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Chapter III

Study Framework

This chapter presents and discusses the theory applicable to our study. This

theory helps explain the concept behind the research and establish the relationship of

the study’s variables.

Theoretical Framework

Behaviorism is a movement in psychology primarily developed by John B.

Watson. Behaviorism and behaviorist theories basically revolve around the principle that

human behavior is but a response to external stimuli. Behaviorism helps us understand

and explain the nature of any human behavior. It is rooted on what the developers of

this movement call as the “stimulus-response model”. Figure 1 on the next page

illustrates this model which also served as our theoretical framework.



Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework shows how the aforementioned theory is related to

our study.

Concepts of Behaviorism may be applied to the thought that a student’s tardiness

is always just a response to an external factor. According to John B. Watson, in his

development of Behaviorism, any human act or behavior can be explained without

having to study internal and mental processes and consciousness. All human behavior,

furthermore, is caused by external stimuli. Likewise, tardiness of students can be traced

back to certain factors and reasons.

Figure 2 on the next page shows how Behaviorism is related and applied to the

study of student tardiness.



Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

Operational Framework

The operational framework shows the relationship of the concepts in the theory

with the variables in our study.

UP Cebu has the reputation of being home to responsible students and the

tradition of producing professional citizens. These reputation and tradition could be on

the line if UP Cebu students display tardiness. This behavior of students could put the

name of UP Cebu as a highly-esteemed educational institution on jeopardy.

According to Behaviorism, all human behaviors are caused by external stimuli.

Likewise, UP Cebu students’ tardiness also have underlying reasons and factors that

influence them to exhibit such behavior.

Therefore, the study’s variables – UP Cebu students’ tardiness and their

reasons/factors – correspond to the concept of “stimuli-response model” of


Figure 3 on the next page basically illustrates on how the reasons/factors of UP

Cebu students act as external stimuli to the student’s tardiness.

(external stimuli)


Figure 3. Operational Framework

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