CARANDANG To San Agustin

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148076, January 12, 2011) majority of its outstanding capital stock or of its outstanding voting
Related Topics: Jurisdiction of Courts capital stock. Section2 (13) of EO 292 also gives a definition of such
Facts: RPN-9 is a private corporation duly register ed with the SEC. corporations. Due to the inability to resolve the issue regarding the
Benedicto, a stockholder thereof, entered into a compromise actual shares owned by the PCGG, the conclusion that the
agreement with the PCGG whereby he ceded to the government his government held majority shares finds no factual or legal basis.
shares of stock in RPN with an outstanding capital of 72.4% (which Hence, Carandang is not subject to the administrative authority of
was later discovered to be only 32.4%). Meanwhile, the President the Ombudsman and the criminal jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
appointed Carandang as a general manager and chief operating LUZ M. ZALDIVIA v. ANDRES B. REYES, JR., et al.
officer of RPN. He was charged with grave misconduct before the G.R. No. 102342, July 3, 1992, CRUZ, J.
Words in a statute should be read in relation to and not in isolation from
Ombudsman on the ground of him, as general manager of RPN, the rest of the measure, to discover the true legislative intent.
entered into contract with AF Broadcasting, Inc. despite his being an Facts: Zaldivia was charged with quarrying for commercial purposes
incorporator, director and stockholder of this said corporation; that without Mayor’s permit in violation of Ordinance No. 2 Series of 1988 of
the Municipality of Rodriguez in the Province of Rizal. An information was
he help financial and material interest in a contract that had filed with the MTC of Rodriguez. Zaldivia moved to quash the information
required the approval of his office; and that the transaction is on the ground that the crime had prescribed, invoking that under Act No.
prohibited under Section 7 (a) and Section 9 of RA No. 6713, 3326, violations penalized by municipal ordinances shall prescribe after
two months from the commission of the offense governed by the Rules on
thereby rendering him administratively liable for grave misconduct.
Summary Procedure. The prosecution contends that the prescriptive
Carandang sought the dismissal of the administrative complaint period was suspended upon the filing of the complaint with the Office of
filed against him on the ground that the Ombudsman had no the Provincial Prosecutor, saying that Rule 110, Section 1, last paragraph of
jurisdiction over him because RPN was not a GOCC. Consequently, the Rules on Criminal Procedure which provides that “in all cases such
institution interrupts the period of the prescription of the offense charged,”
he insists that he is not a public official, hence he is not subject to applies to all cases including those falling under the Rule on Summary
the administrative authority of the Ombudsman and the criminal Procedure.
jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
Issue: Whether or not RPN is a GOCC, which in turn renders Whether the phrase, “in all cases such institution interrupts the period of
Carandang subject to the administrative authority of the the prescription of the offense charged” applies to cases falling under the
Ombudsman and the criminal jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan. Rule on Summary Procedure
Ruling: No. RPN is not a GOCC. The law defines what GOCC are. Ruling:
Section 2 of PD 2029 states that a GOCC is a stock or a non-stock No, Rule 110, Section 1 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure meaningfully
corporation, whether performing governmental or proprietary begins with the phrase, "for offenses not subject to the rule on summary
procedure in special cases," which plainly signifies that the section does not
functions, which is directly chartered by a special law, or if
apply to offenses which are subject to summary procedure. The phrase "in
organized under the general corporation law is owned or controlled all cases" appearing in the last paragraph obviously refers to the cases
by the government directly or indirectly through a parent covered by the Section, that is, those offenses not governed by the Rule on
corporation or subsidiary corporation, to the extent of at least a Summary Procedure. As it is clearly provided in the Rule on Summary
Procedure that among the offenses it covers are violations of municipal or petition for Certiorari, prohibition and mandamus with petition for the
city ordinances, the charge against the petitioner, which is for violation of a issuance of preliminary writ of prohibition and/or temporary restraining
municipal ordinance, is governed by that rule and not Section 1 of Rule 110. order in the CA. The CA dismissed the order and lifted the restraining
If there is a conflict between the Rule on Summary Procedure and Section 1 order.
of Rule 110 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure, the former should prevail
as special law. And if there be a conflict between Act. No. 3326 and Rule Issue: Whether the trial court may refuse to grant a motion to dismiss filed
110 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure, the latter must again yield because by the Fiscal under orders fro, the Secretary of Justice and insists on
this Court, in the exercise of its rule-making power, is not allowed to arraignment and trial on the merits.
"diminish, increase or modify substantive rights" under Article VIII, Section
5(5) of the Constitution. Prescription in criminal cases is a substantive HELD:
right. The prosecution in the instant case is for violation of a municipal It is a cardinal principle that all criminal actions either commenced by
ordinance, for which the penalty cannot exceed six months, and is thus complaint or by information shall be prosecuted under the direction and
covered by the Rule on Summary Procedure. The prescriptive period for control of the fiscal. 17 The institution of a criminal action depends upon
the crime imputed to the Zaldivia commenced from its alleged commission the sound discretion of the fiscal. The reason for placing the criminal
on May 11, 1990, and ended two months after, on July 11, 1990, in prosecution under the direction and control of the fiscal is to prevent
accordance with Section 1 of Act No. 3326. It was not interrupted by the malicious or unfounded prosecution by private persons. 19 It cannot be
filing of the complaint with the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor on May controlled by the complainant.
30, 1990, as this was not a judicial proceeding. The judicial proceeding that
could have interrupted the period was the filing of the information with the However, the action of the fiscal or prosecutor is not without any limitation
MTC of Rodriguez, but this was done only on October 2, 1990, after the or control. The same is subject to the approval of the provincial or city
crime had already prescribed. fiscal or the chief state prosecutor as the case maybe and it maybe elevated
for review to the Secretary of Justice who has the power to affirm, modify
CRESPO VS MOGUL CASE DIGEST or reverse the action or opinion of the fiscal. Consequently the Secretary of
FACTS: Justice may direct that a motion to dismiss the case be filed in Court or
otherwise, that an information be filed in Court.
Petitioner Mario Crespo was accused for Estafa in the Circuit Criminal
Court of Lucena City. When the case was set for arraignment, the accused The filing of a complaint or information in Court initiates a criminal action.
filed a motion for defer arraignment on the ground that there was a The Court thereby acquires jurisdiction over the case, which is the
pending petition for review filed with the Secretary of Justice. However, authority to hear and determine the case. The preliminary investigation
Justice Mogul denied the motion, but the arraignment was deferred in a conducted by the fiscal for the purpose of determining whether a prima
much later date to afford time for the petitioner to elevate the mater to the facie case exists warranting the prosecution of the accused is terminated
appellate court. upon the filing of the information in the proper court.

