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Javier Velázquez Cabrero | Chewing Dandelion Blooms

HAZARD Gallery
November 2018

Hazard Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition and performance by Mexico based, Spanish artist Javier Velázquez

Exhibited in the gallery is a series of drawings that work as a catalogue of body movements and processes. These
drawings contain a series of transcriptions of symbols, textures, postures and sensations that speak of a possible rela-
tionship between the dancer and the images. The images also explore the possibilities where they become a source of
stimulation for the movement and feelings of the body.

Javier Velázquez Cabrero (1990, Spain) is a visual artist and dancer based in Mexico City. Graduated in Fine Arts at the
Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He studied one year at the ABK Stuttgart with professor Christian Jankowski, and
finished his post degree program at SOMA in Mexico this year.

His work has been seen at The Coimbra Biennale (Portugal); Zona Maco Nuevas Propuestas 2016; Cairo Video Festi-
val (Egipto), Galeria Slowtrack (Madrid), Casa Maauad (Mexico), the 14th edition of the Verbo Performance Festival of
Galeria Vermelho (Sao Paulo) and the Season at The centre for the Less Good Idea, amongst others. He has received
the 2014 INJUVE fund for the artistic creation, the Artistic creation scholarship from the Office of Cooperation and
Development, The Government of Mexico at 2014 and 2016, the Scholarships for residences abroad for artists and
curators of the Comunidad de Madrid at 2016 and the Mobility Grants PICE (AC/C) for his residency at NIROX
Foundation this year.
Mixed media on paper on board
580 x 380mm
A Woman
Mixed media on paper on board 335
x 225mm
Mixed media on paper on board 335
x 225mm
Get Senile
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
Somebody Confused
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
Under The Water
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
A Person’s Last Name
Mixed media on paper on board
250 x 195mm
I am Beautiful (1 & 2)
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
An Extremely Ramified Walk
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
The Reverse of a Mask
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
The Pelvis is Open
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
Slow Motion
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
Yeti’s Cave
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
Andan & Eva’s air
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
Friday Night
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
A Handshake Without Limits
Mixed media on paper on board
250 x 195mm
Weight Trying to Support Weight
Mixed media on paper on board
580 x 380mm
Kingdom of Nerves
Mixed media on paper on board
580 x 380mm
The Beginning of a Word
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
The Name of an Unknown Person
Mixed media on paper on board
335 x 225mm
The End of a Verb
Mixed media on paper on board
580 x 380mm



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