Reducing Emissions
Value Creation model (2016)
Creating values with potential to enrich life

Research and development

To develop safe product
Develop energy friendly energy sources

Optimized purchasing strategies, operate a rational purchasing process
Establish a shared growth practices with company partners and suppliers
Conflict minerals are manage

Improved environmental efficiency
Safety management of worksites
Increase profit through cost management

Sale process is separated from logistics process to reduce time and better management to
each process
Environmentally friendly transport

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