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Engineering Mechanics A


Further notes
Static equilibrium - not moving ∑FH = 0 sum of horizontal force = 0
∑F V = 0 sum of vertical force = 0

Sign Conventions

Everything to the right +ve

Up +ve
Clockwise +ve
Everything to the left –ve
Down –ve
Anti-clockwise –ve

When an external force is applied our interest is in what is happening to the component

<Compression> External push, internal push –ve (component getting smaller)

>Tension< External pull, internal pull +ve (component getting larger)

Direct Forces


Indirect Forces

S.I Units
mm x 1/1000 = m
mm² x 1/1000000 = m²
mm³ x 1/1000000000 = m³
mm4 x 1/1000000000000 = m4

Unit of Force
Newton = N
1kg accelerated at 1m/s² = 1 N
1kg accelerated at 9.81m/s² (acceleration due to gravity) = 9.81 N

Unit of Stress (pressure)

Stress is the effect of a force action over an area.
Stress = Force/Area = N/m²
1 N/m² = 1 Pa (Pascal)
This is the effect of change in dimension.

< length >

Increase in length due to tension (force away from component)

Change in length = X
Strain = X/length = mm/mm = ratio
If compression was applied change in length would be negative (-X)

Defining a Force
To totally define a force it must have 4 pieces of information.
Magnitude: This is the size of the force, the unit used is N
Direction: This the line of action of the force and is usually indicated with reference to the horizontal or
vertical planes
Sense: This is represented by an arrowhead indicating the way it acts along the line of action e.g. up, down
Point of Application: This is the point where a force is applied to a body

Must possess both magnitude and direction

Resultant Force
The one force that will have the same effect as a number of forces

One force that when applied will keep a system (number) of forces in equilibrium. It is equal and opposite of
the resultant force.

A system of forces acting at the same point are said to be concurrent.
Solutions of points can be simplified when the point of concurrency can be located.
Coplanar Forces
Forces acting in the same plane

Parallelogram of Forces
2 concurrent and coplanar forces (shown below in solid blue) can be resolves by drawing a parallelogram
of forces.

Steps to drawing:
1. Draw the scalar diagram – accurate angles
2. Draw respective forces to scaled length
3. Letter forces
4. From the end of F1 draw a line parallel and equal to F2
5. Indicate point of intersection Fnet (as above in red) or any other letter

Triangle of Forces
3 concurrent and coplanar forces can be resolves by drawing a triangle of forces.
Both diagrams below represent the Boms Notation – A system using letters to identify forces and their
adjacent spaces
Below spaces A, B, and C are divided by lines of action

Below angles 45 and 25 are measured to the horizontal

Polygon of Forces
3 or more concurrent and coplanar forces can be resolved by drawing a polygon of forces

Further notes for above information see pages 2 – 4 of Engineering Mechanics I & II
Mathematical Analysis
(This can be used for any type i.e. triangle of forces and parallelogram of forces)
Resolution Method (Mathematical Method)
Forces are resolved into horizontal and vertical components
F4 F1

F2 B

Angles = 30˚ CAH = CBH


Component Hc Vc
1 F1Cos30 F1Sin30
2 F2Cos30 0
3 0 F3Sin90
4 F4Cos30 F4Sin30

Special Triangles
45º- 45º- 90º Triangles
A 45°- 45°- 90° triangle is a special right triangle whose angles are 45°, 45°and 90°. The lengths of the
sides of a 45°- 45°- 90° triangle are in the ratio of 1:√2:1 (x:x√2:x)
A right triangle with two sides of equal lengths is a 45°- 45°- 90° triangle.


