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Economic Development Committee Meeting

Where: Parks and Recreation Conference Room – Lower Level – City Hall
When: March TBD, 2019 @ 2:00PM

Committee Members: Andrea Camp, Tony Bohrer, Chris Nichols, Peter Brixius



 Business Development Grant

o Final Approval of Grant Forms and Guidelines
• Attachments – Revised Grant Forms and Guidelines
• Attachments – Legal Opinion Memo
• Attachments – Marketing Postcard

 Wayfinding Initiative
o Attending the discussion – Tom Kleinschnitz
• Attachments – Wayfinding Design & Branding Concept
o AGNC grants submitted by both City and County
o County looking to LMD and other grant opportunities for funding
o City working on CDOT and RFP document

 Opportunity Zones
• Attachments – Edeveco Proposal
• Attachments – Golden Shovel Agency Info
o Conference Call – Introduction to Golden Shovel Agency
o Grant funding available…
• DOLA funds – Up to $25,000 with matching requirements
• EDA funds - ?

 Community Improvements
o Attending the discussion – Randy Call
• Attachments – Estimates for Community Improvements
• Exhibit A: Island Concrete Improvements
• Exhibit B: Green St./Ranney St. Sidewalk & Beautification
o Discuss updates for Murdoch’s Island and Island at 4th/Lincoln

 Technology Incubator
o Attending the discussion – Brian MacKenzie
o DOLA REDI Grant submitted 3/15
• Attachments – REDI Grant submission
 City Microloan Program
• Attachments – Revised Microloan Resources
o Discuss City Microloan Program v.s. small business education/resources
Business Grant Program
The City of Craig’s ability to provide quality municipal services and infrastructure to the Craig community is
directly related to the economic success of the local business community. In order to assist the City in meeting its
economic goals, the City will implement the City of Craig Business Grant Program for 2019. This two-track
program will provide grants to businesses via a competitive application review process.

TRACK 1: The City will consider providing Site Enhancement Grants to businesses that wish to install traditional
site improvements such as façade improvements, landscaping, and other architectural upgrades. (See page two
for details)

TRACK 2: The City will consider Economic Development Grants to businesses that undertake capital investments
(excluding working capital) that bring one or more of the following to Craig:

 Addition of jobs to the local economy

 A unique amenity
 A region of draw to the City Core or other commercial district
 Diversification to the City’s economic base (See page four for details)

Grants will be awarded in any amount up to $25,000. Grant requests should include matching funds from the
business in the amount of 50% of the total project cost. Funding requests in excess of $10,000 will be considered
for projects that provide exceptional benefit and may be subject to additional applicant criterium. Smaller
projects are also eligible as there is no minimum. Craig City Council has allocated $50,000 to fund the Craig
Business Grant Program for 2019, with the possibility of an additional $50,000.

Grant Program applications are available at City Hall and on the City’s Website. Applications will be accepted
between April 1st thru September 16th. Grant funds will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis. Applicants
are required to review their proposed projects with City of Craig Building inspector prior to application submission
to gain an understanding of all applicable regulations, codes, and ordinances that may be relevant to a specific
project. Completed applications can be mailed or dropped off at City Hall.

Grant awards will be announced within 10 days after scheduled and completed project presentation with the
Economic Development Committee. If you have any questions regarding the City of Craig Business Grant Program,
please contact Melanie @ (970) 826-2016.
Site Enhancement Grants
Site Enhancement Grants are provided to improve the appearance of individual businesses, which helps to
provide an overall improved image for the City of Craig’s business community.


