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Student Book Unit 4 Test 1 Mark scheme (Chapters 1.1 to 1.5)

1 a (i) Colorimeter / spectrophotometer (1); calibrate the colorimeter to correlate with

the iodine concentration (1)
(ii) Titration (1); with sodium thiosulfate (1)
(iii) No need for quenching / ‘you can get the graph directly’ / difficulty of accurate
timing (1) (5)

b (i) Constant (1)

(ii) Zero (1)
(iii) I2 is not involved in it (1)
or reaction between propanone and H1 is rate-determining step
(iv) Two (1) (4)

c (i) Iodoform / triiodomethane (1)

CH3COCH3 1 3I2 1 4NaOH → CH3COONa 1 CHI3 1 3NaI 1 3H2O (2)
(allow (1) for correct organic products)
(ii) CH3 C CH3 C (2)
(iii) Potassium dichromate turns green with alcohol, not with ketone (1) (6)
any test that works is acceptable

(Total 15 marks)

2 a Halving [RX] halves the rate, so first order w.r.t. RX (1)

Halving [OH2] halves the rate, so first order w.r.t. OH2 (1)
explanation of either statement (1)
So, rate 5 k[RX][OH2] (1) (3)

​  rate 2  ​  ​  8 3 10  

b k 5 ___________ 5 ___________  ​5 0.0215 (1) dm3 mol21 s21 (1)
[RX][OH ] 0.01 3 0.04
(Total 5 marks)

3 a incompletely / partially / slightly dissociated (1) (1)

or dissociation varies with concentration
allow poor proton donor or conjugate base strong

b (i) CH3CH2COOH ⇋ CH3CH2COO2 1 H1

or CH3CH2COOH 1 H2O ⇋ CH3CH2COO2 1 H3O1 (1)
[CH3CH2COO2] [H3O1]
[CH3CH2COO2] [H1] _______________________
Ka 5 ____________________
​        ​or ​          ​(1)
Mark consequentially for second mark if acid is incorrect but must have H1
or H3O1 (2)
______ __________________
(ii) [H ] 5 √
​  Ka 3 ​5 √
c   ​  1.30 3 1025 3  
0.01 ​5 3.6 3 10 (mol dm ) (1)
24 23

pH 5 2log [H ] 5 2log(3.6 310 ) 5 3.4 (1)

1 24

Any of:
• any rounding should be consistent
• assumes dissociation of acid is small / concentration of acid does
not change (1) (3)
if made no assumptions i.e. solved quadratic and got correct answer (3)
penalise arithmetic errors once only

Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests 2 of 3

Student Book Unit 4 Test 1 Mark scheme (cont.)

(iii) pH down means [H1] up (1)

Dissociation endothermic (1)
Equilibrium shifts in endothermic direction when temperature rises (1) (3)
mark consequentially

(Total 9 marks)

1   ​ 
4 a (i) pH 5 2log [H1] or log ​ _____ (1)
(ii) Kw 5 [H1] [OH2] (1)  (2)
accept [H3O1] instead of [H1]

b (i) [H1] 5 0.200 mol dm23; pH 5 0.70 (1)

allow caveat or appropriate better chemistry, e.g. cannot be calculated because Ka not
given if calculated as a monobasic acid they must explain why

​ 1 3 10  ​ 
(ii) [OH2] 5 0.0500 mol dm23 ; [H1] 5 _________ 5 2 3 10213 (mol dm23) (1);

pH 5 12.7 (1) (3)
not 13
allow calculation from pOH 5 1.3, allow even if called pH
penalise 4 or more significant figures
mark consequentially if answer higher than 7 but less than 15

c (i) maintains pH nearly constant if small amounts of acid or base added (1)
accept resists change to pH
[H1] [CH3COO2] __________
[H1] [salt]
(ii) Ka 5 1.8 3 1025 5 ________________
    ​5 ​  (1)

