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Akinsekeji 2

Shy mouse of a girl Rosetta, unaware

that Prince Denis was still aboard the
ship walked briskly but elegantly
Within a pace or two more, Rosetta caught the sight of the
charming Prince Denis talking to his duo. Love had always
seemed so far away. But when she saw him, oh, how he stole
her breath! There he was, sparkling in his Royal attire, brown-
haired, and entirely enchanting!

Just like a wave, love flooded Rosetta‟s heart landing her in

pure ecstasy as she bent facing the Prince. Captivated, she
stared deep into his eyes and admired every feature of charm
in his face. He also couldn‟t resist the striking beauty he saw,
the moment his eyes met hers. He looked deep too into her
lovely soft blue eyes.

For some seconds that seemed like eternity, Rosetta and

Prince Denis stared at each other frozen, smitten in love. Talk
about pure love‟s first sight!

“Who really is she?‟‟

“Everyone here knows her as Candy . . .”

“You mean Candy?‟‟

“Yeah. And it‟s obvious they became smitten . . . as they froze

for some moments, staring at each other.”

“What?! I swear you‟re doomed, Rosetta!”



A.A. Akinsekeji 4

Copyright © 2015 by Akinloluwa Akinsekeji

Published in Nigeria by:
Akins Mitchell Books
Ikotun, Lagos City.
*234 701058 5537
All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be used or reproduced

without the written permission of the author, with
the exception in brief excerpts in printed reviews.

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious.

Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.

Da da . . .
Da da dah . . .
Pure as Crystal,
Your heart.
Precious as the Rose,
Embroidered with Gold,
Your apparel glitters.
In Majesty You emerge,
You‟re Royalty.
Da da . . .
Da da . . . dah . . .
A.A. Akinsekeji 6


SHE WALKED elegantly flaunting extraordinary poise

as though her seventeenth century‟s earth had never
noticed her. Enchanting and graceful as her figure, she
captured the interest of everyone she passed in the port
of her tiny Kingdom as she carried stock to be stored
on the ship.
With perfect curves and purest charm from her
sapphire blue eyes, beautiful seemed insufficient to
describe her. Having no flaws in looks or etiquette,
Rosetta‟s personality endeared her to everyone she met.
No one could deny she was excessively sweet in attitude
and friendship and no one sensible could refrain from
befriending her at a first meet. That‟s why it didn't seem
unusual when she was nicknamed Candy.
About eighteen years ago, Rosetta Candy Mitchell, a
rarest gift, was born to the home of a loveable Captain
and Eleanor Mitchell. Like a miracle, Captain Mitchell
and his precious wife Eleanor had their wish of having
a baby girl after years of much expectance for a child.
And so, they didn't deny her any joy she desired. She
was endowed with gifts. Extraordinarily beautiful,
remarkably talented and confident, loaded with charm
and intelligence, she‟d been loved by everyone
practically from cradle.
Just few years ticked away and the Mitchells had
another child—a boy of favour and honour. Very much
like Rosetta in gorgeousness, Curt grew up in strength,
discretion and charisma.
Perfect fantasy seemed like what the lives of the
Mitchells was built on—which unfortunately doesn‟t
last. And so when the enemy struck, the life of Eleanor,
Rosetta‟s Mother, was terminated in a flash.
Few days before she went, she taught Rosetta and
Curt on her sickbed how to “love and be extremely
kind to all despite all odds”, and it was a trait they
imbibed. Rosetta‟s Father, keen to support his two
children with all his ability married a second wife—
Eloise, a Baroness—who had a daughter just Rosetta‟s
age named Alicia. Rosetta, willing to encourage her
Father welcomed Baroness Eloise and her daughter to
their home with a heart of love.
In a dark year of anarchy when Rosetta clocked
fourteen, her Captain Father and Brother Curt on a
voyage to a nearby Faroe isle had a shipwreck and lost
their lives unfortunately, leaving her behind.
This seemed like the best time for Baroness Eloise
and her daughter to reveal the witches of their natures
by becoming extremely cruel, heartlessly forcing and
caging young Rosetta to live in an old attic room and
A.A. Akinsekeji 8

making her to work as a labourer at the port even after

functioning as their day and night slave girl.
Rosetta‟s destiny, practically in the hands of enemies,
was on the verge of eternal doom.


IT WAS EXACTLY two months after Rosetta turned

eighteen. The sun was still rising on that day‟s cold,
misty morning. Rosetta Candy, still savouring the
blissful sight of nightingales, sparrows and canaries
playing hide-and-seek in the garden's fig tree beside the
stream behind their house, got up from a garden chair
she was relaxing on and knelt beside the stream. Cold
and dusty air filled her nostrils that morning, but she‟d
put on an old pink frayed towelling bathrobe which
belonged to her late mother.
A graceful and beautiful teen, she kneeled by the
stream with a glimmer of grit that always filled her eyes.
Mud moistened her knees. Fizzy water cooled her palm.
Had she noticed, she could have considered her
attractive features in the water. Hair the colour of red
rose. Tanned, beige skin and eyes that stole the breath
of guys.
She searched not for her reflection however, but for
flowers. Fresh flowers. The types that pervaded the
atmosphere with sweet fragrance. Fresh honeysuckles
and roses beside the stream.
Rosetta was a lover of flowers—most especially the
scarlet roses. Eleanor her Mother had given her the
A.A. Akinsekeji 10

name from birth when she saw how she was graced
with beauty, spiced with hair of scarlet rose and lips of
red wine. It wasn‟t any surprise when Rosetta did wake
up early each morning to pick flowers from backyard to
adorn their house. Satisfied with the flowers she‟d
selected, she planted them into a nearby vase. Carrying
it, she got up, wiped her knees, adjusted her three-
quarter bathrobe and headed back inside the house.
Opening the squeaking metal door that led to the
house and entering inside, Rosetta perceived a scent. A
scent she‟d always perceived in former times. A scent
reminding her of her late Mother and how her family
enjoyed love and happiness in past years. Rosetta
realised and knew she‟d enjoyed before. But it appeared
an enemy came on scene to break the former happiness
of her family, ostracise her and subject her to severe
Rosetta wasn‟t all prepared when the unexpected
dropped in, out of the blue, to tangle the threads of her
always-smooth-as-silk life. But then, it did. And what
Rosetta had never met in fourteen glorious years before
“Oh Mother,” Rosetta whispered. “How I wish I‟d
have my heaven back”.
Rosetta placed the flower vase in her hands beside a
candelabrum on a stand in the entrance hall.
“Rosetta!” Baroness Eloise yelled harshly from her
room upstairs, summoning Rosetta.
“Coming Stepmother!” Rosetta replied as she was
stroking the rose flower on the cupboard.
“I still hope I‟ll have my blissful life again,” Rosetta
whispered to herself again.
She walked briskly, elegantly, as she headed for
Stepmother‟s room. As she hopped on the stairs step by
step and got to a landing, Hazel—Stepmother Baroness
Eloise‟ dog—saw her and began to grind its teeth,
depicting anger.
“What,” mumbled Rosetta.
She switched her eyes off from Hazel and shifted
away from it a little terrified and confused. She
hurriedly walked towards Baroness Eloise‟ room
passing the room of Alicia—Baroness Eloise‟ only
daughter—whose room‟s door was slightly ajar.
“Beast!” Alicia titled Rosetta from her room as
Rosetta passed so as to provoke her.
Rosetta, not wanting to get offended didn't want to
mind Alicia. She got to the Stepmother‟s room door
and knocked.
“Come in,” Baroness Eloise answered.
Rosetta opened the door and entered. “Yes,
Stepmother,” she replied courteously.
“I hear you've gone nuts, Rosetta,” Baroness Eloise
retorted. “You purposely delay in serving Alicia and I
A.A. Akinsekeji 12

breakfast including Hazel too. Why haven't you?” A

muscle jerked in her jaw, her high cheekbones and chin
were pressed by her wrinkling skin.
“I . . . I'm just coming . . .”
“Silence!” Baroness Eloise blared interrupting Rosetta.
“I'm not ready to listen to excuses. You are a very lazy
maid. Bring up breakfast for Alicia and myself and give
Hazel its meat right away before you resume to your
daily house chores and head for work at the port.
“And before you go, don't forget to do the laundry,
wash every curtain, sweep then mop the entrance hall
properly, clean the terrace, clean up the fire place, fill
the pitchers strictly with stream water, head for the
market to buy vegetables and tomatoes and prepare
soup and lastly, amend Alicia's torn clothes. Hurry up
you lazy redheaded vermin,” snarled Baroness Eloise.
“Yes . . . Stepmother,” Rosetta replied dejected as she
left Stepmother's room to begin her chores.
Rosetta was deeply hurt. This was the way Stepmother
and Alicia always treated her—with disdain and
prejudice—extremely cruel, forcing her to serve as a
slave girl in her own house. This was just few minutes
to seven and yet Stepmother Baroness Eloise had
nagged her for not serving Hazel yet.
Rosetta went down to the kitchen, brought out tea
sets and tray from the cupboard, prepared sandwich
and coffee for breakfast and arranged them in the tray
then carried it upstairs for Alicia and Stepmother.
“Here you go, Alicia.” Rosetta arranged Alicia's set on
a little stool as she entered her room.
“Bring it here to me,” Alicia grumbled on the bed.
“You spend all day to serve breakfast and pretend as if
you were nice. Fool.”
“I'm sorry, Alicia,” apologised Rosetta, leaving her
room for Stepmother's.
“Come in,” Baroness Eloise answered as Rosetta
knocked on her room's door. Rosetta entered and
offered the remaining to her.
“Now serve Hazel,” Baroness Eloise ordered.
“Yes, Stepmother,” Rosetta replied as she left
Baroness Eloise‟ room and shut the door.
“Come on, Hazel,” Rosetta said to the spotted Hound
on a step as she went down the stairs. Still grinding its
teeth ran down the stairs, Hazel followed Rosetta to the
kitchen where she gave it boiled chicken for breakfast.
After serving Hazel, Rosetta headed to her room in
the old rotten attic. She opened the worm-eaten door,
entered inside and opened the tattered rusty window
curtains and sat on a rickety bed where she usually slept
Beside the window leaned a partially broken wardrobe
against the faded-painted wall where she kept all her
things including some books, a pair of old shoes gotten
A.A. Akinsekeji 14

from her late mother, and a few frayed clothes. Beside

her bed laid a termite-eaten bedside cupboard with a
lantern on it and under her bed were one or two
farming equipment stored there by Baroness Eloise.
Rosetta was virtually poor and didn't have any much
to herself. Most of her possessions were what belonged
to her Mother and were old. Of course, when Rosetta
lost her brother Curt and her Father, Baroness Eloise
and Alicia looted all the properties of Rosetta‟s gone
family leaving her with nothing the except old and
spoilt. Rosetta brooded all day long, hoping that
someday, things would change. She was a very
courteous person, kind and pure-hearted no matter
what she faced. And she always strived to flow along
with Baroness Eloise and Alicia, but it seemed
Still sitting on the rickety bed, Rosetta reached for her
diary on the bedside cupboard. Though, old, it was
something well kept, for she cherished it. She took a
quill pen beside the lantern and opened her diary to a
page which contained the last words of her Mother,
“Love and be extremely kind to all despite all odds”.
“I still promise to keep your words, Mother. I‟ll do,
come thick and thin,” Rosetta whispered. Then she
wrote that down on a free space in the diary and
attached her names to it. Rosetta Candy Mitchell. By this
time, the Kingdom‟s clock tower in the castle chimed
Seven „O clock.
Placing the diary with the quill pen back on the
bedside cupboard, Rosetta got up from the bed. She
removed her pink bathrobe and went to the bath.
By the time she was through, Rosetta put on her daily
house clothes. Though a little faded, it was a beautiful
neat blue-patterned gown having a dark-purple
sleeveless pullover. She also wore a topless white apron
then brushed her greasy hair.
Prepared to carry out all morning chores before
heading to port for work, Rosetta headed out of her
attic room, climbed down the stairs and began with
washing Alicia‟s and Baroness Eloise‟ dirty clothes. She
did every chore including going to market to buy some
tomatoes to prepare dinner soup for Baroness Eloise.
When she was through with all, she was left with the
chore of fetching stream water from the backyard into
fifteen pitchers in the store. Carrying the pitcher on her
shoulders, she went to the stream from the kitchen
Wicked Baroness Eloise and her daughter Alicia came
down soon to supervise all the chores Rosetta had done
and inspect for the tiniest fault. By this time the castle‟s
clock tower was chiming Ten „O clock.
“Oh my! That lazy louse hasn‟t still finished her home
chores. This is ten already!” Baroness Eloise cried.
A.A. Akinsekeji 16

“This is pathetic!” Alicia remarked with her husky

voice. “Mother, she behaves this way because you are
so easy with her. I wouldn't tolerate this.” She shook
her short straggly dark hair and her brown eyes
inscribed in her hard-boned face glinted.
“Catch your breath, Alicia, I would discipline her
thoroughly,” Baroness Eloise replied.
Rosetta had already filled fourteen pitchers with water
and it remained the last one with her. As she entered
the kitchen with the last pitcher on her head, Hazel,
hiding in a corner, kicked a stone with its paw to her
path, which she didn't see, and ran away. By the time
Rosetta paced further, she was thrown off balance by
the stone and fell to the ground, breaking the pitcher on
her head.
Baroness Eloise and Alicia, hearing the sound of a
pitcher crash on the ground and Rosetta stumble, left
the store and hurried to the kitchen where Rosetta was.
By this time, the whole kitchen floor was filled with
water from the broken pitcher.
“What‟s this, Rosetta?” An infuriated Baroness Eloise
demanded. “You dare break my pitcher and spill the
water?” She paced towards Rosetta still on the floor and
smashed her forehead angrily with a wrist bangle she
wore. Rosetta who was still trying to gather the broken
pieces of the pitcher got bruised as her Stepmother hit
her and a line of blood trickled down from her
forehead. Rosetta sobbed, ignorant that Hazel—the
devil of a dog—caused it all.
“I‟m sorry, Stepmother. I fell and it broke,” explained
a heartbroken and terrified Rosetta.
“Can‟t you see it Mother? She broke your pitcher
purposely to try to teach us a lesson,” a false-witness
Alicia said, with a hand on her waist and pointing the
other to the broken pitcher.” She deserves to be
“Well, I see,” Baroness Eloise said. “Isn‟t that so
Rosetta?” She asked giving a mean smile.
“No, Stepmother. I wouldn‟t do such a thing. Please
forgive me,” Rosetta begged Baroness Eloise still on the
“Alright, I believe you,” Baroness Eloise said. “And
that‟s why I‟m letting you go. But . . . I‟m cancelling
your breakfast this morning. You‟re going to port
without eating a single morsel.”
“Oh please, Stepmother. Don't do that to me. I‟m
starving,” Rosetta pleaded.
“I‟ve made my point clear. Mop up this whole
drenched floor and hurry up to port. You‟re late
already,” Baroness Eloise told Rosetta as she and Alicia
flounced out of the kitchen gleefully leaving Rosetta
who was already weeping.
Rosetta‟s heart was severely broken by how Alicia and
Stepmother had just treated her and punished her again
A.A. Akinsekeji 18

by cancelling her breakfast after all the stressful chores

she‟d done that morning, even still about to encounter
another at the port. Actually, Baroness Eloise and Alicia
were extremely jealous of Rosetta‟s beauty and natural
Rosetta encouraged herself by wiping her tears,
cleaning her cut with handkerchief and wiping away the
moisture on her dress. She was always crushed but she
had a lion-heart. A girl of eighteen with wishes of better
life, joy, happiness, love and romance in her heart,
Rosetta was always very hopeful that things would turn
around. She never let her faith die down.
Rosetta‟s lively sense of fun, glint of grit and flashing
smile that could light up a room were her trademark no
matter what she faced. With a gifted soaring contralto
voice, she sang a song of hope that fired up the glowing
embers of her faith whenever she was hurt.

“I see a glitter of hope

Piercing the morning billow,
Telling me a secret,
„Your wish can be fulfilled.
You need just a glow of Faith.
Shine a flame of Faith.
And up, your wish would light,
Higher than the mountains to climb.
All you need is a glow of Faith.‟
Just a glow of Faith.”

All that kept Rosetta blazing despite being crushed

was “Just a Glow of Faith”. After encouraging herself
with the song, Rosetta stood to her feet, picked up the
pieces of the broken pitcher and mopped up the
kitchen floor. She headed to her cramped room in the
attic, ready to go to port.
She opened the old leaning wardrobe and brought out
her only head gear—an old pink blue-edged bonnet.
Wearing it, she knotted the tie below her chin and took
her handkerchief from her tidied bed. Prepared for
work, she went down to the entrance hall about to leave
where Baroness Eloise was with Alicia, playing the
“Ma, I‟m going to port,” Rosetta told Baroness Eloise.
Baroness Eloise squeaked. “You‟re too late! In any
case run on. Work hard and bring back your entire
“Yes, Stepmother,” Rosetta replied and went out of
the house. Baroness Eloise and Alicia cackled making a
jest of Rosetta, as she left.
“Sir Conan would do a good job,” Baroness Eloise
“Of course, Mother,” Alicia chipped in as both of
them smiled.
A.A. Akinsekeji 20

Sir Conan was a mean Knight placed in charge of the

workers at the port. He always wore a lens over his left
eye and carried a black-and-red baron. Baroness Eloise
who forced Rosetta to be a dockworker in the port‟s
dock, carrying stocks, and bringing back her daily wages
to her, ordered Sir Conan to always monitor Rosetta
and her movements. And whenever suspicious issues
about her rose up, he was to report it to her
Rosetta trekked to the tiny Kingdom‟s port that was
just a kilometre and a half away from their house. The
port‟s river marked the end of the island Kingdom
Fidèle et Véritable translated to mean „Faithful and
True‟ and the river flowed to the other end of the
Kingdom where the Royal castle christened Magnifique
Castle by King Louis the Victorious was. King Louis
who reigned with his wife Queen Danielle had an only
child. A guy of bravery, wisdom, and charm: Prince
By the time Rosetta got to the port‟s dock, Sir Conan
the Inspector, queried her for coming late. He
practically knew every dockworker working at the port,
however, Rosetta was someone known by almost every
worker in the port even though she knew very little
people herself. Her beauty and poise captured
everyone‟s interest.
“Why are you so late again, Rosetta?” Sir Conan
“Sir . . . I . . . I was . . . doing home chores,” Rosetta
“Never you come late again. Or else!” shouted
boorish Sir Conan.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Join the rest Dockworkers in carrying those stocks
over there to the Wasp ship,” Sir Conan said pointing to
where stockpile of flour were, about to be exported.
“Yes, Sir,” a bushed Rosetta replied.
This was almost noon and Rosetta was practically
starving. For coming late, Sir Conan ordered her to
work longer than others did.
Captain Baldwin, a Captain of the Majestic ship which
was on an inbound voyage, a very close friend of Prince
Denis, supervised other nautical affairs at the port. He
was very different form Sir Conan. He was a
considerate, kind and very friendly blond naval officer
always in his military attire. He also always monitored
Rosetta, not for wicked intentions, but because he‟d
always noticed she was sort of neglected despite her
courteous attitude.
Hardly any worker in the port didn‟t know Rosetta.
With an enchanting and graceful figure and flashing
smile that could light up a room, she captured the
interest of everyone she passed in the port as she used
A.A. Akinsekeji 22

to carry stock to be stored on the ship or elsewhere

although she had very few friends. Though nicknamed
Candy by other Dockworkers, no one knew exactly
about Rosetta‟s fate except Sir Conan.
Rosetta had very few friends at the port. One of such
was Gwenaelle Robert. Also a lady dockworker,
Gwenaelle proved to be a faithful partner who knew
how to persistently keep friendships sweet. And she
stood by Rosetta at times to encourage her whenever
she felt disappointed. She didn't know all about what
happened to Rosetta. She however knew a little.
“Hi, Sweetie Candy.” The close whisper came from
behind whooshing into Rosetta's ears as she got to
where the stockpile was.
Rosetta sharply turned to see the person behind her.
She guessed right, it was Gwenaelle. “Hey Gwen,”
Rosetta smiled wryly.
“How's the day going, Rosetta?” Gwen asked caringly.
She had a beauty spot on her cheek and her hair which
she always wore pushed back behind her ears was long
wavy gingery-brown with a centre parting.
“Well to be sincere, not so fine,” Rosetta replied with
a sad face.
“Why? What's happened again?” Gwen asked as she
helped Rosetta lift up a little bag of flour from the
floor, above to her hip level to carry.
“I'm receiving another punishment again,” Rosetta
answered slowly.” This is the third this morning alone.”
“Third?! Come on, Candy, what did Sir Conan the
Inspector say to you?” Gwen asked. “Saw him blaring
when you arrived.”
“For coming late, I‟ll work longer than other
dockworkers today. And it's just it's not my fault . ..”
Rosetta explained trying to hold back a tear.
“Don't feel that way, Candy. Of course, it's not your
fault,” Gwen affirmed taking one of Rosetta's palm into
hers. “Don't worry, I'll help you in finishing part of
your work.”
“Oh, Gwenaelle! You really don't have to.” Rosetta
told her.
“I do. Give up, Candy, I really will.” Gwen stroked
her lips.
“Alright, thanks. I owe you same too,” Rosetta
“C'mon. What are friends for?” Gwen replied grinning
as both of them walked off to stock bags of flour in the
moored Wasp ship about to weigh anchor soon. The
ship had docked at the port vey early that morning on a
port of call and disembarked some passengers returning
from one land of Jigra-Voor. One of the Prince Denis's
closest friends, Hadley Kroger, son of an Earl, had also
disembarked from the ship that morning returning from
a merchant trip.
A.A. Akinsekeji 24

Hadley and his younger sister, Jean, were the only

children of Earl Kroger de Rothsland and were very
close in relationship to other nobles. Hadley however
wasn't all stocked up with the nobles. Dealing in
lucrative sales of swords and shields, he was someone
who loved to create friendship with other kinds of
people from various walks of life. And he had his
emotion eventually lead him into falling in love and
deep passion for a lady he never knew anything about.
His emotion led him deeper and deeper into it.
Hadley wasn't at all wishing or having his hopes high
for a love when strolling through the Dark ice woods
once and suddenly unexpectedly bumped into Anne
Snowfolk, “the beautiful girl always in the woods.” That
was all Hadley in fact knew about her. But he could
affirm positively that his heart yearned for her right
from the millisecond his eyes met her sitting all alone in
Dark ice woods and singing.
Anne Snowfolk, one pretty brunette with flashing blue
eyes and beautiful voice was always found by Hadley in
the woods around the hours of Seven to Nine O‟clock
at dusk. Most times, she was sitting all alone by herself
on a cave and looking saddened. Hadley introduced
himself to her after falling in love with her and soon,
the introduction metamorphosed into a relationship,
then a romance.
Hadley could tell Anne also loved him, but he noticed
she was always secretive about herself or background.
Her names were the only thing he knew about her.
However, Hadley patiently flowed along in the
relationship and made it a schedule to visit her at least
thrice every week in the woods. At all times he did, he
met her at same spot—in the centre of Dark ice
woods—sitting on a cave and singing. Hadley, strong-
willed guy, was bent on knowing everything he could
about her. And of course, he kept his relationship with
her a secret. None knew about it except his closest
friend—Prince Denis.
By the time the clock chimed 7:00pm at the port,
every dockworker resigned from work of the day but
Rosetta and Gwenaelle because of the punishment
Rosetta received. Gwenaelle however helped her in
completing the remaining part of her work and they had
a lot of ground covered.
“I'm so grateful, Gwen, thanks a lot,” Rosetta
“Oh don't mention, Candy,” Gwen replied. “It's all
right and okay.”
Gwen's family house was very close to the port, just a
stone's throw away. So she retired there after greeting
Rosetta bye and showing her much care. Rosetta also
headed back home that evening extremely hungry and
tired, almost fainting. She got home around nine „O
A.A. Akinsekeji 26

clock when everywhere was lighted under the bright

three-quarter moon and opened the door.
“Well, well, well. Why have you come home late again,
Rosetta?” demanded Stepmother Baroness Eloise
sitting on a rocking seat and stroking Hazel at the
entrance hall. “You wasted time talking to strangers,
didn't you?”
“No, I didn't Stepmother. I was asked to work
longer,” Rosetta explained.
“That serves you right! Hand over your wage!”
Baroness Eloise commanded. Rosetta kept her hand
into the pocket of her gown, brought out the little wage
she was given, went over to Stepmother, and handed it
over to her.
“Good,” Baroness Eloise remarked. “Alicia and I would
be waiting for you at the dining for dinner. Serve us
right away before you take your own little dish.”
“Yes, Stepmother,” Rosetta said as she headed to the
Rosetta served the dinner into two plates and scooped
soup into two bowls. She brought them to the dining
table where Alicia and Baroness Eloise were seated. She
also brought roasted pig meat in a tray with grapes in a
basket and a bottle of red wine. Then she lit the dining
room‟s chandelier.
Through with serving Baroness Eloise and her
daughter and very exhausted, Rosetta drank a cup of
water, ate some food and went up to her attic room.
Entering the room where rats were playing hide-and-
seek, she sighed, lit the bedside lantern and changed to
her nightwear. Then she opened the rusty window
curtains and the broken glass pane which faced the
backyard and overlooked the garden and stream. Her
bed was just beside the window, so she sat on it for the
cool blowing breeze to blow on her.
It was a cold night with an unusual big moon
cocooned in the eerie dark cloudy sky.
A.A. Akinsekeji 28


