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Reynell & Spray, 1956). Even when high concentrations were

given, the absorptive capacity of the small intestine was not
easily saturated and glucose was not usually detected in the
colon (Birchall, Fenton & Pierce, 1946; Reynell & Spray,
ABSORPTION OF CARBOHYDRATES The capacity for absorption of monosaccharides varies in
different regions, with a maximum occurring about the middle
of the small intestine in vitro. This was shown in the hamster
H. NEWEY PhJX for glucose (Crane & Mandelstam, 1960), and in the rat for
glucose (Baker, Searle & Nunn, 1961; Barry, Matthews &
Medical Research Council Smyth, 1961) and galactose (Levin & Smyth, 1963). Also the
Research Group on Intestinal Absorption terminal ileum of the rat showed no ability to transfer these
Department of Physiology
University of Sheffield hexoses against a concentration gradient. Gimrnins & Jussila
(1955) observed in the human intestine about a 40% decrease
in absorption of glucose from the ileum compared with
Digestion and absorption at the macroscopic level jejunum, with a similar decrease in urea absorption. In
a Disappearance from the lumen human foetal intestine also the jejunum has a greater capacity
b Appearance in the blood stream than the ileum for glucose transport (Koldovsky, Heringov4,
Digestion at the cellular level Jirsova, Jirasek & Uher, 1965).
Absorption at the cellular level
a Characteristics of the transport process Little absorption of glucose (McNealy & Willems, 1929) or
b Cellular location of the transport process galactose, fructose and xylose (Davidson & Garry, 1939)
c Mechanism of monosaccharide transport occurred in vivo in the colon, and it has no capacity, in vitro,
References for concentrating glucose (Parsons & Paterson, 1960; Cordero
& Wilson, 1961).
Recently investigations have been made into the absorption
The process of absorption, including the final stages of diges- of disaccharides. Intubation studies by Dahlqvist & Borgstrom
tion, can be conveniently examined at two levels: (0 at the (1961) indicated that disaccharides might be absorbed at dif-
whole-organ, or macroscopic, level; (ii) at the cellular leveL ferent levels of the human small intestine; lactose was ab-
Study at the macroscopic level is concerned with activities in sorbed in the duodenum and proximal jejunum, maltose in the
different regions of the gut in order to determine the site of jejunum and proximal ileum, and sucrose in the distal jejunum
digestion and absorption; at the cellular level the emphasis is and ileum. The sites of absorption in man correlated well
on what happens in the epithelial cell, and how its activities with the location of the different disaccharidases in pig intes-
are involved in cellular transport. tine (Dahlqvist, 1961), but the results of Malhotra & Philip
(1964) were not in complete agreement with this.
1. Digestion and Absorption at the Macroscopic Level The suggestion that different disaccharides are digested and
absorbed in different regions of the small intestine has not been
Dietary carbohydrate is taken principally in the form of substantiated. Maltose (Dahlqvist & Thomson, 1963a) and
starch, although significant quantities of disaccharides and sucrose (Dahlqvist & Thomson, 1963b) were both absorbed in
monosaccharides are also likely to be present. Hydrolysis of the upper parts of the rat small intestine after feeding by
starch is begun by salivary amylase and is continued by pan- stomach-tube. These workers also found that disaccharides
creatic amylase, to yield maltose and small amounts of glu- were absorbed as rapidly as a mixture of their constituent
cose. The stomach and intestine may thus be presented with monosaccharides. In the case of sucrose, the liberated fructose
a complex mixture of partially digested starch, maltose and was absorbed more slowly than the glucose; fructose could be
other disaccharides (e.g. sucrose and lactose) and mono- recovered from the ileum and large intestine. In man, Gray &
saccharides (e.g. glucose and fructose). Ingelfinger (1965, 1966) observed that sucrose absorption
occurred more readily in the perfused jejunum than in the
a. Disappearance from the Lumen ileum and, in agreement with Dahlqvist & Thomson (1963b;
In attempts to locate the site of digestion and absorption in rat), that sucrose and its component monosaccharides were
of sugars, two rather different experimental approaches have absorbed at similar rates. Comparison of the absorption of
been made, (i) Sugars are introduced directly into the stomach disaccharides from the perfused human jejunum (Gray &
and subsequently regions of the gut are isolated and the sugar Santiago, 1966) showed that maltose and sucrose were
content examined, (ii) Regions of the intestine are isolated hydrolysed at similar rates but that lactose hydrolysis was
initially and their capacity to deal with solutions of sugars, in considerably slower. Furthermore, lactose absorption was
vivo or in vitro, is studied. much slower than an equimolar mixture of glucose and
In many of the early studies, glucose solutions were intro- galactose.
