0 Taxes: Gift A D Estate

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LA. Gift Tax the available annual gift tax exclusion. A gift
I. (c) The requirement is to determine the amount of payments for college books, supplies, and
V;he $30,000 gift that is taxable to the Briars for 20 I O. Steve dormitory fees on behalf of an individual unrelated to the
and Kay (his spouse) elected to split the gift made to Steve's donor requires the filing of a gift tax return if the amount of
sister, so each is treated as making a gift of $15,000. Since payments exceeds the $12,000 ($13,000 for 2009) annual
both Steve and Kay would be eligible for a $13,000 exclusion. In contrast, no gift tax return need be filed for
exclusion, each will have made a taxable gift of $15,000- medical expenses or college tuition paid on behalf of a
$13,000 exclusion = $2,000. donee, and campaign expenses paid to a political organiza-

. 2.(c) The requirement is to determine the maximum ere are unlimited exclusions available for
exclusion available on Sayers' 2010 gift tax return for the s afte;-t"he" annual exclusion has been used.
$50,000 gift to Johnson who needed the money to pay medi-
cal expenses. The first $13,000 of gifts made to a donee The requirement is to determine the due date for
during calendar year 2010 (except gifts of future interests) is filing a 2010 ift tax return (Form 709). A gift tax return
excluded in determining the amount of the donor's taxable must be filed on calendar-ye~sis, with the return due
gifts for the year. Note that Sayers does not qualify for the and tax paid on or before April 15th of the following year.
unlimited exclusion for medical expenses paid on behalf of a
donee, because Sayers did not pay the $50,000 to a medical ubsequently dies, the gift tax return is due not
care provider on Johnson's behalf. later than the date for filing the federal estate tax return
(generally ~ months after date of death). Her~, since
3 (d) The requirement is to determine the amount of Vega was stillli ving in 2011, the due date for filing the 2010
gift that is excludable from taxable gifts. Since the inter~st gift tax .return is April 15,2011.
income resulting from the bond transferred to the trust WIll
be accumulated and distributed to the child in the ~ requirement is to determine Jan's total ex-
upon reaching the age of twenty-one, the gift (represented by clusions for gift tax purposes for 2010. In computing a do-
the $8,710 present value of the interest to be received by the nor's gift tax, the first $13,000 of gifts made to a donee dur-
child at age twenty-one) is a gift of a..!.uture inter~tand is ing calendar year 2010 is excluded in determining the
not eligible to be offset by an annual exclusion. amount of the donor's taxable gifts. Thus, $13,000 of the
$15,000 given to Jones, $13,000 of the $14,000 given to
4. (c) The requirement is to determine the correct Craig, and all $5,000 given to Kande can be excluded, re-
sulting in a total exclusion of $31,000. Jan's gift to Craig
statement regarding the unified transfer tax rate schedule.
does not qualify for the unlimited exclusion of educational
The unified transfer tax rate schedule applies on a cumula-
gifts paid on behalf of a donee because the amount was p~d
tive basis to both life and death transfers. During a person's
8. directly
(b) Thetorequirement is to determine
Craig. All $14,000 the amount
could have of
been excluded If
lifetime, a tax is first computed on cumulative lifetime tax-
maritalthededuction for 2010.
tuition payment An unlimited
directly to the college.
able gifts, then is reduced by the tax on taxable gifts made in
marital deduction is allowed for gift tax purposes for gifts to
prior years in order to tax the current year's gifts at applica-
a donee, who at the time of the gift is the donor's spouse.
ble marginal rates. At death, a unified transfer tax is com-
Thus, Jim's gift of $75,000 to Nina made~their wedding
puted on total life and death transfers, then is reduced by the
is eligible for the marital deduction, ~s the gift of the
tax already paid on post-1976 gifts, the unified transfer tax
$50,000 engagement ring does not gualify b~se Jim and
credit, state death taxes, foreign death taxes, and prior trans-
Nina were not married at ift. The gift tax annual
fer taxes.
5. (c) The requirement is to determine which gift re- exclusion of $13,000 applies to multiple gifts to the same
donee in chronological order, reducing the taxable gift of the
quires the filing of a gift tax return when the amount trans-

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