Pre-Exam Soils

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1. Ammonia volatilization from NH4+ bearing fertilizers is not favored by which of the following?
a. High pH c. High temperature
b. High CEC d. none of the above
2. Soil microorganism degrade organic matter residues primarily for
a. Phosphorus and ATP d. Phosphorus and energy
b. Carbon and energy e. Nitrogen and phosphorus
3. The root-nodule bacteria belong to the genus
a. Derxia c. Agrobacterium
b. Azotobacter d. Rhizobium
4. The anaerobic non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria belong to the genus
a. Azotobacter c. Bradyrhizobium
b. Clostridium e. Nitrobacter
5. The source of energy for blue green algae is
a. Sunlight c. Oxidation of inorganic compound
b. Metabolism of glucose d. Oxidation of organic compound
6. The predominant available for N under flooded soil condition is
a. NO3- c. NO2-
b. Organic N d. NH4+
7. The available from of nitrogen which predominates under upland condition is
a. Ammonium c. Nitrite
b. Nitrate d. Fixed N
8. The conversation of NO3 to N2 is referred to as
a. Nitrogen fixation c. Volatilization
b. Denitrification d. Immobilization
9. The percentage of organic N in the soil is approximately
a. 96-98% c. 50-60%
b. 80-85% d. 68-75%
10. Nitrogen is added to the soil system by which of the following processes?
a. Leaching c. mineralization
b. Nitrogen fixation d. Ammonia volatilization
11. The conversation of organic N to organic or mineral N is termed as
a. Immobilization c. Ammonification
b. Nitrification d. Mineralization
12. The conversation of N2 to NH4 is referred to as
a. Denitrification d. Volatilization
b. Nitrate reduction e. Nitrogen fixation
13. Microorganism which do not required oxygen are called
a. Aerobes d. Microaerophillic
b. Anaerobes e. Obligate aerobes
14. If a crop residue contain 60% organic carbon and 5% total nitrogen, its C/N ratio is
a. 10:1 b. 12:1 c. 15:1 d. 20:1
15. The most abundant microorganisms fond in the soil are generally the
a. Fungi c. Algae
b. Bacteria d. Actinomyteces
16. The incorporation of inorganic nitrogen into microbial tissues is
a. Mineralization c. Denitrification
b. Immobilization d. Nitrification
17. Which of the following microorganism is very sensitive to potassium level in soil and therefore useful in
diagnosing potassium deficiency?
