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Jalan Krisna 2 No 5 Perum Abdi Negara Bojanegara -

Padamara, Purbalingga

Name : Zohra
Date and Place Born : 23 March 1979. Remada
Status : Married
Sex : Female
Height : 150 cm
Religion : Islam
Original Adress : Appartement CNRPS, new
tataouine, tunisia
Phone : 082249985885

Primary School : six years 1987-1993
Secondary School : six years 1993-1999
Univerity Education : four years 1999-2003

Computer : Ms word ,Ms excel

Work Experience
1. September 2003 –june 2005 teacher of rabic and frensh and englich
language atschool 2 march 1934 remada
,tataouine – tunisia
2. September 2005 – december 2009 a. radio presener a radio aaouine
b. adminitsraive at national tunisien
3. 1st january 2010 – november 2010 women union in tataouine
4. 17 december 2010 – december 2018 admistrative at chidrens righs assosiation
in tataouine
social assitant a minister of social affairs

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