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YUNI ARISTA. 20IS. "The effect hemes* of Jasmine In Increasing Rural Farmers
Income of Manlumi Village Regency in 2010 Thesis Economic Fducation Siml)
Program. Teiulnhkan Fkonomi The Faculty of Trathrr Training ami Education.
University of Fancasakti legal Supervisor I: Drs. Hudiyono Supervisor 2: Dra. Hj.
Fandah. M.Si.

Keywords Cultivation of Jasmin, Farmer Income

The research objective is to find out farmers income comparison corned by jasmine
and palawija of Manbaw village, Kramat sub-district, l egal regeruy in 2016.
The research issue is "Is there a difference between farmer income earned ! by
jasmine and palawija of Manbaya village, Kramat sub-district. Tegal Regency in
This research was c onducted on jasmine farmers of Manbaya village I he tareh
population was 380 jasmine farmers and 120 palaM ija farmers while being sample
were 30 jasmine fanners and 15 palawija farmers taken rundt/mly The data
collection methods used m the research were samples, interview and
documentation. Data analysis applied to measure the research hypothesis was test

By analyzing the research data, it was obtained that correlation coefficient r

(counted) was 22.2 , the result was consulted with r (table) of (-test with degree of
freedom (30-15)-2 and significant level of 5% was got that r (table) was 2.021. As
result, r (counted) r (table) on significant level of 5%, then Ho was denied and Ha
was accepted, which means that there was a significant difference between farmer
income earned by jasmine and palawija of Manbaya village. Kramat sub-district,
Tegal Regency in 2016.
Based on the reserch result, it is recommended to farmers not to use redundant
pesticides because it will reduce the produkttvity of jasmine flowers. Farmers are
also adsnsed to share their knowledge to other farmers outside Manbaya village for
regenerating the pickers of jasmine flowers. The goverment ts expected to support
farmers like providing agricultural tools from both the legal regency and central
goverment so that jasmine fanner income will increase continuously.

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