[CH3COOH] [acid]
​ 0.015 
[H1] 5 1.8 3 1025 3 ______  ​5 4.91 3 1026 (mol dm23) (1)
pH 5 2log 4.91 3 1026 5 5.3 (1) (4)
Mark consequentially if salt and acid wrong way up
Incorrect if used 0.015 twice but would get final mark consequentially

(Total 9 marks)

5 a Reacts in both directions (1); at equal rates (1) (2)

must mention rates for second mark

b 70–200 atm (1); high pressure moves equilibrium to right (1)

350–550  °C (1); low temperature moves equilibrium to right (1)
but rate too slow (1); (so use) iron or iron oxide catalyst (1) (max 5)
if no other marks awarded high pressure and low temperature (1) if both given

c Makes it happen faster (1); no effect on equilibrium position (1) (2)

give mark if mentioned in part b

(Total 9 marks)

3 of 3 Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests

Student Book Unit 4 Test 1 Mark scheme (cont.)

6 a Correct expression for Kp (1); no units or atm2

(1) (2)
no square brackets

b (i) Mole fraction HI 5 0.78, H2 5 I2 5 0.11 (1)

Partial pressure HI 5 1.56 atm (1); H2 5 I2 5 0.22 atm (1) (3)
​ 1.562 ​ 
(ii) Kp 5 _____ (1) (consequential on values in part b (i) and expression in part a)
5 50.28 or 50.3 or 50 (1) (2)

c (i) 2Na2S2O3 1 I2 → Na2S4O6 1 2NaI; species (1); balanced (1) (2)

balancing mark conditional on correct species
ionic equation acceptable

(ii) Starch (1); blue/black to colourless (1) (2)

not white or clear in place of colourless

(iii) Ease of discernibility compared (1);

Actual colour change for iodine / thiosulfate – i.e. yellow → colourless (1) (2)

(Total 13 marks)

Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests 1 of 3

Student Book Unit 4 Test 2 Mark scheme (Chapters 1.6 to 1.7)

1 a Object and mirror-image are non-superimposable / contains a carbon atom with four
different groups (1) (1)
accept asymmetric molecule
not asymmetric carbon atom or rotates the plane of polarised light

b (i) Rotates (plane of polarisation of) plane-polarised (monochromatic) light or has a

non-superimposable mirror image (1)
not bends/twists light
if they say ‘contains chiral carbon’ this must be explained or indicated on the diagram
for (1)
(ii) CH2CH3 CH2CH3

C Br Br C

Structure (1); correct mirror image (1) (3)

must be 3D drawing for (2) – if it is drawn flat only (1)
if a correct mirror image of an incorrect but chiral compound then (1) – the chiral
compound must be feasible to get this mark

c (i) A species with a lone pair of electrons to donate (1)

not ‘seeks protons in nucleus’ or ‘nucleus loving’ or ‘has a negative charge’
(ii) CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3 (1)
consequential alcohol on answer to part b (ii)
the structure must be sufficiently clear to show butan-2-ol
H H H H is OK


(iii) Add PCl5 (1); (steamy) (acid) fumes / white gas (1) (4)
if PCl5(aq) then (0)
any other suitable test and result acceptable e.g.
sodium (1); bubbles (1)
potassium dichromate(VI) (1); green (1)
potassium manganate(VII) (1); brown/colourless (1)
add carboxylic acid and conc. sulfuric acid (1); sweet smell (1)
I2/NaOH or KI/NaClO (1); yellow ppt. (1)
consequential on answer given to part c (iii)

d (i) hydrolysis / saponification (1)

not substitution
(ii) Yield falls; reaction with acid is an equilibrium (1) (2)

e (i) Ethanoic acid (1)

(ii) CH3COOH / CH3COO2 (1)
(iii) HCl/H3O1 is a stronger acid (1) than ethanoic acid (1) (4)
or CH3COO2 strong base (1) whereas Cl2 weaker base (1)

(Total 14 marks)

2 of 3 Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests

Student Book Unit 4 Test 2 Mark scheme (cont.)