ROSETTA leaned her chin on her hands on the open

window‟s sapped windowsill, sitting on her bed.
Looking outside the room and feeling the cold breeze,
she noticed there seemed to be a mist outside, or more
like a haze.
Everywhere suddenly seemed to become very grave-
quiet. And Rosetta noticed even the squeaking rats in
her room had kept quiet. The only sound she could
hear was the hooting sound of an owl from a distance
that sounded very creepy. The blowing cold breeze also
all of a sudden increased and gushed into her room,
violently swaying the open window‟s frames and
curtains and blowing out the flame of her lit lantern.
Everywhere suddenly became very dark. And Rosetta
couldn‟t see a flicker of light anywhere again including
outside. Even despite the shinning bigger full moon,
everywhere seemed to be in strange eerie darkness.
Rosetta got up to reach the other side of her bed
where the lantern was, on the bedside cupboard, to light
it back. As she tried lighting back, a hawk outside
squawked sharply. Rosetta peeked out of her room's
window which was still swaying in the violent wind, still
in darkness. As she did, she heard a frightening sound
of footsteps climbing up the stairs to her room. Who
could that be?
Rosetta tried lighting the lantern back, but the wave
of wind gushing into her room quenched it as often as
she tried. Now the sound of footsteps coming up to her
room seemed to be getting nearer and louder. Rosetta,
terrified and fed up of the wind blowing out the flames
she'd lit opened her room's worm-eaten door and gazed
in the darkness to see who was approaching her room
from the stairs. There seemed to be no one, for as
much as Rosetta looked, the less she saw. Getting more
terrified, she called, “Anyone there? Who's there?''
There was no reply so Rosetta closed the door back.
About to try to light up the lantern again, Rosetta
discovered the lantern wasn't on her bedside cupboard
anymore. She was confused. Looking for where she
misplaced it, still in darkness, Rosetta heard something,
probably an animal, snarling outside her room close to
the room's window. Extremely scared now, Rosetta
went towards her room window to find out what was
there. As she approached the window, the surging
violent blowing wind shut the window's frames speedily
hindering Rosetta from peeking outside to see what was
Struggling to open the window back which had
suddenly become very stiff, Rosetta noticed the snarl
A.A. Akinsekeji 30

she was hearing seemed to be nearer. Suddenly, there

was a very high and loud scream from outside. Hearing
it, Rosetta shuddered with fear. The sound of an animal
snarling kept increasing until soon, it sounded as if it
were in Rosetta‟s wardrobe. Her wardrobe indeed
began to vibrate.
Noticing that, Rosetta gasped, alarmed, and flung
open the door of her room running down the stairs in
fear from her attic room. She got to the dining room
which was also dark without any trace of light—where
she‟d left Baroness Eloise and Alicia eating dinner. No
one was there when she got there. The candle lights
were blown out and the dining chairs drawn in back.
Again, there was a very high and long scream outside
and Rosetta dashed up the stairs again heading to
Alicia‟s and Baroness Eloise‟ rooms to find them. By
the time she got to Alicia‟s room, she opened the door
but found no one there. Same thing was for Baroness
Eloise‟ room. Rosetta ran to various rooms in the house
looking for them but she found no one. Where could
Stepmother and Alicia have gone to? Only darkness seemed
to pervade the whole house in the violent blowing
Now, Rosetta was certain she was the only one at
home. Scared, she ran to the entrance hall of the house
looking for a way to light up the candelabrum‟s candles
despite the wind. Soon, she heard the hiss of something
in the entrance hall. Rotating round to have a glimpse in
darkness of what it might be, she gasped again.
Suddenly, she heard the terrifying footsteps behind
her. Alarmed, she turned quickly to see what it was. She
couldn‟t. The whole house was engulfed in darkness.
Still hearing it, Rosetta screamed in utmost fear and
trauma as goose pimples began to rise on her skin. She
dashed to the entrance hall‟s door that led outside the
house in an attempt to run out of the house.
Getting to the door, she flung it open almost
damaging the door‟s knob. Then she fled outside,
heading to the backyard where the stream with garden
was. As she continued running, she discovered the hiss
she‟d been hearing seemed to sound nearer, very close
to her. She headed to the garden‟s fig tree and hid
behind it, for she was appalled as to what was really
happening. Rosetta‟s heart was beating much faster
now. And her adrenaline, though much multiplied,
seemed not to be enough.
While still hiding behind the tree, Rosetta heard the
sound of a flying bird flapping its wings and hissing.
Frightened, she looked out again to the sky to see what
that was. She could only see that the moon seemed
scarily bigger wrapped in dark grey clouds that seemed
to fill the whole sky. Rosetta saw what was flying in the
dim ray of moonlight. To her greatest horror, it was a
A.A. Akinsekeji 32

cockatrice! And it seemed to be rapidly approaching

where Rosetta was.
The cockatrice is a two-legged beast with a rooster's
head and wings. According to myth, it is a beast born of
a rooster's egg and incubated by a serpent—that can kill
its victims by its touch, breath or glance at them,
petrifying them.
Seeing the eerie creature, Rosetta screamed extremely
horrified and frightened as the goose pimples on her
body seemed to multiply. She ran out of where she was
hiding and began running straight crossing their
backyard‟s picket fence.
A little far away from her house now still running,
Rosetta heard flaps of flying birds again above her. She
looked up to see what they were. It was very dark.
Rosetta could hardly see anything. But suddenly, the
flying birds flew higher to fill the image of the moon,
contrasted to the very dim moon. They were bats! Bats!
On seeing them, she shrilled and kept on running to
anywhere as fast as she could. She couldn't even see any
soul around. Just darkness. There was a loud scream
again that reverberated in her ears. The night was cold,
misty and windy so she folded her hands as she ran in
great fear.
Rosetta looked behind to see whether the cockatrice
was following her as she ran. Again, she couldn't see
anything. Had she escaped from it?
Suddenly, she heard its hiss. The hiss seemed to
change into a very loud shriek. Rosetta kept on running
as fast her legs could dart. Out of nowhere, owls in
large number appeared also, flying and encircling the
image of the moon. Rosetta‟s fear kept on increasing.
Still running, Rosetta noticed the shriek of the
cockatrice she was hearing seemed to be nearer now.
Quickly, she ran to a tree to hide behind. Fear-stricken
and flabbergasted, she peeked behind the tree to see the
cockatrice. She saw it stopped, flapped its wing and
began spewing noxious green fumes in the darkness and
haze, looking for her. She dashed out from behind the
tree and began running towards the park. Here was the
beast called mythical, pursuing her. How could it be?
Again, there was a very high and loud scream. Rosetta
just kept on running and after few minutes, she saw a
seat made of stone like a high pavement under a tree.
The tree was thick, woody and that bore no leaf. She
ran to the pavement to sit and rest a little under the
tree, becoming exhausted.
There seemed to be no house around, there were just
woody dry tress with brown and thick shrubs. She
sighed and sat down on the pavement, taking a little
rest. A couple of minutes passed and Rosetta noticed
the haze seemed to engross everywhere. The sky and
clouds became pale blue in colour too. Just then,
Rosetta heard another scream again.
A.A. Akinsekeji 34

The scream seemed to be so close this time around

and sounded like it was behind her. Slowly and
frightened, Rosetta turned her head to see if there were
anything behind her. A frisson of shock jangled and
darted through her nerves and bones as she saw a skull
behind her on the stone pavement she was sitting on
All of a sudden, Rosetta found out that the pavement
she was sitting on seemed so strange in look and
seemed not to really be a pavement. She looked at its
side and found out what she was sitting on was nothing
else but a grave under the dark woody tree! Grave! Fear-
stricken, Rosetta screamed, jumped off from the grave
and began to run going further towards the park.
By now, Rosetta‟s heart seemed to begin skipping
some beats in utmost fear. As she continued running,
she discovered out she was in a graveyard as she
continued seeing graves and old cracked monuments of
crosses wrapped in thorns and weeds. The bats and
hooting owls began flying in the graveyard's dry trees.
Rosetta kept on running not having any idea as to
where she was going to. Seeing the bats and owls flying
here and there, Rosetta screamed in shock and fear and
kept on running.
Rosetta began becoming exhausted as she ran. She
couldn't really explain what was going on. It seemed she
was in a strange eerie world. She ran to various
directions trying to get out of the graveyard she found
herself in. It seemed impossible! She discovered that as
she ran, she found herself coming back to the same
spot. The grave under the dry tree she‟d jumped up and
run away from previously seemed to be coming back
her way as she ran. No matter where she headed, she
found herself there back.
As Rosetta continued running and the bats darting
here and there, covering the whole sky, Rosetta‟s right
foot got stuck in something and she fell to the ground.
She struggled to remove her foot from what had stuck
her but it seemed impossible. Still on the dark
graveyard's ground, she checked to see what got her
foot stuck. It was a frightening tree's root that seemed
to be like a skeleton's hand. The root wrapped itself like
a hand round Rosetta‟s feet hindering her from going.
Horrified, Rosetta screamed and began crying. She
continued pulling her leg from the root but its fists
were far stronger that what she could remove.
Soon, it seemed the dark pale clouds in the sky were
coming down. In a terrible haze and darkness, Rosetta
noticed they were descending as she was still on the
ground. At an instant, a large bat seemed to be flying to
where Rosetta was stuck. The violent blowing wind had
reduced and the dim moonlight seemed to have
increased so Rosetta could see it well.
While still struggling to free her leg from the fists of
an evil tree's root, she heard another loud reverberating
A.A. Akinsekeji 36

scream from a close distance. After much struggle with

the tree's root, Rosetta decided to remove her right
foot's shoe which was stuck. As she did, her foot
became freed once more as the tree's root continued
clinging to the shoe. Very carefully, she slowly removed
the shoe from the entangling root. She got to her feet,
wore the shoe back, and continued her race as the
approaching bat seemed to be nearer.
Just as Rosetta continued running, she heard another
scream. However, the scream this time seemed to be
calling her name. She heard it again. The scream was so
loud that cold and misty night. The most dismaying fact
about the scream was that the voice calling her name
sounded like the voice of her stepmother.
By now, Rosetta was seriously shivering. Of course,
both the cold of the graveyard night and her fear made
her shiver. Still hearing her name being screamed in an
echo, Rosetta saw a cave off in a distance as she ran.
The cave seemed to be wide and seemed to serve as a
good place to hide and stay from cold. Rosetta decided
to enter the cave. Frightened, she looked round to see
whether the large bat or any other thing was pursuing
her. She didn't see anything. She felt safer at least.
Rosetta ran into the cave and tried to go deeper inside
because of the screams she was still hearing outside and
the cold which seemed to have increased.
The cave indeed was warm. And Rosetta felt she was
at least protected from the things that pursued her. A
good couple of minutes passed and Rosetta noticed she
didn't hear any scream again. Not even the
reverberating screams outside. And the cold seemed to
drastically reduce. With an atom of happiness and relief
now, Rosetta decided to sit on the floor of the cave and
have a little rest. She'd been running and standing since
and her legs were already shaking. Sitting on the floor
of the grave, she laid her head on her upright knees and
wrapped her hands round them.
Feeling sad again, Rosetta‟s heart sobbed. Extreme
torture really seemed to be her lot. No companionship
or care for her, she felt like an outlaw. Here was she in
the cold and darkness of the night in the home of the
dead. Er? Home of the dead? Rosetta looked down and
noticed she was surprisingly sitting on something on the
cave's floor.
Terrified, she looked back to see what that was. Alas!
It was a skeleton's body—dressed in a black robe with a
black hood! The skeleton was seated upright looking at
Rosetta—just directly behind her. And Rosetta found
out she was sitting just on its legs! Jeopardised again,
Rosetta screamed, jumped up from its legs she was
sitting on and fled out of the cave running again in the
darkness of the ghastly graveyard.
A.A. Akinsekeji 38

Deep in dread, Rosetta became confused. She

couldn't tell why all these where happening to her.
There was no living soul around her. And she couldn't
tell even tell what time it was now. Still running, Rosetta
heard another scream again. This time, she didn't hear
her name being echoed.
As Rosetta continued running in the endless graveyard,
she noticed a big oak tree with much leaves. Getting
tired, Rosetta decided to hide and rest there for a while.
Running briskly, she went to the tree to hide behind it.
Shock! The moment Rosetta got to the tree to hide
behind it, there was the skeleton in robe standing on its
feet and folding its hands waiting for her there!
Seeing the skeleton again, Rosetta ran off from it
screaming and started heading anywhere she could.
'How did the skeleton from the cave suddenly get to the
oak tree?' Still running vehemently, Rosetta looked
behind her. She noticed the skeleton was now running
after her. Its rotten eye sockets glittered green. It had a
stench of rotten corpse and in its gangly hands was a
sceptre—a magical sceptre which had four horns at its
mouth and in between them was a Ball. The skeleton
rose the sceptre as it pursued Rosetta.
In horror, Rosetta ran as fast as her legs could carry
her. As she ran, she saw a wall-a stone's throw from
where she was-off from the graveyard. Beside the walls
were some plantations and flower beds. Confused
about what to do, Rosetta ran to the wall to hide beside
the plantations in the dark night. As she got to the wall
to hide, she eerily saw the skeleton waiting for her there
Horror-struck, Rosetta ran further along the wall‟s
length away from where the skeleton was. She got to
the end of the wall. It was indeed a fence. Rosetta
found out now that she was fenced in—she couldn‟t get
out. And the wall of the fence seemed too high to
climb. Waiting there in fear as she was trapped now,
Rosetta could see the skeleton very close to her. She
knew she was indeed trapped now and couldn‟t
continue her run. There was the skeleton having
glittering green eye sockets.
As the skeleton approached Rosetta who couldn‟t run
anywhere again, it lifted up the sceptre in its hands
again and was about to strike it on Rosetta. Horror-
stricken, Rosetta began looking in all directions leaning
on the wall to see whether she could still escape. By
now, nothing else but tears filled her eyes and greatest
dread her heart.
Suddenly, as she turned to her head to her right still
looking for how she could escape, Rosetta saw
something stuck in the wall she was leaning on. Because
of the extremely dark night, she couldn‟t see what it was
well so she shifted a little and strained her eyes to see
what it was. A sword! A sword stuck in the wall!
A.A. Akinsekeji 40

Rosetta turned back to see the skeleton in front of her.

It was still approaching her with the sceptre lifted in its
hands and snarling.
Swiftly, Rosetta turned her face back to where the
sword was and tried pulling it out of the wall to use it in
defending herself. It felt so hard to pull it out and it was
extremely stuck. Rosetta tried more and more.
Suddenly, as the skeleton got closer to her about to
strike her with the sceptre, Rosetta amazingly drew the
sword out of the wall, yanking it. She held it firmly in
her right hand and about to strike the skeleton too
which was directly in front of her now.
The skeleton was about to hit her with the sceptre
now and she began screaming. Suddenly, she found
herself jumping up and it seemed she vanished . . .
Rosetta woke up, jumping up from her bed still
screaming, extremely frightened. It was a nightmare! A
terrible terrifying nightmare! She‟d just indeed woken
up and was panting and sweating profusely. She turned
her head towards the window and noticed it was open.
The clock was chiming 6:00am.
She sighed, “Oh, God!” Every pulse in her body
throbbed. Even the blood pounded in her head for fear.
Rosetta discovered she‟d slept off after changing to her
nightwear and opening the window, savouring the cold
breeze after she came back from work the previous day.
She‟d just finished serving Stepmother and Alicia dinner
when she slept off.
Rosetta was extremely terrified. Reflecting on the evil
nightmare, she slowly sat back on her bed and wiped
away sweat from her forehead as her heart beat faster.
The dream was so frightening. Rosetta couldn‟t even
believe it was really a dream—because it seemed so real.
Her sleep was so fleeting and it was like she‟d truly
journeyed to another world. She couldn‟t even
remember when she slept off.
A cold breeze blew into her room from through the
open window. She hurriedly went to close it. Scared,
Rosetta perceived something now. She perceived and
knew her whole life seemed to be surrounded by
enemies now. Her life and destiny were at stake!
After saying morning prayer, Rosetta left her room to
begin her chores. She knew she had another hectic day
ahead of her so, her plan was to get to work as early as
possible and at least impress Sir Conan their supervisor
and on her way back from work, she‟d branch to the
town‟s Chapel to see the Bishop and pray to the Lord.
However, it took hours before Rosetta could really
recover from the horror of the evil nightmare. What did
it mean? All along as she worked, the dream kept
reviving in Rosetta‟s memory. She however tried to take
her mind off it.
A.A. Akinsekeji 42

By the time the clock chimed 7:00am, Rosetta served

Stepmother and Alicia breakfast. Daily coffee.
However, she added gingerbread to it today according
to their request and resumed to her chores. Stepmother
Baroness Eloise had angrily ordered Rosetta that
morning to mop the whole hall‟s floor and she knew
she had not a small task ahead of her.
While she mopped the hall‟s floor still reflecting on
the dream, Hazel, demon of a dog, came to the hall and
wickedly began defecating round the hall so as to
provoke and implicate Rosetta. Seeing the horrible
sight, Rosetta was extremely annoyed. Getting the mop
with her, she went after Hazel about to teach it a lesson.
“Rosetta!” shouted Baroness Eloise.
“Stepmother?” Rosetta replied out of reflex, surprised
at hearing Stepmother's voice. She looked up to see
Stepmother at the stairs watching her.
“You‟re trying to hurt my innocent pet, you this
wicked maid?!” Baroness Eloise shouted.
Rosetta shivered a bit with fear. “No, Stepmother, I
was . . .”
“Silence, Rosetta,” Alicia who just came down from
her room ordered, interrupting Rosetta. “You wickedly
intend to maltreat Hazel!”
“Clean up this dung and re-mop this whole place, you
redheaded vermin!” Baroness Eloise ordered returning
back to her room. Alicia made a squeaking sound,
sneering at Rosetta as she followed Baroness Eloise,
going back to her own room too.
Of course, Rosetta felt bad again. Wicked Stepmother
and Alicia always made sure evil prevailed just to
heartlessly maltreat her. Rosetta had no choice. She
knew coming soon, justice would prevail and she‟d be
free from the maltreatment and bondage of Stepmother
and Alicia.
Rosetta cleared up and re-mopped the whole hall and
did other chores but yet, she still made sure she recalled
all the wonderful intimacy she and her Mother had had.
She finished the other chores and wore her cherished
daily cloth after having a lovely hot bath in the Jacuzzi.
A.A. Akinsekeji 44


“PICKY. Picky. Picky. Everybody's a critic,” Rosetta

whispered smiling, checking her reflection in her room's
wall mirror and brushing her greasy rose-red ever-so-
long hair. It was an old mirror with little cracks in its
edges but still, it reflected her elegant and romantic
Through with her morning chores and ready for work
early enough that morning, Rosetta wore her bonnet,
knotting it under her chin then stroking her wine-sweet
lips. Okay, here we go.
“Rosetta! Come down here now!” Baroness Eloise
shouted from her room at the second floor.
Oh, Stepmother? “Coming, Stepmother!” Rosetta
answered as she went out of her room, heading to
Baroness Eloise‟ room. She knew very well that
Baroness Eloise was calling her angrily for another issue
that morning again. Rosetta got to Baroness Eloise‟
room and found her there with Alicia and Hazel.
“Why have you poisoned Alicia, Rosetta?” were the
startling words that came out of Baroness Eloise‟
mouth immediately Rosetta got to her room.
“Ma?” replied a puzzled Rosetta. “I didn't poison
“Silence!” Baroness Eloise yelled. “Oh yes, you did.
After eating the breakfast you served her this morning,
Alicia‟s stomach became very upset.”
“And I even began staggering!” mean Alicia said.
“But . . . but I didn't do that,” Rosetta replied
innocently and soft-toned.
“Okay, let‟s see,” Baroness Eloise said stroking
Hazel‟s back who was sticking out its tongue panting.
“For your punishment, Rosetta, you are to clear the
bush at the backyard completely immediately.”
“Oh yes. The earlier you finish, the better,” Baroness
Eloise affirmed gleefully as she and Alicia sneered.
Of course, this is what Baroness Eloise and Alicia
always did to Rosetta just to make her upset and hurt
always. Alicia‟s food was never poisoned. But Baroness
Eloise and Alicia just sought for a way to implicate
Rosetta and punish her. Rosetta did all her chores as
fast as possible to get to work on time and at least
impress Sir Conan. But here she was again, stuffed up
with some clearing-bush punishment just there to delay
her. This was eight and Rosetta knew clearing the
backyard's bush would take at least an hour. Other than
carrying out a chore or when being called, Rosetta was
never allowed to come down her room. It seemed as if
she was sort of caged.
A.A. Akinsekeji 46

Taking a cutlass, poor Rosetta headed to the backyard

to clear the bush. She'd not even been able to go there
that morning to pick some fresh flowers from the
garden to adorn their house and her room because of
the terrifying nightmare she had the last night. There
now, Rosetta plucked some roses and honeysuckles,
wiped them softly, and then planted them into a nearby
sniped-edge pot of earth on the ground.
Rosetta began clearing the somewhat high weeds. She
tried doing it as fast a she could, but an hour and few
minutes did well pass before she was through. Soaked
up with sweat under a bright sun in the cool morning,
Rosetta carried the pot of earth into the house and
placed the cutlass back where she got it, through with
clearing the bush.
“Let thy fragrance fill all hearts,” Rosetta whispered a
little bit tired as she placed the flower pot on a shelf in
the entrance hall. “And adorn the atmosphere with thy
beauty,” she continued as she removed a walking
ladybird from the rose flower she was whispering to.
“It appears we have time on our hands for trash,
vicious Rosetta. Don't we?” echoed Baroness Eloise
folding her hands at the entrance hall's door passage
that led to other places. Hazel was beside her snarling
and perceiving for any suitable food available around.
Shocked, Rosetta turned her head to see Stepmother.
“Er, no Stepmother. Through with the bush, I just
decided to pick some fresh flowers,” Rosetta replied
wiping sweat from her forehead.
“You redheaded vermin! You're late for work and yet
you slouch like a lazy worm. Hurry up and leave for the
port,” Baroness Eloise ordered.
“Yes, Stepmother,” Rosetta replied, hurt. She went up
the stairs to her attic room and washed her face and
hands. She got a small white woollen bag, kept her
most-cherished-of-all diary inside, took a handkerchief
and headed out for the work at the port.

Dockworkers were already working, supervised by Sir

Conan, by the time Rosetta arrived at the port. She was
late again. The dockworkers were offloading stocks of
fruits from the Majestic ship which had recently docked.
A Royal naval galleon flagship of King Louis, the
Majestic ship had sailed to the neighbouring Dukedom
Loothorn the previous week conveying Prince Denis
and some selected Knights there for an Alliance
Conference and had just returned.
Loothorn, just south-east of Fidèle et Véritable
Kingdom, was a Dukedom ruled by Duchess Demither.
A very beautiful but small independent isle, it consisted
of people of different indigenes and so lacked an
Official language. It was a commercial wealthy land rich
A.A. Akinsekeji 48

in ivory, exporting many products and serving as the

orb for many merchants. Loothorn was however seen
by most neighbouring isles as a creepy land because of
the Duchess Demither who ruled it.
Duchess Demither was believed by many people to
be an enchantress who had control over the power of
the moonlight. From the hours of 12 O'clock to three
every night, a mighty unquenchable snake which killed
many sentries usually appeared on her castle walls and
so people secretly called Demither, the Blue Serpent
sorceress, attributing her to be the snake. A lot of her
nobles had also died mysteriously whenever they
offended her including her husband who died
mysteriously too after she had her first child,
Brecamandara, a girl. She however possessed great
authority and victory over some lands.
Demither was also a fierce and aggressive ruling
Duchess who had Iktamor, a bat, as her pet. While
Prince Denis was over there in Loothorn, she had
introduced Brecamandara, the nineteen-year-old
brunette, and Iktamor to him. And she had however
treated he and the Knights very well.
During their voyage back to Fidèle et Véritable
Kingdom from Loothorn, they experienced a variety of
nautical perils including a mighty storm that lasted for a
whole night and the ship almost colliding with an
iceberg. However, the expertness and Mathematical
proficiency of Captain Baldwin who steered the reins of
the Majestic led it into all safety and preserved it from
danger. The ship was three-masted, had a total of four
decks, had state-of-the-art distinctive features including
decorative murals, beautiful mixture of colours over
wood, the poop deck had floral aesthetics and
decoration; it had a Grand staircase hall, an armoury of
fifty guns, and had for a long time been commandeered
by the indispensable Captain Baldwin.
Some loads from Loothorn were stocked on the ship
and dockworkers were required to immediately offload
them. For coming late, Rosetta was queried again by Sir
Conan who was supervising the working dockworkers.
“Well, it appears you prefer to serve punishments.
Isn‟t it Rosetta?” Sir Conan questioned boorishly.
“Sir, I‟m very sorry for . . .”
“Just hold it! From now on, you‟ll work twice as long
as others do, everyday . . . for your lateness. Join the
rest in offloading the apples from Majestic ship right
away,” Sir Conan ordered, interrupting Rosetta as he
went on to Majestic ship.
Well, Rosetta was helpless. None was there to defend
her. Sir Conan was very aware she was extremely
maltreated by Baroness Eloise her Stepmother but he
was also as mean-spirited as she was. Very morose
again, Rosetta went on to join the rest in work.
A.A. Akinsekeji 50

“Hello, Candy,” said Gregory, a jovial plump

dockworker who also worked along with Rosetta.
Though jovial, he was sometimes very annoying.
“What has Sir Conan said? Come on, tell me. What
did he tell you?” Gregory asked hastily smiling, joining
Rosetta and returning to the Majestic ship to carry more
stocks of apples. The apples, imported, were stocked in
wooden boxes and a dockworker was required to carry
one or two at a time to offload at the dock‟s store until
the whole stockpile was offloaded.
“Well, Sir Conan just told me . . .” Rosetta said.
“Guess I would be working twice as long as others
from now,” she continued in a very soft-tone, sighing.
“Probably because you‟re a girl,” Gregory said
“Oh, no. At least, I‟m not the only girl working here.
He said I would, for coming late,” Rosetta said trying to
explain to Gregory.
“I‟d say it serves you very right, Rosetta. You‟re
always late. It would teach you never to come late
“Gregory? How could you . . . how could you say
“It‟s a bitter truth, Rosetta,” annoying Gregory said as
he walked away from Rosetta, smiling.
Rosetta was extremely disappointed. It appeared she
really didn't have anyone who could feel what she felt.
And sometimes, Rosetta even thought she was so bad.
As often as she could, she wanted to just stay away to
herself, not to make anyone offended. But in all
eternity, her Mother‟s last words kept whispering in her
heart. “Love and be extremely kind to all despite all
odds”. And Rosetta was much poised to make that her
theme and her theme supreme.
Rosetta got to the ship‟s stowage at the lower deck
and also carried a box of apple heading back to the
dock‟s store.
“Your Highness, you‟re welcome,” Sir Conan said
welcoming the admiring Prince Denis who was just
about to disembark from the Majestic ship.
“It‟s my pleasure, Sir Conan,” Prince Denis replied.
“Captain Baldwin, great you commandeered the Royal
ship into all safety and excellence for the Prince‟s sake.”
“Aye, Sir Conan. Thanks,” Captain Baldwin replied.
“Alright, Captain. I should get into the carriage now,”
Prince Denis said pointing to the Royal carriage about
to convey him back to Magnifique Castle with the
“It‟s my pleasure, Your Highness,” Captain Baldwin
replied, slightly bowing for Prince Denis.
Shy mouse of a girl Rosetta, unaware that Prince
Denis was still aboard the ship walked briskly but
elegantly with the box of apples in her hands about to
A.A. Akinsekeji 52

disembark just through the poop deck exit of the ship

where Prince Denis and the duo were.
Within a pace or two more, Rosetta caught the sight
of the charming Prince Denis talking to his duo. Love
had always seemed so far away. But when she saw him,
oh, how he stole her breath! There he was, sparkling in
his Royal attire, brown-haired, and entirely enchanting!
Gaping at him, her heart whispered some dear words
to her. She‟d never seen anyone so charming in her
entire life like him. And true to it, his sight swiftly
captivated her. Now Rosetta was really close behind
him. She tried to pace further but it seemed impossible
as he‟d unknowingly jangled her nerves. The box of
apples in her hands seemed to have vanished too as she
was smitten and caught in love ecstasy. And so, as she
was about to walk past him, psychologically feeling
nothing in her hands again, the box fell off from her
hands letting some apples out.
The thud of the box falling drew Prince Denis‟s and
the others attention. When they turned back to see what
had happened, there was Rosetta standing with her
fallen box on the deck‟s floor, surrounded by apples,
smitten in awe of the Prince.
“Sorry, dear,” were the first dear words from Prince
Denis to Rosetta.” Let me help you with it,” meek
Prince Denis said, bending down to pick the fallen
apples and put back into the box as he would always
have done.
“Er . . . I‟m sorry, Your Highness,” nervous Rosetta
whispered quickly kneeling down too to pick the apples.
Just like a wave, love flooded Rosetta‟s heart landing
her in pure ecstasy as she bent facing the Prince.
Captivated, she stared deep into his eyes and admired
every feature of charm in his face. He also couldn‟t
resist the striking beauty he saw, the moment his eyes
met hers. He looked deep too into her lovely soft blue
He could see her pure rose-red hair dazzling under
her bonnet. Her lips, so romantic, were redder than red
wine. And her sweet voice from her whisper echoed
ecstatically in his ears. Prince Denis could admit it. He‟d
also never seen any lady as elegant and beautiful as this
lady in his front. For some seconds that seemed like
eternity, Rosetta and Prince Denis stared at each other
frozen, smitten in love. Talk about pure love‟s first
Rosetta was very nervous. And it began showing her
eyes. She had to cut it out.
“I‟m very sorry, Your Highness,” Rosetta said
moaning and putting the remaining couple of apples
into the wooden box and standing up, about to go.
A.A. Akinsekeji 54

“It‟s alright, Miss. You didn't do anything wrong,”

Prince Denis said as he stood up, clearing his voice and
touching Rosetta‟s shoulder.
Extremely shy again, Rosetta gasped and quickly
walked away with the box of apples still in her hands to
join other workers. Trying to compose himself again,
Prince Denis sighed and clapped hands.
“Alright, Captain,” Prince Denis said taking his leave.
“Yes, Your Highness,” Captain Baldwin said.
Prince Denis disembarked from the ship with Captain
Baldwin seeing him off. Stewards were busy conveying
the Prince‟s luggage to the carriage that was some
metres away from the berth the ship docked at.
“Forgive me, Captain. Are you familiar with that . . .
er . . . lady dockworker?” Prince Denis asked reflecting
on what had just happened as he walked with Captain
Baldwin to the carriage.
Captain Baldwin cleared his throat. “Sort of.”
''Who really is she?‟‟
''Everyone here knows her as Candy, but not more
than that,” Captain Baldwin admitted, “I only feel she
faces cruelty, Your Highness.”
''You mean Candy?‟‟
''Exactly, Your Highness.''
Entering into his Royal carriage, Prince Denis waved
goodbye heading to the castle with his entourage's and
other Knights‟ carriages behind him.
Rosetta was in a real state of ambivalence now—a
mix up of emotions. She really didn't know whether she
should have been happy or sad. As Prince Denis went
away, she felt as if she'd missed something so dear, so
Sir Conan who watched everything that had just taken
place on the ship felt something suspicious. A glint
grew in his eyes and he knew there was need to take
immediate action before it would be too late.

