Edu 255 Final Write Up Conlon Dorval Thornhill

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Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Part One

The game of volleyball, originally called “mintonette,” was created in 1895 by William
G. Morgan after the invention of basketball. The game was created using elements of basketball,
tennis, baseball, and handball. The first net was borrowed from the game of tennis, was only 6’6”
high, just taller than the average man. The first competitive game of volleyball was played on
July 7th 1896 at Springfield College. In 1900 a special ball was designed for the sport and in
1916, a strategic pass that set up a teammate for a shot was utilized for the first time. This play is
now known as the set and the spike. It was not until the 1940’s that the bump pass was brought
into the game.
From Holyoke, Massachusetts, where Morgan invented volleyball, the game began to
spread throughout America and overseas. In 1949 the first World Championships were held in
Czechoslovakia and in 1955 the Pan American Games included Volleyball. The 1964 Olympic
Games in Tokyo, Japan included Volleyball for the first time.
Volleyball became recognized as a sport in 1947 when the Federation Internationale de
Volleyball (FIVB) was created. Now volleyball is one of the most popular games in the world.
Over 800 million people play volleyball at least once a week. Americans make up for 46 million
of those that play volleyball.

Important Terms:
● Attack: The offensive action of hitting the ball.
● Baseline: The end line
● Block: A defensive play by one or more front-row players meant to intercept a spiked
● Defense: The key skills used to receive the opponent's attack
● Dig: Passing a spiked or rapidly hit ball and low to ground.
● Forearm Pass: Sometimes referred to as the “pass,” “bump” or “dig”.
● Jump serve: The server uses an approach, toss, takeoff and serves the ball with a spiking
motion while in the air.
● Overhand pass: A pass with both hands open that is controlled by the fingers, with the
face below the ball. Both hands simultaneously contact the ball above the head and direct
it to the intended target.
● Overhand serve: Serving the ball and striking it with the hand above the shoulder.
● Spike: A ball contacted with force by a player on the offensive team who intends to
terminate the ball on the opponent’s floor or off the opponent’s blocker.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

● Underhand serve: A serve performed with an underhand striking action. The ball is
usually contacted with the heel of the hand.

Objective Section


Psychomotor Domain: Throughout our volleyball unit, we stressed through the

psychomotor domain that students know how perform each and every skill in volleyball.
For example, students learned how to perform the overhand/underhand serve, bump,
set, block and spike. Each skill had to be perform with correct form.

Affective Domain: Throughout our volleyball unit, students learned how to work in
groups, set up volleyball nets, set up equipment on the courts and showed excellent

Cognitive Domain: Throughout our volleyball unit, students had a better understanding of
volleyball. They were able to differentiate between each skill, peer assess, self asses, understand
the rules and regulations of the game as well as learned how to keep score.

The Volleyball Unit is developmentally appropriate for lower middle school and up because it is
a team sport which is recommended to be taught to this age by the national standards. This unit
allows for all students to be involved at the same time which creates a high time on task.
Volleyball also teaches social responsibility but having the students follow rules such as rolling
the ball under the net for safety precautions.

Psychomotor Objectives
In a blocking drill, students will be able to perform the block five out of ten times, with
proper form.
In a drill with a partner, students will be able to perform a spike five out of eight times
with proper for.
With a partner in a drill, students will be able to perform the overhand serve, seven out
of ten times with the proper form.
During a drill, you and your partner will perform the underhand serve 5 out of 10 times
with proper form.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Cognitive Objectives
On an exit slip, students will list and explain cues of the block, correctly explaining at
least two cues.
For the closing activity, students will be able to describe a spike swing correctly when
asked by the teacher and explain at least 2 of the 3 cues.
For the closing activity, students will be able to describe the overhand serve correctly,
listing at least 3 cues.
On an exit slip, students will be able to list cues of the underhand serve, listing the
cues in the correct order.

