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IBM® Tivoli® Software

Maximo Asset Management – Version 7.6 Releases

Maximo Content and Business Intelligence Packs

Pam Denny
Maximo Report Designer/Architect

Revision History v

1 Overview 6

1.1 Target Users .............................................................................................. 7

2 Workspace Components 9

2.1 Workspace - Views ................................................................................... 10

2.2 Workspace - Filters ................................................................................... 11

2.3 Workspace - Reports................................................................................. 12

3 Content 14

4 Work Order Management 16

4.1 Work Order - Critical Asset ........................................................................ 17

4.2 Work Order - Work Classification Workspace .............................................. 18

4.3 Work Order - Work Priority Workspace ....................................................... 19

4.4 Work Order - Work type workspace............................................................ 20

4.5 Work Order Management Metric Reports ................................................... 21

4.5.1 Backlog Work Order Metric Report ............................................................ 22

4.5.2 Overdue Work Order Metric Report ........................................................... 24
4.5.3 Unplanned Work Order Metric Reports ...................................................... 26
4.5.4 Actual to Estimated Work Order Cost Report.............................................. 28

5 Asset Management 30

5.1 Asset Management - Classification Workspace............................................ 31

5.2 Asset Management – Critical Assets Workspace .......................................... 32

5.3 Asset Management – Failure Class Workspace ............................................ 33

5.4 Asset Management Reports ...................................................................... 34

5.4.1 Asset Cost Analysis Report ........................................................................ 34

5.4.2 Asset Spare Part Report ............................................................................ 36
5.4.3 Asset PM Plan Report ................................................................................ 38

6 Asset Failure 40

6.1 Asset Failure - Classification Workspace ..................................................... 41

6.2 Asset Failure – Critical Assets Workspace.................................................... 42

6.3 Asset Failure – Failure Class Workspace ...................................................... 43

6.4 Asset Failure Reports ................................................................................ 44

6.4.1 Asset Failure Report .................................................................................. 44

7 Inventory Management 46

7.1 Inventory Management - Storeroom Workspace ......................................... 47

7.2 Inventory Management – Commodity Group Workspace ............................. 48

7.3 Inventory Management – ABC Type Workspace .......................................... 49

7.4 Inventory Management Reports ................................................................ 50

7.4.1 Inventory Turns Report.............................................................................. 50

7.4.2 Inventory Currency Report......................................................................... 52

7.4.3 Work Order Material Stockouts Report ...................................................... 54
7.4.4 Inactive Inventory Report .......................................................................... 56

8 Maximo BI System Workspaces 58

8.1 Launching Workspace............................................................................... 58

9 Navigating 59

9.1 Content Structure in Cognos ..................................................................... 59

9.2 Accessing Workspaces .............................................................................. 62

9.3 Executing Metric Report from Cognos ........................................................ 63

10 Workspace Configuration and Best Practices 64

10.1 Workspace Configuration – Filters.............................................................. 64

10.2 Workspace Configuration – Filter Values..................................................... 67

Maximo Reference Materials 68

Cognos Reference Materials 69

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2015

US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.


Date Version Revised Comments

December 2014 PDenny

1 Overview
Maximo Business Intelligence (BI) packs enable a deeper, visual insight into key functional areas of your
business including Work Order, Asset, Asset Failure and Inventory Management. Dynamic, configurable
metrics in these key areas provide immediate visual displays of the status of these critical functional areas.

The Maximo BI Packs are included in the Maximo® 7.6x releases. A key component to this functionality is
the integration to IBM Cognos ® Reporting Version 10.2.1 . With Cognos 10.2.1, additional tools are
available for you to visualize and analyze the Maximo data. These tools include Cognos Workspace, which
enable the dynamic, visual display of the Maximo data via metric reports.

This document details the content contained within the Maximo BI Packs, including the application
workspaces and reports, and how you can best apply them in your unique environment.

1. The Maximo BI packs require Cognos 10.2.1. Therefore, to utilize this content, you must have Cognos
configured for use with Maximo 7.6. .

2. The trending workspace component of the Maximo BI Packs is not included in this guide. Details on
that content and how it can be configured for your environment will be located on IBM's ISM Library.

1.1 Target Users

Before reviewing the Maximo BI Packs content, it is critical to understand the target users of this content.
Frequently, when describing Maximo users in terms of reporting and data analysis, they are placed in the
five categories shown here. These categories are based on the user’s job requirements and skill sets within

The pyramid is used to highlight that the percentage of users decreases as you move up the pyramid. The
enterprise users shown on the bottom is your largest segment of users, as compared to the other
categories of users as you move upward thru the pyramid. For example, the percentage of power users in
your company is significantly less than the percentage of enterprise or application users.

The Enterprise User is someone who accesses a very few number of Maximo applications, and limited
number of reports. These users are very reliant on a guided user experience in Maximo, and rely heavily on
features like Direct Print where they can click on an icon, and the report automatically prints.

The Application User accesses a great number of Maximo applications, and a greater number of reports.
This individual is reliant on a number of different reports for use in his daily business tasks, and he may
often schedule them to execute on a recurring basis.

In the middle of the pyramid is the Power User. This is the user who wants access to all Maximo
applications, and all reports. These are the users who often request ‘backend database access’.
Additionally, they are often tasked by Management to investigate issues or trends, and have the ability to
visualize data output in a variety of ways.

Then, on the top of our pyramid are our most technical users who are the Developer and Administrator.
These users do not consume report output like our previous users – instead they are responsible for
creating and maintaining it. The Developer has very deep knowledge of databases, sql, java and creates
complex reports. Likewise, the administrator has very strong technical skill sets, and focuses on database
management, networking and security.

To further associate with these users, job categories and titles can be assigned as shown below. For
example, an Enterprise user may be a technician, whereas a power user may be an Engineer, Business
Analyst or a Planner.

