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The first drawing generally holds themes that relate to the client’s ideal self.

The client’s first drawing

is a female. A full figure has been drawn by the client. The figure in the drawing is preparing or doing
gardening . Figures drawn doing a particular action suggest a dynamic person. The drawing tend to be
realistically proportional and lack distortion other than a minor sort. Furthermore, the figure tend to
be symmetrical and pleasant to look at.

The figure is drawn from a profile view which is common especially with females, to be considered as
more than a possible manifestation of frankness or accessibility.

The female’s figure size is about 6-7 inches tall and is equal to the male’s figure size. Sexual role
expectancies were clearly distinguished between the the male and female figures. Each figure
contains elements which represent their sexaul characteristics. This suggests a normal identification
with the own sexual role. The drawing has been drawn with sketchy strokes which may signify anxiety,
uncertainty and insecurity. The drawing is located in the upper right corner of the paper which
signifies a desire to suppress an unpleasant past, plus excessive optimism about the future.

The figure has an over-detailed or overemphasized head which indicates active fantasy or a grandiose
compensation for feelings of inadequacy. Lines in the forehead can be seen which may be an indicator
of depression. There was an emphasis on facial features which may indicate a concern about social
relationships and outward acceptance or maybe an indication of inner drive for social assertion. The
eyes were large and accentuated which may signify a glamourized individual indicative of
exhibitionistic trends. The figure has a cupid bow lips which indicates exhibitionistic, sexually ,
precocious, vain girls. The ears were emphasized with earrings on it which indicate sensitivity to the
outside world.

The shoulders were quite unequal or asymmetrical which may suggest personality imbalance.

There was an emphasis on the waist which usually denotes sexual control. The female figure has a
small breasts which may indicate normality or may indicate feelings of rejection by other or may
indicate stinginess in offering love, affection , approval to children or may indicate fear of mature
female sexuality. The feet were pointing in opposite directions which suggests ambivalence regarding
striving for independence or possible poor control of impulses.

There were emphasis on the button and pockets which are said to be indicators of dependence and
The first drawing generally holds themes that relate to the client’s ideal self. The client’s first drawing
is a male. A full figure has been drawn by the client. The drawn figure can be described as a striving,
determined, ambitious and aggressive person. The first figure is drawn from a front view while the
second figure is profile view.

The figure tends to be around 4-5 inches tall and is relatively smaller than the female figure which
tens to be around 6-7 inches tall.

Sexual role expectancies were distinguished between the the male and female figures. Each figure
contains elements which represent their sexual characteristics. This suggests a normal identification
with the own sexual role. However, the opposite
sex is drawn superficially. This
shows narcissist tendencies and a lack of interest or even hostility
towards the other sex.The female figure wasn’t completely drawn with
major parts of its body completely omitted such as the hands and body parts
below the waist. ______________
The drawing is looking away from viewer which maybe a possible sign of withdrawal.

The figure has a wide stance which suggests aggressive defiance of authority and or insecurity being
defended, sometimes by acting out.

The drawing has sketchy strokes which may indicate anxiety, uncertainty and insecurity or possible
character disturbances with minimal erasures. On the other hand, excesive shading is evident on
the opposite sex .

The age of the figure is relatively younger than the age of the subject. Which indicate immaturity and
regressive tendencies.
The drawing is placed on the left side of the page which suggests tendency towards impulsivity,
possible self orientation, orientation to and more concern with past and possible feelings of
uncertainty and apprehension.

The first figure (male) has a smaller head compared to the second figure(female). The female head is
larger which means the subject perceived the female to be as socially dominant .

The male figure has raised eyebrows which may suggest an attitude of disdain, perhaps contempt.
The drawing has an open mouth which suggests oral passivity. Ears were ommited which may indicate
normality or possible desire to minimize environmental desire to minimize environmental contact. It
may also indicate possible low intelligence or maladjusting tendencies in a setting of retardation. The
hair was heavily shaded which may signify possible anger and aggressive tendencies , possible anxiety ,
perhaps regarding fantasies or possible excessive sexuality or luxurious sensuality.

The drawing has tiny and pointed shoulders which signifies inferiority feelings and acting out
tendencies. The feet is pointed sharply which may suggest hostile tendencies.

Indicators of aggression were seen in the figure like the clenched fist and heavily shaded hair.

There were a few indicators of being impulsive and hysterical like lack of precision of lines and messy
hair treatment.

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