Affective Objectives
In a game-like drill, students will officiate games, demonstrating how to properly utilize
the rules of volleyball.
At the end of class, students will work together to put the equipment away in the
appropriate location while treating the equipment and each other with respect.
During class, students will demonstrate responsibility and problem solving skills by
working through a tough scenario with their peers.
During class activity, students will correctly demonstrate cooperation skills by
establishing the rules and guidelines of volleyball as a group.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Part Two
Scoring Procedures:
● Rally scoring: Scoring method where points can be won by the serving or receiving
● Ace: A serve that results directly in a point, usually when the ball hits the floor
untouched on the receiving team’s side of the court.

● Net Height: Women – 7 feet, 4-1/8 inches high
● Men – 7 feet, 11-5/8 inches high
● 6 players on the floor at any one time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row
● Maximum of 3 hits per side
● Player may not hit the ball twice in succession.
● Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
● A ball is out if it hits outside the boundary lines, the referee stand or pole, or the ceiling
above a non-playable area.
● It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.
● It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
● After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Block Plan:

Day 1: Bumping Day 2: Setting

Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: With a
Stu Dynamic and Static Warm-up partn partner, play keep the ball in the air as
long long as you can without it hitting the
Lesson focus: Students will be able to
groun ground. You must use the bumping
Bump Bump 80% of the time with proper form.
echni techniques.

Fitness Activity: Students will have a Lesson focus: Students will be able to
goal goal of 500 steps to reach by the end set
of set the ball 80% of the time with proper
the the 50-minute class period form. form.
Assessment(s): Peer Assess proper
form form of bumping. Fitness Activity: Students will have a
Closure: With a partner, discuss the at
goal goal of 500 steps to reach by the end of
least least 3 cues of the skill bumping. the the 50-minute class period.

Assessment(s): Peer Assess proper

form form of setting.

Closure: What the difference between

settin setting and bumping?
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Day 3: Serving Day 4: Bumping, Setting & Serving

Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Salt

Saver LifeSaver Volley: Tag game; to get back
and and Pepper: with groups of 3, bump and
in yo in you have to volley with a partner 4 set set back and forth starting with either and
times. times. under underhand or overhand serve.

Lesson focus: Serve the volleyball over- Lesson focus: Serving, bumping and
and a hand and underhand 80 % of the timesettin setting in the proper sequence.
with p with proper form.
Fitness Activity: Students will have a
Fitness Activity: Students will have agoal goal of 500 steps to reach by the end of
goal goal of 500 steps to reach by the end the
of the 50-minute class period.
the the 50-minute class period.
Assessment(s): Checklist for
Assessment(s): Informal assessment;
of skil improvement of skills.
Teac Teacher observes.
Closure: How does using passing,
Closure: As a class, discuss the and s setting, and serving in a game situation
en an difference between underhand & chan change the use of the skill?
and s overhand serve.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Day 5: Hitting Day 6: Blocking

Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Spike Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up:

a Ball: With a group of 4 students will play
ball B Volleyball Battleships: Within groups of 3,
spike spike ball and the hitting motion will stu students compete to make it in the hula
hittin transfer to hitting in volleyball. hoo hoops on the other side of the net by
using using the skill of hitting.
Lesson focus: Obtaining proper form as
well a well as foot work. Lesson focus: Students will defend a hit
with a with a block.
Fitness Activity: Students will have a
o goal of 500 steps to reach by the end of Fitness Activity: Students will have a
the 5 the 50-minute class period. goal goal of 500 steps to reach by the end of
the the 50-minute class period.
Assessment(s): Pre-test hitting with a
rubric rubric Assessment(s): Teacher pre-test using
a a checklist.
Closure: With a partner discuss what the
m most difficult part of hitting for yourself. Closure: List and explain two of the cues
of b of blocking.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Day 7: Skill Assessment Day 8: Offense

Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Volley- Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: PIG:
ball D ball Deck of Cards: Each suit represents
i With a partner, you will play the game of
one o one of the skills that we have learned.PI PIG to work on accuracy within the serve.
Once Once you pick a card, with a partner you
will p will perform the skill 3 out 5 times with Lesson focus: Learning the offensive
prope proper form. t strategy and how to move around the
Lesson focus: Formal teacher
ent of assessment of all the prior skills learned. Fitness Activity: Step Count: Students
w will meet the goal of 1,000 steps by the
Fitness Activity: Students will have an end of the 50-minute class period.
goal goal of 500 steps to reach by the end of
the 5 the 50-minute class period. Assessment(s): Written Assessment of
he kn the knowledge of offensive strategies.
Assessment(s): Teacher Assessment
Closure: What are some common terms
Closure: Was there a difference in your
in in volleyball?
heart heart rate from the beginning of class to
the e the end?
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Day 9: Defense Day 10: Rules & Small Sided Games

Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: With a Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: With a
p a partner, go to a net and work on blocking.
p partner, play 2v2 against another group.

Lesson focus: Learning the defensive Lesson focus: Teach students the basic
t strategy and how to move around therules rules in volleyball while incorporating th e
ball ball. m into small sided games.

Fitness Activity: Step Count: Students Fitness Activity: Step Count: Students
w will meet the goal of 1,000 steps by the
w will meet the goal of 1,000 steps by the
end end of the 50-minute class period. nd of end of the 50-minute class period.

Assessment(s): Written Assessment of Assessment(s): Exit Slip on the rules of

h the knowledge of defensive strategies.t the game

Closure: Write down on a sheet of paper Closure: Complete the exit slip.
of of at least two offensive and defensive
rate strategies.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Day 11: Round Robin Day 12: End of Unit Performance Assessment

Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Warm Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: With a
up w up with a small sided game, 3v3 p partner work on all of the skills

Lesson focus: Put skills and rules into Lesson focus: Assessment of skills and
i live action game play. k knowledge of the game

Fitness Activity: Step Count: Students Fitness Activity: Step Count: Students
w will meet the goal of 1,000 steps by the
w en will meet the goal of 1,000 steps by the
end of the 50-minute class period. nd of end of the 50-minute class period.
Assessment(s): Formal teacher sess
Assessment(s): Formal teacher assessment with a rubric
ssess assessment based on rubric
Closure: End of unit. Discuss likes and
Closure: Discuss with teammates what
d dislikes
you can work on to improve.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Assessment Tools
Psychomotor Assessment #1 (Teacher Assessment)

Skills Excellent (4) Advanced (3) Intermediate (2) Basic (1)

Overhand Serving hand is Serving hand is Serving hand is not Serving hand is not ready
Serve ready and at head ready and at head ready and at head and at head level.
level. level. level. Student does not have a
Student has a Student does not Student does not good toss over the serving
good toss over consistently have consistently have a hand. Student swings
the serving hand. a good toss over good toss over the serving hand and makes
Student swings the serving hand. serving hand. poor contact with their
serving hand and Student swings Student swings palm. Student does not take
makes contact serving hand and serving hand and a step forward with their
their palm. makes average makes poor contact non-serving leg. Student
Student takes a contact with their with their palm. does not follow through
step forward with palm. Student takes a with their serving hand.
their non-serving Student takes a small step or no
leg. step forward with step forward with
Student follows their non-serving their non-serving
through with leg. leg.
their serving Student does not Student does not
hand. fully follow follow through with
through with their their serving hand
serving hand. producing.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Forearm Student has Student has hands Student does not Student does not have
Pass hands together together using have hands clasped. hands clasped.
(Bump) using proper grip. proper grip. Student’s arms are Student’s arms are bent
Student’s arms Student’s arms slightly bent before before they strike the ball.
are straight are straight before striking the ball. Student swings arms at the
before striking striking the ball. Student swings improper time and has poor
the ball. Student swings arms at the proper contact with the ball,
Student swings arms at the proper time and makes contacting with hands.
arms at the time and makes contact with the ball The ball does not go where
proper time and good contact with not always with the intended.
makes good the ball with the forearm.
contact with the forearm. The ball goes where
ball with the The ball goes intended some of
forearm. where intended the time.
The ball goes most of the time.
where intended
almost always.

