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ACE QUEBAL to disclose the cause of Gabriel's death, it denied liability

under the policy.

82. Jacqueline Jimenez Vda. De Gabriel vs. Hon. Court of Appeals and b. In addition, private respondent raised the defense of
Fortune Insurance & Surety Co., Inc. , G.R. No. 103883, Nov. 14, 1996 "prescription," invoking Section 384 10 of the Insurance
DOCTRINE: An "accident insurance" is not thus to be likened to an ordinary 9. RTC DECISION: in favor (partly) of petitioner's claim. In arriving
life insurance where the insured's death, regardless of the cause thereof, at its conclusion, the trial court held
would normally be compensable” a. that private respondent was deemed to have waived the
defense, i.e., that the cause of Gabriel's death was not
FALLO: WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is AFFIRMED. No costs. covered by the policy, when the latter failed to impugn by
evidence petitioner's averment on the matter.
FACTS: b. With regard to the defense of prescription, the court
considered the complaint to have been timely filed or within
1. Marcelino Gabriel, the insured, was employed by Emerald one (1) year from private respondent's denial of the claim.
Construction & Development Corporation ("ECDC") at its 10. CA reversed the decision of the lower court. The appellate court held
construction project in Iraq. that petitioner had failed to substantiate her allegation that her
2. He was covered by a personal accident insurance in the amount of husband's death was caused by a risk insured against.
P100,000.00 under a group policy 2 procured from private 11. The appellate court observed that the only evidence presented by
respondent by ECDC for its overseas workers. petitioner, in her attempt to show the circumstances that led to the
3. The insured risk was for "(b)odily injury caused by violent accidental death of the insured, were her own affidavit and a letter allegedly
external and visible means which injury (would) solely and written by a co-worker of the deceased in Iraq which, unfortunately
independently of any other cause" 3 result in death or disability. for her, were held to be both hearsay.
4. On 22 May 1982, within the life of the policy, Gabriel died in Iraq. 12. Hence, this rule 45 petition.
5. A year later, or on 12 July 1983, ECDC reported Gabriel's death to
private respondent by telephone. 4 Among the documents thereafter ISSUE:
submitted to private respondent were a copy of the death 1. Is petitioner, the beneficiary entitled to accident insurance indemnity
certificate 5 issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Iraq considering the evidence she presented with regard to the cause of death of
as well as an autopsy report, both which declare that THE CAUSE the insured? -NO
OF DEATH IS UNKNOWN. 2. Has the action prescribed under the Insurance code? -YES
6. Following a series of communications between petitioner and private
respondent FORTUNE INSURANCE, the latter, on 22 September Held/Ratio:
1983, ultimately denied the claim of ECDC on the ground of
prescription. 9 FIRST ISSUE: accident insurance indemnity
7. Petitioner went to the Regional Trial Court of Manila. In her
complaint against ECDC1 and private respondent, she averred that No. The cause of death of the insured cannot be determined by the evidence
her husband died of electrocution while in the performance of his presented. Evidence, in fine, is utterly wanting to establish that the insured
work and prayed for insurance indemnification. suffered from an accidental death, the risk covered by the policy. In an
8. In its unverified2 answer, admitting the genuineness and due accident insurance, the insured's beneficiary has the burden of proof in
execution of the insurance policy; it alleged, demonstrating that the cause of death is due to the covered peril. Once that
a. that since both the death certificate issued by the Iraqi fact is established, the burden then shifts to the insurer to show any excepted
Ministry of Health and the autopsy report of the NBI failed

1 Case against ACDC was ordered by the court to be dismissed WITHOUT PREJUDICE for failure of petitioner to serve 2 One issue in this case is the lack of verification of the answer pursuant to Sec 8 Rule 8 of the 1997 Rules of CivPro.
the fourth service of summons Liberally applying the rules, the court did not fault private respondent for this.
peril that may have been stipulated by the parties. An "accident insurance" is
not thus to be likened to an ordinary life insurance where the insured's
death, regardless of the cause thereof, would normally be compensable. The
latter is akin in property insurance to an "all risk" coverage where the insured,
on the aspect of burden of proof, has merely to show the condition of the
property insured when the policy attaches and the fact of loss or damage
during the period of the policy and where, thereafter, the burden would be on
the insurer to show any "excluded peril." When, however, the insured risk is
specified, like in the case before us, it lies with the claimant of the insurance
proceeds to initially prove that the loss is caused by the covered peril.

While petitioner did fail in substantiating her allegation that the death of her
husband was due to an accident, considering, however, the uncertainty on the
real cause of death, private respondent might find its way clear into still taking
a second look on the matter and perhaps help ease the load of petitioner's loss.


On the issue of "prescription," private respondent correctly invoked Section

384 of the Insurance Code; viz:

Sec. 384. Any person having any claim upon the policy issued
pursuant to this chapter shall, without any unnecessary delay,
present to the insurance company concerned a written notice of
claim setting forth the nature, extent and duration of the injuries
sustained as certified by a duly licensed physician. Notice of claim
must be filed within six months from date of the accident,
otherwise, the claim shall be deemed waived. Action or suit for
recovery of damage due to loss or injury must be brought, in
proper cases, with the Commissioner or the Courts within one year
from denial of the claim, otherwise, the claimant's right of action
shall prescribe.

The notice of death was given to private respondent, concededly, more than
a year after the death of petitioner's husband. Private respondent, in
invoking prescription, was not referring to the one-year period from the
denial of the claim within which to file an action against an insurer but
obviously to the written notice of claim that had to be submitted within six
months from the time of the accident.

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