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The Feasibility of Chayote (Sechumedule) as Veggie Meat



A.)Background of the study

The Chayote fruit is anedible plant that belongs to the gourd family of Cucurbitacae. It contains almost
all the neccessary elements for a balanced diet. It is a valuable source of vitamins C, Phosphorus, zinc
and niacin. It is easily digested and gives quick energy.

however, the veggie meat is one of the components to eat to be a vegetarian. Veggie Meat contains a
lot of nutrients that gives a healthy body. While the red meat we get less nutrients and it causes also
alot of diseases. Veggie Meat have a good quality and it is cheaper than the red meat.

This fact encouraged the researcher to find out if the Chayote could be utilized as veggie meat.

B.) Statement of the problem


This study aimed to find out the feasibility of the chayote as veggie meat. This study also aimed to
answer the following question.


1.) Is there a significant difference between the sayote veggie meat and to other kinds of veggie meat?
2.)what are the characteristics of chayote that makes a veggie meat?



1.) Veggie meat would not taste like the red meat.


1.) To compare the taste of chayote veggie meat to other kinds of veggie meat and see the diference.

Significance of the study

Its good to be a vegetarian, veggie meat is healthier compare to the red meat because red meat can
cause many health problems. Another thing is chayote is a low cost diet.

Thus, this study is conduct to utilize chayote as a source of necessary nutrients for human by eating a
veggie meat.

Limitation of the study

Weather is the number one limitaion of the study. The unpredictability of weather condition led to
death of chayote fruit. It is a kind of vegetable thatcan be bear is seasonal. It means that in producing
the veggie meat out of chayote is seasonal. The expiration of the product would be the next limitation.

Definiton of terms

VITAMINS- organic compounds recquiredn for growth and maintenance.

PHOSPHORUS-an organic element or mineral necessary.

Vegetation refers to the flora system of a specific region.




The veggie is akind of meat that have a main ingredients of vegetable. Veggie meat must have a
nutrients especially the protein because meat represents a source of protein in the grow group. it is a
kind of a vegetarian food. it is good substitute for the red meat.


IT is a climbing plant that can rise as high as 12 m. its leaves are heart-shaped. it is known as choko,
chocho, chow-chow, christophine and merilton. it is an edible olnt that belongs to the gourd family. the
plant has a laerge leaves that form a canopy over the fruit. The vine is grown on the ground or more
commonly on trellises. A very important ongredient for a diet. The flesh has a fairly bland taste & a
texture described as a cross. Although generally discarded, the sed has a nutty flavour and may be eaten
as part of the fruit. Costa rica is the major exporter of chayote worldwide. In the most common variety,
the fruit is roughly pear shaped or appled shaped, some wht flattened & with coarse wrinkles.


In its broadest definiton is food. In modern usage, most often it refers to animal tissue used as a fod
mostly skeletal muscle nd sssociated fat, but it may also refer to organs, including lungs, liver, skin,
brains, bone marrow, kidneys and a variety of other internal organs as well as blood. the word meat is
also used by meat packing and butcherindg industry in more restictive sense.



The method used in this study was the experimental method of reseaech. The purpose is to study yhe
characteristics of chayote as veggie meat.







* 1 egg

* 2 1/2 cup of water

* 1/2 t salt


*1 t olive oil

*1 t soysauce

*1 c bread crumbs

* 1 c of sayote fruit, cut into cubes and finely chopped


1. place the egg, water, saly in sauce pan, bring to a boil lower heat, cover and simmer for about 45
min., until water is nearly gone the mixture are very soft.

2. next, saute the oinions after that add the sayote in oil until it soft for about 5 min.

3. mix the mixture, onions & sayote & optoinal soy sauce in the large bowl ,m then mix in the ground
oats & bred crumbs.

4. while still warm, form the mixture into patties w/c can now be frozen, refrigerate ( up to 5 days ) or
cooked immediately.

5. ready to fry the sayote veggie patties.

6. after, fryin g, ready to eat the sayote veggie meat.

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