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(OUR LADY OF FATIMA UNIVERSITY Valenzuela City - Quezon Cty - Antipolo Cy ~ Pampanga ~ Cabanatuan Veritas et Misericordia Names OS Si ye Nidal Go ie oy a a Program: Section: WEEK 14: ACHIEVING GOALS: HOW TO MEMORIZE INTRODUCTION: ‘A strong working memory is great for effective leaning. One thing every student needs to learn ‘completely is to memorize important information and withhold it long enough to Keep it in. mind for an exam or a fest Enhancing memory is very essential skill that reales fo every subject and to any degree ‘of leaming. When a student has memorized the information, the mind is freed up to think more creatively, ‘expressively, and feely, They will have better ime selecting the corect answer on an exam, test or during discussion. Memorization keeps the mind active and can lead to a better quality of life. it progressively multiplies one’s ability to lear. and to understand different content of information. The following lesson will focus on the techniques and strategies to sharpen one's memory. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: 4. Identify techniques and strategies to enhance memory to attain classroom performances; 2. \deniity practical tips in improving concentration and recall 3 Apply different techniques of memorization to class activites, 4,Perform easily activites that sharpen one's memory and that can Keep their minds active through games, MODULE LESSON: ‘There are uncountable memory tips and tricks but you may pick out from the following which one best befits your learning style The Fastest Way to Memorize Notes for a Test 1.Review your notes within 24 hours of taking them 2.Start studying a few days before the testexam. 3.Break your notes into sections, 4, Speak your noles out loud. 5,Focus on individual sections before moving on. 6.\Wfite down your notes without looking 7.Make flashcards. 8.Use mnemonic devices ‘Memory Tricks to Help You Remember Anything Using the Multi-Store Memory Model (MSWMM) The Mult-Store Memory Model (MSMM) is 2 structural model formed by three completely remitied ‘memory stores where information passes through in a linear way. The MSMM provides a unique view on memory It basically says, "You can remember anything with adequate rehearsal” MSMM is breakdown into three memory stores and here's a quick explanation > ‘The Sensory Memory (SM), first store. It receives constant information from a multitude of extemal stimuli through the five senses (hearing, sigh, taste, smell, touch). > The Short-Term Memory (STM), second store. Through rehearsal, it will get processed into the last slore. > The Long-Term Memory (LTM), the third and last store, which encodes memories. This store ‘contains unlimited capacity When we bring to our mind an event or information, the STM retrieves the data held by the LTM and ‘brings it to our attention, Five Memory Tricks to Help You Remember Anything 4.CHUNKING CChunking isthe process of taking individual pieces of information and grouping them into a larger whole. By putting each piece into a larger whole you can increase the amount of information you can remember. Its forming something memorable that makes it more meaningful. Chunking represents one’s ability to “hack the limits of an individuals memory. Example: making a list of authors of books you want to purchase. Effective chunking includes the following techniques; © Practice Look for connections, % Associate + Incorporate other memory strategies like mnemonics 2.ACROSTIC ‘An acrosticis a mnemonic or a kind of aid that props someone to remember easier details or piece of information. Its a way of forming a complete sentence or series of words in which the first letter of each ‘word stands for specific thing to remember. 3. METHOD OF LOCI ‘The Method of Loci, sometimes referred to as "Memory Palace" was popularized by the ancient Greek ‘and Roman orators. It is awesome for visual leamers as it pumps up the imagination and. entangles spatial memory, The method of loci works best for those who have a vivid imagination and creative slreak. One may be guided by the flowing steps: 4Pick up a set of significant locations organized in a wel-known joumey (Example: a running tral). 2.Create a mental image of each piece of information that you need to bring to mind, 3.Visualize each item at the signfcant location of the well-known journey from Step 4 in order to convey the concepts. 4.To cal o mind the information, mentally retrace (vsualz) the route, As you picture each of the locaton, they serve as hints to bring to mind the required details into continuous or connected series. 4, MIND MAPPING ‘Mind Mapping is a visual form of note taking that offers a summary of atopic and its inticate information putting up leamers to grasp the significance, create new ideas and construct inkages. It is functional and an effective device that supports to clearly understand foremost details. Mind maps work similar 0 the rmind in that they branch out in diferent directions. In mind mapping, the topics usually are placed inthe mmidpoint ofthe map and draw branches coming out oft. Creating a visual map causes a different set of synapses in your brain to fire, which enable you to remember more effectively 5, REPETITION Repetition is a method of improving memory simply by repeating the ac. 1 works well since it helps the brain fim up connections that are used to recall memories. Repetition effectually transfers information from the short-term memory (which has a limited capacity) to long-term memory (which is unlimited in both capacity and duration.)Combining repetition techniques - aS opposed to reading and writing something over and over again ~ it helps you to form mutiple neural pathways to the formed memory. In short, your brain has more than one road fo travel when you need fo relieve the information. Explaining something you ate learning, fr example, stores the information into what is called the semantic memory, while the act of speaking out loud stores the information in your auditory memory. In one practice, you ‘can develop multiple methods of storing and retieving information. The same concept applies when listening to someone and jotting down notes. In closing, no one never perfectly remember everything, but these techniques wil surely improve our ably to recall those things we mindfully store away. As the saying goes, “Beer fo have it and not need i than need it and not have i’ perhaps it proves true with memory as well Practical Tips and Ideal Conditions to Improve Concentration and Recall (Tenny, 2018) In class and while studying 41.Pay attention to get information right the first time. Its difficult to replace wrong information with the right information 2.Make certain that you understand a concept — it's very difficult to recall what is fuzzy. Read and then reread before class, ask questions and try to explain the concept to someone else during your review session. 3.Use chunking, there are limits to how much we can recall, but these limits expand when the material is ‘meaningfully organized, e.9., what are the three key concepts of the chapter and how are ideas grouped under these key ideas. Cluster ideas around a heading or category. One item may serve as a cue to ‘another during the exam. 4,Be selective - condense and summarize. Tis helps to make the time requirements more manageable. Remember: Memorization Secondary to Comprehension: §5.Mnemonic devices can serve as organizers for new information, either classio acronyms such as Every Good Boy Does Fine to represent the lines on the musical staff EGBDF, or individualized ones that you design for yourself: Be sure fo memorize completely a8 a small eror will create dificulty when utiizing these techniques. 6.Create a peg on which fo hang the information you want to remember. It might be a rhyme, an unusual image or maybe a sequence, e.g., remember your grocery lst by visualizing going through the aisles in the market. Eliminate distractions; 4.Use a “cue" -e.,, when you are wearing a certain baseball hat, you are not to be disturbed. Use your ‘desk to ead, review, write letters but use your bed only to st on fora relaxing break. 2.Remove obstacles, a sound or visual background which is unobtrusive may help to screen out distractions 3.Have all of your equipment available before you begin, lamp, pencil, good comfortable chai, books and paper clips, etc. 4,Revord stray thoughts on a note pad, but dont act upon them. Call this your worry pad, e.g, personal tasks that need to be completed. Make your todo lst forthe week before you stat, or as a study break, to get random though out of your head. £8.Check your concentration as you go - generally toward the end of every other page, but more often if the reating is dense in terms of facts, definitions, equations, etc. Test yourself on identiying the main idea, reslae in your own words. $.Use all of your senses, e.g, draw onthe board, trace it over and over, ook for unique visual pattems, talk itout to somebody, rehearse itn the mio.

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