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ob Interview Question: Why Do You Want to

Leave Your Current Job? (Plus Sample

By Beth Colley

One very important question that many job seekers seldom prepare for during
an interview is answering the question, “Why do you want to leave your current job?”
This may also be asked as "Why are you looking for a job?"
This question can make the most seasoned interviewee squirm a little because of
the first word; why. A question starting with "why" immediately places you on the
If there is anything that is dissatisfying about your current position, this is
where you might unwittingly share that information and unintentionally emit a
negative vibe -- a VERY bad impression to make.

Acceptable Explanations for Why You Want to Leave

The most effective and acceptable reasons for leaving your current job are
positive -- not negative-- related to moving forward in your life or career.
Some of the most common, and easiest to explain, reasons for leaving a job include:

 Desire to learn.
 Desire to take on more responsibility.
 Desire to take on less responsibility.
 Desire to relocate.
 Desire for a career change.
 Desire to gain a new skill or grow a current skill.
 Company reorganization has led to change in job content.
 Desire for a shorter commute to work.
 Desire to improve work/life balance.

When answering this question, it’s easy to think about all of the things you dislike
about your current job, but don't go there.

Look Forward in Your Response

Unless you are part of a well-publicized corporate implosion (e.g. Enron) or
reorganization, stay positive in your response. Start by responding with “What I
really like about this job and company that is different from my current one
Take the opportunity to share what you’ve learned about the potential new company
(demonstrating your interest in the opportunity). Talk about the environment and
culture of this company, and how you feel it’s a strong match with your strengths and
Demonstrating your buy-in to this potential employer's brand and culture is a good
way to sell yourself as a match.

 Talk specifically about the job for which you are currently interviewing.
 Show excitement about the opportunity to learn some new skills and adapt to
 Focus on your strengths and what you will bring to the employer.
 Make sure you take time to describe your accomplishments, and all of the
good that you’ve done for your current employer.

Most importantly, demonstrate that you are dignified and professional and will
not talk disparagingly about another company or boss.

Don't Be Negative About Your Current Job or Employer

According to several resources, the number one reason most people voluntarily
leave one position for another is because of a bad boss or supervisor. There may be
a combination of reasons as to why you want to leave this job, but most all of them
will likely tie back to poor management or a bad supervisor.
So, knowing that you shouldn’t say anything negative regarding a company or
individual supervisor in an interview, how should you answer this question?
If you speak poorly of a company or boss during an interview, what proof does the
potentially new employer have to believe that you wouldn’t say the same thing to a
customer or coworker in the new company? Everyone knows that would be bad for

Sample Answers
It’s best to avoid going down the slippery slope of discussing specifics
regarding compensation, poor management, company finances, poor morale,
or any other negative aspect of the job.
You can gloss over negative information by focusing on the future and staying
positive, stating something like:

 I want to build on one of the aspects that I like most about the work I currently
am doing…
 One of the things that has made things a little more challenging is that I’d like
to have a platform where I could share my ideas and offer up ways to
improve…(service, operations, technology, communication, etc…)

Using phrases like that still keeps the mood positive, but allows the employer to read
between the lines. It also shows that you want to contribute positively to the success
of your employer.
You can also just share your interest in this opportunity by saying something like:

 I am interested in learning more about (something this job includes), and this
job provides an opportunity to leverage my current areas of expertise and
increase my skills in...
 Your focus here is on (something that you like), and I really enjoy doing
(whatever that is). So, I expect to increase my enjoyment of my work when I
am able to focus more on (that aspect of the job).
 I enjoy working as part of a team and am looking for an opportunity to work on
an interesting project. This job is part of a team working on a fascinating
project, and I would love to join in this work.

You can demonstrate your interest in this new employer by saying:

 I’ve enjoyed working with a great group of people at my current employer, but
this opportunity in this company fits very well with the direction I want to take
my career.
 I’ve learned a great deal in my current job, but I’m interested in working at
[name of employer] based on the great things I have learned about this
 This job has been a great experience, but growth is limited because the
company is relatively small. So, to continue to grow, I need to look elsewhere,
and working in this this opportunity looks very interesting to me because…

Be honest, positive, and frame your response in a way that includes the job
you are interviewing for.

