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Seismic stratigraphy of the Upper Pliocene and Quaternary deposits in

the South Caspian Basin

Article  in  Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering · December 2000

DOI: 10.1016/S0920-4105(00)00079-6


29 215

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Nazim Abdullayev



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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 Ž2000. 207–226

Seismic stratigraphy of the Upper Pliocene and Quaternary

deposits in the South Caspian Basin
N.R. Abdullayev )
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO USA
Received 30 October 1999; accepted 30 March 2000


More than 10,000 km of seismic data were used for seismic stratigraphic analysis and differentiation of major
depositional environments of Upper Pliocene and Quaternary strata in the central deepwater and eastern parts of the South
Caspian Basin ŽSCB.. The study shows that the conventional sequence stratigraphy concept works well in the South Caspian
Basin. Clinoform complexes within Paleo-Amudarya shelf margin are bounded by regionally, seismically expressed
sequence boundaries and flooding surfaces that can be traced to the deep basin. Sequence analysis and seismic facies
interpretation showed that deposition of prograding clinoforms and deep-water turbidite systems were controlled by the
relative lake-level change. Depositional interpretation of sediment infill indicates that in the South Caspian Basin, as in other
closed basins with high terrigineous input, basinal deposition is from turbidity currents and slumps generated from large
shelf-edge deltas. There are two distinct stratigraphic complexes interpreted from seismic data: lower, interpreted as
homogeneous infill of mud-rich turbidites and deepwater lacustrine deposits ŽUpper Pliocene, i.e. Akchagyl and Aspheron.,
and upper, consisting of prograding clinoform packages and coeval deepwater fan systems and slumps ŽQuaternary.. The
source of the central basin turbidite infill was primarily the eastern APaleo-AmudaryaB shelf. Growing diapir folds
structurally controlled deposition of large-scale fan systems in the central basin. The distribution of these fan systems is tied
to location of the coeval thick shelf-margin complexes. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: South Caspian Basin; sequence; seismic facies; deepwater; clinoform

1. Introduction The South Caspian is known as an oil producing

region since the late 19th century. The principal
The South Caspian Basin ŽSCB. is a Tertiary reservoir rocks of the so-called Productive Series
intermontane basin, located in south central Eurasia occur within Lower-to-Middle Pliocene strata
within offshore territories of Azerbaijan, Turk- ŽNarimanov, 1990.. Most of the exploration has been
menistan and Iran ŽFig. 1.. concentrated in the shallower, marginal part of the
basin. The deepwater part has not been studied in
detail, as high-quality regional seismic data became
BP Amoco Exploration, Chertsey Road, Sunbury upon
available for interpretation only recently.
Thames, Middlesex TW16 7LN, UK. Tel.: q44-1932-760-246. This paper is based on thesis research carried out
E-mail address: ŽN.R. Abdullayev.. in Colorado School of Mines. The purpose of this

0920-4105r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 0 - 4 1 0 5 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 0 7 9 - 6
208 N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226

within a sequence stratigraphic framework and to

relate deepwater and shelf-margin deposition in SCB
during Late Pliocene and Quaternary. The con-
structed geological model for shelf-margin and deep-
water basin development in Upper Pliocener
Quaternary can be a useful analog for development
of future models for exploration of the Productive
Series strata in the central basin.

2. Dataset

Fig. 1. Location of the South Caspian Basin. The dataset for this study consists of a regional
2D speculative seismic survey shot by ACaspian
GeophysicalB JV in territorial waters of Azerbaijan
paper is to evaluate and interpret stratigraphic fea- and in part of Turkmenistan offshore sector ŽFig. 2.
tures of the Upper Pliocene and Quaternary strata in during 1995 and 1996. Overall, 120 seismic lines
the SCB from new regional seismic data. The study Ž; 10,000 km. from a dataset were interpreted.
focuses on the recent depositional history and it tries This dataset, in comparison with older data, al-
to explain the nature of the basin sedimentation lows for significantly more stratigraphic resolution

Fig. 2. Physiographic map of the South Caspian Basin provinces: 1 — Absheron–Pribalkhan zone of uplifts, 2 — Paleo-Amudarya shelf; 3
— Cis-Elburs foredeep, 4 — Lower Kura–Enzeli depression, to the west are Talysh mountains, 5 — Kura delta, 6 — Central depression, 7
— Western Apsheron–Gobustan depression. Bathymetric contours are in meters. Black line is the hydrological divide between South and
Middle Caspian Žmodified from Kosarev and Yablonskaya, 1994..
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226 209

as a result of improved acquisition and processing precise location of the lines, and structure maps
techniques Žsee McNeill et al., 1996.. could not be shown.
Seismic interpretation has been made by using The study area excludes the structurally compli-
GeoQuest software in Amoco Caspian in Houston, cated zone near the Lower Kura depression in the
and Landmark mapping software in Colorado School east and the North-Apsheron depression. The inter-
Mines. As the dataset is proprietary, coordinates, pretation was mainly concentrated in the central