The Maximo BI Packs target the Maximo Power user. This user is a small percentage of your Maximo user
base. This user has a very high level of technical skills and database understanding, along with the
business need to analyze data in many different formats and views.

The data the power user will be viewing in this content will not have the same User Interface or Actions as
Maximo. Additionally, the initial views of the data may not be what the user requires. Therefore, the user
will be required to utilize visualization and investigative skills to dynamically refresh the data to meet his
individual, specific project needs.

Matching the Maximo BI Packs to the skill sets of your Power users provides a powerful combination in
analyzing your Maximo data.

2 Workspace Components
Before reviewing the content of the workspaces, this section highlights the workspace components. The
application workspaces included in the Maximo 76 release consist of 3 key components as highlighted in
the screen shot below

1. Views - Tabs enabling views of the same metrics using different filters

2. Filters - Parameters enabling analysis of data by different characteristics

3. Reports - Content of application metrics

2.1 Workspace - Views
Utilizing the tabs at the top or the bottom of the workspace enables you to quickly view
the same metrics using different filters. In the example below, the Asset Metrics -
Average Maintenance Costs, Actual to Budget Costs, Assets with PM Plans and Spare
Parts - can be evaluated by using either a classification, asset or failure class parameter.

This method enables your users a deeper insight into these metrics to more quickly
analyze and take action on the findings.

2.2 Workspace - Filters

Filters enabler your users to quickly filter the content delivered in the reports for their unique business or
analysis need.

In this example, the user can quickly filter on various work types - PM, EM, CP, CM etc - to quickly view the
metrics for those particular filters.

*Note: If you select filters for an individual workspace - like Work Order by Work Type - those same filters
do not automatically apply to other related workspaces. Each workspace must have its own individual
filter values selected.

For more details on filters, right click on the filter, select properties and then its dialog opens.

2.3 Workspace - Reports
Each workspace contains four reports as shown in the example below. These reports
were developed in Cognos Report Studio

To find out more information on a report, right click on it, select Properties and the dialog below displays.
Within the dialog, you can review where the report is located.

You can add and remove individual reports within the workspaces by expanding the directory on the far
right hand side of the workspace.

As you do this, you may want to first consider if the report utilizes the same filters that are displayed within
the workspace. This may or may not be an important factor for you.

- A subset of the reports in the delivered workspaces do not utilize the workspace filters. It was
configured this way to highlight the wide variety of configuration options available to you.

3 Content
The Maximo content developed within Cognos is often referred to as BI or Business Intelligence packs. The
BI Pack terminology was developed to signify that the content was focused on specific areas or
applications within Maximo. These applications include Work Order, Asset Failure, Asset and Inventory
Management. Within these four areas, the following application workspaces and reports are delivered in
Maximo 76

Work Order Management Application Workspaces

Work Type Workspace
Work Priority Workspace
Critical Assets Workspace
Classification Workspace

Work Order Metric Reports

Backlog Work Orders
Overdue Work Orders
Unplanned Work Orders
Actual to Estimated Work Order Costs

Asset Failure Application Workspaces

Failure Class Workspace
Critical Assets Workspace
Classification Workspace

Asset Failure Metric Report

Including Asset Availability, Number of Failures, MTBF, and MTTR

Asset Management Application Workspaces

Failure Class Workspace
Critical Assets Workspace
Classification Workspace

Asset Management Reports

Asset Cost Analysis
Asset Spare Part Details
Asset PM Analysis

Inventory Management Application Workspaces

Storeroom Workspace
Commodity Group Workspace
ABC Type Workspace

Inventory Management Reports

Inventory Turns
Inventory Currency
Material Stock outs by Work Type
Inactive Inventory

Maximo BI System Workspaces - Launching Page


These application workspaces and metric reports highlight non-performing areas within your work, asset
and inventory management. Their focus is on visual, intuitive, configurable metrics that can be
incorporated within your Maximo-Cognos environment. No Maximo code or database modifications are
required to utilize this functionality.

Enabling this content are a number of IBM Cognos Products including

Cognos Workspace: For display of Workspaces
Report Studio: For creation and modification of Metric Reports
Cognos Connection: For access and display of Metric Reports
Cognos Administration: For importing of content, data source and security management

Additional details on each workspace and report is contained within the sections below.

4 Work Order Management
With the Maximo BI Packs, your Maximo power users to independently explore, visualize and analyze
Maximo data. Utilizing the workspaces, these users can create, modify and share their content
highlighting areas critical to your business.

With the Maximo BI packs, four different Work Order Management Workspaces have been created.
These workspaces present visualizations of work order metrics in varying views. These views can be
dynamically re-configured enabling you to focus on content most critical in your environment.

To highlight the configurability and dynamic display of this functionality, the four different work order
workspaces have been designed to utilize the same work order metrics. By varying the filters on each
workspace page – the user is able to very quickly view the metrics in the manner most important to him.
So whether he is interested in viewing the work order metrics by PM Worktype, for a site’s Critical Assets
or by Safety Work Order Classification – the Work Order Management Workspaces enable that capability.

The chart below highlights the four different work order workspaces – and the reuse of the metrics on
each. Following this, additional details on each of these workspaces are provided.

Backlog Work Overdue Work Unplanned Work Estimated versus

Order Metric Order Metric Order Metric Actual Cost Metric

Work Type X X X X

Work Priority X X X X

Critical Assets X X X X

Classification X X X X

4.1 Work Order - Critical Asset

Your business relies on critical assets within your organization. These assets may be vital to production
processes, reliability of your operation, or safety processes. Critical assets are identified in Maximo in the
field, Asset Priority.

Using the Critical Asset Workspace, you can manage the work orders related to your most critical assets.
by filtering on Asset Priority and Site. This gives you insight on your Backlog, Overdue and Unplanned
Work Orders for these critical assets, along with a historical view of their estimated to actual costs.