The accused filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition with prayer for a PINOTE v AYCO
preliminary writ of injunction to the CA. The CA ordered the trial court to FACTS:
refrain from proceeding with the arraignment until further orders of the State Prosecutor Pinote filed an administrative case against RTC Judge Ayco for
Court. Undersecretary of Justice, Hon. Catalino Macaraig Jr., resolved the
gross ignorance of the law, grave abuse of authority, and grave misconduct. In a
petition for review reversed the resolution of the office of the Provincial
criminal case being handled by Pinote, Judge Ayco allowed the testimony of 2
Fiscal and directed the Fiscal to move for immediate dismissal of the
witnesses in court, despite the absence of Pinote. Pinote, at that time, was
information filed against the accused. Judge Mogul denied the motion for
dismissal of the case ad set the arraignment. The accused then filed a undergoing medical treatment in the Philippine Heart Center.
In the following hearings, despite orders of Ayco, Pinote refused to cross examine
the witnesses due to his being absent during their direct examinations, contending Assailed in the present appeal is the June 30, 2006 Decision2 of the Court of
that the proceedings were void. Pinote filed a Manifestation stating such, but Judge Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No. 00196 which affirmed with modification the
Ayco ruled that the prosecution was waiving its right to cross-examine the 2 July 19, 1999 Decision3 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Iligan City, Branch 06 in
witnesses instead. Criminal Case No. 06-6150 convicting Renandang Mamaruncas (Mamaruncas) and
Pendatum Ampuan (Ampuan) (appellants) of the crime of murder.
The Court Administrator found in favor of Pinote, stating that Ayco violated Rule
110, Sec. 5 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure. On February 9, 1996, the following Information4 for murder was filed against
Mamaruncas, Baginda Palao (Palao) alias Abdul Wahid Sultan and Ampuan.5
W/N Ayco should be held administratively liable? That on or about February 1, 1996, in the City of Iligan, Philippines, and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said accused, except for others whose
HELD: cases are still under preliminary investigation, conspiring with and confederating
YES. Ayco should be held administratively liable. together and mutually helping each other, armed with deadly weapon, to wit: a
caliber .45 pistol, by means of treachery and evident premeditation, and with
As a general rule, all criminal actions shall be prosecuted under the control and intent to kill, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, shoot
direction of the public prosecutor. and wound one Baudelio R. Batoon, thereby inflicting upon him the following
physical injuries, to wit:
If the schedule of the public prosecutor does not permit, however, or in case there
are no public prosecutors, a private prosecutor may be authorized in writing by the Cardio respiratory arrest
Chief of the Prosecution Office or the Regional State Prosecution Office to
prosecute the case, subject to the approval of the court. Once so authorized, the Hypovolemic shock
private prosecutor shall continue to prosecute the case until the termination of the
trial even in the absence of a public prosecutor, unless the authority is revoked or Multiple gunshot wound
otherwise withdrawn.
which caused his death.
Ayco’s act of allowing the presentation of the defense witnesses in the absence of
complainant public prosecutor or a private prosecutor designated for the purpose Contrary to and in violation of Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code with the
is thus a clear transgression of the Rules which could not be rectified by aggravating circumstances of treachery and evident premeditation.
subsequently giving the prosecution a chance to cross-examine the witnesses.
Only Mamaruncas and Ampuan appeared at the scheduled arraignment on May 20,
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES v RENANDANG MAMARUNCAS, et al 1996. Their co-accused, Palao alias Abdul Wahid Sultan (Abdul), remains at large.
Appellants pleaded not guilty6 and trial proceeded against them.
The assessment of the credibility of witnesses by the trial court is the center of this
controversy. The well-known rule, though subject to certain recognized exceptions, Factual Antecedents
is that findings of facts and assessment of credibility of witnesses are matters best The facts of the case, as summarized by the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) in
left to the trial court. Hence, “[u]nless certain facts of substance and value were its brief and substantiated by the transcripts of stenographic notes of the
overlooked which, if considered, might affect the result of the case, the trial court’s proceedings, are as follows:
assessment must be respected.”1
Around noontime on February 1, 1996, Baudelio Batoon, Richard Batoon, Juanito The camouflaged gunmen reacted by firing at the policemen. The latter fired back.
Gepayo and a certain “Nito” were working on vehicles inside Baudelio Batoon’s During the exchange of gunfire, Baginda Palao ran behind the Batoon house, while
auto repair shop situated along the highway in Tubod, Baraas, Iligan City. Renandang Mamaruncas and Pendatum Ampuan ran towards the road and a
nearby car. Inspector Mijares was able to hit Mamaruncas and Ampuan, while
Baginda Palao then entered the shop accompanied by appellants Renandang SPO3 Yee likewise hit Ampuan. Mamaruncas, who managed to get inside the car,
Mamaruncas and Pendatum Ampuan. Baginda Palao wore desert camouflage and Ampuan were then captured by the policemen. The lawmen also gave chase to
fatigues; while his two (2) companions wore Philippine Army tropical green Baginda Palao; but he escaped.
fatigues. Baginda Palao showed Baudelio Batoon an arrest warrant and told the
latter he was serving it against Batoon. Other responding policemen brought Mamaruncas and Ampuan to the hospital for
treatment and they were eventually placed under detention. Baudelio Batoon was
The arrival of Baginda Palao’s group prompted Juanito Gepayo and Richard Batoon brought to the hospital by his wife; but he was pronounced dead on arrival.
to stop their work and observe what was happening.
Based on the necropsy examination of the victim’s body, Dr. Leonardo Labanen
Baudelio Batoon told Baginda Palao to just wait awhile, as they would settle the established that the three (3) gunshot wounds found on the body of Baudelio
matter after he [Batoon] [finishes] tuning-up an engine he had been working on. Batoon (i.e., at the right thigh, left armpit and back) were inflicted at close range
due to the presence, or at least traces, of gunpowder burns.7
Baginda Palao reacted by slapping the victim’s stomach and pointing a .45 caliber
pistol at him. Baudelio Batoon then tried to grab Palao’s gun, causing the two of Only appellants testified for their defense. Their testimonies, as narrated by the
them to grapple for the same. As these two wrestled for control of the gun, trial court, are as follows:
Renandang Mamaruncas, who was behind Baudelio Batoon, shot from behind
Batoon’s right thigh with a .38 cal. homemade gun. Pendatum Ampuan, who was Accused Renandang Mamaruncas testified that he is 34 years old, married,
also standing behind Baudelio Batoon, followed up by shooting Batoon’s left arm carpenter and a resident of Piagapo, Lanao del Sur. On the morning of February 1,
pit with a .45 cal. [homemade] pistol. Baudelio Batoon fell to the ground and 1996, he was in Marawi City. He decided to come down to Iligan City to see a
Baginda Palao finished [him off] with a single .45 cal. shot to the back. Juanito movie. He left Marawi at 7:00 a.m. and upon arrival at the Tambacan terminal in
Gepayo and Richard Batoon saw the entire scene, stunned and unable to do Iligan City, he went to the house of his cousin. Later, he changed his mind about
anything. From their vantage points three (3) to four (4) meters away, these going to a movie and returned to the Tambacan terminal in order to go back to
witnesses had a clear and unobstructed view of the entire incident. Marawi City. At about 11:30 a.m., Abdul Wahid Sultan arrived with Pendatum
Ampuan on board a car driven by Aminola. Abdul Wahid invited him to go with
Meanwhile, Police Inspector Graciano Mijares, then Commanding Officer of the them because he will collect some money and afterwards they will have some
Iligan City PNP Mobile Force Company, was riding a civilian car along the highway, enjoyment. He agreed and sat at the rear seat behind the driver. Abdul Wahid was
heading towards Iligan City proper. He was accompanied by his driver, SPO3 at the front seat with Pendatum behind at the back seat. They drove to Baraas.
William Yee, and SPO3 George Alejo. They heard the gunshots emanating from the They stopped at a crossing and Abdul Wahid and Pendatum Ampuan alighted.
auto repair shop at Baraas, prompting Inspector Mijares to order his driver to stop Before walking away, Abdul Wahid handed to Renandang a .38 cal[.] revolver with
the car. They alighted and proceeded to the source of the gunshots. At the repair instructions to remain in the car and [keep] watch. At first he refused but Abdul
shop, they saw three (3) men in camouflage gear with guns drawn and pointed at a Wahid insisted so he accepted the gun. Abdul Wahid and Pendatum walked to the
person already lying on the ground. Inspector Mijares’ group shouted at the shop leaving the rear right door open. About ten minutes later, he heard three
camouflaged gunmen to stop what they were doing and to drop their firearms, at gunshots. He moved to the rear seat where the door was open and saw policemen,
the same time announcing that they (Mijares’ group) were policemen. who arrived and surrounded the car. He placed the gun on the seat and raised his
hands as a sign of surrender. Then with his right hand, he closed the car door. Just
as the door closed, the policemen shot him on the forearm and chest below the his injury was a gunshot wound when he was caught in the cross fire as the police
right nipple. He lost consciousness and regained it only at the hospital. shot Renandang Mamaruncas. He was inside the car when he was hit. He further
admitted that Baginda Palao is known as Abdul Wahid Sultan. He denied shooting
He further testified that Abdul Wahid Sultan is an old friend. He is also known as Baudelio Batoon.8
Baginda Palao. Pendatum Ampuan is not known as Abdul Wahid Sultan.
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
He also declared that the statement of Juanito Gepayo that only Abdul Wahid
Sultan and Pendatum Ampuan entered the shop and shot Baudelio Batoon is true The RTC debunked appellants’ defense of denial and held them guilty as principals
and that the testimony of P/Insp. Mijares that he also shot the victim is not true. by direct participation in the killing of Baudelio Batoon (Baudelio). It gave full faith
He denied any part in the shooting to death of Baudelio Batoon. and credence to the evidence of the prosecution especially on the presence of
conspiracy among the malefactors and rendered a verdict of conviction, thus:
Accused Pendatum Ampuan testified that he is 20 years old, single, student and a
resident of Piagapo, Lanao del Sur. On January 31, 1996 at about 6:00 a.m., he left WHEREFORE, the court finds the accused Renandang Mamaruncas and Pendatum
Marawi City for Iligan City on board a passenger Armak jeepney. He alighted at the Ampuan GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as principals of the crime of murder
terminal behind the Gaisano Superstore and at exactly 7:00 a.m., he entered the qualified by treachery defined and penalized in Art. 248 of the Revised Penal Code
store and went to the upper storey to shop. When he came out, he met a friend as amended, without the presence of any other aggravating circumstances and
name[d] Bessah. Together they walked to the Maharlika Theater but then Bessah hereby sentences each of them to suffer the penalty of RECLUSION PERPETUA with
expressed the intention to go home to Marawi City. He accompanied Bessah to the the corresponding accessory penalties attached thereto by law and to indemnify
Tambacan terminal. Then he proceeded to the house of his Uncle Ali in Cabaro. the Heirs of Baudelio Batoon the sums of:
(This is a place North of the city and at the opposite side from Tambacan which is
South of the city). He arrived there at noon. He stayed overnight at his Uncle Ali’s P10,200,000.00 for and as loss of support;
house. At about 9:00 a.m., the following day, February 1, 1996, he left the house of P66,904.00 for and as actual damages;
his uncle. Outside, he met Baginda Palao, who was looking for a certain Baser, a P50,000.00 as death indemnity and
policeman. He wanted the latter to help him collect a debt. They went to the P100,000.00 for and as moral damages
terminal at the back of Gaisano store but did not find Baser. Baginda told him to without subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency.
wait while he will look for Baser inside the Gaisano store. Baginda returned without
having found Baser and once again he told him to wait while Baginda will look for a Cost against the accused.
car. A little later, Baginda returned on board a car driven by one Aminola Basar.
They went to the Tambacan terminal but again did not find Baser. Instead, they Having been under preventive detention since February 1, 1996, the period of such
saw Renandang Mamaruncas. Baginda invited the latter to go with them to Baraas detention shall be credited in full in favor of said accused in the service of their
to collect a debt. Renandang entered the car and they proceeded to Baraas. The respective sentences.
car stopped at a place near a shop. Baginda instructed him and Renandang to
remain in the car because he was going out to collect the debt. Baginda left the car SO ORDERED.
and entered the shop. About ten minutes later, he heard shouting followed by
gunfire. He stepped out of the car to verify and saw Baginda Palao [shoot] the In view of the Notice of Appeal10 filed by the appellants, the RTC forwarded the
victim. He retreated to the car as the police led by Capt. Mijares arrived. They records of the case to this Court. By Resolution11 dated January 31, 2000, the
confiscated the car key and arrested them except Baginda Palao who escaped. Court resolved to accept the appeal. In view thereof, appellants were required to
They were taken to the hospital due to injuries. In his case, the sustained wounds file their brief.12 Appellants thus filed their brief on November 20, 200013 while
when mauled by the children of the victim but in another breath he admitted that the OSG submitted the Brief for the Plaintiff-Appellee14 on May 2, 2001. Later,
however, consonant with this Court’s pronouncement in People v. Mateo15 the That the trial court erred in convicting [them] when they should have been
case was transferred to the CA for appropriate action and disposition.16 acquitted for failure of the prosecution to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt;
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
The information filed before the trial court was substantially defective.22
By Decision17 promulgated on June 30, 2006, the appeals court affirmed with
modification the RTC Decision. Said court ruled that the inconsistencies in the The basic thrust of appellants’ first assignment of error is the credibility of the
prosecution witnesses’ testimonies pointed out by the appellants pertain only to prosecution witnesses. Appellants contend that the trial court anchored its finding
minor and collateral matters which do not dilute the probative weight of said and conclusion on the testimonies of witnesses Juanito Gepayo (Gepayo), Richard
testimonies. Regarding the erroneous designation of appellant Ampuan’s name in Batoon (Batoon) and P/Sr. Insp. Graciano Mijares (Mijares), who appear to be
the Information, the court went on to hold that such error was only a formal defect inconsistent in their stand and whose credibility is therefore assailable. They
and the proper correction of which was duly made without any objection on the question the prosecution witnesses’ identification of Abdul and Ampuan as one
part of the defense. The CA likewise held that treachery attended the commission and the same person and aver that the same only leads to the logical conclusion
of the crime. that said witnesses were perjured witnesses. They argue that Ampuan failed to
grasp the information read to him as he was arraigned as “Abdul Wahid Sultan alias
The decretal portion of the Decision reads: Pendatum Ampuan”.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Appeal is hereby DISMISSED and the On the other hand, the OSG in praying for the affirmance of the appealed Decision,
questioned Judgment dated July 19, 1999 of the Regional Trial Court is AFFIRMED opines that inconsistencies on minor and collateral matters in the testimony of a
with MODIFICATION. Appellants Renandang Mamaruncas and Pendatum Ampuan prosecution eyewitness do not affect his credibility. It also contends that whatever
are found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of murder as defined in Article 248 of defect the information subject of appellant Ampuan’s arraignment has had been
the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659 and are hereby cured with the latter’s consent during the trial.
sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua. The appellants are to pay,
jointly and severally, the heirs of Baudelio Batoon the amount of P50,000.00 by Our Ruling
way of civil indemnity, P50,000.00 as moral damages, and P25,000.00 as exemplary
damages and P66,904.00 as actual damages. The appeal lacks merit.