Fig. 3. Stratigraphy tables for the South Caspian Basin. Ža. Comparative Neogene chronostratigraphy of the Black Sea and the South
Caspian Basin. Regional sequence stratigraphy Žtransgressionrregression cycles. is shown. Chronostratigraphically, study interval includes
Late Pliocene AAkchagulianB and Pleistocene. Akchagulian suite is tied to episodes of major basin transgressions Žmodified from Jones and
Simmons, 1997.. Žb. Stratigraphic table of the Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene in the South Caspian Basin. Formation names are those that
are used in the Eastern Azerbaijan.
210 N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226

deepwater area and eastern-Turkmenistan offshore ing data from 1970’s and proposed the existence of
areas. sublacustrine mass transport processes in the shallow
section. Basin-scale seismic stratigraphic studies are
reported also in Murphy and Kulieva Ž1995..
In Bozkurt et al. Ž1997. the Paleo-Amudarya
3. Regional geology Pleistocene shelf is interpreted using a seismic strati-
graphic framework. They subdivided the Pleistocene
The South Caspian Basin is located between the sediments of the Turkmenistan offshore sector into
Greater Caucasian and Kopet-Dag fold-belts. It is 12 sequences.
bounded by Talesh–Elbours mountains in the south-
west and Apsheron–Pribalkhan sill in the north ŽFig.
2.. The basin is believed to have been formed as the
result of Cretaceous back-arc spreading ŽZonenshain 4. Sequence stratigraphy
and Le Pichon, 1985; Otto, 1997.. There is more
than 20 km of sediment accumulated in the basin The study employed common sequence strati-
over its thinned or underplated continental crust graphic techniques described in Vail Ž1987. and Vail
ŽMangino and Priestly, 1998.. Most of the deposition et al. Ž1977.. Ten seismic sequences have been iden-
occurred since the Late Miocene, when collision of tified within the interval. They are bounded by high-
continental blocks, consequent regional uplift and amplitude doublet-reflection horizons. Some of these
subsidence led to accumulation of up to the 10 km of high-amplitude events show remarkable continuity
deltaic and lacustrine deposits of AProductive SeriesB. across the basin.
Paleo-Volga, Paleo-Kura and Paleo-Amudarya rivers Sequence boundaries were identified on the Pleis-
were the main sources of reservoir-prone sediments tocene Paleo-Amudarya shelf margin on the basis of
ŽReynolds et al., 1998.. Tectonic processes and sedi- a basinward shift in coastal onlap and erosional
ment loading triggered mud diapirism and volcanism truncations and traced to the central deepwater area.
and further increased subsidence during Late Pliocene High-amplitude doublet reflectors in the distal deep-
and Quaternary ŽLebedev, 1987; Kulakova and Lebe- water areas are traced parallel to the sequence
dev, 1996; Smale et al., 1997.. Structures within the boundaries. These reflections usually are interpreted
offshore areas of the deep basin are relatively young. to be condensed sections and are correlative con-
They were mainly created during Akchagulian and formities to the sequence boundaries ŽWeimer, 1989..
Apsheronian time. In the deepwater areas, the sequence boundary is, in
On the basin margins Upper Pliocene and Quater- part, condensed section comprising basinward equiv-
nary sediments are located over significant onlap alents of transgressiverhighstand system tracts ŽFeng
unconformity above the Productive Series. Akchagu- and Buffler, 1994..
lian beds above the unconformity are dated at 2.4–2.6 The regional character of this study and dataset
Ma and there is a sedimentation hiatus on the basin allows for the interpretation of only the dominant
margins as reported in Smale et al. Ž1997.. Fig. 3 depositional environments and a generalization of
shows the stratigraphic subdivision of the Pliocene seismic facies relationships. I distinguish 11 seismic
and Quaternary deposits established in the Eastern facies in the deepwater central basin and shelfrslope
Azerbaijan. areas that are analogous to the seismic facies identi-
Several regional seismic stratigraphic studies con- fied in the passive margins Žfor similar regional
centrated mainly on analysis of Productive Series seismic stratigraphic studies, see Weimer, 1989; Feng
deposits have been conducted within the SCB and Buffler, 1994..
ŽMamedov, 1991, 1992.. Mamedov Ž1991. recog- Key seismic facies that were identified in the
nizes 10 Aseismic stratigraphic complexesB within study are listed below.
the basin section and, specifically, 3 seismic com- Low-amplitude parallel continuous facies ŽFig.
plexes within the Upper PliocenerQuaternary strata. 4a . These facies show parallel to subparallel reflec-
Lebedev Ž1987. interpreted regional seismic profil- tions and are dominant over all basin within lower
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226 211

