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©O@) Biofuels IssW175827260 (rin 1758-727 (Onlin) Jounal homepage: Ma wenden comovRPh20 Investigating the fermentability of synthetic medium-density fiberboard wastewater to alcohol and effects of cofermenting the wastewater with sucrose Charles Rashama & Tonderayi Matambo To cite this article: Charles Rashama & Tonderayi Matambo (2018) Investigating the fermentabily of synthetic medium-density floorboard wastewater 0 aleanol an effects of cofermentng the wastewater wih sucrose, Biofuels, DOI 10.1080/"7597269.2018. 1475712 Tolink to this article: hitp:/éo}org/10.1080/17597269,2018,1475712 (Erte ont 25 mayo CF stm your aries P Lal eee ves ® View crossmark data Full erms& Conaltions of acess and use con be found at hnepuiwnncandtontine com/actionjouralinfermatonzjeurralCode=tbfu20 Taylor & Francis Investigating the fermentability of synthetic medium-density fiberboard wastewater to alcohol and effects of coferment Charles Rashama © and Tonderayi Matambo © 1g the wastewater with sucrose ‘Mas esearch une a Unestyf Sut Sh Fe Phe Pha Bung, Co iret and Chistian De We Roads eat ag, Fle 7 Sut arc, clon chemi geting ‘he empl of ctementaten on ebanslic fermentation performance of medum-densty fleioard waster DED was investigated Sugar concerto h MDE vas adhsed beafementaton ef he MOPW wth sucrose. Separate shake Task femetanenexpermens ‘nee condected ons ite sythete NOPW (wth ane without nhbter) and rere [MOPW tenga sabaates stat ay bakes yeas Secehromyces cova] was wed Ne Docatahse Fermentation performance was Tasted by Cleon of the fermentation fieey ofeach experiment. The clever was based on femartable Sas on. abd ‘clued pentose whch ae not ferment by eranary yeast The ty reves that ec, fermentation of ete MOFW at arocnd 0-100 gh sugar concentatan war lst efit (Lenn) than temenaten of MOFW soktons of 120-760 gf suger cancanteton whch ‘ecards Yermentation efidendes way above 75%. The anor cane that MDIW I Femeriable ta akehel sing Sucharmjsceeae, ad tat caferenting MOFW With ‘core possbly cbaned fom ether waste ream Ie sugar oleser enhances Te ‘ents meray ferent. Introduction Bioethanol has 2 varety of Industal and domestic applications, including its current mest valuable and popdar use as a renewable biofuel. The continual ‘growth inthe global population and the subsequent Increase In energy demand must be weighed against ‘global concerns related tothe word's dependence on fossibared {ves These include the damage to the ‘environment causes By the greenhouse gas (GHG) ‘erisions tleased by the production of these fuel: unstable prices for these fuels: the non-enewable nature of fos fuels and the poltical and economic ‘dsruptons to the production of fuels. The need for ‘energy from sources that are abundant and environ ‘menvaly harmless has relinled interes in bioethanol a5 2 renewable fuel [2] Bioethanol can be produced ‘rom a numberof carbohydrate-conaining feedstocks, all of which must be converted frm tei varios ital polymere forms te manamerc sugars before being fermented to produce ethanol Anaerobic ethanolic fermentation isthe most popular technology for con vering carbohydrates to ethanol The traiionl prac tice of producing bicethanal fom grains and other, simlar sources (usally fered to as fst generavon bioethanol) that can be used to feee both human beings and animal, has since 2005 stired a global ‘debate aver land use or the competing cli of food versus energy [s]. AS a tesu the attention of OMTACT Geta tatare Qing bioethanel producers hat recently shifted from fist generation feedstock: to finding feedstocks that are ot caeiable as foodstuffs. Current global research it entered on improving both the teeanologes and the economics of using materals that are abundant, renewable and lignocellulosic (ty plant matter to pro duce second-generation bioethanol [4 At present the technical challenges presented by the use ofhgnoce!: lulose materiale inclide low monomeric sugar yields, ‘the nonfermentabiliy of pentose sugars by orcinary yeasts ané the presence of fermentation inhibitors in the final hydrolysates [5-7]. The use of alternative rlcroorganisms to yeasts of engineered yest fet ment pentases and substrate preteatmentfor removal of inibtors prior to ethanolic fermentation has been certensively studied (7. Generally scaling up to indus teal levels the processes involving extraction and pe ‘neament of the lgnocellesicbased sugats ae very expensive 8 Ready-nade lignecelsosic-basee sugars, though sull containing inhibitors, ate avalable as waste from the processing of wood to medium-densiy fiberboard (MDF). Durng the production of MOF, ood chips are subjected to high pressure and tem perature using saturated steam, and then the pre Sure Is suddenly released before further processing Ths wood weatment unit operation, known as steam explosion (STEX, releases some of the sugar