1. Site Enhancement Grant preference will be given to site improvements that provide the most significant
visual improvement over current conditions as seen from public streets and trails.
2. All Sales Tax generating business properties located in commercially zoned areas are eligible to apply.
Applicants must be in good standing with the Colorado State Secretary and the City of Craig. Properties
with outstanding code violations, delinquent sales taxes or past due City utility bills are not eligible to
3. Proposed improvements must meet City Codes. Businesses are to provide before and after photos of
4. The applicant is responsible for obtaining all building and other required permits before any project work
5. Eligible improvements include but are not limited to:
a. Exterior architectural enhancements
b. Exterior lighting, painting, stucco, etc.
c. Landscaping and parking area improvements
d. Permanent signage
6. Ineligible improvements include:
a. Interior decoration or personal property
b. Refinancing of debt
c. Inventory
d. General or routine maintenance and cleaning
e. Business operations expenses
f. Improvements made prior to grant approval
7. Two monthly progress payments for out-of-pocket costs can be requested with the appropriate
Reimbursement Form and Paid Receipts submitted, up to 50% of the scheduled out-of-pocket costs. Final
payment of the remaining 50% of out-of-pocket costs will be processed upon verification and inspection
of qualifying improvements.
8. Grants are available to owner or tenant (if tenant applies, a minimum of two years must be remaining on
lease, or an option to renew current lease, and written landowner permission must be provided.)
9. All businesses must receive grant approval prior to beginning improvements to be eligible to receive grant
funding reimbursements. No work prior to awarding of funds can be reimbursed.
10. Site improvement work must be completed by November 15th; reimbursements must be completed
before November 30th.
11. Projects selected for grant funding may be featured in City promotional materials.
Site Enhancement Example:

East side block between 4th & Victory Way


• Remove existing awning

• Update and unify storefront and existing
• Define signage band
• Define roof line/ parapet


• Cornice roof line
• Signage band
IMPROVEMENT • Updated awning
• Updated/unified storefront and display windows
FEATURES • Update kickplate
• Updated façade materials
Economic Development Grants
Economic Development Grants are designed to provide funding for businesses that make capital investments
which assist the City in meeting overall Economic Development goals including;

 Addition of jobs to the local economy

 Providing a unique amenity to the community
 Providing a regional customer draw
 Addition of vitality to the City core or other commercial district
 Diversification of the City’s economic base


1. Economic Development Grant preferences will be given to grant applications that most clearly
demonstrate capital investments which are directly linked to the addition of jobs in Craig.
2. All businesses located in commercially zoned areas within the City limits are eligible to apply.
(Applicants must be in good standing with the Colorado State Secretary and the City of Craig.
Properties with outstanding code violations, delinquent sales taxes or past due city utility bills are not
eligible to apply).
3. Proposed capital investments must meet all current City Codes. The applicant is responsible for
obtaining all building and other required permits before any project work commences.
4. Eligible uses of Economic Development Grants include, but are not limited to, new construction of
building/fixed assets and building expansion.
5. Two monthly progress payments for out-of-pocket costs can be requested with the appropriate
Reimbursement Form and Paid Receipts submitted, up to 50% of the scheduled out-of-pocket costs.
Final payment of the remaining 50% of out-of-pocket costs will be processed upon verification and
inspection of capital expenditures.
6. Grants are available to owner or tenant (if tenant, a minimum of two years must be remaining on
lease, or an option to renew current lease, and written landowner permission must be provided.)
7. All businesses must receive grant approval prior to making capital investments to be eligible to
receive grant funding.
8. Capital investments must be completed by November 15th; all reimbursements must be completed
before November 30th.
9. Projects selected for grant funding may be used in City promotional materials.
Business Grant Program


Completed application including additional attachments

o Detailed project narrative
 Specifically describe how the proposed project will provide significant visual
improvement over current conditions as seen from public streets and access
o Project budget
o Construction proposals
o Photographs
o Site plans/sketches
o Project schedules
If business tenant, a minimum of 2 years must be remaining on lease, or an option to renew
current lease, and provide written landowner permission
Review proposed projects with City of Craig Building Inspector prior to application submission
Applicant will be required to present a 15-minute presentation to the Economic Development
Committee and answer questions related to the project. Committee will call to schedule.
Site improvement work must be completed by November 15th
Reimbursements must be submitted no later than November 30th.
Two monthly progress payments for out-of-pocket costs can be requested with the appropriate
reimbursement form and paid receipts submitted, up to 50% of the scheduled out-of-pocket
costs. Final payment of the remaining 50% of out-of-pocket costs will be processed upon
verification and inspection of qualifying improvements.


