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"I'd give up anything precious in this

life, just to have you." Jimi whispered
looking deep into Thelma's soft eyes.

Beautiful Thelma wore a shy smile that aroused Jimi

feeling rather elated yet nervous hearing those words
from his lips.

―Nothing would separate us till eternity," Jimi

affirmed drawing her closer to himself. His eyes
blazed fire and literally quenched her breath.
Thelma could swear this was the most handsome
chap in the entire world. It was more than heaven to
be drenched in his love, a love thicker than blood.

Jimi's hand magnetised her to himself more. At the

next breath, their lips met, her frail and soft body
pressing so sensually tight against him.

Thelma abruptly cut the kiss out hearing continuous

eerie creaking sound . . . Fear struck her heart again,
her body froze . . . The pale corpse' wrinkled fingers
gripped Jimi's shoulders so tight just from behind.

"Blood brother, I'm here again to say hello . . ."


Copyright © 2016 by Akinloluwa A. Akinsekeji

Knot by a Black Blood

Published by Akins Mitchell Books.

All rights reserved. Written permission must be

secured from the publisher to use or reproduce
any part of this book, except for brief quotations
in critical reviews.

All characters appearing in this work are

fictitious. Any resemblance to any person, living
or dead is coincidental and all incidents are pure

Chapter One
JIMI SIPPED in more wine and dropped the
glass back trying to focus on his chess game.
―You don’t need to rack your brain anymore,
man. Give up, I've always been a veteran," Ugo
told Jimi feeling like a perfect genius. He'd
brilliantly cornered him and was on the verge
of checkmating his king.
"Well I've never lost any chess game, all my
life. And I can't today," Jimi replied still trying
to figure out an escape.
"Guess you will today," Ugo said. "Hurry up
in any case, your Princess would soon be here,"
he grimaced.
Jimi grinned immediately hearing Ugo say
that. He leaned his back on the couch's rest and
picked up his glass to sip wine again. His heart
was gladdened. "In that case then, I'll rather
lose any day. I can't wait to see her lovely
eyes . . . or plant a kiss on her enticing lips
His grin widened and his eyes glinted. "Oh

heaven, Thelma I love you."

"Hear hear," Ugo smiled comprehending
Jimi's feeling. "You're very lucky to have such
Jimi checked his watch. The time was now
6:20pm. "She'll be here in about ten minute’s
time. Can't wait to see her."
"Be a man, Jimi," Ugo blurted.
Jimi Coker, brilliant freshman
physiotherapist in his late twenties who worked
at State rehab centre could tell he'd never met
any lady as endearing and charming as Thelma
was. And he could see many things in common
they both possessed.
From the first millisecond Jimi set his eyes
on black-beauty Thelma at Opera music's place
where he occasionally visited, he could tell she
was specially his. Butterflies were stirred in his
belly, and he was keen to share a love with her,
a life-long intimacy. He eventually found out
that she schooled at University of Lagos and
was in her final year. He'd graduated from
same school two years earlier.
Thelma was more than an angel or princess
to Jimi. Firstly, she helped fill the vacuum and
heal the wounds that his ex, Linda, had left in

his heart. And also, she seemed to develop a

resilient interest in him too, understanding him
the way none had ever.
Jimi had offered her the diamond ring few
weeks after they met and she'd agreed to marry
him. In her mid-twenties, she was soft-hearted
and very reserved yet poised in showing love.
They been together for two months and she
made it a regular job to pay him a visit at the
rehab centre after the day's hectic work, one
time he always longed for.
Few minutes passed and Thelma knocked on
Jimi's office door arriving there. He cuddled
her into arms the moment he set his eyes on her
and planted a kiss on her forehead. It had been
a week since he saw her last.
―I've missed you, baby,‖ Jimi told her
stroking her neck lines. He could also perceive
the sweet scent from her smooth-as-silk greasy
black hair. She looked sultry enough, donning-
tight jeans pants with a low-cut blouse.
"Missed you more," Thelma smiled, a flush
tanned her face. Her shy eyes were alive and
made her look cuter. She inclined her head, her
long hair spilling down about her face as she
did. "How have you been?" She asked Jimi

pushing back the hair gently behind her ears.

Jimi was totally mesmerised. ―Fine,
―Nice meeting you again, Miss Thelma
Mitaire,‖ Ugo said with excitement. He’d been
Jimi’s best work colleague and buddy.
―Always my pleasure, Ugo,‖ Thelma replied
with a smile pasted on her face. ―How’s work
going here?‖
―Stressful,‖ Ugo replied.
―Very stressful,‖ Jimi added.
―You guys should get used to it.
Physiotherapy is a great career anyway,‖ she
told them with laughter in her voice. Jimi
appealed to her so much. His loving attitude
coupled with his charming looks whispered
softly in her heart. She admired mostly his
neatly-shaped crew cut hair with his thick
bushy eye brows. He had a five O’clock
shadow, trimmed side burns and a roman nose.
Jimi offered her a seat on the couch and sat
beside her while Ugo left for his own office.
―How’s mass comm. going?‖
―It’s great,‖ Thelma answered. ―Just my
exhausting project I’m focusing on presently.
Would soon be through with it besides.‖

―About the Radio Continental . . ?‖ Jimi

―Yeah, everything is finalised. I’ve been
offered the job of being the presenter. I’m
resuming work immediately I’m through with
my project.‖
―Nice to hear that,‖ Jimi admitted. ―Think I
got a surprise for you this evening.‖
―Surprise?‖ her eyes rounded as she giggled.
Ok, what could it be then? She thought.
―I’ve never been good at making guesses.
You know.‖
―Okay, let’s see . . .‖ a grin tilted one corner
of Jimi’s mouth. ―I was thinking, why don’t we
spend the evening at Lotus at Pattaya?‖
Thelma paused for a while absorbing what
she just heard Jimi say. ―Really?!‖ she
exclaimed excitedly.
"Well, yes."
"Oh Jimi, how interesting."
Jimi felt glad. At least he'd impressed his
love successfully. The previous week, they'd
gone kayaking on Cowrie creek and now a
dinner date at Lotus at Pattaya? It sounded
interesting indeed, out of the norm, so sweet,

so loving.
All those were nothing in fact compared
with the show of affection, Jimi still had up his
sleeves. Getting beautiful Thelma, a precious
Deltan, as his bride-to-be was more than the
request he'd ever made. Although an orphan,
she just seemed to perfectly fit into the second
half of his heart.
Night came and the duo met themselves
having dinner in deluxe Lotus at Pattaya.
Thelma opened more of heart to Jimi and he
also told her more about himself, most
especially the life he'd spent with his ex.
He'd had to drive his new Chevrolet
cruze—all the way from Ikoyi where he
worked at the rehab centre and also lived—to
the bar lounge that evening. And by 11pm, they
were on their way back home. The weather was
quite cold and Jimi was thirsty for more love.
While the car cruised on their way back
discussing warmly, Jimi let the car slow down,
eased it off the road and stopped. By now they
were on Admiralty Bridge and were nearly the
only ones there under the full-moon night.
―What’s wrong, Jimi?‖ Thelma asked
curiously unsure of what was happening. ―Why

are we stopped on a bridge by this time?‖

Jimi didn’t reply, instead he unfastened his
seat belt, exhaled and leaned towards her. The
sky was filled with stars shinning brighter that
night. It took only a moment for him to put his
arms around her and kiss her.
Thelma’s heart beat faster, she was feeling
quite perplexed but delighted as she relished
the kiss. Jimi nuzzled one of her breasts into
his palm as he continued kissing and breathing
frenziedly. It felt so hot, so sweet, so enticing.
―I just had to do that, Thelma. Don’t know
when next I’d see you again,‖ Afterwards, Jimi
admitted slightly panting now.
Thelma adjusted her falling hair from her
face. ―You shouldn’t bother, Jimi, we’d always
be around for each other,‖ she said sternly as
she stroked her alluring lips.
―Yeah, that’s right. Nothing can separate us.‖
He smiled and started the car again. They
continued the journey, Jimi driving to her
house to drop her off first before heading for
It had been a sweet Friday evening.

