Sample Lesson Plan: 1 Yr - MTW

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Sample Lesson Plan

1st Yr – MTW
Teacher Name: Thomas White Topics Covered: Ice Breaker, Routines,
Date: N/A Duration of Lesson: 60mins

The Aims of this Lesson Plan are to…
❖ Develop relationships between teacher and students
❖ Discuss relevant resources that will be used
❖ Discuss projects that will be undertook in class
❖ Outline weekly schedule

Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes Assessment
At the end of this Lesson students will be Each Learning Outcome has a type of
enabled to… assessment
❖ Discuss topics of scheme of work ❖ Exit Cards
❖ Compose their own interactions into ❖ Teacher Observation
the scheme. ❖ Class Icebreaker
❖ Develop ideas for design relating to
the projects that will be undertook
during the course.

The Lesson
Time Teacher Activities Student Activities Key
Set Induction (Beginning)
0-5 ❖Begins class ❖Enter in orderly manner
❖Calls out the register and ❖Sits down and takes out
introduces themselves equipment
❖Answers to register
5-7 ❖Outlines learning outcomes ❖Observe learning outcomes for
for the day. the day
Lesson Sequence (Middle)
7-25 ❖Outlines plans for the ten ❖Observe scheme and inputs any
weeks up until midterm ideas or plans to teacher
❖Shows Scheme and discuses ❖Examines sample resources
each section that will be ❖Tells teacher their name and
looked at. something about themselves
❖Asks for students input if the
wish it to be changed.
❖Outlines rules and routines in
every class.
❖Shows students sample
resources eg traffic lights, exit
❖Asks students what their
name is and something about
❖Shows the penholder project
along with the parrots balance
project – use of coping saw
and finger joints been
25-30 ❖Launches ice breaker activity – ❖Gets into assigned groups O
sketching game. ❖Listens to clear instructions G
❖Describes game in detail and N
gives clear instructions L
30-50 ❖Launches game with students ❖Partake in activity. MA
and does multiple sessions CL
each lasting 5 minutes
Closure (End)
50-55 ❖Concludes by trying to get ❖Partakes in activity were teacher L
students names. tries to remember their names N
❖Distributes exit cards to ❖Gets exit cards
55-60 ❖Asks to fill out cards ❖Fills in exit card
❖Gets students to pack up and ❖Leaves class in orderly manner
tidy desks.

Key Meaning List of Teaching Resources
L Literacy ❖Powerpoint
N Numeracy ❖Traffic Lights
G Graphicacy ❖Posters
O Oracy ❖Learning Ladder
MA Mixed Ability ❖Exit Cards
SEN Special Educational Needs ❖Models
CL Creative Learning

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