a. Pseudomonas denitrification c. Azotobacter choococcum
b. Aspergillus flavus d. Aspergillus niger
18. In relation to crop production clayey soil are known to be except _________________
a. Sticky to cultivate c. easy to till
b. More Fertile than sand d. High water holding capacity
19. Many soil properties and characteristics are affected by soil texture except _________________.
a. clayey soils are more porous than sandy soil
b. silt texture is associated to poor good physical properties
c. sandy soils is chemically more reactive than clay soil
d. clayey soils contains more nutrients than sandy soil
20. The upper diameter size limit of silt particles is:
a. 2.0mm c. 0.002mm
b. 0.2mm d. 0.02mm
21. Soil texture that would be best for growing lowland rice.
a. Sandy loam c. Sandy Soil
b. Silty loam d. Clay loam
22. Many soil properties and characteristics are affected by soil structure.
a. Clay Loam is the soil structure that most crop prefer
b. Dispersed clay soil possesses good soil structure
c. Compacted soil structure allows fast movement of air in the soil
d. Crumb is the best structure that most crop prefer
23. Soil densities and porosities are affected by soil texture and soil structure.
a. Porosity increases with increasing bulk density
b. Soil compaction increases bulk density
c. Soil aggregation increases bulk density
d. Soil aggregation improve porosity
24. Pore-size distribution affects movement and retention of water and air in the soil.
a. Macro-pores retains water
b. Micro-pores are important in root respiration
c. Micro-pores are more important than macro-pores
d. Macro-pores are important in root respiration
25. A soil with bulk density of 1.3 g/cm3 and a particle density of 2.60 g/cm3 will have a porosity of
a. 5% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75%
26. Bulk density is a good indicator of soil degradation.
a. Bulk density does not change with poor soil cultivation practices
b. Increasing bulk density indicates deteriorating soil physical condition
c. Decreasing bulk density indicates deteriorating soil physical condition
d. None of the above
27. Particle density is a stable soil property. Most agricultural soils would have particle densities close to this
a. 1.65 g/cm3 b. 2.65 g/cm3 c. 3.65 g/cm3 d. 4.65 g/cm3
28. Type of soil structure that is best for growing upland crops.
a. Massive b. Loam c. Platy d. Crumb
29. The soil structure of a compacted plow soil is:
a. Massive b. Loam c. Platy d. Crumb
30. The color of the soil indicates some chemical conditions.
a. Dark or black color indicates low organic matter
b. Reddish color indicates that the soil is high in iron oxide
c. Yellowish color indicates that the portion of lowland soil is oxidized state
d. All of the above
31. The moisture content of an air dry soil is known as
a. Saturation c. Field capacity
b. Permanent wilting point d. Hydroscopic coefficient
32. If soil moisture content is 50% field capacity is 40% and permanent wilting point is 20% the amount of
available water in the soil is:
a. 10% b. 20% c. 30% d. 40%
33. If soil moisture content is 35% field capacity is 40% and permanent wilting point is 20% the amount of
available water in the soil is:
a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20%
34. Calculate the gravimetric moisture content of soil sample if the fresh weight =25 gm, oven dry weight =
20 gm.
a. 25% b. 20% c. 15% d. 25%
35. Calculate the volumetric of a soil sample if the fresh weight =25 gm, oven dry weight=20 gm and bulk
density= 1.2 gm/cm3
a. 30% b. 24% c. 20% d. 15%
36. Soil growth to corn is best cultivated while the soil consistency is:
a. Hard b. friable c. plastic d. viscous
37. Horizontal layer of soil differentiation.
a. Concretions b. structure c. horizons d. hardpans
38. A square meter of land dug a depth that nearly touches the bedrock.
a. Profile b. parent material c. Pedon d. Polypedon
39. Mature soil have the following horizons:
a. AB b. ABC c. BC d. AC
40. Young soil has the following horizons.
a. AB b. ABC c. ABCD d. AC
41. The solum is composed of these horizons:
a. ABC b. BC c. ABCR d. AB
42. The regolith is composed of these horizons:
a. AB b. BC c. ABC d. ABCR
43. The topsoil usually refers to this horizon:
a. AB b. A c. B d. C
44. The subsoil usually refers to this horizon:
a. AB b. A c. B d. C
45. Block of soil from each horizon pasted on the hard board.
a. Regolith b. Monolith c. Litolith d. Pedon
46. The government agency in charge of the survey and classification of soils in the Philippines.
a. BPI b. BSWM c. NAFC d. DPWH
47. Basic from mapping the distribution of Philippines soils
a. Soil series b. Soil order c. family d. Great group
48. A group of soil which developed from the same parent material and whose profile characteristics are the
a. Soil series b. Soil order c. family d. Great group
49. Soil profile characteristics important to the civil engineer.
a. Color b. Structure c. Texture d. Microbial population
50. Soil profile characteristics important to a biologist.
a. Roots and faunal activity sign c. Texture
b. Color d. Bulk density
51. Standard reference system for soil color.
a. Soil taxonomy c. Soil survey report
b. Soil map d. Munsell color chart
52. Soil color description
a. hue, value, chroma c. shade, reflection
b. tint, lightness, mixture d. intensity
53. Describe darkness or lightness of soil color.
a. Hue b. Value c. Chroma d. munsell notation
54. Sign of poor drainage
a. Yellowish mottles c. Reddish concretion
b. Bluish gray mottles d. Reddish orange mottles
55. Natural soil aggregate
a. Crumbs b. clods c. peds d. pebbles
56. Soils with no diagnostic horizons:
a. Entisols b. Mollisols c. Oxisols d. Alfisols
57. Broadest category of soil taxonomy
a. Great group b. Sub order c. Order d. Family
58. Soils which are predominantly montmorillonitic
a. Vertisols b. Entisols c. Inceptisols d. Histosois
59. The percent N, P2O5 and K2O in a fertilizer is:
a. Fertilizer ratio b. Fertilizer grade c. Fertilizer recommendation d. Fertilizer band
