Hillary R. Clinton Part 03

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FBI INTC. CLASSIFIED AY: NSIS: SEASON: 1.6 (5) CECLASSIFY cH: 12-91-2043, Sate 09-22-2018 sor Deal ke oe H2 coeweanss FEDERAL BUREAU OF INV! TIGATION Dose wf uanscipins 02 2020. a pow! wa viswed hy Federal Burcu wf investigation (BD) Special Agents| an [a ahe FBI Washington toeet NW. Wash ap DR Lar ibe Gaerdiesy counsel Attorney at Law. at Pas wat as anal fiom the Dyparimenr ot Tustice (DOD Toamierinllience and Papo Con! Seman FA es Ta the interview] lageved w signa non Hselostry aurcernent in anticipation of viewing classified documents curing th salvised of the identities of the imerviewing vigw, Alter being ents, and the purpose of the inter sew. provided she faifowwing ovwne the US. Deparment af Sue (oS Juncied He (OP EAEOF Cn February formation. der] Refore being waned the As the] eas located iy Washington DC but he waveled frequently and ook tips 4 Afghanistan Goad Pakisian every four to sin weeks, “i [dil pot have tregues fy the Sceretary off State when bed lt oF the direst oouiications with the Secrewsy and her team Hi ee cribed his rule unde jas being external facing. He further expl ating red rat he Was tesppansibie tar coord Wah Congess and ucdlitating othee iquamational and economic engagements bese more cused on Afghan ita orators when lbecame the faceause| wanieat te focus mainly on Pakistan, fa this role] Rad more rewufar contact with te Secreiary ae iter wan which included traveling to the region witb them. sree) voided that hy primarily interacted with the following individuals om “ 8 am CHPRYE, MILLS for USAID and communications matters: JAKE SULLIVAN for policy matter p prepare for Deguty Committee or Principal Ci Wittes mevtinus: HMA ABEDIN lili Tov counmonieavons maters [pote hat be fs] BN ab Bia sorts not camels f he HBL ese ees tt HO so pod atte om eS st vets 2 ba Bs “ bh BS 6 7c bs bic bs bic bé bre bs bE 6 BIC bL b3 - communicated directly with SULLIVAN and MILLS for anything shat necited the Secretary alentTon, Exanzpies inclucle topics that invnlved international matters. tapes that ‘could potentially impact DoS equities, and topies involving private sector engayemems, These exchanges could be either classified or unelassitied depensling on the ypecitic content and were done via the appropriate telephone or emutl system, LHOHO] While at Dos, had an OpenNet and ClassNet account a JWICS accounts. DoS alse issued] gokberry. which was linked to his ame emai account and a STE for his home lused fis Blackherey email extensively velten fre wits ocorseas beestise other conmmupication ghamiels were offen nel available a uonen could only recall one instance foHlowing the birth of bis son when he Feceived ant email direetly front the Seerctury. He renmembured that the email cante trom a nun-i}eS ermal ewcount int ie didn'¢ think much of ita the time wasn hat he Secretary wats usin 2 private email account and server to conduct DoS ise. Ror Ws Jase of any other Das caiployees using personal entail accounts for official business, prvi thet he Had the pessonal canal aaklresses of both SULLIVAN and MILLS bat hid norrecail ever using those accounts fo oBisin! business, confined that he was wond into a Special Avcess Promany understood the venti vities surrounding Iie program tnd te nea fo appropriately sulsguand rebated ioloramation, As scl. the DoS singe was oot to publicly cummeat on the program. ‘was showa @ cupy ofan email chain fron December OF 201 wilh the Sibjeet SBL” Afler reviewing the email stated that he did sot remember the cizymstances in which the email was originally sent. However based on the email dime seam] believed he was in California when he received the maj ssauid not have hal anny RET means of forwarding the information to those who needed stated that Do ( bi be bre bs Bre bs BIC 6 bre bi BB bi 3 bl b3 bL b3 bi b3 De] SAMA Hes, bs iotton of PDAMBOE the . . bre wing information on Yay unclassified systens wus not kcal but A , ‘ . \ bi aiid not have a choice when it came ta time sensitive information, did no recall receiving any bs specitle ttining or yuidece op hovw time sensitive inlormation shuld be transmitted was shown a copy of aa emul chain from ‘ebruary OPTS wan The Subyor AEE : ve ‘viewing dhe ena! lie stated th bu bs ionethelens did not have concems sending this typo of Halormation ov a ‘molassified system because fbe story Was ahout to break in Ge news and it was important that th the information to the Secretary Lee that veewrted. us shawn a copy af an email chain front SU stated i asas sent prior to Te relerenoad arucle beiny released Ta the press [could not recall any fhiether details abr tite formation psovipied in ue coral, He noted that a number of similar stories were Being released by the ba press ut that fin. bsctiewed that the information in the email could be treated as uneltssified 23 because the article Was abou! to be reledsed and it was critival that he noti Dh he appropriate people within pe The iby I provided that the emait was forwarding a news aniele Of Mlcresl to malvlduals within DoS. bl stated that the conmments hig included when he forwarded the enmil were nat meautt 10 contirm the veracity bs of the news article but rather to express his trustrution with the artiete. further explained thet 2011 was a particularly ditficoti period (or bilateral relationships in the region and that DoS elfints were ofien complicated by such articles. vwas shown a copy ef an email chain from May bi of 201 WaT subject Update PE ot recall the exact cireunss ‘the email but ba noted that it was unesual for him to bateract dveethy with] provided thst be forecarded she email because iL was a niatier that required the Hmovwdiate attention OF DaS fo preserve ity equities (UH BH4Y AL the conclusiun of the interview noted that nose of the emits that hee eee ‘sas shown were originated by him, The emaily either volved TaTommiation that was about to he veleased publicly or were authored by another indivi bu 3

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