“Come Anne, onto my flying horse; together we shall

ride on the clouds and maximise the power of love.
What is love, but a sweet hemlock? For when you shall
drink it, it sweetens the taste of your heart; but it blinds
the eyes of your heart. Love is blind and I am blind for
Anne Snowfolk,” Hadley Kroger recited whispering to
himself in front of his house.
He patted his horse on the face, stroked its mare and
fed it with another carrot to eat. “Come Anne. Be open
to me for I love you indeed. Just be open.” He
continued as the stallion neighed.
Hadley was intensely in love with Anne Snowfolk.
Everywhere he went, memories about her resurrected in
his head. He also knew she loved him. But he couldn't
tell why she kept on hiding information about herself
and refraining from him at times. It had been quite a
A.A. Akinsekeji 56

while Hadley had met Anne because he'd been away to

Jigra-Voor on his merchant trip and had just returned.
He however planned to pay her a visit at the woods that
night. Again that was another problem for Hadley. Why
would Anne only be available at nights, and even at the
dark eerie woods out of all places? There were lot of
things very suspicious about her.
Actually, it wasn't all Anne‟s fault. Of course she
really didn't love the life of seclusion she lived in the
woods. But she had no other choice than to do what
she did for she was under a witchcraft spell. About
three years ago when she was just fifteen years old
living with her family in Liech County, a witch saw her
beauty and then placed a spell on her to be an ogre out
of envy. Ever since then, from the hour of 6:00am to
6:00pm every day, Anne used to transform into an ogre.
While when it was dark, she'd transform into her real
beautiful self again. No one knew how to break the
spell. And her family couldn't help.
People in the county of Liech once banished the Ogre
during daytime from the land they were living in
without knowing it was Anne that was banished. And
so young Anne escaped to the woods where she began
to live her life all alone in a cave in grieve.
Hadley met her in the woods while strolling once one
evening and fell in love with her. He was keen to keep a
relationship with her. But whenever she turned him off
by not replying his questions, his heart bled.
Hadley however was bent on finding out anything he
could about her.

Rosetta continued with her work at the port. But all

through, her heart was pounding. She really felt like
shedding tears. Tears of joy? Tears of hurt? She couldn't
tell! All through, the flash backs of the box falling,
Prince Denis turning, staring at him, looking deep into
his eyes and his eyes piercing hers, all filled her memory
that morning as she worked.
The attention of people around became fixed on
Rosetta. Other dockworkers and deck-hands began
starring at her making her feel more nervous. She even
thought of hiding somewhere. Here she was in the port,
enlightened in ecstasy for a moment. She wished the
experience would stay with her forever. Gwenaelle her
lovable and close friend stood in place to keep her
company and happy. But back at home, she knew the
persecution would continue from Baroness Eloise and
Alicia. Not to even mention the scary evil nightmare
she had the last night at home.
After having that dream, Rosetta planned to go to
chapel just a stone‟s throw from her house that same
A.A. Akinsekeji 58

day when returning from work because she felt so

frightened. She wished she could meet the Bishop there
so that she could at least share some of her experiences
with him. Bishop Loxley was in any case the only
person she could trust as a guardian, although she‟d met
him only twice. What else would you expect of an
orphan like her?
“Candy,” whispered someone behind Rosetta‟s back.
She turned to see who it was. It was smiling Captain
“How‟s your family?” Captain Baldwin asked.
“My family? My family is . . . er . . . well, fine.”
“I‟ve been watching you for some time now, and . . .
I notice you‟re sort of facing some neglect and cruelty,”
Captain said, “Sorry to say,” he quickly added.
“Captain? What . . .how,” Rosetta spluttered.
“Don't worry. Just continue in kindness of heart that
you have. And soon, soon, things would turn for the
best,” Captain Baldwin said.
Rosetta knew what Captain Baldwin had just told her
was true. But her heart always grieved whenever she
remembered her family. She practically had no one who
cared. No parent or sibling. And no caring relative.
Whenever she brooded about her terrible fate, tears
coursed down her cheeks, but she knew she had no
other option than to continue to be kind to everything
around her as long as ever.
Sir Conan, whose eyes continued to glint, very well
could remember Baroness Eloise‟ instruction: whenever
suspicious issues about Rosetta came up, he was to
inform her immediately. She strangely manipulated and
commanded him. Without hesitating that same
morning, Sir Conan rode to Rosetta‟s house on his
horse without allowing anyone to find out.
Getting to the château, Sir Conan knocked on the
metal door.
“Come in, Sir Conan,” Baroness Eloise echoed from
Sir Conan opened the door. “Baroness? You knew I
was . . .”
“Speak on, Sir Conan!”
“Well, I thought I should inform you about what just
happened this morning,” Sir Conan said entering into
the entrance hall where Baroness Eloise was rocking on
a chair beside the fireplace with Hazel beside her.
“What is the report, Conan?” Baroness Eloise said.
“It‟s shocking! Prince Denis is about to disembark
from his docked ship arriving from Loothorn and there
is Rosetta carrying a box of apples which falls off. The
kind Prince Denis offers her help to gather the apples
but . . .” Sir Conan said, pausing.
A.A. Akinsekeji 60

“And what happened, Sir Conan?!” yelled Baroness

Eloise standing up from her rocking chair in anger as
her eyes became very red. “This doesn‟t seem good!”
“Yeah. And it‟s obvious they became smitten . . . as
they froze for some moments, staring at each other.”
“What?!” Baroness Eloise yelled flinging a flower pot
from the entrance hall‟s cupboard.
There was a long silence.
“I swear you‟re doomed, Rosetta!” Baroness Eloise
said flouncing out of the entrance hall away to her
room as Hazel barked three times running after her.

PRINCE DENIS‟ Royal carriage rode him all the way

from the port down to the castle. His entourage with
other Knights in their carriages rode after him. His
heart was troubled.
He couldn't actually tell why. He tried as much as
possible to forget anything he might have done or
encountered during his hectic journey but yet, the worry
seemed to increase. In any case, by the time he reached
Magnifique Castle, he felt better.
Prince Denis knew he also owned Magnifique Castle.
It was a home of glory and splendour. Built by King
Louis' grandfather, the castle was a rare castle of sheer
prosperity. Very ornate, it had more than thirty towers
with most having wine-coloured roofs and it was
dubbed the „Castle of Gold‟. Beginning from its main
gate called „The Pearl‟ facing the south of the Kingdom,
through its middle ward‟s beautiful walls decked with
gold at top and sides, to its outer northern wall beside
the sea, the castle seemed like a paradise.
Constructed with an eastern drawbridge at the outer
wall to enhance protection, the castle was surrounded
by a flowing river as it had its middle ward's fence
octagonal in shape while its outer fence was more
A.A. Akinsekeji 62

quadrangular. It was a luxurious and serene home

having tall fir trees in the bailey beside the outer walls
and garden of flowers just at the front of the middle
ward‟s walls.
The middle ward, built on an artificial hill, was fenced
round in an octagonal shape with three gates facing the
south, east and west directions. Steps led to the gates.
The southern gate was named after King Louis and the
eastern called Brigadier Gate because of the Brigadier
Tower (a base for Knights and the Royal Regiment in
the eastern bailey) guarding the outer ward's eastern
In the castle's middle ward was the Prosperous
Tower, taller than all others and in heart of the entire
castle. It served as the Royal home of the King‟s family
having the Royal Hall, many Royal rooms, Dinner
saloons and the Throne Room.
There was also the Chivalric Tower, an official
quarters for those with the Kingdom's noble ranks:
Duke, Marquees, Count, Earl, Baron and all. The
Chivalric Tower had a bridge that led to the Prosperous
Tower which had a lower bridge that connected to the
State Tower. Adjacent the Prosperous Tower, the State
Tower was the official building where administration of
the Kingdom's affairs took place, much similar in sight
to the Chivalric Tower. There were also Guests tower,
State Apartment towers and a Royal Banquet Tower,
wider than all other towers and rectangular in shape, in
front of the Prosperous Tower, all in the middle ward.
In the castle's outer bailey also lied two terrace
buildings. They were built directly behind the outer
southern wall, one at each side of the Pearl gate, and
served as a very wide alley that led to the middle ward's
southern gate's steps. The outer walls had towers at
each of its corners with two of the towers overlooking
and guarding the Pearl, one at each side.
There was also a Clock Tower that formed a
quadrangle with the Great Hall at the western bailey.
The Clock Tower was used as a chapel and court. A
fountain was in front of the Clock Tower and a statue
of King Louis on a horse was beside the eastern
The lavish Magnifique Castle was the pride, and more
so, the heartbeat of the Kingdom. And their flag was
proudly flown at the peak of the Prosperous Tower.
Prince Denis was delighted he would someday reign
there in the dynasty of his father.
Arriving at the castle, Prince Denis was welcomed by
a platoon of sentries lined up into the castle from the
main gate facing each other. They were suited in black
over red apparel shimmering with gold epaulets and
white gloves, holding spears and wearing silver hats
adorned with red furs.
A.A. Akinsekeji 64

Prince Denis‟s Royal carriage rode him to front of the

middle ward‟s southern gate's steps where he alighted
welcomed by countesses, chamberlains and courtiers.
Followed by his entourage, Prince Denis and other
Knights headed to the Throne room. Trumpets were
blown in his honour as he entered. In there was King
Louis and his lady, Queen Danielle, seated, awaiting
Prince Denis‟s arrival. Some nobles were also there
ready to welcome the Prince.
Prince Denis and the Knights emerged and walked
forward to where the King and Queen were seated.
Bowing a knee each, the Knights greeted them.
“Father,” Prince Denis said. “Am I glad to be back
“Welcome, son,” King Louis said hugging Prince
Denis smiling as he shifted to greet Mother Queen
Danielle, kissing her hand.
“The Alliance with Dukedom Loothorn is a success,”
Prince Denis reported. “Soon, their Knights and ours
would be practically under same Chief Commander.
And that would be you, Your Highness.” He ended
“The Lord has done this to bless our forces,” King
Louis remarked. “With Loothorn's Knights as our
subjects, the military prowess of Fidèle et Véritable
Kingdom shall surely fatten.”
“This is the beginning of the whole realm becoming
our empire,” Queen Danielle chipped in.
Nobles in the Throne room began to applaud and
cheer because of the success of Alliance with Dukedom
Loothorn. Dukedom Loothorn had one of the
strongest and victorious military forces in the entire
realm. Fidèle et Véritable Kingdom's forces alliance
with Dukedom Loothorn's during battles would
inevitably grant Fidèle et Véritable a larger chance of
winning any battle they fought henceforth against any
other Kingdom. And that would lead them onto
eventually possessing the World-power.
Over the years, Fidèle et Véritable had also proved it
had one of the unconquerable forces, both on land and
sea. Arabian forces had always ignited battles with
Fidèle et Véritable through the years. But the strong
and mighty forces of King Louis had always repelled
them. Once with a fleet of fifty ships on the Celtic sea,
Fidèle et Véritable navy unleashed the greatest defeat
and disaster ever on the Arabs who lost every ship in
the battle. The Brigade of Knights under Prince Denis
had also defeated the Normans many times. And
victory of the Kingdom kept increasing their territory
“How does the land of Loothorn and their Duchess
fare, Son?” asked King Louis as Iktamor arrived and
landed on one of the high clerestory windows of the
A.A. Akinsekeji 66

Throne Room in order to spy what was being

discussed. No one saw it.
“Very well, Sire,” Prince Denis replied.
King Louis and Queen Danielle had made a surprise
plan for Prince Denis the week he was away. And it
seemed like an interesting time to unleash it now.
“Denis,” King Louis said to his son who was on his
feet now. “We‟ve planned to carry out something
glorious for you.”
Prince Denis gave a fake cough. “What is that,
“Don't you think it‟s time to find a Princess now,
Denis?” King Louis asked jangling the nerves of Prince
Prince Denis could only splutter before he could give
his final answer: “Guess so, Father.”
There was Queen Danielle, ever beautiful and seating
elegantly on her throne smiling. “That‟s why we‟ve
planned to organise Ball party for you, Prince Denis,”
she said extending her hands.
“Ball party?” it sounded sort of strange in Prince
Denis‟s ears.
“Yes,” came King Louis‟ terse answer. “The idea is
for the Ball party to hold for three nights. On the third
night then, you‟ll propose to the lady you‟ve chosen and
have your first dance together.
„Good heavens!” Prince Denis replied, enthralled by
the concept.
“Right on your consent, we‟d announce every young
noble single lady in this Kingdom is to come for the
party, for the three nights and you‟d choose your
Princess,” King Louis explained smiling.
“Father . . . I don't just want any lady for a Princess. I
need a . . . Virtuous Princess. The best that‟d have every
best quality pasted firmly in place,” Prince Denis said
outlining his choice.
“A Virtuous Princess,” breathed Queen Danielle.
Prince Denis nodded.
“Very well, Denis. We send the Royal invitation
letters to every noble family for the Ball right away. It
should take place in two days‟ time holding for three
nights,” King Louis drew up his conclusion.
“And Father . . .” Prince Denis said in a very low
“What is it, son?”
“I‟d prefer the invitation to be for every family in the
Kingdom, sire, including the commoners,” Prince
Denis said trying to be at least very meek. Who could
tell where the Virtuous Princess would come from?
“Son, do you know what you‟re saying? Are you going
to marry a commoner?” King Louis asked.
“Not that, Father. It‟s just no one can tell who‟ll be a
Virtuous Princess, indeed,” Prince Denis explained.
A.A. Akinsekeji 68

“Prince Denis has a point, sire,” said persuasive

Queen Danielle.
King Louis scratched his beard. “It doesn‟t just make
any sense.”
“Please, Your Highness. One can‟t tell where modesty
takes,” Prince Denis continued explaining.
There was a Moment of silence. Iktamor flew away.
“In that case, if you say so, we‟ll try,” King Louis said.
“Yes, Father.”
“But,” King Louis hit his throne. “Remember nobility
is virtuousness.”
“Yes . . . sire.”
King Louis had a point. As a King, he‟d heard of
many cases whereby a Prince got his only „Virtuous
Princess‟ from a family of nobility. Getting virtuous
Queen Danielle for a wife wasn‟t all an easy task. It
took his prudence and discretion to marry her from a
Royal family from another Kingdom. And of course, he
could testify she was the best.
Almost at the next breath, Royal invitation letters to
the Ball were prepared and Royal couriers dispatched to
serve the letter to every family in the entire Kingdom
that same day. The Ball party, slated to hold for three
nights would be the medium Prince Denis would
choose his Princess.
In his early twenties, Prince Denis had always been
advised by Father to marry a suitable lady from their
Kingdom and of course, it sounded pleasing to his ears.
Prince Denis always had gallantry. But getting married
to a wife wasn‟t that sort of thing he bothered about.
But his parents were always much willing for him to do,
so it didn't seem surprising when they planned to
arrange the Ball party for him. In any case, Prince
Denis‟s mind agreed to the plan—but his prayer always
was for a Virtuous Princess.
All day long, Royal couriers went from house to
house delivering the letters to every family—nobles and
commoners alike—in the whole Kingdom. Royal Ball
party in two days‟ time for three nights? For the Prince
Denis to choose his Virtuous Princess? It sounded so
hasty but very interesting. Of course, some noble ladies
got annoyed when they realised the invitation to the
Ball was also for commoners.
Every eligible lady in the Kingdom definitely desired
to be proposed to by Prince Denis. He had the
charming looks and the gorgeous physique. However,
relationship wasn't one thing he was ready for—even
though a dozen of his close noble friends pestered him
about it. Hadley Kroger was one of such.
Hadley sometimes used to discuss his relationship
with Anne Snowfolk with Prince Denis reminiscing the
lovely times he always spent with her.
“Good heavens, I miss her like honey,” Hadley would
often tell.” I can't wait to kiss her again . . . and again.
A.A. Akinsekeji 70

She's my sweet buttercup any day.” He was totally

gripped by his sizzling passion. And he often wished he
could steer the hands of the clocks to speed time up to
when he designated to visit her in the woods during the
Soon after Prince Denis greeted his parents and left
the Throne room for his own Private space, he was
greeted by Hadley.
“Dukedom Loothorn is one place you need to visit,
you know,” Prince Denis told, grinning as he and
Hadley engaged in a play wood-sword fight.
“Wonderful landscapes, cooler atmosphere, lovely pets
everywhere, beautiful people and lastly . . . a fierce
ruling Duchess,” Prince Denis concluded as he and
Hadley busted into laughter.
“Wow! That's great!” Hadley remarked as he blocked
an offensive from Prince Denis. “I heard she has no
Prince Denis nodded. He dropped the wood sword
and ate some grapes. “Yeah she doesn't. Her husband
died mysteriously after she had her first daughter. She
however introduced the gracious Nineteen-year-old
Brecamandara me.”
Hadley winked smiling. “That's a game for you, my
Prince. She is working her way to make a treaty with
Fidèle et Véritable Kingdom by making you and her
daughter tie the nuptial knot.”
“Oh, Hadley, don‟t conclude that way for Heaven's
sake,” Prince Denis said as he and Hadley resumed the
play sword fight. “There are no strings attached. In fact,
His highness has approved a Ball party for every eligible
single lady in the Kingdom and I would propose to the
Virtuous one.”
“Splendid. I for one am eager to propose to my love
too.” Hadley defended with his sword again.
“Anne? How is she doing anyway?” Prince Denis
answered hitting Hadley's arm with his wood sword.
“Well, haven't even seen her since I arrived from
Jigra-Voor yesterday. But I really miss her. Would be
paying her a visit this evening.”
Prince Denis cackled. “But you really need to know
her very well. Know more about her family.”
“That's right. Just that she is kind of secretive.”
Hadley knew that was true. But of course, he was
helpless as there was nothing he could do to collect
information from secretive Anne.
“I win again,” Prince Denis said lifting his sword.

Duchess Demither's bat, Iktamor, indeed an emissary

for spying her enemies wherever they were, arrived
from Fidèle et Véritable where she'd sent it to and flew
into her room where she was awaiting it.
A.A. Akinsekeji 72

Duchess Demither was seating beside the fireplace in

her room. On the mantel was a large mirror—a magical
mirror used to also spy those she chose to. And inside
the fireplace was a big cauldron placed on fire. She
recited a spell the moment Iktamor arrived into her
room and settled on the fireplace just in front of her.
“Now reveal what you have seen, Iktamor,” Duchess
Demither said as she placed her right hand on the bat.
Immediately, Iktamor began to shriek and utter
intelligible sounds flapping its wings.
Duchess Demither sighed receiving what Iktamor was
magically telling her. She realised its words were
depicting urgency to her. Iktamor finished its shrieking.
Duchess Demither stood on her feet and enchanted
another spell still not satisfied with what Iktamor had
told her. “I adjure you, mirror of sorcery, reveal to me
what has just happened at Fidèle et Véritable Kingdom
now. I need to know!” She decreed commanding the
Immediately, the mirror on the mantel began to
magically reflect the Throne room of King Louis. In the
mirror, Duchess Demither could see the King Louis
and Queen Danielle seating on their thrones. In their
front was Prince Denis discussing with them as they
were surrounded by Knights and other nobles in the
Throne Room. Demither could see and hear King
Louis saying that invitation letters would be sent to
every noble family to invite them for the Ball that
would last for three nights in two days‟ time and Prince
Denis would propose to his Virtuous Princess on the
third night.
After watching that scene, Demither's mirror's
magical reflection stopped. However, she knew she had
indeed received a very important message about Fidèle
et Véritable. She then dashed out of her room calling
Brecamandara her daughter.
“Mother, I'm here. What's the matter?” Brecamandara
“Brecamandara, we need to act immediately,”
Duchess Demither replied.
“How, Mother, what do you mean?”
“Now listen. Fidèle et Véritable Kingdom would be
having a Ball party for every single eligible lady in two
days‟ time that would hold on three nights. On the third
night, the Prince Denis would propose to the lady he
wants to marry and that would be his Princess.”
“Well . . . I don't know what to say,” Brecamandara
said crisply.
“Don't be a fool! What glory and prosperity we would
possess if only you were to be the Princess or Queen of
Fidèle et Véritable” Demither breathed. “Prosperity and
power resides in their Kingdom. Claim it,
A.A. Akinsekeji 74

“Alright, what you trying to tell me is that I should

become the Prince Denis's Princess by attending his
Ball parties?”
“Of course!” Demither yelled. “So that you can usurp
their power.”
“But . . . what if the Prince Denis does propose to
someone else?” Brecamandara asked pondering on the
probability of surprise and failure.
“No, absolutely no.” Demither replied. “He wouldn't.
I shall manipulate his senses with my power from here.
And by the time he would want to propose to his love,
he shall forget about every other lady but you. I can tell
his eyes sparkled fire the day I introduced you to him
and he saw you.”
Brecamandara sighed. “Mother, do you know what
you are putting me in?”
“Yes. For our good.” Duchess Demither replied.
Straightaway, Brecamandara prepared to leave for the
Ball. Stewards accompanied her as she boarded their
Royal ship that set sail for Fidèle et Véritable Kingdom.

In Fidèle et Véritable, the castle‟s clock chimed

3:00pm and immediately, a Royal courier arrived at the
door of the Mitchells' château about to deliver the
Royal invitation letter to the habitation‟s family.
The Royal courier gave a knock. “Open up in the
King‟s name.”
Baroness Eloise and Alicia, hearing that, hurried to
the door to find out what exactly had happened or was
to happen. Baroness Eloise opened the door while
Alicia who‟d gotten there shifted backwards.
“The Baroness is ready to listen to what the King has
to say,” Baroness Eloise said flaunting her status.
“Your ladyship, the King has this letter for you,” the
courier said offering Baroness Eloise the letter.
“Oh. Let it be so,” Baroness Eloise said collecting the
letter from the courier‟s hand.
“Yes, Your ladyship,” the Royal courier said taking
his leave. Baroness Eloise, much eager to read the letter
closed the door back quickly.
She quickly removed the letter from its sealed
envelope and opened it. “Well, well, well.”
“What does it say, Mother,‟‟ Alicia said anticipating.
“Well, what I see here: the Prince needs his virtuous
Princess; there will be Ball party that will last for three
nights; coming up in two days‟ time; on the third night
the Prince would propose to the virtuous lady he'd
chosen; every young single lady in the Kingdom is to
attend,” said Baroness Eloise, awestruck as she read.
„„Wow!‟‟ Alicia blared happily. “That is it Mother. I
could be the one the Prince would choose, being a
A.A. Akinsekeji 76

Baroness‟s daughter. Don't you think so? Oh am going

to be the Princess” Alicia let her hopes high.
„„No, that's not it!‟‟ Baroness Eloise shouted flinging
the letter away. „„There's something very suspicious
about the invitation . . . and the Ball.”
“What‟s that, Mother?” Alicia asked low toned, a little
“Don't you see it? The Prince fixes his Ball party in
two days‟ time because he‟d met someone beautiful in
this Kingdom he eagerly loves to marry, but he couldn‟t
get closer to her,” Baroness Eloise said with a glint
radiant in her eyes.
“Mother? What . . . how sure are you?” Alicia
mumbled as her heart suddenly began to beat faster.
“And why would the invitation also be for the
commoners too?” Baroness Eloise frowned. “That girl
is most likely whom he‟d met this morning.” She
clenched her fists.
“Who could be that . . . mother?” Alicia whispered,

TWENTY ONE years ago.