By varying the graphs and views, your user can continue to explore these metrics for your most critical

4.2 Work Order - Work Classification Workspace
Classifications can be used to further categorize your work orders. This can enable you to better
understand where your work load is. This can be especially important in your Work Order Backlog – so you
can better plan labor, materials, services and tools to minimize any Overdue Work Orders.

Classifications provide an additional dynamic attribute that your data analyst can query on to get a better
understanding of your work orders. Whether the classification provides additional details on the
categorization of work – like Electrical, Plumbing, or Mechanical – or additional details on the Work Order
Type – Safety Operations, Safety Chemicals, Safety Machinery – this information provides key data for
future preventative and planning purposes.

The classification workspace provides four key metrics – Backlog, Overdue and Unplanned Work orders,
along with Estimated versus Actual Costs – as a starting point for your analysis of this data.

4.3 Work Order - Work Priority Workspace

You can assign priorities to your work orders to highlight the most critical work to all members of your
organization. These priorities may be based on Safety related work, critical Capital Projects with non-
negotiable schedule dates or preventative maintenance work related to key locations or your business.

Within the Work Priority Workspace, you can then focus on your most critical work orders by filtering on
Site and Work Priority. This quickly gives you insight to view your Backlog Work Orders, Overdue Work
Orders, Unplanned Work Orders and Actual to Estimated Costs by highest priority.

Whether your top priority work orders are classified as a 1 or a 9, utilizing the priority filter and other
workspace features, will enable you to see whether your overdue work orders are the critical ones for your
operation, or if they are the work orders less critical to your business.

4.4 Work Order - Work type workspace

The Work Type Workspace enables you to view Work Order metrics by filtering on Site and Work Type.
Four metrics are initially displayed in the Workspace – Backlog Work Orders, Overdue Work Orders,
Unplanned Work Orders and Actual to Estimated Costs.

Filtering your work orders by work type is a key best practice. Using the filters, you can quickly display
these metrics to view you’re the data in a variety of ways including
Preventive Maintenance Work Order Metrics (Filter by Work Type = PM)
Emergency Work Order Metrics (Filter by Work Type = EM)
Reactive Work Order Metrics (Filter by Work Type = EM and CM)

4.5 Work Order Management Metric Reports

In addition to the Work Order Management workspaces, a suite of Work Order Metric reports are also
included. These reports provide additional details for each of the metrics. These details include detailed
information on the work orders, descriptions, assets, locations, costs and related information.

Providing this content in the reports provides the user additional drilldown details if he needs.
Additionally, these reports can be scheduled, emailed, printed, saved and exported to additional file
formats if required.

Note: Each of these metrics reports was created in Cognos Report Studio. This tool is intended for Report
Developers with detailed knowledge of sql, programming logic, HTML, and java scripting.

4.5.1 Backlog Work Order Metric Report
The Backlog Work Order report is intended to display the number of work orders in your backlog, or your
current work. This insight on your current workload offers you additional data points which can be used
for scheduling and planning purposes.

Report Details:
A backlog work order is an Open Workorder that has not been completed. These are work orders whose
status is not Closed, Complete or Cancelled.

Task work orders are not included in this report. Additionally, only work orders with work order class =
WORKORDER, are included in this query.

In addition to a listing of backlogged work orders, their estimated duration is displayed as the last column
on the right as an estimate of the manpower resources required.

The report results are grouped by Site. They are then sorted in ascending order of Scheduled Start Date,
so you can view the work orders that have been in your backlog the longest.

A number of parameters are available for this report to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed.
These parameters include Work Type, Work Priority, Classification, Asset Priority, Site, and Scheduled
Start Date.

A column chart displays on the first page of this report. This chart displays the work order backlog by
Work Type. Work type is displayed on the X Axis, and the number of work orders is on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Operations Managers, Maintenance Managers, Supervisors,
Superintendents, and Planners

Sample Output

The output below shows the Work Order Backlog report generated for Sites Bedford, Laredo and Texas.
The graph displays the output grouped by Work Type, and the first column highlights the grouping on Site.

On the last page of the report, totals are displayed for the number of work orders, along with the total
estimated duration of the backlog.

4.5.2 Overdue Work Order Metric Report
This report quantifies the level of work not completed by scheduled completion date. Timely completion
of work orders is critical for safety work orders, along with high priority assets or work orders. Delays in
completing work orders can quickly lead to a mounting backlog of work orders and project work,
rescheduling of other work orders, non-compliance to SLAs, along with schedule and cost overruns.

Report Details:
A work order is overdue under the following conditions
1. It has a work order status of not Closed, Complete or Cancelled.
2. The current date is greater than the Scheduled Finish Date of the Workorder.
- If the Scheduled Finish date is null, Target Finish date is used.
- If the Target Finish Date is null, Report date will be used.

Task work orders are not included in this report. Additionally, only work orders with work order class =
WORKORDER, are included in this query.

The column, Days Overdue, displays on the last column in this report. This value is calculated by
subtracting the Work Order’s Scheduled Finish Date from the Current Date. If the Scheduled Finish Date is
null, the Target Finish date is used. If the Target Finish date is null, then the report date is used.

At the end of the report, the Average Number of Days Overdue is displayed. This is calculated by summing
the total Number of Days Overdue, divided by the number of work orders.

The report results are grouped by Site. They are then sorted in descending order of Days Overdue, so you
can view and focus on the work orders that have been overdue the longest.

Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters
include Work Type, Work Priority, Classification, Asset Priority, Site, and Scheduled Start Date.

A column chart displays on the first page of this report. This chart displays the overdue work orders by
Work Type. Work type is displayed on the X Axis, and the number of work orders is on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Operations Managers, Maintenance Managers, Supervisors, Planners
and Safety Managers

Sample Output

The sample output below shows the Overdue Work Order report when three site values are selected as
parameter inputs. A column chart displays the overdue work orders by worktype, and the resulting data is
then shown in a list tab format, grouped by Site.