60. A single element or straight fertilizer:
a. Complete fertilizer c. Urea
b. Ammonium phosphate d. All of the above
61. The fertilizer nutrients that are generally applied all at planting time(basal):
a. N and P b. P and K c. N and K d. P and Ca
62. The fertilizer nutrients which are usually split applied:
a. N and P b. P and K c. N and K d. P and S
63. The available form nitrogen:
a. N2 b. N2O c. NH4+ d. NH3
64. Enzyme in nitrogen transform in legumes:
a. Nitrogenase b. Decarboxylase c. Dehydrogenase d. Anhydrase
65. This ratio determines mineralization rate of organic matter
a. N/S b. P/N c. C/N d. N/K
66. Binding of an organic compound and a metal ion.
a. Coordination b. Chelation c. Complexation d. Oxidation
67. Most micronutrients become less available at:
a. Decreasing soil pH b. Neutral soil pH c. Increasing pH d. strongly acid pH
68. When nutrients are immobile, deficiency first shown up in:
a. Youngest leaves b. middle leaves c. Oldest leaves d. stems
69. Deficiency of these elements causes chlorosis
a. N and Ca b. N and S c. P and Ca d. Fe and CI
70. Deficiency of sulfur first shown up as chlorosis of:
a. Oldest leaves b. middle leaves c. Youngest leaves d. stems
71. The suitable fertilizer for an alkaline N deficient soil.
a. Anhydrous NH3 b. calcium nitrate c. Urea d. ammonium sulfate
72. Application of fertilizer at planting.
a. topdressing b. band c. foliar d. basal
73. Application of fertilizer after plant emergency
a. Basal b. foliar c. Topdressing d. deep placement
74. Major agent of soil erosion in the Philippines.
a. Wind b. animal traffic c. Water/rainfall d. wind and water
75. This conservation practice dissipates raindrop impact
a. Terracing b. mulching c. Contour plowing d. grassed water ways
76. The first stage in soil erosion is:
a. Soil detachment b. deposition c. Entrainment d. water infiltration
77. Colloids range in particle size from:
a. 0.2-1mm b. 0.2-1 micron c. 0.2-1 cm d. 1-1.5 cm
78. Organic colloids are represent by:
a. Hydrous Fe and AI oxides c. Silicate clay minerals
b. Humus d. none of the above
79. Reactivity of soil colloids is due to their.
a. Highly specific area c. Nature and composition
b. Crystallinity d. shape and structure
80. The clay mineral is a 2:1 expanding type:
a. Illite b. Montmorillonite c. kaolinite d. vermiculite
81. Montmorillonite sheets are bounded by:
a. Weak 02-O2 linkage c. Strong K linkage
b. strong H bond d. weak H bond
82. Isomorphous is substitution of cations gives clay minerals:
a. permanent charge c. pH-dependent charge
b. positive charge d. negative charge
83. Dissociation of H+ ions carboxy (-COOH) and/or phenolic functional group give the colloid negative
a. Humus b. montmorillonite c. allophane d. imogolite
84. A soil with pH of 6.0 has a H+ ion concentration of:
a. 1x106 M/1 b. 0.000006 M c. 0.000001 M d. 0.0006 M
85. The optimum or ideal soil pH for growing of most crops is:
a. pH 6.0 b. pH 6.5 c. pH 7.0 d. pH 7.5
86. these elements become more soluble or available at soil pH <4.0
a. Fe, AI, Cu, Zn b. Fe, AI, Ca, Zn c. Ca, Mg, K d. N, P, K
87. At low pH , available P may become precipitated into:
a. Ca-hydroxyapatite c. AI-hydroxyphosphate
b. Orthrophosphoric d. None of the above
88. These cations are considered as acid
a. H+ and K+ b. H+ and Ca++ c. H+ and Al +++ d. K+ and Ca++
89. Nitrification causes soil acidity due to the production of:
a. AI ions b. H+ ions c. NH4OH d. NO4H
90. Soil acidity is due to H+ in :
a. soil solution c. colloid adsorption sites
b. crystal structure d. clay colloids
91. Soil with high CEC have
a. high buffering capacity b. low buffering capacity
b. no buffering capacity d. average buffering capacity
92. Soil that usually need to limed are those with:
a. pH less than 5.0 c. pH greater than 5.0
b. pH less than 7.0 d. pH greater than 7.0
93. This material is not considered lime
a. CaCO3 b. CaSO42H2O c. CaO d. CaSO4
94. Sodic soils have high exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and are.
a. Well aggregate b. Highly fertile c. highly dispersed d. well aggregated
95. The high ESP of soil may be reduce by adding:
a. Lime b. Gypsum c. inorganic fertilizer d. organic fertilizer
*96-98. A 100-gm soil sample contains the following exchangeable cations:
Cation me/100 gm
Ca 20
Mg++ 10
K 2
Na+ 4
H+ 3
Al 1
96. The CEC of the soil is:
a. 36 me/100gm b. 45 me/100mg c. 40 me/100gm
97. The % BS saturation of the soil in no. 23 is
a. 92.5% b. 90% c. 85%
98. The exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of the soil is:
a. 10% b. 15% c. 12%
99. Land having no significant limitations to sustained application of a given use, or only minor limitation dot
will not significantly reduce productivity or benefits that will not raise input above an acceptable level.
a. Highly suitable b. moderately suited c. Marginally suitable d. none of the above
100. Land having limitations which, in aggregate are sever for sustained application of a given use and so
reduce productivity or benefits , or increase the required inputs, that this expenditure will only be
marginally justified.
a. Highly suitable b. moderately suited c. Marginally suitable d. none of the above

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