duced directly into the stomach, although it is unlikely that It is thus clear that, in the normal adult, hydrolysis is not
large quantities of glucose are present in the stomach physio- likely to be a rate-limiting step in the absorption of maltose
logically. This approach showed that only small amounts of and sucrose but could be so in the case of lactose. This might
glucose were absorbed by the stomach (Maddock, Trimble & not apply in the suckling animal, in which lactase activity is
Carey, 1933; Fenton, 1945; Reynell & Spray, 1956) and that higher than in the adult, and other disaccharidase activities are
most of the glucose was absorbed from the upper small intes- lower (Rubino, Zimbalatti & Auricchio, 1964).
tine rather than the lower part (Karr, Abbott, Hoffman & The hydrolytic capacity of homogenates prepared from dif-
Miller, 1940; Shay, Gershon-Cohen. Fels & Munro, 1940; ferent regions of the intestinal tract of several species has been


Br. med. Bull. 1967


examined by many workers. In general, disaccharidases are introduced into the intestine. It was shown by Kiyasu, Katz
confined to the small intestine, with little activity in the & Chaikoff (1956), using the rat, and by Atkinson, Parsons &
stomach or colon, although exact locations in the small intes- Smyth (1957), using the dog, that about 90% of the glucose
tine are not always in agreement. Some of the discrepancies leaving the lumen appeared as glucose in the mesenteric
may be explained by species variation, although experimental blood, together with small quantities of lactic acid- Corre-
technique—and particularly the precision by which different sponding experiments on galactose have not been made but, as
regions are located—may also be involved. galactose can be recovered almost completely in in-vitro
Dahlqvist (1961) concluded that maltase and sucrase activi- experiments, it seems likely that it appears, as such, in the
ties were predominantly in the distal small intestine of the pig, blood stream. Further, after introducing galactose into
with lactase in the upper jejunum and duodenum. In the rat human jejunum, Ockerman & Lundborg (1965) measured a
small intestine, sucrase activity was mainly in the upper half large increase in the galactose concentration of mesenteric
(Blair & Tuba, 1963; Dahlqvist & Thomson, 1963b), whereas blood and could detect no conversion to glucose.
maltase was fairly evenly distributed throughout (Dahlqvist & When fructose was absorbed, glucose (in the guinea-pig) or
Thomson, 1963a). When the rat intestine was subdivided into lactose (in the rat) appeared in the blood (Kiyasu & Chaikoff,
fifths (Rubino et al. 1964), a pronounced reduction in maltase 1957). Species differences in the conversion of fructose during
activity was observed in the terminal fifth (distal ileum), and absorption have been noticed by several authors and reviewed
maltase, sucrase and lactase showed a similar distribution, with by Crane (1960) and Wilson (1962). Recently the absorption
activities at a maximum in the mid-regions of the gut. This products of fructose were examined in man by Holdsworth &
agrees with a report by Newcomer & McGill (1966), who Dawson (1965), Ockerman & Lundborg (1965) and White &
found that maltase, sucrase and lactase activities in human Landau (1965), who found appreciable conversion of fructose
biopsy specimens were low in the duodenum and distal to glucose and sometimes lactate. How important this is in
ileum, and maximal in the jejunum and proximal ileum. fructose absorption is not clear, since Ockerman and Lund-
borg concluded that up to 70% of the fructose absorbed was
recovered as glucose from the mesenteric blood, whereas
b. Appearance in the Blood Stream Holdsworth & Dawson (1965) found a smaller conversion and
So far, digestive and absorptive activities have been dealt suggested that a "separate special transport system" is possible
with by considering disappearance from the intestinal tract for fructose.