SO ORDERED.18 In support of their quest for acquittal, appellants tried to cast doubt on the
credibility of witness Gepayo anchored on the following grounds: (1) there was
Disgruntled, appellants are now again before this Court in view of their Notice of serious inconsistency in his testimony on whether he knew Ampuan before the
Appeal19 from the Decision of the CA. incident; (2) his actuation of just watching the incident without giving any
assistance to his fallen employer as well as his immediate return to work thereafter
By Resolution20 dated November 19, 2007, this Court notified the parties that they is contrary to human nature and experience; (3) while he testified that appellant
may file their respective supplemental briefs within 30 days from notice. In their Mamaruncas was one of the wounded suspects during the encounter, he failed to
respective manifestations, the parties opted to adopt the briefs they earlier filed as identify him in court; and, (4) in his affidavit, he identified Abdul and Ampuan as
their supplemental briefs.21 one and the same person but later on testified to the contrary.

In their brief, appellants assign the following errors: Credibility of witnesses not affected by minor inconsistencies.
The perceived inconsistency on whether Gepayo knows Ampuan even before the Q: After these three persons rather Abdul Wahid together with two companions,
incident is inconsequential as to discredit the credibility of Gepayo’s testimony. The presented the warrant of arrest to your father, what happened thereafter?
inconsistency pointed out by appellants pertains only to collateral or trivial matters A: They pulled their guns and pointed [them at] my father.
and has no substantial effect on the nature of the offense. In fact, it even signifies
that the witness was neither coached nor was lying on the witness stand. What Q: Who pulled out .45 caliber gun [and pointed it at] your father?
matters is that there is no inconsistency in Gepayo’s complete and vivid narration A: Abdul Wahid, Sir
as far as the principal occurrence and the positive identification of Ampuan as one
of the principal assailants are concerned.23 “The Court has held that although Q: And what happened after the .45 pistol [was] pointed [at] your father?
there may be inconsistencies in the testimonies of witnesses on minor details, they A: My father tried to [grab] the .45 caliber from Abdul Wahid, Sir.
do not impair their credibility where there is consistency in relating the principal
occurrence and positive identification of the assailant.”24 Q: What happened after?
A: My father was shot by one of his companion[s], Sir.