Another type of special right triangles is the 30°- 60°- 90° triangle. This is right triangle whose angles are
30°, 60°and 90°. The lengths of the sides of a 30°- 60°- 90° triangle are in the ratio of 1:2:√3 (x:2x:x√3)

√3 2

Non – Current Force Systems
Strictly non – concurrent

5. ? 4. 4N

60˚ 60˚

3. 3N

2. 4N

1. 8.8N

Because all forces are acting together, they can be treated as a polygon of forces

A moment of a force is simply the force multiplied by the distance
M = Nm
The distance is measured perpendicular to the line of action to the force

For static equilibrium

∑ Fh = 0
∑ Fv = 0
For equilibrium clockwise moments (cwm) = ant-clockwise moments (acwm)

Most simple application of moments

F 45N

3 2
45 x 2=F x 3
F = 30N

Force acting through a selected pivot point has no movement

M = Fd
6m Beam force = 500N
Rr = Right hand reaction force
Rl Rr Rl = Left hand reaction force

2m Moments about Rl
∑MRl = 0 = 500 x 2 + 500 x 3 – 6Rr
6Rr = 2500
∑MRl = 0
Rr = 416.67N
∑MRr = 0
∑Fv = 0
Moments about Rr
∑MRr = 0 = -500 x 3 + -500 x 4 +(--) 6Rl
-6Rl = -3500
Rl = 583.33N

Further questions pages 24 to 28

Two equal and opposite parallel forces create what is known as a couple. For example a steering wheel.

a a Moments about pivot

= F(a + a)

The moment of a couple is the product of one of the forces and the total distance between the two forces

Like a couple torque tends to produce a rotation.
In the case of pulleys, shaft, gears, etc this rotation is produced by a tangential force acting at a radius
Mt = F x r

Beam reactions
Support systems

Knife edge supports, these cannot support

lateral loads

Roller supports, these cannot

support lateral loads
Fixed supports, these can support loads in
both directions

U.D.L (Uniformly Distributed Load)

kN U.D.L  w = load per m

m wl = W
w = U.D.L
l = Length of U.D.L
W = Total load
W=6 x 6m = 36kN

For reaction calculations w can be converted to W and then can be treated as a point load acting at the
centre of the U.D.L
RL = 18 = RR

Cranes, buildings, scaffolding, power pylons, steel frame buildings, etc

Members are all straight, weightless and inextensible
Members connected at the ends to other members by pin joints
The pin joints are perfect hinges and can rotate and cannot transmit moments
All forces are coplanar
Forces are applied at the joints

A framework containing the exact number of members to keep it stable and statically determined is called
perfect. For a perfect framework m = 2j – 3, where m = No. of members and j = No. of joints
A framework containing fewer members than required to keep it stable and statically determined is called
A framework containing more members than required to keep it stable and statically determined is called
hyperstatic. A hyperstatic framework contains redundant members.

Method of joints 

Method of sections 

C.O.G and Centroids

C.O.G is the centre of mass of a body. The C.O.G is important when considering lifting an object. The
C.O.G. It is also important when considering dynamic balance of a mechanism. Centroids are located to
determine the position of the neutral axis (N.A) of a beam. The centroid is the centre of area. Locating of
both the C.O.G and the centroid is carried out using moments.
For C.O.G moment = mass x distance
For Centroid moment = area x distance

When calculating the centroid the values of ’X’ is the distance from the ‘Y-axis’ to the C.O.M/C.O.A of each
individual part and thus the values of ‘Y’ is the distance from the ‘X-axis’ to the C.O.M/C.O.A of each
individual part.

Information on the C.O.A/C.O.M of shapes e.g. triangle follow this link

Equation used to locate the centroid:

X location = (aX) ÷ (X)
Y location = (aY) ÷ (Y)
Bending Moments
Couples applied to beams  a couple has no effect on the shear force diagram. When calculating B.M take
moments at the couple in both directions.

Stresses Due to Bending

When a beam is loaded it will bend about its natural axis (N.A). the N.A is located at the centroid of the
beam cross section.
When a beam bends the following happens:
 The ends of the beam rotate about the N.A
 The top of the beam shortens
 The bottom of the beam lengthens
 The N.A stays the same length
This results in TENSILE and COMPRESSIVE bending stresses

Bending Stress equation  M/I = δ /Y = E/R

M  Max B.M
I  2nd moment of area
δ  Bending stress
Y  Distance from the N.A to extreme
E  Youngs modulus of elasticity
R  r of centroid

Determination of the value ‘I’  there are always 2 values for ‘I’. Ixx and Iyy. The use of the xx or yy depends
upon which axis the object is bending about. if the Ixx is bending use the Ixx.

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