Emerson39s Vocal Method PDF

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a ~L.+0.#EMERSON.& EMERSON 5 tee “5391 By — saber — Bosronts OLIVER DITSON COMPANY. on cmcscot —anamvarwta: rostor! yon & Healy. JE. Ditson & Co, doh «C. Haynes & Tere EMERSON’S VOCAL = ~ +3L.40.sEMERSON.& a 5 — or BOSTON: OLIVER DITSON COMPANY. aw rOmR: entcade ‘PUNLADRLPTA: nos: GH. Ditson & Co. Lyon & Healy, J. €. Ditton & Co. John C. Haynes & Go, SET RE ET PREFACE, In view of the rapid progriss which the art of singing is making at the provent day, and of the umctota calls from teachers and pupls for 4 method of vocal inetraction, aetter very Yolatninons nor overbordenal with theory, tha author of the present work has endeavored to bring tagether in a ‘ore compaci-form than nstal, a series of voealizing exertion, clades ott, of a prograxive charto- ‘er the praotice of whieh, be believes will aid in cighily developing tho voicn, and forming a oorréct siglo of musical expression, No-attorpt ls made at a physiological trealoy, na now or po thoorias put forwards boltoving that many voicis have been theorized to death, Not bat what thooty is well enough, evda, necessary in its places by Ht has seemed to tha writer that attention has been drawn so-tauc in this direction: that tho tnuds’of pupils have been mystified rather than edacatel, Therafora the fewost theorat leal facts possible that will enable the popll to reach the desired end, hava boon introdaoed. The practice of vosalizing to one particular vowel sound, whieh ius boon Ia vogue for so many years, bas not prodmeed the most favorable resalis, amd is therefore being disearial by aivaacod teachers. Iwill be readily seen that by keeping the mouth and organs of the throat im one fixed position for any length of time, thay mast mocessarlly be much fatlguedy and moes than this, — ‘whe the gupil undertakes to sing vowels olher then the ong apon which the time bas Beem spent, tha wil find that the mouth srl not readity assame the required pasition, ‘Tho remedy Lbs In the free use of all the vowels and by combining them frequently wilh soe cf the most important consooant, & foaardation will ho lald tor a enerect and elegant pronunciation ‘of words whee applied to singe Por tbe above reasoas, the suthar of the preseat work bas intro. need a arity of syllables, (asida from the regular epllables of the scale do, , mi oe) and a fo short Latin and Italian words of easy promuuclation, ‘Th most perfect method of instruction cax never obviate tho mecesalty for a good teacher. Br- ery stagor should have a malaod, but that method must be obtained from a taxchar eapable of imparting i Methods of instruction are desigoed to assist the teacher, uot to take the place of me, ‘Mnsieal natures, capacities aad nocessitics aro almest as aumerons as pupils; hence the neces sty fora teacher who can adapt his instroctions to tho gupil's wack ‘The preator port of tho exercises and Brades have bem seleetal and adaptad from tho mast eminent Furopean Authors, whilo some original oaoy hare been intraduced, which the wriler haa found useful in. his professional, wot Sumo ctudes, writon In parts have boen Insrted, which, it is belived, will be found servieo bis in class teaching. And ako a few standard Kretieh ~d Italian Songs, Mum, 17h, LO EMERSOR, ‘Bonton,

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