Jimi picked up his ringing cell while still
lying on his bed. On the other end of the line
was Mr Debowale, Linda’s father.
―Good morning, Coker, we’d like you to
come over to the hospital today concerning
Linda’s situation,‖ he said.
Jimi was slightly scared by this time and
didn’t know what to expect. He’d planned to
spend this weekend relaxing, but now, he had
been called to General hospital.
Linda was Jimi’s ex. They’d been together
before for a year, however, Linda’s strange
attack and coma had forced them to separate,
making Jimi look for a better partner, Thelma,
whom he found three months after.
Mr Debowale invited Jimi for a discussion
concerning Linda because her case was
becoming more pathetic. Her attack had in any
case seemed to begin the very last day and
place he took her to for a date.
Jimi got to the General hospital about two
hours later and met Linda’s parents with three
doctors and another scientist in the ward where
her comatose body was laid. The body was

entirely covered with a grey polymer save her

face and it appeared to be decaying although all
life-equipment were stilled attached to it. There
was also a stench oozing from it. The sight of
the body was very frightening.
―You're welcome, Mr. Jimi Coker,‖ Mr.
Debowale said. ―Coker here was the fiancé of
Linda before she became comatose.‖ He
introduced him to the others in the ward.
Jimi was nervous now. How could he tell
what was going on? Was he being accused for
her strange attack and coma? Looking at her
body nearby, some goose pimples darted
through his chest. He tried not catching another
glimpse of it.
―Now, Mr. Coker, can you tell us what
happened to Linda, the very day this attack
started? We've heard you took her out,‖ the
scientist said. He was wearing a PPE and had a
tag slung over his neck that said
Jimi drew in a deep breath and then exhaled.
He could feel his knees apparently shaking.
―I'll love to narrate all what I know happened
to Linda, starting from the beginning,
scientist,‖ he said crisply.

―Call me The Living Second, Mr. Coker,‖

the scientist retorted.
―The Living Second?‖ Jimi blurted out in
surprise. What kind of a name is that?
The scientist nodded affirming his name. He
was the one in charge of Linda's strange case.
He’d been a paranormal investigator and
―Alright.‖ Jimi gave a fake cough about to
begin his narration. ―Linda, my former fiancée,
was just discharged from the hospital after
having a snake bite. I told her that I'd love us to
go for a date to an eatery, just to make her feel
better, and she agreed. Unfortunately, while we
were at the eatery, I noticed she was tearing
blood at a particular time so I pointed it out to
She took out a mirror from her bag to check
her eyes and immediately she looked into the
mirror, she seemed to go mentally deranged –‖
"Meaning?" The Living Second asked.
"Well, she became violent, began flinging
things that were around her away, screaming
violently and was also foaming blood. She
even took a knife and vowed to stab me if I
didn't flee immediately or break up relationship

with her. I knew then that she'd gone

crazy--that wasn't her—so I called for
medical attention and she was tamed and
brought down here to the hospital. I was
completely crushed and heartbroken but there
was nothing else I could do to help her. This is
all what I know happened to her the very last
day she was normal," Jimi narrated.
"Thank you, Mr. Coker," the Living Second
said also sending hearsay to Linda's Parents
with his eyes.
"Well, Coker here has given us all this
information before," Mr. Debowale said. "But
we needed to just hear the whole story again."
―That’s right,‖ the Living Second said. Then
he moved closer to where Linda’s dead body
lied. ―As you can see, this person here appears
dead. All sciences’ tests and proof shows she is
dead. The only reason why we’re yet to declare
her a corpse is that she still mysteriously
breathes normally—and once every week, she
tears blood. This is going to be one of the
greatest paranormal occurrences I’m seeing in
my life.‖
―Really?‖ Jimi asked very shocked and
almost scared.

―Yeah,‖ The Living Second nodded as the

whole ward became dead-silent for a moment.
The only sound heard next was that of the
―For the past three months, Linda has been
comatose yet exhibiting strange actions like
tearing or foaming blood. And no doctor has
had the courage to attend to her except me. I’ve
waited patiently to see the outcome but as you
can see, Mr. Coker, her body is already
What else can we do to stop these
paranormal and weird actions, as they should
be, than to bury this body? For it is not the soul
of man that resides in it anymore . . .‖ the
Living Second declared, covering up the
body’s face with the polymer.
By now, Linda’s parents were obviously
shedding tears. They’d done everything in their
strength not to let Linda go, it appeared she’d
become dead now and they couldn’t deny that
her body clearly had all the signs to show that
it was dead. Her heartbeat had stopped three
weeks after she had been admitted to the
hospital, fallen into a coma.
The body was also decaying and oozing

terrible stench. And just like the Living Second

had told them, the only reason why she wasn’t
confirmed dead was that she still breathed and
foamed blood once a week. It was very weird
and shocking to the attendants in the hospital
and others who heard about it.
Linda’s body had actually been possessed by
a witchcraft demon. It had all begun when she
was bitten by a snake once in a forest on a
botanical research trip. A tree had hooked her
and pierced her body when the snake struck
her. She was rushed to the hospital for
treatment immediately and although was cured
of the snake bite, a demon had actually entered
into her from the enchanted tree. She
unfortunately became the vulnerable victim of
the soul-thirsty spirit.
This demon had entered into her body and
lived there for some days before eventually
snuffing out her life. But yet, it continued
inhabiting her body even for months after.
There seemed to be no better way of carrying
out an exorcism than to bury the living corpse
just like the Living Second advised.
Linda’s paranormal body was committed to
the dust that same day.

Chapter Two

Never Alone by Karen Clark played warmly

for some time and then faded out before her
voice came in.
''Great new song from Karen Clark. That
one is going to be a classic—I can tell! Thanks
to DJ, Collins, a wonderful nine O'clock
interlude there, and a good and lovely morning
to you all out there! You've got Thelma Mitaire
presenting today and I've got two new tracks
from Omawunmi for you to listen to now, trust
me, you all would love to. But first, we've got
pressing Monday headlines rolling in and now's
the time to just hear them.
―Four Political Parties’ State chairmen have
received allegations of fraud against them by
the Federal Police and the Supreme Court
would be hearing the cases tomorrow and the
next. Also, the Senate has approved the
increment of taxes paid by private Tertiary

Institution workers commencing from the first

of next month.
―In other local news, another young lady
living in Ikoyi, close to the Central Business
District, is reported missing for the past three
days. We would recall that there have been
other cases of missing ladies in the same area
for weeks now. The State Police have their
hands on deck and are poised for surveillance
and rescue.
―Lastly, for the weather report, Lagos has a
low humidity today at a mild 27 degrees
Celsius and is partly cloudy. Stay tuned for
other reports today and more especially, our
tracks. Keep sending the tweets too. We love to
hear from you guys!‖
Thelma could hear her mind echoing all
what she had just said. She'd made her first
public radio presentation, a wonderful and nice
one, she hoped but she was flooded with an
ambivalent feeling now. She’d recently
finished the degree she was running at
University of Lagos and had just resumed work
at Radio Continental.
Almost immediately, Thelma's cell in her
bag rang. She brought it out to pick and gave a

big smile seeing who the caller was. It was

"Brilliant report, baby. Just perfectly
brilliant!" His exclaim came in immediately
she picked.
"Thanks, dear. I'm happy!" Thelma admitted.
"I didn't know you'd have chance to tune in."
"Well, I had to make out chance for it. I was
really impressed. Keep it up, sweet. Get better."
"Will try."
"I've got another surprise for you, Thelma."
Thelma hummed smiling. "You always love
giving surprises, Jimi. Come on where are you
taking me to this time around?"
"Thinking you can come over to my house
this evening to say hello to my parents again.
And besides big sister would be around too, so
you could meet her."
"Sounds like a very good idea. Wouldn't
miss it for anything."
"I'll come and give you a lift by 6pm then."
"Thanks, love." No one had a special place
in her heart like Jimi did. His special and
surprising ways of treating her like a Princess
really sweetened her heart and she couldn't
give them up for anything.

