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1 Acute sinusitis J 01
2 acute maxillary sinusitis J01.00
3 acute recurrent maxilarry sinusitis J01.01
4 acute frontal sinusitis J01.11
5 acute recurrent frontal sinusitis J.01.2
6 acute etmoidal sinusitis J.01.21
7 acute reccurent etmoidal sinusitis J.01.3
8 acute sphenoid sinusitis J.01.31
9 acute reccurent sphenoid sinusitis J.01.4
10 acute pansinusitis J.01.41
11 acute reccurent pansinusitis J. 01.41
12 other aute sinusitis J.01.8
13 acute sinusitis unspecified J.01.8
14 vasomotor rhinitis J.01.9
15 allergic rhinitis due to pollen J.30.0
16 allergic rhinitis due to food J.30.1
17 allergic rhinitis due to cat/dog hair J.30.5
18 allergic rhinitis inspecified J.30.81
19 chronic rhinitis J.30.9
20 chronic maxillary sinusitis J.31.0
21 chronic frontal sinusitis J.32.0
22 chronic ethmoidal sinusitis J.32.1
23 chronic sphenoidal sinusitis J.32.2
24 chronic pansinusitis J.32.3
25 chronic sinusitis unspecified J.32.4
26 polyp of nasal cavity J.32.9
27 polypoid sinus degeneration J.33.0
28 other polyp of sinus J.33.1
29 nasal polyp of sinus J.33.8
30 nasal polip unspecified J.33.9
31 abscess, furuncle, and carbuncle of nose J.34.0
32 cyst and mucocele of nose and nasal sinus J.34.1
33 deviated nasal septum J.34.2
34 hypertrophy of nasal turbinates J.34.3
35 other specified disorders of nose and nasal sinuses J.34.8
36 nasal mucositis J.34.81
37 unspecified disorder of nose and nasal sinuses J.34.9
38 angiofibroma D.10.6
39 papiloma inverted D.14.0
40 LPR K.21.0
41 hipertrofi Adenoid J.35.2
1 sinusectomy , not otherwise
BSEF mini (I) specified
2 BSEF mini (II) + maksila/ etmoid 22.63 ethmoidectomy
3 BSEF mini (III) + frontal / sfenoid 22.64 sphenoidectomy
4 BSEF mini (IV) + maksila/ etmoid + other nasal sinusectomy
frontal/ sfenoid
5 BSEF lanjut 22.6 other nasal sinusectomy
6 septoplasty 21.88 other septoplasty
7 Caldwell Luc 22.39 caldwell luc approach
8 aspirasi dan lavage of nasal
22 sinus, not otherwise specified
Irigasi sinus ( DAWO)
9 sinusectomy, not other wise
sinuskopi specified
10 sinusotomy, not otherwise
sinuskopi dengan tindakan specified
11 removal of intraluminal
98.12 foreign body from nose
ekstraksi benda asing without incision
12 other diagnostic procedures
nasoendoskopi dengan tindakan on nasal sinuses
13 septoplasty ec trauma hidung 21.88 other septoplasty
14 konkotomi/ konkoplasti 21.6 turbinectomy
15 submucose resection of nasal
septum reseksi/ SMR septum



1 Other Hearing Loss H91
2 ototoxic hearing loss H91.0
3 presbycusis H91.1
4 sudden idiopathic hearing loss H91.2
5 deaf mutism H91.3
6 other specified hearing loss H91.8
7 hearing loss, unspecified H91,9
8 Conductive and Sensorineural Hearing Loss H90
9 conductive hearing loss bilateral H90.0
conductive hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on
10 the contralateral side H90.1
11 conducting hearing loss, unspecified H90.2
12 sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral H90.3
sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with restricted hearing on
13 the contralateral side H90.4
14 sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified H90.5
15 mixed type hearing loss, bilateral H90.6
16 mixed type hearing loss, unilateral with restricted hearing on H90.7
contralateral side
17 mixed type hearing loss, unspecified H90.8
18 Other Disorder of Ear, not Elsewhere Classified H93
19 degenerative and vascular disorders of ear H93.0
20 tinnitus H93.1
21 other abnormal auditory perceptions H93.2
22 Disorders of Verstibular Function H81
23 meniere disease H81.0
24 BPPV H81.1
25 vestibular neuritis H81.2
26 other peripheral vertigo H81.3
27 Vertigo of central origin H81.4
28 other disorders of vestibular function H81.8
29 disorders of vestibular function, unspecified H81.9
30 Verttiginous Syndromes in Disease Classified Elsewhere H82
31 Other Disease of Inner Ear H83
32 labyrinthitis H83.0
33 labyrinthitis fistula H83.1
34 labyrinthitis dysfunction H83.2
35 noise effects on inner ear H83.3
36 other specified disease on inner ear H83.8
37 disease of inner ear, unspecified H83.9
38 Tube dysfunction H69.9
39 Tympanosclerotic H74.0
40 otalgia H92.0


1 Nonoperative Procedure Related to Hearing 95.4
2 audiometry 95.41
3 clinical test of hearing 95.42
4 audiological evaluation 95.43
5 clinical vestibular function tests 95.44
6 rotation tests 95.45
7 other auditory and vestibular function tests 95.46
8 hearing examination, not otherwise specified (BERA, OAE,
Frenzell) 95.47
9 fitting of hearing aid 95.48
10 other nonoperative procedures related to hearing adjustment
(external components) of cochlear prostetic device 95.49
11 Electromyogram of eye (EMG) 95.24