components that naturally form par of the wood lignocellulosic material [5]. The released sugars exit the MDF proces in a lqud wastewater steam with high chemical oxygen demand (COD), reaching as high as 40.000 g/L [9 and hence nigh biclogical ‘oxygen demand (BOD) a5 well and » sugar concen tration of around 50 to 100 aft (10-15). In South ‘lea only, an installed annual capacty of produc ing 0185 millon cub meters of MDF and 45 millon cubic meters of sugariaéen wastevater has been reported (16,17). There Is therefore considerable Scape for using ths wastewater as feedstock in an ‘thanalic fermentation plant. Several attempts have been made to ferment STEX sugary wartenater. Most of thie work has involved pre ‘yeatment of the wastewater to improve the sugerleve by saccharfieation and evaperatve concentation, at further weatment of wood residues to removelaetonty {fermentation inhibitors (12,18) 8y increasing the sugar concentration possibly the inhibitor influence i over raken by increased miciobal growth and hence faster ‘atalss which overall improves the process efficiency 435 compared to dite feedstocks, Other atempts ¢0 ize ethanolic fermentation of wood hydralysa have focused on tying other microorganisms than the commonly used Saccharomyces cereusioe of genet ‘ally modifjing the yeast so that the pentoses inthe carbohydrate micures ae also riled, since ordinary ‘Saccharoryces cerevisiae yeast cannot effectively take up pentoses (1920), In all these atempss to ferment redium-densty ferboare wastenater (MDF) og nocellosebased substrates, the high costs of pre treatment of maclfying blocatalysts renders, Bioethanol production by these methods uneconomic 1a). the ease of Michala [12], improving fermenta tion by concentrating the wastewater {0 temulose beforehand invoked massive steam consumation in ‘evaporator unts, sma tothe ease In sugar paces ing plants, evaperaton unt operation account for rmostofthe energy costs [21,2] nthe operation ofthe refinery Inthe research reported inthis pape, dilute MDFW waz blended with canedbased sucrose to improve sugar levels in the blend. Sucrose can be readly acquired fom cane molasses, which i a waste stream in sugar refining, Researeh into the se of sugar mols es aloe 23 fermentation feedstock fr ethane pr ‘duction has been excensively done [25-25], and svcrose/melacses ethanolic ferment aly viable technology that is currently practiced in Industry at optimum sugar levels nthe range of 150 200 gil [1226] This research pariclarly sought *0 ‘ind oxt whether cofermentaton conditions ould lute the impact of inhibitor in suppressing ferment tion performance. Table 1. Susi and whiter competion of te enthetc Dew. ‘oie eta i eects fata (Materials and methods ‘Substrate preparations Synthetic medlumdensity fiberboard wastewater pew MOAW was prepared by esslving welghed propor: tions of the MORW constituent sugars larabinore, galactose, glucose, xylose and mannose) in known amounts of astiled water. Sugars used in tis work were all purchased from Sigma Aléich Germany Is granular form. The sugar mass proportions in she sy thetic MOFW were designed in sucha way a5 rep cate STEX generated sugar hysrobates, whieh had been analyzed previously [1013.5]. Table 1 esplays the composition ofthe sytheri MOFW that was pe pared. The synthetic MOFW was autoclaved for 30 min ina Labeon autoclave aa temperature of 10°C. Alter oaing to 100m temperature (27 °C) the stock MOFW solutions were stored in arefigratr se ata temper ture of 4 °C Some portons of the synthetic MOFW were then separated and inoculated with fermentation Inhistrs which ate commanly found in wood:-based sugar extracts. The Inher ae hydronymethy fu ral HW, furfural) and aces acd. Inhibter dosages ‘were also cone in such way ast replicate concent tions found in STEX hyerolysates as shown in Table Sucrose Sugar molasses was not readily vale for sein these feaperment, and brown table sugar (sucrose) crystals were therefore used instead Apparently ths substitution oes not affect the findings made in these experimen: because melases, beet extracts an sugar uc all exist, inthe form a sucrose ort monomer (glucose ane fue tose) 23) The fetmentation ethanl yields based on molasses at 150 and 160 gil sugar concentaion reported by other researchers compared wel with our ‘nm data fom experiments performed wit scrose at 160g sugar concentration. Ths confers that te we of brown sugar instead of molasses does not alter the general concsions derved fom ths works resus [24,2537 A snapshot ofthe resus obtained by Fadel ft al 2013). DAL using 160 gi suger concentration molasses, Is shown in Table 2, wile our experimental Gata using surse are splayed in Table 3 Granules of brown erste table sugar (verse fom Huet Sugar Company in Souts Alcs were used to make two spe rate stock solutions (1000 ml each) of sugar

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