Fig. 4. Seismic facies examples observed in shelf-slope and deepwater areas of the passive margins and identified in the SCB: Ža. Parallel
low-amplituderdouble wavelet, Žb. divergent low-amplitude, Žc. continuous high amplitude, Žd. chaotic, Že. variable amplitude and
continuity Ža–e, from Feng and Buffler, 1994., Žf. progradational facies of sigmoidal and oblique types Žfrom Mitchum et al., 1977b..
Discussion is in the text.
212 N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226

sequences and within central part in upper se- 4a.. These facies show drape over structures or
quences. These facies are interpreted as basinal depositional features.
mud-rich turbidites. Low-amplitude divergent. The reflection config-
Double wavelet Žas in Feng and Buffler, 1994.. uration of these facies is mounded ŽFig. 4b.. These
Regionally continuous high-amplitude reflections that facies are associated with fan complexes and inter-
are commonly interpreted as condensed sections ŽFig. preted as unchannelized depositional lobes.

Fig. 5. Paleo-Amudarya fan area. Sections on Ža. and Žb. are parallel, but 40 km apart. Northern line a shows development of lobes and
erosional channels in sequences 6 and 7. Southern Žb. line shows increase in slumping in sequence 8 and channel levee system ŽCLS. in
sequences 8 and 9. Channels in sequence 9 exhibit offset stacked patterns.
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226 213

High-amplitude parallel facies. These facies are Other types of facies are interpreted as transi-
represented by variably continuous high-amplitude tional.
reflections ŽFig. 4c.. They have parallel or mounded
reflection configurations and are interpreted as depo-
sitional lobes of lithology contrasting with bounding 5. Interpretation
sediments Žpossibly sand-rich..
Chaotic facies. These facies are represented by
discontinuous, disorganized, hummocky reflections 5.1. Two stratigaphic complexes
or are reflection-free ŽFig. 4d.. They are interpreted
as slump and debris flow facies. Interpretation of basin infill allows for subdivision
Low- to high-amplitude variable continuity fa- of the central part into two main stratigraphic com-
cies. These facies are of moderate to high-amplitude plexes: the lower one, informally called Upper
and variable continuity ŽFig. 4e. that occur in stacked Pliocene or Akcagyl and Apsheron Žsequences 1–4.
mounds or as gull-wing patterns. They are inter- and Quaternary Žsequences 5–10., corresponding to
preted as channel-levee-overbank systems ŽFigs. 5a, stages 1 and 2 in the depositional model chapter
b and 6.. Žalso see about seismic complexes 8–10 in Mame-
Progradational clonic facies. These facies are dov, 1992..
usually highrmoderate amplitude and show distinct The lower complex is interpreted as the interbed-
topsetrbottomset relationship ŽFig. 4f.. They are ding of continuous strata of different lithologies,
associated with shelf-margin and slope deposition most likely of mud-rich turbidites forming onlap fill
ŽFig. 7 as an example in SCB.. intervals and hemipelagicrpelagic drape deposits.

Fig. 6. Fragment of the seismic line in the Turkmenistan shelf, showing location of the channel systems. Both these proximal channel
systems and those of Amudarya fan show clear Agull-wingB pattern, like on the picture in upper right corner Žfrom Emery and Myers, 1997.,
indicative of mud-rich turbidite systems.
214 N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226

Fig. 7. Seismic line from the Turkmenistan shelf margin, showing in more detail interpretation from Fig. 10. Clinoform complex develops
oblique configuration with the dip angle of 3.58 within sequences 8–10.

