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Setting: Classroom – Props: Calendar (2008), Board, Chairs

- Students: Naka- uniform na pang Kinder/Girl scout Type B
- Teacher: Naka Professor attire
SA ROOM: Ang mga estudyante nagchika (Kamo na bahala)
Late ningsulod si Leizel aka Aristotle (pa bright2 kuno) tapos ning ingon
Leiz: Professor Katz is coming, everyone!
Lex: (Nanipat) (Pagstorya og something na *Pabida or chuchu)
Ning Sulod si Prof
David: Good morning class! I am David Katz, your Science professor and today we’ll discuss
about atomic concept.
: everyone knows that the basic unit of atom has started 2500 yrs ago w/ greeks as first
scientists to describe their characteristics.
(Naglakaw-lakaw while and students bored na naminaw)
: imagine that you were able to travel back in time to the 5th century BCE. You found yourselves
in ancient GREECE together with prominent greek philosophers. You were given opportunity to
observe the works of these men and had conversation on atom. What did you see? What were
these men like? How they come up with these conclusions?
Stud: Naminaw kadali tapos pag-abot sa “imagine” kay nanguy ab tapos natulog.
Pagkatulog sa Student and after magyawyaw sa Professor, CHANGE SETTING!!!
Props: Posporo and rock
Stud: Wow! Where am I? Wait… I’m in Greece! And that (Tudlo kay Anax) is Anaximenes!
: (Tarong eyeglass, tulon laway tapos approach kay Anax)
: Hi! Youre a philosopher right? What are you doing?
Anax: (Close eyes) I want to feel the air (open eyes) Coz I believe that the air is the primary
substance from which everything was made of.
: (Naglakaw) it could be transformed into other substances by thinning such as fire (sindi og
posoporo) or thickening such as wind, clouds, rain, hail, earth, and rock (ipakita ang rock)
Stud: (Ma amaze pag ipakita niya ang fire og rock) (ipakita na ignorante)
Anax: Smile sa Student
Stud: (Nagkata-katawa together with Anax PERO NAHAGIP SA IYANG MATA SI HERACLITUS
: is that a fire? It’s wonderful (Amaze)
Hera: u know kid, I do believe that the primeval substance from which everything is made up of,
is fire, ONLY FIRE (witch look kay stud) and CHANGE IS THE ONLY REALITY HAHAHAHA
Stud: (Nahadlok, ningdagan) (Nakabangga si Pythagoras)
Pytha: Hey Kid! Are u okay?
Stud: Help me!!! Im scared! Who is he? (Gitudlo si hera na nag sunog sunog gihapon)
Pytha: Oh! U mean Heraclitus of Ephesus? Hahaha He is also known as the “dark philosopher”
because his writings were so difficult to understand. Im Pythagoras of Samos (smile) Come on!
Come with me! Ill introduce u to my followers, the pythagoreans.
Ninglakaw padulong sa Pythagoreans, CHANGE SETTING!!!
Props: Lapis, ruler, bond paper, PRINT DOCS OF cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron,
dodecahedron (ISA KADA PAPER)
Goreans: (Nag gunit og lapis, nag draw, solve sa table) WHILE PLATO naa sa kilid nag draw and
solve pud, OP!!!)
: (Nakapansin na ning abot si Pytha) (NAG BOW EXCEPT PLATO)
: Master. (Hangad) Who is she?
Pytha: He met the dark Philosopher.
Goreans: (Nag kibitz balikat tapos balik na sa trabaho)
Stud: (Tudlo kay Plato) Who is he? He’s so mysterious.
Pytha: He is plato, a friend of ours and also a great friend of Heraclitus.
: (Tudlo sa Goreans) The are my followers, the Pythagoreans.
: we make use of mathematics and geometry as a basis in explaining the theory of matter by
representing geometric solids in the basic elements.
Stud: (Tando lang)
Tampipi: (Ning insert ila Pytha) these are the following geometric representation of the basic
elements, (gigunitan ang papel na CUBE) The cube represents the earth.
Adas: (Gunit tetra) The tetrahedron represents the fire
Lagamao: (Gunit Octa) The octahedron represents the air
Regalado: (Gunit Ico) the icosahedron represents the water
Tampipi: (Gunit Dode) Lastly, the dodecahedron represents the ether
: (Nakita nimo si Empedocles) Empedocles.
(Tanan lingi, Student, Pytha, Goreans, Anax, Hera- Ningtapok mo sa atubangan ni Emped)
Stud: (Ninglingi kay Pytha) Who is he?
Pytha: He is Empedocles, thre poet.
Empedocles: (Nag poem- send lang nako) (After sa poem) Matter is made of earth, water, air,
and fire. Earth is solid, water is liquid, air is gas, and fire is energy. Believe in me coz im better
than Socrates. Nothing comes from nothing. You will gain nothing if you invest nothing.
All greeks: Namalakpak
Stud: (Ning gawas sa crowd, gipangita si pytha kaso nawala si pytha, nagpadayon sa paglakaw)
(Naglakaw si Leu tapos angsunod si demo na nagdala og Notebook and lapis unya nag sulat
Demo: Master, why do u think that matter is made up of indivisible particles or atoms?
Leu: (Ning atubang og kalit ka Demo)
: Democritus, atoms had to exist because things were constantly changing in nature. Something
new could not be made from nothing and changes are due to the rearrangement of atoms.