It could be true that Gepayo did not retreat to a safer place during the shooting Q: Who [first shot] your father?
incident and did not render assistance to his wounded employer. To appellants, A: (Witness pointing to a person. [W]hen he was asked x x x his name[,] he
this reaction is contrary to human nature. We believe otherwise. This imputed answered that he is Renandang Mamaruncas)
omission, to our mind, does not necessarily diminish the plausibility of Gepayo’s xxxx
story let alone destroy his credibility. To us, his reaction is within the bounds of Q: After this Renandang Mamaruncas shot your father, what happened thereafter?
expected human behavior. Surely, he was afraid that they might kill him because A: The other companion fired the next shot (witness pointing to a person sitting at
the malefactors were then armed with guns.25 Thus, he would not dare attempt to the bench inside the Courtroom and when he was asked x x x his name, he
stop them and stake his life in the process. At any rate, it is settled “that different answered that he is Pendatum [Ampuan].)28
people react differently to a given situation or type of situation, and there is no
standard form of human behavioral response when one is confronted with a Undoubtedly, the testimonies of eyewitnesses Gepayo and Batoon on material
strange or startling or frightful experience. Witnessing a crime is an unusual details are straightforward and consistent with each other. They personally saw
experience which elicits different reactions from the witnesses and for which no appellants at the scene of the crime at the time it was committed. Their combined
clear-cut standard form of behavior can be drawn.”26 declarations established beyond reasonable doubt the identities of both
appellants, along with their co-accused Abdul, as the perpetrators of the crime.
The failure of Gepayo to identify Mamaruncas in court does not bolster appellants’
cause. As the CA correctly pointed out: As to the contention that Gepayo referred to Abdul Wahid Sultan and Pendatum
Ampuan as one and the same person in his affidavit29 and yet later on testified to
x x x We agree with the prosecution’s observation that although he did not the contrary, this Court finds the same inconsequential and will not outrightly
positively identify appellant Mamaruncas as one of the shooters, he was however, justify the acquittal of an accused. In a very recent case,30 this Court reiterated
able to point out that there was a third person who accompanied assailants Palao that as between an affidavit executed outside the court and a testimony given in
and Ampuan in approaching the victim during the incident. This is also bolstered by open court, the latter almost always prevails. It emphasized therein that:
Insp. Mijares[’] testimony that he saw three assailants pointing their guns at the
victim who was already lying prostrate on the ground. Discrepancies between a sworn statement and testimony in court do not outrightly
In any event, even without Gepayo’s identification of Mamaruncas, the unrebutted justify the acquittal of an accused. Such discrepancies do not necessarily discredit
testimony of another prosecution eyewitness, Batoon, clearly points to the witness since ex parte affidavits are often incomplete. They do not purport to
Mamaruncas as one of the assailants. Thus: contain a complete compendium of the details of the event narrated by the affiant.
Thus, our rulings generally consider sworn statements taken out of court to be attack on Baudelio was so swift and unexpected, affording the hapless, unarmed
inferior to in court testimony (citation omitted). and unsuspecting victim no opportunity to resist or defend himself. As ruled by the
trial court:
The evidence at hand, moreover, clearly points out that it was the police officers
who supplied the names of the suspects in Gepayo’s affidavit.31 In the above situation, treachery was considered to exist. More so in this case
when the victim was completely without any weapon from the inception of the
Any alleged defect in the Information deemed waived. assault. At the moment when Pendatum Ampuan and Renandang Mamaruncas
shot him, Baudelio Batoon was not in any position to defend himself. And when
Anent the second assigned error, appellants aver that the Information filed before Abdul Wahid shot him while lying wounded on the ground, he was utterly
the trial court was substantially defective considering that it accuses Abdul and defenseless.34
Ampuan as one and the same person when in fact they were identified as different
persons. As such, Ampuan was not able to comprehend the Information read to Hence, both lower courts correctly found appellants guilty of murder in view of the
him. presence of treachery.

The Court cannot accord merit to this argument. It is well to note that appellants Conspiracy was duly proven.
failed to raise the issue of the defective Information before the trial court through
a motion for bill of particulars or a motion to quash the information. Their failure to We also sustain the finding of conspiracy. Conspiracy exists “when two or more
object to the alleged defect before entering their pleas of not guilty amounted to a persons come to an agreement concerning the commission of a felony and decide
waiver of the defect in the Information. “Objections as to matters of form or to commit it. Direct proof of previous agreement to commit a crime is not
substance in the [I]nformation cannot be made for the first time on appeal.”32 necessary x x x [as it] may be shown through circumstantial evidence, deduced
Records even show that the Information was accordingly amended during trial to from the mode and manner in which the offense was perpetrated, or inferred from
rectify this alleged defect but appellants did not comment thereon, viz: the acts of the accused themselves when such lead to a joint purpose and design,
concerted action and community of interest.”35
In this case, conspiracy was clearly established. All three accused entered the shop
Per manifestation and admission of this witness, the Information be amended from of Baudelio at the same time. Ampuan shot Baudelio from behind, hitting the latter
[Renandang] Mamaruncas and the word and, it should be Bagindo [sic] Palao alias at his left armpit while Mamaruncas shot Baudelio on the thigh. When Baudelio fell
Abdul Wahid Sultan and the alias Pendatum Ampuan be erased as corrected. to the ground face down, Abdul shot him at the back. These consecutive acts
undoubtedly showed appellants’ unanimity in design, intent and execution. They
COURT: performed specific acts with such closeness and coordination as to unmistakably
Any comment from the accused. indicate a common purpose and design in the commission of the crime.

ATTY. FIDEL MACAUYAG: The Court thus sees no cogent reason to disturb the findings of the RTC and the CA
No comment, Your Honor.33 considering that they are based on existing evidence and reasonable conclusions
drawn therefrom. It has been held time and again that factual findings of the trial
Treachery correctly appreciated. court, its assessment of the credibility of witnesses and the probative weight of
their testimonies and the conclusions based on these factual findings are to be
From the evidence and as found by the trial court and affirmed by the appellate given the highest respect. As a rule, the Court will not weigh anew the evidence
court, the facts sufficiently prove that treachery was employed by appellants. The
already passed on by the trial court and affirmed by the CA.36 Though the rule is Anent the award of actual damages, the victim’s widow testified that the family
subject to exceptions, no such exceptional grounds obtain in this case. spent a total of P66,904.00 relative to the wake and burial of the victim. However,
the claim for said amount is supported merely by a list of expenses43 personally
Against the damning evidence adduced by the prosecution, appellants could only prepared by the widow instead of official receipts. To be entitled to an award of
muster mere denial. As ruled in various cases by the Court, denial, if actual damages, “it is necessary to prove the actual amount of loss with a
unsubstantiated by clear and convincing evidence is inherently a weak defense as it reasonable degree of certainty, premised upon competent proof and on the best
is negative and self-serving. “As between the categorical testimony that rings of evidence obtainable x x x.”44 “A list of expenses cannot replace receipts when the
truth on one hand, and a bare denial on the other, the former is generally held to latter should have been issued as a matter of course in business transactions.”45
prevail.” Thus the Court deletes the lower courts’ award of actual damages. Nonetheless,
since entitlement of the same is shown under the facts of the case, temperate
The Penalty damages in the amount of P25,000.0046 should be awarded in lieu of actual
damages to the heirs of the victim pursuant to Article 2224 of the Civil Code which
Undoubtedly, the crime committed is murder in view of the attending aggravating provides that temperate damages “may be recovered when the court finds that
circumstance of treachery. Murder, as defined under Article 24838 of the Revised pecuniary loss has been suffered but its amount cannot, from the nature of the
Penal Code as amended, is the unlawful killing of a person which is not parricide or case, be proved with certainty.”
infanticide, provided that treachery, inter alia, attended the killing. The presence of
any one of the enumerated circumstances under the aforesaid Article is enough to The CA correctly deleted the indemnity for loss of earning capacity awarded by the
qualify a killing as murder punishable by reclusion perpetua to death. Since only trial court. Such indemnity cannot be awarded in the absence of documentary
the qualifying circumstance of treachery is found to be present, both the RTC and evidence except where the victim was either self-employed or a daily wage worker
the CA properly imposed the penalty of reclusion perpetua pursuant to Article 63 earning less than the minimum wage under current labor laws.
of the Revised Penal Code. Moreover, Section 3 of Republic Act No. 934639
provides: As testified to by the widow, Florenda Batoon, the victim was earning a monthly
income of P20,000.00 and P90,000.00 as an auto repair shop and a six-wheeler
Section 3. Persons convicted of offenses punishable with reclusion perpetua or truck operator, respectively. The trial court made a conservative estimate of
whose sentences will be reduced to reclusion perpetua by reason of this Act, shall P500.00 a day as the net income from the truck alone after making reasonable
not be eligible for parole under Act No. 4103 otherwise known as the deductions from its operation. Thus, ranged against the daily minimum wage then
Indeterminate Sentence Law, as amended. prevailing in Region X which is P137.00 per day pursuant to Wage Order No. RX-03,
this case undoubtedly does not fall under the exceptions where indemnity for loss
Pursuant to the above provision, appellants are therefore not eligible for parole. of earning capacity can be given despite the lack of documentary evidence.