The upper complex is noted for the formation of a section being in central depression to the south of
progradational clinoform complex in the east and Abikh zone Ž) 900 m isochore in Fig. 9..
more differentiated deepwater facies-unchannelized This homogeneous infill is interpreted as de-
fan lobes, channel systems and slumps. The shelf posited in relatively deepwater conditions at the same
margin prograded more than 150 km during deposi- time as, or after, significant northward regional com-
tion of this complex. Previous work suggests that pression. The main sedimentary processes were
progradation was driven by fluctuations of lake level low-energy turbidity flows and hemipelagicrpelagic
ŽBozkurt et al., 1997.. deposition. The usual seismic expression of these
Two sequences, 1 and 10 described here, are good mud-rich sheet turbidites is low-amplitude continu-
examples of the differences between the two com- ous facies ŽMitchum et al., 1977a; Pickering et al.,
plexes. 1989; Feng and Buffler, 1994.. This suggests low-
energy depositional processes. Fully pelagic sedi-
5.2. Sequence 1 ments are rarely the case; even in abyssal plains the
bulk of sediments consists of turbidites. ŽPickering et
There are only two types of seismic facies within al., 1989.. The upper part of sequence 1 is repre-
sequence 1 ŽFig. 8.. Most of sequence 1 is repre- sented by high-amplitude events. These high-ampli-
sented by onlap fill of low-amplitude continuous tude events, because of their continuity, can be re-
seismic facies in the broad central area, the thickest garded as condensed sections occurring at times of
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226 215

Fig. 8. Seismic facies and depositional systems map of sequence 1. Depositional infill is uniform in character and interpreted as onlap-fill
mud-rich turbidites Ždiagonal dotted pattern. and hemipelagics Žvertical solid lines..

significant flooding of the basin as was discussed quences of the shelf margin represent large scale
above. progradation of high-angle oblique clinoforms ŽFig.
Sequence 1 exhibits significant onlap on Ap- 7., in the area where the thickest part of the clino-
sheron–Pribalkhan ridge and the eastern flank of the form complex is concentrated. High-amplitude facies
Abikh structural trend Žmajor early uplift., whereas it occur as overlying infill drape over the structures
appears there was smaller-scale uplift on the Vesirov and paleo-relief. The slope facies is represented by
and Avesta ridges ŽFig. 9. and other northwestern high-amplitude downlapping reflections.
structures, resulting in less onlap. Folds, forming The central part of the basin to the east of the
during that time seem to be broad anticlinal struc- Abikh–Vesirov depression exhibits the same high-
tures without active mud diapirism and mud volcan- amplitude continuous parallel facies with drape over
ism. This may not pertain to the lower Kura basin structures and over the AAmudarya fanB ŽFig. 5a..
where folding and intensive mud diapirism started Turbidite infill is present in depressions, and is
earlier than in the center. Uplift of the central struc- bounded by the drape facies. Channel systems are
tures is likely to be related to mud diapirism pulses much smaller in scale than for previous sequences
above older structural trends caused by regional and are concentrated near the margin ŽFig. 11..
compression and loading of sediments ŽSmale et al., There are two main locations of channel systems: the
1997.. Abikh depression or the AAmudaryaB fan and the
southeastern Paleo-Amudarya slope.
5.3. Sequence 10 There appears to be decreasing sedimentary input
to the central basin and concentration of sediment
The last sequence interpreted ŽFigs. 10 and 11. accumulation on the shelf margin, which may be
consist of two subsequences 10a and 10b, identified related to highstand position of relative lake level
on the basis of the downward shift in the coastal during deposition of last sequence.
onlap at the shelf-margin depocenter ŽFig. 12.. Their High-angle oblique clinoforms and growth fault-
sequence boundaries merge basinward. Subse- ing occurs at the slope atop of the flexure zone of the
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226
Fig. 9. Isopach map of sequence 1. Major depression infill Žup to 1.2 km. is in south central part is bounded by Abikh fold zone in the north and growth faults over Productive
beds in the west.
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226
Fig. 10. Isopach map of the sequence 10. There is a development of high-angle clinoforms that reach up to 1100 m in thickness.

218 N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226

Fig. 11. Seismic facies and depositional system map of sequence 10. Shelf edge progaded to recent position. Thick clinoform complex has
been formed. Basinal deposition is dominated by drape facies Žvertical solid lines. and turbidite infill. Slides and slumps are mapped as
black and white dotted area.

Productive Series shelf edge near Fersman structure ŽFig. 4a. provided by Sangree and Widmier Ž1977.
ŽFig. 12.. and Feng and Buffler Ž1994. for central basin in the
The sequence is characterized by fold growth and Gulf of Mexico. Turbiditic infill can explain relative
extensive mud volcanism evident in structure zones uniformity of seismic response, sequence thickening
of the central basin. This is characteristic of all of in the central basin and onlap on the structures.
Quaternary intervals.
6.1.2. Depositional lobes
The deepwater system is interpreted as unchannel-
6. Discussion of depositional facies
ized depositional lobes. They have a parallel or
mounded reflection configuration and may be di-
Depositional systems are implied from seismic
vided into two types by difference in seismic facies
facies and their distribution is mapped for each
and location.
sequence. Their interpretation is according to com-
monly accepted interpretation of seismic facies.
Divergent low-amplitude that is interpreted as
6.1. Basin center lower fan unchannelized mud-rich turbiditic lobes.
They are part of Paleo-Amudarya fan depositional
6.1.1. Basin onlap fill system and occur in the upper complex ŽFig. 5a,
The deepwater basin-slope and basin-floor deposi- b..
tional system. It is characterized by low-amplitude v
High-amplitude events of parallel or mounded re-
parallel seismic facies interpreted as mud-rich tur- flection configuration within sequences 3–5 in the
bidites, deposited by low-energy turbidity currents. toes of the clinoform wedges in northwestern area.
This interpretation is similar to the environmental They may be interpreted as sand-rich Abasin floor
interpretation of the low-amplitude parallel facies fansB.
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226 219