Demo: So, u mean master that atoms are indivisible or uncuttable , thus regarded as the basic
building block of nature and entire universe.
Demo: exactly, Democritus.
Demo: (Ning smile tapos nag bow) Bye Master. (Ninglakaw)
Leu: Ninglakaw napud ka.
Stud: Ginasundan lang si Demo
Demo: (Naglakaw while nagastorya sa self) DSo, everything in nature is formed by random
collision of unseen atoms. (Smile/smirk) (Lakaw napud)
INSERT PLATOOOO (nag drawing ka sa table)
Props: Dodecahedron na drawing, mga papel sa table and lapis
: (while naglakaw naugatan niya si Plato na nagdrawing)
Plato: (Nagdrawing)
Demo: Try harder, Plato. (Tapos gilapmasan si Plato) (Wala gipansin ni Plato)
Stud: (Giadto si Plato) Hi! I’m Dora. Can I ask u----?
Plato: (Hangad) Element. (Then lingi sa stud)
Plato: it came from the greek word stoicheion which means, the smallest division.
: element is the simpliest substance and hence cannot be broken down using chemical
: (Naglakaw with hands at the back)
: there are organic and inorganic elements based on their geometrical shapes used by the
: the geomwtrical shapes of substance are, earth as cube, water as icosahedrons, air as
octahedron, and fire as tetrahedron.
: But (Lingi sa stud) there is a fifth element, the heavenly element that has only discovered by
the intelligent student of Socrates (smirk)
Stud: Who’s that student?
Plato: Plato of Athens
Stud: It’s you (tudlo kay plato)
Plato: Pythagoreans don’t even know that this element existed with its geometrical shape. This
heavenly element is ether as dodecahedron, which is the foundation of the universe with a
shape close to a sphere. I call these five solids as the platonic solids.
:(Ipakita ang gi draw na dodecahedron)
: (Ning tan aw sa langit) It’s time.
Stud: What? (tan aw sa relo) it’s 8 AM in the morning po.
Plato: no. The discussion. (Tapos ninglakaw na si plato padulong sa conference room)
Stud: (Ningsunod kay Plato)
Props – long table with 12 chairs, mga papel
(Conference room – nagtabi sila while naghulat kay plato)
(Ningsulod ra og kalit si Plato)
(Ninglingkod si Plato and student)
Demo: (ning tindog sa atubangan)
: im Democritus of Abdera, the student of Leucippus of miletus. These elements, (Ipakita ang
print na naay Earth, air, fire, water), earth, air, fire, and water could be divided into small
particles, atomos which means indivisible.
: (Nag show na atong Yuta and sand) I crumble this earth to soil and in turn crumble this soil to
dust. Now if I could reduce this dust into smallest particles, these would be atoms.
: we see that the beach is made of millions of grains of sand. If we think of grains of sand as
atoms and pack them together, it can be molded into any desired form. So it’s in this way
nature uses these tiny particles, these atoms, to build all things: the earth, water, air, and fire.
Greeks: (Agree)
Aristotle: (Ningsulod og kalit) If air and fire consist of small particles, how can they rise? They
would to the earth like a shower of pebbles.
Demo: Who are u?
Aris: Aristotle of Stagira. A famous greek philosopher and a student of plato ( tan aw kay plato)
Greeks: (Bow)
Aris: smirk
Aris: (Ninglakaw padulong kay Demo) Democritus of Abdera, student of Leucippus (tan aw kay
leu) So what holds atoms together? How can you prove that there is really an existence of
Greeks: agree kay Aris
Demo: wala ka answer
Aris: I do not believe that matter is a collection of atoms (gunit sa sand)
: Believing in atoms would mean putting restrictions on the gods, who have the power to divide
elements smaller than that atom.
: I do not believe that nothingness of empty space could exist.
(Gikuha ang papel na naay drawing sa earth, fire, air, water) (Gipakita sa ilaha)
: Matter is made up of four elements: earth, air, water and fire. Everything in the universe is
made up of these four elements, not atoms. (lingi kay Demo)
(Gikuha ang isa ka papel na naay drawing sa duh aka cubes YT)
: Each element has 2 qualities. Air as wet and hot. Fire as hot and dry. Water as wet and cold.
Earth as dry and cold.
: I even included the fifth element that my teacher, Plato, discovered, ether. I believe that he
aether was the finest of all the substances, “the quintessence” associated with the heavenly
realm. It was neither hot nor cold and was neither wet or dry.
: (Kusog tingog) Every material in the world is made up of elements.
Stud: (Nakuratan, nakuyapan)
Stud: (Nakamata na hangak tapos lingi sa paligid)
David: Aristotle’s death marked the end of the greek influence on the development of theories
regarding the nature of matter and its changes.
: Class dismissed
Students: Bye Sir (Tapos chika2 kung kinsa ilang mas bet then exit)


“Ayaw ka-stress kay makabawas sa beauty. Inhale, exhale, and then smile.” – Leiz
aka Aristotle

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