That evening however, Thelma found herself

in the Coker’s wealthy family house. She
immediately ran an appraising eyes round the
building immediately she entered, liking what
she was seeing again. It was a fully-detached
storey with dynamic circulation inside,
designed in a minimalist style. The property
had been leased out to the family by the State
Government. It was a paradise they adored and
Thelma loved it dearly too. What would expect
of her, who didn’t have much to herself?
She greeted Jimi parents happily and soon
discussions about their wedding erupted. Plans
about where the event would hold to its
reception and colour code to the kinds of meal
that would be served to guests and even the
kind of flowers that would be used, were
seriously analysed. The wedding was slated to
hold in the next three months.
Thelma also met with Jimi’s elder sister and
only sibling, Made, who’d been married for
two years to Frank with a baby girl.
―Meet the Thelma I’ve always told you
about,‖ Jimi introduced her to Made excitedly.
―Nice meeting you, dear,‖ Made smiled
warmly. ―Jimi however didn’t tell me you were

an angel,‖ she said widening her grin with her

child in her arms. She had freckles with a fair
complexion, hazel eyes and had her weave-on
hair pushed in front of her shoulders, covering
part of her face.
―My pleasure,‖ Thelma replied putting on a
flashing smile that spiced her beauty.
―You’re a very beautiful gem. I wouldn’t
want you to leave my brother for any other—‖
Made’s eyes squinted humorously still with her
―I can’t,‖ Thelma crisped.
―Oh no, she can’t,‖ Jimi mumbled. ―I won’t
also leave her forever. She’s my heart for
heaven’s sake. I’d rather have her than any
other precious thing in life.‖ Jimi looked at
Thelma and kissed her on her cheek, removing
her nervous look.
Ahem! That’s lovely. Made smiled, arching
her eye brows. ―Jimi has told me you’re
already a radio presenter at RC—‖
―Yes,‖ Thelma replied. ―I resumed the job
just this morning.‖
―How sweet,‖ Made remarked. ―I work as
an accountant at Brentwood Park but live with
my husband at Marina,‖ she briefed about

―Wow! Great job I always considered,‖
Thelma told her.
―Yeah,‖ Made said. ―The only things pissing
off there is the stress in working and
late-closing, sometimes I leave Brentwood
Park around 11pm or later.‖
Thelma and Jimi laughed at that, facing the
fact that they couldn’t have the patience for
such job. Thelma actually felt at home here and
it was like being among her own family
members. Jimi had brought her to his parents
few days after he proposed to her and they’d
fallen in love with her, although, Made hadn’t
been around at that time.
Thelma was served a sumptuous dinner in
their house even though she had little or no
appetite as she was overwhelmed with the love
and joy in Jimi’s family.
―I love this family, Jimi,‖ she admitted, both
of them in his room now seated hip to hip on a
couch. ―I never want to leave you.‖
―And never leave, you shall. This is your
family also, Thelma,‖ Jimi replied smiling.
―Promise you’ll always love me and be with
me, Jimi,‖ she said passionately not wanting to

lose for a fleeting moment the joy and love she

was experiencing.
"I'd give up anything precious in this life,
just to have you." Jimi whispered looking deep
into Thelma's soft eyes.
Beautiful Thelma wore a shy smile that
aroused Jimi feeling rather elated yet nervous
hearing those words from his lips.
―Nothing would separate us till eternity,"
Jimi affirmed drawing her closer to himself.
His eyes blazed fire and literally quenched her
breath. Thelma could swear this was the most
handsome chap in the entire world. It was more
than heaven to be drenched in his love, a love
thicker than blood.
Jimi's hand magnetised her to himself more.
At the next breath, their lips met, her frail and
soft body pressing so sensually tight against
him while his own body immediately grew
hard. He kept on caressing her and didn’t want
to stop.
They re-ignited a potent intimacy, a romance
to be sealed by body and soul and spirit.

Two Weeks Later.
At the rehab centre, Jimi heard a knock on
his office door.
―Come in,‖ he called out to whoever was
knocking. He was still seated at his table
stuffed up with lot of works to do that day.
The door opened and the person knocking
came in. Jimi looked up to the person's face. A
terrible shock darted through his nerves,
freezing his body immediately he saw who the
person was. To his terrifying surprise, the
person appeared to be Linda—his ex who had
just been buried two months ago.
She was wearing a grey gown and still
looked exactly same way he’d seen her in the
hospital that very day she was buried. Her skin
was pale and wrinkled, and appeared to be
decaying same way it had. Her hair was all
tangled and dust-filled. Her eyeballs were pale
and she appeared to be tearing blood again.
By now Jimi was scared to his wit and felt
like disappearing from the office. He was
completely frozen—couldn't move an inch!
Every pulse in his body throbbed, his heartbeat

had doubled the rhythm. Sharp goose pimples

arose on his scalp. Jimi was terrified, he
couldn't utter a word, instead his jaws were
open widely. Had Linda risen from the dead or
was this a ghost?
The person paced closer to where Jimi was
and sat on his office table slowly not saying
Jimi summoned courage to utter something.
"Who are you? What is this?" Jimi could
audibly hear his heartbeats in his ears. Sweat
filled his palms quickly.
"Linda," the person replied. "Have you
forgotten me, honey?"
The goose pimples on Jimi's scalp travelled
to his neck. The shock in his nerves sucked in
his skin now. Linda? How come? He asked
again. How could he be sure she was the one.
The voice didn't sound like hers. "You've been
dead—and buried already, Linda." By now he
was only seeing her from behind as she'd
backed him seating on the table.
"I live for eternity, Mr. Jimi," she replied.
"I'm here to see my fiancé again."
Jimi nearly swallowed his Adam's apple
hearing her say that. "Well I know we've

broken up—you told me to do so that very day

your attack began."
"I'll always love you, Jimi," she said
passionately. "I'm here to kiss you again."
By now Jimi thought of running out of his
office or screaming for attention. "You can't
kiss me, you're dead!" The sweat on his
forehead was multiplying.
"Shut up, you rotten soul!" She yelled
flinging away the files that were stacked on the
table. "Even though she is dead, I can't die!"
The tears of blood from her eyes seemed to
Who? Jimi was very scared now, uncertain
of what would happen next, so he ran over to
the office door to flee. He reached the door but
it had been locked strangely. Jimi fell to the
ground and now was just few feet away from
the table Linda was seated on. He was facing
her now. He looked up to her face. Her eyeballs
appeared to be glinting now even despite
tearing blood. Her tongue stuck out and her
rotten stench seemed to increase. It was a very
terrifying sight for Jimi.
"Tell me, Jimi," she got down from the table
and paced towards him on the floor. "Was that

why you fell in love with someone else,

forgetting all the love we've shared for a year?"
Jimi was speechless now. He felt like
screaming for help but he couldn't. He
apparently began shivering.
"Thelma, isn't? That's the lady's name,"
Linda said. "You exchanged my love for
Thelma Mitaire's!" She screamed further.
"It wasn't just like that, Linda. You were in
coma. You were dead," Jimi replied nearly
sobbing for fear.
She gave a sneering cackle. "In that case
then, she shall be the one I would face."
"What do you mean . . ? Don't do anything
to her, Linda, please."
"So you want me to remain in the grave
forever, Jimi?"
Jimi was speechless and stunned. He
couldn't believe he was actually conversing
with a dead person.
"I will let the two of you alone," she said.
"You would enjoy a good marriage with
Thelma and live in joy for the rest of your
lives—but you must be ready to sacrifice a life
so dear to you, Jimi."
"What do you mean, Linda?" Jimi was

"You must give up a life in place of
Thelma's, because I need her life. She's taken
my place!"
"No, I can't give up anything, Linda, we’ve
broken our relationship together. Thelma is
mine now!"
"Then get prepared to bury her, Jimi," she
clenched her fists and struck the table. "And
any day or time she calls for your help, never
try answering her, otherwise, I shall extinct the
lives of you both."
"What do you mean, Linda?" Jimi asked
very frightened now. His heart was pounding
harder, faster still.
Linda gave another cackle, a much longer
one this time around. "And whenever you want
to avert any of these, consider marrying me
again!" Immediately she said that she
Jimi was completely terrified. His clothes
were completely drenched in his sweat. What
did all these strange things mean?
At the next breath, Jimi awoke from his
sleep and met himself on his bed in his room,
panting profusely with his heart beating harder

still. It appeared he'd just had a dream of

Linda's ghost meeting with him. He was
terrified. The dream seemed so real.
Jimi drew in a deep breath and exhaled,
thanking God it had all been a dream. He
reached for his phone that he'd kept beside his
pillow before falling asleep. He switched it on
and checked the time. It was just exactly
11:00pm and so he reclined back reflecting on
the dream.
A call came in almost immediately Jimi
dropped the phone. He took it to check who
caller was. Why would anyone be calling him
at such time? It was Thelma. She was however
using her third line. Jimi was glad but slightly
shocked at her call, reminiscing the scary
dream he'd just had about her.
"Hello, baby," he picked the call.
"Help me, Jimi!" Thelma's cry came in
"A man has abducted me . . . about to kill
me for a ritual purpose," she whispered in a
very frightened manner. She sounded very
traumatised, as though she needed help

"What?!" Jimi shouted, very shocked to hear

that. He squirmed into a sitting position. "How
do you know that and how come you're making
this call. How did it all happen?"
"He said it himself. Right now, I find myself
in a cemetery . . . I’m sure it's Ikoyi's . . . I was
just on my way back from work this evening
and on the road when a man forced me into his
car. He says he wants to use my body for
ritual!" Thelma continued shrilling. She was in
tears now and Jimi could tell.
―Oh my God!‖ Jimi’s heart throbbed and a
severe ache pounded in his head.
―He’d seized my phone the moment he took
me into his car, but I had a second one in my
pocket and that’s what I’m using now. Save me,
Jimi!‖ Thelma cried.
"I'd inform the police immediately," Jimi
"It might be too late!" Thelma shrilled. "Get
any help you can, Jimi, please I don't want to
die! The man has said he's going to kill me on
the stroke of twelve O'clock this same
night—very soon," She cried desperately again.
Jimi was very confused and shaken. "Calm
down, Thelma, I'll rescue you soon, but—"

"Help me, Jimi, please!" The call was

hanged up immediately.
Jimi jumped out of his bed instantly ready to
rescue his love, or find any help at least. The
dream he'd just had came alive in his memory
immediately. He could hear the whisper of
Linda's ghost repeating what she had told him
in the dream.
He realised Thelma was actually calling for
help now.