Fig. 12. Drawing of the composite seismic cross-section of NW–SE direction in the Turkmenistan shelf. AShelf-to-basinB relationship not
complicated by faulting allows for AtextbookB distinction of sequence boundaries and system tracts. Dotted patterns are slides and slumps.
Lower complex includes interval from Sb1 to Sb5 and upper from Sb6 to sea bottom.

6.1.3. Channel-leÕee system sional channels were recorded downfan and midfan.
A significant part of basinal deposits, especially The development of channel systems in sequences
in the area of AAmudarya fanB and southeastern part 6–8 is correlated to the canyon incision in the north-
of Paleo-Amudarya slope ŽFigs. 5, 6 and 13., is eastern part.
present in the sequences 6–9 Ži.e. Pleistocene.. Channel-levee system systems on the southeastern
Channels are represented by high-amplitude, laterally slope ŽFig. 6. may be referred to as slope fans as
discontinuous reflections concentrated in the crest of they develop on the middle–upper slope. These fea-
the stacked mounds ŽFig. 5a, b.. Levee-overbank tures, present on the southeastern Paleo-Amudarya
deposits are characterized by low- to high-ampli- slope, generally have the same seismic response, as
tude reflection events downlapping away from the do the channel-levee systems of Paleo-Amudarya
channel. Development of channel systems with fan. They are located landward, behind major growth
significant levees and overbanks is characteristic of faults on the top of the Productive Series and, there-
relatively mud-rich submarine fans, such as the Mis- fore, must have been deposited in shallower water
sissippi fan, Rhone fan, etc. ŽPickering et al., 1989; further upslope. Their levees and overbanks are more
Weimer, 1989; Emery and Myers, 1997.. The developed than those in the AAmudarya fanB Ž; 10
AAmudaryaB fan, created by axial drainage between km in width..
the Abikh structures and the tectonic terrace where
the shelf grows, has developed from lobes and small 6.1.4. Sediment slides
scale shingling channel systems Žsequence 6. to Evidence for tectonically induced slumping and
aggradational leveed channels. No large-scale ero- sliding of the Absheron slope within Quaternary
220 N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226

or those areas of depression, which are close to the

sedimentary source area. There are three types of
interpreted slumpsrdebris flow deposits: Ž1. basinal
or lower-slope slumps, associated with channel-levee
sequences, mostly fully chaotic or with no reflections
internally ŽFig. 1.; Ž2. those related to slumping of
the shelf-margin complex Žsee also slumped Aslope-
apronB margin in Fig. 14b.; Ž3. local slumping from
the top of structures, which sometimes may represent
deposits from eruptions of mud volcanoes. They
usually have high-amplitude response.
Lower-slope slump facies are transitional from
slides and mapped as such, where the latter became
so internally contorted, that no reflection continuity

