Teorya NG Pagtanggap

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➢ used to precisely describe the human body including its components, processes, conditions affecting it, and
procedures performed upon it. Medical terminology is used in the field of medicine.
– a central part of a word; main part of the word
BLAST- Germ, immature Blastoma- a cancer made of immature cells
CARCIN- Cancer Carcinogenic- a cause of cancer
CARDIO- Heart Cardiovascular- heart and blood vessels
CYTO- Cell Cytoplasm- part of a cell where organelles are found
DERMA- Skin Dermatitis- inflammation of the skin
ESTHESI- sensation Anaesthesia- a state of temporary induced loss of sensation or awareness


HISTIO- Tissue Histology- study of tissue
HEPATI- Liver Hepatitis- inflammation of the liver caused virally
MALIGN- Harmful/bad maglignant
NEPHRO- Kidney Nephrotoxic- harmful to the kidneys
NEURO- Nerves Neurosurgeon- a surgical doctor specializing in the brain/nerves
ONCO- Mass/tumor Oncology- the study of cancer
PHLEB Vein Phlebotomy- extraction of blood from the vein
PNEUM Air/lung Pneumonia- an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs
PROSTAT- Prostate gland Prostatalgia- pain in the prostate gland


REN- kidney Renal artery- branch of the blood vessels found in the kidney
RETIN- retina Inflammation of the retina of the eye
SARCO- tissue Sarcoma- tumor of the bone, muscle, or connective tissue
SPLEN- spleen Splenomegaly- enlargement of the spleen by weight or size
TOXO- Poison Toxicology- study of poisons
THROMB- Clot Thrombocytopenia- a condition of low blood count
URIA- urination, urine Urinalysis- the process of analyzing urine
VAS- duct, vessel Inflammation of the blood vessels

Prefix- “before’. placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning.
AN-, A- Without/lack of Anemia- decrease/shortage of red blood cells
AB- Away from Abnormal- away from the normal
AD- Near/ toward Adrenal gland- gland near the kidney
BI- Two/both Bicuspids-are transitional teeth located between the canine and molar teeth
BLASTO Growth Blastoma- type of cancer; more common in children
BRACHY Short Brachycophaly, brachydactyly
BRADY Long Bradycardia- has very low heart rate

DIPLO Double
DYS- Difficult/painful Dysmenorrhea- is pain during menstruation
ECTO- Outside Ectoderm- one of the three primary germ layers in the very early embryo
Endometriosis- a disorder in which the tissue that forms the lining of your uterus
ENDO- Inside
grows outside of your uterine cavity
EDEM Swelling
EU Normal
HAPLO Single, simple
HYPER- Excessive/above Hyperkalemia- high amount of potassium in the blood
HYPO- Beneath/below Hypothalamus- part of the brain controlling the body temp


Distinct, peculiar
to an individual
Interneurons found in the brain enabling communication between sensory or
INTER- Between
motor neurons and the central nervous system (CNS)
INTRA- within/inside Intramuscular- into a muscle
MEGA Great Megakaryocyte
META beyond Metamyelocyte
NARCO Sleep Narcolepsy
PAN All Pancytopenia


beside, about,
PARA- Parasite- an organism that lives in or on another organism
PERI- Around Pericarditis- an inflammation of the lining surrounding the heart
PRE- Before Prenatal- before birth
POST- after Postmortem- an examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death.
PSEUDO false Pseudohyperkalemia- false increase of Potassium
TACHY fast

Suffix- The ending part of the word that modifies the meaning of the word.
-AEMIA/ -EMIA Pertaining to Leukemia- cancer of blood cells
-ALGIA Pain Myalgia- pain in a muscle or group of muscles.
-ARY pertaining to Urinary system - organs responsible for eliminating urine
-ASTHENIA Without strength Thrombasthemia- abnormality/weakening of platelets
-CELE hernia, pouching Pseudocele- a hollow space of an organ
-ECTOMY Excision/removal Appendectomy- removal of the appendix


-ITIS inflammation Bronchitis- inflammation of the bronchi
Origin or
-GENIC Oxygenic- production of oxygen
-OLOGY study/science of Cytology- study of cells
-OMA Tumor granuloma- a mass of granulation tissue
-PATHY Disease Adenopathy- swollen lymph nodes
-OSIS Disease/condition Arteriosclerosis- the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries

➢ a medical dictionary terminologies which covers healthcare words, diseases, procedures, medical jargons and
Mono-, uni- One Unilateral
Bi- Two Bilateral
Tri- Three Triplicate


Ab- Away from Abduction
Ad- Toward Adherent
Ecto-, exo- Outside Exocytosis
Endo- Inside Endoderm
Epi- Upon Epinephrine
Abdominal Abdomen
Buccal Cheek
Cranial Skull
Digital Fingers and Toes
Femoral Thigh
Gluteal Buttock
Hallux Great toe
Inguinal Groin
Loin (Lowest part of the spine below the false ribs and
between the hips)
Mammary Breast
Nasal Nose
Occipital Back of head
Pectoral Chest
Sternal Breastbone
Thoracic Chest
Umbilical Navel
Ventral Belly


At or near the front
Anterior or ventral “Anterior nerves”
surface of the body
At or near the real
Posterior or dorsal surface of the body “Dorsal surface of the hand”

Superior Above “Superior (cranial) aspect”

Inferior Below “Inferior aspect”
Lateral Side “Lateral aspect”
Farthest from the
Distal “Axons distal to the injury”
Nearest form the
Proximal “Proximal end of the forearm”

➢ Forming proper plurals of medical words is one of the more challenging aspects of medical transcription. The
problem is exacerbated by the fact that even dictating physicians frequently have difficulty with plurals.