It was a rainy October night, this year was one during
the time of dark ages. The knell sounded twelve times
as corpses packed in a cart were ridden to the
Kingdom's morgue, very close to the cemetery.
Priests and loved ones of the dead all dressed in black
trekked slowly bowing their heads in sorrow as they
escorted the cart. The weather was cold and wet. And a
chilly breeze blew briskly, blowing away the few
remaining autumn leaves of the cemetery‟s dry trees.
Apart from the spitting noise of the rain on the
cemetery‟s ground, everywhere was dead-silent.
Sparrows and kites and vultures seemed to be the
only other living organisms as they flew from tree to
tree in the cemetery pervading the sky. The ringing bell
of death also took advantage of the dead-silence of the
night and reverberated throughout the whole Kingdom,
louder than ever before. Another holocaust had taken
For some years that seemed like eternity, King Louis‟
Kingdom had series of holocausts and catastrophes and
this one was one of them. There wasn‟t just any sordid
or known reason why people in the Kingdom died
A.A. Akinsekeji 78

daily. However, people could tell it was the activities of

the forces of evil: SORCERY
The cart got to the morgue. By this time, the loved
ones of the dead were mourning bitterly in sorrow.
They knew this was the end of the road, boy! This
would be the last time they‟d see their dead loved ones.
Priests and clerics went round the little mourning
throng trying to comfort them and echoing, “the dead
shall rise again on the last day.” The mourning throng
couldn‟t hear anything other than the spitting voice of
death, raining on them. Their loved ones were gone and
gone just like that. No tangible reason why they died
other than because of having a dreaded epidemic called,
„White holocaust‟.
It all began with a woman found dead at the bank of
the river. The woman‟s corpse was extremely stiff and
white, with her open eyes pale red in colour. Her blood
was dark-brown as it flowed out of her ears only and
dried. Her hairs stood upright grey in colour.
Physicians were immediately ordered by the King to
examine the corpse and find out what exactly was the
plague. They couldn‟t. Within two to three days, more
corpses of people with that plague were found at the
river banks. Soon, it became a daily pestilence with
nothing less than at least sixty people dying from it. It
was then the physicians named it „white holocaust‟. It
was a really dark year
No one knew the cause or cure. It was only
discovered that whenever people went to river banks or
the port, they were inflicted with the pestilence. That
wasn‟t even all. Those who survived to return back
home in town suddenly made those at home contract
the plague making it spread like wild fire.
King Louis was at his wits end. Confused about the
cause or cure, he was frightened he was losing his whole
Kingdom to this dreaded plague. Married to Queen
Danielle with no children yet, King Louis ordered that
the port be closed down and no one was to be found at
any river or creek in the Kingdom.
Unfortunately, that order didn't favour anyone as the
plague seemed to even multiply. Soon, it became the
most dreaded enemy of the Kingdom. Whenever
people died from it, their corpses were immediately
retrieved, loaded in a cart and transported to a special
morgue built for it. Loved ones of the dead, sorrowing
and mourning for the death of their loved ones, were
much willing to find a cure to this evil plague. They
were sure it was none other but the affliction of
Of course, that was the truth. Witches were enraged
against King Louis‟ reign, so they decided to sprout up
a tool that would subject his Kingdom to anarchy and
chaos. The witch agent heading that task in his
A.A. Akinsekeji 80

Kingdom was Eloise—who hadn‟t become a baroness

In the isolated dark woods, close to the hills in the
Kingdom, was an enchanted castle called, the
„Blackadder castle‟. A coven for witches and sorcerers,
the castle existed partly on a rock and partly suspended.
With most of its walls cracked and broken, the castle
was a creepy old place that also served as a jail where
witches kept their victims in. Though many believed its
existence as a myth, the suspended enchanted
Blackadder castle was indeed the fuel of many
catastrophes in many Kingdoms.
Eloise admitted to other witches in the Blackadder
coven that King Louis had indeed stepped on her toes.
And it was true. King Louis had banished all forms and
practices of magic, sorcery, horoscope, necromancy,
astrology and all enchantments from his Kingdom. He
strictly ordered that whoever was caught practicing any
of these was to be beheaded right at the Town‟s Square.
And so, Eloise determined he needed to pay dearly for
his order after he had her mother executed for magic.
Eloise‟ Mother was an enchantress. When it was
found out she was so, King Louis didn't relent in
making her the first example to be executed. But before
she was, she gave Eloise a magic sceptre called, „the
The Spoom had a magical power of turning anything
into anything and it had a crystal Ball which could gaze
into selected futures only. It couldn't reveal the past,
only selected futures. Eloise hid the Spoom as her only
hope of survival and deemed in the few years to come,
her revenge would be fully maximised.
Precisely six years after Eloise‟ enchantress mother
was executed, Eloise visited Blackadder castle
summoning all witches and sorcerers in their realm. Of
course, she made them aware it was time to fulfil
revenge on King Louis and his Kingdom. And so, with
the consent and in the joy of other witches, Eloise
programmed a spirit into the major river of the
Kingdom. The white holocaust began.
In the Blackadder castle lived the lord of wizards,
referred to as „the Sorcerer‟. Shortly after Eloise out-
broke the white holocaust, the Sorcerer gave her a
caveat: getting King Louis wouldn‟t all be easy.
Continuing the white holocaust in the Kingdom could
eventually lead to her downfall!
Jeopardy! Eloise got enraged. But she knew the
Sorcerer‟s warning would prove to be true. Standing
with the Spoom wearing the witchcraft‟s apparel in the
Blackadder castle, the Sorcerer gave her a prophecy,
revealing the future in a crystal Ball:
“King Louis shall have a son who would indeed grow
in grace and strength. The Prince shall be the one to
A.A. Akinsekeji 82

destroy you and your powers—if he ever falls in love

with and proposes to his true love. But, if you seek to
kill him or his true love, you shall die, for his life can‟t
be taken—unless it is time.”
Hearing the prophecy, Eloise shrieked very loudly
using the Spoom in her hand to damage walls and
floors, making thunder strike and quaking the earth.
Immediately, she had a heart attack and fell into coma
for seven months. During that time however, the
holocaust ceased from the Kingdom but Eloise
returned seven months later.
True to the words of the Sorcerer, King Louis had a
son the time Eloise was in coma. He named him
Denis—the valiant and gallant Prince of sheer charm.
Eloise who realised the words of the Sorcerer were
coming true disguised her nature and became a
baroness in the Kingdom . . . so as to get closer to the
King‟s family.
Twenty one good years passed without any incident.
But exactly twenty one years after Eloise revived from
coma, Baroness Eloise knew she was nose-to-nose with
her jeopardy.

Danger seemed to be looming indeed as Baroness

Eloise read the Prince‟s invitation letter to the Ball.
Prince Denis was set to propose to his true-love
Virtuous Princess. And Baroness Eloise knew her life
and powers were on the verge of destruction according
to the Sorcerer‟s prophecy. She wouldn‟t accept that.
She was bent on crushing anything that came her way . .
. more so, her house girl, Rosetta, who seemed would
be the Prince‟s true love—according to what Sir Conan
had told her earlier.
Well, Rosetta was innocent. Still at the port and
unaware of all what was happening in town, Rosetta
worked briskly still savouring her ecstatic first sight with
the Prince. Sir Conan had since returned from Baroness
Eloise‟ house back to the port. And Rosetta noticed
coldness in his character towards her. She could see he
focused his eyes on her all through as she worked and
spoke even more boorishly than before, however,
Rosetta tried not to focus on things like that which
always discouraged her.
Baroness Eloise, still enraged as she suspected
something dangerous in the Prince's invitation letter
she'd read, knew it was time to act before it would be
too late.
Alicia was awe-struck as she stood beside Baroness
Eloise who'd flung away the King's letter. “Do you
mean Rosetta would . . . Oh Mother, I don't seem to . . .
I can't . . .''Alicia spluttered, confused and bitter after
hearing her Mother say the Prince would most likely
A.A. Akinsekeji 84

want to marry the beautiful girl he'd met earlier that

morning: Rosetta.
''Silence, Alicia,'' Baroness Eloise ordered. ''We do
what is most needed now. We can't allow the Prince
destroy us!''
''Destroy?' puzzled Alicia questioned.
“I must be at the castle right away,” Baroness Eloise
said as she flounced out of the entrance hall, where she
and Alicia had been, to her room. Of course, Baroness
Eloise was referring to the Blackadder castle. Her
decision was to get there and consult the Sorcerer about
what she needed to do.
Alicia seemed to be totally discombobulated. All her
cruel life, her wish was to be a Princess. But hearing the
startling words from Mother seemed to upset her. 'How
would Rosetta marry the Prince?' Though Alicia
couldn't deny the extraordinary beauty and charm of
Rosetta, she knew if Rosetta married the price, her life
desire would be shattered. So what else? Alicia would be
also poised to stand in place.
Baroness Eloise, witch indeed, chanted a spell in her
room now and within a flash, she transformed into her
true witchcraft nature—wearing a black robe and
holding the golden Spoom in her left hand. Her hairs
magically seemed to curl up into two horns. Her lips
were blood red.
''I adjure thee. Reveal to me, Spoom. Who shall be the
Prince's true love? Reveal!” Baroness Eloise chanted as
she used her right index finger (which had become
transformed with other fingers into fingers with claws)
to cycle the crystal Ball of the Spoom that revealed
futures and vomited fire.
At the next breath, the green crystal Ball of the
Spoom became purplish and as though there was a
cloud forming in it. Soon Eloise could see in the crystal
Ball, two figures forming. They later formed clearly.
Eloise was awe-struck by what she saw in the crystal
Ball: Prince Denis, holding Rosetta's palm was about to
propose to her.
Madness! Eloise blared as she watched the crystal Ball's
vision. Immediately, the vision disappeared and the
crystal became the normal green again. By now, Eloise
was fuming with anger. 'Rosetta the house maid? Being
proposed to by the Prince?'
There was a red magical wine beside the wall mirror
on a cupboard and a green glass cup seated beside it,
Baroness Eloise opened the magical wine, poured all its
content into the little green glass cup and drank.
Thunder struck.
She fell into a spiritual stupor after drinking and
began staggering. However, in a real sense, Baroness
Eloise had strengthened her powers through the wine.
About to take off, Baroness Eloise got to her wardrobe.
A.A. Akinsekeji 86

Said one or two spells, entered the wall wardrobe and

magically, she vanished—heading to Blackadder. This
was the beginning of the battle.
Witch Eloise appeared at the Blackadder castle and
walked hurriedly as she sought for where the Sorcerer
was. The whole place seemed to be creepily dark and
the walls were indeed dilapidating. Cobwebs and snake
hisses were the most predominant things in the castle as
lighting lighted every two to three seconds.
''Sorcerer!'' exclaimed Eloise anticipating, still
searching him. ''Sorcerer!''
Sitting on a seat at a room's corner beside a boiling
cauldron and with a big book of spells in his front
suspended in the air, the Sorcerer opened the door to
the room he was in, moving his hand to magically open
it. He was a plumb man wearing a red robe. His hairs
were totally wavy and grey and his eyes were hazel.
''Oh! Just come in'' the Sorcerer said.
''Sorcerer!'' Eloise screamed, out of her wits end
entering into the room. ''The egg incubated is about to
be hatched!''
The Sorcerer dipped his hand into the cauldron,
brought out a bite and ate. ''We'll see what.''
''Sorcerer, danger is looming!'' Eloise yelled.
''Twenty one years?''
''Yes, Sorcerer. Twenty one years pass after your
prophecy and now, the Prince wants to marry his true
''Have a little more patience, Eloise,'' the Sorcerer
''Patience?! You talk of patience? My whole life and
power is at eternal stake, Your lordship. You talk of
''Eloise . . . Alright, tell me, what have you seen?''
''Sorcerer, the Spoom has revealed to me the Prince's
true love—which he's seeking for!''
''And she is?''
''My housemaid, Rosetta!'” Baroness Eloise cried.
''Caution, Eloise, caution,'' sorcerer said as he dipped
his hand into the boiling cauldron again and brought
out another bite, throwing it into his mouth.
''What shall I do now, Sorcerer?''
''Caution, Eloise. Remember the prophecy of the
crystal Ball? 'But if you seek to kill the Prince or his true
love, you shall die . . .'' Sorcerer said.
''Well, Sorcerer, you have to help me?!''
''What do you mean 'help me'. What should I do?''
''There should still be a way I ought to overcome the
Prince and his . . . his true love!''
''We cannot just do anything, Eloise.''
''We can, Your lordship.''
''We cannot kill either of them!''
A.A. Akinsekeji 88

''So, what else?''

''Remember the prophecy! Caution, Eloise!'' shouted
the Sorcerer. There was silence for some moments.
''Alright, lord of wizards, isn't there an alternative I
can do? Isn't there a way. . ?'' Eloise replied, soft-toned
Sorcerer sighed, retrieving another bite from the
cauldron again. ''Caution, Eloise! You don't want to be
''At least, just help me, Sorcerer.''
''Well, let's see.'' Sorcerer sighed opening the
suspended spell book in his front to another page by
waving his hands again. ''Okay, here we are.''
''What's there . . . Sorcerer?''
''Eloise, why don't you . . . Okay let's get this, Eloise.''
Sorcerer said as he stroked the handle of the chair he
was sitting on. ''You can't kill them, okay. But you can .
. . you can separate them.''
''Separate them? . . . I just never saw that.''
''Listen carefully. You can separate them by hindering
the Prince from meeting his true love for at least the
next seven months. By then, the fate of the Prince to
ruin you would have been over. Or if you can't separate
them, consider enchanting any of the couple into a dead
sleep for those months of perfection. Even if they'd
later marry after that, you wouldn't be destroyed, and by
then . . . you would be free to extinct any of them,'' the
Sorcerer outlined.
''Good heavens!'' breathed an oriented Eloise.
''Your lordship, I Eloise would forever be grateful for
this wise counsel of yours.''
''Pleasure, Eloise,'' Sorcerer said, retrieving another
''Your lordship, I should take my leave now to
maximise my full outbursts.''
''Very well, Eloise,'' Sorcerer said getting a crystal Ball
from a cupboard beside him. ''But remember, Eloise,
Inspired Eloise vanished from Blackadder back to her
wardrobe back at her house. It was really time to
maximise the outbursts of her wrath on her maid,
Eloise stepped out from her wardrobe and struck her
Spoom on the wall. Suddenly, everywhere became
overcast and thunder struck. The curtains of her room's
window flung up as wind suddenly began to blow and
the view to her room was open.
Eloise approached her room's window and looked
out of it round her, inhaling the cold air of the wind.
She could see close and distant buildings in the
Kingdom's town. The King's Magnifique Castle was
also in a distant but clear view in the overcast
atmosphere the close town's chapel was clear in sight.
A.A. Akinsekeji 90

Eloise shrieked and struck the Spoom on the wall again.

Thunder struck again and lightening lighted. She
inhaled more cold air of the wind.
''Your destiny is in my hands, Rosetta! Forever you're
doomed!'' Eloise shouted as she struck the Spoom on
the wall the third time. Her hairs, curled up into two
horns, sparkled fire as thunder struck again and
lightening lighted. She was poised to wreck Rosetta who
was practically on the verge of destruction now.
The Bishop, watching from the town's chapel in a
close distance, saw Eloise as she made that decree,
striking the Spoom in her hand.
Thunder rumbled the overcast sky again.

LIKE RIPPLES from a stone tossed into a pond, the

relentless persistence of strong courage insists on
travelling on and on. So of course, it didn't end with
Rosetta who'd gotten it from her parents. When her
chance came to showcase a little bravery, she took it.
Rosetta was a bighearted girl of strong courage.
Always fired up. Remarkably perseverant and
trustworthy. Always keeping on keeping on. Even
despite the discouraging blue-collar job she was forced
to do, she practically made sure she worked cheerful
and happy and for the expected time she was to.
Working at the dock up till twilight that very day she
had a first sight with the Prince, Rosetta showcased her
reliability still. Through with her work, Sir Conan gave
her a tiny wage—lesser than her daily pay—despite her
resilient work throughout the day.
“Sir, I'm sorry to say, but my pay is . . .” Rosetta tried
“Shut up, you squirt!” Sir Conan flaunted superiority
of his height and status. “You are expected to receive
this. Well, clear off!”
Depressed, Rosetta walked away from Sir Conan. She
knew she was unjustly cheated by him. Of course, he
A.A. Akinsekeji 92

had no sordid reason for giving for giving her that

ridiculous as wage. Again, Rosetta decided not to
bother herself with that. She trekked away from the
port heading to the town's chapel that was just a stone‟s
throw from her house.

That same evening, Hadley Kroger got one of his

horses, took his sword, put on a steel breastplate and
rode from town to the Dark Ice woods where Anne
would be as he'd planned. He wrapped a meal of fish
and fruits and took it along with him for her. All along
as he rode the galloping horse, his thoughts focused on
her. His love for her was so indescribable. But of
course, deep down in him, he knew it was extremely
strange to keep a close relationship with a girl living in
the woods, whom he knew nothing about save her
By the time he got to the woods, he rode further
inside curiously to the place he expected Anne would
be. When he reached few metres from the spot, he
halted his horse and alighted from it then leached it to a
nearby tree. He took a deep breath to calm his heart
beating much faster for anticipation and adjusted his
dress to look gorgeous enough.
The three-quarter moon of the Dark Ice woods was
getting brighter as the dusk emerged and the breastplate
Hadley was wearing could reflect almost a perfect
image. Hadley wiped a trickling drop of sweat from his
forehead, carried along the wrapped food then trekked
the few metres to the spot.
His footsteps on the woods' withered-leaves ground
announced him. With a pace or two more, he saw Anne
just in front of him sitting on the little cave and smiling.
He went closer to her.
“Sweetheart . . .” Hadley whispered pulling her into
his arms. “I missed you.”
“Me too,” Anne admitted with a lovely smile showing
her dimples.
Hadley sat beside her on the cave. “I really missed
you, love.
Anne nodded. “How was your trip?” She asked
looking from his face to his chest and his waist with a
strapped sword then to his legs admiring his masculine
“Very good. Made good sales.”
They talked sparingly, their hearts beating frenziedly
all the time. Hadley brought out the wrapped meal of
fish and fruits.
“Brought this for you.”
“How sweet. What a picnic! Thanks, Hadley.”
To Anne, Hadley was the cutest guy she'd ever
known. His fashion and appearance appealed to her so
A.A. Akinsekeji 94

much. His lank auburn hair and growing goatee with a

nice masculine physique was attractive enough.
The duo enjoyed the meal together as Hadley fed
Anne every now and then and the serene environment
of the woods made them experience a good time of
relaxation. Hooting owls called to one another in the
woods' night trees and the breeze was very cool.
However, Hadley had another surprise up his sleeves
for Anne:
Propose to her!

It was almost 7:30pm when Rosetta arrived at the

chapel. Her decision was to have a little prayer and try
to see the Bishop. Getting to the town‟s chapel that was
basically renaissance baroque reflection, Rosetta walked
in. The window glasses were stained and the pews were
fashioned to that style. Rosetta walked in between the
pews through the aisle and got to the front of the
pulpit. The gold candlesticks were lit.
Taking a sigh, Rosetta uttered her prayer—her strong
“Oh precious Lord, Eternal Father and full of all
mercy and grace, save me from fear and all enemies. Be
thou still my strength and shield. Preserve me from the
roaring waves of this world, heal the grieves of my
heart. And grant me all my heart requests. I shall do all
Your heart desire. Amen,” Rosetta prayed.
“Amen,” echoed a baritone voice behind Rosetta.
Perplexed, Rosetta turned back to see who it was. To
her great surprise, it was the Bishop Loxley. He was
standing at the aisle close to the door.
“Daughter, may the Lord answer your prayers,” the
Bishop said walking closer to Rosetta.
“Yes, Your lordship.”
“You are a lady of virtue and prudence even despite
the things you‟ve faced,” Bishop Loxley said reaching
where Rosetta was.
“Er . . . Your lordship . . . pleasure.”
“The Lord Himself has directed your footsteps here. I
heard the prayer you just told Him.”
“Yes, Your lordship. My main purpose of coming
here is because of the . . . evil nightmare I had early this
morning,” Rosetta said.
“Nightmare?! Nightmare?!”
“Yes Your lordship. And it was even very
“My daughter . . .” Bishop Loxley paused. He took a
sigh and continued, “this could confirm it‟s true.”
“True? What‟s true, Your lordship?” Rosetta asked
A.A. Akinsekeji 96

“My daughter, with what I've seen and perceive, your

life and destiny is at great stake,” Bishop Loxley said.
“Great stake! I don't seem to understand, Your
“Listen carefully, my daughter. Do you have a lion‟s
heart?” Bishop asked.
“Lion‟s heart?”
Bishop sighed. “Alright, let me get you to get this.
Are you a girl of strong courage?”
“Strong courage?!” Rosetta asked much puzzled
again. “Your lordship, please explain further.”
“Daughter, if you‟re someone of strong courage—still
as the mountain and unstoppable as the sea—and if you
love your destiny, then, take a leave!” Bishop explained.
“Your lordship? I should take a leave? How? Why?”
“Danger is looming against your destiny! Peril appears
in the air because of you. Evil is against your soul,
daughter. The sceptre of attack has been risen against
your destiny!” Bishop cried.
“What?” Rosetta asked discombobulated. “Your
lordship, you said, the sceptre . . .”
“Yes, daughter.”
“Your lordship, in my nightmare early this morning, I
saw a ghastly figure carrying a sceptre about to strike
me with it,” Rosetta recalled and reported as she
became somewhat terrified.
“Mighty Lord! That confirms it. Have a lion heart, my
daughter, and take a leave!” Bishop Loxley said.
“But, Your lordship, do you mean I should leave my
house or what?”
“Exactly! Run, if you really love your life, from your
house.” Bishop announced. “Alright, let me get you get
this. Baroness Eloise is after your life, ready to destroy
you the moment she sets her eyes on you . . . from what
I saw today.”
“Destroy me? But why? What exactly did I do?” a
puzzled Rosetta asked.
“That, I don't know, daughter. But now, do me the
favour I ask: run away from your house and from this
town. Leave before midnight falls!” Bishop Loxley
cried. His words were indeed terrifying and perplexing
“Run away? But . . . but . . .”
“Listen carefully,” Bishop said, getting a Bible from a
stand close to the pulpit. “You love your life and
destiny indeed? Then run! Let me inform you, you‟re a
person of magnificent destiny. It mustn't be destroyed.
Run away!”
“Your lordship, I can‟t just . . . alright, but where can
I run to?”
“Run away! Anywhere! Into the woods, another town,
another country. Anywhere! Just leave right now!”
A.A. Akinsekeji 98

Rosetta was shocked. A real ambivalent feeling

flooded her heart now. She was really extremely
confused. Why would Stepmother Baroness Eloise just
want to destroy her? How could she be so sure?
“Your lordship,” Rosetta said. “Can you really explain
to me what really is happening?”
Bishop Loxley took a sigh. “Alright, daughter. I can
bear witness that Baroness Eloise, your Stepmother is
ready, much ready, to ruin you and your destiny—based
on what I saw today. With what I perceive, if you
remain at home, your life could be terminated!”
“Terminated!” breathed Rosetta. “Alright, Your
lordship, but can‟t I . . . it‟s already dark now, can‟t I
leave tomorrow?”
“No, for it shall be too late. Get prepared, and run
away into the woods, now!”
“The woods?! Your lordship . . . it‟s dark, cold creepy.
Where would I stay? How would I survive?”
“Fret not, daughter. Get prepared and flee into the
woods now. It may be that the Lord would send you
supply in the woods and your life shall be spared. Of
course, He would. I know of a little cottage in the
woods owned by an elderly Madame, somewhere
around the centre of the woods. When you see it, get to
it and introduce yourself as Rosetta from Bishop
Loxley. And she would let you in.”
“Your lordship . . ? Alright, I will. I‟m so scared. But
when do I return?”
“That, my daughter, I do not know. Your destiny may
not comply with you returning back.
“Listen now, in two days‟ time, the Prince Denis
would hold his Ball party at the castle for three nights.
Try as much as possible to especially attend the last
night for on that night, he shall choose his Virtuous
Princess and propose to her. Every single lady in the
Kingdom has been invited. Make sure you do too.”
Bishop advised.
“What?!” replied an awe-struck Rosetta. Hearing what
the Bishop said, her ears perked up. Suddenly, she
became lost in thought. Memory of her first sight with
the Prince earlier that day revived in her memory again.
She became shocked and surprised. Prince Denis would
hold Ball party in two days’ time for three nights to propose to his
Vir . . . Virtuous Princess?”
“Daughter, do you comply with my counsel?” Bishop
Loxley asked cutting out Rosetta‟s thoughts.
“Oh! Yes, yes, Your lordship, I do, but . . .”
“No time for buts, daughter. Run right away into the
woods. Be of strong courage. And try to come for the
Prince‟s Ball. Who knows where fate may land you in?”
“Yes . . . Your lordship.” Replied Rosetta who was
very much surprised now. Her ambivalence seemed
multiplying. Prince Denis about to marry? How come?
A.A. Akinsekeji 100

“Now, before you go, I advise you to take heart to

these Holy Scriptures. Never forget them and always
use them in time of trouble,” the Bishop said, opening
the Bible with him.
“The Psalm 91 verses two, four and thirteen. Here: I
will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress:
my God; in Him will I trust. He shall cover thee with
His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His
truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt tread
upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon
shalt thou trample under feet.” Bishop Loxley closed
the Bible.
Hearing the Scriptural quotes Bishop had given her,
Rosetta thanked him and prepared to leave for the
woods as Bishop had advised her. She couldn‟t really
understand what exactly was going on.
“Before you go, daughter, always keep these in your
heart. Remember to always remain in kind-heartedness,
prudence and modesty. May the good Lord be with
you,” Bishop charged Rosetta before she took her
“Thank you, Your lordship. Forever, I‟ll count this
day as the one you‟ve used to save me from impending
danger and jeopardy,” Rosetta said gratefully
appreciating Rosetta.
“Go in peace now. Remember to always depend on
God,” Bishop said, patting Rosetta as she began to take
her leave, heading out of the chapel. She was
flabbergasted and heart-broken. Should she be sad? Or
happy? She didn't really know.
Rosetta left the chapel feeling rather terrified and
scared. A tear or two coursed down her cheek as she
left the chapel about to head into the woods out of the
town. Her cherished diary in her white woollen bag was
still with her. Would she ever see her town again? She
looked to her house as she left. There it was in the
darkness of the evening. How was she sure she‟d see
the house her parents and family had lived together in
for some years? Her mother‟s graveyard lied at
backyard. Would she ever see it to adorn it with flowers
Rosetta was deeply confused. Why exactly did
Baroness Eloise want to destroy her according to what
Bishop said? Did she offend her? Did she forget to
carry out a chore before leaving for the port? Rosetta
was awe-struck, fear-stricken and literally bewildered.
All along as she trekked and ran out of the town
heading to the woods, all these thoughts came to her.
The night was becoming very cold and dark and the
three-quarter moon was dimly lit in the barely cloudless
As Rosetta trekked to the woods, fear began
becoming alive in her heart. She began to really sob
now. She could hear animals and insects chirp and
A.A. Akinsekeji 102

squeak on her path to the woods. As much as she

could, she tried not to remember the evil nightmare
she‟d had earlier that morning. She could also feel that
danger was indeed looming. Now, it really seemed she
was an outlaw. A real outcast to her own native town.
What about the Prince? Would she ever really see him
again? She couldn‟t deny his love was deeply
entrenched in her heart now. Yes, she could admit it:
Rosetta is in deep love with a whole Prince—Prince Denis. And
she sought to see him again like the first time she did.
She couldn‟t tell whether he felt anything for her the
time his eyes met hers and they stared long at each
other, she smitten in love. She couldn‟t tell. And of
course she didn‟t want to deceive herself: “a Prince
can‟t fall in love with a mere lady dockworker”. But she
solely wished she‟d see him again and just . . . “let my
wish of love come to life.”
Father, mother and Curt had left the house. And here
was Rosetta Candy leaving the house too. All because
of a witch titled Baroness Eloise. It was a really painful
experience. Rosetta wondered whether she was actually
dreaming but it seemed this was not a nightmare or
dream again.
This was surely reality. But whenever she looked back
to picture the whole scenario again, she knew she really
had the Bishop to really thank. What if she didn't go to
the chapel that fateful evening after coming back from
the port? What if she headed to her house straight?
What would have happened?
Just like Bishop advised, Rosetta tried to showcase a
strong heart. She wiped away the tears that were
coursing down her cheeks. And she made sure the
scriptures bishop had given her reverberate in her heart.
She knew God would preserve her life.
Rosetta got to the woods out of the town. Here was
she now nose-to-nose with an eternal decision. As
Bishop said, she was to hide here till only-God-knows-
when. However, she remembered the Ball party the
prince was to hold to choose his Virtuous Princess. She
longed she would go. She never could tell, as Bishop
said, where fate and even faith would land her in. She
knew it would be absurd to think herself as the Prince's
Princess but she would at least try to take a chance on
Rosetta was completely ignorant of all what had
happened in her house that day as she was away in the
port. But many thanks to the Bishop who‟d given her a
little tip of what happened while she was away at the
port. Baroness Eloise was about to ruin her and Rosetta
didn't really know why.
As she entered into the dark and cold solitary woods
walking slowly now, memories of enjoyment with her
gone family came alive again. She could remember how
she‟d shared deepest intimacy with Father, Mother and
A.A. Akinsekeji 104

Curt. She really knew she‟d enjoyed. But speaking about

it now, those enjoyments had painfully vanished. And
here was she left with the opposite instead now.
However, she deeply longed for the good old days to
come back. Her strong wish was that her whole world
would just be turned back and she‟d at least have her
joy back.
A song of hope flashed before Rosetta as she
remembered the rolled-away sweet moments she‟d had.
It was a song that resuscitated the power of her wish
for those good old days to be back. My Once Upon A
Time, the song talked basically about how she‟d enjoyed
and how she sought to have the enjoyment back.
Stream of melody flooded Rosetta as she sang the song
and tears coursed down her smooth-as-silk cheeks. She
was in ecstasy as the bubbling words of the rhapsody
came through her classy contralto voice. And daredevil
her, she meant every lyric of the song as she sang.