Ket Diagnosis ICD 10

kongenital other congenital malformations of ear Q 18.1
excludes: preauricular sinus
accessory auricle Q 17.0
accessory tragus
preauricular appendage or tag
supernumerary: ear, lobule
Macrotia Q 17.1
microtia Q 17.2
other misshapen ear Q 17.3
pointed ear
misplaced ear Q 17.4
low set ears
exclude cervical aur
prominent ear Q 17.5
bat ear
other specified congenital malformations of ear Q 17.8
congenital absence of lobe ear
other acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system
Kelainan didapat and connective tissue M.95
Acquired deformity of nose M 95.0
exclude deviated nasal septum J 34.2
cauliflower ear M 95.1
exclude other acquired deformities of ear H 61.1
other acquired deformities of head M 95.2
acquired deformity of neck M 95.3
acquired deformity of chest and rib M 95.4
acquired deformity of pelvis M 95.5
exclude maternal care for known or suspected
disproportion O 33.-
other specified acquired deformities of
musculoskeletal system M 95.8
acquired deformity of muskuloskeletal system,
unspecified M 95.9
Kelainan akibat
trauma Fracture of skull and facial bones S 02
Fracture of vault of skull S 02.0
Fracture bone
Parietal bone
Fracture of base of skull S 02.1
fossa: anterior, middle, posterior
orbital roof
sinus: ethmoid, frontal
temporal bone
exclude: orbit NOS S 02.8
Orbital floor S 02.3
Fracture of orbital floor S 02.3
orbit NOS S 02.8
Orbital roof S 02.1
Fracture of malar and maxillary bones S 02.4
superior maxilla
upper jaw (bone)
Fracture of tooth S 02.5
broken tooth
fracture of mandible S 02.6
lower jaw (bone)
Involving skull and facial bones S 02.7
Fracture of other skull and facial bones S 02.8
orbit NOS
excl: orbita floor, roof S 02.3 S 02.1
fracture of skul and facial bones, part unspecified S 02.9
Dislocation, sprain, and strain of joints and ligaments
of head S 03
Dislocation of jaw S 03.0
jaw (cartilage)(meniscus), mandible,
temporomandibular (joint)
dislocation of septal cartilage of nose S 03.1
Dislocation of tooth S 03.2
dislocation of other and unspecified parts of head S03.3
sprain and strain of jaw S 03.4
temporomandibular (joint)(ligament)
sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of other and
unspecified parts of head S 03.5
Burn and corrosion of head and neck T 20
ear (any part)
eye with other parts of face, head and neck
nose (septum)
scalp (any part)
temple (region)
burn and corrosion (of)
confined to eye and adnexa T26.-
mouth and pharynx T28.-
burn of unspecified degree of head and neck T 20.0
burn of first degree of head and neck T 20.1
burn of second degree of head and neck T 20.2
burn of third degree of head and neck T 20.3
Corrosion of unspecified degree of head and neck T 20.4
Corrosion of first degree of head and neck T 20.5
Corrosion of second degree of head and neck T 20.6
Corrosion of third degree of head and neck T 20.7
hypoplasia of tongue
Cleft palate Q 35
cleft hard palate Q 35.1
cleft soft palate Q 35.3
cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate 1 35.5
cleft uvula Q 35.7
cleft palate , unspecified Q 35.9
cleft lip Q 36
cleft lip, bilateral Q 36.0
cleft lip, median Q 36.1
cleft lip, unilateral Q 36.9
cleft palate with cleft lip Q 37
cleft hard palate with bilateral cleft lip Q 37.0
cleft hard palate with unilateral cleft lip Q 37.1
cleft soft palate with bilateral cleft lip Q 37.2
cleft soft palate with unilateral cleft lip Q 37.3
cleft hard and soft palate with bilateral cleft lip Q 37.4
cleft hard and soft palate with unilateral cleft lip Q 37.5
unspecified cleft palate with bilateral cleft lip Q 37.8
congenital musculoskeletal deformities of head and
face Q 67
facial assymetry Q 67.0
compression facies Q 67.1
dolichocephaly Q 67.2
plagiocephaly Q 67.3
other congenital deformities of skull, face and jaw Q 67.4
depression in skull
deviation of nasal septum, congenital
hemifacial atrophy or hypertrophy
squashed or bent nose, congenital

1 Labioplasti unilateral 27.54 repair of cleft lip
2 septum reseksi 21.5 submucous resection of nasal septum
relaxation of scar or web contracture
3 revisi parut 86.84 of skin
4 skin grafting 86.6 free skin graft
5 septoplasty ec trauma hidung 21.88 other septoplasty
6 konkoplasty/konkotomi 21.6 turbinectomy
7 labioplasti bilateral 27.54 repair of cleft lip
8 rekonstruksi fraktur rahang 76.76 open reduction of mandibular fracture
9 palatoplasty 27.6 palatoplasty
10 faringeal flap 86.7 pedicle grafts or flaps
11 forehead flap 86.7 pedicle grafts or flaps
12 regional flap 86.7 pedicle grafts or flaps
13 rinoplasty 21.87 other rhinoplasty
rinoplasty dgn augmentasi augmentation rhinoplasty
14 tulang rawan 21.85 (augmentation rhinoplasty with: graft)
15 septorinoplasty 21.84 rhinoseptoplasty
rekonstruksi telinga mikrotia
16 tahap 1 18.71 construction of auricle of ear
rekonstruksi telinga mikrotia
27 tahap 2 18.71 construction of auricle of ear
rekonstruksi hidung dengan
18 defek 21.83 total nasal reconstruction
rekonstruksi fraktur muka insertion of synthetic implant in facial
19 dengan plate screw 76.92 bone
20 rekonstruksi mandibula 76.76 open reduction of mandibular fracture
21 ekstirpasi preaurikuler fistel 18.21 excision of preauricular sinus
22 otoplasty 18.71 construction of auricle of ear
23 harvesting iga 76.91 bone graft to facial bone