Chapter Three
AN OVERWHELMING confusion flooded
Jimi's mind. These things happening around
him were strange. How could he explain it?
He'd just had a dream about Linda's ghost
warning him not to give heed to Thelma if she
ever called him for help. And barely a minute
after that, Thelma in reality made a call to him
crying for rescue.
Could Jimi prove his unquenchable love for
Thelma now? Linda's ghost had told him in the
dream not to heed her call for help—otherwise
his own life would be terminated too. Jimi
wasn't sure he wanted his life to be terminated.
He wasn't also ready to lose the second half of
his heart, Thelma.
He picked his phone and dialled 911 about
to inform the Police of the emergency situation.
After several failed attempts for the call to
go through, Jimi gave up calling. The
communication network service strangely
became very poor and the calls couldn't go

What do I do now? Jimi thought. He knew he
had less than an hour to rescue Thelma from
her abductor. But how? Time was ticking away.
Soon, Jimi got out of his house and jumped
into his Chevrolet cruze, intending to drive to
the nearest Police station about two kilometres
away to at least inform the cops there. He sped
off not minding the bumpiness of the road that
A thousand thoughts ran past his mind as he
drove. Could it mean that Linda's ghost, whose
paranormal body had been buried two months
ago, was the one behind the incident that
happened to Thelma? A ghost! Was he right in
heading out of his house for Thelma’s rescue?
What if he also lost his life in the process? But
Thelma, he loved her so much, could he ever
neglect her call for help—that involved her life?
Anxiety and confusion permeated his brain in
an indescribable way.
About six minutes later half the way to the
Police station, Jimi was slowed down by some
Road Safety officers. He could see the road
ahead was closed and the traffic cones and
plaques helped barricade. Just few metres

down, a high-tension electricity pole had

collapsed directly across the road and blocked
it. Drivers were urged to turn their cars around
and head for alternative routes that night. Now
Jimi was ready to panic. This was another
strange happening. Why are all these
There was certainly no more time on his side
to follow another route to the station. He
looked at his watch. The time seemed to be
ticking so fast, it was already 11:22pm. This
was less than forty minutes to the time
Thelma's abductor had told her he'd kill her for
the ritual.
He tried calling the line Thelma had used to
inform him about her situation before, but the
network service wasn't still good enough to let
calls through. What else could he do? He was
sweating profusely now, scared and completely
dejected. The pounding ache in his head also
surged. He could swear he felt like fainting and
he wished he was still having a dream.
Knowing he had no more time and choice to
rescue Thelma than to head by himself to the
Ikoyi cemetery where she'd been captured, Jimi
turned his car around and sped off that way.

Jimi accelerated the car and soon he was hitting

90 miles per hour.
Jimi kept on accelerating not minding the
traffic lights or anything on the way. He
became fierce and angered at life. He wouldn’t
let anything—or anyone, be it a ghost—to take
Thelma from him. His fists gripped the stirring
wheel tightly and his foot pressed hard against
the gas pedal still, not releasing it for a
Thelma was his love, his heart, his life and
he’d give anything up to make her free—even
if it would cost his own blood. He was ready.
Minutes passed more. Jimi checked the time
once again, by now it was 11:33pm and he
neared the cemetery rapidly. Soon, he made a
sharp right-turn to the road that lead there. He
didn’t decide easing his foot off the gas pedal
nor did he honk the horn as he turned. The car
headlights were also pointed directly on the
tarmac and the streetlights around weren’t lit
under the moonless night so Jimi wasn’t clearly
seeing the things ahead of him.
There was a truck going one-way, following
the lane Jimi was driving on, and it was closing
up very fast to his car. In order to avoid an

head-on collision with the truck, Jimi swerved

the steering wheel to the right and kept on
driving. There was a person trekking just by the
roadside, the path Jimi had swerved to. It was
too late for him to swerve back to the left for
the truck was passing there.
Jimi’s heart made louder beats for shock
instantly and his arms began shuddering. He
immediately eased his foot off the gas pedal
and hit the brake to avert the accident but
unfortunately it was too late. The speeding car
struck hardly, sending the person flying
backwards like a piece of paper in a flash. Jimi
heard the sound of blood splatter and bones
shatter the moment the person fell down back,
to the ground now. The person had seemed to
be carrying something and it also fell to the
Jimi was extremely scared now. He’d indeed
just struck someone with his speeding car—and
had probably even killed the person. His whole
body began shivering now. How could it be?
He hadn’t intended to, for there was no really
no other choice he had at that particular
moment. At that instant, tears began rolling out
of his eyes. The whole thing had happened in

an eye’s twinkle.
Jimi wished to stop the car to check whether
the victim was to some extent okay or still
alive to be taken to the hospital, but he
remembered he had a very limited time now to
rescue Thelma in the cemetery.
He drove off, accelerating still, not looking
to his right or left because he feared anyone
could be after him to arrest him. All through,
his heart was pounding and his head still kept
aching. Occasionally, he drew in a deep breath
and exhaled. He was very distressed and
terrified. Could he be called a murderer just
By 11:53pm, Jimi got to the front of the
Ikoyi cemetery. He slowed the car down,
stopped it and parked. Oh God! What kind of
perilous day is this? A lot of shocking and
jeopardised things had happened just within an
hour, the last one of the day. His whole body
was drenched in thick sweat and was still
shuddering. The flashbacks of his speeding car
hitting the person and the sound of bones
shattering played over and over in his memory.
Jimi knew he had no other second to waste
in order to rescue Thelma. He jumped out the

car, wiped his sweat and ran over to the boot

where equipment was. Instantly, he brought out
a fire-extinguisher and a steel rod. These were
the weapons he could use to attack the abductor
or any assassin.
He dashed into the cemetery at the next
breath prepared against the worsts. He needed
to save his love urgently. But immediately he
entered, his fears came to life. The hairs on his
neck and back stood instantly. Sharp goose
pimples covered his whole skin. He felt it. Here,
he was nose-to-nose with horror, peril and even
The solitary and creepy grave-yard was
completely engulfed in darkness, there seemed
not to be a flicker of light in it at all. Neither
was there any sound—the only ones there were
the weird howls of owls and chirps of cricket.
All along, he could just see the dilapidating
grave stones and spoilt cross monuments
covered with weeds.
Jimi could tell this was indeed the world of
the dead. Dread kept on devouring his heart.
He felt like running out back to his car but
Thelma’s cry for help kept echoing in his ears.
He just had to rescue her now.

Jimi walked deeper into the graveyard and

soon, he could faintly see the silhouette of man
in a distance raising hands up with a knife in
one hand and looking up to the sky, standing on
one of the graves. He must have been the
abductor, the ritual killer. Jimi ducked slightly
to conceal behind one of the graves in order not
to be seen by the man. He could hear him
uttering some words.
Jimi drew in another deep breath and
exhaled. His heart was drenched with fear. He
hoped Thelma was still safe. Soon he could see
the silhouette of the person jumping down from
the grave and moving over to another grave
beside. Something that seemed like a human’s
body was placed on this one. Jimi looked
closely from where he was and he could
immediately see the silhouette of the human’s
body appeared to have Thelma’s physique and
seemed to be struggling vehemently.
That must be Thelma! Jimi’s mind cried. He
could also see the man placed the knife in his
hands on the body. Quickly, Jimi ran silently to
the grave they were on, still with the rod and
extinguisher in his hands. He felt he was
around in the nick of time to save Thelma from

Jimi ran by the flank of the man in order to
get to his back. Soon, he got there and in an
eye’s twinkle, he determinedly struck the head
of the man from behind hardly with the steel
rod in his hand. The man fell to the ground
almost immediately, groaning. Jimi looked
over to the body on the grave.
Thelma? Is that you? Are you alright? Jimi
asked loudly. The person continued
struggling—to be set free and even to talk. Jimi
moved nearer to the person and peered closely.
It was Thelma. He was quite sure she was the
one. She was moaning and appeared to be
bound with ropes in both her hands and feet.
Her mouth was also sealed with a cloth and she
was blindfolded.
The abductor on the floor Jimi had hit
continued groaning and Jimi went closer to him
now. He struck his head with the rod again and
opened the extinguisher on him. The abductor
writhed in pain until later, he became silent.
Very certain the man was now unconscious,
Jimi paced back to Thelma tied up on the grave.
Quickly, he removed the coverings on her eyes
and mouth.