“When enchantment appears

To take something so dear,
One's whole precious world
Queerly seems to be lost.
I can say I've lived in sheer bliss
And oh! I know how I had peace
But now, it's just like t'was a dream.
Forever, I may sing my rhapsody,
But my heart strong wee desire:
Shall I again have my 'once upon a time'?
How I wish I'd have all my lost world,
Find all misplaced passions.
Oh someday, my once upon a time,
My once upon a time will come back.”

“Enjoying all adventure

Under the smiling sun,
Soaring the sapphire sky
Even in the dark nights.
I can't deny I've experienced wealth—
So much more than I can always tell
But like a sparrow, it flew away
I see I'm in an uncharted place!
But I've just got to try
To do all I can to make it mine.
What else to do in eternity
Than to take hold of the wings of time?
To have another chance on love mystery,
Enjoying sweet romance life.
Oh someday, my once upon a time,
My once upon a time will come back.”

It was really true. Rosetta sought to have her good

„once upon a time‟ back. And if possible, she was bent
on surmounting any mountain that seemed to hinder
A.A. Akinsekeji 106

her from having it back—including this mountain of a

cruel Stepmother.
Rosetta began walking faster and even running as the
atmosphere of the woods became chilly and darker. The
sky's banked clouds also promised rain. Bishop Loxley
had told her God would send her supply on way and
she would see a little cottage in the woods owned by an
elderly Madame , so she sought for it all along as she
went. She had come to the woods before only once—
when she was still a kid.
Despite the glimmering moon of that night,
everywhere seemed to be ruled by darkness. A chilly
breeze drifted every minute as Rosetta neared the heart
of the woods and soon, the rain began drizzling. By
now, she was really sobbing because she was scared.
She however continued walking fast, yet stealthily, with
observant eyes even though she hadn't seen any kind of
cottage yet.
As she moved hurriedly and concerned, she passed
the centre of the woods—where Hadley had leached his
horse and just few metres from the spot where he and
his love were.
Hadley and Anne, still relaxing as they discussed
quietly at that spot, were shocked as they heard the
footsteps of someone passing by from a close distance
announced by the withered leaves on the ground. They
kept silent.
Hadley got down from the little cave he'd been sitting
on with Anne and drew his sword out of its sheath. He
quietly walked towards where Rosetta's sound of
footsteps came from, then concealed behind a tree and
lifted up his sword in his right hand to strike, ready
against any odd. Anne who remained on the cave was a
little terrified.
Rosetta, completely unaware people where at that
place, walked further as she continued sobbing. By now
there was heavy downpour as it began to rain heavily
and Rosetta moved on to a nearby tree for shelter just
opposite where Hadley concealed. Anne got down from
the cave she sat on and entered into it.
Hadley spotted Rosetta's face in the darkness as she
stayed under the tree sobbing and shivering a bit. He
couldn't recognise her face however, she seemed to be
burdened. Hadley was confused and didn't understand
why a poor girl like her would have been out all alone in
woods and sobbing in the rain. She looked innocent to
Hadley took a couple of minutes to consider
introducing himself to the poor Rosetta to help her
who was just opposite him or not. Finally, he agreed to.
He cleared his throat about to talk to her whose
attention was immediately drawn to him after she heard
his sound. She saw the silhouette of him concealing
under the tree in the rain with a sword lifted in his hand
A.A. Akinsekeji 108

as though he were about to strike someone with it.

Sighting that, Rosetta became very terrified thinking
that he was about to hit her with it. She screamed and
dashed out of the tree she was staying under and fled
away under the rain.
Hadley saw her and screaming and dashing away so
he also left the tree he concealed under and tried
following her. Rosetta looked behind and saw him
about to follow her still, still with the sword in his hand.
She screamed again and increased her darting speed as
she was frightened.
Hadley realised he'd seriously terrified the poor lady
without even intending to do so and so, he gave up
following her. He felt pity for her.
“Who was that?” Anne asked as Hadley came back to
where she was in the darkness.
“Well, it was a poor sobbing lady,” Hadley answered
feeling rather morose, “wanted to introduce myself to
her but she was so scared and fled.”
Anne sighed. “Must have been your sword that scared
“That's true.”
The downpour subsided and the chilly breeze
returned back to the woods. By this time, Rosetta kept
on running in fear even though she began getting
exhausted. She didn't know who exactly that person
under tree was. And she couldn't understand why he
raised his sword ready to strike.
Her journey in the woods seemed to be eternal
however, she found a cottage at last. There it was
wrapped by the darkness of the woods' night and
surrounded by the tall woody trees. A flicker of light
radiated inside and smoke seemed to come from the
windows that were draining rain.
With an iota of relief, Rosetta reduced her speed, took
a sigh, then got a handkerchief from her white woollen
bag and wiped her face and dress that was very wet. She
walked further towards the cottage and reached its
front. It was so small that she wondered whether it
could contain a bed.
“Hello,” Rosetta called wryly, knocking on the tiny
door that was in front of the cottage. There was no
response. She however kept on looking around to be
certain that no one was after her.
Rosetta called twice more but there was still no reply.
“Help me, Lord,” she mumbled.
“Anyone in here, please?!” she said again feeling
rather tired and a little scared still.
“Oh, who is there?” somebody called from inside the
cottage. It sounded like a woman's voice
“Er . . . I am . . . from Bishop Loxley,” Rosetta
quickly replied confused about the answer to give.
“And you are?”
A.A. Akinsekeji 110

“My name is Rosetta!”

“Give me a minute,” the person from inside
responded. Soon, the knob of the cottage's door rotated
as the door opened. At the front of Rosetta instantly
was a very elderly plumb woman with grey hair carrying
a lantern. She wore a yellow robe that smelled sardine
and had a hood with an orange bow tie at the neck also.
“Come on in, child,” she said opening the door wider
for Rosetta come in.
“Good evening, ma,” Rosetta greeted as she entered
the cottage shivering a bit.
“Evening, daughter,” the woman replied as she
dropped the lantern on a small round table nearby and
shut the door. “You said you are from Bishop Loxley?”
“That's right ma,” Rosetta replied sort of nervous as
she scoped round admiring the dimly lit warm little
cottage that had butter scenting. “My name is Rosetta
Mitchell,” she quickly added.
“Alright,” the woman said carrying a fur coat that was
spread on the round table before. “Call me Madame
Stellan, daughter.”
“Yes ma,” said Rosetta.
“Look at you, you're really wet! You must have been
beaten by the heavy rain,” Madame Stellan said. “Here,
put this on,” she said offering Rosetta the fur coat.
“Thank you so much, Ma,” Rosetta appreciated.
“Do have your seat please,” Madame Stellan drew out
a stool from underneath the round table and gave it to
Rosetta. “You must be really exhausted. Will prepare
you a hot tea,” she added as she cackled and walked off
from the little room they were in. She really seemed to
have a big warm and welcoming heart.
Pretty Rosetta smiled to herself as she was so nervous
but rather feeling elated. It had been quite a while she
received such treatment of little love and care.
However, she was felt she so safe in the cottage. She
removed her wet woollen bag's strap off her neck and
placed it on the round table and wiped her dress with
her handkerchief once again.
A couple of minutes passed and Madame Stellan
returned with a steaming cup of tea. “Here you go,
daughter,” she offered it to Rosetta.
“Thanks a lot, Ma.”
“Don't mention, daughter. It's my duty,” Madame
Stellan replied smiling.
A draught came into her cottage through the open
windows as trickles of rain coursed down them. The
cottage was small, however, it housed many loads.
“You are one nice beauty,” Madame Stellan remarked.
“You are from the Fidèle et Véritable town right?”
“Yes ma.” Rosetta smiled.
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Tell me, why did the Bishop send you here?” Madame
Stellan asked sitting down on a rocking chair beside the
round table.
“Well, this is sum,” Rosetta said adjusting into a more
upright position on the stool. “I went to the chapel at
town for a prayer earlier this evening because of a
nightmare I had and after that, the Bishop met me and
told me I must flee from town.”
“Why?” questioned Madame Stellan.
Rosetta lowered her head and placed it on her
clenched right fists a little depressed.” He said . . . well
he thinks my Stepmother is about to destroy me.”
“What?!” Madame Stellan echoed.
“So he advised me to escape to woods and told me I
will find a cottage here where I can stay.” Rosetta
“That's pathetic! Did you offend her?” asked Madame
“No . . . I don't think so,” Rosetta said. “Or maybe I
forgot some chores.”
“You work for her?” questioned Madame. “What of
your parents, dear?”
Rosetta then closed her eyes feeling hurt. “I'm an
“Really?” whispered Madame Stellan whose heart was
touched and felt pity for Rosetta.
“Whenever I forget a chore, she punishes me
severely,” Rosetta continued. “So maybe it's just same
in this case.”
Madame Stellan hummed. “Why, she takes you as her
“She calls me a maid,” Rosetta admitted.
“How did the Bishop get to know she‟s about to
destroy you?” Madame asked.
“Well he said based on what he saw earlier today, he
perceived my life was in danger.”
“He didn't tell you what he saw?”
“Not exactly,” Rosetta said. “He however said
something about a sceptre being raised.”
“That's going to be really deep,” Madame Stellan said.
“Thank God you got here safely in any case”.
“Quite a lot of things scared on my journey down
here,” Rosetta briefed.
“It's the woods, daughter. There would always be
dangerous and frightening things here.”
Rosetta sighed trying to sip in more of the hot tea.
“Thanks for accommodating me, Madame.”
“Why, you're welcome, dear,” said Madame Stellan.
“In any case, it's nice Bishop Loxley directed you here.”
“That's true.”
“But you will be here till when?” Madame asked.
A.A. Akinsekeji 114

“The Bishop said I shouldn't return anytime now but

should try to make it at the Prince's Ball party at the
castle starting in about two days‟ time.”
“Wow! That's terrific!”
“Yeah,” Rosetta said, “He however said I must not
miss the last Ball party on the third night because on
that night the Prince would propose to his love and
every eligible lady is to attend.”
“It's glad to hear that, daughter. That means finally,
your Prince would be getting married.”
“That's right.”
“God help you.” Madame Stellan said. “Come on
dear, come and eat something before going to bed. You
must be exhausted.
“Er . . . Eat something?”
“Of course, darling,” Madame Stellan answered. “In
fact I have just finished preparing a delicious
blackcurrant cake. I can't finish it of course, so you'll
join me. I have got bananas and pawpaw also.”
“Wow!” breathed a surprised Rosetta feeling again
cared for.
Soon Madame Stellan gave Rosetta the sumptuous
dinner to eat and offered her a bathrobe as both of
them laid down to sleep in her little room. It had been
an hectic day however, it was a lovely cool peaceful
night for Rosetta.
That very night, Hadley had proposed to Anne as he
planned to do, but the words he heard from her mouth
after that made him extremely frightened and made him
flee. Anne confessed she was a bewitched ogre that had
been banished from Liech County since three years and
that that was why she lived her life so secretive.
Immediately Anne told him that, she was transformed
into the ogre‟s appearance. Hadley saw it and fled away
even leaving his horse behind that night.
A.A. Akinsekeji 116


ROSETTA woke to the smell of lamb roasting.

Stretching lazily, she opened her eyes, then blinked
against the early morning piercing sunlight until her
eyes adjusted to it. ''Guess I overslept,'' she apologised
squirming into a sitting position.
Madame Stellan smiled. ''You looked too peaceful to
disturb dear. Besides, you are no longer a maid to wake
too early.''
Rosetta grinned, drew in deep breath, and then
exhaled. Even the air of the woods smelled more
soothing. ''This is a great place.''
''Why, thank you, dear. It is my favourite paradise.''
Madame Stellan said. ''Care to join me to finish roasting
the lamb? Don't forget tomorrow is the day your
Prince's Ball party would begin. We got lot of works to
''Good heavens!'' exclaimed Rosetta. ''I've totally
''Okay. Have your bath and join me here,'' Madame
Stellan said as she applied some ingredients on the
roasted lamb breakfast she was preparing.
Her little cottage had just a room, a bathroom and a
little sitting room. Sharp sunlight pierced the wood's
shady trees and got to the house through the little
windows. Her room where she accommodated Rosetta
in had a door that led outside and she used that spot for
preparing meal. Her sitting room had a little round
wooden dining table and also a door that led outside.
Rosetta got into the bathroom and had a nice hot
bath. Coming out, she changed to her house cloth back
that she'd dried beside the fireplace the previous day.
“You look so sweet in that, dear,” Madame Stellan
“Thanks,” shy Rosetta appreciated.
“You must have been terribly exhausted,” Madame
Stellan said.
“Yeah, I was. That race from town down to this place
yesterday evening wasn't small a matter.”
“Of course, I know,” Madame Stellan said giving a
Rosetta joined her to finish preparing the almost-
ready roasted lamb breakfast. She served the meat into
two plates after it was ready and placed them on the
dining table.
“Coffee or tea?” Madame Stellan asked Rosetta, both
seated at the dining now. Her head cocked in a
motherly fashion, she added, “I'm guessing you're a
coffee drinker?”
Rosetta nodded. She felt as if she'd been divinely
jettisoned into one of those dream cottages where
A.A. Akinsekeji 118

everything came out peaches and cream and one was

totally adored. She could admit she'd started feeling
really home again—being with her own family. She felt
so safe.
“My Stepmother forced me into loving coffee when I
had to serve her it daily,” Rosetta continued.
“Good gracious! True isn‟t,” said Madame Stellan.
“Tell me more about your background. Yesterday, you
told me your Stepmother was after your life about to
destroy you. Who is she anyway?” Madame continued
pouring Rosetta a cup of coffee.
Rosetta bowed her head feeling rather morose as she
heard Madame‟s question. “I just don't like
remembering Stepmother. Well, I don't know why she
is after me.”
“Who is she?”
“She is a baroness in the Kingdom. My father got
married to her after my mother died about six years
ago,” Rosetta replied. “Her name is Baroness Eloise.”
“God Almighty!” Madame Stellan exclaimed,
extremely shocked, dropping the cup of coffee in her
hands to the floor.
“What? Why did you . . . What happened?!”Rosetta
asked confused as she saw Madame Stellan shocked
about the reply she gave her.
“It seems like it's a . . .” Madame Stellan said pausing.
“God, I just can't believe this!” she looked so surprised
and terrified. “Tell me, who did you say your
Stepmother is?”
“She is Baroness Eloise,” Rosetta affirmed getting up
from the dining seat, feeling even terrified as she saw
Madame Stellan confused.
“Baroness Eloise?!” Madame Stellan exclaimed. Every
pulse in her body throbbed with blood pounding in her
head. “Baroness Eloise . . . I know her!”
“You do?”
“I do!” Madame Stellan affirmed.
“How did you? Where did you know her from? She is
my Stepmother.” Rosetta said.
Madame Stellan was exceedingly surprise. She got up
from her dining seat literally bewildered but sat down
again. “You haven't even asked me why I live here all
alone in the woods.”
“Er . . . sorry I haven't,” Rosetta apologised.
“It's alright,” said Madame Stellan. “Baroness Eloise
was the one who forced the King Louis to banish me
from the town about seventeen years ago,” Madame
Stellan narrated.
“Really?” breathed an awe-struck Rosetta.
“Yeah, she had just become a baroness then, her late
father had been a baron, and also had her first child, a
girl,” Madame Stellan continued.
“Yes, that must be Alicia,” Rosetta chipped in.
A.A. Akinsekeji 120

“Probably,” Madame Stellan said. “We were however

neighbours then and her husband mysteriously died few
months after she had her first child. Unfortunately, we
had a misunderstanding so when her husband died, she
made a report to the King that I used sorcery to kill
him,” she narrated.
“Good heavens!” exclaimed Rosetta.
“When the King heard I used sorcery, he exiled me
“Really?” Rosetta asked, “You mean the King just
had you exiled merely by the words of Eloise, without
even having any proof?”
Madame Stellan drew in a deep breath then exhaled.
“Well, based on the law of the Kingdom, I would have
been executed had the King had proof of me using
sorcery or committing murder. But since there was no
evidence, he willing to please Eloise who was a noble,
just had me banished from the Kingdom. I got to the
woods seventeen years ago and built this little cottage
which I've been living in ever since.”
“Mighty Lord!” whispered a surprised and speechless
A wave of silence engulfed the cottage for some
moments as Madame Stellan narrated her past. None of
the duo had appetite anymore to continue their
“So it was still Baroness Eloise?” Rosetta whispered
again. “Father married her when momma died. Two
years later, my father died also and since then, Baroness
and her daughter has been extremely cruel to me,”
Rosetta reported.
“It's just unfortunate, daughter,” said Madame Stellan.
“Eloise has always been very wicked right from the time
I knew her.”
Madame Stellan really had been exiled seventeen years
ago by King Louis based on the report Baroness Eloise
gave. Madame Stellan had none to defend her however
for those seventeen years, she learnt how to live in
modesty and kind-heartedness in her paradise cottage
even though she'd been unjustly and cruelly treated. She
was willing to always help and sought that the truth
about Baroness Eloise would one day be revealed.
Madame Stellan sighed heavily again. “Daughter, let's
just try and have our breakfast and prepare for
tomorrow. We leave Eloise to God who judges rightly.”
“I'm really surprised, Madame,” Rosetta said. “And
you'll remain here forever without ever going back to
“Let bygones be bygones, daughter Rosetta,”
Madame Stellan maintained. “Enjoy your breakfast,
come on.”
A.A. Akinsekeji 122

“Will try.” Rosetta got back to her seat and began

eating. It didn't seem so small a matter to hear the
atrocity of Baroness Eloise again.
“Whenever I think of my past, I always get the urge
to sort of revenge,” Madame Stellan said to Rosetta
gulping piece of roasted meat.
“Well, you didn't, did you?” Rosetta asked.
“Of course, no,” Madame Stellan answered. “My
husband had also died as at the time I was exiled. And
I've never had any child my whole life.”
“God Almighty!” Rosetta said loudly. “You must
have really seen a lot, Madame.”
“Oh, not to worry. God has always helped me,”
Madame Stellan crisped. “Let's discuss something else,
come on.”
“Like what?” Rosetta asked.
“Well, wanted to ask you . . . I've you got the suitable
Ball gown you would wear for the Prince's Ball?”
Madame Stellan asked.
Rosetta kept her head down. “Well, I've thought
about it but . . . I don't have any one at all,” she said
“Mighty Lord!” Madame Stellan breathed. “How are
we going to get you one then, daughter?”
“Don't . . . know.”
Madame Stellan sighed. “And I've not even got any
kind that I would have lent you.”
“Would I have to return to town to get one, or
what?” Rosetta asked feeling really disturbed.
“Don't worry, daughter,” Madame Stellan said. “You
know what, God will provide. He surely will.”
“He will?”
“Of course, Rosetta, come on. Just have faith.”
“You say so, Madame.”
“Remember, a glow of faith brings a wish.”
Rosetta smiled hearing that. “Very true.”
“We'd consider what you'd wear later.”
While they continued their breakfast chatting, they
heard sound of a horse galloping and neighing outside
the cottage. It sounded so close.
“What could be that?” Rosetta asked.
“Don't know. Seems to be a horse,” Madame Stellan
said getting up from the dining seat and heading to the
sitting room's tiny window to check.
Rosetta got up from the dining seat too and headed to
the window. “Whose horse?”
“Oh, don't worry,” Madame Stellan said looking out
of the window and smiling now. It seems we have a
friendly guest.”
“Friendly guest?” Rosetta asked unaware of who the
friendly guest was. It was Bishop Loxley who'd just
arrived their cottage on his brown horse. Arriving there,
he alighted from his horse and tied it to a nearby tree
A.A. Akinsekeji 124

stump and carried a brown bag with him heading to the

little cottage's front door.
He knocked on the door thrice consecutively. “Open
up, please.” Madame Stellan reached the door and
opened it from inside. “Your lordship?” she asked
feeling rather surprised at the visit of the Bishop.
“Your lordship?” Rosetta whispered surprised too as
she saw him emerge into the house. He wasn't on his
cassock instead he was donning a dark robe that had a
“Peace be unto you,” Bishop announced as he
“Your lordship, you're welcome,” Madame Stellan
greeted. “Please do have your seat.”
Rosetta came nearer to where the duo where. “Your
lordship, I'm forever grateful for the advice and
information you gave me yesterday,” she quickly
Bishop cackled with a baritone voice. “Please don't
mention. I told you God would send supply your way,
and here, here you are now feeling rather safe.”
“Yes, I realise that,” Rosetta admitted.
“Thanks for accommodating Rosetta into your house,
Madame,” he said to Madame Stellan.
“Your lordship,” Madame Stellan smiled. “It's all well.
Please what would you want me to serve?”
“Thanks, Madame, but nothing for now.” Bishop
Loxley reclined sitting on the seat Madame Stellan
offered him and dropping his brown bag down beside
him. “I had to take it upon myself to come see
“To see me?” Rosetta asked curiously.
“Yes,” Bishop replied.
“You sure want to go for the Prince's Ball, right?”
Bishop asked.
“Oh, yes I really want to, Your lordship,” Rosetta
Bishop sighed then smiled. Then he brought out
something from the brown bag beside him. “In that
case, I thought it good to bring this for you.”
“What's that, Your lordship?” Rosetta asked
“This beautiful Ball gown for you!” Bishop
announced she offered the dress to Rosetta, extremely
jangling her nerves.
“Good heavens!” Rosetta exclaimed. In fact that was
all she could utter the moment her eyes met the Ball
gown in the Bishop's hands. Shocked and over-jubilant,
she hurried to where he was seated and quickly took it
from his hands joyfully.
Madame Stellan smiled. “You knew she didn't have
A.A. Akinsekeji 126

“Sort of,” Bishop replied.