No Diagnosa
Indonesia ICD 10 Inggris
Column2 Column3 Column4
Benign Neoplasm Of
1 Massa Nasofaring D10.6
Malignant Neoplasm Of
2 Karsinoma Nasofaring C11.9
Nasopharynx, Unspecified
Malignant Neoplasm Of
Nasopharynx, Unspecified
C11.9 - Z51.1
3 KNF Pasca Kemoradiasi - Radiotherapy session -
- Z51.0
Chemotherapy session for
Malignant Neoplasm Of
Nasopharynx, Unspecified
C11.9 - Z51.1
4 KNF On Kemoradiasi - Radiotherapy session -
- Z51.0
Chemotherapy session for
5 Massa Kavum Nasi D14.0 Benign Neoplasm of
middle ear, nasal cavity
and accessory sinuses
Benign Neoplasm of
6 Massa Sinonasal D14.0 middle ear, nasal cavity
and accessory sinuses
Maligna Neoplasm of
7 Ca Kavum Nasi C30.0
nasal cavity
Maligna Neoplasm of
8 Ca Sinonasal / Papiloma C31.9 accessory sinuses
9 Ca Adenoid Cystic D09.2 Carcinoma In Situ of Eye
Malignant neoplasm of
10 Ca Sinus maxillary C31.0
maxillary sinus
11 Epistaksis R04.0 Epistaksis
12 D18.0 Hemangioma, any site
Benign Neoplasm of
13 Massa Parotis D11.0
parotid gland
Maligna Neoplasm of
14 Ca Parotis C07
parotid gland
Benign neoplasm of
15 Massa Tiroid D34
thyroid gland
Malignant neoplasm of
lymphoid, haematopoietic
16 LMNH C96.9
and related tissue,
Non - Hodgkin's
17 LNH C85.9 lymphoma, Unspecified
Undifferentiated (diffuse)
18 LNH - Diffuse C83.6 Non - Hodgkin's
Malignant neoplasm of
19 Ca Laring C32.9
larynx, Unspecified
Carcinoma In Situ Of
20 D02.0
Malignant neoplasm of
21 Ca Lidah C02.9
tongue, Unspecified
Malignant neoplasm of
22 Ca Pangkal Lidah C01
base of tongue
Malignant neoplasm of
23 C05.9
Palate Unspecified
Cyst of oral region,
24 K09.9
25 Massa Tonsil D10.14 Benign neoplasm of tonsil
Malignant neoplasm of
26 Ca Tonsil C09.9
tonsil, Unspecified
27 Hipetropi tonsil dan adenoid J35.3 Hypertrophy of tonsils
with hypertrophy of
28 Hipetropi tonsil J35.1 Hypertrophy of tonsils
29 Tonsilitis Kronik J35.0 Chronic tonsilitis
Lympadenopati colli Localized enlarged lymph
30 R59.0
dekstra / sinistra nodes
Generalized enlarged
31 Lympadenopati colli Bilateral R59.1
lymph nodes
Enlarged lymph nodes,
32 Lympadenopati Colli R59.9
Observation For
33 TB Paru Observasi Z03.0
Suspected Tuberculosis
Observation For
34 TB Paru + Laboratorium A15.9 Suspected malignant
Imbalance Of
35 E63.1 Constituents of food
Feeding difficulties and
36 E63.3
mis management
Other Symptoms and
37 E63.8 Signs Concerning food
and fluid intake
Nutritional deficiency,
38 E63.9
Replacement of ( Naso )
39 97.01 gastric or esophagostomy
40 R13 Dysphagia
41 K30 Dyspepsia
Other diagnostic prosedur
42 Nasoendoskopi dengan fiber 22.19
on nasal sinuses
Consultation, not
43 Konsultasi 89.09
otherwise specified
Removal of Trakeostomy
44 97.37
Neoplasm Of Uncertain or
45 D37.7 Unknown behavior of
other digestive organs
Application of other
46 GV , Wound Toilet 93.57
wound dressing
Removal of suture from
47 Aff Hecting , Angkat Jahitan 97.38
head and neck
48 Aff Tampon Hidung Anterior 97.32 Removal of nasal packing
Pasang dan Lepas Tampon Replacement of nasal
49 97.21
Hidung Anterior packing
50 21.02 Control of epistaxis by
posterior and anterior
51 16.81 Repair of wound of orbit
Reopening of wound of
52 06.02
tyroid field
53 Biopsi Nasofaring 21.22 Biopsy Of Nose
Closed ( endoscopic )
54 Kavum Nasi / Sinonasal 22.11 needle biopsy of nasal
55 Biopsi Lidah / Palatum 25.02 Open biopsy of tongue
56 Biopsi Tonsil 28.5 Excision of ingual tonsil
Biopsy of lymphatic
57 Biopsi Insisional Leher 40.11
Open biopsy of nasal
58 22.12
Suppurative otitis media,
59 H66.4
Other Chronic
60 H66.3
suppurative otitis media
Proptosis Okular Dekstra /
Angiofibroma nasofaring
Papiloma Inverted


Biopsy of nose, open biopsy
Biopsi tumor hidung lidah dan 21.22/25.02/2 of tongue, closed
nasofaring 2.11 [endoscopic] [needle]
biopsy of nasal sinus
Biopsy of lymphatic
2 Insisional biopsi kelenjar leher 40.11
3 Hemiglosektomi 25.3 Partial glossectomy
Partial glossectomy, Radical
Hemiglosektomi dan diseksi
4 25.3/40.40 neck dissection, not
otherwise specified
Tonsillectomy without
Wide eksisi tumor tonsil,
5 28.2/27.99 adenoidectomy, other
operations on oral cavity
Other operations on nasal
6 Ekstirpasi angiofibroma 22.9
Excision of lesion of
7 Maksilektomi parsial 22.62 maxillary sinus with other
Excision of lesion of
8 Maksilektomi total 22.62 maxillary sinus with other
Regional lymph node
9 Diseksi leher modified 40.3
Radical neck dissection,
10 Diseksi leher bilateral 40.42
11 Mandibulektomi parsial 76.31 Partial mandibulectomy

12 Ekstirpasi tumor jinak kel liur 26.3 Sialoadenectomy

13 Parotidektomi 26.3 Sialoadenectomy

Control of epistaxis by
14 Baloq tampon dengan narkose 21.02 posterior (and anterior)
Ekstirpasi tumor jinak Other operations on nasal
15 22.9
sinonasal, oral cavity sinuses
Control of epistaxis by
16 Ligasi karotis eksterna 21.06 ligation of the external
carotid artery
Closed [endoscopic]
17 Eksplorasi nasofaring 22.11 [needle] biopsy of nasal
Nasoendoscopy without
42.24/33.23/2 biopsy, other
18 Pan endoskopi
2.19 esophagoscopy, other
Radical neck dissection, not
19 Diseksi leher radikal 40.40
otherwise specified
Control of epistaxis by anterior Control of epistaxis by
20 21.01
nasal packing anterior nasal packing
21 diagnostic of nose 21.2 diagnostic of nose