At the end of the report, values for the Total number of Work orders, and the Average Number of Days
Overdue are displayed.

4.5.3 Unplanned Work Order Metric Reports
This report quantifies the level of active work that is not planned. The percentage of unplanned work
orders in your environment should be low. High percentages of unplanned work can quickly lead to
increases in work order backlog, along with unplanned labor costs and material expediting fees.

Report Details:
Unplanned work orders are those whose Worktype is Emergency or Corrective Work, or Worktype EM and

Additionally, only active work is included in this report. Active work is classified as those work orders that
are not in Closed, Completed or Cancelled Status.

Task work orders are not included in this report. Additionally, only work orders with work order class =
WORKORDER, are included in this query.

At the end of the report, the Average Number of Days Overdue is displayed. This is calculated by summing
the total Number of Days Overdue, divided by the number of work orders.

The report results are grouped by Site. They are then sorted in ascending order of the Scheduled Start

Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters
include Work Type, Work Priority, Classification, Asset Priority, Site, and Scheduled Start Date.

A column chart displays on the first page of this report. This chart plots the Unplanned WO Labor Hours to
Planned WO Labor Hours by Site. Site is displayed on the X Axis, and the percentage of Unplanned Work
Order Labor Hours is on the Y Axis.

Unplanned WO Labor Hour % = (Sum(Estimated Duration where WOTYPE = CM, EM)/ Sum Total
Estimated Duration) * 100%
Planned WO Labor Hours % = 100 – Unplanned WO Labor Hours %

Users of this metric report include Operations Managers, Maintenance Managers, Supervisors, Planners
and Safety Managers

Sample Output

Below is a sample pdf output of the Unplanned Work Order report. In this case, the report was executed
against three site parameter values of Bedford, Laredo and Texas along with Work Priority values of 1, 2, 3
and 9. A column chart displayed the Unplanned Work Order First page of the report showing graph,
grouping and sorting.

At the end of the report, the total of Estimated Labor Hours is displayed.

Last page of the report showing totals for Average Number of Days Overdue.

4.5.4 Actual to Estimated Work Order Cost Report
This report highlights if the planned labor, material, service and tool costs are being met. Work Orders
with high percentage values exceeding 100% indicate that the actual costs exceed the planned costs. This
could indicate unplanned labor hours or outside labor, unexpected material or tool costs, or incorrect

Report Details:
Only Work Orders with closed, completed or cancelled work orders are included in this calculation. This
enables the completed actual costs to be evaluated against the estimated costs for the work order.

The report utilizes the cost estimates prepared at Work Order Generation for its calculations. Additionally,
if you need, the cost estimates at Work Order Approval are also listed in this report. Costs for labor,
material, tools and outside services are included in this report.

The values of this report will display in percentages. Values less than 100% indicate work orders being
completed under plan. Values greater than 100% indicate cost over-runs

Task work orders are not included in this report. Additionally, only work orders with work order class =
WORKORDER, are included in this query.

Actual to Estimated Cost Calculation

The report includes a field titled ‘Actual to Estimated Costs’. This value is calculated by
(The total of Actual Costs) divided by (The total Estimated Costs at WO Approval)

If Estimated Costs at WO Approval Null, the report will use

(The total of Actual Costs) divided by (The total Estimated Costs at WO Generation)

The report results are grouped by Site. Then, the results are displayed in descending order of Actual to
Estimated Costs. This enables the user to focus on the work orders with the highest variances on
estimated costs.

Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters
include Work Type, Work Priority, Classification, Asset Priority, Site, and Scheduled Start Date.

This report contains a column chart on the first page, which plots the Actual to Work Order Costs by Work
Type. Work type is displayed on the X Axis and the percentage of Actual to Estimated is on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Operations Managers, Maintenance Managers, Supervisors and

Sample Output

When this report is executed, the report first displays a column change of the percentage of actual to
estimated costs by work order types. In the example below, three site values were entered, along with
three work order types.

After the graph is displayed, the details of the records are displayed. This content is grouped by site, and
includes the calculated Value of ‘Actual to Estimated Costs’.

5 Asset Management
Also included within the Maximo BI Packs are the Asset Management reports and workspaces. These
focus on visually identifying key asset characteristics including Asset Costs, Assets with Preventative
Maintenance Plans and Assets with Spare parts.

Like the other workspaces, the Asset Management workspaces are designed to utilize the same critical
asset management metrics – but enabling varying filters on each page. This provides a deeper insight on
the same information in a variety of meaningful formats.

The chart below highlights the different asset failure workspaces – and the reuse of the metrics on each.
Following this, additional details on each of these workspaces are provided.

Average Actual to Budget % Assets with % Assets with PM

Maintenance Costs Costs Spare Parts Plans

Failure Class X X X X

Critical Assets X X X X

Classification X X X X

5.1 Asset Management - Classification Workspace

Classifying your assets is critical in providing insight on comparisons of assets. With the Classification
Workspace, you can quickly compare actual and historical costs of assets with the same classification. This
can provide important insight as to the types of assets you may need to focus on.

An example of this is the Average Maintenance Cost metric below. Your attention may become focused
on the Centrifugal Pump Classification of assets whose Actual costs greatly exceed the budgeted costs..
This information can be critical to planners, engineers, contract managers and operations managers to
explore to determine if this metric highlights a higher rate of failures than planned or potentially
component or environmental issues.

By varying the graph types, views and parameters, you can continue to explore these metrics in more

5.2 Asset Management – Critical Assets Workspace
The critical assets in your business often define the health of your operation. If these assets are not
properly maintained, your business processes may be severely impacted. Critical assets are identified in
Maximo in the field, Asset Priority.

