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return preparer who

willfully attempts to understate any client's tax liability on the process of an ordinary
a audit or unless the CP A agreed
return or claim for refund. to
greater responsibility to
73. (a) Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6695(f) uncover fraud.
70. (a) A tax return preparer is any person who is an income tax return preparer who en-
subject to a penalty for dorses or otherwise negotiates any check which is issued vid-
knowingly or recklessly disclosing to a ment, the tax-
corporate tax return in- taxpayer shall pay a penalty of $500. letter and wait to receive a
formation, if the disclosure is made incorrect because a taxpayer
to enable a third party to 74. (b) A CPA who prepares a federal income tax return
letter before a petition can be filed
solicit business from the taxpayer. for a fee must keep a completed copy of the return for a a taxpayer has
ect because
Taxpayer return infor- minimum of three years. Answer (a) is incorrect because le a written protest.
mation can be disclosed by the prior to preparing a tax return the CP A would not payer be re-is not required to
preparer without penalty if quired to file certain notices and powers of attorney
ction inwith
federal district
the disclosure is made to enable the the
tax processor to elec- IRS. Answer (c) is incorrect because a CPA would only
tronically compute the taxpayer's be Generally, .upon the
liability, for purposes of required to ask the client if documentation of these receipt of a thirty-day letter, a
the tax return preparer's peer expenses tax-
review, or if the disclosure is exists. The CPA would not have to actually receive and payer who wishes to dispute the
made under an administrative order examine this documentation. Answer (d) is incorrect be- findings has thirty days to
by a state agency that cause the CP A's federal identification number would be (1) request a conference with an
registers tax return preparers. required on any federal income tax return prepared for a appeals officer or file a
fee. written protest letter, or (2) may
71. (c) The requirement is to elect to do nothing during
determine the correct , 75. (b) A CPA generally does owe a duty to inform a the thirty-day period and await
statement regarding a tax return client that there are errors in a previously filed tax return a ninety-day letter. The tax-
preparer's disclosure or use so payer would then have ninety
of tax return information without that the client may file an amended tax return. Answer (a) days to file a petition with the
the taxpayer's consent. is Tax Court. Alternatively, a
Generally, a tax return preparer incorrect because the client chooses hislher own CP A. taxpayer may choose to pay the
who knowingly or recklessly An-
discloses any information furnished swer (c) is incorrect because CPAs are not required to dis- additional taxes and file a claim
to him in connection for refund. When the re-
with the preparation of a return, or close fraud by the client but are usually engaged to give fund claim is disallowed, the
uses any such informa- an taxpayer could then commence
tion other than to prepare, or to opinion on the fairness of the financial statements. An- an action in federal district
assist in preparing a return, court.
) is incorrect because although the CPA has a duty to
is guilty of a misdemeanor, and rm an audit in accordance with GAAS and consistent 77. (c) A CPA will be liable to a
upon conviction may be with GAAP, the CPA is not under a duty to discover fraud tax client for damages
subject to fine and/or audit unless the fraud would have been uncovered in resulting from the following
imprisonment. A limited activities: (1) failure to file a
exception client's return on a timely basis,
permits the disclosure or use of (2) gross negligence or
tax return information for fraudulent conduct resulting in
purposes of being evaluated by client losses, (3) erroneous
quality or peer reviews. advice or failure to advise
client of certain tax elections,
72. (d) A penalty of up to $1,000 and
may be assessed (4) wrongful disclosure or use
against a tax return preparer who of confidential information.
knowingly or recklessly A CP A will not be liable to a
discloses or uses any tax return tax client for refusing to sign a
information other than to client's request for a filing
prepare, or assist in preparing a extension, therefore answer (c)
return. Additionally, a pen- is
alty equal to the greater of $5,000, correct.
or 50% of the income to
be derived by the return preparer 78. (b) According to the
from the return or refund AICPA Statements on Stan-
claim will be assessed against a dards for Tax Services, a CP A
sho Therefore, answer (d) is incorrect. income tax return
uld Also, a CPA preparers who fail to sign
not should advise the client of the a
reco potential penalty conse- return, unless the failure is
mm quences of any recommended tax due to reasonable cause.
end position. Therefore, an- An-
a swer (c) is incorrect. Answer (a) is swer (d) is incorrect
po- incorrect as a CPA may because IRe §6695(f)
sitio not recommend a position that is imposes a $500
n frivolous even if the posi- penalty upon income tax
unle tion is adequately disclosed on the return preparers who
ss return. endorse or
ther otherwise negotiate a
e is 79. (a) While performing services client's tax refund checks.
a for a client, a CPA There is no
reali may become aware of an error in a code section imposing a
stic previously filed return. penalty for the
poss The CPA should advise the client understating of a
ibili of the error (as required by client's tax liability due to
ty the Statements on Standards for an error in calculation.
of it Tax Services) and the
bein measures to be taken. It is the 82. (c) A ePA should
g client's responsibility to de- consider both: (1)
sus- cide whether to correct the error. In information
the event that the client actually known to the ePA
tain does not correct an error, or agree from the tax return of
ed to take the necessary steps another
if it to change from an erroneous client; and (2) information
is method of accounting, the CP A provided by the client that
chal should consider whether to ap-
leng continue a professional relation- pears to be correct based on
ed. ship with the client. the client's returns from
Furt prior
her 80. (b) A CPA may in good faith years. In preparing or
mor rely without verifica- signing a return, a Cl' A
e, a tion upon information furnished may in good
CP by the client when prepar- faith rely without
A ing the client's tax return. verification upon
sho However, the CPA should not information furnished by
uld ignore implications of the client or by third
not information furnished and should parties. However, the ePA
prep make reasonable inquiries if should not
are information appears incorrect, ignore the implications of
or incomplete, or inconsistent. information furnished and
sign should
an 81. (c) Answer (a) is incorrect make reasonable inquires if
inco because IRe §6695(a) the information furnished
me imposes a $50 penalty upon ap-
tax income tax return preparers who pears to be incorrect,
retu fail to furnish a copy of the return incomplete, or inconsistent
rn if to the taxpayer. An- either on its
the face or on the basis of other
CP swe facts known to the Cl' A.
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will b)
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