“Oh thank you, Your lordship! How can I ever show
my gratitude?” Rosetta thanked him extremely happy.
This was something she urgently needed to attend the
Ball party coming up the next day. Here it was now,
manifesting itself miraculously. Of course, few minutes
ago, Rosetta had wished she had a Ball gown. Her wish
had come to life now.
“We're very grateful for this, Your lordship,” Madame
Stellan said.
“Don't mention, Madame. I didn't want her to be left
out in attending the Prince's Ball party so, I decided to
buy this dress this morning,” Bishop explained.
“Thanks,” Rosetta said feeling a bit shy now. Having
such a beautiful Ball gown had been one of her strong
wishes. It was a beautiful yellow gown with faint gold
patterns having aesthetic of brighter linen draped at the
waist and having a collar of white furs. Extremely
curious, Rosetta outlined the gown on her body to see
whether it would fit, and unbelievably, it seemed to
perfectly do.
“Now you're very joyous,” Madame Stellan remarked
“I can't say how joyful I am,” Rosetta said happily as
she examined the beautiful gown.
Bishop Loxley cackled again. “What about this,
daughter?” Just then, he brought out a pair of beautiful
gold Ball shoes from the brown bag and offered it to
her again.
“Mighty Lord!” breathed a flabbergasted Rosetta. “Is
this a dream?” she whispered.
“Oh no,” Madame Stellan grinned. “Remember I told
you to have faith, and that God would provide.”
“My words aren't just enough to thank you, Your
lordship,” Rosetta admitted feeling overwhelmed as she
saw the beautiful pair of Ball shoes he offered to her
“Your destiny decides you go for the Ball anyway,”
Bishop Loxley said.
“It does?” asked Rosetta.
“It does. That is why I took it upon myself to deliver
you this gift. It's what I could get,” he explained.
“Wow! Thanks, Your lordship.”
“Why, do not mention,” he said getting up from the
seated about to take his leave. “so could we call it a day
“Taking your leave already?” Madame Stellan asked.
“Seems like. I need to return back to town before
noon,” Bishop Loxley said as he carried his brown bag
with and headed out of the cottage.
“I would forever remain grateful,” Rosetta told him.
“It's really a wish fulfilled.”
A.A. Akinsekeji 128

Bishop smiled. “It's all by faith,” he told her. “Don't

forget, daughter, have a strong heart of courage, no
matter what comes your way. Destiny calls!”
“Yes, Your lordship. Will do,” Rosetta replied
Bishop headed out of the cottage with his brown bag
and got to his horse. After untying it from the stump of
tree, he climbed on it.” Don't forget, daughter, the
scriptures should always remain in your heart.”
“Thanks,” Madame Stellan and Rosetta chorused as
he rode off leaving Rosetta with nothing else than a
fulfilled wish and resuscitated hope.
“Wow!” Rosetta breathed as it remained only
Madame Stellan and herself in the cottage again.
Madame Stellan smiled. “That's just what hope can
“It's really like a dream.”
“No, it's not. This is instead a fulfilled dream.”
“Oh, forever, I'll be grateful to the Bishop for saving
me and providing this for me,” Rosetta said. “And you
too, Madame, for accommodating and caring for me.”
“Be grateful to God.”
Enthralled and elated Rosetta cherished the Ball gown
and shoes so much. The shoe, adorned with gold
glittered stars. And it absolutely matched the yellow Ball
gown. With an excited and fiery spirit, Rosetta tried on
the gown and pair of shoes. Much to her surprise, the
duo fitted perfectly. They flaunted her elegant and
graceful physique.
“You just look gorgeous in that,” Madame Stellan
“Why, thank you, Madame.”
“Ahem.” Madame Stellan cleared her throat. “Guess
you need a little more fitting,” she squeezed her eyes a
“I do?”
“Yeah,” Madame Stellan replied with a finger in
between her lips trying to figure out what.
“I'm trying to find . . . Yes! That's it!”
“That's what?”
“Coming, dear. Let me get something to spice up
your beautiful attire.” Quickly, Madame Stellan went
inside her little room and headed to the wardrobe. She
brought a couple of things out and went back to lounge
where Rosetta was.
“Here!” Madame Stellan said.
“What's that?” surprised Rosetta asked.
“Ball gown‟s gloves.”
“Wow!” Rosetta said happily collecting the pair of
gloves from Madame Stellan. It was a pair of three-
quarter length white silken Ball party gloves designed
with patterns. She tried the gloves on and they also
A.A. Akinsekeji 130

“Seems like you'd also need this,” Madame Stellan

“What else again?”
“A necklace,” Madame Stellan replied smiling and
giving Rosetta a red silken necklace.
“Good Lord!” Rosetta said. “Thanks, Madame “
“You're very welcome.”
Rosetta collected the necklace from Madame Stellan
and tried it on too, making her attire to be perfect and
“Well, I thought you needed something to match the
colour of your rose hair,” Madame Stellan said
Rosetta grinned. “How exciting. She went in front of
the wall mirror in Madame Stellan's room and examined
herself there. She looked so pretty and indeed gorgeous
in the Ball attire. “How can I ever be grateful,
Madame?” Rosetta asked feeling appreciated.
“Oh, don't mind that. Come on, remove the attire
and keep for the Ball and let's resume to house chores,”
Madame Stellan said.
“Alright.” Rosetta said. She undressed and kept the
attire in a wardrobe then joined Madame Stellan in
carrying out remaining chores.
Madame Stellan really helped Rosetta complete the
attire. Having a red matching necklace with white
gloves indeed spiced up the yellow dress. Thanks to her
and the bishop.

Dracula de Norse, a monk and very close friend of

Madame Stellan, who was secluded in the monastery at
Brocéliande forest was on a journey to Fidèle et
Véritable Kingdom that very day. He journeyed through
the north of the woods in order to get to the town. On
his way, he passed in front of Madame Stellan's cottage
in his carriage of two horses. Realising he'd gotten to
her cottage he halted and alighted from the carriage
then walked over to the cottage. This was around five in
the evening.
He knocked on the door and Madame Stellan opened
up for him. “Welcome, Dracula. It's been a long while
since you last came here,” Madame Stellan said smiling.
“Thanks, Madame,” said Dracula. “I've wanted to
spend a lot of time at the monastery, that's just why I
haven't been around in a while.”
Madame Stellan introduced Rosetta to him. “Meet
Rosetta Mitchell, Dracula. She's been staying with me
here since yesterday for refuge.”
“Nice to meet you, Dracula,” Rosetta said waving to
him from a distance.
“Nice to meet you too,” he said. “Pleasure.”
A.A. Akinsekeji 132

Madame Stellan offered Dracula a seat and a

sumptuous meal. And they discussed.
“Prince Denis' Ball for every eligible lady would be
kicking off tomorrow. Rosetta here would also be
attending it. On the third night, the Prince would
choose his bride,” Madame Stellan explained to him.
“Wow!” Dracula said enthralled at the concept.
“Where would it be holding?”
“At the Magnifique castle.”
“The castle,” he crisped. “Wouldn't it be very far for
Rosetta to journey to every night?”
Madame Stellan bit her lips unable to answer the
question. She smiled at Rosetta.
“That's really true,” Rosetta whispered.
“We haven't even really considered that, Dracula,”
Madame Stellan said.
“And there's nowhere she could stay in town so as to
remain closer to the castle for those nights?” Dracula
asked again.
“Not really,” Madame Stellan and Rosetta chorused.
Dracula sighed. “What are we going to do then?”
“Don't know,” Madame Stellan whispered.
Some seconds of silence passed then Dracula spoke
finishing his meal. “In that case, why don't I leave a
horse behind for Rosetta that she would use on all the
nights to journey to the castle?”
“Really?” Madame Stellan asked surprised. “How
would you then continue your own journey to the
“Well, I'm here with a carriage. I've got two horses,”
Dracula replied.
“That's perfect!”
“So I'd remove a horse for Rosetta in that case.”
“Really? Oh, thanks so much, Dracula. This is great,”
Rosetta admitted. “In fact, I can‟t wait for tomorrow to
Madame Stellan and Dracula laughed.
“Thanks a lot, Dracula,” Madame Stellan said.
“I'm journeying to Fidèle et Véritable in order to
relocate my elder sister's possession from there to Liech
County where my family lives,” Dracula told them.
“Three nights from now I would be on my journey to
Liech County, by God's help, and with my sister's
“God guide you,” Madame Stellan said.
Soon, Dracula left the cottage in order to continue his
journey back to town. He removed a horse for Rosetta
from the couple and tied it to a tree nearby while he
continued his journey with the remaining horse.
Kind-hearted Dracula had lived in Liech county with
his family however when he grew to be a man, he
became a monk that was based at Brocéliande. He was
referred to as the man of Norse because his ancestors
A.A. Akinsekeji 134

had their origin from that land. Madame Stellan and

Rosetta bade him farewell after appreciating him again
as he departed for town.

Baroness Eloise shrugged her shoulders angrily

several times. “Where on earth could Rosetta have been
since yesterday?” she demanded furiously
Hazel and Alicia were with her in her room and they'd
just had breakfast, prepared by themselves.
“Mother, could she have remained at the port?” Alicia
asked with a frowned face also ignorant of where
Rosetta had been.
“I doubt that!” Baroness Eloise blared stroking
Hazel's fur.
Alicia sighed. “Mother, isn't there anything we could
do to find out her whereabouts?”
“I know not!”
“Probably she's run away from us,” Alicia suggested.
“Most likely!” Baroness Eloise said. “I mean, she
went to dock for work yesterday morning and refused
to return since then. Sir Conan tells us she met the
Prince on the ship and they stare long at each other,
and barely six hours after that, the Prince announces his
Ball party. What exactly is happening?' suspicious Eloise
“Why don't you find out from Sir Conan?” Alicia
“Listen, Alicia, I strongly believe and know Rosetta is
not at the dock . . . It must be that she's hiding,”
Baroness Eloise said.
“What can we do then?”
Baroness Eloise gave a long sigh. “I guess I know,”
she suddenly gave a sly smile crunching her fist in
another hand and staring at Hazel. “We shall strengthen
“Meaning what?” gasped a confused Alicia.
“You just stay back!” Baroness Eloise said. Suddenly,
she pointed her right index fingernail at Hazel‟s face,
charming it.
“Hazel, my loyal servant, I empower you now to
search for where Rosetta could be right now. Search far
and wide, near and close, sniff for her and let the power
of perception surge you. Go now and sniff for
Rosetta!” Baroness Eloise decreed.
Just then, Hazel howled loudly, jumped out of
Baroness Eloise‟ room and headed out of the house.
A.A. Akinsekeji 136


MADAME STELLAN was awakened by the crowing

roosters in the woods early the next morning. Adjusting
her dim eyes, she turned her pillow-lain head to where
the clock was. It was seven.
She sat upright, stretched herself and finally got up.
“It‟s time to wake up,” she said rhythmically to
sleepyhead Rosetta who didn‟t answer.
“Come on, wake up Rosetta. The air‟s soothing and
the birds are singing for you;” Madame Stellan called
again, opening the cottage‟s windows. “Come on, dear.
The woods' trees are clapping for you. Have you
forgotten what today is? Get up!”
Rosetta wriggled still on the bed, moaning silently. “I
can‟t get up now.”
“You can‟t? Why?” Madame Stellan asked much
“I got a cold,” Rosetta replied crisply.
“Cold? What, why?” Madame Stellan moved closer
to the bed Rosetta was lying on.
“I'm feeling so sick,” Rosetta said with a dry voice
shivering a bit.
“Sick? What are you saying, dear?” Madame Stellan
got to where Rosetta was. She felt her body‟s
temperature using the back of palm. It was very warm.
“Good gracious! Your body‟s so hot!”
“I‟m so tired. I feel so sick;” Rosetta whispered.
“Sorry, dear,” Madame Stellan said adjusting the
blanket to fully cover Rosetta‟s body. “Will prepare
some hot tea for you and medicinal herbs.”
“Thanks,” Rosetta whispered as her eyes remained
Stricken with fever, Rosetta‟s body temperature was
high that morning. Although it was a day she longed so
much to see, it was also one she unfortunately suddenly
fell sick on.
“Why is this happening today?” Madame Stellan said
about to prepare tea for Rosetta. “Today is the one
you‟ve always longed to see!”
She prepared the medicinal herbs which she got
outside from the woods and also made the hot tea.
“Come on, take this now,” she said handing over the
cup of tea to Rosetta on the bed.
“I don't feel like,” Rosetta declined, still with closed
“Daughter, just try to,” Madame Stellan said
extremely bothered.
“I just can‟t. I don't know what has happened to me,”
Rosetta said sickly as she continued shivering.
A.A. Akinsekeji 138

Madame Stellan groaned. “What can I do for you

now, daughter? The Prince‟s Ball party kicks off today,
you‟re supposed to be there,” a tear came out from her
eye as she spoke. “Here you where yesterday, extremely
lively. Now you are down this morning.”
Rosetta continued shivering despite her body‟s high
temperature. It was surprising how she suddenly fell
sick. This seemed like a symptom that would hinder her
from attending the Ball.
Already in the woods, early that morning, charmed
Hazel continued to sniff and perceive around for
Rosetta. Right from town where it‟d been charmed by
Baroness Eloise the previous day, it found its way down
to the woods and continued to perceive where Rosetta
could be. The deeper it went into the woods, the bigger
its perception increased.
Still sniffing round for her in the solitary woods and
grinding its teeth, it suddenly got to the little cottage
where Rosetta actually was in. Immediately, it stopped
and lifted its head up. It could very well tell that this
was the exact spot Rosetta was because its perception
for her was at its peak now.
Madame Stellan was still inside the cottage
persuading Rosetta to take the tea and medicinal herbs.
“Come on, daughter, take this now and get well,” she
“I can‟t,” Rosetta moaned. “I'm so sick.”
Madame Stellan sighed moving closer to embrace
Rosetta‟s body. “Alright, at least dear, get up to have a
fresh up.”
“I can‟t get up too,” Rosetta replied as she continued
shivering sickly.
“Does that mean you wouldn‟t attend the Prince‟s
Ball tonight?”
“I may not.”
Hazel who was still outside snarled sharply. Mission
was accomplished, it had found out everything it
needed to know about Rosetta. Immediately, it turned
back and began heading out of the woods, running and
barking violently and hurrying to report everything to
Baroness Eloise.

Dukedom Loothorn‟s royal ship arrived Fidèle et

Véritable at the port that morning with Brecamandara
inside. Officials at the port were surprised to see her
arrive there, and without any previous notification.
Straightaway, she disembarked from the ship with her
stewards conveying her luggage.
Meanwhile, Sir Conan was questioning some
dockworkers right there at the port about the
whereabouts of Rosetta. He‟d been fuming ever since
that Rosetta had not come to the port since two days.
A.A. Akinsekeji 140

“I know she is your very close friend,” Sir Conan

spoke to Gwenaelle. “Where has she been?!”
“Sir, I also don't know. She never told me anything
about this,” Gwen replied.
“You have to disclose it, Gwenaelle. I know you‟re
“I'm not, Sir, sincerely.”
“Since you are not ready, I wouldn‟t force you. But
forget your pay for today.” A muscle jerked in his jaw,
the skin tightened over his hard-boned face.
“Oh, yes. You heard me right!” Sir Conan walked off
from where Gwen was. Those who failed to obey him
completely would always serve punishment. He was
indeed boss at the port. Ignorant about Rosetta‟s
whereabouts, he was very perturbed. Not that he was
concerned about her welfare; he was bent on seeing her
work tiresomely always because he disliked her. For one
reason or other, Sir Conan refused to inquire from
Baroness Eloise about Rosetta. He just felt she wasn‟t
at home either and probably ran away.
Baroness Eloise was still in her room that morning
when Hazel returned and hurriedly went to her. Seeing
the Hound arrive, she knew it had journeyed from the
woods. She gave a mean smile.
“Speak, Hazel, speak;” Baroness Eloise pointed the
Spoom at it. A wave of light travelled from the magic
sceptre and hit Hazel, enchanting it to talk.
“In the woods!” Hazel shouted immediately. “She
hides in the woods with an old woman in a little
cottage. She's so sick today and might not be able to
come for the Ball.”
Hearing that, Baroness Eloise gave a loud and mean
laughter as she got up from her bed. “Let‟s see whether
you would make it at all, Rosetta!”
Alicia came immediately from her room and entered
Baroness Eloise'. “How about Rosetta, mother?” she
“She hides in the woods however, misfortune awaits
her, Alicia. Misfortune!” Baroness Eloise answered
Alicia grinned. “What are you going to do for her?”
she asked.
“Well, let's see . . . I know what I shall do,” Baroness
Eloise said.
“Good?” Alicia said caustically with a sneer on her
“The waves of enchantment she shall ride on and her
refuge shall become her Hades. The adder shall be her
shadow and horror would be her footprints!” Baroness
Eloise shouted striking the Spoom in her hand on the
wall. Immediately, a sharp thunder travelled in the sky
A.A. Akinsekeji 142

and the Spoom vomited a large beam of light on the

floor in her room. Almost at the next breath, a figure
formed on the floor. The wave of light reflecting from
the figure gave way and straightaway, the figure could
be seen clearly. It was a cockatrice!
Seeing the cockatrice appear, Baroness Eloise cackled
loudly. “You've got a mission, adder,” she said.
Immediately, the cockatrice which was standing on
the floor flapped its broad wings thrice.
Baroness Eloise placed her fingers on the Spoom's
crystal Ball. “I'm setting you at the Magnifique castle
against Rosetta,” she spoke to the cockatrice.
“Whenever she arrive the castle for the Ball on any
night, you must pursue her far away into isolation
where you shall eventually petrify her. To be frozen not
in death, but in the sleep of death that shall last for
seven perfect months. Do as I say, cockatrice, destroy
Immediately, the cockatrice shrieked loudly then

The castle‟s clock chimed long and loud. It was Nine

O‟clock in the evening—the time the Prince‟s Ball party
was to formally begin. Carriages and horse coaches of
various people had arrived at the castle and more kept
on coming. Sentries were positioned at intervals
everywhere in the castle and a lot of lights had made
placed everywhere too.
Donned in that era‟s Ball party fashion style, both
nobles and commoners appeared very gorgeous and
music from the Ball orchestra accompanied every
moment. The Ball was to hold at the banquet hall
located in the middle ward of the castle. The Royal
family including nobles of the Kingdom and other
natives were around. Baroness Eloise with Alicia had
arrived. Nobles of the military like Sir Conan with
Captain Baldwin also played parts there with all knights
being dressed in the ceremonial black cuirassier armour.
The Prince was suited in a beautiful tailcoat attire,
cream top with gold epaulets and burgundy trousers.
Just like the way it had been written in the Royal
invitation letter, the Ball party was only for citizens of
Fidèle et Véritable kingdom. And any eligible lady who
would have been checked on by the Prince must have
previously submitted genealogy of her family line to
confirm she originated from the Kingdom. Shortly after
the Ball kicked off, Brecamandara‟s presence in the Ball
was baffled at by everyone. She wasn't from the
Kingdom, yet she was around. A lot of people frowned
at it however, the party continued well and peaceful
unfortunately, the Prince didn't select any lady yet that
A.A. Akinsekeji 144

Immediately after the Ball the next morning,

Brecamandara was summoned by King Louis and
Queen Danielle. After lot of questions, she couldn't
fully disclose how she found out about the Ball party
and why she was around. Feeling terribly embarrassed
at that, Brecamandara fled the castle in her carriage and
straightaway headed to the port. She embarked on her
ship about to sail back to Loothorn and immediately
ordered her crew to weigh anchor. Duchess Demither
would take it from there.
The second night came and the Ball on that night was
just similar to the first except that no foreigner was
around. The Prince didn't select any lady as Princess
also. A wonderful night, King Louis dubbed it.
Rosetta, still sick with fever in Madame Stellan‟s
cottage, was unable to attend that night's again.

Madame Stellan awakened Rosetta. “Come on,

Rosetta, get up,” she said gently, placing her hand on
Rosetta's forehead. This was around six O'clock in the
evening on the third day and the Prince's final Ball party
was to begin in few hours.
“Yes,” Rosetta answered lazily as she stretched on the
“How are you feeling now?” she caringly asked. She'd
been checking on her from time to time and had even
prepared more medicinal herbs for her.
“Better,” Rosetta replied.
Madame Stellan scratched her chin then sighed.
“Tonight is the last for the Prince's Ball party. Wouldn't
you be able to make this?”
“The last?!” Rosetta exclaimed surprised.
“I didn't realise!”
“Well, now you do.”
“I have to make this night's,” Rosetta admitted. “I
just have to.”
“Yes, do,” Madame Stellan said. “Would you be
capable of going alone?”
“I should. I just have to.”
Madame Stellan placed her hand on Rosetta's neck.
“Your body is better now. You have to make this.”
“Yeah,” said Rosetta. “I however still feel slight
“A cup of hot tea should take care of that,” Madame
Stellan spoke with laughter in her voice. Rosetta smiled
“In that case, why don't you get yourself ready for
Ball? I would prepare you some hot food and dinner,”
Madame Stellan said.
“Thanks so much, Madame, for taking care of me.”
A.A. Akinsekeji 146

“Don't mention, dear.”

Rosetta took the little dinner she could eat and
prepared herself for the Ball with Madame Stellan
uniquely dressing her up. Much thanks to the Bishop
for the beautiful yellow Ball gown and gold shoes he'd
given her the other day. Rosetta also donned the white
gloves Madame Stellan gave her with the red necklace
that matched. She was set to leave for the Ball.
“May God grant you favour, Rosetta,” Madame
Stellan said embracing Rosetta as she was about to
A tear fell from Rosetta‟s eyes. “Thanks so much
Madame. I love you and can never forget this goodness
you've done for me.”
“It‟s okay, dear.”
“But . . . my heart is disturbed,” Rosetta said.
“Disturbed? Why, dear?” Madame Stellan asked.
“What if,” Rosetta gasped, “what if the Prince has
chosen his bride or Virtuous Princess, probably on the
past nights?”
Madame Stellan sighed. “In that case . . . Let's not
assume that daughter. There's also probability the
Prince hasn't. Have faith, remember?”
Rosetta shook her head feeling sort of discouraged.
“Alright,” she said.
Outside the cottage now, Rosetta climbed on the
horse Dracula de Norse had left for her there few days
ago. She'd almost fully recovered and was now fit to
ride the horse all the way to the town and the castle.
She waved to Madame Stellan who bade farewell as she
left. This was around eight in the evening. It was a cold

At the castle meanwhile, the Ball started at the stroke

of nine. More guests were around this night including
nobles that the King had even previously sent on some
journeys for certain assignment. Baroness Eloise and
Alicia with Sir Conan were also around. Everyone,
arrayed in beautiful attire were anticipating for the lady
the Prince would propose to as his Virtuous Princess
and the moment he would. Tonight, the Prince donned
a Royal attire of blue top with gold epaulets and collar
and white trousers with red side-stripes. He also had a
gold belt on and white gloves.
A lot of nobles came to greet Prince Denis and shake
hands with him as the party began. This would be the
last they'd know him as an eligible bachelor. His close
friends also did and Hadley Kroger was among. The
hall were the Ball was held was filled with many people
and the music had begun by now.
“Tonight is one you won't forget, Your highness,”
Hadley teased Prince Denis.
A.A. Akinsekeji 148

“Yeah, that's right,” Prince Denis replied but with a

force-myself smile.
“Why, Your highness, you look disturbed,” Hadley
“It's just . . . I don't feel any of the ladies in this
Kingdom, here in this Ball is right for me,” Prince
Denis whispered shifting his gaze outside the hall
through a windows they were beside it. “To be sincere,
I haven't felt love for anyone still.”
Hadley sighed. “Maybe your Virtuous Princess is not
going to be from this Kingdom then.”
With a rueful smile, Prince Denis turned back to
Hadley. “Not to worry, I'm certain I'll find her here
Hadley winked and Prince Denis continued staring
out of the hall's window.
By this time, Rosetta arrived at the castle and alighted
from the horse just a little distance from the steps that
led up to the middle ward's Banquet hall where the Ball
held. She reached the steps and climbed up delightedly.
Sentries in their ceremonial attire were positioned at
both ends of some steps that led up to the southern
gate. Passing in between the sentries as she climbed
each step with poise, Rosetta could already here the
music and chatter of people from the Ball room. It
seemed as though everyone was already inside the hall.
As she approached, the cockatrice Baroness Eloise
had programmed days before suddenly appeared inside
the castle close to the Banquet hall awaiting Rosetta to
attack her.
Rosetta got inside the middle ward where the Banquet
hall was and walked towards it. She reached its front
door and was about to enter when suddenly she heard
the loud hiss of something beside her. Turning head to
her right where the sound seemed to come from,
Rosetta was terrified by what she saw.
On a stone pavement by her right, there was the
cockatrice standing and spewing noxious fumes with
sharp glittering green eyes in the night. Sighting it, a
frisson of shock darted through Rosetta's nerves as
goose pimples stood everywhere on her skin. She froze
awe-struck. The nightmare about cockatrice she had
some nights ago flashed before her mind. Here was a
real cockatrice beside her at the castle now. How come?
The cockatrice flapped its bulky and horrifying wings
and advanced forward towards where Rosetta was away
from the pavement. Horror struck, Rosetta‟s heart
suddenly began beating faster and the hairs of her body
stood upright. It also seemed a million needles were
pricking her everywhere. She shouted as she saw the
cockatrice advancing towards her.
Rosetta immediately took to her heels and ran away
from the Banquet hall. She looked back only to see the
A.A. Akinsekeji 150

cockatrice was still flying towards her. Fear-stricken, she

dashed out of the middle ward and went down the steps
the sentries stood at.
“Help!” Rosetta screamed as she ran past them down
to where her horse was. The sentries didn‟t see anything
so they didn't bother about her. She's probably
Rosetta jumped down to the ground when she was
few steps above it, ran to her horse and climbed quickly
on it. Immediately she rode out of the castle away into
town as the cockatrice kept on pursuing her. Prince
Denis who was still glancing out of the Banquet hall's
windows saw all what had happened to Rosetta and
hurriedly went out of the Banquet hall also dashing
down the middle ward's southern gate steps.
Prince Denis had seen the beautiful young girl as she
advanced to the hall even from the main gate of the
castle elegantly dressed. A note struck in his heart the
moment he set his eyes on her face as she got closer to
the hall. The picture of the beautiful and graceful lady-
dockworker he'd seen at the port some days ago
immediately flashed before his mind. He looked at her
again—she was the one! This was the lady he'd been
longing for ever since. His eyes and heart followed her
as she approached the Ball room but he noticed she
suddenly froze in fear looking at something at her right
side. He gazed to see the terrifying cockatrice and how
it flew towards her forcing her to flee from the middle
ward and the entire castle on her horse.
He also sighted the cockatrice as it kept on pursuing
Rosetta even out of the castle. Straightaway, enraged
Prince Denis drew a sentry's sword from him close to
the castle's main gate now, untied a leashed horse
nearby, climbed on it and also rode out of the castle in a
bid to rescue the lady from the cockatrice.
By now, people also came out of the Banquet hall
confused as to why the Prince hurriedly left the
Banquet hall. Sentries were questioned about what had
happened but they reported they saw nothing.
Immediately, they were ordered to go after the Prince.
They eventually lost track of him.
As people came out of the hall, Baroness Eloise
suspected immediately that Rosetta had arrived and had
been pursued by the cockatrice which made the Prince
go after to rescue her. Quickly, she summoned Sir
Conan and they secretly discussed.
“Sir Conan, you'd have to take up a task
immediately,” Baroness Eloise told him.
“What task, Your ladyship?” Sir Conan asked.
“Find Rosetta, Sir Conan, find her!”
“But, I know not where she is.”
“Well, she is around now,” Baroness Eloise said.
“She is?”
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“Of course!” Baroness Eloise answered. “That exactly

is the reason why the Prince left the hall. He went to get
Sir Conan frowned a bit and jerked his head
backwards a bit. “Are you sure about this, Your
“Don't question me, Sir Conan,” Baroness Eloise
“Okay, okay.”
“Yes,” Baroness Eloise said. “Get a horse now, Sir
Conan, and go after her. You could still be able to catch
up with her. Capture her for me, do not let the Prince
be able to get her. Hurry now, she heads to the woods.”
“Yes, Your ladyship.” Immediately, Sir Conan also
went down the middle ward's steps, borrowed a horse
from a sentry, and rode into town towards the woods
searching for where Rosetta would be.
Meanwhile, Rosetta rode back into the woods and
headed to Madame Stellan's cottage. Horror and terror
permeated her heart as she rode as the cockatrice even
continued pursuing her flying behind her. It gave a
shriek periodically. Minutes passed and Rosetta was still
riding the galloping horse at a fast speed. She even rode
faster as she entered into the woods.
Anne Snowfolk, the pretty girl Hadley had intended
to marry, was sitting heart-broken where she regularly
used to—on the cave she lived in—savouring another
blissful atmosphere of the woods with a nearby fire that
night. She was still relaxing when she suddenly heard
the sound of a horse galloping past where she was.
Trees blocked her sight to the horse so she got down
from the cave and moved forward to see who was
actually riding the horse in the darkness however, she
still hid behind a tree so as not to be seen.
She saw a lady on the horse riding in haste as though
she was being pursued. The lady also looked frightened
and sad. Anne didn't know who that was or what was
happening so she went back to the cave and sat on it.
But she indeed saw Rosetta that fateful night.
Soon, Rosetta got to Madame Stellan‟s cottage and
quickly alighted from the horse screaming still in fear of
the cockatrice. She banged the door open the moment
she got to its front and rushed inside. Quickly, she shut
the door back. Madame Stellan who was inside was
shocked seeing her rush into the cottage panting and
terribly frightened.
“What‟s happened, Rose?!” Madame Stellan
questioned quickly.
Rosetta couldn‟t reply. She only continued panting
and wiping sweat from her forehead.
“What‟s happened?!” Madame Stellan asked again.
“Come on, talk to me:”
“Cockatrice!” Rosetta puffed. “Pursuing me!”
A.A. Akinsekeji 154

“Cockatrice?!” Madame Stellan shouted, scared out

of her wits' end. “From where?”
“The castle,” Rosetta said still panting.
“How come? From the castle?”
“Yes, I‟m terribly scared, Madame!” Rosetta said
sobbing now.
Madame Stellan drew in air then exhaled loudly.
“Calm down, Rosetta. Talk to me, what exactly is
Rosetta sat on a chair nearby. “As I reached the
castle, about to enter where the Ball was held, I saw a
cockatrice that flew towards me and began pursuing
“Weren't people around there?” Madame Stellan
“There were,” Rosetta said. “But, no one answered
when I called for help. They probably didn't see it,”
Rosetta began gasping for air as she rushed her talking.
“Catch your breath, daughter,” Madame Stellan said.
“You are very sure of what you saw?”
“I am,” Rosetta affirmed. “The baffling fact is I saw a
cockatrice in the nightmare I had some days ago. So
seeing it real life, I was terribly frightened and almost
had a heart attack.”
“What?” Madame Stellan said. “You saw a cockatrice
in your nightmare?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“Wait a minute, good heavens,” Madame Stellan said.
“You also told me the Bishop sent you here for safety
because he perceived Baroness Eloise was about to
destroy you based on what he saw:”
Madame Stellan covered her eyes with her hands.
“That‟s wary.”
“As how?”
“Someone set the cockatrice against you.”
“Against me? Why?”
“I don't know. But probably because of the Ball.”
Rosetta sighed. “Really? Who could be that?”
“The one you fled from,” Madame Stellan said
“Do you mean Baroness Eloise?”
“Precisely. And that would confirm why no one else
saw the cockatrice, but you.”
There was a long silence in the cottage with only their
loud breathing sounding.
“Your life is indeed in danger, Rosetta,” Madame
Stellan said. “Your foes are after your life.”
“I'm really scared,” Rosetta admitted still sobbing.
“Did the cockatrice follow you here to the woods?”
“Yes, it continued pursuing me as I fled down here.”
“That‟s unsafe!” Madame Stellan exclaimed. “That
just means your presence in this cottage has been
A.A. Akinsekeji 156

“Really?” asked a puzzled Rosetta.

