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Reading Comprehension


conscious and embarrassed and self-

1. Communication esteem will plummet, leaving you
Your thoughts and feeling are afraid to assert yourself. If you’ve
important, so communicating them is blundered, admit it. But remember,
vital. You’re more likely to get what one blunder doesn’t make you a
you want if you can ask in a direct, blunderer for ever. Learn from your
open way. Even if you don’t get your mistake and avoid it next time.
way, you’ll feel stronger in yourself as
a result. Increase your communication 5. Enthusiasm
skills by writing down your views and Remember how you feel when you’re
desires. Say them to yourself in a doing something you feel strongly
mirror or record them on cassette. By about. It’s impossible to feel bad
practising like this you’ll feel less about yourself at such moments.
nervous when you really do have to Think what you feel most strongly
speak up. Learn to voice your feelings about and develop these things into
– no one else will do it for you. as many interests as possible. Maybe
you could join a social, political or
2. Body Language campaign organisation – how about
The way we use our bodies coveys drama, a competitive sport or an
even more about our feeling than the absorbing hobby?
things we say. Think how you use your
body when talking. Direct eye contact, 6. Winning targets.
upright posture, emphasising gestures Life’s winners set themselves targets
and a lively tone of voice are signs of they know for sure they can reach.
assertiveness. Looking away from Losers set themselves impossible
people, crossing your arms and goals and thus their low self-esteem is
fidgeting are signs which say your self confirmed when they inevitably fail.
– esteem is low. Observe other and So set yourself realistic goals. For
think what you body’s saying. example, if you feel the need to diet,
don’t aim to lose ten kilos in two
3. Think Positive! weeks. Instead, try for an attainable
Sufferers of low self – esteem tend to loss – say one kilo in a week. Winners
have negative thoughts about recognise that each step towards a
themselves: I’m a failure, I am goal is a success in itself. And, there’s
boring .... “ and so on. If you don’t nothing like success for boosting the
respect yourself, how can you expect ego.
others to respect you? So concentrate
on your positive traits and write them 7. Pamper yourself.
down. They may not be earth – Give yourself regular treats, as if
shattering – maybe you’re a you’re spoiling someone you love. Buy
sympathetic listener, or a caring that special outfit, go for a slap-up
parent. Ask a close friend or relative meal, award yourself a day in bed
to list your pluses. The two lists could with a good book – anything which
well reveal bonuses you never knew makes you feel good. If you can
you had. indulge others, you can indulge
yourself. It’ll give you a warm glow –
4. Taking the Blame and boost that self esteem.
Constantly taking the blame when
things go wrong is a sign of low self –
esteem. We all make mistakes. But if
you’re for ever saying: “It’s my fault”,
or “I shouldn’t have said it”, and “I’ve
done it again,” you’ll end up self-

Advice Prep School – Inside Out Intermediate – Test - 1

i. Find words or phrases in the text which could be replaces by:

Paragraph 1
a. very important
b. it’s more probable they you’ll
c. strong wishes
d. anxious or worried

Paragraph 2
a. shows
b. position of standing up straight
c. moving nervously
d. carefully watch

Paragraph 3
a. amazingly good
b. someone good at listening to others
c. show very good points.

Paragraph 4
a. fall to a low level

Paragraph 6
a. making yourself feel better

Paragraph 7
a. set of clothes.

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