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5th Year

Design & Com. Graphics

Scheme of Work
Thomas White
Class Profile
List of Topics: Orthographic, Structural No of Pupils: 24
Year Group: N/A Length of Lesson: 58mins
No of Lesson: 20 Date: N/A

Previous Learning
Knowledge Skills
❖ Junior Cycle Topics ❖ Competent in using drawing
❖ Basic Drawing Details equipment
❖ Can relate topics to real life ❖ Ability to draw basic elevations
scenarios i.e. water level rising ❖ Sketching
❖ Can distinguish between 2D and ❖ Good Draughtsmanship

The Aims of this scheme are to…
❖ Build on students’ ability and competence in the subject of DCG
❖ Develop student’s ability to decipher planes and view different perspectives as
seen in plane geometry
❖ Compose a collection of drawings used throughout placement to build a small
portfolio of working drawings drawn to a professional standard
❖ Demonstrate effective methods in drawing hyperboloid of revolution
❖ Develop student’s ability to draw hyperboloids when cut at an angle
❖ Build on students’ individuality by letting students decipher questions for
themselves i.e. drawing hyperboloid by using whatever method they wish
❖ Prepare students for higher order thinking in linking the reality of 3D objects
to 2d on the page
❖ Develop students ability to tackle questions in an exam like situation

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this scheme students will be enabled to…
Affective (AFF) – Psychomotor (PSY) – Cognitive (COG)
❖ Apply knowledge of planes to help with solving problems using the auxiliary
methods (AFF) (PSY) (COG)
❖ Compose 3D objects on a 2D view on paper through orthographic projection.
❖ Create Hyperboloid of revolution using the three different methods of
Elements, rectangle and asymptote (COG)
❖ Demonstrate how to draw cut solids at an angle (COG)
❖ Determine the true shape of a surface (COG) (PSY)
❖ Construct a Hyperboloid of revolution in any of the 3 methods (COG) (PSY)
❖ Illustrate how a rising water level can help with locating the cutting points on a
Hyperboloid of Revolution. (COG) (PSY)
❖ Demonstrate professionalism through presenting clearly labelled and neat
portfolio of drawings to the teacher (AFF)
❖ Classify drawings into the different categories (PSY)
❖ Complete a DCG drawing question in an examination environment. (PSY)

Assessment Strategies
Each Learning Outcome has an Assessment.
Formative Assessment Summative Assessment
❖ Think Pair Share ❖ Grading for Projects
❖ Student Peer Demos ❖ Class Test
❖ Exit Cards
❖ Higher Order (HO) Questioning
❖ Student Reflection (3 Min Pause)

Teaching Strategies
Literacy Numeracy Graphicacy Oracy
❖ Keywords. ❖ Measurements ❖ Drawing Sheets ❖ Peer demos.
❖ Correct ❖ Scaled ❖ Drawings ❖ Dialogue within
terminology Drawings. labelled and the class.
❖ Use of posters. ❖ Use of angles. coloured. ❖ Peer Feedback.
❖ Dated drawing ❖ Sketching. ❖ Teacher
sheets and ❖ Drawing Feedback.
details. ❖ HO Questioning

Creativity & Innovation in The Classroom (C&I) (In All Schemes)

Please note at least one of these strategies will be catered for weekly in the scheme
No. Strategy Description
Design Led Students will be given a brief where they can then design
Teaching (DLT) their project in accordance with the brief.
2. Poster Making Students will Design Posters for various topics in class.
3. Showbie Digital Platform to share content with students
4. Peer Rubrics Students Peer asses using rubrics
5. Kahoot Assessment using game format
6. Quiz On Topics of theory
7. Dragons Den Pitch Ideas to class
8. Flipped Classroom Theory Posted online – Students work on it in class
9. Reality Links Links all topics to reality
10. Debates Split Class – Debate topics – EG Deforestation

Differentiation Strategies
Please note all Strategies will be catered for weekly in the scheme
Class contains two girls. Some strategies are:
Gender Inclusion
❖ Generic style questions.
Multiculturism is present in this class:
❖ Acknowledge the culture, high expectations
regardless of cultural background
❖ Respect different Languages (Pending permission
from students if they are comfortable with
promoting their language) EG Tool names in foreign
Multicultural Inclusion ❖ Intercultural students paired with native students
❖ Keywords in own language dialects
❖ Be aware of racism
❖ Share cultures through design and projects.
❖ Projects – Intercultural
❖ Projects – Universal Design, respects all cultures,
religious backgrounds and ethnic groups.
❖ Media – involve all cultures
No Documented SEN in this class but some strategies
for Dyslexic students will be:
❖ Less text heavy and incorporating technology and
SEN Strategies diagrams
❖ TEXT – Comic Sands in all presentations
❖ Visual Aids
❖ More Pictures in Group
Mixed ability is in every class, some strategies that will
be implemented are:
❖ Mixed Seating plan incorporating students of higher
ability to peer mentor students with lower ability
Mixed Ability Strategies ❖ Extra work for higher ability students
❖ Group work incorporating students of both abilities
with each student in groups assigned to specific
tasks – appointing more difficult tasks to students
with higher ability.
❖ Tiered Projects – Move on with better students work
❖ Pairing strong students with weak
❖ Targeted HO Questioning