Thelma began weeping immediately Jimi

removed the covering from her eyes. She was
panting seriously and her face was covered
with dust. Her whole body was frozen for
shock—she couldn’t even move again. She’d
given up hope about being rescued and had
thought the abductor would have eventually
killed her. Jimi also untied her hands and legs.
―I thought I’d die, Jimi,‖ she cried. ―I never
expected you would be able to arrive here so
swift.‖ Tears filled Thelma’s face now and her
voice was almost gone. Her gown was covered
with dust and had been soaked in her sweat.
―I would never let anyone hurt you, Thelma.
I love you so much. I hope you’re still okay?‖
Jimi embraced her and wiped away her tears.
He could apparently feel the loud pounding of
her heart. He knew she’d been totally
―I thought that man would have killed me at
last! I’m still alive!‖ Thelma panted very fast
and loud still. It felt quite hard for her to
believe she’d just been rescued. What if she
hadn’t had a second phone with her to call Jimi
to rescue her? ―Thanks a million, Jimi. I owe
you my whole life!‖ More tears trickled down

her face.
―Come on, Thelma, let’s get out of this
creepy place quickly,‖ Jimi told her supporting
her to stand to her feet. ―I don’t think I want to
remain here any longer.‖
―That’s right,‖ Thelma replied. It took a
moment for her body to feel normal again
because an unusual numbness had permeated it
when she was bound with the ropes.
Jimi took her by hand and they began
running out of the graveyard leaving behind the
abductor’s unconscious body. Both of them had
experienced the greatest horror in their lives
that very day. And hadn’t it been for his speed,
Thelma’s life would have been lost. ―It’s so
great you had a second phone with you,‖ Jimi
told her as they ran.
―I’m so grateful too. I could only manage to
make the call one moment the man left the
place he had tied me up at.‖
―How long have you been abducted and kept
here?‖ Jimi asked.
―About two hours, I guess.‖
―He wanted to use you for a ritual?‖
―Yeah, he told me that himself. Said his
name was Idris and enjoyed abducting young

women around to kill for ritual in this cemetery.

He is a serial killer and has been doing this
since three months,‖ Thelma narrated still
panting excessively. ―He kills the victims on
the stroke of twelve by night and was about to
stab me when you struck him from behind.‖
She continued.
―Good heavens!‖
―I’m so bewildered!‖ Thelma cried.
The duo eventually came out of the
cemetery jumping into Jimi’s car and zooming
off straightaway. He couldn’t believe all what
had just happened, he felt as if he was in a
dream. Although they’d been laden with peril,
Jimi was glad he’d given heed to her call to
rescue her. And he was gladder that their lives
were still intact after all.
Linda’s ghost was wrong, he thought.

Chapter Four
THE CHEVROLET cruze cruised at the average
speed now as Jimi drove away from the
cemetery heading to his house. A long silence
of ambivalence pervaded the car as both he and
Thelma reclined, reminiscing the horrors that
had just taken place. Their profuse breaths told
they were indeed perturbed. They knew their
worst nightmares couldn’t compare with those
Some minutes passed and by the time they
were on the expressway, a call came through to
Jimi’s line. Jimi was surprised seeing his phone
ring that night again. And that was after he’d
encountered a terrible network service trying to
make several calls himself. He checked the
time. This was 12:18am now.
Jimi brought the phone out from his pocket
and checked the caller. Surprisingly, it was his
father. Jimi was slightly scared.
―Hello Dad, hope everything’s fine? I’m

shocked seeing your call this night,‖ Jimi told

him immediately.
―Where are you, Jimi? I’ve been trying your
line since, but the call wasn’t going through,‖
Mr. Coker said.
―Well, Dad,‖ Jimi exhaled. ―I’m driving on
the express . . . and with Thelma now—‖
―I’ve told you not to stop driving late at
night, Jimi.‖
―Sorry, Dad, some terrible things happened
this night which I’d narrate later.‖
―What?!‖ Mr. Coker exclaimed. ―In any
case, since you’re still on the express, I need
you to come over to the General Hospital right
now. It’s very urgent, son.‖
―Why?! What’s happened, Dad?"
―Well, something very tragic,‖ Mr. Coker
said with a shrill and fear-stricken voice. ―Just
come over here, son. Your mother and I have
been here for nearly an hour now. Made, your
sister, has just been admitted.‖ He hanged up.
Mighty Lord! Jimi exclaimed, horrified
again. Now Jimi knew this day would indeed
be the worst so far in his life. Horror upon
horror seemed to accompany every second.
What a bad news again he’d just received from

his dad. What’s happening to my family? Jimi’s

mind was permeated with dismay and he felt
like crying.
―What’s happened, Jimi?‖ a confused
Thelma asked seeing Jimi looking dismayed.
―Oh my God! I can’t explain all what’s
happening to me tonight,‖ Jimi whispered.
―Is everything alright?‖
Phew! ―I just received a call from dad now
that Made has been admitted at the General
―Good heavens!‖ Thelma breathed. ―What
happened to her?‖
―He didn’t mention, instead he said I should
just come over immediately.‖
―Oh no! Why all these calamities?‖
Thelma’s family house was just ahead the
way Jimi drove on so he decided to drop her
off there and head on to the General Hospital.
―We’d soon reach your place,‖ Jimi told her.
―Would have to drop you off.‖
―No, Jimi, I’m going to follow you to the
hospital to see Made. She’s my sister also,‖
Thelma hesitated.
―Come on, Thelma, you don’t need to follow
me again. Not after all the tragedy you’ve

faced this night. You need a complete rest from

Thelma had to agree and soon, Jimi dropped
her off at her house that night. Thanks so much
for rescuing me, Jimi. It’s gon’ be well with
Made, don’t panic, she’d told him as he
dropped her off and drove on to the hospital.
By the time Jimi reached the hospital, the
time was around 12:33am. In anxiety he rushed
down from the car and entered inside asking
for where his family was. Jimi was led there by
one of the nurses and he got to a lobby where
his parents and Frank, Made's husband, were
with a Police man and a Road Safety
"Dad, mum, what's happened to Made?" He
asked impatiently as he saw them. Sorrow
perfectly was written on the faces of each of
them and he could see his mother weeping
bitterly with his dad and the Policeman trying
to comfort her. Fear saturated his heart now.
Ahem! "Calm down, Jimi," Mr. Coker told
him looking very dejected.
"What's going on, dad, why's mum
"Made was admitted here, son," Mr. Coker

"Where is she and her child, dad, take me to
her ward," Jimi said.
"Be calm, Jimi."
"What actually happened to her, dad?" Jimi
"Well . . .Made lived a good life, Jimi . . .
she had an accident . . ."
"What?!" Jimi shouted, shocked to hear that.
"How's she now?"
Mr. Coker gave a cough and then closed his
eyes. "Unfortunately, she couldn't make it,
"Mighty Lord!" Jimi blared immediately he
heard that. How could it be? How could Made
be dead just like that? Why all those tragedy?
Now he was facing the reality of life.
"It's very unfortunate, Mr. Jimi. My
condolences," the Policeman around said.
Jimi bit his lips now, tears rolling down his
eyes. Made was his beloved senior sister—his
only sibling. He loved her so much, but now
she was dead. "What about her child, dad?"
"Unfortunately, her child is also dead," Mr.
Coker replied.
"Oh no! Made!" Jimi shouted in sorrow.

Frank was totally discombobulated also. He

actually felt like committing suicide. He'd lost
both his wife and child in a just a day.
"Thanks to the Police and Road Safety
officers here who were able to transport Made
and her child down here immediately after the
accident. They were also able to contact me
and her husband," Mr. Coker told.
"At what time did Made die eventually?"
Jimi asked still very sorrowful.
"Well she most likely died at the spot of the
accident. The medics here confirm she and her
child were brought in dead and so they were
immediately transferred to the morgue from
Soon after, Jimi was taken to the morgue
where Made's body with her child's had been
kept. It was a very tragic occurrence. He had a
sight of both corpses and he was filled with
sorrow, regret and disgust. The duo was laid
together but embalmed separately. Made's child
had recently just turned one while Made's was
just a young lady of thirty. Although their
corpses had been washed, stains and marks of
blood from the accident could still be seen on
them. Their bones also seemed to have broken

completely. It was a very severe accident.

