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Fresh Egg Pasta Herbed Pasta: Add 2 to 3 oz/57 to 8 5 g chopped herbs

w ith the eggs. Adjust the dough w ith additional flou r as P
Makes 1 lb 8 oz/6 8 o g
1- }
1 lb /4 5 4 g all-purpose flour, or as needed Black P epper Pasta: Add 2 ts p /4 g cracked black rt>
peppercorns to the flour. n
Pinch salt 1—*•
4 eggs Red Pepper Pasta: Saute 6 oz/170 g pureed roasted red
peppers in an open vessel until reduced and dry. Cool 0 )
1 to 2 tb s p /1 5 to 30 mL water, or as needed and add to the eggs. Adjust the dough w ith additional C/3
flo u r as needed.
2 tb s p /3 0 mL vegetable or olive oil (optional)
Tom ato Pasta: Saute 3 o z /8 5 g tom ato puree in an open

binetheflourandsaltinalargebowl.Makea vessel over low heat until reduced and dry. Cool and add

wellinthecenter. w ith the eggs. Adjust the dough w ith additional flou r as
2 .Placetheeggs,water,andoil,ifusing,inthecenter
ofthewell.Withafork,graduallypullthedryingre­ Pum pkin, C arrot, o r B eet Pasta: Saute 6 oz/1 7 0 g pureed
cooked pumpkin, carrots, or beets in an open vessel until
dientsintotheeggm ixture.Stiruntilaloosem ass reduced and dry. Cool and add w ith the eggs. Adjust the
form s.Asyoum ixthedough,adjusttheconsistency dough w ith additional flo u r as needed.
tackybutm inimallym oist.
andkneaduntilsm oothandelastic,4to5m inutes. Basic Boiled Pasta
Gatherandsm ooththedoughintoaball,cover,and
letthedoughrelaxatroomtem peratureforatleast1 Makes 10 servings

hour. V / 2 g al/5.76 L water

usingapasta-rollingm achineandcutintodesired l '/ 2 o z/4 3 g salt, or as needed

shapes.Thepastaisreadytocooknow,oritm aybe 1 lb 8 o z/6 8 0 g dry or fresh pasta

coveredandrefrigeratedforupto2days. Sauce or garnish, as needed (optional)

Oil, as needed (optional)

W hole W heat Pasta: S ub stitute whole wheat flo u r fo r half
o f the all-purpose flour.
Buckw heat Pasta: S ubstitute 3'A oz/92 g buckwheat flou r 2 .Addthepastaandstirwelltoseparatethestrands.
fo r an equal amount o f the all-purpose flour.
Cookuntiltender,butnottoosoft.(Freshpastam ay
Spinach Pasta: Puree 6 oz/170 g spinach leaves, squeeze cookinlessthan3m inutes;drypastam aytakeup
dry in cheesecloth, and add w ith the eggs. Adjust the to8m inutesorlonger,dependingonthesizeand
dough w ith additional flo u r as needed.
S a ffro n Pasta: Steep 2 to 4 ts p /1 .60 to 3.20 g pulverized
3.Drainthepastaatonce.Youm ayaddanydesired
saffron threads in 2 tb s p /3 0 mL hot water, cool
sufficie ntly, and add w ith the eggs. Adjust the dough
w ith additional flo u r as needed. Alternately, fresh pasta 4.Ifthepastaistobeheld,plungeitintoanicewater
can be cooked in salted saffron water. bathorrinsethoroughlywithcoldwatertostop
C itru s Pasta: Add 4 ts p /1 2 g f inely grated lemon or orange thecooking.Drainthepastaim m ediatelyandtoss
zest w ith the eggs. S ubstitute 2 tb sp /3 0 mL lemon withasm allam ountofoiltopreventitfromstick­
or orange juice fo r the water. Adjust the dough w ith ingtogether.Alternatively,drainthepasta,tosswith
additional flo u r as needed.
asm allam ountofoil,spreadinasinglelayerona
Curried Pasta: Add 2 to 4 tsp/6 to 12 g Curry Powder (page parchm ent-linedsheetpan,andrefrigerate.
369 or purchased) to the flour.

C hapter 25 » C O O K IN G PASTA A N D D U M P L I N G S 819

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