Teaching Strategies are linked to various theorists in the field of education.
Theorist Explanation
Building on knowledge from the surrounding environment but done
Jean individually. Can be seen in this scheme through:
Piaget ❖ Sketching Ideas
❖ Project Making
Lev Vygotsky believed more of the teacher as a mentoring role in the
Lev classroom. This can be seen in this scheme through
Vygotsky ❖ Presentations
❖ Demonstrations
Believed in Spiral Curriculum – when students come across the same
topic again and build on their previous knowledge of that. This can be
Jerome seen in this scheme when:
Bruner ❖ Students apply Design Led T&L a second time after Christmas
❖ Students are designing posters weekly working with knowledge
previously learned in other classes (Spiral Curriculum)
Seymour Papert believed the use of models helped students envisage
their learning.
❖ Models
Classical Greek Philosopher who created the Socratic method.
❖ Higher Order Questioning (HO Questioning)
10 Week Outline of Scheme
Week Date Lesson/Topic Curriculum/Content Teaching Strategies Assessment Strategies Resources
❖ Description of Planes ❖ Powerpoint (Papert) ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
❖ First Angle Projection ❖ Presentations (Papert) ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Model
26th ❖ XY Line ❖ HO Questioning (Socrates) ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Book
1 ❖ Orthographic
November ❖ Basic Orthographic Projection ❖ Use of Models (Papert) ❖ Exit Cards
❖ Class Discussion
❖ Individual Work (Piaget)
❖ Auxiliary Views – Auxiliary ❖ Powerpoint (Papert) ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
Plane – Elevation & Plan ❖ Class Discussion ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Model
3rd ❖ Mention Third angle – DO NOT (Vygotsky) ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Book
December TEACH this method ❖ Think Pair Share ❖ Exit Cards
2 ❖ Auxiliary (Aux)
❖ Individual Work (Piaget)
❖ Peer Mentoring (Vygotsky)
❖ Use of Models (Papert)
❖ HO Questioning (Socrates)
❖ Secondary Aux Views ❖ HO Questioning (Socrates) ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
❖ True Length of a line ❖ Models (Papert) ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Model
❖ Second
3 10th ❖ Point View of line ❖ Powerpoint ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Book
December ❖ Using length to find the ❖ Class Discussion ❖ Exit Cards
elevation (Vygotsky)
❖ Individual Work (Piaget)
❖ True Length of line – ❖ HO Questioning (Socrates) ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
Continued ❖ Individual Work (Piaget) ❖ Class Grades ❖ Model
17th ❖ Exam Style Questions ❖ Presentation (Papert) ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Book
4 December ❖ Second Aux ❖ One Question Graded. ❖ Exam ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Exit Cards
❖ Visualiser (Papert) ❖ Problem Based Learning
❖ Model (Papert) (PBL)
Christmas Holidays
Please Note: Scheme was revised over Christmas Holidays and new course for next 6 weeks was planned
5 ❖ Structural ❖ Model (Papert) ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
❖ What are they
Forms ❖ Presentation (Papert) ❖ Peer Demonstrations ❖ Model
❖ Where are Hyperboloids of ❖ Class Discussion ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Book
7th January revolution seen (Vygotsky) ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Exit Cards
❖ Elements method ❖ Peer Presenting (Vygotsky)
❖ HO Questioning (Socrates)
❖ Individual Work (Piaget)
❖ Rectangle Method ❖ Presentation (Papert) ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
❖ Asymptote method ❖ HO Questioning (Socrates) ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Model
❖ Use of Model (Papert) ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Book
❖ Individual Work (Piaget) ❖ Exit Cards
6 14 th
January ❖ Structural ❖ Visualiser (Papert)
Forms ❖ Think Pair Share
❖ Peer Demo (Vygotsky)
❖ Class Discussion
❖ Cutting Hyperboloids ❖ HO Questioning (Socrates) ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
❖ Horizontal Sections ❖ Individual Work (Piaget) ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Model
7 21st January ❖ Structural ❖ Finding the true shape (Bruner) ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Book
Forms ❖ Presentation (Papert) ❖ 3 Min Pause ❖ Exit Cards
❖ Use of Model (Papert)
❖ 3 Min Pause (Vygotsky)
❖ Cutting Hyperboloids ❖ Presentation (Papert) ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
Questions (Higher Level) ❖ Use of Model (Papert) ❖ Peer Demonstrations ❖ Model
❖ Exam Question ❖ Individual Work (Piaget) ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Book
(Bruner) ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Exit Cards
8 28 th
January ❖ Structural ❖ Visualiser (Papert) ❖ Exam Grading
Forms ❖ Peer demo (Vygotsky)
❖ Class Discussion
❖ HO Questioning (Socrates)
❖ Exam
Please Note: From this week onwards it was decided between myself and cooperating teacher to continue revising over the hyperboloid of revolution, thus the last two
weeks of this scheme were not followed with lessons, and Hyperbolic Paraboloids would be pushed out until after midterm break
9 ❖ Structural ❖ Hyperbolic Paraboloids ❖ Presentation (Papert) ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
Forms ❖ Examples Pringles Crisp ❖ HO Questioning (Socrates) ❖ Peer Demonstrations ❖ Model
4th February ❖ Plans and elevations ❖ Class Discussion ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Book
❖ Curvature of Roof (Vygotsky) ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Exit Cards
❖ Individual Work (Piaget)
❖ Model (Papert)
❖ Hyperbolic Paraboloids ❖ Class Discussion ❖ Teacher Observation ❖ Presentation
11th (Higher Level) (Vygotsky) ❖ Peer Demonstrations ❖ Model
10 February ❖ Structural ❖ Finding Plane Director ❖ HO Questioning (Socrates) ❖ Exit Cards ❖ Book
Forms ❖ Presentation (Papert) ❖ HO Questioning ❖ Exit Cards
❖ Individual Work (Piaget)

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