but, since the intestine is presented with carbohydrates in
several forms, it is also necessary to examine the form appear-
ing in the blood stream. Many workers have found increases 2. Digestion at the Cellular Level
in the glucose content of the blood after a carbohydrate meal In discussion of digestion and absorption at the cellular
(Wilson, 1962), but, because of technical difficulties, few level, it is usual to assume that both processes occur in the
attempts have been made to recover from the mesenteric blood same columnar epithelial cell, also that all these cells possess
all the carbohydrate disappearing from the lumen. Even so, it the same functional activity. Regional differences do, how-
is reasonable to conclude from the following evidence that ever, exist along the intestine and, although many of these
monosacchandes are the chief form appearing in the mesenteric may be quantitative differences explained, e.g., on the basis of
venous blood. Lamer & McNickle (1955) examined the portal numbers of cells, there are also functional differences which
blood of rabbits after feeding starch and found only small perhaps involve different cell types.
quantities of maltose, but the glucose concentration was Until quite recently it was generally held that digestion was
almost doubled. In-vitro studies with starch (Wilson & carried to completion by enzymes secreted into the intestinal
Vincent, 1955) or starch hydrolysate (Chain, Mansford & lumen, although isolated reports (Cajori, 1933; Florey,
Pocchiari, 1960) showed that glucose was the only product Wright & Jennings, 1941; Rothstein, Meier & Scharff, 1953;
appearing in the serosal fluid. However, in certain gastro- Borgstrom, Dahlqvist, Lundh & Sjovall, 1957) had suggested
intestinal disorders urinary excretion of disaccharides is that digestive enzyme activity was associated with cells rather
observed (Gryboski, Thayer, Gabrielson & Spiro, 1963). than with the luminal fluid. More-detailed studies with
When maltose and sucrose were given by stomach-tube disaccharides produced evidence that these were hydrolysed
(Dahlqvist & Thomson, 1963a, 1963b), little—if any—disac- within the cell (Chain et al. 1960; Dahlqvist & Borgstrom,
charide appeared in the urine, although a large urinary excre- 1961; Miller & Crane, 1961a; Newey, Sanford & Smyth,
tion was found after intraperitoneal injection. Thus it appears 1963; Parsons & Prichard, 1965). It was also concluded that
unlikely that significant quantities of maltose or sucrose can intracellular peptidases (Newey & Smyth, 1960) and an intra-
pass from the intestinal lumen into the blood stream. Further- cellular monoglyceridase (Senior & Isselbacher, 1963) com-
more, in-vitro studies (Fridhandler & Quastel, 1955; Wilson & plete the digestion of protein and fat. All these studies have
Vincent, 1955) showed that very little sucrose, but larger quan- established the concept that the terminal stages of digestion
tities of lactose, crossed the intestinal wall. Also in-vivo occur within the epithelial cells.
studies by Sterk & Kretchmer (1964) showed a marked lactos- Digestion at the cell membrane is included under the term
uria, particularly in adult animals after administration of "intracellular hydrolysis", and this has been discussed in some
lactose; this might be correlated with the diminished lactase detail by Ugolev (1965). So far, experimental evidence is not
activity in adults. conclusively in favour of membrane digestion but it remains a
Numerous studies of monosaccharide absorption have been real possibility; a convenient feature of this is that penetration
made (Crane, 1960; Wilson, 1962); and many workers have of a lipid membrane by a disaccharide would not have to be
demonstrated a rise in blood-sugar concentration. As early accounted for. Wherever the site of hydrolysis lies, it is clear
as 1917, Hendrix & Sweet showed that the glucose concentra- that the products of hydrolysis do not equilibrate with the
tion of mesenteric venous blood increased after glucose was luminal contents before absorption occurs; in this respect the


Vol. 23 No. 3

suggestion of Semenza, Tosi, Vallotton-Delachaux & Mul- required OH configuration at C-2 (Csaky, 1966), were re-
haupt (1964) is of some interest. They observed that sucrase ported to be actively transported.