6.2. Shelf margin

6.2.1. Prograding clinoforms

Pleistocene clinoform bodies are particularly well
identified in the Turkmenistan offshore area and
Fig. 13. Part of the isopach map of the sequence 9 — sequence
have been interpreted before ŽLebedev, 1987; Mame-
with the thickest fan interval. Main channel axes for this interval dov, 1992; Bozkurt et al., 1997.. These thick clino-
is shown by solid lines. Arrow indicates direction of migration of forms are the result of activity of shelf-margin deltas
stacked channel levee systems. ŽFig. 7.. The clinoform complex of Pleistocene Pa-
leo-Amudararya deltas progrades westward within
sequences 5–10 over 150 km.
A clinoform is defined in Mitchum et al. Ž1977b.
strata is long known ŽLebedev, 1987.. Large-scale as a Asloping depositional surface associated with
sediment slides are recognized from the slope and progradation into deepwaterB. Main types of clino-
sublacustrine fan environment and comprise more form patterns include oblique and sigmoidal clino-
than 50% of the Quaternary deepwater deposits to form bodies ŽFig. 4f., both of which were observed
the north of the Abikh and Vesirov ridges. in the basin. Sigmoidal progradation configuration
Two types of this mass transport complexes are consists of S-shaped reflections with horizontal
recognized and mapped on the basis of their seismic topsets and thicker foresets. Sigmoidal clinoform
response. bodies Žsigmoidal offlap. prevalence of subsidence
ASlidesB are slide facies with relatively undis- and rise of the sea level over the sedimentary input
turbed high-amplitude bedding translated Žslide. and ŽVail, 1987..
rotated Žslump. downward along concave upward Steeper dipping strata, with toplap against se-
shear planes. Slope instability, rapid dewatering of quence boundary, indicate oblique progradation con-
sediments or combination of both may cause some of figuration. Oblique clinoforms develop during eu-
the slide features. Slides occur in northwestern area static stillstand andror periods of increased sediment
of the survey. supply or low subsidence ŽVail, 1987.. These condi-
ASlumpsB are generally chaotic internally tions may have formed during deposition of se-
mounded or with hummocky tops. They are concen- quences 8 and 9 because in response to the focus of
trated on the lower slope downward from slide facies delta deposition in one area ŽFig. 11..
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226 221

Fig. 14. Seismic expressions of erosional surfaces Ža. on the northwestern margin, represented by erosional incision in deltaic sediments and
Žb. on the Turkmenistan shelf, represented by canyon-scale incisions in the Aslope-apronB margin. These canyons are feeding elements for
Amudarya fan.

6.2.2. Slumped slope-apron margin sediments of the next sequences rapidly buried these
The slope-apron margin is characterized by differ- canyons.
ent mass flow processes that result in the predomi-
nance of chaotic seismic facies in the form of a thick
chaotic wedge. The margin is characterized as 7. Depositional model
slope-apron because chaotic facies are distributed
over all the northeastern area to the north of Two stages of development of the central basin
Amudarya clinoform complex, i.e. deformation in- during Upper Pliocene and Quaternary are proposed
volves the whole northeastern shelfrslope, marginal from interpreted seismic data:
to Apsheron–Pribalkhan fold zone.
Stage 1, corresponding to stratigraphic complex 1
6.2.3. Canyons and erosional incisions that includes sequences 1–5. Stage 1 can be infor-
Erosional features are found in the northwestern mally called Late Pliocene, as it is interpreted to
margin in sequences 3–5 ŽFig. 14a.. Canyon-scale have been deposited in Akchagulian and Apshero-
Ž; 10 km in width, ; 40 km in length. erosional nian ŽSmale et al., 1997..
features are mapped in the northeastern slumped v
Stage 2, informally called AQuaternaryB, corre-
slope-apron, where they incise into the slumped sedi- sponding to stratigraphic complex 2 that includes
ments Žone example is in Fig. 14b.. Prograding sequences 5–10.
222 N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226

