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23/03/2019 Loosely Coupled Solutions for SMBs Topics | SAP Blogs

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Ralph Oliveira
June 5, 2018 3 minute read

Loosely Coupled Solutions for SMBs Topics

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This is a compilation of all the articles, samples and other relevant resources regarding Loosely Coupled
solutions focused on small and medium businesses.

Trainings & Videos

By de nition, a loosely coupled system is one in which each of its components has, or makes use of, little or no
knowledge of the de nitions of other separate components. In other words, your solution relies in a separated
environment while the digital core (a.k.a ERP) stays vanilla, with no (or little) customization. 1/5
23/03/2019 Loosely Coupled Solutions for SMBs Topics | SAP Blogs

This architecture provides much more exibility in terms of runtime, services, UX. And adds the bene ts of the
cloud to your solution.

If you are looking for HANA speci c information please check the SAP HANA Extensibility topics landing page

Digital Transformation for SMBs – a blog series

These series of blogs is exactly about how can your solution support SMB customers to adapt to the
disruption wave that Digital Technology is causing.

Digital Transformation for SMBs – the Intelligent Enterprise

We have developed a proof-of-concept that shows Digital Transformation for SMBs concepts and
illustrates how easy it is to consume business services, intelligent solutions and interchangeability of the
underlying Digital Cores.

Digital Transformation for SMBs – Design Thinking methodology and

How to understand the needs of your customers and give them back the solution they are expecting.

Moving your SAP Business One on-premise solution to cloud

Learn what is a loosely-coupled solution and its relevance for SAP Business One extensibility.

Tutorials 2/5
23/03/2019 Loosely Coupled Solutions for SMBs Topics | SAP Blogs

How to Create Your First SAP Business One Loosely Coupled Solution in the SAP Cloud Platform

In this blog we teach you how to get start and create your rst SAP Business One loosely coupled

How to create your rst SAP Fiori App

Your quick introduction into building a new user experience.

How to consume SAP Business One API Hub APIs and a Cloud Foundry backend from a SAP UI5 app

Implement a SAP Business One SAP UI5 sample extension on your own SAP Cloud Platform
environment. Follow a step by step document providing all details!

From SAP API Business Hub to your SAP Business One system

By following the simple steps proposed on this blog you will get your application connecting your SAP
Business One Service Layer instead of SAP API Business Hub.

How to Call SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry destinations from your Node.js application

Destinations service allows you to securely store settings such as credentials, the protocol, the URL of
the ERP system and proxy type.

SMB Marketplace

A Shop Assistant to integrate SAP Business One, SAP Business ByDesign and SAP Leonardo on SAP
Cloud Platform in a Facebook Chatbot

O -the-shelf Object Detection for Intelligent Enterprise

Combining machine learning frameworks for building intelligent solution in conjunction with SAP
Leonardo in the SAP Cloud Platform

SMB Innovation Lab: Face Recognition with in-Store Analytics

A Face Recognition prototype that brings online shop insights into brick and mortar retail stores

ByD Assistant

An Amazon Echo ingration (Skill) with SAP Business by Design

BeaconsOne – A Smart Shop with IoT, B1 and SAP Cloud Platform

Proof of concept of a loosely coupled solution integrating SAP Business One business data and
Beacons devices. Check this blog to learn how to implement it!

Trainings & Videos (free)

SMBs Digital Transformation and Loosely Coupled solutions

Video Introduction of how the Digital Transformation impact SMBs Solutions. 3/5
23/03/2019 Loosely Coupled Solutions for SMBs Topics | SAP Blogs

SMB Tech Hangout

An informal talk with SAP Experts about SMB Solution development

SAP Cloud Platform Essentials

Online course to learn and experience how SAP Cloud Platform works

Cloud-Native Development with SAP Cloud Platform

Learn and experience how microservice-based cloud native development with SAP Cloud Platform

Cloud-Native Operations w/ SAP Cloud Platform

Course aimed primarily at system administrators and technology consultants, teaching hands-on the
important concepts of operating innovative applications in the cloud.

Design your First app with Build

This course will help you to develop your own “Design Thinking”. You’ll learn how to use a free and fun
prototyping tool called Build.

The Twelve-Factor App

A methodology for building modern, scalable, maintainable software-as-a-service apps.

Microservices Architecture – Aligning Principles, Practice and Culture

The bene ts and principles of microservices

Cloud Foundry – The Cloud Native Platform

You’ll learn how Cloud-Native applications are designed to be “infrastructure unaware” so they can
thrive and move at will in the highly distributed and constantly evolving cloud environment.

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23/03/2019 Loosely Coupled Solutions for SMBs Topics | SAP Blogs

SAP Business One Extensibility | SAP Business ByDesign | SAP Business One | b1 | business one |

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