activity was dependent on Na concentration and they suggested Saturation. The rate of absorption of some sugars does not
that, since monosaccharide absorption is also Na-dependent, increase proportionally with increase in concentration (Cori,
a close molecular association exists between the site of 1925) but approaches a maximum rate at high concentrations
hydrolysis and the site of monosaccharide entry into the cell. (Fisher & Parsons, 1953a, 1953b). The absorptive process
However, their interpretation is not readily acceptable, as they exhibits saturation kinetics analogous to Michaelis-Menten
also found that specific maltase activity was not Na-dependent. kinetics of enzyme reactions, and an attempt to characterize
The location of disaccharidases has not been conclusively the absorption of a sugar by determination of its half-satura-
determined but, generally, the evidence favours a site within tion concentration or Michaelis constant (JC^) was made by
the brush border. Miller & Crane (1961b) isolated brush Fisher and Parsons.
borders of hamster intestine and found they contained most Competition. The rate of absorption of one sugar can be
of the maltase and invertase activities of the cell. Similar cell- reduced by the presence of another sugar. The extent of inhi-
fractionation procedures have been used by other workers bition is dependent on the particular sugars used and on their
(Carnie & Porteous, 1962; Gitzelmann, Davidson & Osinchak, concentration; this suggests competition for a specific site in
1964; Ruttloff, Noack, Friese & Schenk, 1964; Porteous & the transport process. Interference between glucose and
d a r k , 1965), but such a definite location of the disaccharidases galactose was shown in vivo by Cori (1926) and in vitro by
was not confirmed, mainly because the brush-border fraction Fisher & Parsons (1953b). Km values have been used to predict
was contaminated with other cellular material. Examination of the degree of inhibition of absorption of one sugar by another;
lactase activity led to the conclusion that two lactases were if the predicted inhibition agreed with the observed inhibition,
present having different distributions (Doell & Kretchmer, it was taken as evidence for a common step in the transport
1962), with about a third of the activity recoverable from the process. This approach was used by Jorgensen, Landau &
brush-border fraction (Koldovsky, Noack, Schenk, Jirsova, Wilson (1961), who concluded that all transported sugars
Heringovd, Brand, Chytil & Fridrich, 1965). compete for a common pathway. This conclusion has been
A functional approach, using intact everted sacs, was made rather generally accepted (Crane, 1960; Wilson, 1962). There
by Newey et al. (1963) to determine the site of maltase activity are, however, several observations which are not readily inter-
and its relationship to other cellular activities. Their results preted on the basis that all transported sugars share the same
demonstrated, in agreement with Newey, Parsons & Smyth pathway. Keston (1964) pointed out that some discrepancies
(1959), that the site of phlorrhizin inhibition of glucose trans- in observed and calculated inhibitions appear in the literature.
port was situated near the luminal border of the cell and that Holdsworth & Dawson (1964) found no inhibition by galac-
maltase was confined to a compartment on the luminal side of tose of glucose absorption from human intestine, although the
the phlorrhizin barrier; this compartment could be the brush predicted inhibition was 21 %. Other workers have also
border. reported findings not entirely in agreement with the idea that
glucose and galactose share only a single common path
(Fisher & Parsons, 1953b; DuRuisseau & QuasteL 1959;
3. Absorption at the Cellular Level Parsons & Wingate, 1961; Newey, Sanford & Smyth, 1966).
Whether monosaccharides are formed in the lumen or in the The possibility exists that a second pathway is available to
brush border, their movement across the cell involves a process glucose besides the one shared with galactose.
more complicated than diffusion, although diffusion un- Active transport. The absorptive process can bring about
doubtedly occurs at some stage in absorption. In-vitro and movement of sugars against their chemical potential, i.e.,
in-vivo studies, using dietary and non-dietary sugars, have active transport is said to occur. To concentrate the sugar,
produced a mass of information on monosaccharide absorp- energy from cellular metabolism must be expended, but how
tion and, while the mechanism is still obscure, certain charac- the energy is coupled to transport is not yet understood.