Using the Critical Asset Management Workspace, you can view the costs related to your most critical
assets. Additionally, you can quickly view if your critical assets have Preventative Maintenance Plans and
Spare parts assigned to them. Both of these items are key to insuring maximum availability of these items.

Varying the graph types and filters - quickly highlight that only one site in the organization applies PM
Plans and Spare Part lists to their assets. Without these critical components, assets are unable to be
maintained properly.

5.3 Asset Management – Failure Class Workspace

Failure Classes provide another mechanism for you to view and analyze your assets. The graphs below
immediately highlight that the Assets with Failure Classes of Packaging (PKG) and Production (PROD)
have a much greater percentage of having both Spare Parts and PM Plans assigned to them and
subsequently, less downtime is expected.

To enable you to further drill into this metric, modify the views and parameters for a very different view of
the same data. Or navigate to the other views of asset failures by utilizing the tab feature within the

5.4 Asset Management Reports
5.4.1 Asset Cost Analysis Report

This report highlights the costs associated to assets. This provides valuable information in determining if
the asset’s maintenance costs are as planned or if they are being exceeded. Excessive costs may indicate
that the asset is either not being maintained properly, or it is aging rapidly and may be due for

Report Details:

This report provides two key cost values which included its actual to budgeted costs, and also its average
maintenance cost per years of use.

The Actual to Budgeted Costs is calculated by the Asset’s Year to date cost ( ASSET.YTDCOST) divided by
its yearly budgeted cost (ASSET.BUDGETCOST)

To derive the average maintenance cost, first the ‘Years of Use’ for the asset is calculated. This is derived
by subtracting the asset’s Installation Date from the Current Date, and displaying the value in years. Then
the Average Maintenance Cost is calculated by dividing the Asset Total Cost (ASSET.TOTALCOST) by the
Years of Use.

*Note: Only assets which have at least one of these conditions - ASSET.TOTALCOST > 0 OR
ASSET.BUDGETCOST > 0 are included in this report.

The report results are grouped by Site. Then the results are sorted in Descending order of Average
Maintenance Cost. Totals and Averages are provided at the end of each grouping.

Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters
include Status, Failure Class, Classification, Site, Priority and Location.

Two charts display on the first page of this report. This first chart displays Asset Budget to Actual Costs.
Percentage is displayed on the X Axis, and Site is displayed on the Y Axis.

The second chart displays Average Maintenance Costs. Average Costs are displayed on the X Axis, and
Site is displayed on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Engineers, Contract Managers, and Operations Managers

Sample Output

Below is a sample pdf output of the Asset Cost Analysis report. The two charts of Asset Actual to Budget
Costs and Average Maintenance Cost are displayed first. Then, the details of the individual assets,
grouped by site are displayed.

Report Charts

Report Details

5.4.2 Asset Spare Part Report
This report details the assets with Spare Parts assigned to them. This information is critical in predicting
inventory requirements in minimizing asset downtime.

The goal is to maximize the percentage of assets that have Spare Part Plans. Understanding spare part
requirements enables Supply Chain Planners and Managers to better predict inventory requirements to
minimize asset downtime.

Additionally, a secondary purpose of this report is to highlight the inventory of the spare parts which may
be assigned.

Report Details:
The Asset Spare part metric is calculated as a percentage of the total number of assets which have at least
one Spare Part Item to the total number of assets.

Then, the reserved and current balance of the spare part items are displayed in this report.

*Note: This report is intended to give a top level view of the inventory for the spare part items. Therefore,
condition codes are not taken into consideration.

A number of groupings are contained in this report due to the multiple relationships of Spare Parts and
their Inventory locations.
- The first grouping is on Site
- The second grouping is on Asset
- The third grouping is on Available Quantity

Then, to draw the user’s attention to potential issues, the assets which have no spare parts (Spare Part
Number is null) are displayed first. Then, the remaining results are displayed in ascending order of Asset
Number and Siteid.

Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters
include Type, Failure Class, Classification, Site, Priority and Location.

A column chart plots the Assets with Spare Parts to Assets without Spare Parts by Site. Site is displayed on
the X Axis and the percentage is displayed on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Planners, Supply Chain Managers, Contract Managers, Engineers

Sample Output

A sample report output of the Asset Spare Part Metric report is shown below. The graph immediately
conveys that the vast majority of the assets for the selected parameters (Site Bedford, Type Production) do
not have any spare parts assigned to them.

Then, the specific information on these individual assets can be found in details below.

Report Chart

Report Details

5.4.3 Asset PM Plan Report

This report details the assets with PM plans associated to them. This information is critical insuring that
plans are in place to properly maintain the asset.

Report Details:
Similar to the Asset Spare Part report, the Asset PM Metric is calculated as a percentage of the total
number of assets which have at least one Preventative Maintenance plan assigned to them as compared to
the total number of assets.

Because assets can have multiple PM Plans, the report lists all the PM plans which may be associated to the
asset. Additionally, information on PM forecasting and time frequency and units are listed.

The details of the report are first grouped by site. Then, because multiple PMs can be associated to an
Asset, the results are next grouped by Asset Number

Then, like the Asset Spare Part report, to draw the user’s attention to potential issues, the assets which
have no PM Plans are displayed first. Then, the remaining results are displayed in ascending order of Asset
Number and Siteid.

Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters
include Type, Failure Class, Classification, Site, Priority and Location.

A column chart plots the Assets with PM Plans to Assets without PM Plans by Site. Site is displayed on the
X Axis and the percentage is displayed on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Planners, Contract Managers, Operations Managers, Maintenance
Managers, and Engineers

Sample Output

In this case below, a number of locations within a site were selected for this report. This enables a user to
directly focus on the assets located in these sites to confirm if they each have PM Plans associated to them.
In this case, 33% of the assets did not have a PM Plan, and the detail section below provides more
information on this.