Additional financial documents may be requested, at the committee’s discretion

Please contact Melanie with any questions and inquiries:

(970) 826-2016
Business Grant Program


Completed application including additional attachments

o Detailed project narrative
 Specifically describe how your proposed capital investment is directly linked to
the addition of jobs or other economic development goals
o Current staffing levels
o Hiring plans
o Business plans
o Project costs
o Project schedules
If business tenant, a minimum of 2 years must be remaining on lease, or an option to renew
current lease, and provide written landowner permission
Review proposed projects with City of Craig Building Inspector prior to application submission
Applicant will be required to present a 15-minute presentation to the Economic Development
Committee and answer questions related to the project. Committee will call to schedule.
Capital investments must be completed by November 15th
Reimbursements must be submitted no later than November 30th.
Two monthly progress payments for out-of-pocket costs can be requested with the appropriate
reimbursement form and paid receipts submitted, up to 50% of the scheduled out-of-pocket
costs. Final payment of the remaining 50% of out-of-pocket costs will be processed upon
verification and inspection of qualifying capital expenditures.


Additional financial documents may be requested, at the committee’s discretion

Please contact Melanie with any questions and inquiries:

(970) 826-2016
Business Grant Program Application
Applicant / Business Owner: _____________________________________________________________

Business Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Property Owner (if different): ____________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Property Address or Project Address (if different): ___________________________________________

Best Phone Number to Call: _____________________________________________________________

Best Email: ___________________________________________________________________________

Total Project Cost: $____________________________

Grant Request Amount: $________________________

Detailed description of proposed project:

All applicants must attach a detailed project narrative and copies of any supporting documentation that
will assist the grant committee in reviewing the proposed project.

Instructions for Site Enhancement Grant Applications:

Make sure to specifically describe how the proposed project will provide significant visual improvement
over current conditions as seen from the public streets and access. Applicants should also include
relevant information such as project budgets, construction proposals, photographs, site plans/sketches,
and project schedules.
Instructions for Economic Development Applicants:
Make sure to describe how your proposed capital investment is directly linked to the addition of jobs or
other economic development goals. Applicants must also include information such as current staffing
levels, hiring plans, business plans, and project costs and schedules.

If funding request is between $10,000-$25,000:

Additional requirements may apply to funding requests ≥$10,000. Business related financial documents
may be requested, at the committee’s discretion.

Project Review:
Applicants are required to review their proposed projects with the City of Craig Building Inspector prior
to application submission to gain a full understanding of any City municipal codes that may be relevant
to a specific project. Applicants will also be required to present a 15-minute project presentation to the
Economic Development Committee and answer questions related to the project. The committee will call
to schedule.

Applicant’s Signature Date

X ___________
Property Owner’s Signature (if different from applicant) Date

Mail or hand deliver to:

City of Craig Business Grant Program
300 W 4th Street, Craig, CO 81625
2019 Grant Applications will be accepted April 1st – September 16th
Business Grant Program Criteria Evaluation Sheet


Applicant/Business: ________________________________________________ Date: ____/____/____

Improvements include:
Architectural enhancement
Permanent signage

Applicant requirements fulfilled:

Completed grant application including additional attachments
o Detailed project narrative
o Project budget
o Construction proposals
o Photographs
o Site plans/sketches
o Project schedules
Project reviewed with City Building Inspector
o Improvements meet current City codes
Own Lease (if lease, 2-year lease agreement or landowner’s permission included)
Applicant’s investment meets 50% of project cost (must receive grant approval prior to making
capital investments to be eligible for grant funding)
Good standing: CO State Secretary and the City of Craig
Site improvements to be completed by November 15th
15-minute project presentation scheduled with the Economic Development Committee
o Date: ____/____/____ Time: ____________

If funding request exceeds $10,000:

Additional financial documents, if any, to be requested:__________________________________



This Agreement is entered into this ____ day of ______________________ between the City of Craig otherwise
known as CITY and _____________________________________ (Owner/ Tenant) otherwise known as OWNER.