22 21.21
rhinoscopy rhinoscopy
23 Biopsy of nose 21.22 Biopsy of nose
other diagnostic procedures on other diagnostic procedures
24 21.29
nose on nose
diagnostic procedures on diagnostic procedures on
25 25.0
tongue tongue


o Diagnosis ICD 10
1 Laringomalacia Q31.8
2 Obstructive sleep apneu G47.3
3 Dysphagia Neurogenik R13
4 Dysphagia mekanik R13
5 Laringopharyngeal reflux K21.9
6 Benda asing saluran napas T17.9
7 Benda asing saluran cerna T18.1
8 Dysphonia R49.0
9 Akalasia esofagus K22.0
10 Massa esofagus D37.0
11 Gastro-esophageal reflux disease K21
12 Benda asing mulut T18.0
13 Benda asing faring T17.2
14 Divertikulum esofagus K22.5
15 Fistel trakeoesofagus J95.04
16 Stenosis esophagus K22.2
17 Barret esofagus K22.7
18 Esofagitis K21.0
19 Bronchomalasia Q32.2
20 Atelektasis J98.11
21 Perforasi esofagus K22.3

o Tindakan ICD 9
1 Esofagoskopi diagnostik 42.2
2 Esofagoskopi ekstraksi 42.2
3 Bronkoskopi diagnostik 33.23
4 Bronkoskopi ekstraksi 33.23
5 Fiber optic bronchoscopy 33.22
6 Rhinopharingolaringoskopi 31.42
Flexible endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing 42.23
8 Transnasal endoscopy 42.24
9 Pemasangan NGT 96.07
10 Ekstraksi benda asing 98.22
11 Esofagoskopi dilatasi 42.2


o Diagnosis ICD 10
1 Rinitis alergi J 30.3
2 rinitis non alergi
3 rinitis vasomotor J 30.0
4 septum deviasi J 34.2
5 rinitis kronik J 31.0
6 hipertrofi konka J 34.3
7 gangguan penciuman R 43
8 polip nasi J 33.0
9 hipertrofi tonsil J 35.1
0 hipertrofi adenoid J 35.2
1 alergi makanan Z 91.02