The depositional history during these stages is cies indicate differences in relative lake level. Signif-
described below. icant onlap on the structures shows the growth of
diapiric folds.
7.1. Stage 1 Dominance of mud-rich turbidites during this stage
is explained by higher subsidence rates and the
According to accepted sequence stratigraphy con- resultant low-efficiency of Apsheron and Kura deltaic
cepts, the shape of the basin is influenced by the systems that did not develop significant fans and did
interplay of the subsidence, eustasy and sediment not transport coarser sediments to the basin floor.
input ŽVail, 1987., Thus, the onlap-fill system typi- The appearance of the deltaic wedges
cally occurs in the basins that experience extensive ŽApsheron–Kobustan depression. is the evidence for
regional andror mud or salt tectonism. During this increasing sediment input overriding subsidence. The
stage of development, subsidence is much greater basin during that time Žsequences 3–5. is relatively
than rates of sedimentation. Seismic reflections onlap shallow Žclinoform height is - 400 m., compared to
the margins of the basin, showing the prevalence of the modern basin. It is infilled with the same mud-rich
subsidence over sediment input ŽAuplapB of Brown sheet turbidites or lobes, mostly indistinguishable on
and Fisher, 1977.. These are the characteristics of a seismic scale and deeper hemipelagicrpelagic fa-
the lower sequences 1 and 2 or AUpper PlioceneB cies identical to the Black See Pleistocene shale
complex, which infill the depression created by ŽPickering et al., 1989..
basin-scale subsidence with its thickest part in the
south ŽFig. 9.. Time constraints on the formation of 7.2. Stage 2
the complex are uncertain since it pinches out com-
pletely on the margins and major structures. How- This stage represents a basin shape that is similar
ever, the differences in seismic character between to the conventional model of Vail Ž1987. Ži.e. shelf-
onlap-fill interval and underlying Productive Series break margin., since elements of offlap in the basin
and margin-to-margin correlation of Atop Produc- and slope sequence are preserved along the margins.
tiveB surface suggest that this interval corresponds to Thus, it is possible to develop the model for both
a sedimentation hiatus from 3.4 to 2.6 Ma on the shelf to basin evolution in the eastern and central
margins implied in Smale et al. Ž1997.. parts of the basin and for the typical sequence devel-
There are no modern analogs to Upper Pliocene opment.
of SCB among lacustrine systems, because of its First, the deltaic shelf-margin progradation is ini-
rapid subsidence, mud tectonism, area proportional- tiated by several subsequent lowstands. These signif-
ity, and enormous clastic sediment input from all icant episodes in sequences 6 and 5 are considered to
margins. Thus, interpretation of the basin infill is be have been related to sharp changes in the relative
based on a comparison with similar seismic charac- lake level at the Apsheron–Baku boundary. Basinal
teristics of the rapidly subsiding basins of high ter- deposits change from those with similar seismic
rigineous input, such as Gulf of Mexico ŽFeng and characteristics to stage 1 to those with divergent
Buffler, 1994., though its structural style is different. reflections. They are interpreted as depositional lobes
Black Sea deepwater sediment infill also may be and small-scale channels, surrounded by slump fa-
used as an analog because of its closed conditions, cies, with some minor scale erosional unleveed chan-
but it is important to know that rates of sedimenta- nels upfan. Lobe deposits are shown to be thickening
tion and structural deformation there are nowhere on the downward side of the growth faults activated
near those of SCB. on the area of the central flexure or the southern
According to seismic characteristics, I interpret fault zone ŽFig. 15a..
the onlap fill in the basin as mud-rich turbidites As the shelf continues to prograde through the
deposited by low-energy turbidity currents and series of aggradational offlap wedges driven by a
hemipelagicrpelagic deposits far away from the sed- combination of tectonic and climatic forces, it de-
iment source. Variation within any interval of onlap posits lowstand sediments into deepwater. The Abikh
turbidite and high-amplitude hemipelagic drape fa- depression Žthe area between Abikh ridge and Turk-
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226 223

Fig. 15. Depositional model for Pleistocene Amudarya fan and shelf-margin development: Ža. when the shelf break is distant and structures
were represented by diapirs in the passive stage of development, amalgamated depositional lobes formed; Žb. when shelf margin prograded
to the flexure and folds rose along the ridge zone, channel systems with axial drainage formed; Žc. rapid progradation of the deltaic shelf
over the fan occurred.

men flexure. becomes the site of sublacustrine fan shown by the thickness trends and position of shelf-
deposition. The northeastern slope is characterized margin depocenters within these sequences.
by the zone of slumping and by canyon incision.
Erosional channels develop upfan and on the slumped
slope-apron. Dimensions of the channel systems in- 8. Discussion on the causes of cyclical deposition
crease as the fan grows. The direction of the turbidite
flows is constrained by vertical movement of the Sedimentation patterns in large closed lakes, such
Abikh folds and the eastern flexure, creating axial as the Caspian, are functions of interplay between
drainage. Thus, CLS develops cycle drainage oblique climatic factors, tectonism and sediment input.
to the main deltaic progradatonal loci ŽFig. 15b.. Climatic factors are recognized as the driving
This possibly happens as canyons develop early in force in the formation of depositional episodes in the
this period as a response to the erosion from local SCB by many authors ŽZubakov and Borzenkova,
sources, mass-wasting processes and resedimentation 1990; Jones and Simmons, 1997.. Low latitude or
by currents from Middle Caspian mentioned in Lebe- arid lakes Žas is the case with the Caspian Sea. are
dev Ž1987.. This northeastern area had undergone extremely sensitive to climatic changes and Caspian
greater subsidence than shelf-margin depocenter and lake level has wildly fluctuated even in historic
was rapidly infilled by slumped sediments from all times.
sides. Erosional processes in this area must have Zubakov and Borzenkova Ž1990. provide an ex-
been very extensive ŽFig. 14b.. The canyons may ample of dated marine terraces off the Caspian coast,
have captured drainage from Paleo-Amudarya during that show a rate of tectonic uplift of 0.4–0.9
lowstands. mmryear, whereas closed arid lakes with high terri-
When the margin progrades further, it develops geneous input depositional rates are mostly in the
high-angle oblique clinoforms ŽFig. 15c., whereas order of 1 mmryear. For the Productive Series, for
CLS coeval to high-amplitude continuous sequence example, the rate of deposition is ) 3 mmryear, as
becomes more aggradational Žstacked. and later de- mentioned in Mamedov Ž1992.. Quaternary Aperi-
velops offset channel patterns. odsB in the Caspian–Baku Khvalyn, Khazar are well
The Paleo-Amudarya river system was the main tied to transgressive and regression episodes caused
source of sedimentation in the central basin sedimen- by climatic variations. Wet and cold periods corre-
tation during depostition of sequences 5–10. This is spond to glaciations and increasing water runoff,
224 N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226

