Alg Amber 2000

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SPE 63168

The Application of Stand-alone Injection Systems in Remote and/or Highly Populated

Areas Reduces Construction Costs
Abdulwafi A. Al-Gamber,SPE, Abdulazeem A. Al-Towailib,SPE, Saeed H. Al-Wabari, Saudi Aramco

Copyright 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

development of this reservoir. The consideration for a stand-
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and alone injection system is entertained for the following:
Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, 1–4 October 2000.

An SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted Requirement for Reservoir Development: Hanifa is a tight
selected this paper for presentation by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented,
have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction fractured reservoir with an average matrix permeability of 1.5
by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the
Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings md. Effective sweep would require injection through the
are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for
matrix using horizontal wells that avert fractures, to avoid
commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is premature water breakthrough. To accomplish that, high
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous injection rates and pressure will be required.
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Limitation of Gravity Water Injection: Gravity water
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, and U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
injection (GWI), though sporadically used, is inadequate to
support the additional withdrawal. The average GWI rate into
Abstract a Hanifa injector is about 1500 bbl/d, while the required
This paper discusses the successful application of a stand- injection rate for the new development is 15000 bbl/d per well.
alone injection system to provide pressure support for Hanifa Additionally, injection in dump flood wells cannot be
reservoir of Abqaiq Field, Saudi Arabia. This stand-alone controlled from the surface, as that is needed for the fractured
injection system is a cost-effective method to provide injectors. Some of the GWI wells intersect fractures that
localized powered-water injection for areas inaccessible by conduct excessive floodwater into the direct path of offset
pipelines or costly to tie to the centralized injection facilities. producers, at which they die prematurely. As such, the GWI
Such a system has recently been successfully deployed for wells could not be relied upon to maintain pressure and
developing part of Abqaiq Field overlain by a residential area. achieve uniform reservoir sweep.
The reservoir under development is relatively tight that would Remoteness from Centralized Water Injection Facilities.
not effectively respond to the prevalent simple gravity dump The Hanifa reservoir is partly located under a highly populated
flood, as is the case for the overlaying high-permeability Arab- area. Some of the injectors are required to be drilled in
D reservoir. The system consists of a single well that serves as proximity to the population center to effectively sweep the
the water supply and injector in one, and a horizontal pump. underlying reservoir. However, the existing centralized power
The well has a dual completion across a shallow aquifer and water injection (PWI) facilities are remote from these new
the target reservoir. A tubing and packer allows aquifer water injectors locations. They would require long high-pressure
to free-flow behind the tubing to a skid-mounted surface flowlines that need to circumvent the residential areas at a safe
horizontal pump, where it is then boosted and injected back distance, per our safety standards. Additionally, the existing
through the tubing to the target reservoir. The introduction of power water injection facilities are at full capacity. They
this system in a pilot well and two subsequent completions has would require expensive upgrade to provide power water to
resulted in significant cost savings versus the conventional tie- the new injectors (Fig. 1).
in to the centralized injection facilities. The construction of a In light of the above, the stand-alone injection system can
potentially hazardous high-pressure flowlines across the be an opportunity to provide powered water injection
population center has been avoided, while allowing the capability to such locations.
development of this part of the field, which, otherwise, would
require the more expensive extended reach drilling. Stand-alone Injection System Description
The stand-alone injection system is basically a dual-
Motivation for the Concept completion well that serves as an aquifer water supply and an
A high injection rate into the relatively tight Hanifa reservoir injection in one. Aquifer water flows from perforations above
in a most cost-effective way is needed to proceed with the packer to surface through the tubing-casing annulus, and is
then pumped into the under-laying reservoir down the tubing