No ICD 10-Diagnosa
H60 Otitis externa
2 H61 Other disorders of external ear
3 H62 Disorders of external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
4 H60 Otitis externa
5 H60.0 Abscess of external ear
6 H60.00 …… unspecified ear
7 H60.01 Abscess of right external ear
8 H60.02 Abscess of left external ear
9 H60.03 …… bilateral
10 H60.1 Cellulitis of external ear
11 H60.10 …… unspecified ear
12 H60.11 Cellulitis of right external ear
13 H60.12 Cellulitis of left external ear
14 H60.13 …… bilateral
15 H60.2 Malignant otitis externa
16 H60.20 …… unspecified ear
17 H60.21 …… right ear
18 H60.22 …… left ear
19 H60.23 …… bilateral
20 H60.3 Other infective otitis externa
21 H60.31 Diffuse otitis externa
22 H60.311 …… right ear
23 H60.312 …… left ear
24 H60.313 …… bilateral
25 H60.319 …… unspecified ear
26 H60.32 Hemorrhagic otitis externa
27 H60.321 …… right ear
28 H60.322 …… left ear
29 H60.323 …… bilateral
30 H60.329 …… unspecified ear
31 H60.33 Swimmer's ear
32 H60.331 …… right ear
33 H60.332 …… left ear
34 H60.333 …… bilateral
35 H60.339 …… unspecified ear
36 H60.39 Other infective otitis externa
37 H60.391 …… right ear
38 H60.392 …… left ear
39 H60.393 …… bilateral
40 H60.399 …… unspecified ear
41 H60.4 Cholesteatoma of external ear
42 H60.40 …… unspecified ear
43 H60.41 Cholesteatoma of right external ear
44 H60.42 Cholesteatoma of left external ear
45 H60.43 …… bilateral
46 H60.5 Acute noninfective otitis externa
47 H60.50 Unspecified acute noninfective otitis externa
48 H60.501 …… right ear
49 H60.502 …… left ear
50 H60.503 …… bilateral
51 H60.509 …… unspecified ear
52 H60.51 Acute actinic otitis externa
53 H60.511 …… right ear
54 H60.512 …… left ear
55 H60.513 …… bilateral
56 H60.519 …… unspecified ear
57 H60.52 Acute chemical otitis externa
58 H60.521 …… right ear
59 H60.522 …… left ear
60 H60.523 …… bilateral
61 H60.529 …… unspecified ear
62 H60.53 Acute contact otitis externa
63 H60.531 …… right ear
64 H60.532 …… left ear
65 H60.533 …… bilateral
66 H60.539 …… unspecified ear
67 H60.54 Acute eczematoid otitis externa
68 H60.541 …… right ear
69 H60.542 …… left ear
70 H60.543 …… bilateral
71 H60.549 …… unspecified ear
72 H60.55 Acute reactive otitis externa
73 H60.551 …… right ear
74 H60.552 …… left ear
75 H60.553 …… bilateral
76 H60.559 …… unspecified ear
77 H60.59 Other noninfective acute otitis externa
78 H60.591 …… right ear
79 H60.592 …… left ear
80 H60.593 …… bilateral
81 H60.599 …… unspecified ear
82 H60.6 Unspecified chronic otitis externa
83 H60.60 …… unspecified ear
84 H60.61 …… right ear
85 H60.62 …… left ear
86 H60.63 …… bilateral
87 H60.8 Other otitis externa
88 H60.8X Other otitis externa
89 H60.8X1 …… right ear
90 H60.8X2 …… left ear
91 H60.8X3 …… bilateral
92 H60.8X9 …… unspecified ear
93 H60.9 Unspecified otitis externa
94 H60.90 …… unspecified ear
95 H60.91 …… right ear
96 H60.92 …… left ear
97 H60.93 …… bilateral
H61 Other disorders of external ear
99 H61.0 Chondritis and perichondritis of external ear
100 H61.00 Unspecified perichondritis of external ear
101 H61.001 Unspecified perichondritis of right external ear
102 H61.002 Unspecified perichondritis of left external ear
103 H61.003 …… bilateral
104 H61.009 …… unspecified ear
105 H61.01 Acute perichondritis of external ear
106 H61.011 Acute perichondritis of right external ear
107 H61.012 Acute perichondritis of left external ear
108 H61.013 …… bilateral
109 H61.019 …… unspecified ear
110 H61.02 Chronic perichondritis of external ear
111 H61.021 Chronic perichondritis of right external ear
112 H61.022 Chronic perichondritis of left external ear
113 H61.023 …… bilateral
114 H61.029 …… unspecified ear
115 H61.03 Chondritis of external ear
116 H61.031 Chondritis of right external ear
117 H61.032 Chondritis of left external ear
118 H61.033 …… bilateral
119 H61.039 …… unspecified ear
120 H61.1 Noninfective disorders of pinna
121 H61.10 Unspecified noninfective disorders of pinna
122 H61.101 …… right ear
123 H61.102 …… left ear
124 H61.103 …… bilateral
125 H61.109 …… unspecified ear
126 H61.11 Acquired deformity of pinna
127 H61.111 …… right ear
128 H61.112 …… left ear
129 H61.113 …… bilateral
130 H61.119 …… unspecified ear
131 H61.12 Hematoma of pinna
132 H61.121 …… right ear
133 H61.122 …… left ear
134 H61.123 …… bilateral
135 H61.129 …… unspecified ear
136 H61.19 Other noninfective disorders of pinna
137 H61.191 Noninfective disorders of pinna, right ear
138 H61.192 Noninfective disorders of pinna, left ear
139 H61.193 Noninfective disorders of pinna, bilateral
140 H61.199 Noninfective disorders of pinna, unspecified ear
141 H61.2 Impacted cerumen
142 H61.20 …… unspecified ear
143 H61.21 …… right ear
144 H61.22 …… left ear
145 H61.23 …… bilateral
146 H61.3 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal
147 H61.30 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal, unspecified
148 H61.301 Acquired stenosis of right external ear canal, unspecified
149 H61.302 Acquired stenosis of left external ear canal, unspecified
150 H61.303 …… bilateral
151 H61.309 …… unspecified ear
152 H61.31 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal secondary to trauma
153 H61.311 Acquired stenosis of right external ear canal secondary to trauma
154 H61.312 Acquired stenosis of left external ear canal secondary to trauma
155 H61.313 …… bilateral
156 H61.319 …… unspecified ear
H61.32 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal secondary to inflammation and
157 infection
H61.321 Acquired stenosis of right external ear canal secondary to inflammation
158 and infection
H61.322 Acquired stenosis of left external ear canal secondary to inflammation and
159 infection
160 H61.323 …… bilateral
161 H61.329 …… unspecified ear
162 H61.39 Other acquired stenosis of external ear canal
163 H61.391 Other acquired stenosis of right external ear canal
164 H61.392 Other acquired stenosis of left external ear canal
165 H61.393 …… bilateral
166 H61.399 …… unspecified ear
167 H61.8 Other specified disorders of external ear
168 H61.81 Exostosis of external canal
169 H61.811 Exostosis of right external canal
170 H61.812 Exostosis of left external canal
171 H61.813 …… bilateral
172 H61.819 …… unspecified ear
173 H61.89 Other specified disorders of external ear
174 H61.891 Other specified disorders of right external ear
175 H61.892 Other specified disorders of left external ear
176 H61.893 …… bilateral
177 H61.899 …… unspecified ear
178 H61.9 Disorder of external ear, unspecified
179 H61.90 …… unspecified ear
180 H61.91 Disorder of right external ear, unspecified
181 H61.92 Disorder of left external ear, unspecified
182 H61.93 …… bilateral
183 H62 Disorders of external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
184 H62.4 Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere
185 H62.40 …… unspecified ear
186 H62.41 …… right ear
187 H62.42 …… left ear
188 H62.43 …… bilateral
189 H62.8 Other disorders of external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
190 H62.8X Other disorders of external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
191 H62.8X1 Other disorders of right external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
192 H62.8X2 Other disorders of left external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
193 H62.8X3 …… bilateral
194 H62.8X9 …… unspecified ear
195 H65 Nonsuppurative otitis media
196 H66 Suppurative and unspecified otitis media
197 H67 Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere
198 H68 Eustachian salpingitis and obstruction
199 H69 Other and unspecified disorders of Eustachian tube
200 H70 Mastoiditis and related conditions
201 H71 Cholesteatoma of middle ear
202 H72 Perforation of tympanic membrane
203 H73 Other disorders of tympanic membrane
204 H74 Other disorders of middle ear mastoid
205 H75 Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid in diseases classified elsewhere
H65 Nonsuppurative otitis media
207 H65.0 Acute serous otitis media
208 H65.00 …… unspecified ear
209 H65.01 …… right ear
210 H65.02 …… left ear
211 H65.03 …… bilateral
212 H65.04 …… recurrent, right ear
213 H65.05 …… recurrent, left ear
214 H65.06 …… recurrent, bilateral
215 H65.07 …… recurrent, unspecified ear
216 H65.1 Other acute nonsuppurative otitis media
217 H65.11 Acute and subacute allergic otitis media (mucoid) (sanguinous) (serous)
218 H65.111 …… right ear
219 H65.112 …… left ear
220 H65.113 …… bilateral
221 H65.114 …… recurrent, right ear
222 H65.115 …… recurrent, left ear
223 H65.116 …… recurrent, bilateral
224 H65.117 …… recurrent, unspecified ear
225 H65.119 …… unspecified ear
226 H65.19 Other acute nonsuppurative otitis media
227 H65.191 …… right ear
228 H65.192 …… left ear
229 H65.193 …… bilateral
230 H65.194 …… recurrent, right ear
231 H65.195 …… recurrent, left ear
232 H65.196 …… recurrent, bilateral
233 H65.197 …… recurrent, unspecified ear
234 H65.199 …… unspecified ear
235 H65.2 Chronic serous otitis media
236 H65.20 …… unspecified ear
237 H65.21 …… right ear
238 H65.22 …… left ear
239 H65.23 …… bilateral
240 H65.3 Chronic mucoid otitis media
241 H65.30 …… unspecified ear
242 H65.31 …… right ear
243 H65.32 …… left ear
244 H65.33 …… bilateral
245 H65.4 Other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media
246 H65.41 Chronic allergic otitis media
247 H65.411 …… right ear
248 H65.412 …… left ear
249 H65.413 …… bilateral
250 H65.419 …… unspecified ear
251 H65.49 Other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media
252 H65.491 …… right ear
253 H65.492 …… left ear
254 H65.493 …… bilateral
255 H65.499 …… unspecified ear
256 H65.9 Unspecified nonsuppurative otitis media
257 H65.90 …… unspecified ear
258 H65.91 …… right ear
259 H65.92 …… left ear
260 H65.93 …… bilateral
H66 Suppurative and unspecified otitis media
262 H66.0 Acute suppurative otitis media
263 H66.00 Acute suppurative otitis media without spontaneous rupture of ear drum
264 H66.001 …… right ear
265 H66.002 …… left ear
266 H66.003 …… bilateral
267 H66.004 …… recurrent, right ear
268 H66.005 …… recurrent, left ear
269 H66.006 …… recurrent, bilateral
270 H66.007 …… recurrent, unspecified ear
271 H66.009 …… unspecified ear
272 H66.01 Acute suppurative otitis media with spontaneous rupture of ear drum
273 H66.011 …… right ear
274 H66.012 …… left ear
275 H66.013 …… bilateral
276 H66.014 …… recurrent, right ear
277 H66.015 …… recurrent, left ear
278 H66.016 …… recurrent, bilateral
279 H66.017 …… recurrent, unspecified ear
280 H66.019 …… unspecified ear
281 H66.1 Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media
282 H66.10 …… unspecified
283 H66.11 …… right ear
284 H66.12 …… left ear
285 H66.13 …… bilateral
286 H66.2 Chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media
287 H66.20 …… unspecified ear
288 H66.21 …… right ear
289 H66.22 …… left ear