They'd been so innocent and loving, why
would they have died from a very tragic
accident? Jimi was indeed disgusted at life.
Why would any driver have been very
careless to hit a nursing mother and her child of
one year? Jimi reasoned as he grieved.
Immediately, the flashback of Jimi also hitting
someone with his car when he was on the road
to the cemetery about an hour ago suddenly
revived in his memory. His heart pounded
harder than ever. He knew he was also guilty of
such now. He felt slightly inconvenient.
"Wasn't the driver of the vehicle which hit
them, arrested?" Jimi asked the Policeman.
"Not at all," the Policeman replied. ―Was a
"Where and when exactly did you discover
the accident took place?"
The Policeman and the Road Safety officer
looked at each other quickly.
"Well, I was just some metres away from the
spot the accident took place and by the time I
got to the scene, the time was about 11:34pm,
just about an hour ago," the Road Safety officer

Jimi's ears perked up and his eyes grew big

immediately he heard that. He could vividly
remember that the time he had also hit that
person was also about an hour ago, 11:33pm.
Blood pounded harder in his head. He really
hoped Made wasn't that person he'd hit. He
dearly hoped and prayed. He wasn’t sure but
didn't want to jump into conclusion in any case.
"Where did it happen actually?" He quickly
asked the officer to be certain enough.
"Well, eye-witnesses and one of her work
colleague around informed me that she'd just
come out of Brentwood Park, she prolly
worked there, and was trekking to the Car Park
nearby where her car was with her child in her
She was eventually hit by a speeding vehicle
along the cemetery road . . . very close to
Brentwood Park. The driver zoomed off,‖ the
officer reported.
Murderer! Jimi’s heart reverberated and he
burst into fresh tears. Could that actually mean
that he was actually the one who killed Made?
How could it be? What sort of jeopardy was
that? I struck my own sister with my speeding
car? If only he hadn’t been on the road to the

cemetery and wasn’t speeding by that time. If

only Thelma hadn’t called for his help. Oh no,
if only he hadn’t listened to her cry for help.
Wait a minute . . . he’d seen it in his dream.
That was what Linda’s ghost warned him about.
Oh, how ignorant and blind he really was. He’d
actually sacrificed, though unwillingly, the life
of his only sister, Made—his blood—in place
of Thelma. No wonder he could rescue Thelma
from her abductor so easily.
Jimi’s tears surged now as his heart
reverberated guilt and devastation more. Oh,
my God, you know I wanted to stop the car and
check on the person I’d hit at that very moment,
but Thelma, her cry for help. She had only a
limited time before she would have been killed. I
was helpless. No, it just can’t be! He didn’t want
to accept the fact that his sister had been killed
and more so killed in a very painful and bloody
way by him!
The Policeman and Road Safety officer tried
their best in consoling Jimi as he rolled on the
floor weeping, completely ignorant that he was
even the killer. He was extremely frightened
and wasn’t ready to confess to anyone more so,
when a Police was involved in her death. Made,

is this the way you end up in a tragic way?

Although Jimi hadn’t planned to give her
life up for Thelma’s, he remembered that he’d
once sworn to Thelma that he’d give up
anything for her, no matter how precious it was
to him. He realised he’d actually fulfilled that
vow now. The ultimate of all his tragedy was
already fulfilled.
A lot of time passed with Jimi still weeping
bitterly, but no one saw anything unusual in it
because she’d after all been his only sister and
he loved her so dearly. Only his heart however
knew the true reason why he lamented.
The corpses of Made and her child had to
quickly be buried according to her husband’s
desire. He moved them quickly to his car, his
heart tearing blood and cursing whoever was
the killer. If only his wife hadn’t gone to work
that day like he’d suggested to her. Nothing
else sucked so big just like life did.
The whole family drove to Frank’s house
that same night about to bury Made and the
baby. It was a very chaotic situation, but they
seemed to have no better option.
By 1:33am, exactly two hours after Made
and her baby had been killed, their corpses

were lowered down into a shallow grave dug in

their compound by their family under the
naked sky.
Ash returned to ash. Ashes returned to ashes.
Dust returned to dust.
They’d been the sacrifice used to seal a
life-long romance.

Jimi stared into blank space sitting on a
couch in the lounge, and reminiscing all the
horrors that had just happened the previous
night. Tears rolled down his cheeks more.
Morning was here now but he wasn’t going to
work. All through that night after they returned
from Made’s and her child’s burial, his whole
body and mind remained restless and panicky.
Thelma had heard of Made’s death too
through her chat with Jimi and very early that
morning, she quickly came over to the Cokers’
family house to console them. She and Jimi
had not even had the time to narrate to them all
what happened to her the previous night—how
a serial killer had abducted her and was about
to use her for ritual. Other family-friends came

around also.
Jimi’s memory kept on playing back the
dream about Linda’s ghost he’d had early in the
night the previous day. And he also continued
seeing how he’d struck Made with his car when
speeding to the Ikoyi cemetery to rescue
Thelma. He tried shaking the memory away but
he just couldn’t. Jimi knew he was indeed the
killer but he made up his mind not to inform a
soul about it.
“Come on, sweetheart, eat something this
morning.‖ Thelma persuaded Jimi over and
over, but the guilt flowing in his blood had
eaten up his hunger. He could swear he almost
felt like committing suicide: but then, Thelma
wouldn’t be able to cope without me alone.
Jimi was utterly confused and demoralised.
Had he actually offered his blood sister and her
baby to Linda’s ghost in place of Thelma, his
love? What could he do? He felt like reversing
it. All through, pictures of Made’s corpse stood
before his mind. He couldn’t shake it again. He
feared greatly that he could be haunted by her
spirit later.
Several days passed however, Jimi remained
like this—always quiet, remembering how

Made had died, weeping bitterly and refusing

to eat anything. Soon his body became
dehydrated and he grew lean as he was
emotionally broken.
Jimi’s parents and Frank travelled to Abuja
on a compulsory vacation later that month,
leaving him behind. He became lonelier soon,
so Thelma suggested one evening that they go
together to the movies.
It was a thrilling experience, but just an
atom in Jimi felt better afterwards.

Chapter Five
"STOP BROODING over Made's death again,
Jimi," Thelma told him as they returned from
the theatre in the evening. He couldn’t even
drive—she had to. She was completely tired of
his emotional break-down. "It's not your fault,
for God's sake!"
"It isn't?" Jimi breathed, literally shaken still
and dispirited.
"Come on, Jimi, don't remain this way,"
Thelma said passionately, wishing she could
just have this Jimi in his normal emotion again,
completely ignorant still of his sacrifice of
Made, an unintended one. "That's the main
reason of our spending the evening at the
movies . . . you haven’t still changed," Thelma
"Oh, you wouldn't understand, Thelma, my
conscience isn't giving peace."
"No, Jimi, it's just your emotion. Come to
think of it, it isn't your fault she is dead. And
there wasn't anything you could have done to

prevent the accident. You weren't there, honey."

Jimi hummed. He could realize that
Thelma's heart remained innocent of what he'd
done. He'd actually sacrificed his precious
sister, quite unwilling, to save her just like
Linda's ghost had told him in his dream.
Thelma drove to his house that evening and
they moved into his room. At the next breath
Jimi, fell onto the floor weeping again. Thelma
was actually fed up of that again so she
flounced out of his room to the Guest’s to sleep
that night.
Jimi could tell he actually needed sleep, as
he hadn’t for several days now, but the picture
of Made’s corpse and the memory of her death
filled his mind again whenever he wanted to.
And so he mostly lay awake all night expecting
the worst with a fear-stricken heart.
His mind began to hear rattling sounds in his
closet, sound of bones hitting tarmac and blood
splatter against a kerb. His horror and panic
grew more day after day. While he lay awake
that evening thinking about all what was
happening to him, he fell asleep.

Jimi was awakened by the sound of a
woman and a child crying in his bathroom.
Quickly, he jumped up from the floor where
he’d fallen asleep on and switched on his
bedside lamp. The electronic alarm-clock
beside just read 11:33pm. Fear gripped his
heart. Those figures on the clock were very
Jimi began panting now. He could still hear
the cry of a baby in his ears, probably coming
from one of the houses around. Or was it really
from bathroom? Never. There could have been
no way a baby with her mother would have
entered his bathroom just like that. But what if
they were ghosts?
Jimi looked towards his bathroom. The door
was shut tight—but he’d left it ajar before
falling asleep. How come? The light inside was
also switched off and a strange odour seemed
to come out of it. Now Jimi was stricken with
fear more. His fingers immediately became
Every now and then, he looked towards the
bathroom because he felt presence of

something there behind him. He was scared.