teristics have been established. Evidence from in-vivo studies in favour of active transport was
obtained by Barany & Sperber (1939) who showed that glucose
a. Characteristics of the Transport Process disappeared from the intestinal lumen at a concentration
Specificity. The process of absorption exhibits a high degree lower than that in the blood stream; Atkinson et al. (1957)
of chemical specificity, since hexoses of similar si2e are absorbed showed that glucose entered the mesenteric blood when the
at very different rates (Cori, 1925; Verzar & McDougall, 1936). blood-glucose concentration was higher than the luminal
Glucose and galactose are absorbed at similar rates and much concentration. Active transport of glucose and galactose in
faster than mannose, with fructose occupying an intermediate vitro was first shown by Fisher & Parsons (1953a, 1953b) and
position. Clearly, small changes in molecular configuration has since been well documented (see Wilson, 1962).
produce large changes in absorption. The stereochemical Inhibition. The absorption of sugars can be inhibited by a
structure required for participation in the transport process number of substances present in low concentration. Some
was obtained (Crane, 1960; Wilson, 1962) by examining the inhibitors are highly specific, e.g. phlorrhizin (Nakazawa,
ability of the intestine to concentrate a variety of sugars and 1922), whereas others are more generally toxic, e.g. metabolic
related compounds. Those concentrated were found to pos- inhibitors interfering with the production and utilization of
sess a pyranose ring with a carbon atom attached to C-5 of the energy. This aspect has been treated in more detail in the
ring, and a hydroxyl group attached to C-2, this OH having paper by Sanford, p. 270 of this Bulletin.
the same stereoconfiguration as in D-glucose. The necessity of Ionic dependence. The absorption of sugars is influenced by
this basic structure is, however, open to question since r>- the concentration of ions. Particularly important is the Na ion,
xylose, a pentose not having the extra C at C-5 (Csaky & which was shown by Rilclis & Quastel (1958) to be essential
Lassen, 1964; Alvarado, 1966) and r>mannose, without the for glucose absorption. This association between Na and


Br. med. Bull. 1967


sugar transport has been confirmed and extended by several (Detheridge, Matthews & Smyth, 1966) in favour of a two-
workers, in vitro (Csaky & Thale, 1960; Rummel & Stupp, stage process consisting of entry by facilitated diffusion, with
1960; Parsons & Wingate, 1961; Bihler & Crane, 1962; the concentrating mechanism nearer the serosal pole of the
Bosadkova & Crane, 1965), and in vivo (Csaky & Zollicoffer, celL Also, Rossi, Lippe & Capraro (1962) concluded that Na
1960; Lluch & Ponz, 1963). Further, ouabain, an inhibitor of transport was necessary for movement of glucose from the
Na movement in several tissues (see Ghynn, 1964), including cells, as this could not be explained by diffusion.
the intestine (Schultz & Zalusky, 1964a), also inhibits sugar
absorption (Csaky, 1963; Csaky & Hara, 1965). The inter-
action of Na with the sugar-transport system is not yet under- c. Mechanism of Monosaccharide Transport
stood and is receiving much attention. It is clear, however, Current concepts of transport rest heavily on the carrier
that Na is involved not only in intestinal sugar transport hypothesis. A carrier is assumed to be a mobile component of
but also in several other transport processes. Intestinal the membrane, possessing specific chemical groups or sites to
sugar transport is less responsive to concentration changes which the sugar molecule can attach. Diffusion of the sugar-
of other ions. Omitting K caused a small inhibition (Riklis carrier complex would move the sugar across the lipid barrier
& Quastel, 1958; Bihler & Crane, 1962), but increasing of the membrane, with subsequent release of the sugar into the
the K level produces variable effects. With 15 m-equiv. K/L, cell. Such a carrier process could account for the charac-
Riklis and Quastel found about 50% stimulation in vitro, but teristics of specificity, saturation and competition, but so far a
Bihler and Crane found inhibition. Larralde, Bello & Fer- carrier has not been isolated and its nature is quite unknown.
nandez-Otero (1962) showed inhibition of glucose absorption (Christensen (1960) and Wilbrandt & Rosenberg (1961) have
in vivo with high K. concentration, while Csaky & Ho (1966) presented a general discussion of carrier transport.)
