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Dear Readers,

Welcome to my blogposts. In this blog I will introduce you to two of my major writing
that I have written when I was in a written class in UCSB. The two writings are the examples of
what I’ve learned in the course.
The first writing project taught us discourse community and genres Professor Fedorova
have taught us to look around our surrounding to discover the genres that around us. The first
writing, A Sense of Belonging, will bring you into my discourse community. I will introduce you
to the different characteristics and aspect of how I joined the community and the criteria needed
to be in the community. Next, I will explain the types of genre that my community used to
communicate effectively with the members.
For the second writing, it’s a project that help us learn more about the subjects we’re
interested in. Like the title mention, Writing Like a Communication Researcher is a writer about
how communication researcher writes their academic paper. For this paper, I have done some
research on the criteria needed to publish an academic writing. While writing this paper, I was
also taking a Communication course, so I helped me with my paper because I learned the writing
styled of published paper.
I hope you guys learned something while reading these two writing and that it helped you
identify your own discourse writing, and maybe even help you with your future Communication

Sandy Li

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