“Yes,” Madame Stellan replied. “Since it followed
you down here, it means your presence here has been
announced. It means this isn‟t a safe place for you to
hide any more. Sooner or later, your foe would seek for
you here. You‟ve been discovered.”
“Good Lord!” Rosetta exclaimed as a „berg of fear
accumulated in her heart. “What do I do now?”
Madame Stellan sighed heavily. “Daughter, I would
advise you to leave this place as fast as possible.”
“Leave, why?”
“Your life is in endangered. You need to seek refuge
somewhere else now:”
“Somewhere else?”
“What about you then, would you remain here?”
Rosetta asked wiping tears from her face.
“I will. It‟s you they need. And you would surely be
sought for here so you need to leave here and escape as
fast as possible.”
“This is frightening:” Rosetta said panting heavily.
“Fret not, daughter;” Madame Stellan said. “They
shall not find you.”
“So I have to leave this cottage?” Rosetta asked.
“Exactly. Believe me, daughter, it‟s for your own
“Alright. But when do I leave?”
“Right away;” Madame Stellan answered also wiping
tears from her eyes. “You‟re probably late in fact,
daughter, for in few minutes time you shall be sought.
Please, you have to leave now.”
“I will,” Rosetta said. “But I'm really scared. What if
the cockatrice attacks me outside?”
Madame Stellan sighed. “Don‟t fear, daughter. God
is with you. It shall not be able to.”
“I'm really frightened,” Rosetta said fearfully.
“Calm down, Rosetta, catch your breath. You just
have to be courageous and leave.”
Soon, Rosetta got up about to leave the cottage just
like Madame Stellan told her to.
“I love you, Madame . Thanks so much for all you‟ve
done for me. I can never forget you”
“Love you too, daughter. Come on now please, don't
fear again:”
“I will try to,” Rosetta said very sadly.
“May God be with you and preserve you, daughter,”
Madame Stellan said as she and Rosetta embraced each
other with their eyes full of tears.
Terrified Rosetta left the cottage even with her Ball
dress and shoes still on. Realising she had little or no
time now to escape totally from the pursuing
cockatrice, she fled on her legs. Jeopardy she'd never
encountered before in eighteen years was here on her
shoulders now breathing down her neck!
A.A. Akinsekeji 158

THE NIGHT was awash with moonbeams as the full
moon danced naked in the sky. The enormously wide
Dark Ice woods was very cold and creepy to stay in as
the trees and bushes shimmered moonlight but were
engulfed in a horrifying haze.
Rosetta's fear multiplied by milliseconds as she
continued her race from Madame Stellan's cottage
deeper and deeper into the woods. She could only cry
to console herself. Here was she nose-to-nose with the
reality of a nightmare. She could tell this was the
greatest horror she'd ever faced.
The cockatrice appeared again out of nowhere to the
perimeter of the woods Rosetta was in. Hearing her
running footsteps some metres away, the cockatrice
took off heading that direction, flapping its broad
As she ran, Rosetta's mind flashbacked to the other
day she was with the Bishop in the chapel. He told her
he perceived her life was in danger and had given her
Scriptures to use in times of danger. Remembering part
of them, Rosetta recited with a chunk of fear in her
heart and tears in her eyes.
“By God, I will escape the lion and adder and I'll
dwell under His wings that'll save me.”
The cockatrice spotted Rosetta who was still running
as it flew. It hovered in the air beside a tree and hissed
so loudly. The hiss reverberated in Rosetta's ears. She
knew it was close to her again as she also heard its
flapping wings. Smitten in fear as her heartbeat further
increased, she turned back to see it. It charged towards
her the moment she turned back and so, she screamed.
Sir Conan was also racing after Rosetta on his horse
according to the command of Baroness Eloise in a bid
to capture her. He also saw the cockatrice in the air as it
charged towards Rosetta with glittering green eye and a
long shriek. Sighting that, he was immediately petrified
with his horse.
Rosetta was totally unaware that Sir Conan was also
after her. However, she wondered why she wasn't
getting petrified. She'd heard that glances of cockatrices
or at them usually petrified the victim, but she realised
she wasn't. She ran faster as her legs could dart farther
from the cockatrice, deeper again into the perilous Dark
Ice woods.

Baroness Eloise had also bewitched her dog, Hazel,

and transformed it into a wolf ordering it to hunt
Rosetta in the woods. It became practically deadly as its
A.A. Akinsekeji 160

instinct and senses were multiplied. It also possessed

power to bewitch others.
Hazel got to woods and sniffed for Rosetta
everywhere. It reached the cave where Anne Snowfolk
used to live in. She was still sitting on the cave that
night when she saw a sniffing wolf directly in front of
her. Immediately she saw it, she also became bewitched
and affected by the spell Baroness Eloise had released
on Hazel. Straightaway, she turned into the appearance
of an Ogre she possessed during daylight. She got down
from the cave she was sitting on in a bid to also hunt
Rosetta down—whom she'd previously seen when
fleeing on a horse back to Madame Stellan's cottage.
Hazel who was still sniffing also reached Madame
Stellan's cottage—where it had perceived Rosetta in, the
other day. Snarling, Hazel jumped into the cottage
through a tiny window breaking the glass. It landed
inside and continued snarling.
Madame Stellan who was inside the room of her
cottage heard the shatter of a glass in the sitting room.
Surprised, she dashed out of her room with a lantern to
check what was going on.
Madame Stellan's heart escaped some beats as she
soon as she got to the sitting room. Right there in front
of her was a wolf, a snarling and salivating wolf whose
eyes were very red. Under its claws were particles of the
broken window glass.
Immediately, Hazel the wolf charged towards
Madame Stellan who was still shocked and pounced on
her pushing her down and tearing off the flesh of her
exposed shoulder and putting out the lantern's fire.
Madame Stellan could only scream for help but none
was around again to help her. Hazel grinded its teeth as
it remained on Madame Stellan on the floor who was in
severe pains now.
Soon, Hazel continued sniffing for Rosetta round the
whole cottage. Realising she wasn't there anymore, it
jumped out of the cottage through the open tiny
window again into the woods to continue its hunt.
Madame Stellan moaned as her pains continued. She
was also severely bleeding.

Deeper in the Dark Ice woods, Rosetta continued her

flee from the cockatrice. She was however becoming
very exhausted. Nevertheless her prayer was for her to
awaken from such reality of being pursued by the
cockatrice which seemed like nightmare. She was also
fed up of shedding tears.
Hooting of owls and chirps of frightening animals
and insects terrified Rosetta as she ran however, the
shriek and hiss of the cockatrice continued to scare her
out of her wits' end. Thick spider cobwebs also
A.A. Akinsekeji 162

entangled her as she ran past various trees in the

darkness of the woods. The only thought on her mind
was that of the nightmare she'd had before. She was
really terrified. She knew this was its fulfilment.
Some moments passed and Rosetta discovered she
wasn't hearing the hiss of the cockatrice anymore. She
looked back to check if it was still flying after her. She
confirmed it wasn't. She couldn't see it. And the woods
seemed to be more serene and quiet. Rosetta felt a little
relieved so she stopped running.
Gathering the flares of her Ball gown together, she
slowly began to trek in the woods panting and feeling
very exhausted with her head severely aching her. Her
recovering health seemed to worsen as she felt the
feverish feeling again. She later decided to have a little
rest by sitting on a nearby stump of tree. There was a
tree behind the stump, so she leaned her head against it
too. The chilly breeze of the woods washed on her
every minute, but thanks to the Ball gloves she still had
After a couple of minutes, Rosetta discovered there
was one cottage directly in front of her some distance
away. A blazing light of fire reflected inside and it
seemed to be bigger than Madame Stellan's cottage. It
promised to be warm inside as the fire blazed, so
Rosetta decided to go over there, introduce herself and
request for her to be accommodated because of the
deadly coldness of the night.
She got up from the stump and trekked to the
cottage. Getting there, she knocked on its front door
consecutively. There was no reply from inside.
“Hello,” Rosetta called tiredly with a cracked voice as
she continued knocking.
“Who are you?” a voice from inside replied. It
sounded like a young man's voice.
Rosetta paused surprised. The voice sounded so
familiar but as though it was one she'd not heard in a
while. “I've heard that voice before,” Rosetta whispered
to herself trying to figure out who had that voice.
“Hello, who is there?” the person from inside called
again not hearing any reply.
“Rosetta,” Rosetta quickly replied, “I am from Fidèle
et Véritable,” she added.
“Rosetta?” the voice from inside asked with a tone of
surprise. “What's your surname?”
“I am Rosetta Mitchell,” she replied.
“What?!” shouted the person inside the cottage,
“Rosetta Mitchell?!”
“Yes,” Rosetta said feeling also surprised.
“I know you. Coming straightaway!” the person
announced as he hurried to open the door for Rosetta.
She was only surprised and puzzled as to who that
person was. His voice really proved she'd known him.
A.A. Akinsekeji 164

The cottage's front door was opened. “You can come

in Rosetta,” the young man said immediately.
As Rosetta was about to step into the cottage, she
lifted her eyes to see the young man who opened the
door for her. Immediately she saw him, fear stole her
heart. He was an exact replica of her brother Curt
who'd died about four years ago. He also possessed
every facial and body expression she knew Curt had
however he seemed to have really grown—even bigger
than her.
Rosetta froze. “What is your name please?” she asked.
“Rosetta, can't you recognise me?” the young man
said. “I'm Curt your brother.”
“What?!” Rosetta asked discombobulated. She
screamed as she took to her heels and ran past the
cottage in fear. The young man ran after her and
eventually caught up with her grasping her right hand.
“Surprised, Rosetta?” he asked. “My name is Curt
Mitchell. I am your brother”
“I don't know you. You're dead,” Rosetta screamed
terribly frightened again as she struggled to release her
hand from his grasp. She couldn't. Tears began to
suddenly course down her cheeks” This must be a
ghost,” she whispered.
“Don't fear, Rosetta, I'm actually the one. I'm Curt,”
he replied.
“Leave me, please,” Rosetta screamed again as she
thought she was being held by a ghost. “Why are all
these happening to me?”
“Calm down, sister there's nothing to be scared of.
This is Curt,” he said. “I know you must have been
really scared not seeing me for a very long time.”
“How could you be him? Curt has died. I can't believe
“Believe me sister, please. You're seeing me and
talking to me now.”
Rosetta began panting. “I don't know . . .You've been
dead for years, Curt. It just can't be you.”
“It's me, Rosetty.”
“I can't believe this . . . How could it be . . . you mean
. . . you mean you're still alive, Curt?”
“Catch your breath, Rose, it's alright.”
“I thought you were dead,” Rosetta said as her tears
continued surging. “If you are the one, tell me where
have you been since all these while?”
“I'm right here now, Rose,” he said. “Come on,
forgive me for going away and not returning.”
“You're really Curt?” Rosetta asked.
“I am, sister,” he said. “Please give your little brother
a warm hug now.”
Rosetta fell into his arms crying as he placed them
round her shoulders. “Why did you leave me then all
alone in town for a very long time to face severe
A.A. Akinsekeji 166

hardship?” she asked. “What about father? Is he still

alive too?”
“Father is also living in joy,” he replied tersely.
“But I was told you both died in a shipwreck when
you travelled to Faroe Isle about four years ago,”
Rosetta told him as she rested her head on his neck and
perceived his familiar scent that she'd known before.
“You're really the one, Curt. How come you are still
“It's true we had a shipwreck on the voyage to Faroe
isle but there was nothing to prove we died,” he said.
“No one recovered our bodies so it was only broadcast
that we died.”
“That's true. So how come you're here now?” Rosetta
“We departed from the wreck and I arrived here.”
“Why didn't you return back to town?”
“I couldn't.”
“Why couldn‟t you?”
“I just can't.”
“Do you know all what I've experienced since you
both left me?” Rosetta asked feeling neglected. “It
hasn't been good. Stepmother maltreats me always. My
life has practically been in shreds. You and father
should have returned for me.”
“Rose, we really desired to . . . but we couldn't. We
felt for you.”
Rosetta sighed wiping her tears. “It's just like it's a
dream seeing you once again, Curt. So this is where
you've been residing for years. And my whole life has
been that you were dead. I'm glad in any case.”
“It's alright, Rosetty, I love you,” he said stroking her
hair as she remained in his arms. “This your red hair
never stops edifying your beauty.”
Rosetta immediately smiled remembering how he
used to tease her when they were young. “You've really
grown bigger, Curt.”
Curt sighed. “And you've grown more beautiful,
Rose. Come on tell me, what are you doing all here
alone in the woods and why are dressed as if you went
for a party?”
Rosetta sighed now remembering the reality of life
she was facing before she came to the cottage only to
come and see long-time Curt. Here was she now in the
darkness of the cold woods feeling safe in the arms of
her beloved brother.
“The sum is there's a Ball party for all the eligible
ladies in the Kingdom at the Castle this night. Prince
Denis is to choose his Princess. On my way into the
Ball room, I was attacked by a cockatrice which has
pursued me down here.”
“That's perilous!” Curt exclaimed. „All the way from
the King's castle?”
“Yes,” Rosetta answered. “It's been so horrifying.”
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“Don't fear sister, once I‟m with you, nothing can

attack you again.”
“You never stop saying that, Curt,” Rosetta said.
“Well the amazing fact is that I had a nightmare about
five days ago about a cockatrice pursuing me. And now
it's become real.”
“Really? Forces of evil are against your soul, sister. Be
very careful.”
“This is same thing the Bishop told me the day I had
the nightmare. He'd advised me to come and hide here
in the woods with an elderly Madame.” Rosetta
“You see?” Curt asked. “Be extremely careful, sister.
Who knows why your life is in danger? Probably
because of the Ball party that is being held.”
“It could be. Bishop however told me that
Stepmother is after my life.”
“God shall save you sister. If it's God's will for you to
be the Prince's bride, you shall.”
“I really wish. I love the Prince so much,” Rosetta
admitted remembering her first sight with the Prince
Curt smiled. “It's great to hear that big sister is in love
with a Prince.”
“You're naughty, Curt,” Rosetta said with a laughter
in her voice. “But it's great to see you again after a long
“Welcome from the land of dead, Curt.” Rosetta said
smiling and giving a sigh of relief.
“Rosetty, I never went to the land of the dead”
“Everyone thought you and Father did.”
“Well, at least they were wrong. We only transited to
another land of living people.”
Rosetta moaned feeling the cold breeze that
continued to wash on her. “Let‟s get inside your
cottage, Curt. This cold is terrible. The cockatrice could
also be looking for me.”
“Don't fear, Rose. It shall not be able to hurt,” Curt
said. “Why hasn't it been able to hurt or petrify you
“That's true. I also thought of that.”
“You see, Don't fear. You have great destiny so
persevere against obstacles with strong courage. You
can still return to attend the Prince's Ball, you know.
After all, this is your only chance of marrying your
Love. If you miss this opportunity, it would be so
forever. Always love and be extremely kind to all,
despite all odds.” Curt said.
“That's true. Oh, Curt, you're reminding me of
momma.” Rosetta said lifting her head up from his
body she was leaning on. “Thanks for your advice. In
that case I wouldn't fear the cockatrice anymore. Guess
I‟m returning back to town then.”
A.A. Akinsekeji 170

“It's good to hear that. You're encouraged, Rosetta.”

“Yes, why don't we go back to town together then?”
Rosetta asked.
“Oh no, Rose,” Curt said.
“Why not?! You will, Curt.”
“I can't, Rose, my soul does not belong to that town
“So will you remain in this dreadful forest forever?!”
Rosetta asked feeling angry.
“My soul doesn't belong here or anywhere else in the
world either.”
“And why, Curt?!”
“Because . . . I'm a dead man.”
“What do you mean, Curt, you told me you weren't
dead just now?” Rosetta asked feeling a bit terrified
“Farewell, Rosetty. We love you and wish the best for
you. We can't forget you, however remember to fight
for your destiny. From henceforth, overcome all your
fears with faith and strong courage.”
Rosetta began shivering for fear. “You talk like a
ghost, Curt.”
“I love you and miss you. God be with you, Rosetta,”
Curt said waving his hands. Immediately those words
dropped from his lips, he disappeared.
A frisson of shock jolted through Rosetta's veins as
she saw him suddenly disappear from her sight. He was
actually a ghost. She couldn't believe she'd just talked to
and rested in the arms of a ghost who was her brother.
Rosetta began panting again as horror permeated her
heart. Immediately, she heard the hiss of the cockatrice
behind her.
Rosetta woke up immediately, actually hearing the
hiss of the cockatrice behind her. She was really panting
as she awoke to find herself still seating on the stump of
tree she'd sat on before. She realised she'd just had a
dream. She'd slept off when she sat on the stump—and
leaned her head on the tree behind her feeling very
“What?!” Rosetta whispered with a dry voice
reflecting on the dream. Curt's ghost had actually
appeared to her just to advise her to strengthen her
courage. She looked to her front at the position where
she'd seen the cottage in the dream. There was nothing
there other than trees with shrubs beside them. She felt
like crying again remembering her vanished family. It
had been years since she last dreamt about any deceased
member of her family.
The hiss of the cockatrice continued. Realising it was
still behind her, Rosetta got up from the stump and
continued her race again even deeper into the woods.
Soon she heard the whooshing of waves just ahead her
as she ran. She realised there was a river there. It
travelled across the woods flowing from the sea of the
A.A. Akinsekeji 172

port through a valley as the land of the woods at that

place was divided.
Rosetta ran forward and saw the whooshing river
there in the valley. She moved slowly so as not to fall
down into the canyon of the flowing river. Now she
knew she couldn't advance forward. The hiss of the
cockatrice also continued behind her. Realising the
cockatrice would be flying towards where she was,
Rosetta ran to the right along the edge of the canyon's
side. Anne Snowfolk who'd also been bewitched to
hunt Rosetta sighted her from afar immediately as she
ran in that direction and followed after her with a heart
to slay.
Rosetta didn't see Anne who'd sighted her from
behind however, as she ran, she discovered a rope-and-
wood suspended bridge few metres away from where
she was. The bridge was suspended above the river in
the valley and was anchored across from one side to the
other. Straightaway, she ran to it and climbed it. It was
swingy so she moved very careful and crossed through
above the canyon to the other side of the woods.
Immediately, the cockatrice spotted her again and flew
directly towards her above the wooden bridge.
Hazel the wolf continued its hunt for Rosetta under
the full moon of the woods and by now was very close
to the gorge. The Prince who'd also been following
Rosetta since she fled the castle to rescue her also
reached the canyon's side now on his horse and sighted
her already at the other side across the bridge.
The deadly cockatrice was just behind her about to
A.A. Akinsekeji 174

DRACULA DE Norse had headed to Fidèle et Véritable
town from Madame Stellan's cottage about three days
ago returning from Brocéliande. However on the third
night, he began his journey back to Liech.
On his way back to Liech that very night on his horse,
he decided to stop by Madame Stellan's cottage in the
dark cold woods just like he'd told her to thank her and
ask about the farewell of Rosetta whom he'd given one
of his horses to.
Arriving in front of the cottage, he alighted from his
horse, made fire on a stick nearby, carried it and walked
forward to the front door of the cottage. Just before
reaching the door, he noticed that one of the windows
at the side of the cottage was totally broken and now
open. He knocked on the door getting to it now, but
there was no reply.
Just then, Dracula de Norse heard the moaning of
Madame Stellan inside the cottage. “What's going on?”
he thought unaware that she'd been attacked by a wolf
before he arrived. He went to the back of the cottage to
check whether the door there was open so he could
enter, but it wasn't. He felt Madame Stellan was in bad
situation and quickly needed help. There was however
no way he could get inside as he continued knocking on
the door.
“Madame Stellan?” he called. “What's going on?” but
there was no reply. The moaning he was hearing only
After a couple of minutes, Dracula decided to get
inside through the broken window of the cottage
however, he couldn't pass through it as it was very
small. So he got to it, removed the remaining pieces of
broken glass from the frame then severely hit the beam
that carried the window with a nearby axe. The weak
beam cracked a bit and there was more space to pass
through into the cottage.
Accomplishing this, Dracula kept his fire torch to
lean on the wall of the cottage then he climbed up to
the open window space, squeezed himself to pass
through it and finally entered into the cottage. He
stretched his hands outside to the cottage's wall and
reached for his fire torch, taking it inside with him.
The moment he turned from the window, he saw the
moaning Madame Stellan on the floor writhing in pain
as she bled from her shoulder.
“Madame Stellan? What's happened to you?” he asked
quickly moving to her on the floor. She continued
“Search . . .”Madame Stellan spoke in pain, “for herbs
. . . my room.”
A.A. Akinsekeji 176

Hearing that, Dracula hurried to her room and began

searching for the medicinal herbs. He found them in a
box, took them with a bandage and dashed back to
where Madame Stellan was to treat her. At the next
breath, Dracula dressed Madame Stellan's wound with
the bandage and herbs and stopped the bleeding. He
raised her to a seat and prepared hot tea for her after
lighting back the lantern.
Madame Stellan narrated to Dracula all what had
happened—how Rosetta was being pursued by a
cockatrice and how she herself had been attacked by a
wolf. She told him to go deeper into woods to rescue
Rosetta from the cockatrice and the wolf. Without
hesitating, Dracula immediately took his fire torch, left
the cottage and rode on his horse deeper into the
woods to rescue Rosetta.
“God be with you and Rosetta,” Madame Stellan said
as he left.

