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sus2018 ProjctPoster Hotfman_Dersey_ Final How do trust in government and corruption scores impact a country's happiness score? CPSC 103 Final Project by Kenzie Hoffman and Mackenzie Dorsey Overview + How happiness of a country is related to their corruption and trust in their government from Kaggle's World Happiness Report in 2017 + We both love to travel and wanted see where some countries were placed on this ranking/list and see how their happiness scores related to other factors Design Choices + We chose to do a bar graph because it relayed information in the most effective visual format + Because of the parameters of the bar graph we had to make the Happiness Score in tenths so it would correlate better with the Trust scores as they range from 0-1 + We didn't put the country names on the x-axis because depending on the osv test files the country names would change and wanted the code to be versatile for other programmers. Problem Solving/Most Challenging + initially had our main function return display_bar_chart(readifilename)) but was getting errors because we needed to create a seperate variable for read{filename) and then have our inputs for display_bar_chart be our helper functions. + we started by inserting print('I got here!) in our code to see where we were having issues and realized it was related to our main/read functions and their inputs, nupsiube syzygyclupyteieserfdorey S/ahconverUmLProject/PojetPoser HofTnan_ Dorey Final pyabdowsloadfalse rr susa018 ProjectPostee Hotfman_Dorsey_ inal def main(filename: str) -> None: Reads information from given filename and and displays a bar graph of th e countries’ happiness scores and trust in goverment, and returns None # template based on function composition data_read_in = read(filename) all_happiness_scores = get_happiness_score(data_read_in) all_trust_scores = find trust_score(data_read_in) return display _bar_chart(all_happiness_scores, ali_trust_scores) Future Work + In the future we could take other factors (ex. Health) of the Happiness Score and compare them to the score and see how each country differentiates + Can see what subcategories of the score make it higher or lower (ex. One country has a high Freedom number and a low Economy number but has a low happiness score overall, therefore the Economy affected their ranking) + After gathering this info using our programming skills we can make better travelling choices or write a journalistic piece about the factors that affect a country's happiness and can use our graphs in it! Inpsiube syzygyclupyteieserdorey S/ahconvervumLProjc/PojetPoser HofTnan_ Dorsey Final pynbdowaload=false

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