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CBOE Information Circular IC16-040

C2 Information Circular IC16-002

Date: August 8, 2016

To: CBOE and C2 Trading Permit Holders and Vendors
From: Market Services Department
RE: 2019 Equity and ETP LEAPS Listing Schedule

The following schedule will be used to list the 2019 Equity and ETP1 LEAPS:

Monday, September 12, 2016: 2019 LEAPS begin trading for January cycle option classes.
A notice listing the new LEAPS series will be distributed during the week of September 5th.

Monday, October 17, 2016: 2019 LEAPS begin trading for February cycle option classes.
A notice listing the new LEAPS series will be distributed during the week of October 10th.

Monday, November 14, 2016: 2019 LEAPS begin trading for March cycle option classes.
A notice listing the new LEAPS series will be distributed during the week of November 7th.

Notice listings for the January 2019 LEAPS can be found by accessing the below hyperlinks during the
distribution week mentioned above.



Additional Information
Please contact Market Services at and (312) 786-7950.

1ETP stands for Exchange-Traded products which include ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) and ETN (Exchange-
Traded Note) products.

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