Report Chart

Report Details

6 Asset Failure
Also included within the Maximo BI Packs are the Asset Failure metric reports and workspaces. These
focus on visually identifying critical asset failure information including Number of Failures, MTBF, MTTR
and Asset Availability.

Similar to the other workspaces, the Asset Failure workspaces are designed to utilize the same critical
asset failure metrics – but enabling varying filters on each page. This enables your power users to view the
same information in a variety of meaningful formats.

By utilizing this configuration, your user can quickly visualize Asset Availability or Number of Failures for an
individual site by Failure Codes, Critical Assets or Classifications.

The chart below highlights the different asset failure workspaces – and the reuse of the metrics on each.
Following this, additional details on each of these workspaces are provided.

Number of Failures MTBF MTTR Asset Availability

Failure Class X X X X

Critical Assets X X X X

Classification X X X X

6.1 Asset Failure - Classification Workspace

As noted earlier, classifying your assets is critical in comparing asset performance. With the Classification
Workspace, you can visually display Asset Failure Metrics of assets by their Classification type. This can
provide important insight as to the types of assets you may need to focus on.

By varying the graph types, views and parameters, you can continue to explore these failure metrics - and
the importance of collecting complete data - including failure and classification data.

6.2 Asset Failure – Critical Assets Workspace
Utilizing the Asset Priority field in Maximo, you can quickly categorize the assets most critical to your
business. These assets may be vital to production processes, reliability of your operation, or safety

Then, by using the Critical Asset Workspace, and filtering on Asset Priority and Site – you can quickly see if
your most critical assets are failing more than your less critical assets.

6.3 Asset Failure – Failure Class Workspace

Failure Classes provide another mechanism for you to view the asset failure metrics. Using this view,
your eye immediately is draw to the overwhelming number of Spray Failure Class failures in the Texas site.
Your user can then explore this metric in more detail, including its relationship to the other metrics in this

In the scenario below, a different way of viewing this same data is presented by simply changing the axis
values for a unique perspective on the same data.

6.4 Asset Failure Reports
6.4.1 Asset Failure Report
This report displays a number of key metrics for an asset, including the number of failures, MTTR (Mean
Time To Repair), MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and Asset Availability. This information is shown in
a single report so the user has detailed information available to evaluate performance of various assets,
and to evaluate their life cycles.

The report provides answers to key questions including ‘How many times did the asset fail?’ ‘How long did
it take to repair the asset?’ ‘What is the length of time between an asset’s failures’ ‘What is the average
availability of the asset?

Report Details:
This report contains the four Asset metrics noted below:

Number of failures = Sum of work orders, whose problem code is not null, for the specified time period.

MTTR = (Total Downtime Hours) divided by (Total Number of Failures)

MTBF = (Total Availability Hours) divided by (Total Number of Failures)

Asset Availability = (Total (Scheduled Hours – Downtime Hours)) / (Total Scheduled Hours)

At the end of the report, the Average Number of Failures, MTBF, MTTR and Asset Availability are
displayed. Only assets with failures are displayed in this report.

1. The information provided in this report is very reliant on your business processes and the information
you collect in Maximo. For example, to capture the number of failures on an asset, problem codes must be
reported on the work order. Without this key data, these metrics cannot be utilized.

2. The Asset Availability calculation only takes into consideration downtimes started and completed
within the selected time frame. If an asset has downtime that either starts and/or ends outside the
selected time frame – it is not taken into consideration.

The report results are grouped by Site. They are then sorted in descending order of Number of Failures,
and then in descending order of MTTR.

Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters
include Asset Priority, Location, Failure Code, Site, Start Date and End Date.

Two charts display on the first page of this report. This first chart displays Asset Failures, where Location
is displayed on the X Axis, and the number of Asset Failures is on the Y Axis.

The second chart displays Asset Availability. In this graph, Location is also displayed on the X Axis and the
percentage of Asset Availability is on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Operations Managers, Maintenance Managers, Supervisors, Engineers,
and Planners.

Sample Output

Below is a sample pdf output of the Asset Failures report. In this case, the report was executed against
Bedford for four selected locations. Two column charts of Asset Failure and Asset Availability display first.
Then, individual report and metric details are displayed.

At the end of the report, averages of the four individual metrics are displayed.

Report Charts

Report Details

7 Inventory Management
The Inventory Management reports and workspaces focus on one of the key components of your
Enterprise Asset Management System - having the right materials at the right time.

These metrics will help you understand how well you are managing your inventory. Each metric -
Inventory Turns, Inventory Currency, Inactive Inventory and Work Order Material Stockouts - utilizes
varying filters so you can dynamically interact with the data to find the information you need.

The chart below highlights the different inventory management workspaces – and the reuse of the metrics
on each. Following this, additional details on each of these workspaces are provided.

Inventory Turns Inventory Currency Work Order Inactive Inventory

Material Stockouts

Storeroom X X X X

Commodity Group X X X X

ABC Type X X X X

7.1 Inventory Management - Storeroom Workspace

Analyzing your material by your sites and storeroom locations can provide critical insights on how active or
inactive the inventory is. With the Storeroom workspace, you can quickly see how often the inventory is
turning - along with the percentage of inactive inventory in each storeroom location.

In the workspace example below, the initial display may draw your attention to the large percentage of
inventory that is inactive in the Bedford site. While some inventory may need to be held for critical assets,
holding large volumes of inactive inventory can significantly impact the financial health of your business.

7.2 Inventory Management – Commodity Group Workspace
Classifying materials into commodity groups provides an additional way for you to manage your inventory.
These commodity groups could include Mechanical Items, Tools, Motors, Pumps or more If you have a
number of commodity groups you may want to utilize the filtering and display capability of the parameter
to display the information that is most important to you.