2 a A – F – G – C – D – E – B (2) (2)
(1) if one letter out of sequence but rest correct; (0) if two or more letters out of sequence
if adjacent pair inverted this is one error.

b Little – to produce a saturated solution / to prevent loss of solid /

because all solid will not crystallise / to prevent loss of yield. (1)
Small – (if large volume used) solid would be lost/dissolved (1) (2)

(Total 4 marks)

3 a Reasoning/identification of peaks:
3 types of H ratio 6 : 1 : 1 or some correct reference to height of peaks (1)
this related to structure of propan-2-ol in shift data (1) (2)

b Yellow ppt. (1); hospital smell (1) (2)

c O (1) (1)


d Propene (1); dehydration/elimination (1) (2)

(Total 7 marks)

4 a (Wear) gloves / add slowly / cool while adding (1) (1)

if multiple answers correct and incorrect (0)
not lab. coat / be careful not to spill on hands / do in a fume cupboard
b (i)



HEAT NOT arrow on its own

Flask (round or pear shaped only) 1 heat (1)

Vertical condenser (double surface and water inlet and outlet) (1) (2)
not sealed, no gaps, joint shown between flask and condenser safe
not distillation, if water in/out labelled they must be correct

Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests 3 of 3

Student Book Unit 4 Test 2 Mark scheme (cont.)

(ii) (Fractionally) distil (1)

Collect fraction that distils over at about 56  °C / stated range 55–57  °C
or 54–58  °C (1) (2)
a temperature value / range must be quoted
not ‘collect fraction above 56  °C’
mark independently

c PCl5 / SOCl2 (1); no steamy fumes / no gas which turns blue litmus red (1) (2)
or K2Cr2O7 1 H2SO4 (1); no colour change / stays orange (1)
or KMnO4 1 H2SO4 (1); no colour change / stays purple (1)
or Na (1); no bubbles / no effervescence (1)
name or formula can be given
ignore oxidation numbers unless they are incorrect
results may be given as negative tests – or as ‘if propan-2-ol was present there would be
steamy fumes’
result mark is dependent on correct reagent but may have result mark if minor error in
must be a chemical test – e.g. not ‘check that boiling point is 56  °C exactly’

(Total 7 marks)

1 of 3 Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests

Student Book Unit 5 Test 1 Mark scheme (Chapters 2.1 to 2.2)

1 a (i) 12 to 12.5 (or 0.5) (1)

I2 1 2S2O322 → S4O6221 2I2 (1) (2)
allow S4O622 1 2I2 ⇋ I2 1 2S2O322
but not S4O622 1 2I2 → I2 1 2S2O322
(ii) 12 to 16 (or 4) (1)
4XCl2 1 2S2O322 1 5H2O → 8Cl2 1 2SO422 1 10H species (1);
balanced (1) (3)
allow 8Cl2 1 2SO422 1 10H1 ⇋ 4Cl2 1 2S2O322 1 5H2O
but not 8Cl2 1 2SO422 1 10H1 → 4Cl2 1 2S2O322 1 5H2O
if the equations are given the wrong way round with an → but the oxidation
number changes are given correctly for these equations as –0.5 and –4 then
the 2 oxidation state marks can be given

b The colour change is not sharp / not easy to see (1); no suitable indicator (1) (2)
or bromine is volatile / is lost from the system (1); therefore results are not
accurate / reliable (1)
(Total 7 marks)

2 a Potential / e.m.f. / voltage / half-cell of electrode (1); relative to (standard)

hydrogen electrode (1); solutions of unit concentration (1); and gases at
1  atm / standard temperature (1) (max 2)

b Voltmeter requires two connections / measure potential difference (1); and

so another electrode is introduced into system (1)  (2)
allow ‘for redox has to have a source / sink of electrons’ (1)

c (i) Reaction in which a given species / substance / molecule / ion is

simultaneously / both oxidised and reduced (1)
not atom
(ii) Ecell  for disproportionation is 11.23 V 2 (11.70 V) 5 20.47 V (1)
or equivalent in words (1)
(This is negative) so reaction does not occur (1) (3)
second mark is consequential on the first statement
(Total 7 marks)