using a skid mounted horizontal pump. The entire system is temperature, vibration, low suction pressure, low/high
protected against corrosion by a continuos chemical dosing discharge pressure and velocity.
system. Corrosion inhibitor is pumped through a ¼” control Cost
line strapped to the backside of the tubing to just below the The HPS unit cost was about $340,000. The unit was
perforations, to effectively mix with the supply water to fabricated to meet our stringent Engineering Standards
provide total system protection (Fig.2). requirement on pump metallurgy and motor electrical
specifications. This had escalated the cost by about 30%,
Well Completion Design compared to an off-the-shelf delivery. However, even with the
An existing 9-5/8”X7” horizontal GWI was selected to be upgrade, the HPS remained significantly cheaper than a
converted to trial-test this new concept. Normally for a typical conventional positive displacement pump.
GWI, the dynamic section of the wellbore, from top of aquifer The entire project cost, including surface facility
perforations downward to the reservoir, is cased with construction and site electrification reached $830,000. Future
corrosion resistant Cr-13 casing; while the static section above projects are expected to cost considerably less, as the
the perforation is cased with carbon-steel to economize on experience gained from this first well will help in better
well cost. A diesel cushion is usually placed across the static defining the equipment requirements.
section to protect the carbon-steel casing from the corrosive
aquifer-water, and also to mitigate galvanic corrosion across Realized Benefits
the mating zone of the two casings. Cost Savings. The introduction of this system in a pilot well
The well was converted by setting a 9-5/8” packer at 50’ and two subsequent completions has resulted in significant
below the aquifer perforations to isolate the water supply cost savings versus the conventional tie-in to the centralized
source. The well was then tubed with a 4 1/2” tubing to injection facilities. The total cost for the complete stand-alone
provide the injection path to the reservoir. Carbon steel tubing systems in the three wells is about $ 2.2 M. This is only 40%
was selected over Cr-13 to reduce cost, as the system would be of the cost of tying-in one of the three wells to the centralized
continuously protected with corrosion inhibitor. As mentioned, water injection facility. Additionally, the existing facility
a ¼” stainless steel tubing was run in the tubing-casing required upgrade to provide the additional injection capacity.
annulus to 40’ below the perforation to pump oil-based We also realized cost saving from eliminating need to drill
corrosion inhibitor at the source to effectively inhibit the entire additional water supply wells.
system. Safety. The implementation of the stand-alone completions
has resulted in avoiding the construction across urban areas of
the hazard-prone high-pressure flowlines.
Surface Pump Design Field Development. The stand-alone completions helped
The Horizontal Pump System (HPS) has several advantages expedite the development of the Hanifa reservoir, which,
over the conventional positive displacement pumping system. otherwise, would have required the more-expensive extended
First, it costs less, as it utilizes off-the-shelf downhole ESP reach drilling.
components mounted inside a hollow barrel. An advantage
when the pump fails would be to readily replace it with System Performance Evaluation
another one of the same kind, just as the case in downhole The well was re-completed and commissioned in August 1998
application. Secondly, it has lower maintenance requirement, on gravity injection at a rate of 2,000 bbl/d, as the HPS unit
as there is no daily maintenance and lubrication requirement. was not delivered yet. The HPS was installed and
Thirdly, it has less vibration related problems, and this reduces commissioned in November 1999 at a rate of 20,000 bbl/d at
piping fatigue and associated leaks. 1100 psi injection pressure. This was a ten-fold increase in the
The pump was designed to achieve a maximum flow of well injection rate. The HPS operated for 2 months without
15000 bbl/day at 1500 psi discharge pressure at a minimum any operational problems. During a routine flowmeter survey
suction pressure of 20 psi. The pump metallurgy was selected to assess system integrity, a leak was detected in the 4 ½”
to stand the corrosive nature of Wasia aquifer, as summarized tubing. The HPS was shutdown in January 2000 awaiting a
in Table-1. workover rig to fix the leak.
The basic two component of the HPS are a 500-HP 3600 A subsequent corrosion log showed moderate external
RPM motor and a 38-stage barrel-pump mated with a high corrosion in the 4-1/2” tubing, but no internal corrosion. The
load thrust chamber, and the whole is mounted on a steel skid external corrosion was limited only to the bottom section of
(Fig. 3). The HPS also includes a control panel with event the tubing that offsets the Cr-13 section of the 9-5/8” casing.
processor and protection system. Power to the motor is We believe this to be due to galvanic corrosion, with the
provided with a 1500 KVA 3-phase/60/13800/4160 volt tubing acting as anode and the Cr-13 casing as cathode, with
transformer, through a 13.8 kV power line. The system the supply water in-between as an electrolyte. As the rest of
protection is provided for motor bearings and winding the system is corrosion-free, this suggests that the corrosion
inhibition system provides effective protection against

