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Ezekiel Dmitri Serapio


“Comparison Between Social Communication Ethics and Social Media Communication Ethics:
A Paradigm Shift (Reflection)”

Communication is a way to share ideas between creatures that always evolve. Ethics are morals
and values of one's identity. While communication evolves to social media ethics also evolve
with it. There are good and bad effects to this evolution. Due to this change, people experience a
paradigm shift. Social media is making it easier for unethical communication to increase.

Communication ethics is defined as the rules that people follow in other words it is the preset
morals which create an impact in particular communications. This greatly affects not only
everyday communication but also business communications or any professional ones. A business
that does not have any ethical communication to their clients are less effective and exposes
themselves from judicial intervention. Now that technology is advancing social media has
become a greatly used medium of communication which also has communication ethics. Social
networking sites have a goal to unite and deliver good moral goals to its users but of course, it
still depends on the users to have ethical communication. There are several issues that are present
in social media. First is expressing the thoughts and interests of the users. Since social media is
open to all they can now easily provoke other people and fabricate concepts for other people to
read. Second is account privacy. Social networking sites contain personal data of the users which
can be hacked and used for their own gain. The third is false business communication. Buying
objects from the internet increase the percentage of unethical communication compared to
buying from the actual shops. The last is hacking the identity of the user. Hackers have many
ways to do this one is by programming a trojan horse to a link that you would open out of
curiosity and since your personal details are online they could get your pictures and name easily
and use it online. There is something called a paradigm shift which is a framework where the
consequences of a particular phenomenon take place, in this case, social media. While social
media is getting older it also increases the unethical communication since it is easier to do it
when you are not talking to the person face to face.

Ethical communication still depends on the people whether face to face or through social
media. Social media has made it easier to communicate with people around the world which in
effect also helps unethical communication prosper. Social media is something that is really good
for communication when used properly by its users.

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