The parties agree as follows:

1.Owner agrees to cause improvements to be made to the Owner's Property or Capital Expenditure project located
on the following described property.

2. Such improvements/capital expenditures shall be made in accordance with the plans and specifications attached
hereto as Exhibit "A".

3. Upon the completion of the project in substantial conformity with the Exhibit "A and following inspection and
approval by the City, City shall pay to Owner an amount equal to one-half of the Owner's out-of-pocket costs for
such improvements/capital expenditures, not to exceed ______________ dollars. Owner shall provide City with
proof of such costs in a form satisfactory to City and shall include lien waivers signed by all parties who provide
labor and/or materials. Two monthly progress payments for out-of-pocket costs can be requested with the
appropriate Reimbursement Form and Paid Receipts submitted, up to 50% of Owner’s scheduled out-of-pocket
costs. Final payment of the remaining 50% of out-of-pocket costs will be processed upon verification and
inspection of qualifying improvements/capital expenditures.

4. The work shall be commenced by Owner within ____ days following execution of this Contract and shall be
completed by November 15th.

5. Owner hereby warrants that he/she is the Owner/Tenant of such property and has all of the necessary rights,
title, and interest to make and maintain the specified improvements.

6. Owner agrees to properly maintain the improvements referenced in Exhibit "A".

7. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto.

GRANT PROGRAM AMOUNT REQUESTED: $_________________________


AWARD AMOUNT: $_________________________

OWNER BUSINESS: ___________________________________ SIGNATURE: _______________________________________

PRINT OWNER NAME: _________________________________OWNER ADDRESS: __________________________________

OWNER CONTACT /EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________________________

CITY OF CRAIG EDC REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________________

Business Grant Program Criteria Evaluation Sheet


Applicant/Business: ________________________________________________ Date: ____/____/____

Project brings one or more of the following:

Addition of jobs to the local economy
Provides a unique amenity
Provides a regional customer draw
Adds vitality to the City core or other commercial district
Diversifies City’s economic base

Applicant requirements fulfilled:

Completed grant application including additional attachments
o Detailed project narrative
o Current staffing levels
o Hiring plans
o Business plans
o Project costs
o Projects schedules
Project reviewed with City Building Inspector
o Improvements (if any) meet current City codes
Own Lease (if lease, 2-year lease agreement or landowner’s permission included)
Applicant’s investment meets 50% of project cost (must receive grant approval prior to making
capital investments to be eligible for grant funding)
Good standing: CO State Secretary and the City of Craig
Capital investments to be completed by November 15th
15-minute project presentation scheduled with the Economic Development Committee
o Date: ____/____/____ Time: ____________

If funding request exceeds $10,000:

Additional financial documents, if any, to be requested:__________________________________



This Agreement is entered into this ____ day of ______________________ between the City of Craig otherwise
known as CITY and _____________________________________ (Owner/ Tenant) otherwise known as OWNER.

The parties agree as follows:

1.Owner agrees to cause improvements to be made to the Owner's Property or Capital Expenditure project located
on the following described property.

2. Such improvements/capital expenditures shall be made in accordance with the plans and specifications attached
hereto as Exhibit "A".

3. Upon the completion of the project in substantial conformity with the Exhibit "A and following inspection and
approval by the City, City shall pay to Owner an amount equal to one-half of the Owner's out-of-pocket costs for
such improvements/capital expenditures, not to exceed ______________ dollars. Owner shall provide City with
proof of such costs in a form satisfactory to City and shall include lien waivers signed by all parties who provide
labor and/or materials. Two monthly progress payments for out-of-pocket costs can be requested with the
appropriate Reimbursement Form and Paid Receipts submitted, up to 50% of Owner’s scheduled out-of-pocket
costs. Final payment of the remaining 50% of out-of-pocket costs will be processed upon verification and
inspection of qualifying improvements/capital expenditures.

