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Broadband Absorbers for the Mid-IR

Based on Multi-Screen Frequency Selective Surfaces

Jeremy A. Bossard*, Zikri Bayraktar, and Douglas H. Werner

Department of Electrical Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802 USA and

Abstract— Infrared (IR) absorbers have been previously studied patterning the next Au screen. A registration process similar to
for use in narrow-band and multi-band applications. Here, we the one described in [5] could be used to align the FSS screens
investigate a broadband absorber structure comprised of during fabrication.
multiple, stacked frequency selective surface screens. A genetic
algorithm is successfully employed to optimize a structure with The multi-screen absorber operates by coupling with the
three Au screens to exhibit high absorptivity across the mid-IR incident wave at one or more resonances, enhancing the fields
range from 3 µm to 5 µm. in the structure. Energy from the incident wave is dissipated by
the loss in the metallic features. While the unit cell dimension
for the FSS screens can be on the order of a half-wavelength,
I. INTRODUCTION which is pushing the limit for effective medium metamaterials,
Periodic metallodielectric nanostructures have recently the general stacked FSS structure considered here can exhibit
been investigated by several groups for use as infrared effective electric or magnetic resonances with large, associated
absorbers [1,2]. One type of IR absorber utilizes metamaterials intrinsic absorption. For instance, Au patches in neighboring
that include an effective magnetic response, such as negative FSS screens can form parallel metallic plates, which give rise
index metamaterials. The intrinsic loss associated with their to magnetic resonances that have high absorption. The
effective properties can be exploited to achieve high absorption proposed structure has the potential for producing many
over the resonant band [1]. Another absorber design approach resonances that can merge together to form a broadband
is adapted from the RF and based on electromagnetic band-gap opaque surface. Furthermore, because all of the Au screens can
(EBG) metasurfaces. Such a device uses a lossy metallic screen be perforated, the structure response can also be optimized to
that is backed by a thin dielectric layer and a ground plane [3]. have transmission windows.
An EBG metasurface was introduced in [2] with dual-band
absorption in the mid-IR over a wide field of view. While these
previous infrared absorber demonstrations have focused on
narrow-band and multi-band absorption in the infrared, there is
also an interest in developing structures that exhibit wide-band
infrared absorption properties. Here, we investigate multi-
screen frequency selective surface (FSS) type structures that
have broadband absorption in the mid-IR over the 3 µm to 5
µm range. A powerful genetic algorithm (GA) [4] is employed Figure 1. Cross-section view of the geometry. Three Au
to synthesize the structure parameters in order to achieve a screens are separated by PC402 planarizable polymer and
large absorption bandwidth. supported by an optically thick glass wafer.

In order to synthesize the absorber structure, we employ a

robust genetic algorithm (GA) optimizer that is linked to a full-
The absorber structure considered here consists of multiple wave periodic finite element-boundary integral (PFEBI) [6]
Au FSS screens that are separated by dielectric layers and electromagnetic solver. The GA evolves candidate designs over
supported by an optically thick glass wafer. Fig. 1 illustrates a multiple generations using a fitness or cost evaluation to
cross-sectional view of the proposed absorber structure with determine the performance of candidate designs [4]. In order to
three screens. The FSS screens are periodic in two dimensions optimize the absorber structure considered in this paper, the
and are defined by a unit cell geometry. Each of the three screen geometries are pixelized into an NxN grid, in which
screens are permitted to have a different pattern, but they share each pixel is a binary digit representing air “0” or metal “1”.
the same unit cell dimension. This structure can be fabricated Eight-fold symmetry is enforced on each unit cell so that the
by alternately patterning an Au screen using thin-film response at normal incidence will be polarization independent.
evaporation and e-beam lithography to define the features and Fabrication rules are also enforced on the structure geometry,
then depositing a PC402 planarizable photopolymer before

978-1-4673-0462-7/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

eliminating diagonal connections in each screen, which allows III. DESIGN RESULT
for a more accurate reproduction of the designed pattern. The The GA was employed to optimize a broadband absorber
bits from one triangular fold of each screen, the unit cell with three Au FSS screens targeting nine absorption
dimension, and the thicknesses for all screens and dielectric wavelengths specified over the range from 3 µm to 5 µm. A
layers are encoded in the chromosome to be optimized by the population of 36 members was optimized over 600 generations
GA. Material properties for Au based on experimental to evolve the resulting geometry shown in Fig. 2. The unit cell
measurements [7] are incorporated into the fitness evaluation, dimension (period) for the optimized geometry is 1.718 µm,
and the permittivity values for PC402 and the glass half-space and the top, middle, and bottom Au screens have thicknesses of
below the structure are 2.403 and 2.25, respectively [5]. The 10 nm, 11 nm, and 12 nm, respectively. The optimized PC402
Cost function employed is given by layer thicknesses are d1 = 401 nm and d2 = 445 nm. The
predicted scattering coefficients for the optimized design are
Cost = ∑ (1.0 − A) ,
shown in Fig. 3 for normal incidence. The absorption is very
high over the entire 3 µm to 5 µm band, with a worst case
where A is the absorption magnitude at each specified absorptivity of -0.249 dB (94.4%) and the reflection and
wavelength λi. transmission suppressed to less than -13.9 dB. The multiple
dips in the reflection and transmission coefficients indicate that
several resonances are working in tandem to produce the wide-
band absorptivity.

In conclusion, we have shown that multi-screen FSS
structures can be used to achieve broadband absorption in the
mid-IR. A structure with three Au screens was optimized by
the GA to exhibit polarization-independent absorptivity over
(a) (b) (c)
the entire range from 3 μm to 5 μm. The techniques described
Figure 2. Optimized unit cell patterns for the (a) top, (b) here can be further explored to design absorbers with even
middle, and (c) bottom FSS screens. larger bandwidth in the mid-IR and near-IR regimes.

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[6] T. F. Eibert, J. L. Volakis, D. R. Wilton, and D. R. Jackson, “Hybrid
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Figure 3. Mid-IR scattering amplitudes for the optimized [7] A. D. Rakić, A. B. Djurišić, J. M. Elazar, and M. L. Majewski, “Optical
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than -0.249 dB (94.4%) over the entire targeted band from 3
µm to 5 µm.

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