Awards of Damages The Court sustains the award of exemplary damages in view of the proven
qualifying circumstance of treachery. The CA however awarded exemplary
The Court modifies the award of civil indemnity in the amount of P50,000.00. In damages to the heirs of the victim in the amount of P25,000.00. To conform with
line with prevailing jurisprudence,40 said award is increased to P75,000.00. Anent prevailing jurisprudence, the Court increases this amount to P30,000.00.47
the award of moral damages, the CA correctly imposed the amount of
P50,000.00.41 These “awards are mandatory without need of allegation and proof WHEREFORE, premises considered, the June 30, 2006 Decision of the Court of
other than the death of the victim, owing to the fact of the commission of murder Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No. 00196 which found appellants Renandang
or homicide.”42 Mamaruncas and Pendatum Ampuan guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder is
AFFIRMED with further MODIFICATIONS as follows:
the evidence shows that the Receipt issued by petitioner for the money was dated
1. Appellants are sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua 22 December 1999, without any indication of the place where it was issued.
without eligibility for parole; Meanwhile, the Deed of Sale with Assumption of Mortgage prepared by petitioner
2. The award of civil indemnity is increased to P75,000.00; was signed and notarized in Iloilo City
3. The award of P66,904.00 as actual damages is deleted;
4. P25,000.00 as temperate damages is awarded in lieu of actual damages; The only time Makati City was mentioned was with respect to the time when the
5. The award of exemplary damages is increased to P30,000.00; and check provided by petitioner was dishonored by Equitable-PCI Bank in its De la
6. Appellants are further ordered to pay the heirs of the victim interest on Rosa-Rada Branch in Makati. Petitioner asserts that the prosecution witness...
all damages awarded at the legal rate of 6% per annum from the date of finality of failed to allege that any of the acts material to the crime of estafa had occurred in
this judgment. Makati City. Thus, the trial court failed to acquire jurisdiction over the case.

HECTOR TREÑAS v. PEOPLE, GR No. 195002, 2012-01-25 Petitioner thus argues that an accused is not required to present evidence to prove
lack of jurisdiction, when such lack is already indicated in the prosecution evidence.
December 1999, Margarita Alocilja (Margarita) wanted to buy a house-and-lot in THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING THAT AN ACCUSED HAS TO PRESENT
Iloilo City... mortgaged with Maybank... bank manager Joselito Palma EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF THE DEFENSE OF LACK OF JURISDICTION EVEN IF SUCH
recommended the appellant Hector Treñas (Hector) to private... complainant LACK OF JURISDICTION APPEARS IN THE EVIDENCE OF THE PROSECUTION;
Elizabeth Hector informed Elizabeth that for the titling of the property in the name
of her aunt Margarita, the following expenses. Ruling:
the findings of fact of the trial court and the CA on the issue of the place of
Elizabeth gave P150,000.00 to Hector who issued a corresponding receipt dated commission of the offense are conclusions without any citation of the specific
December 22, 1999 and prepared [a] Deed of Sale with Assumption of Mortgage. evidence on which they are based; they are grounded on conclusions and
Hector gave Elizabeth Revenue Official Receipt Nos. 00084370 for P96,000.00 and
00084369 for P24,000.00. In Fukuzume v. People,[19] this Court dismissed a Complaint for estafa, wherein
the prosecution failed to prove that the essential elements of the offense took
BIR, she was informed that the receipts were fake. Elizabeth demanded the return place within the trial court's jurisdiction.
of the money. Hector issued in favor of Elizabeth a Bank of Commerce check No.
0042856.When the check was deposited with the PCIBank, Makati Branch, the In this case, the prosecution failed to show that the offense of estafa under Section
same was dishonored for the reason that the account was closed. 1, paragraph (b) of Article 315 of the RPC was committed within the jurisdiction of
the RTC of Makati City.
case of Estafa was filed against him.
That the offense was committed in Makati City was alleged in the information...
On 29 October 2001, an Information was filed by the Office of the City Prosecutor would have been sufficient to vest jurisdiction in the RTC of Makati. However, the
before the Regional Trial Court (RTC), both of Makati City. Petitioner asserts that Affidavit of Complaint executed by Elizabeth does not contain any allegation as to
nowhere in the evidence presented by the prosecution does it show that P150,000 where the offense was committed.
was given to and received by petitioner in Makati City.
Aside from the lone allegation in the Information, no other evidence was presented DISMISSED without prejudice. This case is REFERRED to the IBP Board of Governors
by the prosecution to prove that the offense or any of its elements was committed for investigation and recommendation pursuant to Section 1 of Rule 139-B of the
in Makati City. Rules of Court.

Although the prosecution alleged that the check issued by petitioner was Principles:
dishonored in a bank in Makati, such dishonor is not an element of the offense of in criminal cases, venue is jurisdictional. A court cannot exercise jurisdiction over a
estafa under Article 315, par. 1 (b) of the RPC. person charged with an offense committed outside its limited territory

It has been consistently held by this Court that it is unfair to require a defendant or In Isip v. People,[18]... this Court explained:
accused to undergo the ordeal and expense of a trial if the court has no jurisdiction
over the subject matter or offense or it is not the court of proper venue. The place where the crime was committed determines not only the venue of the
action but is an essential element of jurisdiction.
This principle echoes more strongly in this case, where, due to distance constraints,
coupled with his advanced age and failing health, petitioner was unable to present It is a fundamental rule that for jurisdiction to be acquired by courts in criminal
his defense in the charges against him. cases, the offense should have been committed... or any one of its essential
ingredients should have taken place within the territorial jurisdiction of the court.
There being no showing that the offense was committed within Makati, the RTC of
that city has no jurisdiction over the case. the territory where the court has jurisdiction to take cognizance or to try the
offense allegedly committed therein by... the accused
This Court sees it fit to note that the Code of Professional Responsibility strongly
militates against the petitioner's conduct in handling the funds of his client. Furthermore, the jurisdiction of a court over the criminal case is determined by the
allegations in the complaint or information.
In Cuizon v. Macalino,[35] this Court ruled that the issuance of checks which were
later dishonored for having been drawn against a closed account indicates a And once it is so shown, the court may validly take cognizance of the case.
lawyer's unfitness for the trust and confidence reposed on him, shows lack of However, if the evidence adduced during the trial shows that the offense was
personal... honesty and good moral character as to render him unworthy of public committed somewhere else, the court should dismiss the action for want of
confidence, and constitutes a ground for disciplinary action. jurisdiction.

This case is thus referred to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for the People vs. Balao
initiation of disciplinary proceedings against petitioner. Ban on Ex-Post Facto Law and Bill of Attainder Characteristics of an Ex-Post Facto
Law; Sufficiency of information
the Petition is GRANTED FACTS
A criminal case was filed against the accused Balao, Angsico, Dacalos and Lazarte
The Decision... issued by the Court of Appeals... are SET ASIDE on the ground of lack who were then public officers, being the General Manager, Team Head, Visayas
of jurisdiction on the part of the Regional Mgt. Office, Division Manager (Visayas), Manager, RPD, Project mgt. Officer A and
Supervising Engineer respectively of the National Housing Authority. The criminal
Trial Court, Branch 137, Makati City. offense charged against them was in relation to their office, that they allegedly
connive, confederate and mutually helped each other and with accused Arceo Cruz,
private individual and manager of A.C. Cruz Construction with deliberate intent,
with manifest partiality and evident bad faith, did then and there willfully, b. Despite a reinvestigation, the prosecution’s Memorandum dated
unlawfully and feloniously cause to be paid to A.C. Construction public funds in the May 30, 2006 still failed to specify the participation of accused-
movants Balao, Angsico and Dacalos.
supposedly for the excavation and roadfilling works on the Pahanocoy Sites and
c. That pursuant to Section 3, Rule 117 of the rules of Court, in
Services Project in Bacolod City despite the fact that no such works were
undertaken. The Sandiganbayan expressed its anxiety over the inadequacy of the determining the viability of a motion to quash based on the ground
Information in that the participation of each of the accused did not appear clear in of "facts charged in the information do not constitute an offense,"
the resolution, much less in the Information. the test must be whether or not the facts asseverated, if
hypothetically admitted, would establish the essential elements of
ISSUE the crime as defined by law.

