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Rainbow Uramaki

Take your sushi-making skills to the next level with this Rainbow sushi roll recipe. An
appetizing sushi roll that marries the complex avors of yellowtail jack sh, yellow n
tuna and salmon, with sous-vide cooked ‘butter y’ prawns and avocado. This colorful,
elegant sushi roll will surely delight your taste buds!


Step 1: preparing crab mix

Finely chop 3 crab sticks (surimi).

Put the chopped sticks in a mixing
bowl. Add masago roe and 2 or 3
tablespoons of mayonnaise. Mix
the ingredients using a wooden
spoon or spatula. Make sure the
sea food is adequately coated with
mayonnaise. Cover and refrigerate
until needed.

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  Step 2: preparing the prawns

 The prawns are cooked ‘sous vide’

(French for ‘under vacuum’). This is
a method of cooking in which the
food is vacuum sealed in an airtight
plastic bag and cooked in water at a
constant, relatively low
temperature. This is a great way to
cook the food evenly, ensuring that
the inside is properly cooked and
retains moisture, without
overcooking the outside. As a result
the food tastes even better and
gets a better structure.

To make sure the temperature

stays the same, it’s best to use a dedicated sous vide cooker. Cooking sous vide by
hand is not really an option. Unles you’re willing to sit next to the stove while
continously measuring the water temperature and adjusting the heat accordingly.

If you don’t have a sous vide cooker, you can cook the prawns in the traditional
manner. But I think it’s worth the purchase. Sous vide cooking is the di erence
between good and really great tastes!

Step 3: sous vide cooking the prawns

Preheat the sous vide cooker to 58º Celsius/ 136º Fahrenheit.

Put 5 or 6 large prawns in a plastic sous vide cooking bag. Remove the air from
the bag using a table-top vacuum sealer and seal the bag. Gently lower the bag
into the sous vide cooker, then cook for 10 to 12 minutes.

Remove the cooking bag from the sous vide cooker using a pair of metal tongs.
Cut the bag open and gently take out the prawns. Let them cool for ve minutes.

Next, remove the head from each prawn by simply snapping it back, away from
the body. Also remove the scales and tail. Cut a little excess from both ends of the
prawn with a knife, creating a straight edge at each end.

Hold the prawn between your thumb and fore nger, then use the tip of your
blade to make a vertical incision along the length of the prawn. Take care not to
cut all the way through the esh. You should hear a pop once the blade hits the
inner cavity. Remove the black intestinal tract using your ngers or a pair of

Step 4: preparing the salmon

Make sure to clean the cutting board with hot water each time you use it to
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prepare a new variety of sh or seafood.
Put the salmon on the cutting
board and make a 45 degree,
diagonal cut across the salmon let,
starting at the center. Position the
knife at the same 45 degrees angle
and make 0,5 cm thick slices.

Step 5: preparing the yellowtail

and yellow n

Position your knife at a twenty to

thirty degree angle at one end of
the yellowtail let. Make slices of
0.5 cm thick by dragging the heel of
the knife through the esh in one
single uid motion. Do the same
with the yellow n let.

Note: yellowtail is not a tuna but a

species of jack sh. It has rich,
mildly oily esh and tastes quite
di erent from tuna.

Step 6: constructing the sushi roll

Put a bamboo rolling mat inside a a

zip-lock bag. Place a single sheet of
nori shiny-side down on the rolling
mat. Moisten the tips of your
ngers with a little water and put
the cooked white sushi rice onto
the sheet.

Spread the rice evenly over the

entire nori sheet with your ngers.
‘Flu ’the rice while you’re spreading
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Flip the nori sheet over and add the lling. Start with the crab mix. Use a fork to
create a thick line of crab mix along the length of the nori sheet closest to you. For
ease of rolling, leave approximately half an inch of space open from the edge of
the sheet. Put two strips of cucumber above the crab mix line.

Step 7: rolling the roll

Raise the near edge of the rolling

mat with your thumbs, while
holding the cucumber in place with
your index ngers. Roll the mat
over the contents. Pause a few
times to rm up the roll by applying
pressure along the length of the
mat. Roll the mat a bit further and
again rm up the roll. Then unroll
the mat and set the sushi roll aside.

Step 8: decorating the sushi roll

Layer the slices of sh across the

length of the roll. Alternate with
avocado slice. Start with a slice of
yellowtail and work your way to the
center. Add a piece of prawn.
Repeat the sequence of sh until
you come to the end of the roll.

Step 9: cutting the roll

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Cover the entire sushi roll with
cling lm. Use the rolling mat to
press the cling lm against the sushi
roll, packing the contents tightly

For a neater nish, remove the

cling lm and cut of both sides of
the roll with the tip of your knife.
Cover the roll once more with
cling lm, and again use the mat to
rm up the contents.

Hold your knife under the cold tap

for a few seconds. This prevent rice
from sticking to the blade. Cut the
roll. Start with the heel of your knife
and gently cut through the roll in one uid motion.

To create slices of equal size, cut the sushi roll in half, then into quarters, and then
into eighths. You may need to moisten the blade again if it begins to drag.

Step 10: presenting the roll

The Rainbow sushi roll is quite an

elaborate creation.Therefore it
deserves a little extra e ort when it
comes to the presentation. Serve
the sushi on a traditional wooden
sushi presentation board. This
leaves you plenty of space for the
slices and a decorative side garnish.

For this sushi roll, Chef Devaux

suggests creating a backdrop of
fanned cucumber and carrot
spirals in the near corner. Neatly
arrange your slices in a
diagonal fashion on the board.
Finish with a ramekin of soy sauce in front of the slices, along with a teaspoon of
freshly grated wasabi.

5 or 6 large prawns
1 sashimi grade yellowtail let
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1 sashimi grade yellow n tuna let
1 atlantic salmon let
1 nori sheet
Cooked white sushi rice
Crab mix
2 cucumber strips, 1 cm wide
1 avocado
Soy sauce
Freshly grated wasabi

Table-top vacuum sealer
Plastic sous vide cooking bags
Sous Vide Supreme cooker
Miyabi, or similar sharp sushi knife
Cutting board
Glass bowls
Bamboo rolling mat
Zip-lock bag
Cling lm
Wooden sushi/ presentation board

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