3 a (i) Cu 1 4H1 1 2NO32 → Cu21 1 2NO2 1 2H2O; species (1); balanced (1)
or similar reaction with Zn or Ni
balancing mark conditional on correct species
(ii) Redox (1) (3)

b (i) [Cu(H2O)6]21; [Ni(H2O)6]21; [Zn(H2O)6]21 or [Zn(H2O)4]21

3 correct (2); 2 correct (1); 1 correct (0)
(ii) Cu(OH)2 (1); Ni(OH)2 (1)
ignore any hydration
if Zn(OH)2 is included then (21)
(iii) [Zn(OH)4]22 or [Zn(OH)3]2 or ZnO222 (1) (5)
ignore any hydration in the first two, but the last must not include any hydration
not [Zn(OH)6]42

Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests 2 of 3

Student Book Unit 5 Test 1 Mark scheme (cont.)

c (i) e.g. [Cu(H2O)6]21 1 2OH2 → Cu(OH)2 1 6H2O; species (1); balanced (1)
balancing mark conditional on correct species
H2Os on right-hand side must add up to 6
(ii) deprotonation or acid–base (1) (3)
not hydrolysis or precipitation

d NaOH to remove nitric acid (1); which would interfere with the redox reaction
or would oxidise iodide ions or solution must be acidic to keep Cu21 ions in
solution (1)
Quality of language (1) (3)

e (i) 2Na2S2O3 1 I2 → Na2S4O6 1 2NaI (1)

or Na2S2O3 1 _​ 12 ​I2 etc.
accept ionic equation
Add starch when solution pale yellow (1)
not towards the end point
If added too soon gives ppt. or insoluble complex (1) (3)

​ 0.1 3 18.7
(ii) No. of moles S2O322 5 __________  ​  (1)

relate to moles Cu21 (equation or statement) (1)
no. of moles Cu21 5 1.87 3 1023 in 25 cm3
So no. of moles Cu21 5 1.87 3 1023 3 20 in 500 cm3 (1)
mass Cu21 5 no. of moles in 500 cm3 3 63.5 g in 500 cm3 5 2.375 g (1)
2.375 3 ​
So, %Cu 5 ​ ____________100  
   5 25.0% (24.99) (1)  (5)
25.0% and some working scores (5)
if reaction stoichiometry is incorrect then (max 4)
(iii) Comment on relative magnitude of E   values (1)
So, Cu21 should not oxidise I2 to I2 (under standard conditions) (1)
relevance of insolubility of CuI (1) (3)

(Total 25 marks)

4 Coloured ions / compounds (1) (not metals)

complex ions / form complexes (1)
paramagnetic ions / compounds (1)
variable valency or oxidation state (1)
catalytic activity (1)
high melting or boiling temperature / high density (1) (max 3)
not part filled d-shells or just ‘paramagnetism’

(Total 3 marks)

3 of 3 Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests

Student Book Unit 5 Test 1 Mark scheme (cont.)

5 a (i) Deprotonation (1)

(ii) Ligand exchange / transfer / complex (ion) formation (1) (2)

b Cu(OH)2 (1) (1)

accept up to four water molecules in addition

c [Cu(NH3)4]21 (1) planar drawn (1); not tetrahedral (2)

or [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]21 (1) octahedral (1)
or [Cu(NH3)6]21 (1) octahedral (1)
allow any of 1 to 6 NH3 with 5 to 0 H2O to balance

(Total 5 marks)

6 a Not all d orbitals full / incomplete d orbitals (1) (1)

b dative (covalent), co-ordinate (1) and covalent (1) (2)

if ionic or metallic given with other types of bonding (21)

(Total 3 marks)

Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests 1 of 2

Student Book Unit 5 Test 2 Mark scheme (Chapters 2.3 to 2.5)

1 a Delocalised bonding in benzene (1)

Benzene does not have three (localised) C C bonds (1)
Benzene ring has high stability (1)
Less susceptible to addition (1) (max 2)
b (i) Concentrated acids (1); lower than 60  °C (1) (2)
(ii) HNO3 1 2H2SO4 ⇋ NO2 1 2HSO3 1 H3O (1) 2 1

or HNO3 1 H2SO4 ⇋ H2NO31 1 HSO42

or HNO3 1 H2SO4 ⇋ NO21 1 HSO42 1 H2O
Sulfuric acid donates H1 to nitric acid (1) (2)
(iii) (1) allow this mark also for H� at end (2)

NO2 � � H�

(1) for plus charge and incomplete ring delocalisation

or equivalent using Kekulé forms – intermediate should have two double bonds only
(iv) Addition destroys delocalisation substitution does not (1) (1)
(Total 9 marks)

2 a Fume cupboard (1); gloves (1) (2)

safety requirements must be specific to question
b C6­H5NH­1 HCl → C6H5NH31Cl2 (1) (1)
must have correct charges
ignore Cl2 if H1 on left-hand side
c (i) Too slow lower than 0  °C (1); product decomposes at higher than 5  °C (1)
(ii) Exothermic (1); have to keep temperature below 5  °C (1) (4)

d  (2)

N2�Cl� � N N � HCl

ignore HCl

reactants (1) products (1)

allow N 1
N or N N 1

but not N 1
N or N N1
Cl not essential
(Total 9 marks)

3 a (i) Chlorine (1); sunlight / u.v. light (1); C6H5CH3 1 Cl2 → C6H5CH2Cl 1 HCl (1)
the first condition mark can be awarded if u.v. light / sunlight is mentioned in part (ii)
condition dependent on reagent
allow C7H8 1 Cl2 etc.
(ii) Fractional distillation (1); distil off methylbenzene and distil a sample of benzyl
chloride / (chloromethyl) benzene at 179  °C (1) (5)

b HCl (1); room temperature (1)

CH3CH2CH2NH2 1 HCl → CH3CH2CH2NH31Cl2 (1) (3)
(Total 8 marks)

2 of 2 Examzone – Answers to Student Book tests

Student Book Unit 5 Test 2 Mark scheme (cont.)

4 a (i) H CH3 (1)


Cl H

(ii) H CH3 (1)

C C N�H3(Cl�)


(iii) H CH3 (2)



if two structures are given each one should have one of the groups acylated (2)
if just the ring acylated then (1) – position does not matter
if the ring and one group acylated (2)
(iv) COOH (1)

allow the sodium salt – charges not necessary

allow the anion
(v) H CH3 (1) (6)
NH3� (HSO4�)

structure must be unambiguous

allow the free amine
not an ether or substitution of SO3H
b (i) Fume cupboard / open window (1); gloves (1)
(ii) Dissolve in minimum volume trichloromethane (1); boiling/hot solvent (1); hot
filter (1)
cool (1); filter and dry crystals (1)
if give cool and filter (0) if nothing sensible given before
(iii) Melting temperature (1); sharp or compare with known value (1) (9)
(Total 15 marks)

5 a (i) Na in EtOH / LiAlH4 / hydrogen (1); not sodium borohydride

Correct condition for reagent used (1); i.e. room temp or warm for Na in EtOH /
dry ether for LiAlH4 / Pt or Ni catalyst for hydrogen
C2H5CN 1 H2 → C2H5CH2NH2 (1) (3)
using [H] or H2 acceptable but if using hydrogen gas must show as H2
(ii) Reagent: CH3COCl (1); at room temperature (1);
C2H5CH2NH2 1 CH3COCl → C2H5CH2 NHCOCH3 1 HCl (1) (3)
b The reaction is used in the synthesis of paracetamol (1) (1)
(Total 7 marks)


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