Very scared. And so, he ran out of his room
flinging the door open and jamming it back
violently. Hurriedly, he ran down the stairs to
the Guest room where Thelma slept.
Thelma was affrighted immediately as she
saw Jimi bump into the room crying for help.
She’d tried sleeping since she’d lain on the bed
but her sleep just wouldn’t come.
―What’s going on, Jimi?‖ she screamed with
a fear-stricken heart.
―I can’t sleep in my room this night, Thelma.
Please let me stay here,‖ Jimi told her.
―Why, what’s wrong?‖
―I’m totally scared, Thelma, I’m hearing
strange sounds in it.‖
Thelma exhaled. ―Calm down, Jimi, it’s just
still your emotion.‖
―May be, but I’m not going back there
Thelma felt so dearly for Jimi. She could
understand his grief but not his extreme fright.
She felt he needed some love again to get his
heart healed. She was ready in any case to
surrender herself to him. She went closer and
hugged him so tight. ―Let your fears go, baby.

Just let them go.‖

Jimi wasn’t in the mood for that so he shook
his body from her arms slightly so he could
come out of her grip, but she moved closer to
him again, bent his head towards hers and
kissed him. Jimi enjoyed it a bit already letting
his fears go. The night was cold and a chilly
wave drifted in and washed on them. Apart
from one creaking sound nearby, they could
only hear their profuse breaths.
Thelma tucked her hand into his shirt and
began fondling his chest as she kissed him.
Jimi couldn’t refrain from this anymore. He
gripped her by the waist also, and caressed her
tender body, savouring the romance. And a few
minutes more passed with them still in it.
Thelma abruptly cut the kiss out, hearing
continuous eerie creaking sound nearby. A
frisson of shock darted through her nerves and
sharp goose pimples erupted on her neck
immediately as she stared intently behind Jimi.
She could see what resembled the lady’s image,
looking carefully at him. Fear struck her heart
again, her body froze.
She couldn’t move an inch and her mouth
was open wide. She could tell her heart was

beating at 150 per minute. She was seeing

something very strange—something that
looked like a corpse.
The pale corpse' wrinkled fingers gripped
Jimi's shoulders so tight just from behind then
it clenched its fist on his neck. It appeared to
have freckles; its eyes were hazel and had its
hair covering part of its face. Thelma could
swear it was an exact replica of Made! Its face
was pale, wrinkled and appeared to be
Was this Made’s corpse . . . or her ghost?
Thelma was shocked down to her marrow.
―Blood brother, I’m here again to say hello
to you,‖ Thelma heard the corpse whisper as it
grabbed Jimi’s neck and pressed it hard again.
What’s happening to you, Thelma?! Jimi
shouted as he saw Thelma stand frozen, staring
strangely behind him and looking very terrified.
Thelma, are you okay?!
―Look behind you, Jimi,‖ Thelma shrilled.
―Aren’t you feeling anything?‖
Jimi felt scared immediately. What was she
seeing? He ran behind her quickly and looked
towards where she was staring . . . but he
couldn’t see anything there.

He was perturbed. ―What are you seeing,

Thelma? Talk to me!‖
―Made’s ghost is here, Jimi.‖ Thelma cried
as she remained frozen.
Father! Jimi grabbed Thelma’s arm quickly
and fled out of the room. By now, he began
panting seriously. He took Thelma and ran
quickly to the stair hall. Oh my God! What sort
of horror is this, this night?! He’d fled from his
room in fright and here was he fleeing from the
Guest room also. Where else could he run to in
his own house? Dad and mum had travelled
away to Abuja. Only he and Thelma remained
in the house.
Thelma began crying now as she also
shivered. ―That was Made’s ghost, Jimi. I know
I saw it.‖
―What was it doing?‖
―You mean you didn’t hear or feel anything
on your body?‖
―No I didn’t. I was just surprised seeing you
staring strangely behind me.‖
Thelma bit her lips as the tears surged from
her eyes. ―It was there, just behind you . . . it
gripped your shoulders, and then pressed your
neck so hard, I thought you’d die.‖

My God! Jimi closed his eyes and buried his

face in his hands knowing that the reality of all
what he’d feared was coming to life now.
―What do we do now?‖
―I don’t know, Jimi, but I can’t return to that
room again. I’m going to leave for my house as
soon as morning comes. This house is
―Let’s stay here together for the main time,
Thelma. It’s still night. We won’t leave these
stairs until all is well.‖
Thelma exhaled heavily. ―I can’t understand,
Jimi. Why’s your sister’s ghost haunting us
now when we weren’t the ones who caused her
death . . ?‖

Jimi entered his office and sat on the couch
quickly like a big flabby bag, feeling drenched
with anarchy. The last night had been the worst
so far in his life.
Ugo, his closest work colleague, came over
to his office quickly to greet him. Jimi had not
been in office for days, the rehab centre
workers knew he’d lost his sister, but Ugo

could clearly tell something else was wrong

with him as he looked very distressed.
―What’s wrong with you, man?‖ Ugo asked.
Jimi sneezed heavily.
―Is your health okay?‖
―No,‖ Jimi replied. ―I’ve got terrible fever.‖
Ugo exhaled. ―Er . . . do you think your
sisters’ death has anything to do with it?‖
A sudden surprise hit Jimi immediately Ugo
said that. Why did he say so? Did he suspect
anything about him? Now that feeling of guilt
everyone has when he’s done something wrong,
and is asked about a case but his mind begins
to make unnecessary suspicions about the
wrong thing, filled Jimi’s heart. Phew! ―Well I
guess it . . . it must be that . . . my sisters pic . . .
Don’t bother, Ugo, it has nothing to do . . .‖
Jimi spluttered as he felt very inconvenient.
―Why did you ask?‖
―Just wanted to know if you were still
brooding on your sister’s death, since two
weeks now!‖ Ugo replied.
―No, no, I’ve overcome that . . . no, this is
just fever,‖ Jimi said.
Ugo was certainly shocked at his strange
way of answering and the inconvenience on his

face. After all, I only wanted to show some care

to him. ―Alright then Jimi, I think I better
return to my office.‖
―Yeah, I think it’s great, Ugo.‖
Ugo returned straight to his office but now,
Jimi’s heart pounded with fright. He’d nearly
let cat out of the bag. What’s wrong with me?
Throughout that day, Jimi was unable to work
properly as he remained heavy, frightened and
Some hours later in his office, the admin
delivered some files to him that he needed to
sort out. The files were all titled ―Medical
Trauma and Broken Bones‖ and Jimi was
expected to give the perfect prescription of
treatment to all cases involved in it.
The moment Jimi opened the first file, an
unusual trepidation struck his body. On the first
page of the file lied the picture of Made’s
corpse speckled with blood—exactly same way
he’d seen it at the morgue. Fear fed on his heart
instantly. What is this? Is it really her file or I’m
being haunted again?
Jimi checked on the name of the supposed
victim. ―Endurance Achilles Chukwuka‖ was
written there. Jimi flipped through the pages of

the rest of the file and to his detrimental shock,

each page was covered with the picture of
Made’s corpse with different victims’ names.
Now Jimi knew the haunting had started again.
Straightaway, he ran out of his office
For the rest of that week and the next,
wherever Jimi went, the picture of Made’s
corpse popped up in his front always. Even the
newspapers he bought all seemed to have it
inside them. Jimi was very afraid. Was he
already going out of his mind? Was he
hallucinating? He even feared returning back to
his house after work because of the scary
sounds that were made inside at night.
He couldn’t also sleep for the most fleeting
moment because the dream about her death
would be revived again and sometimes, it was
her ghost that appeared to him crying, ―Why
me, Blood Brother?‖
Jimi’s soul was slowly being terminated and
he knew it. What choice could he make now?