corrosive water attack, but not against galvanic corrosion (Fig. As for protecting the system against corrosion, continuous
4). dosing at the supply source has effectively protected the entire
The galvanic-corrosion problem is eliminated in the two system. However, particular attention needs to be paid to
new wells by initially equipping them with both carbon-steel avoid galvanic corrosion from dissimilar metal mating or
casing and tubing. offsetting in an electrolytic medium.
Operating Cost. Based on an average injection rate of 15000
bbl/d, the cost per bbl/day injected by the HPS is $0.017. This Acknowledgement
is 10% more cost-effective than that from the centralized We thank the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals and the
injection facility in the same field. The annual operating cost Saudi Aramco for permission to publish this paper. We also
of the HPS is summarized in Table 2. That cost-effectiveness thank M.A. Farooqui for providing editorial support in putting
is primarily attributed to eliminating manning operation and this paper together.
servicing and maintenance of the dedicated water supply
wells, as required for the centralized system. References
1. M.A.S.Z. Farooqui and Scott Holland: “Corrosion-
Conclusion Resistant Tubulars for Prolonging Gravity-Water-
In conclusion, the stand-alone injection system has proved to Injection Well Life,” paper SPE 21365 presented at the
be a cost-effective and safe alternative for supporting 1991 Middle East Oil Show held in Bahrain, March 2-5.
production from a field nested in an urban area.
For such a system, we avoided laying high-pressure lines SI Metric Conversion Factors
through the populated areas. We also eliminated the need to
drill dedicated water supply wells. This had significantly MD x 9.869233 E-04=um2
reduced the cost to pressure-support that portion of the field, ft x 3.048* E-01=m
which otherwise would require the more costly extended- psi x 6.894757 E+00=kPa
reach drilling. bbl/d x 1.589873 E-01=m3/d
* Conversion factor is exact

Table 1- Typical Wasia Water Charactristics

Dissolved O2, ppm 0.02
H2S, ppm 0.3
CO2, ppm 40
Chlorides, ppm 5,000
Temperature,º F 179
pH 6.5 to 7.0
Corrosion Rate, mils/yr 15 to 70

Table 2- Stand-Alone Completion Annual Operating Cost

Item Annual Cost ($) Remarks
Power 42,000 Based on $0.03/Kw-hr
Corrosion 13,000 Includes transportation. Based on $4/gallon
Maintenance 20,000
Operation 20,000 Unmanned facility cost
Total Cost 95,000
Cost per bbl/d 0.017 Based on 15000 bbl/d

Hanifa Reservoir

Residential Area Production

Industrial Area

Facility Centralized
Injection Facility

Stand-alone Completion
PWI Wells
PWI Lines

Fig.1 - Conceptual Layout of Facilities on the Southern Part of Abqaiq Field (not to scale).

From the Pump into the Tubing

Out of TCA to the Pump

Horizontal Pumping System

Packer Corrosion Inhibitor Pump


Fig. 2 - Typical Stand-alone Completion


Motor Pump Discharge

Thrust Chamber Intak Skid

Fig. 3 – Schematic Arrangement of the Horizontal pumping System


H2 Fe+


e- e
Carbon steel

13 chrome

Fig. 4 – Galvanic Corrosion on the External side of the tubing

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