4. The work shall be commenced by Owner within ____ days following execution of this Contract and shall be
completed by November 15th.

5. Owner hereby warrants that he/she is the Owner/Tenant of such property and has all of the necessary rights,
title, and interest to make and maintain the specified improvements.

6. Owner agrees to properly maintain the improvements referenced in Exhibit "A".

7. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto.

GRANT PROGRAM AMOUNT REQUESTED: $_________________________


AWARD AMOUNT: $_________________________

OWNER BUSINESS: ___________________________________ SIGNATURE: _______________________________________

PRINT OWNER NAME: _________________________________OWNER ADDRESS: __________________________________

OWNER CONTACT /EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________________________

CITY OF CRAIG EDC REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________________


1 : 1 Match
d��l�� f�� d��l��!

REVITalize Your Storefront
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� �e�� t� ��ea�� j�b� & b�os� �it��i��

GRANTS Grant funds will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis


Small Business ��l�� ������!

Help us to help you. Your informa�on will guide incen�ves
to assist our exis�ng local businesses and encourage new
economic ac�viity. www.craig-chamber/pulsesurvey


Craig, Colorado 81625

Applica�ons available at
City Hall/Administra�on
or online at:

For ques�ons or inqueries
please contact Melanie:
(970) 826-2016

5 FT

Colorado’s Great Northwest

7 FT
12 FT
Below is the Opportunity Zone Market Strategy for Craig, Colorado. The proposal includes 
everything needed for a go-to market campaign for the Opportunity Zone, including prospectus, 
marketing strategy, and Opportunity Zone Fund set up.  

Initial Kick-off
This initial meeting will set the goals, expectation and the framework for the
next 12 weeks. FEATURES

Research & Gather: Opportunity Zone Goals and Timelines YES

A. Identify Opportunity Zone matrix mix.
B. Cross reference and identify targeted industries. Research & Data Collection YES
C. Review studies and research related to industries, housing, labor,
Investment Fund Review YES
transportation, education, and other pertinent analysis​.

Industry Focus YES

Detailed Opportunity Zone Prospectus
A. Collect relevant data for inclusion into Prospectus
Prospectus YES
B. Provide detailed information for Prospectus
C. Inclusion of these elements: Growth, Capital Demand, Inclusion,
Marketing Strategy YES
Place Making, Capacity
D. Final Prospectus (branded and investment ready)
Initial Report & Review YES

Opportunity Zone Strategy

Final Report & Presentation YES
Compiled data and analysis for an opportunity zone market strategy with
target market attraction, investment and funder attraction, and opportunity
zone fund set up.

Opportunity Zone Fund

Assist in the direction and development of the Opportunity Zone Fund, work
with local leadership for internal investment, communicate with state
Opportunity Zone representatives for optimal support, and identify potential
fund managers.

Opportunity Zone Marketing Implementation Recommendations

Complete Opportunity Zone Marketing strategy with implementation
recommendations - marketing the opportunity zone for potential industry.

Empire Development Company: Public Relations and Development Page​ 1
Final Report & Presentation
The final report and presentation will include:
● Finished Prospectus
● Marketing Strategy
● Opportunity Zone Fund set up
● All other data and information collected

Recommended Uses: Proposed Final Report Contents:

● Generate investment opportunity ● Intro & Purpose

● Agreed upon Implementation & Action Plan ● Executive Summary
● Increase Opportunity Zone Attraction & increase ● Highlights
Outside investment ● Population & Demographics
● Growth Matrix
● Placemaking
● Capital Demand
● Inclusion
● Sector Focus (examples)
○ Manufacturing
○ Health Care
○ Long-term Care
○ Energy
○ Technology
● Forecasting
● Action Plan
● Sources
● Notes & Appendices

Empire Development Company: Public Relations and Development Page​ 2
Below is an estimated schedule based on the proposed work.