In the example below - you can see that there is numerous areas that are interesting to investigate. While
you may see that the material stockouts may be more applicable to a Work Order Workspace - but at the
same time - you may be drawn to seeing more details on the inventory transaction data.

In this case, the focus turned into a deeper evaluation of the Average Months Since Last Transaction and
Inactive inventory metrics. By exploring within the workspace - a very different view is enabled.

7.3 Inventory Management – ABC Type Workspace

Your A inventory items are very critical to your business. These items may be critical in terms of the assets
or processes they support, or because of their inventory value. Your B items are less important, and the C
items are least important in your business.

To help you focus on your most critical items, this inventory workspace enables key metrics, including
inventory turns, and inactive inventory by ABC type.

7.4 Inventory Management Reports
7.4.1 Inventory Turns Report

Intended for your Planners, Supply Chain. Operations and Contract Managers, the Inventory Turns report
highlights the inventory turns by storeroom and site. Low inventory ratios can indicate excessive or
obsolete inventory. High inventory ratios can indicate a more liquid inventory, but can also indicate
potential inventory shortages.

Report Details:

This report details the Number of Inventory Turns for the Storeroom locations within the selected sites.
Information supporting this value are the total inventory value and the total inventory value dispersed.
The Dispersed inventory value is calculated by summing up the Total amount of Issues and the total
amount of transfers.
The Number of Inventory turns is calculated by dividing the Total Dispersed inventory value over the Total
Inventory Value.

Because of the large number of items that may display, the results are first grouped by Site, and then by
Storeroom Location. These values are displayed in Ascending order of site, followed by Ascending order
of storeroom location.

Within each grouping, the results are sorted first by Inventory ABC Type in Ascending Order. This
enables you to focus on your high value items first.

At the end of each Site and Storeroom grouping, provide an Average of Inventory Turns

At the end of each Site and Storeroom, the average inventory turns is displayed.

Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters
include Site, ABC Type, Commodity Group, Storeroom Location, Start Date and End Date.

A column chart displays the Inventory Turns by ABC Type. The number of turns is displayed on the X Axis,
and ABC Type on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Planners, Supply Chain. Operations and Contract Managers

Sample Output

Below is a sample pdf output of the Inventory Turns report. The inventory turns by Inventory ABC type are
plotted in a column chart, followed by the individual details of the report.

7.4.2 Inventory Currency Report
The Inventory Currency Report enables you to see which item in your various storerooms are inactive.
This is critical information in determining if the current stock levels should be held, or if they should be
reduced for non-critical items

Report Details:
This report provides a view of the currency of your inventory. For the selected values, the date and
number of months since the last Inventory Transaction is displayed. Additionally, the current balance,
along with the reserved quantity and standard costs of the items are displayed.

Note: You may have items in your storerooms which have never had an inventory transaction. In this case,
they are considered 'inactive inventory'. These items are displayed in separate groupings after your active
inventory. They are identified with 'NA' in the 'Number of Months since Last Transaction' field.

For consistency, this report is grouped and sorted like the Inventory Turns report. The results are first
grouped by Site, and then by Storeroom Location. These values are displayed in Ascending order of site,
followed by Ascending order of storeroom location.

Within each grouping, the results are sorted first by Inventory ABC Type in Ascending Order. This
enables you to focus on your high value items first.

At the end of each Site and Storeroom grouping, an Average of Inventory Turns is displayed

Additionally, as noted above, the Inactive Inventory is displayed in separate groupings after the Active

The parameters for this report include: Site, ABC Type, Commodity Group, Storeroom Location.

A column chart plots the Average months since last transaction. The ABC Inventory Type is shown on the
X Axis and the Average number of months on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Planners, Supply Chain Managers, Contract Managers, Engineers

Sample Output

A sample report output of the Inventory Currency report is shown below. From viewing the graph, you can
immediately see that your A, B and C items each have a similar, and very long number of months since
their last transaction. Your uncategorized inventory is moving thru your storerooms at a much more rapid
pace. .

7.4.3 Work Order Material Stockouts Report

This report highlights the percentages of active work orders that are waiting on materials. Unavailability of
materials when they are needed can lead to increased asset downtime, increased re-planning and
individual management of work orders and increased tool, labor and material expediting fees.

Report Details:
This report highlights the number of active Work Orders waiting on Materials. This value is calculated by
dividing the number of work orders with a ‘Waiting on Material’ status, divided by the total number of work

This report only takes into consideration those work orders waiting on materials. It does not take into
consideration scenarios where materials are unavailable in storerooms when they are requested.

This report is grouped by site. At the end of each grouping, the Average number of days waiting on
materials is displayed, along with a count of the work orders.

The parameters for this report include: Site, Work Type, Work Priority, Asset Location Priority,
Classification and Scheduled Start date.

A column chart plots the Material Stockouts by Work Type. Work Type is displayed on the X Axis and
Number of Work Orders waiting on materials is on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Planners, Contract Managers, Operations Managers, Maintenance
Managers, and Engineers

Sample Output

This report immediately highlights which work orders are waiting on materials. When it is executed, you
can quickly see how may work orders - and what work order type are in this status. In the example below,
you can see that PM work orders are the highest quantity of those waiting on materials.

7.4.4 Inactive Inventory Report

By utilizing this report, you can quickly see the portion of your inventory which is inactive. This
information is critical in highlighting the percentage of your storeroom value that is tied up in unused

This report can highlight unused items which may be required to remain in inventory for spare part
requirements of a critical asset, while also highlighting items that may no longer or never be required.

Report Details:

This report highlights your inactive inventory or the portion of your inventory that is not used. Only items
which have never been issued are displayed in this report. These items are identified by where

Note: All items are included in the Total Inventory Value. The filter for inactive inventory only applies to
the records that are displayed within the report details

Similar to the other Inventory Management reports, a grouping is first applied at the Site level and then at
the Locations. The items are displayed in DESCENDING ORDER of Inventory Value. This will enable you
to focus on the storeroom locations with the largest inventory values.

