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Language Descriptions

Group 1:
Phan Thi Oanh
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang
Nguyen Thu Hong
Nguyen Hong Le
Le Vu Kieu Linh
I. Classical or traditional grammar
II. Structural linguistics
III.Transformational generative grammar
IV. Language variation and register
V. Functional/ Notional grammar
VI. Discourse (Rhetorical) analysis
Classical or traditional
I. Classical or traditional grammar

1. How language is described:

- Based on: + grammars of classical languages.
+ analysis of the role of each word

in the sentence.
- Grammatical function of each word is
reflected by appropriate inflections.
2. Strengths and weaknesses

• English has lost most of its case markers.

• Its influence on ESP has never been strong.

• Its concept underlie any language.

• It has continued to provide a useful indirect
source of guidance.
Structural linguistics
II. Structural linguistics

1. How language is described

- Language is described in terms of
syntagmatic structures.

- The structures carry fundamental

propositions and notions.

- Different meanings are generated by

varying the words within structures.
2. Strengths and weaknesses

• The development of substitution table as a typical

means of explaining grammatical patterns.

E.g. A substitution table in ESP

A dog bite cause heat stroke
An electric shock can
Severe shock result in death
Burns may
lead to unconsciousness
2. Strengths and weaknesses

• Most enduring application was structural

syllabus which provides:

- means of selecting and sequencing

language items;
- description of generative core of the
2. Strengths and weaknesses

• Structural description was too superficial,

and could not explain relationships of
• It may fail to provide the learner with an
understanding of the communicative use of
the structures.

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