Rosetta continued her race the moment she crossed

the canyon's suspended bridge to the other side of the
woods. The cockatrice followed hard after her and
began shrieking loudly periodically. Hearing its eerie
cry, Rosetta covered her ears with hands as she ran. She
however tried to confront her fear with courage just like
Curt's ghost had advised her so she once again recited
the Scripture the Bishop had given to her.
The other side of the canyon in the woods which she
crossed to seemed to be more creepy and deadly.
Frightening skulls of animals and even people were
scattered everywhere on the ground. And wild animals'
snarls pervaded the whole place. Prince Denis who
watched how she crossed to the other side of the
woods followed after her and also crossed the
suspended bridge on his horse.
A couple of minutes passed and by now, Rosetta had
become extremely faint. She couldn't continue running
or even walking anymore so she fell to the ground
profusely sweating and panting. This appeared as the
best time for the pursuing cockatrice to pounce on her
and strike her with its venomous body. Set to attack
her, the cockatrice charged towards her again flying.
It gave a long shriek as it flew and prepared to hover
over her. This was worse than Rosetta's worst
nightmare. She screamed and covered her tears-filled
face as she saw the cockatrice approaching her with
even more glittering eyes. The feathers of its bulky
wings suddenly sprang as it flew and the claws of its
feet appeared to become longer and very sharp.
Noxious green fumes also darted out of its mouth and
its two-pronged serpentine tongue began to secrete
petrifying venom.
A.A. Akinsekeji 178

Rosetta could unfortunately only await her painful

death from the deadly cockatrice through those horror-
filled seconds as all her life flashed before her. Her
heart had lost its rhythm and was now increasing the
beats every second. Her body also became partially
paralysed as she froze and couldn't move anymore
other than scream. This was greatest jeopardy. In a
flash, the cockatrice reached where she was and
hovered over her giving a last terrifying shriek. “The
end!” Rosetta's heart reverberated. “The end!”
Suddenly, Prince Denis who'd sighted the cockatrice
was also approaching where Rosetta was fast on his
horse. He determinedly drew out his sword from its
sheath, lifted it in his right hand as he reached where
she was and in an instant cut off the head of the
hovering cockatrice from its back with the sword. He
quickly halted his neighing horse so as not to run into
the poor Rosetta on the floor and began panting as he
couldn't believe seeing the head of the lethal cockatrice
drop onto the ground with its ghastly body of feathers
and scales.
Rosetta who was still covering her face in deepest
dread expecting the worst noticed the shriek of the
cockatrice was suddenly cut off. She suddenly could
hear the loud neigh of a horse beside her and someone
also panting so she stopped screaming and very slowly,
lifted up her head still in fear and removed her hands
from her face. Right there in front of her, she saw the
figure of a man on a horse carrying a sword in his hand
with the cockatrice on the ground beneath the horse
bleeding from its headless neck.
She couldn't at the least believe her eyes. The dying
body of the cockatrice was still writhing in pain as its
head was rolling on the ground. Its shriek however was
still echoing in her ears. And venom was slowly still
being secreted from its tongue.
Rosetta began panting also. It was as though God had
sent an angel to rescue her from the cockatrice. It was
so shocking. She started wiping her tears with her
“Everything is fine now. You can get up,” Prince
Denis said still on his horse, stationary now. “It's dead.”
Rosetta was unaware it was the Prince. Both the
darkness of the woods and her extreme tiredness made
it impossible for her to recognise him. “Can't get up,”
she moaned.
“You can't, why?” Prince Denis asked
compassionately. “Alright then, let me help you.” He
alighted from his horse to help Rosetta get up.
“Who are you, please?” Rosetta asked as he was about
to help her.
Prince Denis scratched his hair. “Oh, well, I'm . . .”
Suddenly, a bright light shone in the woods close to
where Prince Denis and Rosetta were. The light forced
A.A. Akinsekeji 180

them to cover their eyes with their hands as it was

enormously bright. Soon, it gave way and Baroness
Eloise with her daughter Alicia appeared immediately at
that spot. Baroness Eloise, in her true witchcraft nature
was wearing a black robe and holding the golden
Spoom in her left hand. Her hairs again were curled up
into two horns and her lips were blood red.
Goose pimples again rose on Rosetta‟s body as she
was literally bewildered seeing Stepmother and her
daughter suddenly appear. It was just like Bishop had
told her, Stepmother was after her life. Their apparition
confirmed it. She realised they were the ones who'd sent
the cockatrice after her.
“Well, well, well,” Baroness Eloise said giving a
wicked laughter that seemed to echo round the whole
woods. “Here are the lovers again. You've killed the
adder, you know, but you are still yet to get me.”
Prince Denis was also awe-struck and amazed seeing
Baroness Eloise and her daughter standing there only
through the power of sorcery. He was frozen
completely in surprise and was to some extent scared.
“Behold, Alicia, the ones who are destined to
terminate our good existence,” Baroness Eloise
Alicia cackled with her hands folded. “What do we do
now, mother?”
“We do what is most needed,” Baroness Eloise said.
“Separation!” she screamed.
Immediately, Baroness Eloise lifted up the Spoom in
her left hand and waved it. Sparks of fire appeared from
its crystal Ball and she decreed: “Spoom, sceptre behind
enchantment, let my requests be fulfilled hence!”
Rosetta couldn't move an inch as she remained on the
ground, surprised to see what Stepmother was doing. It
was as though she entered another phase of nightmare.
Stepmother was actually an enchantress. And
immediately, she remembered her nightmare about a
skeleton about to hit her with a sceptre.
Immediately, Baroness Eloise pointed the sceptre at
Rosetta with the top of its horns directly facing her. “I
hereby cast upon you the sleep of death that shall last
for the seven months of perfection, until your fate shall
be dissolved by then.” As soon as Baroness Eloise
decreed that, a wave of light sprang from the horns of
the sceptre and travelled to meet Rosetta hitting her.
Straightaway, her vision dimmed and the earth gave way
under her feet. She fell into a dead sleep.
Prince Denis was ready to panic seeing that terrifying
scene. Rosetta had been cast into a dead sleep that
would last for seven months. And according to the
Sorcerer, by that time, Rosetta's and Prince Denis' fate
to destroy Baroness Eloise' powers if they married
would have been dissolved.
A.A. Akinsekeji 182

Alicia laughed wickedly. Baroness Eloise did too and

their voice travelled round the woods again. Prince
Denis was perturbed seeing Rosetta suddenly fall to the
ground in dead sleep that according to Baroness Eloise
would last for seven months. He touched her hands and
face and examined her ravishing beauty. Her lovely eyes
shut in utmost peace, yet her breath seemed troubled.
Her scarlet greasy flowing hair pillowed her head and
her alluring lips perfectly matched with her beautiful
Ball gown. Even in darkness of the woods, Prince
Denis' heart was still struck by her beauty. This was the
beautiful dockworker named Candy he'd seen at the
port few days ago and longed for. But here was she in
his front now, zapped with enchantment and sleeping
in the cold hands of death.
Prince Denis was angered seeing the poor lady on the
floor. “How could you do this?” he confronted
Baroness Eloise. “Cruelty!”
Baroness Eloise laughed again. “Poor Prince,” she
said, “There's nothing you can do to rescue your love.
Neither is there anything you can do to me! Don't
worry, just seven months‟ time and everything would be
normal again. Then, you would be free to even marry
Prince Denis was furious. “I assure you in the King‟s
name that if you do not awaken this lady back, you two
shall be seized and executed,” he said clenching his
“Back off, Prince,” Alicia said licking her lips.
“You also shall face my severe wrath, Prince,”
Baroness Eloise shouted as she lifted up the Spoom
once again.
Prince Denis took a few steps towards her with his
sword in his hands desiring to kill her. “You can do me
nothing!” he said.
“The land of the lost shall be your dwelling place for
those months of perfection,” Baroness Eloise said.
Immediately, she pointed the Spoom at Prince Denis
also. “I hereby cast you into the land of the lost!” she
screamed as a wave of light suddenly darted from the
horns of the Spoom and travelled to meet Prince Denis.
Prince Denis, still approaching Baroness Eloise with
his sword to kill her, immediately shifted his hand
forward so as to use the sword to fend himself. In a
flash, the darting wave of light from the Spoom struck
his sword just in front of him and bounced off back in
the direction it came from. It travelled back to Baroness
Eloise and Alicia as they stood together and severely
struck them. Straightaway, they vanished, Baroness
Eloise giving a loud and sharp shriek, being cast away
into the land of lost, but the Spoom remained falling to
the ground.
A.A. Akinsekeji 184

A sharp blackout and quietness returned back to the

woods immediately Baroness Eloise and her daughter
disappeared. The only sound around Prince Denis now
was his own breathing as he panted, shocked to see
Baroness Eloise and Alicia vanquished by the light of
the Spoom. He looked back on what had just
happened. What if he didn't use the sword to fend
himself? What if he was really cast into the land of the
lost just like Baroness Eloise decreed? Indeed all what
had just taken place around him was really appalling.
He stepped further to where Baroness Eloise and
Alicia had stood. There was the magic sceptre that had
fallen from her hands immediately she vanished.
Sparkles of fire no longer appeared from it which
showed it was now dead. It was golden and had
inscriptions written on it. Four purple curved horns
were on its top with a green crystal Ball in their middle.
Slowly, Prince Denis picked it up examining it then he
went back to where Rosetta was, who was still asleep on
the ground. His horse was also still standing behind her.
He dropped the magic sceptre.
“Wake up, love” Prince Denis said kneeling beside
Rosetta. He placed his hand on her forehead. It felt
very warm. Then he began stroking her hairs with his
“I wish you'll just awaken back,” Prince Denis
whispered tapping her shoulders. “Don't wait till seven
months‟ time, come on. Your foes have been
Of course, Rosetta still remained fast asleep and
Prince Denis was very sad. He looked round the woods
from the place he stayed with her body. There was
utterly hopelessness around them. There appeared no
one to help Rosetta. Only him. And he wondered, had
it been he didn't rush out of the Ball room too to rescue
her, what would have happened? It was very certain
that something more terrible than the sleep of death
would have happened to her.
Prince Denis then remembered something. He'd
heard according to tradition or probably myth that true
love's kiss usually helped in times of despair and in
bleak situations. Would it be wrong for him to do that
too to help Rosetta? He decided to. After all, hadn't
they met at the ship few days ago and been slain in love
for each other, staring at themselves for long? So,
Prince Denis decided to take a chance on love.
Prince Denis lifted Rosetta's right hand, leaned
forward and lunged his open lips towards hers. Quickly,
his heart began beating faster. What a moment he'd
longed for, to brush his lips against her red-wine
romantic‟s. But was he sure this was his true love? He
leaned further and further, slowly, he took a deep
breath inhaling the beautiful scent of her body, closed
his eyes and then his lips met hers partially encircling it.
A.A. Akinsekeji 186

He continued for seconds, his heart beating even

frenziedly. Quickly, he cut it out. He lifted himself back
but was still kneeling on the ground. He looked at her
serene face again. She didn't awake still and he became
even sadder. He felt so much pity for poor Candy.
There seemed to be not just even a way to help her.
True love's kiss was indeed a myth.
“Why, Candy, please wake up,” Prince Denis
whispered. “You're my love, my . . . my virtuous
Princess. But how shall I propose to you tonight, as I
indeed shall, if you remain in the grasp of enchantment
and remain asleep? Shall I ride you back to town this
way?” Prince Denis said with a drop of tear trickling
down his left cheek. He felt so touched for Rosetta but
was enraged against enchantment and sorcery. Why
would they even exist in the first place?
Prince Denis saw one rough stump of tree on the
ground just beside where he was kneeling. He sat on it
and bowed his head in disappointment and utter
sorrow. He could only reflect back on Baroness Eloise
and her daughter. Why did they send a cockatrice
against Rosetta and eventually cause a deep sleep on her
that would last for seven months. They also were about
to banish him to the land of the lost for seven months.
What was so unique about the seven months? And
Baroness Eloise said he would be free to even marry
her after that time is over. Seven Months. They sure must
have seen or discovered something about them and
about their first seven months together. Rosetta most
likely would have been his true love.
Prince Denis continued this way, thinking about all
what had happened however, ignorant of the fact that
his destiny was to destroy Eloise and her powers if he
proposed to his true love according to the sorcerer's
prophecy. He knew there was something really fishing.
But of course, he couldn't exactly know about all what
was going on. Prince Denis had not even fulfilled his
destiny to destroy her. He was only opportune to fend
off the light of her Spoom back to her, casting her and
Alicia to the land of the lost.
There was nothing with Prince Denis to record time,
but about twenty five minutes well passed with him still
remaining there on the stump disappointed, with
Rosetta's fast-asleep body lying beside him under the
darkness of the enchanted cold woods' night. Soon, the
scriptures Bishop had given Rosetta at the chapel began
to suddenly whisper in her heart as she lay asleep. It was
as though her heart began to remember the scriptures
and recite them: “The Lord, He is my refuge and my
fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. He will cover me
with His feathers, and under His wings I shall trust.”
Rosetta's heart recited it over and over again as she
still remained asleep. Soon, it began to say it even
loudly. And she could hear it from her sleep reciting it.
A.A. Akinsekeji 188

Her heart continued reciting, saying it even louder, until

she began to whisper it herself. Her voice was almost
gone, but she continued to move her lips according to
the words of the scripture. Just then, she opened her
eyes and found herself reciting the scripture. She was
still panting but gently. She looked up straight at the
sky, seeing the full moon and twinkling stars through
the woods' trees' shady leaves. She realised she was still
in the woods and had just slept off under the enormous
cold and haze. She was however surprised to see herself
lying on the ground so she turned her face to the left
slowly, saw the corpse of the cockatrice with a horse
beside it, then turned her turned her face slowly to the
right tiredly as she stopped moving her lips.
Immediately, she saw figure of a man seating on the
stump beside her with his head bowed.
Rosetta sighed gently. She was tired but suddenly felt
her strength returning back. She closed her eyes again
trying to remember what had happened to her. She
knew it was strange to find herself asleep on the ground
in the woods, with her Ball clothes still on. So far all
what she could remember was she being pursued by the
cockatrice. Just then, the scene of Baroness Eloise with
Alicia appearing in the woods returned to her memory.
She remembered she was with a young man who'd
helped her kill the cockatrice when Stepmother and her
daughter appeared and pointed a sceptre at her. She
couldn't find them around again. Where were they now?
The young man was still beside and he seemed to be
dressed in regal attire.
“Hello,” Rosetta called to him wryly with a cracked
Straightaway, Prince Denis who'd been disappointed
lifted up his head quickly, surprised hearing Rosetta's
faint voice. He turned to face her and to his joy saw her
awake already feeling quite tired. He couldn't contain
his joy. He immediately began smiling.
“You're awake! How are you feeling now?” Prince
Denis asked curiously.
“Think I'm feeling better,” Rosetta answered. “Why
was I asleep? Where is Stepmother?” she asked worried.
“Er . . . You mean Baroness Eloise is your
Stepmother?” Prince Denis asked very surprised.
“Yeah,” Rosetta replied. I saw her appear here with
her daughter. Where are they?”
Prince Denis sighed surprised and confused. He
reflected back and couldn't understand why the
Baroness was against her stepdaughter and why she cast
a dead sleep on her. He immediately remembered
Captain Baldwin had told him that he felt Candy faced
cruelty. “Well, do not worry, she is not here again.”
Rosetta sat upright on the ground with her knees
raised. “You rescued me from the cockatrice before I
A.A. Akinsekeji 190

slept off,” Rosetta told him as she recalled. “Thanks so

much, but who are you please?”
Immediately, Prince Denis got up from the stump he
was seating on and knelt beside Rosetta bowing a knee.
“I'm . . . Prince Denis,” he slowly and tersely said.
Hearing that, Rosetta immediately felt a jolt of cold
water through her body. Her first sight with the Prince
at the port immediately flashed on her mind again. But
here he was really close beside her now. She was totally
awe-struck and speechless. Slowly, she kept her head
down feeling very nervous but wondering why and how
he came to her rescue. She couldn't tell whether he
remembered meeting her as the lady dockworker at the
“I came to rescue you,” Prince Denis whispered.
Rosetta couldn't give a reply or say anything. She
immediately began to stroke her arms as she was very
shocked. “I sighted when the cockatrice pursued you as
you arrived the castle . . . So I decided to follow after to
rescue you,” Prince Denis continued.
Rosetta's lips were open in utter amazement.
Thousand thoughts came across her mind as she
remained seating on the ground. This was Prince Denis,
her love and of course great crush, kneeling beside her
here in the woods. It seemed hard to believe. It was as
though she were dreaming or fantasizing. But it was
true. She couldn't even look at him in the face as he
spoke. Her breathing became a little faster and louder.
She however felt happy but yet shocked. What about
the Ball? Wasn't he supposed to be at the castle in order
to propose to his virtuous Princess? Although she
remained very quiet, her heart was very exuberant.
Some moment of silence passed then Prince Denis
spoke again. “How are you feeling now? Would you
love to return back to the castle?” Rosetta couldn't still
even reply. “Come on, you are not saying anything,”
Prince Denis said.
Rosetta had to mumble something. “Yeah.”
Just then, Prince Denis drew closer to Rosetta, held
her face with his right hand and placed the other hand
on her shoulder. “You are the lady I met on the Majestic
ship few days ago, right?” he asked speaking softly.
“Yeah.” shy Rosetta replied again.
“You can look at my eyes, come on,” Prince Denis
told her.
“Alright,” she said but with her face still down.
Prince Denis slowly lifted up her face with his hand
until her eyes met his. “Candy,” he whispered.
Rosetta immediately arched her eye brow, surprised
that Prince Denis knew her as Candy. “You . . . you
know I'm Candy?” she asked trying to compose herself.
“I do,” Prince Denis replied. “My Captain told me.
But is that your real name?”
A.A. Akinsekeji 192

“What then is your name?”

“I'm . . . Rosetta Mitchell,” she answered feeling a bit
of ecstasy as his nippy fingers carried her face and he
talked to her.
“Rosetta,” breathed Prince Denis. “What a lovely
name. It suits you.”
“Thanks,” Rosetta said giving a nervous smile.
“Come on tell me, why was Baroness Eloise enraged
against you? She sought to enchant you into a dead
sleep for seven months,” he asked.
“Really?!” exclaimed Rosetta. “Sincerely, I really don't
know. Where are they now?”
Prince Denis sighed. “They've been cast to land of the
lost, through her own decree against me. It worked
against her.”
“Mighty Lord!” Rosetta was puzzled to hear that.
“Yeah,” Prince Denis said. ”Come on, we have to
return to the castle right away. The Ball is still being
“Let me help you get up,” he offered as he stood and
lifted her to feet too. Immediately, he began stroking
her scarlet-rose hair as they stood together. He looked
deep into her eyes gazing at the sculptured beauty of
her face once again. “Your beauty defies my valour,
Rosetta,” he whispered.
Shy Rosetta looked at his sparkling eyes lying in his
charmed face. She was so much attracted to them. It
was as though they blazed fire and beckoned to her.
“Ever since I set my eyes on your beauty face, my
heart has longed for you,” Prince Denis said putting his
hands on her arms. “Your tresses are waterfalls
gleaming the red sunlight. Forehead is like a cut
precious moon. Your sapphire eyes are deep and I'm
trapped inside. Your romantic lips are sleeping zebras
awakening love. I love you,” he continued as he slowly
drew her more to himself.
Rosetta's heart began pounding as he did. “My love,”
she whispered and closed her eyes slightly bending her
head. Prince Denis kept his hand behind her head and
the other one on her waist as he drew her even closer.
In the twinkle of an eye, their lips met as they were very
close now. Rosetta kept her hands on his shoulders
relishing the kiss.
A few moments passed with them still lost in the awe
of love kissing. Prince Denis had to stop it however, he
continued stroking her hairs. “We have to leave now,”
he said as he took her palm into his and brought her to
where his horse was. The dead cockatrice was still
beside it.
“How can I ever thank you for rescuing me, Your
highness?” Rosetta said.
A.A. Akinsekeji 194

“Don't mention, Rosetta,” Prince Denis said as he

climbed on his horse and helped Rosetta climb it too.
“Hold on tight to my clothes,” he said to her sitting
behind him. Both of them, on the horse now, were set
to ride back to town where the Ball was being held at
the castle. Prince Denis kept his sword and the sceptre
in a strap on the horse.
Straightaway, they took off, Prince Denis riding the
horse. He rode from deep inside the woods crossing
the suspended rope-and-wood bridge again back to the
other side. Just after they left the bridge, they met
Dracula de Norse on his horse also still searching for
Rosetta. Prince Denis slowed down his horse as he met
Dracula greeted in the darkness not properly seeing
who he was greeting. “I'm searching for a girl named
Rosetta. She's being pursued by a cockatrice,” he said
“Here is she,” Prince Denis said pointing to Rosetta
behind him on the horse. “I followed after her from the
castle to rescue her from the cockatrice, but she is fine
“Thanks so much for everything, Dracula,” Rosetta
said to him. “Help me tell Madame Stellan I've been
rescued by the Prince from the cockatrice and I'm
returning back to the Ball at the castle straightaway.
Would soon be back to her cottage to narrate all what
“Oh, thank God,” Dracula said with a sigh of relief
seeing Rosetta still fine and hearing how she was
miraculously rescued from the cockatrice. Prince Denis
and Rosetta continued their journey immediately to the
castle, finally coming out of the woods.
Baroness Eloise' bewitchment on Hazel and Anne
Snowfolk had been broken the moment she was cast
into the land of the lost with Alicia. Hazel turned back
into a dog and Anne also into a human being.
Immediately, she was on her way back to the cave she
stayed in. She had turned back from being an Ogre and
was surprised and confused at what had suddenly
happened to her. She expected that during the day but
not in the night. While she was on her way back to the
cave in the woods, she met a man riding on horse. It
was Dracula de Norse and he went towards her.
“What are you doing all alone here in the woods this
night?” he asked her caringly. “It could be dangerous.”
Anne was scared, she couldn't reply. She however
looked closely to the man's figure as she couldn‟t
properly see him. His voice and stature seemed familiar
to her. “Who are you?” she asked.
“I'm Dracula.”
A.A. Akinsekeji 196

“Yes,” he also recognised her voice immediately.

“Whose voice am I hearing?”
“Anne.” she said moving closer to him. “Dracula my
“Anne!” Dracula exclaimed much surprised to hear
his younger sister's voice—who'd been banished as an
ogre from their land three years ago. “This is where
you've been all these while? We've searched for you,
“he got down from the horse and hugged her.
Dracula met Anne his sister once again. They were
glad to see each other after years and after much
narration, she went with him on his horse to Madame
Stellan's cottage. And she would return with him back
to Liech County, their home land.
A beam of sunlight had just cracked the skies open.


“IT‟S BEEN like a dream,” Rosetta whispered as she

and Prince Denis rode back to the castle on the horse.
All through their journey back that night, she felt very
nervous, surprised still. Memories about how the
cockatrice pursued her, Baroness Eloise' apparition,
seeing Curt's ghost in a dream and she being lost in the
love of Prince Denis as they kissed filled her mind.
Within just few hours, her greatest dread had
overwhelmed her, but yet her desire of love also was
pasted firmly in place.
Soon, they got to Magnifique castle and entered
through the Pearl gate. A lot of people were inside in
the bailey outside the Ball room already. They'd come
out when they saw Prince Denis before dash out of the
Ball room anxiously. And so immediately he rode in on
his horse with Rosetta behind him, trumpets were
blown and everyone cheered. The King and Queen
Danielle including prominent nobles were outside. The
eligible ladies and even the Ball orchestra were also
outside. Prince Denis alighted from the horse and
helped Rosetta do too. Immediately the King and
everyone rallied round them. This was around 1:00am
A.A. Akinsekeji 198

whereas Prince Denis had left the Ball since 10:00pm

the previous day.
“Prince Denis,” King Louis said. “You left the Ball,
why?” he asked showing an expression of surprise.
“Father, I had to,” Prince Denis said. “This lady was
attacked by a cockatrice on her way into the Ball room,
and I immediately followed after to rescue her.” he
“Really?” Queen Danielle asked.
“Yes, Your highness. The cockatrice pursued her
deep into the woods where I eventually killed it and
rescued her. We faced a lot of peril,” Prince Denis
King Louis was surprised at that. “In that case you
should have ordered some sentries to follow after to
rescue her.”
“Father, I needed to by myself.”
“Because,” Prince Denis said pausing. “Because . . .
she is my true love: my virtuous Princess.”
There was a very long silence for some moments.
Eyes of other eligible ladies around froze. Rosetta
couldn't really believe her ears as she remained shocked.
Prince Denis had to break ice. He moved closer to her
and got in front of her. He took her left hand and
kissed it. “I request the pleasure of having the dance
with you, darling,” he said quickly. Straightaway,
everyone cheered. Captain Baldwin was around. Seeing
Rosetta's hand in that of the Prince he smiled to her.
King Louis was amazed. He admired Rosetta's beauty
and had his heart approve her for his Prince. He
chuckled as everyone cheered and immediately ordered
the Ball orchestra to begin the waltz.
Prince Denis held Rosetta's hand firmly and took her
a few steps to the front of the middle ward's southern
gate steps were sentries shimmering in black over red
apparel with silver hats were positioned. He took each
of her hands into his. He looked deep into her eyes
again. And she looked at his and took a deep breath.
Her love had walked to her himself without her even
having to struggle to come for those nights the Ball
held. Straightaway, the little orchestra played and the
duo's dance under the full moon's light begun. “I've
Found Your Love”, the orchestra played.

Rosetta: (Humming tune)

“I've found your love
How fair's your love
Sweeter than every wine
All my desire
(Humming tune)
'Cause now, your love's mine”
Prince Denis: “'Cause now, your love's mine”
Both: “The green field would be our bed—
A.A. Akinsekeji 200

Even unto eternity's end”

Rosetta: “The fragrance of your charm”
Prince Denis: “Than all spices, you enchant
There's love shinning in your eyes
I feel it tonight
Your heart has whispered to me
And I'll come for it”
Rosetta: “Take me away with you
We'll glide through the silver stars”
Prince Denis: “I know I've found virtue
Both: “'Tis what I continually hoped for”
I've found your love . . .”

Prince Denis and Rosetta walked up the steps while

the orchestra continued playing after they finished
singing and dancing. They headed to the Ball room and
everyone followed after them. On getting there, Prince
Denis embraced Rosetta and began stroking her hair
Just then, he brought out a box of ring from the
pocket of his trousers and brought out its diamond
ring. He knelt before Rosetta with a knee and presented
her the ring.
“Would you please marry me, Rosetta?” he asked
anxiously as all eyes in the Ball was fixed on them.
Rosetta was filled with awe. She couldn't say anything.
All her life, she'd never even dreamed to be proposed
to by a Prince. But here was it unbelievably happening
to her now. She remembered her deceased family
members. She knew they very much would have loved
to see such happen to her. A tear trickled down from
her eyes immediately but she tried to compose herself.
“Yes,” she gave a reply. “I will.” she stretched out
her right fingers, her seventh-heaven descending.
Prince Denis took one of her fingers and inserted the
diamond ring into it. Immediately everyone in the Ball
cheered and applauded. King Louis and the queen gave
a warm smile as they also applauded. Hadley winked to
the Prince from a distance also smiling.
Prince Denis got on his feet and put his arms around
Rosetta. “My Virtuous Princess,” he breathed as he
drew her to himself and both of them kissed again.
Rosetta's misplaced passion had been found and
thereto, she would enjoy the crannies of intimacy. Just
like the bishop had told her, just aglow of faith paved
way for her.
Dance and music rounded off the night. Indeed, there
was love flying in the air.

“Ahem! It‟s now,” The Bishop whispered in grave-

quiet chapel hall of the castle. In his hand was the order
of marriage ceremony booklet.
A.A. Akinsekeji 202

“And so, in the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit, I name you man and wife,” he
said as he held Prince Denis' hand and Rosetta's
together. The congregation in the chapel hall gave loud
ovation and the choir's choral echoed. Prince Denis and
Rosetta in holy matrimony had just been joined. And
Prince Denis unveiled her face to once again share love.
He was suited in white knee-length tailcoat with gold
epaulets having a sword strapped at his side. While
beautiful Rosetta was in a white flowing wedding gown
spiced up with her scarlet hair and lips and her gold-
tanned face. Madame Stellan was seated just in front
row of the congregation. According to Rosetta's
request, she had been pardoned by the King having her
exile cancelled. And the truth about Baroness Eloise
and her daughter had been reported. Rosetta's faithful
friend, Gwen was also around to put in her little bit.
Straightaway after the ceremony, Rosetta and Prince
Denis was conveyed to the port by their Royal carriage.
it was pure white decked with gold ornaments at its
sides and a rainbow mixture of colours inside. An
entourage of sentries, each on white horse,
accompanied them. Getting there, they alighted from
the carriage at the berth and embarked on the Majestic
ship where they'd first seen each other. A lot of flowers
decked the naval galleon at the poop-deck area.
Upon this vessel of wood and sail where love was
first stirred did Rosetta and Prince Denis with some
stewards sail on heading to the beautiful and romantic
land of Tuscany for their true love's honeymoon. As the
voyage began, a gentle wind waved their clothes as they
held each other so close kissing in love one more time.
The setting sun, pasted in the sapphire sky, beamed an
orange light upon them as they were surrounded by the
ship's flowers on the deep blue sea. White sparrows
hovered just above.
The reality of Royalty, romance and even
enchantment, on Rosetta, had just awakened. But yet at
that very moment, she heard the whisper of her
mother‟s last words:
“Love and be extremely kind to all despite all odds.”
A.A. Akinsekeji 204

Don’t miss ROSETTA 2 where you’ll

read and savour the reality of
Royalty, romance and even
enchantment awakening on Rosetta.

To grab a few more books from same

publisher today, call and text:
+234 7010 585 537

Akin loves writing—writing words to create a
lively sense of fun in people. He says he has a
tremendous interest in creating video games
and animations. He lives with his family in
Ikotun, central Lagos.
A.A. Akinsekeji 206

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