290 H66.23 …… bilateral
291 H66.3 Other chronic suppurative otitis media
292 H66.3X Other chronic suppurative otitis media
293 H66.3X1 …… right ear
294 H66.3X2 …… left ear
295 H66.3X3 …… bilateral
296 H66.3X9 …… unspecified ear
297 H66.4 Suppurative otitis media, unspecified
298 H66.40 …… unspecified ear
299 H66.41 …… right ear
300 H66.42 …… left ear
301 H66.43 …… bilateral
302 H66.9 Otitis media, unspecified
303 H66.90 …… unspecified ear
304 H66.91 …… right ear
305 H66.92 …… left ear
306 H66.93 …… bilateral
307 H67 Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere
308 H67.1 Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere, right ear
309 H67.2 Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere, left ear
310 H67.3 Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere, bilateral
311 H67.9 Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified ear
312 H68 Eustachian salpingitis and obstruction
313 H68.0 Eustachian salpingitis
314 H68.00 Unspecified Eustachian salpingitis
315 H68.001 …… right ear
316 H68.002 …… left ear
317 H68.003 …… bilateral
318 H68.009 …… unspecified ear
319 H68.01 Acute Eustachian salpingitis
320 H68.011 …… right ear
321 H68.012 …… left ear
322 H68.013 …… bilateral
323 H68.019 …… unspecified ear
324 H68.02 Chronic Eustachian salpingitis
325 H68.021 …… right ear
326 H68.022 …… left ear
327 H68.023 …… bilateral
328 H68.029 …… unspecified ear
329 H68.1 Obstruction of Eustachian tube
330 H68.10 Unspecified obstruction of Eustachian tube
331 H68.101 …… right ear
332 H68.102 …… left ear
333 H68.103 …… bilateral
334 H68.109 …… unspecified ear
335 H68.11 Osseous obstruction of Eustachian tube
336 H68.111 …… right ear
337 H68.112 …… left ear
338 H68.113 …… bilateral
339 H68.119 …… unspecified ear
340 H68.12 Intrinsic cartilagenous obstruction of Eustachian tube
341 H68.121 …… right ear
342 H68.122 …… left ear
343 H68.123 …… bilateral
344 H68.129 …… unspecified ear
345 H68.13 Extrinsic cartilagenous obstruction of Eustachian tube
346 H68.131 …… right ear
347 H68.132 …… left ear
348 H68.133 …… bilateral
349 H68.139 …… unspecified ear
H69 Other and unspecified disorders of Eustachian tube
351 H69.0 Patulous Eustachian tube
352 H69.00 …… unspecified ear
353 H69.01 …… right ear
354 H69.02 …… left ear
355 H69.03 …… bilateral
356 H69.8 Other specified disorders of Eustachian tube
357 H69.80 …… unspecified ear
358 H69.81 …… right ear
359 H69.82 …… left ear
360 H69.83 …… bilateral
361 H69.9 Unspecified Eustachian tube disorder
362 H69.90 …… unspecified ear
363 H69.91 …… right ear
364 H69.92 …… left ear
365 H69.93 …… bilateral
H70 Mastoiditis and related conditions
367 H70.0 Acute mastoiditis
368 H70.00 Acute mastoiditis without complications
369 H70.001 …… right ear
370 H70.002 …… left ear
371 H70.003 …… bilateral
372 H70.009 …… unspecified ear
373 H70.01 Subperiosteal abscess of mastoid
374 H70.011 …… right ear
375 H70.012 …… left ear
376 H70.013 …… bilateral
377 H70.019 …… unspecified ear
378 H70.09 Acute mastoiditis with other complications
379 H70.091 …… right ear
380 H70.092 …… left ear
381 H70.093 …… bilateral
382 H70.099 …… unspecified ear
383 H70.1 Chronic mastoiditis
384 H70.10 …… unspecified ear
385 H70.11 …… right ear
386 H70.12 …… left ear
387 H70.13 …… bilateral
388 H70.2 Petrositis
389 H70.20 Unspecified petrositis
390 H70.201 …… right ear
391 H70.202 …… left ear
392 H70.203 …… bilateral
393 H70.209 …… unspecified ear
394 H70.21 Acute petrositis
395 H70.211 …… right ear
396 H70.212 …… left ear
397 H70.213 …… bilateral
398 H70.219 …… unspecified ear
399 H70.22 Chronic petrositis
400 H70.221 …… right ear
401 H70.222 …… left ear
402 H70.223 …… bilateral
403 H70.229 …… unspecified ear
404 H70.8 Other mastoiditis and related conditions
405 H70.81 Postauricular fistula
406 H70.811 …… right ear
407 H70.812 …… left ear
408 H70.813 …… bilateral
409 H70.819 …… unspecified ear
410 H70.89 Other mastoiditis and related conditions
411 H70.891 …… right ear
412 H70.892 …… left ear
413 H70.893 …… bilateral
414 H70.899 …… unspecified ear
415 H70.9 Unspecified mastoiditis
416 H70.90 …… unspecified ear
417 H70.91 …… right ear
418 H70.92 …… left ear
419 H70.93 …… bilateral
420 H71 Cholesteatoma of middle ear
421 H71.0 Cholesteatoma of attic
422 H71.00 …… unspecified ear
423 H71.01 …… right ear
424 H71.02 …… left ear
425 H71.03 …… bilateral
426 H71.1 Cholesteatoma of tympanum
427 H71.10 …… unspecified ear
428 H71.11 …… right ear
429 H71.12 …… left ear
430 H71.13 …… bilateral
431 H71.2 Cholesteatoma of mastoid
432 H71.20 …… unspecified ear
433 H71.21 …… right ear
434 H71.22 …… left ear
435 H71.23 …… bilateral
436 H71.3 Diffuse cholesteatosis
437 H71.30 …… unspecified ear
438 H71.31 …… right ear
439 H71.32 …… left ear
440 H71.33 …… bilateral
441 H71.9 Unspecified cholesteatoma
442 H71.90 …… unspecified ear
443 H71.91 …… right ear
444 H71.92 …… left ear
445 H71.93 …… bilateral
H72 Perforation of tympanic membrane
447 H72.0 Central perforation of tympanic membrane
448 H72.00 …… unspecified ear
449 H72.01 …… right ear
450 H72.02 …… left ear
451 H72.03 …… bilateral
452 H72.1 Attic perforation of tympanic membrane
453 H72.10 …… unspecified ear
454 H72.11 …… right ear
455 H72.12 …… left ear
456 H72.13 …… bilateral
457 H72.2 Other marginal perforations of tympanic membrane
458 H72.2X Other marginal perforations of tympanic membrane
459 H72.2X1 …… right ear
460 H72.2X2 …… left ear
461 H72.2X3 …… bilateral
462 H72.2X9 …… unspecified ear
463 H72.8 Other perforations of tympanic membrane
464 H72.81 Multiple perforations of tympanic membrane
465 H72.811 …… right ear
466 H72.812 …… left ear
467 H72.813 …… bilateral
468 H72.819 …… unspecified ear
469 H72.82 Total perforations of tympanic membrane
470 H72.821 …… right ear
471 H72.822 …… left ear
472 H72.823 …… bilateral
473 H72.829 …… unspecified ear
474 H72.9 Unspecified perforation of tympanic membrane
475 H72.90 …… unspecified ear
476 H72.91 …… right ear
477 H72.92 …… left ear
478 H72.93 …… bilateral
479 H73 Other disorders of tympanic membrane
480 H73.0 Acute myringitis
481 H73.00 Unspecified acute myringitis
482 H73.001 Acute myringitis, right ear
483 H73.002 Acute myringitis, left ear
484 H73.003 Acute myringitis, bilateral
485 H73.009 Acute myringitis, unspecified ear
486 H73.01 Bullous myringitis
487 H73.011 …… right ear
488 H73.012 …… left ear
489 H73.013 …… bilateral
490 H73.019 …… unspecified ear
491 H73.09 Other acute myringitis
492 H73.091 …… right ear
493 H73.092 …… left ear
494 H73.093 …… bilateral
495 H73.099 …… unspecified ear
496 H73.1 Chronic myringitis
497 H73.10 …… unspecified ear
498 H73.11 …… right ear
499 H73.12 …… left ear
500 H73.13 …… bilateral
501 H73.2 Unspecified myringitis
502 H73.20 …… unspecified ear
503 H73.21 …… right ear
504 H73.22 …… left ear
505 H73.23 …… bilateral
506 H73.8 Other specified disorders of tympanic membrane
507 H73.81 Atrophic flaccid tympanic membrane
508 H73.811 …… right ear
509 H73.812 …… left ear
510 H73.813 …… bilateral
511 H73.819 …… unspecified ear
512 H73.82 Atrophic nonflaccid tympanic membrane
513 H73.821 …… right ear
514 H73.822 …… left ear
515 H73.823 …… bilateral
516 H73.829 …… unspecified ear
517 H73.89 Other specified disorders of tympanic membrane
518 H73.891 …… right ear
519 H73.892 …… left ear
520 H73.893 …… bilateral
521 H73.899 …… unspecified ear
522 H73.9 Unspecified disorder of tympanic membrane
523 H73.90 …… unspecified ear
524 H73.91 …… right ear
525 H73.92 …… left ear
526 H73.93 …… bilateral
527 H74 Other disorders of middle ear mastoid
528 H74.0 Tympanosclerosis
529 H74.01 …… right ear
530 H74.02 …… left ear
531 H74.03 …… bilateral
532 H74.09 …… unspecified ear
533 H74.1 Adhesive middle ear disease
534 H74.11 Adhesive right middle ear disease
535 H74.12 Adhesive left middle ear disease
536 H74.13 …… bilateral
537 H74.19 …… unspecified ear
538 H74.2 Discontinuity and dislocation of ear ossicles
539 H74.20 …… unspecified ear
540 H74.21 Discontinuity and dislocation of right ear ossicles
541 H74.22 Discontinuity and dislocation of left ear ossicles
542 H74.23 …… bilateral
543 H74.3 Other acquired abnormalities of ear ossicles
544 H74.31 Ankylosis of ear ossicles
545 H74.311 …… right ear
546 H74.312 …… left ear
547 H74.313 …… bilateral
548 H74.319 …… unspecified ear
549 H74.32 Partial loss of ear ossicles
550 H74.321 …… right ear
551 H74.322 …… left ear
552 H74.323 …… bilateral
553 H74.329 …… unspecified ear
554 H74.39 Other acquired abnormalities of ear ossicles
555 H74.391 Other acquired abnormalities of right ear ossicles
556 H74.392 Other acquired abnormalities of left ear ossicles
557 H74.393 …… bilateral
558 H74.399 …… unspecified ear
559 H74.4 Polyp of middle ear
560 H74.40 …… unspecified ear
561 H74.41 Polyp of right middle ear
562 H74.42 Polyp of left middle ear
563 H74.43 …… bilateral
564 H74.8 Other specified disorders of middle ear and mastoid
565 H74.8X Other specified disorders of middle ear and mastoid
566 H74.8X1 Other specified disorders of right middle ear and mastoid
567 H74.8X2 Other specified disorders of left middle ear and mastoid
568 H74.8X3 …… bilateral
569 H74.8X9 …… unspecified ear
570 H74.9 Unspecified disorder of middle ear and mastoid
571 H74.90 …… unspecified ear
572 H74.91 Unspecified disorder of right middle ear and mastoid
573 H74.92 Unspecified disorder of left middle ear and mastoid
574 H74.93 …… bilateral
575 H80 Otosclerosis
576 H81 Disorders of vestibular function
577 H82 Vertiginous syndromes in diseases classified elsewhere
578 H83 Other diseases of inner ear
579 H80 Otosclerosis
580 H80.0 Otosclerosis involving oval window, nonobliterative
581 H80.00 …… unspecified ear
582 H80.01 …… right ear
583 H80.02 …… left ear
584 H80.03 …… bilateral
585 H80.1 Otosclerosis involving oval window, obliterative
586 H80.10 …… unspecified ear
587 H80.11 …… right ear
588 H80.12 …… left ear
589 H80.13 …… bilateral
590 H80.2 Cochlear otosclerosis
591 H80.20 …… unspecified ear
592 H80.21 …… right ear
593 H80.22 …… left ear
594 H80.23 …… bilateral
595 H80.8 Other otosclerosis
596 H80.80 …… unspecified ear
597 H80.81 …… right ear
598 H80.82 …… left ear
599 H80.83 …… bilateral
600 H80.9 Unspecified otosclerosis
601 H80.90 …… unspecified ear
602 H80.91 …… right ear
603 H80.92 …… left ear
604 H80.93 …… bilateral
NO Tindakan ICD 9
1 Ear toilet 96.52
2 Otomikroskopi 97.38
3 Angkat jahitan 97.38
4 Timpanoplasti 95.31
5 Laserasi liang telinga Z48.8
6 Meatoplasti 18.6
7 Biopsy of external ear 18.12
Application of other wound
8 dressing 93.57
9 Consultation 89.09
10 Incision of external ear 18.9
11 Follow up examination Z09.8
12 Ambil bahan kultur 90.32
Removal of sutures from head
13 and neck 97.38
14 Mastoidektomi Z48.8
Biopsi of skin and subcutaneus
15 tissue 86.11
16 Angkat tampon 97.32
17 GV 93.57
18 Miringotomi with insertion tube 20.01