Additionally, at the end of the inactive report listing, the total inactive inventory value is listed.

The parameters for this report are Site, ABC Type, Commodity Group, and Location. Site, ABC Type and
Location are required parameters. Site and ABC Type enable single parameter values only.

A column chart plots the Inactive Inventory for the selected parameters. For the selected site, the
storeroom locations are displayed on the X Axis and the percentage inactive is displayed on the Y Axis.

Users of this metric report include Planners, Supply Chain Managers, Operations Managers, Contract

Sample Output

8 Maximo BI System Workspaces
To maximize your use of the Maximo BI packs, two system workspaces have been created for navigation
options and information details. These include the launching page workspace enables you to quickly
navigate to a number of different workspaces. The Learn More workspace provides easy access to
detailed descriptions for each of the metrics.

8.1 Launching Workspace

The launching workspace enables you to quickly navigate between workspace pages. Under each of the
four categories, a link to its application workspace is available.

The Launching is located under publicmx76- Launching Workspaces.


9 Navigating
The Maximo BI Packs provide flexibility in how the content can be accessed. This section will review the
various access points available to you, along with details on the location of reports and workspaces within

9.1 Content Structure in Cognos

The Maximo BI Packs are delivered to you in zip files which you import. After they are imported, you will
have the top level folders located under the path public > publicMX6 as shown below.

Each of the four main folders - Asset, Asset Failures, Inventory and Work Order - contain their applicable
reports and workspaces.

You can navigate down thru each of these packages to find the individual reports and workspaces. For
example, within the Asset folder, you will find
- Asset Workspaces: Contains the Asset workspaces
- Asset Metric Reports: Contains the three asset reports, along with a subfolder for the
workspace reports

Continuing with this example, if you drill down under the ‘Asset Metric Reports’ folder, you will see the
folder ‘Reports for Workspaces’. This folder contains the separate reports which are used on the

The folder ‘Reports for Workspaces’ contains the separate reports used for the workspaces.

If you are going to modify one of the workspaces by adding or removing content, use the content from the
‘Reports for Workspaces’. This content has been formatted for the widget functionality required for the

9.2 Accessing Workspaces
You can navigate to the workspaces in a variety of ways. As noted earlier, one way is to use the Launching
Page as a home portal or location to your individual workspace pages.

Additionally, you may want to navigate from a public or your individual workspace folder that has been

Utilizing the other many other features in Cognos – including bookmarks, shortcuts, creating tabs for
favorite workspace pages and configuring your Home page, you can quickly access the content you view
most regularly.

9.3 Executing Metric Report from Cognos

To execute a metric report from Cognos, navigate to its location. This could be from one of the metric
reports folders, or from a separate folder location in Cognos which you may have located.

After selecting the report, you will see a prompt page similar to what is shown below. Required parameter
values are highlighted by orange *. Additionally, you can select other parameter values.

After entering the prompt values, the Cognos report displays. You can then save, print, export and retain a
copy of its output.

10 Workspace Configuration and Best Practices

10.1 Workspace Configuration – Filters

The Maximo BI workspaces are delivered to you based on data within the maxdemo environment.
When you first display the workspaces in your environment, the filters and data may reflect these values –
and not the data in your unique environment.

For example, in the workorder type workspace below, you may not utilize the same work types that are
displayed. .

If this occurs for any of the filter values in the workspaces, follow the steps below

1. Right click on the filter value and select Properties.

2. Enable the field 'Automatically update the filter when the values change'
3. Click on the Filter tab. In the center of the dialog, in the section titled ‘Use only the following values’
select the values you want to use. Then, Click OK.

After you do this, the filter will refresh with the values from your system.

If your data does not refresh, you may need to review the individual report contents. To do this,

1. Open workspace report in Report Studio. Drag the query into the report frame - it will
automatically display as a list.

2. Run the report and see what data may be missing in the list.


1. You must save the workspace after updating the filter values. If you do not do this, the updated
values will not be saved – and you will have to repeat this action each time you open the workspace.

2. This is for the workspace content only. This is not required for the metric reports.

10.2 Workspace Configuration – Filter Values

After you have updated your workspaces to utilize filter values of your environment, it is highly
recommended that you disable the field 'Automatically update the filter when the values change' for
performance reasons.

If the field is enabled, each time the workspace is opened, a database call is made to see if the values have
been updated. However, the types of filters used in the workspaces - site, priority levels, failure classes etc
- do not change on a regular basis. Therefore, this value should be disabled.

To recap

When the flag is disabled, filter values will not update every time when workspace is opened.

When the flag is enabled, filter values will update automatically when workspace is opened.


For additional information, please reference the information below:

1. Maximo 76 Demos
Access this url for a variety of Cognos demos including an introduction to the content, navigation and
customization of the workspaces for your environment.!/wiki/IBM%20Maximo%20Asset

2. Maximo 7.6 Cognos 10.2.1. Integration Installation Guide

This guide details the configuration steps to enable the Maximo-Cognos Integration.

3. Maximo 76 Report Reference materials

This page contains the latest listing of report reference materials, including description, revision levels and
hyperlinks to the documentation. Included within these pages are the reference guides listed below!/wiki/IBM%20Maximo%20Asset

4. For more information on Report users, access this blog



For additional information on Cognos, please reference the information below

1. For Cognos 10.2.1 documentation including detailed manuals on the Cognos Reporting Products, access
this url:


2. The Cognos Insight Virtual Community enables virtual networking and learning on the Cognos insight
and workspace tools

3. This Active Reports Cookbook provides detailed content and examples on creating Cognos Active

1. Business Insight and Business Insight Advanced in Cognos 10.1.1 are re-named to Cognos Workspace
and Cognos Workspace Advanced in Cognos 10.2.

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