whereas dry and hot periods correspond to inter- in the Late Pleistocene which constrains the last
glacial periods, increased evaporation and, therefore, prograding deltaic wedge to this period ŽYunov and
lowering lake level ŽZubakov and Borzenkova, 1990.. Martirosyan, 1991.. Holocene sediments on the sea
Thus, an inverse relationship with the eustatic fluctu- floor and from shallow coring show significant car-
ations of sea level is observed. bonate production — oolitic sands, shells on the
The modern Amudarya River starts at the foot of shelf and organic oozes deepwater ŽLebedev, 1987.,
glaciers in the mountains of the Pamirs and drains a reflecting the drainage switch of the Amudarya River
significant area of Central Asia into the Aral Sea, system.
and the same conditions could have existed when the Seismic stratigraphic study shows high-amplitude
river was flowing into the Caspian Sea. and frequent lake level shifts in the Late Pliocene
In addition, in low latitude and arid lakes, the and Quaternary show a relationship between deepwa-
climate influences the sediment input directly by ter sediments in the central SCB and the prograda-
reducing and increasing it, correspondingly, during, tion of the Paleo-Amudarya shelf margin. Since lake
dry and wet weather ŽScholz et al., 1998.. level varied extremely rapidly as the result of cli-
Tectonism may play a significant role in the matic conditions, tectonics, and the variably but
regional sequence boundary formation, by control- typically high sediment input, passive-margin scale
ling depositional drainage of the basin and sediment shelf-margin and deepwater depositional systems de-
input. The scale of this influence depends on the veloped within a relatively short period of time.
scale of tectonic movements. For example, the shelf Further studies of this kind should provide more
margin of Kura delta, located in the Kura–Enzeli insight on the timing and control on the sequence
depression, is greatly influenced by mud tectonism, boundaries and influence, which of synsedimentary
and individual minibasins are on the scale of 5–10 tectonics, climate change and sediment supply ex-
km in width. The location of mud diapiric ridges in hibit the major control on the depositional patterns in
the central part of the basin is likely controlled by the basin.
the position of deep-seated basement faults. For ex-
ample, Abikh and Vesirov ridges are thought to be
underlain by basement fault zones ŽLebedev, 1987; 9. Conclusions
Bagirzade et al., 1987.. Growth faulting and
AflexureB in Turkmenistan near the Fersman and From this study, the following conclusions are
Veber structures is associated with growth faulting drawn.
and shelf edge collapse within Productive Series Ž1. During the Late Pliocene and Quaternary, the
interval. Mapping of the shelf edge for Middle-Plio- South Caspian Basin sedimentation occurred under
cene Productive Series in the Turkmenistan offshore conditions of a closed deep lacustrine basin with
shows shelf to basin relations similar to the modern high terrigineous input. Deposition was controlled by
system ŽMamedov, 1991.. Broad buried anticlines, synsedimentary tectonics and lake level.
where Pleistocene beds show trends of thinning, can Ž2. Mapping and analysis of seismic sequences
be related to the main South Turkmenistan fold zone. shows a linkage between shelf and deepwater deposi-
At present, it is difficult to identify the causes of tion and a relationship to progradation of the
the sequence formation, as deepwater and slope fa- Amudarya shelf margin and the relative lake-level
cies are not well constrained by dating. All main change. These lake level changes are believed to
factors may be operational, however, the thickness of have been governed by a combination of tectonic
wedges and the frequency and continuity of bound- and climatic forces.
ing unconformities in the shelf-margin zone must be Ž3. Seismic facies analysis in deepwater areas
noted Ž12 sequences in approximately ; 1.2 Ma.. shows the existence of two stratigraphic complexes:
This may be related to frequent climatic variations. the first ŽALate PlioceneB: sequences 1–4. with on-
Autocyclic processes also influence depositional lap-fill mud-rich turbidite systems and the second
patterns. For example, switching of the main Paleo- ŽQuaternary: sequence 5–10., with fan-lobes, chan-
Amudarya delta from Caspian to Aral sea happened nel-levee systems and slumps. Slumps and slides in
N.R. AbdullayeÕr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 28 (2000) 207–226 225

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