1 Obstructive laryngitis J 05.0
2 Laryngiritis TB A 16.4
3 Laryngomalacia Q 31.5
4 Stenosis Esophagus K 22.9
5 Stenosis Glotis J 38.6
6 Stenosis Congenital Q 31.1
7 Post Decanulation Z 43.0
8 Tracheostenosis J 39.8
9 Stenosis Subglotis J 95.5
10 Foreign Body Post Extraction
11 Larynx T 17.3
12 Esophagus T 18.1
13 Pharynx T 17.2
14 Trachea T 17.4
15 Tongue T 18.0
16 Post op malignant neoplasm Z 08.0
17 Chemoradiation Z 08.1
18 Chemotherapy Z 08.2
19 Follow up cancer Z 08.9
20 Wound toilet 93.57
21 Post tonsiloadenoidectomy 69.5
22 Post laryngoscope biopsy 12.5
23 post total laryngectomy Z 48.8
24 post fistula repair Z 48.8
25 Fistula J 95.0
26 Acute pharyngitis J 02
27 Acute tonsilitis J 03
28 Acute laryngitis J 04
29 Acute epiglotitis J 05.0
30 Chronic pharyngitis J 31.2
31 Chronic tonsilitis J 35.0
32 Hypertrophy tonsil J 35.1
33 Hypertrophy adenoid J 35.1
34 Hypertrophy tonsiloadenoid J 35.3
35 Chronic laryngitis J 37.0
36 Peritonsillar abscess J 36
37 Retropharyngeal abscess J 36
38 Vocal cord paralisis J 38.0
39 Polyp of vocal cord J 38.1
40 Nodule of vocal cord J 38.2
41 Laryngeal edema J 38.4
42 Laryngeal stenosis J 38.6

