Notes From Quantum Memory With Domic O Brien

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Chapter 1

Have faith in your mind and in your memory.

Treat stress as the fire and pressure necessary to move forward.

Chapter 2

The brain will also believe imagined events as reality.

This is why we tend to have an inflated sense of ego because we think we have done things in which we
Use all senses when creating loci: Hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, etc.
There is no need to rush, and you don’t need to recall the word, let the images do that for you.
The link method is used when you use the previous loci to connect to another loci, or even mix with it.

Chapter 3

When you first hear someone’s name, repeat it back.

Find something on them that is relatively unique and put something on there that reminds you of that
For example, if their name is Yuki, you can remember courage the cowardly dog on their glasses.
When remembering someone’s name you must, in fact, judge a book by its cover.
Assess mood, mind, and body.
When I took at Hana what I do I See? For some reason someone sad and who is looking for love. At
times she seems almost incapable of living without it.
Exercise imagination.
Face, Likeness, Location, Name.
Unless writing the actual name, learning the pronunciation only is okay.

Chapter 4
0-Dancing Zero

1- Fishing spear
2- Swan
3- Boobs
4- Flag
5- K
6- Fish
7- Boomerang
8- Racoon
9- Light pole

The key to remembering numbers is to give them life.

Then after giving these numbers lives, you can then connect lists to these numbers.
Since 3 is represented as boobs, you can then mention that on three boobs there is yogurt, denoting
that there are either three cups of yogurt present or that you have to buy some yogurt.
I may want to do this up until 100 to make life a lot easier
This can be used for lists, quantities, positions, etc.
Dominic system:

0- O
1- A
2- B
3- C
4- D
5- E
6- S
7- G
8- H
9- N

Each number, when paired creates a person. Each person must have an action and prop.
For three digit numbers you have to use the previous system for the single remaining number while
using the dominic system for the pair numbers.
For four digits, you can use the person for the first pair and the action of the second person (not the
second person) for the second pair.
For six digits it can be a person (1p) action (2p) to another person (3p).
For an even number of digits, it fluctuates between person action person action.
These numbers, can also have a location (if a phone number the location of the person’s whose phone
number belongs to).
After some time, this process becomes automatic and the necessity to write down phone numbers
becomes obsolete.
People tied with intangible emotions tend to be some of the weaker links/associations.

Chapter 5:

Create two stages with 31 loci each.

This is to serve as each day of the month and they can alternate from month to month.
It is better to be deserted so you can see everything you have to do and also spaced so you can see
You can record time using the previously mentioned system for memorizing double and single digits by
changing the time to the 24 hour scale.
Create a third stage for things in which happen way down the line.
Or, if you so choose (which I might), make ten stages with the same requirements based on each month.
With practice, I will want to upgrade to twelve stages, but for now I will stick with the three listed.

Chapter 6:

Choose a happy place, the house in florida, give it stages (roughly fifteen) and then give them some
items to deal with, not in terms of priority, just what needs to be done.

Chapter 7:
Intrays can also be used in terms of job interviews in order to learn more information, commit important
questions to memory and to clearly think about what is more important, ten stages recommended.
Chapter 8:

When trying to remember speeches, use stages at key points and important things that you would like
to say versus remembering everything word for word.
This allows you to have a much better approach and be much better timed.

Chapter 9:
In order to remember directions, one must have a set images for left, right, straight, etc and then create
images for the street signs.
Then after, places these images together and then on each stage.

Chapter 10:
I skipped learning all the calendar days for a lot of reasons.
I don’t think it will be useful, while impressive, I don’t believe it will be as useful.

Chapter 11:

Choose a starting point, look around you.

How old are you? What are you wearing? What has happened there? Any particular noises? What is
specific about that place versus any other place?
Your feelings about each event and let yourself become one into it.
With time traveling, you will then become able to recall times of your life and then soon be able to recall
your dreams.
One memory sparks another, and then another.

Chapter 12:

Make a ton, focus on the word pronunciation and then place it where the English equivalent would go.
Make notes denoting if the sounds/meaning are closely related to English.

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