found stimulation of glucose absorption with no effect on A carrier functioning as outlined above could equilibrate
galactose, and concluded that K was not affecting a specific the luminal and intracellular sugar concentrations, but active
transport system but was stimulating glucose metabolism, transport would not occur. To concentrate the sugar, the
thereby increasing entry into the cells. The variability might carrier must be coupled in some manner to a source of energy
be explained on the basis that transport is not dependent and there are several indications that Na is involved at this
simply on the K concentration but on the Na: K concentration stage. Csaky (1963) has suggested that Na is necessary for the
ratio. Changing the anion composition of the medium had utilization of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), probably by
little effect on absorption (Bihler & Crane, 1962). influencing the activity of a membrane ATPase. In other
Electrical activity. The absorption of sugars produces words Na affects the supply of energy from ATP to the trans-
changes in the electrical activity of the intestine. This aspect port process, but how the energy is coupled to sugar transport
has been dealt with in the paper by Barry, p. 266 of this remains unanswered. Evidence that intestinal ATPase is
Bulletin. dependent on a critical Na concentration was provided by
It is evident from all these characteristics that absorption of Taylor (1962).
monosaccharides is a complex process and one which still Crane (1962) put forward the interesting idea that sugar
presents several problems at the cellular and molecular levels. movement is dependent on the Na gradient across the luminal
Two important questions to be answered are: (i) where in the membrane. He suggested that a Na-sugar-carrier complex
cell is the process situated ? (ii) how is the sugar moved across moves across the luminal membrane in response to the
the cell against its concentration gradient? difference in Na concentration between the lumen and the cell,
this difference being maintained by an energy-dependent Na
pump which returns Na to the lumen. Schultz & Zalusky
b. Cellular Location of the Transport Process (1964b) modified Crane's hypothesis by siting the Na pump at
Different approaches have led to the conclusion that the the serosal membrane on the evidence that serosal ouabain
transport process, or at least one stage of it, exists at or near was more effective than mucosal ouabain in inhibiting Na
the luminal membrane of the celL Newey et al. (1959) showed transport.
that a phlorrhizin-sensitive stage in glucose transport was Additional information on the interaction between Na and
situated near the luminal membrane. Whether this is the only sugar transport was obtained by Crane, Forstner & Eichholz
stage, in the sense that it concentrates sugar within the cell (1965), who found that the concentration of Na influenced the
and that subsequent movement from the cell across the serosal affinity of the carrier for sugar. A low Na concentration within
membrane is by diffusion, has not been established. Different the cell might produce a low-affinity carrier, thereby allowing
possibilities in the location of the concentrating mechanism the dissociation of sugar from the carrier. A difference of
were discussed by Newey & Smyth (1966). carrier-sugar affinity between the two sides of the membrane
McDougal, Little & Crane (1960) prepared sections of could in itself bring about accumulation of sugar against a
hamster intestine after incubation with galactose, found that concentration gradient, and Crane's original postulate of a
the epithelial section contained higher galactose concentra- Na-sugar-carrier complex moving across the membrane may
tions than the core of the villi and thus concluded that the be superfluous. Csaky (1963) in fact produced evidence that
concentrating mechanism is in the luminal border. An auto- carrier-mediated transport of sugar, in that it was inhibited by
\ radiograph technique (Kinter & Wilson, 1965) showed an phlorrhizin, could occur in the absence of Na. It may turn out
increase in sugar concentration in passing from the lumen to that the link between the concepts of Crane (Na concentration
the epithelial cell, again indicating active transport at the influences affinity) and Csaky (Na concentration influences
luminal border. ATPase activity and ATP utilization) is that ATP utilization
The question remains whether movement of sugar from the alters the affinity of the carrier for sugar. One point is clear:
cells can be accounted for simply by diffusion. The effects of that the mechanism of transport still presents many problems,
inhibitors on intestinal glucose transport were interpreted and further experiments are required to answer them.


Vol. 23 No. 3

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Br. med. Bull 1967

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