1 Foreign Body Post Extraction
Larynx T 17.3
Esophagus T 18.1
Pharynx T 17.2
Trachea T 17.4
Tongue T 18.0
2 Chemoradiation Z 08.1
3 Chemotherapy Z 08.2
4 Wound toilet 93.57
5 RFL 31.42
6 Tracheostomy revision 31.74
7 Insertion NGT for nutrition support 96.6
8 Insertion NGT for decompression 96.07
9 Tracheostomy toilet 96.55
10 Bronchial wash 96.56
11 Replace wound pack/drain 97.16
12 Replace NGT 97.01
13 Replace tracheostomy tube 97.23
14 Decanulation 97.37
15 suture removal 97.38
Drainage incision tonsil and
16 peritonsillar 28.0
17 biopsy tonsil adenoid 28.11
18 Excision tonsil adenoid lession 28.92
19 Foreign body removal
20 tonsil adenoid without incision 98.13
21 tonsil adenoid by incision 28.91
22 pharyngoscopy 29.11
23 pharyngeal biopsy 29.12
24 Tonsillectomy 28.2
25 tonsiloadenoidectomy 283
26 tonsil tag excision 28.4
27 lingual tonsil excision 28.5
28 adenoidectomy 28.6
control hemorrhage post
29 tonsiloadenoidectomy 28.7
30 endoscopic
31 closed biopsy larynx 31.43
32 closed biopsy trachea 31.44
33 open biopsy larynx/trachea 31.45
34 larynx excision 20
35 other partial laryngectomy 30.2
36 epiglottidectomy 30.21
37 vocal cordectomy 30.22
38 laryngeal cartilage excision 30.29
39 larynx biopsy 31.43
40 laryngeal fistulectomy 31.62
41 laryngotracheal fistulectomy 31.62
42 hemilaryngectomy 30.1
43 complete laryngectomy 30.3
44 radical laryngectomy 30.4
45 temporary tracheostomy 31.1
46 larynx repair 31.6
47 laceration suture larynx 31.61
48 closure fistula larynx 31.62
49 laryngostomy revision 31.63
50 laryngeal fracture suture 31.64


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