1. Terms that end in "a", for plural add an "e".

➢ Example: vertebra (singular), vertebrae (plural)
2. Terms that end in "is", for plural change it to "es".
➢ Example: diagnosis (singular), diagnoses (plural)
3. Terms that end in "ex" or "ix" for plural replace with "ices".
➢ Example: cervix (singular), cervices (plural)
4. Terms that end in "on" for plural replace it with "a".
➢ Example: criterion (singular), criteria (plural)
5. Terms that end in "um" for plural replace it with "a".
➢ Example: bacterium (singular), bacteria (plural)
6. Terms that end in "us" for plural replace it with "i".
➢ Example: bronchus (singular), bronchi (plural)
7. Terms that end in "itis" for plural replace it with "itides".
➢ Example: arthritis (singular), arthritides(plural)
8. Terms that end in "nx" for plural replace it with "nges".
➢ Example: phalanx (singular), phalanges (plural)
9. Terms that end in "y" for plural replace it with "ies".
➢ Example: therapy (singular), therapies (plural)
10. Terms that end in "x" for plural replace it with "ces".
➢ Example: thorax (singular), thoraces (plural)

10 Common Exceptions to Basic Plural Rules

1. Sometimes the proper plural of a word ending in is will be formed by dropping the “is” and adding “ides.”
➢ For example, “epididymis” becomes “epididymides.”

2. Sometimes the proper plural of a word ending in “us” will be formed by dropping the “us” and adding “era” or “ora.”
➢ For example: “viscus” becomes “viscera”; “corpus” becomes “corpora.”

3. Some words ending in “ix “or “ax” have more than one acceptable plural form.
➢ For example, the plural of “appendix” can be either “appendices” or “appendixes,” although the most
common plural form would utilize the “ices” ending.

4. The proper plural for certain words ending in “ion” can be formed simply by adding an “s.”
➢ For example, “chorion” becomes “chorions.”

5. The plural form of the term “vas” is “vasa.”

6. The plural form of “pons” is “pontes.”
7. The plural form of the dual meaning word “os” is “ora” when referring to “mouths” and “ossa” when referring to
8. The plural form of the term “femur” is “femora.”
9. The plural form of “cornu” is “cornua.”
10. The plural form of “paries” is “parietes

➢ A shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole word or phrase.
aurus(ear) dexteror sinister (right or
a, ad, as
Ā before (i.e. ac, before meals)
c or ċ With
d/c or dc
d/c or dc discontinue
dtd give of such doses
gtt drops
h hour

✓ AA – amino acid
✓ ABG – arterial blood gas
✓ ADM – admission, admitted
✓ ASAP – as soon as possible
✓ ALS – advanced life support
✓ AMA – against medical advice, American Medical Association
✓ ASAP – as soon as possible
✓ A&W – alive and well
✓ C – centigrade, Celsius
✓ C/O – complains of
✓ CC – cubic centimeter, chief complaint, critical care, complications, carbon copy
✓ CO2 – carbon dioxide
✓ D/C – discontinue or discharge
✓ DNR – do not resuscitate
✓ DO – disorder
✓ DOA – dead on arrival or date of admission
✓ DOB – date of birth
✓ DOT – directly observed therapy
✓ DSM – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders
✓ EDC – estimated date of confinement
✓ EDD – estimated delivery date
✓ EGA – estimated gestational age
✓ ER – emergency room
✓ F – Fahrenheit
✓ FNF – finger to nose
✓ H&P – history and physical examination
✓ HPI – history of present illness
✓ H/O – history of
✓ HR – heart rate or hour
✓ HS – hour of sleep (bedtime)
✓ ICU – intensive care unit
✓ ID – infectious diseases
✓ IP – inpatient
✓ IQ – intelligence quotient
✓ IU – international units
✓ MCO – managed care organization
✓ MG – milligram
✓ MVA – motor vehicle accident
✓ ML – milliliter
✓ NKDA – no known drug allergies
✓ NTG – nitroglycerin
✓ O2 – oxygen
✓ OPD – outpatient department
✓ P – pulse
✓ Post-op – postoperative (after surgery)
✓ Pre-op – preoperative (before surgery)
✓ PA or PT – patient
✓ PCP – primary care physician
✓ RBC – red blood cell
✓ RF – risk factor
✓ S – without
✓ SX – symptoms
✓ S/S – signs and symptoms
✓ STAT – statim - immediate
✓ T – temperature
✓ TPR – temperature, pulse, respiration
✓ USOH – usual state of health
✓ VS – vital signs
✓ VSS – vital signs stable
✓ WB – whole blood
✓ WBC – white blood cell
✓ WNL – within normal limits
✓ CPR – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
✓ Dx – diagnosis
✓ ECG – Electrocardiogram
✓ ER – Emergency Room
✓ ICU – Intensive Care Unit
✓ NICU – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
✓ PICU – Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
✓ CCU – Critical Care Unit
✓ NB – new born
✓ NPO – non per orem; nothing by mouth
✓ QNS – quantity not sufficient
✓ R/O – rule out
✓ Rx – prescription
✓ Px – patient
✓ xPx – specimen
✓ Tx – treatment
✓ WD – wound (e.g. gunshot WD – gunshot wound)
✓ CHED – Commission on Higher Education
✓ AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
✓ HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
✓ AIDs – Auto Immune Disease/Disorder
✓ HACT – HIV AIDS Coretime
✓ FBS – Fasting Blood Sugar
✓ CBC – complete blood count
✓ PC – platelet count (in hematology); platelet concentration (in blood blank)
✓ PRBC – pack red blood cells
✓ FPG – Fasting Plasma Glucose (in clinical microscopy)
✓ BUA – blood uric acid (in clinical microscopy)
✓ BUN – blood urea nitrogen (in clinical chemistry)
✓ OGTT- Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

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