"Sandiganbayan acted with grave abuse of discretion amounting to d.That to allow accused Balao, Angsico and Lazarte [sic] to be
lack or excess of jurisdictionin dismissing the information in Criminal arraigned despite the seeming inadequacy of the instant
Case No. 26583 which sufficiently charged repondents information as to their actual involvement in the offense charged,
Balao,Angsico and Dacalos of violating Sec. 3(e) of R.A. 3019, as which is not addressed by the mere allegation of conspiracy,
amended. infringes on the constitutional right of the accused to be informed
of the nature and cause of the accusation against them.
PETITIONER’S CONTENTION (People represented by Ombudsman)
a. Contends that the Sandiganabayan acted with grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in dismissing The Court finds that the Information in this case alleges the
the information against the accused; essential elements of violation of Section 3(e) of R.A. No. 3019. The
Information specifically alleges that petitioner, Espinosa and Lobrido
b. That the information filed is sufficient to charge the accused of are public officers being then the Department Manager, Project
the crime committed. Management Officer A and Supervising Engineer of the NHA
respectively; in such capacity and committing the offense in relation
DEFENDANT’S CONTENTION (Sandiganbayan Ruling)
to the office and while in the performance of their official functions
a. There was failure to state the acts or omissions of accused- connived, confederated and mutually helped each other and with
movants Balao, Angsico and Dacalos with sufficient particularity so accused Arceo C. Cruz, with deliberate intent through manifest
as to enable them to make a carefully considered plea to the partiality and evident bad faith gave unwarranted benefits to the
charges against them. latter, A.C. Cruz Construction and to themselves, to the damage and
prejudice of the government. The felonious act consisted of causing
to be paid to A.C. Cruz Construction public funds in the amount of
P232,628.35 supposedly for excavation and road filling works on the
Pahanocoy Sites and Services Project in Bacolod City despite the fact against them be reinstated; and (3) they be arrested or they post a
that no such works were undertaken by said construction company cash bond in sufficient amount.
as revealed by the Special Audit conducted by COA.
Clearly, the allegations in the 5 March 2001 information, if
The requirement of alleging the elements of a crime in the
hypothetically admitted, would establish the essential elements of
information is to inform the accused of the nature of the accusation
the crime. The information stated that;
against him so as to enable him to suitably prepare his defense. The
1. Balao, Lazarte, Jr., Angsico, and Dacalos were the general presumption is that the accused has no independent knowledge of
manager, team head of the Visayas Management Office, the facts that constitute the offense (People vs. Lindo, 627 SCRA
and Visayas division manager, respectively, of the National 519)
Housing Authority;
2. they committed the prohibited acts "in or about the month Rodriguez vs. Ponferrada Case Digest
of March, 1992," "while in the performance of their official The single act of issuing a bouncing check may give rise to two
functions"; distinct criminal offenses — estafa and violation of BP22. The Rules
3. they caused undue injury to the Government in the amount of Court allows the offended party to intervene via a private
of P232,628.35, "supposedly for the excavation and prosecutor in each of these two penal proceedings. However, the
roadfilling works on the Pahanocoy Sites and Services recovery of the single civil liability arising from the single act of
Project in Bacolod City despite the fact that no such works issuing a bouncing check in either criminal case bars the recovery of
were undertaken"; the same civil liability in the other criminal action. While the law
4. they gave "unwarranted benefits, advantage and allows two simultaneous civil remedies for the offended party, it
preference to accused Arceo C. Cruz and A.C. Construction authorizes recovery in only one.
and themselves"; and
5. they acted "with deliberate intent, with manifest partiality ***********
and evident bad faith." Facts:
DISPOSITIVE PORTION The City Prosecutor of QC found probable cause to charge
WHEREFORE, the Court GRANTS the petition. The Court SETS ASIDE Rodriguez with Estafa and Violation of BP 22. Consequently,
the 2 March 2007 Resolution of the Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case separate informations were separately filed against Rodriguez. The
No. 26583 and orders that (1) respondents Robert P. Balao, BP 22 cases were filed with the MTC of Quezon City. The docket
Josephine C. Angsico, and Virgilio V. Dacalos be reinstated as fees were accordingly paid by private complainant. The Estafa cases
accused in Criminal Case No. 26583; (2) the hold departure order were filed with the RTC of Quezon City and raffled to Judge
Atty. Solomon filed a Formal Entry of Appearance as private True, each of the overt acts in these instances may give rise to two
prosecutor in the Estafa case. Rodriguez, through counsel, opposed criminal liabilities -- one for estafa and another for violation of BP
said entry of appearance. 22. But every such act of issuing a bouncing check involves only one
civil liability for the offended party, who has sustained only a single
Judge Ponferrada issued an Order allowing the appearance of Atty.
Solomon as private prosecutor upon payment of the legal fees.
Rodriguez filed a Motion for Reconsideration but it was denied. The institution of the civil actions with the estafa cases and the
inclusion of another set of civil actions with the BP 22 cases are not
Rodriguez appealed, theorizing that the civil action necessarily
exactly repugnant or inconsistent with each other. Nothing in the
arising from the criminal case pending before the MTC for violation
Rules signifies that the necessary inclusion of a civil action in a
of BP 22 precludes the institution of the corresponding civil action in
criminal case for violation of the Bouncing Checks Law precludes the
the criminal case for estafa now pending before the RTC.
institution in an estafa case of the corresponding civil action, even if
Issue: both offenses relate to the issuance of the same check.

Can a private prosecutor be allowed to intervene and participate in The purpose of Section 1(b) of Rule 111 is explained by Justice
the proceedings of the estafa cases for the purpose of prosecuting Florenz D. Regalado (ret.), former chairman of the committee
the attached civil liability arising from the issuance of the checks tasked with the revision of the Rules of Criminal Procedure. He
involved which is also subject mater of the pending B.P. 22 cases? clarified that the special rule on BP 22 cases was added, because the
dockets of the courts were clogged with such litigations; creditors
Held: were using the courts as collectors. While ordinarily no filing fees
Yes. An offended party may intervene in the prosecution of a crime, were charged for actual damages in criminal cases, the rule on the
except in the following instances: (1) when, from the nature of the necessary inclusion of a civil action with the payment of filing fees
crime and the law defining and punishing it, no civil liability arises in based on the face value of the check involved was laid down to
favor of a private offended party; and (2) when, from the nature of prevent the practice of creditors of using the threat of a criminal
the offense, the offended parties are entitled to civil indemnity, but prosecution to collect on their credit free of charge.
(a) they waive the right to institute a civil action, (b) expressly Clearly, it was not the intent of the special rule to preclude the
reserve the right to do so or (c) the suit has already been instituted. prosecution of the civil action that corresponds to the estafa case,
In any of these instances, the private complainants interest in the should the latter also be filed. The crimes of estafa and violation of
case disappears and criminal prosecution becomes the sole function BP 22 are different and distinct from each other. There is no identity
of the public prosecutor. None of these exceptions apply to the of offenses involved, for which legal jeopardy in one case may be
instant case. Hence, the private prosecutor cannot be barred from invoked in the other. The offenses charged in the informations are
intervening in the estafa suit.
perfectly distinct from each other in point of law, however nearly Bauzon and Elizer Tuliao, son of private respondent Virgilio Tuliao who is
now under the witness protection program.
they may be connected in point of fact.
Two informations for murder were filed against SPO1 Wilfredo Leaño,
Furthermore, the fact that the Rules do not allow the reservation of
SPO1 Ferdinand Marzan, SPO1 Ruben B. Agustin, SPO2 Alexander Micu,
civil actions in BP 22 cases cannot deprive private complainant of SPO2 Rodel Maderal, and SPO4 Emilio Ramirez in the Regional Trial Court
the right to protect her interests in the criminal action for estafa. (RTC) of Santiago City.
Nothing in the current law or rules on BP 22 vests the jurisdiction of
The venue was later transferred to Manila. On 22 April 1999, the RTC of
the corresponding civil case exclusively in the court trying the BP 22 Manila convicted all of the accused and sentenced them to two counts of
criminal case. reclusion perpetua except SPO2 Maderal who was yet to be arraigned at
that time, being at large. The case was... appealed to this Court on
In promulgating the Rules, this Court did not intend to leave the automatic review where we, on 9 October 2001, acquitted the accused
offended parties without any remedy to protect their interests in therein on the ground of reasonable doubt.
estafa cases. Its power to promulgate the Rules of Court is limited in Sometime in September 1999, SPO2 Maderal was arrested. On 27 April
the sense that rules shall not diminish, increase or modify 2001, he executed a sworn confession and identified petitioners Jose C.
substantive rights. Private complainants intervention in the Miranda, PO3 Romeo B. Ocon, and SPO3 Alberto P. Dalmacio, a certain
Boyet dela Cruz and Amado Doe, as the persons responsible for the deaths...
prosecution of estafa is justified not only for the prosecution of her
of Vicente Bauzon and Elizer Tuliao.
interests, but also for the speedy and inexpensive administration of
justice as mandated by the Constitution. Respondent Tuliao filed a criminal complaint for murder against
petitioners, Boyet dela Cruz, and Amado Doe, and submitted the sworn
The trial court was, therefore, correct in holding that the private confession of SPO2 Maderal. On 25 June 2001, Acting Presiding Judge
prosecutor may intervene before the RTC in the proceedings for Wilfredo Tumaliuan issued warrants of arrest against petitioners and SPO2

estafa, despite the necessary inclusion of the corresponding civil Maderal.