―Hello, this is Jimi Coker on the line. I’m I
speaking with the Living Second—the
paranormal cases Researcher?‖
―Yes you are, Mr. Coker. How’s everything
―Haunted. A lot of strange activities has
been happening to me recently since the death
of Linda, my ex, and more so, Made, my
―Really? Why don’t you come over to my
office so we can discuss it this afternoon?‖
Jimi found himself there that afternoon and
for hours, he opened up to the Living Second
about how his hauntings had being occurring.
He related to him about how Linda’s ghost had
appeared to him in a dream warning him about
rescuing Thelma and barely a minute after that,
her call for help came in. He also told him
about how he’d sacrificed the life of his sister,
unknowingly, by himself, when he went after
Thelma to rescue her that night.
―These things are indeed very strange and
frightening, Mr. Coker,‖ the Living Second told
him. ―But you need not panic. From what I can

deduce from your story so far, a witchcraft

demon from the life of Linda has being the one
attacking you since. I advise you to inform
Thelma about the whole situation from the
beginning. You both need to carry out an
exorcism on yourselves and probably on the
grave of Made, your late sister. The witchcraft
demon has been transferred to her body.‖
Those words were shocking to hear but it
sounded true as he heard it from the lips of the
Living Second. The witchcraft demon that had
possessed the body of Linda had been the one
masterminding everything. It had appeared to
Jimi in the dream to warn him. And it
eventually moved into Made’s body when she
was sacrificed and began making use of her
face and pictures.
―Can you help us carry out the exorcism,‖
Jimi asked the Living Second.
―I’d gladly refer you and Thelma to a Priest
who does that.‖
Later that day, Jimi related to Thelma all
what had actually being happening. She felt so
dumbfounded hearing the true story and
realised why Jimi had been demoralised for
weeks. He’d been the one who struck Made

with his speeding car. But Thelma knew she

had to other option than to love him so dearly
now, as he’d actually given up his sister’s life
for hers.
Two days later, Jimi and Thelma met with
Father Kuforiji—the Priest that the Living
Second had introduced to them for the
exorcism. They were glad to have him and
prayed their horrors would just cease
First of all, they went over to Made’s
compound where her grave was and Father
Kuforiji prayed to expel the witchcraft demon
practically living in her dead body.
―Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite
Cernunnos . . .‖ he recited on and later asked
Jimi to throw dust over the grave again to show
he was completely detached from the dead.
Hours later, they returned to Jimi’s house to
consecrate it. Father Kuforiji also carried out
exorcism on him and Thelma to remove the
clutch of the witchcraft demon on them.
They indeed felt transformed after the whole
exercise and Jimi experienced a normal sleep
that night for the first time in a long while since
the death of Made. The witchcraft demon had

successfully been exorcised. Jimi and Thelma

could now come closer than before. And they’d
ensure this secret between them remains buried
―It wasn’t your fault that Made died, Jimi. It
was just the fate to happen, for you to marry
Thelma . . . so let the guilt go, children,‖ Father
Kuforiji told them.

Chapter Six
MADE’S IMAGE had been used long enough
to haunt the soul of Jimi. But much thanks to
Father Kuforiji who helped carry out an
exorcism on her body and expel the witchcraft
demon in it.
Jimi and Thelma could now resume their
weekly romantic dates. Their wedding was to
take place in about two months’ time but Jimi
suggested they go for an exciting dinner cruise
in of one those Lekki beach’s yachts before it.
Happiness with peace seemed to return to
them and they made the most out of it. Nights
of despair and horrors were rolled away, Jimi
could tell.
―I wonder what would have eventually
happened to us, hadn’t it been that we met
Father Kuforiji,‖ Thelma told him as they
savoured tranquillity on the yacht that evening.
Jimi was just behind Thelma and her body
was nestled into his arms. They were standing

beside the stern rail on the yacht and viewing

the incredible city skyline from the beach. ―I
also do,‖ he whispered quickly in her ears. ―My
fears are now totally gone.‖
―So glad to hear that,‖ Thelma grimaced.
Jimi understood. He smiled warmly.

Two months later.
At the end of the aisle, Thelma’s elder
brother hugged her, said ―I’m proud of you,‖
and then presented her to Jimi, her groom. It
was a late afternoon wedding and the church
faced the breath-taking sunset.
Jimi and Thelma stood nervously before the
minister as he pronounced his blessings on
them and the congregation anticipated silently.
Soon, he announced them ―Mr. Jimi and Mrs.
Thelma Coker.‖ There was a loud cheer given
as everyone immediately became jubilant.
This miracle was one that Thelma had
longed for all her life—to be married to the
best man in the world. Jimi was also elated. He
held her tight in his hands, unveiled her face
and kissed her.

The bash afterwards to entertain guests was

one of the bests they’d ever attended. It was a
very lush ceremony. The family of the Coker’s
and that of the Mitaire’s had eventually become
Jimi and Thelma married peacefully as
they’d wished—but with the help of his sister’s
life. They tied the nuptial knot under a blood
sacrifice. A black blood sacrifice.
As Jimi led Thelma later that evening into
his own new house which he’d acquired at
Maryland, she knew she’d found the eternal joy
she always longed for. They both fell into a
peaceful sleep in their room.

Jimi was awakened by a loud thud below his
room’s floor. He yawned and squirmed lazily
on the bed. It was his wedding night and the
day had been hectic enough. He felt very
There was a loud thud from under again and
he felt disturbed. Why that noise this night? He
switched on the bedside lamp and checked the
time. It was just 1:33am. He switched off the

lamp and reclined to sleep again.

By this time, Thelma was also awakened.
―Why, you awake?‖ she mumbled with sleepy
―Yeah, I was awakened by a loud thud,‖
Jimi said then exhaled.
Thelma moved closer to him on the bed,
held one of his palms and laid her head on his
chest. ―It’s our wedding night, honey. Let’s
enjoy it to the peak.‖
Jimi smiled lovingly. ―As you wish.‖
Now there was a thud again and both of
them adjusted quickly into a sitting position on
the bed.
―What’s that?‖ Thelma whispered, slightly
―It’s it again. That’s the loud thud I just told
you about,‖ Jimi replied.
―Does it come from this house?‖
―I guess,‖ Jimi said. ―It sounds so loud and
close and as though it’s from under this floor.‖
―Let’s check it out to ensure we’re safe,‖
Thelma suggested.
―Alright. I’d go downstairs to check.‖ Jimi
took a torch nearby and headed out of the

―Wait, Jimi,‖ Thelma immediately called out

to him. ―Let’s go there together.‖ She ran
towards him as he entered the room back.
―Really, honey?‖ Jimi gave a smirk. ―I don’t
really think you should bother.‖
―Guess we made a vow to do everything
together from henceforth, er?‖
―Alright then,‖ Jimi answered. ―Well, let me
take this in that case.‖ He took a big stick
nearby to use for defence.
―Great idea.‖
Next, the both of them went down the stairs
very quietly and slowly as the thud continued
to sound. Thelma followed Jimi very closely
from behind and tugged onto his pyjamas
scared, while he held tightly the stick in his
hands, ready to swing against anything. The
stair hall’s light wasn’t lit so they couldn’t
actually see whatever was ahead of them. As
they proceeded slowly, Jimi could begin to
perceive a strange odour. What could that be?
By the time they got down the stairs, Jimi
switched on the torch with him quickly and
pointed it towards the wall beside them. To a
terrifying shock, he could see strange
handprints of blood scattered all over.

―Good heavens! What’s this?!‖ he yelled.

―Blood’s all over the walls,‖ Thelma said as
she adjusted her night robe and jumped on
Jimi’s back terribly frightened.
―Where did this come from? Who’s done
it?‖ Jimi whispered as he continued to gaze
round seeing the eerie marks of blood all over
the walls around and on the ceiling. He was
afraid. Had anyone entered their house while
they were asleep to spill blood on the wall?
Just then, Thelma gave a very loud scream.
―Look over there Jimi, what’s that?!‖ she
pointed at something strange inside the lounge.
Quickly, Jimi paced towards the lounge and
flicked on the light switch. A terrible shock
travelled in their veins instantly as they beheld
what was on the lounge’s floor. There, the pale
corpse of Made and her baby lay, oozing blood.
Jeopardy! Jimi grabbed Thelma and fled out
of the house quickly, panting seriously. Was his
terror returning? How could it be?
Instantly, both of them hopped into his car
as they got outside and drove out of the yard
escaping for their dear lives. They couldn’t
remain in that apartment anymore.
―How come, Jimi? How did those corpses

get into our lounge?‖ Thelma asked with a very

perturbed heart as they drove away.
―I don’t know, Thelma, I don’t know,‖ Jimi
answered in a shrilling tone as he wiped the
sweat on his forehead. ―Why is this horror
happening again—even after the exorcism?‖
For the next six hours, Jimi drove round the
streets of Maryland aimlessly, speeding under
the moonless Lagos night.


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Akin loves writing—writing words to create
a lively sense of fun in people. He says he has a
tremendous interest in creating video games
and animations. He lives with his family in
Ikotun, central Lagos.

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