Overhead Student has Student has hands Student does not Student does not have
Pass (Set) hands ready ready above head have hands head hands ready above head and
above head in a in a window. and in a window. in a window. Student slaps
window. Student contacts Student contacts the at the ball with their hands.
Student contacts the ball with their ball with their palm. Student does not use their
the ball with fingertips. Student does not body to help hit the ball in
fingertips. Student does not use their body to intended direction.
Student extends use their body to help hit the ball in
their body to help help hit the ball in the intended
hit the ball in intended direction.
intended direction.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Psychomotor Assessment #2 (Peer Assessment)

Key Element of the Overhead Pass (Set) Yes No

Student gets under the ball

Student has dominant leg back for power

Student has arms above head with bent elbows

Student has hands ready in a window above the face

Student contacts ball with fingertips

Student extends whole body

Student ends pointing at the target

Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Cognitive Assessment #1


Directions: There are three short response questions and one true or false. Answer the questions
to your best ability.

1. What are the four cues for the overhand serve?

2. If Team A has 25 points and Team B has 24 points, did team A win the match? Explain
why or why not.

3. The mens and womens games are played at the same net height?



4. How many players are on each side of the court?

Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Cognitive Assessment #2


Directions: Answer the short response questions to your best ability. Make sure you are writing
in complete sentences.

1. What is it called when you pass with your fingertips?

2. How many hits does each team have to get the ball to the other side?

3. If the ball lands on a court line, is it ruled in or out?

4. Which direction does the receiving team rotate when they win the volley (clockwise or
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Affective Assessment #1 (Self Assessment)

Name: ______________________

Directions: In complete sentences, answer each question on the affective domain in the
lesson we did in class.

1. Explain how you demonstrated cooperation skills by establishing rules and guidelines
with your peers.

2. Explain how you worked with your peers to put the equipment away in the appropriate
location and how you showed each other respect.

3. How did you demonstrate how to properly utilize the rules of volleyball during the game-
like drill?

4. Explain how you felt about your performance in class as well as working with your
classmates in the space below.
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Affective Assessment #2 (Peer Assessment)

Name: ______________________

Directions: Rate each question on a scale from 1-4, please circle your answer. (1 as in never, 2
as in sometimes, 3 as in often, and 4 as in always.)

1. Did the student you observed show respect to their teammates?

1 2 3 4

2. Did the student you observed exhibit a positive attitude throughout the lesson?
1 2 3 4

3. How well did the student you observed communicate with their teammates?
1 2 3 4

4. Did the student you observed show responsibility by problem solving an activity? 1
2 3 4
Maura Conlon, Richard Dorval, Hannah Thornhill EDU 255 Fall 2018

Part Three

Strategies, concepts, skills

At the end of this unit students will be able to perform the forearm and overhead pass in
volleyball with correct form. Students will also be able to perform the underhand and overhand
serve with correct form. Lastly, students will be able to perform the attack hit (spike) and block
with correct form by the end of the unit.

Students will understand basic offensive and defensive strategies and how to utilize them in
game play. In the end of unit performance, students will be observed using this strategies as a

By the end of the unit students will be able to indicate via gameplay their understanding of basic
volleyball concepts. These include which type of pass to utilize, where to serve based on
opponents’ strategy/placement, when to attack, and when to block.

End of Unit Performance Task

Students play a 3 v 3 game on a court that is approximately half the size of regulation court
(Alternative: students play four versus four on short courts). The net is between 7 and 8 feet
high. Play at least 10 minutes following a brief warm-up. Students officiate their own games and
announce the score card each serve. The teacher selects teams. Each team should have players of
high, medium, and low ability. Teams shouldn’t have time to practice prior to assessment.


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