action in the proceedings for violation of BP 22 pending before the
MTC. A recovery by the offended party under one remedy, On 29 June 2001, petitioners filed an urgent motion to complete
preliminary investigation, to reinvestigate, and to recall and/or quash the
however, necessarily bars that under the other. Obviously stemming warrants of arrest.
from the fundamental rule against unjust enrichment. (Rodriguez
vs. Ponferrada, G.R. Nos. 155531-34, July 29, 2005) In the hearing of the urgent motion on 6 July 2001, Judge Tumaliuan noted
the absence of petitioners and issued a Joint Order denying said urgent
motion on the ground that, since the court did not acquire jurisdiction over
JOSE C. MIRANDA v. VIRGILIO M. TULIAO, GR NO. 158763, 2006-03-31 their persons, the motion cannot be properly heard by... the court. In the
meantime, petitioners appealed the resolution of State Prosecutor Leo T.
Facts: Reyes to the Department of Justice.

On 8 March 1996, two burnt cadavers were discovered in Purok Nibulan, On 17 August 2001, the new Presiding Judge Anastacio D. Anghad took over
Ramon, Isabela, which were later identified as the dead bodies of Vicente the case and issued a Joint Order reversing the Joint Order of Judge
Tumaliuan. Consequently, he ordered the cancellation of the warrant of
arrest issued against petitioner Miranda. He likewise... applied this Order Adjudication of a motion to quash a warrant of arrest requires neither
to petitioners Ocon and Dalmacio in an Order dated 21 September 2001. jurisdiction over the person of the accused, nor custody of law over the
State Prosecutor Leo S. Reyes and respondent Tuliao moved for the body of the accused.
reconsideration of the said Joint Order and prayed for the inhibition of
Judge Anghad, but the motion for reconsideration... was denied in a Joint There is, however, an exception to the rule that filing pleadings seeking
Order dated 16 October 2001 and the prayer for inhibition was denied in a affirmative relief constitutes voluntary appearance, and the consequent
Joint Order dated 22 October 2001. submission of one's person to the jurisdiction of the court. This is in the
case of pleadings whose prayer is... precisely for the avoidance of the
Issues: jurisdiction of the court, which only leads to a special appearance. These
pleadings are: (1) in civil cases, motions to dismiss on the ground of lack of
WON an accused can...... seek any judicial relief if he does not submit his jurisdiction over the person of the defendant, whether or not other...
person to the... jurisdiction of the court grounds for dismissal are included;[17] (2) in criminal cases, motions to
quash a complaint on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the person of
Ruling: the accused; and (3) motions to quash a warrant of arrest.

YES: The first two are consequences... of the fact that failure to file them would
constitute a waiver of the defense of lack of jurisdiction over the person.
Adjudication of a motion to quash a warrant of arrest requires neither The third is a consequence of the fact that it is the very legality of the court
jurisdiction over the person of the accused, nor custody of law over the process forcing the submission of the person of the accused that is the...
body of the accused. very issue in a motion to quash a warrant of arrest.

Custody of the law is required before the court can act upon the application To recapitulate what we have discussed so far, in criminal cases,
for bail, but is not required for the... adjudication of other reliefs sought by jurisdiction over the person of the accused is deemed waived by the
the defendant where the mere application therefor constitutes a waiver of accused when he files any pleading seeking an affirmative relief, except in
the defense of lack of jurisdiction over the person of the accused. cases when he invokes the special jurisdiction of the court by... impugning
such jurisdiction over his person. Therefore, in narrow cases involving
Custody of the law is accomplished either by arrest or voluntary... special appearances, an accused can invoke the processes of the court even
surrender,[9] while jurisdiction over the person of the accused is acquired though there is neither jurisdiction over the person nor custody of the law.
upon his arrest or voluntary appearance. However, if a person invoking the... special jurisdiction of the court applies
for bail, he must first submit himself to the custody of the law.
While we stand by our above pronouncement in Pico insofar as it concerns
bail, we clarify that, as a general rule, one who seeks an affirmative relief is In cases not involving the so-called special appearance, the general rule
deemed to have submitted to the jurisdiction of the court. applies, i.e., the accused is deemed to have submitted himself to the
jurisdiction of the court upon seeking affirmative relief.
As we held in the... aforecited case of Santiago, seeking an affirmative relief
in court, whether in civil or criminal proceedings, constitutes voluntary JOSE C. MIRANDA v. VIRGILIO M. TULIAO, GR NO. 158763, 2006-03-31
On 8 March 1996, two burnt cadavers were discovered in Purok Nibulan,
Ramon, Isabela, which were later identified as the dead bodies of Vicente
Bauzon and Elizer Tuliao, son of private respondent Virgilio Tuliao who is arrest issued against petitioner Miranda. He likewise... applied this Order
now under the witness protection program. to petitioners Ocon and Dalmacio in an Order dated 21 September 2001.
State Prosecutor Leo S. Reyes and respondent Tuliao moved for the
Two informations for murder were filed against SPO1 Wilfredo Leaño, reconsideration of the said Joint Order and prayed for the inhibition of
SPO1 Ferdinand Marzan, SPO1 Ruben B. Agustin, SPO2 Alexander Micu, Judge Anghad, but the motion for reconsideration... was denied in a Joint
SPO2 Rodel Maderal, and SPO4 Emilio Ramirez in the Regional Trial Court Order dated 16 October 2001 and the prayer for inhibition was denied in a
(RTC) of Santiago City. Joint Order dated 22 October 2001.

The venue was later transferred to Manila. On 22 April 1999, the RTC of Issues:
Manila convicted all of the accused and sentenced them to two counts of
reclusion perpetua except SPO2 Maderal who was yet to be arraigned at WON an accused can...... seek any judicial relief if he does not submit his
that time, being at large. The case was... appealed to this Court on person to the... jurisdiction of the court
automatic review where we, on 9 October 2001, acquitted the accused
therein on the ground of reasonable doubt. Ruling:

Sometime in September 1999, SPO2 Maderal was arrested. On 27 April YES:

2001, he executed a sworn confession and identified petitioners Jose C.
Miranda, PO3 Romeo B. Ocon, and SPO3 Alberto P. Dalmacio, a certain Adjudication of a motion to quash a warrant of arrest requires neither
Boyet dela Cruz and Amado Doe, as the persons responsible for the deaths... jurisdiction over the person of the accused, nor custody of law over the
of Vicente Bauzon and Elizer Tuliao. body of the accused.

Respondent Tuliao filed a criminal complaint for murder against Custody of the law is required before the court can act upon the application
petitioners, Boyet dela Cruz, and Amado Doe, and submitted the sworn for bail, but is not required for the... adjudication of other reliefs sought by
confession of SPO2 Maderal. On 25 June 2001, Acting Presiding Judge the defendant where the mere application therefor constitutes a waiver of
Wilfredo Tumaliuan issued warrants of arrest against petitioners and SPO2 the defense of lack of jurisdiction over the person of the accused.