Week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Project Initiation X

Opportunity Zone Analysis X X X X

Targeted Industry Review X X X X

Prospectus Development X X X X X

Development of Strategy X X

Compile Reports X X

Deliver initial Report X

Polish Final Report & X X X

Action Plan

Final Presentation X

Recommend X
Implementation Plan

● Opportunity Zone Strategy and Development $15,000
○ Research & Analysis
○ Prospectus
○ Opportunity Zone Fund Readiness
○ Opportunity Zone go-to Market Strategy
○ Implementation Recommendations

Total $15,000

Empire Development Company: Public Relations and Development Page​ 3

EXHIBIT A: Estimate for Concrete Improvements

Project location is Island at Murdoch’s and Island at 4th and Lincoln Street. The following
is an estimated breakdown of materials and services.

1. Colored Textured Concrete 5,192 sq. ft. @ $14.00 = $72,688.00

2. ¾ Road Base 202 tons @ $ 9.75 = $ 1,969.50

Total = $74,657.50

Included in this project is about 180 feet of Curb & Gutter that will need to be replaced.
This cost is to be around $7,380.00 which will be funded from our Curb & Gutter fund.

EXHIBIT B: Estimate for Beautification Project

Project location is Victory Way, Pershing street and 4th Street from Green Street and
Ranney Street on the South and Westside of the streets. The following is an estimated
breakdown of materials and services.
1. Sidewalk $38,000.00
2. Removal & Prep $19,500.50
3. Fabric $ 900.00
4. Edging $ 1,725.00
5. 60 Tons Decorative Rock $ 3,100.00
6. Tree & Shrubs $ 4,500.00
7. Planters $ 2,500.00
8. Water Services $ 3,200.00
9. Drip System $ 2,600.00

Total =$76,025.00
Detailed Line Item Total Cost REDI Request Cash Match Source of Match
Proximity $ 9000.00 $ 9000.00
Hardware /
Software to
automate entry

Rent for Space $ 6000.00 $6000.00 The City of Craig,

from the College Economic
Development Funds
Broadband $ 2400.00 $2400.00

Brand Positioning $ 2500.00 $2500.00

statement and
Logos / taglines

Development of $ 5500.00 $ 5500.00

Strategic Marketing

Includes SWOT
analysis with staff
and key members

Research on other
communities with
tech incubators.

Future marketing
material production
& costs


Development of an $ 1500.00 $ 1500.00

incubator website
$ 26,900.00 $ 20,900.00 $6000.00
Lead Application

Assessed Valuation (AV)

for most recent year

Total Mill Levy 18.996

Property Tax Revenue $1,334,699.44

Sales Tax January- December 4.0%
(percentage and estimated
annual revenues) $6,238,500.00

General Fund Balance as of $5,532,803.00

DEC 31 of the previous year



The goal of this program is that Colorado small businesses have adequate access to capital. OEDIT has provided capital to
three non-profit lenders, who are charged with making loans to start-up or entrepreneurial small businesses that are not being
adequately addressed by other government programs or non-profit lenders. The program focuses on small, character-based
loans to start up companies, especially in rural areas.


The Northwest Loan Fund (NLF) offers business loans that will bring value to the local economy in the 9 Northwest counties we
serve: Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Jackson, Moffat, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, and Summit. Over the past 2 years, the Northwest Loan
Fund has loaned over $1,036,000 to 19 local businesses and entrepreneurs creating 46 jobs in our Northwest Territory.


The Colorado enterprise fund has created a robust network of small business coaches, online tools and partner resources – to
take your business to the next level. Multiple loan types are available for just about any small business need. No other small
business lender in Colorado offers all that.


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