Maderal. Custody of the law is accomplished either by arrest or voluntary...

surrender,[9] while jurisdiction over the person of the accused is acquired
On 29 June 2001, petitioners filed an urgent motion to complete upon his arrest or voluntary appearance.
preliminary investigation, to reinvestigate, and to recall and/or quash the
warrants of arrest. While we stand by our above pronouncement in Pico insofar as it concerns
bail, we clarify that, as a general rule, one who seeks an affirmative relief is
In the hearing of the urgent motion on 6 July 2001, Judge Tumaliuan noted deemed to have submitted to the jurisdiction of the court.
the absence of petitioners and issued a Joint Order denying said urgent
motion on the ground that, since the court did not acquire jurisdiction over As we held in the... aforecited case of Santiago, seeking an affirmative relief
their persons, the motion cannot be properly heard by... the court. In the in court, whether in civil or criminal proceedings, constitutes voluntary
meantime, petitioners appealed the resolution of State Prosecutor Leo T. appearance.
Reyes to the Department of Justice.
On 17 August 2001, the new Presiding Judge Anastacio D. Anghad took over
the case and issued a Joint Order reversing the Joint Order of Judge
Tumaliuan. Consequently, he ordered the cancellation of the warrant of
Adjudication of a motion to quash a warrant of arrest requires neither 12, 2007 before the RTC of Makati. The private complainants-heirs of de las
jurisdiction over the person of the accused, nor custody of law over the Alas filed an Urgent Omnibus Motion praying for the deferment of the
body of the accused. proceedings to allow the public prosecutor to re-examine the evidence on
record or to conduct a reinvestigation to determine the proper offense. The
There is, however, an exception to the rule that filing pleadings seeking RTC thereafter issued the Order granting the motion by the complainants,
affirmative relief constitutes voluntary appearance, and the consequent thus, allowing the prosecution to conduct a reinvestigation. Later, the trial
submission of one's person to the jurisdiction of the court. This is in the court issued the other order that admitted the Amended Information for
case of pleadings whose prayer is... precisely for the avoidance of the murder and directed the issuance of a warrant of arrest. Petitioner
jurisdiction of the court, which only leads to a special appearance. These questioned these two orders before the appellate court.
pleadings are: (1) in civil cases, motions to dismiss on the ground of lack of
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant, whether or not other... Upon arraignment, the petitioner refused to plead. The trial court
grounds for dismissal are included;[17] (2) in criminal cases, motions to entered the plea of "not guilty" for him. Prior to this, the petitioner filed an
quash a complaint on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the person of Urgent Application for Admission to Bail Ex Abundanti Cautela, which the
the accused; and (3) motions to quash a warrant of arrest. trial court granted on the ground that the evidence of guilt of the crime of
murder is not strong. The trial court went on to try the petitioner under the
The first two are consequences... of the fact that failure to file them would Amended Information. Then, the trial court found the petitioner guilty of
constitute a waiver of the defense of lack of jurisdiction over the person. homicide. From the trial court's decision, the petitioner filed an appeal to
The third is a consequence of the fact that it is the very legality of the court the CA. The appellate court confirmed the decision of the trial court. The
process forcing the submission of the person of the accused that is the... petitioner's motion for reconsideration was denied. Hence, this petition to
very issue in a motion to quash a warrant of arrest. the SC.

To recapitulate what we have discussed so far, in criminal cases, Issue: Whether or not the amendment of the Information from homicide to
jurisdiction over the person of the accused is deemed waived by the murder is considered a substantial amendment, which would make it not
accused when he files any pleading seeking an affirmative relief, except in just a right but a duty of the prosecution to ask for a preliminary
cases when he invokes the special jurisdiction of the court by... impugning investigation.
such jurisdiction over his person. Therefore, in narrow cases involving
special appearances, an accused can invoke the processes of the court even Held: Yes. A substantial amendment consists of the recital of facts
though there is neither jurisdiction over the person nor custody of the law. constituting the offense charged and determinative of the jurisdiction of
However, if a person invoking the... special jurisdiction of the court applies the court. All other matters are merely of form. The test as to whether a
for bail, he must first submit himself to the custody of the law. defendant is prejudiced by the amendment is whether a defense under the
information as it originally stood would be available after the amendment
In cases not involving the so-called special appearance, the general rule is made, and whether any evidence defendant might have would be equally
applies, i.e., the accused is deemed to have submitted himself to the applicable to the information in the one form as in the other.
jurisdiction of the court upon seeking affirmative relief.
An amendment to an information which does not change the nature of the
Leviste v. Alameda, et. al., G.R. No. 182677, Aug. 3, 2010 crime alleged therein does not affect the essence of the offense or cause
Crim Pro - Rule 110 surprise or deprive the accused of an opportunity to meet the new
averment had each been held to be one of form and not of substance. here
Facts: is no substantial distinction between a preliminary investigation and a
On January 16, 2007, an Information was filed against Jose Antonio Leviste reinvestigation since both are conducted in the same manner and for the
charging him with homicide for the death of Rafael de las Alas on January same objective of determining whether there exists sufficient ground to
engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been committed and the RATIO: The warrantless arrest or the detention of the petitioner in the
respondent is probably guilty thereof and should be held for trial. instant case does not fall within the provision of Section 5, Rule 113. The
inquest investigation conducted is void because under Rule 112, Section 7,
What is essential is that petitioner was placed on guard to defend himself an inquest investigation is proper only when the suspect is lawfully
from the charge of murder after the claimed circumstances were made arrested without a warrant:
known to him as early as the first motion. Petitioner did not, however,
make much of the opportunity to present countervailing evidence on the SEC. 7. When accused lawfully arrested without warrant. – When a person
proposed amended charge. Despite notice of hearing, petitioner opted to is lawfully arrested without a warrant involving an offense which requires
merely observe the proceedings and declined to actively participate, even a preliminary investigation, the complaint or information may be filed by a
with extreme caution, in the reinvestigation. prosecutor without need of such investigation provided an inquest
investigation has been conducted in accordance with existing rules. In the
SAN AGUSTIN v. PEOPLE, 437 SCRA 392 (2004) absence or unavailability of an inquest prosecutor, the complaint may be
filed by the offended party or a peace officer directly with the proper court
FACTS: Luz Tan executed a notarized criminal complaint and filed the same on the basis of the affidavit of the offended party or arresting officer or
with the NBI charging petitioner Barangay Chairman Ernesto San Agustin person.
with serious illegal detention alleging that the petitioner detained her
husband Vicente Tan without lawful ground. The investigation of the NBI The absence of a preliminary investigation does not affect the jurisdiction
found that the victim TAN was mistaken as a “snatcher” and was turned of the trial court but merely the regularity of the proceedings. It does not
over to petitioner San Agustin where Tan was beaten and locked up. Luz impair the validity of the Information or otherwise render it defective.
Tan (complainant) went to the barangay hall and inquired but they denied Neither is it a ground to quash the Information or nullify the order of arrest
having seen the victim Tan. issued against him or justify the release of the accused from detention.
However, the trial court should suspend proceedings and order a
Later on, an inquest investigation was conducted by the State prosecutor. preliminary investigation considering that the inquest investigation
She came out with a Resolution which was affirmed by the Assistant Chief conducted by the State Prosecutor is null and void. The RTC committed
State Prosecutor, finding probable cause against the petitioner for serious grave abuse of its discretion amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction in
illegal detention under Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code. ordering the City Prosecutor to conduct a reinvestigation which is merely a
review by the Prosecutor of his records and evidence instead of a
Petitioner filed a Motion to Quash the Information on the ground that he preliminary investigation as provided for in Section 3, Rule 112 of the
was illegally arrested and subjected to an inquest investigation; hence, he Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure.
was deprived of his right to a preliminary investigation. He also prayed that
he be released from detention and that the prosecutor conduct a Whether or not there is a need for a preliminary investigation under
preliminary investigation. Section 1 in relation to Section 9 of Rule 112 of the Revised Rules on
Criminal Procedure depends upon the imposable penalty for the crime
ISSUE: WON the petitioner should be released on the ground that it did not charged in the complaint filed with the City or Provincial Prosecutor's
conform with Section 7 Rule 112 which requires preliminary investigation Office and not upon the imposable penalty for the crime found to have been
to be conducted before the information is filed. committed by the respondent after a preliminary investigation. In this case,
the crime charged in the complaint of the NBI filed in the Department of
HELD: NO. An inquest investigation is proper only when the suspect is Justice was kidnapping/serious illegal detention, the imposable penalty for
lawfully arrested without a warrant. Although the procedure does not which is reclusion perpetua to death.
conform with Section 7 Rule 112, it is not a ground to nullify the arrest.

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