Bottom Line
If asked this question on an interview, remember to keep it positive, promote yourself
and your accomplishments, and follow the old adage of “if you can’t say something
nice, don’t say anything at all.”

The Two-Part Answer to Tell Me/Us About Yourself

Put yourself in the employer’s shoes -- what would you want to know if you were
them? Emphasize what will make you stand out as qualified for the company and for
the job.
Break your answer to this question into two parts:

1. How/why you are qualified.

Summarize what you have done that qualifies you for this opportunity. Don't recite
what is on your resume or job application, but don't assume that the interviewers,
who may have been interviewing several candidates, remember your qualifications.
Present the most significant highlights, the ones that would be most relevant to this
job. These are the qualifications that make it clear that you are a very good
candidate for the job.

2. Why you have applied.

Focus on advancing your career. Stay away from reasons that are not clearly career-
related. Emphasize the opportunity to move forward in your career without saying
that you are dead-ended in your current job or hate your incompetent boss.
Focus on this opportunity and your career.
Avoid the purely personal reasons. Do NOT say:

 You want to work closer to home because your kids sometimes get out of
school early and you want to be able to be there with them, or
 The location is convenient to your church, synagog, or place of worship, or
 You are too tired from the long commute to enjoy life, or
 Your boss is a jerk and you want a better job.

This is where you must tread very carefully and not say anything that might be
interpreted as trashing your current/former employer. DO tell them how well you fit,
using the 2-part answer, below. But, don't spend more than 30 to 60 seconds
answering this question.

Sample Answer
Someone seeking a management position with a local branch of a transportation
company might say:
(Why You Are Qualified)
I was born and raised in XYZ County and have an excellent knowledge of the area
as well as Central and XYY counties. During the last 9 years with the ABC Freight
Company, I have progressed through positions of Package Loader, Courier,
Dispatcher, and Team Lead.
In my most recent position, I have had the opportunity to complete numerous
management training programs, provide supervision and leadership to all positions
within the station, and participate in special projects in conjunction with Senior and
District Managers. I enjoy being a Lead and the opportunity to empower and
motivate my team. Last year I was awarded 'Lead I' for greatest team gains in
(Why You Applied)
I believe this experience and training has prepared me to take the next step and
pursue a management position with XYZ Trucking. This company has a reputation
for excellent management, this opportunity looks perfect to me, and I look forward to
working with the best.
Yes, this person prepared and practiced his response in advance. Smart move!
As you can see from this sample answer, this individual:
 Emphasizes the tangibles that qualify him for the job, from his knowledge of
the local area, long-term tenure with the employer, and recognition for
management results within the industry.

o He does not focus on fluffy stuff or personal information, but paints a

picture as to why he is a perfect candidate for the job.
 He also looks forward to advancement in his career, seeking a management
position with this new employer.

[MORE: Smart Answers to Interview Questions.]

Perhaps, Ask for Clarification

To ensure that you provide the information they want, you might wish to start your
response with a question of your own, like this --
I would be glad to. Could you give me an idea of the type of information you would
like to know?
By starting this way, you can direct your answer better and be more conversational.

What You Don't Tell Them

I call this question a "spider web" because if you simply tell someone about yourself
without planning or context to the target job for which you are there to interview, you
could give away all kinds of information that you should not be sharing.

 This is not an invitation to tell your life story.

 Don't confess any personal problems with your kids, spouse, or parents.
 Don't complain about your aching feet or any other health issue.
 Don't trash a current or former employer, boss, co-worker, client, customer, or
 Don't share any secrets about your current or former employers.

Nor is this the time for you to explain how the job will benefit you (they don't
care, and you will look clueless)
Talking too much leaves them with the impression that you are:

 Over-qualified
 Under-qualified
 Ditsy or naive
 Unprepared for the interview (so not really very interested)
 Simply a risk for the company


How to Prepare for This Job Interview question

Before you ever go to an interview, you need to KNOW YOURSELF in terms of
qualifications for the job and match for the company. To know this you should:

1. Carefully review the job description to note where you meet or exceed the
requirements, and
2. Research the company, and
3. Identify, catalog, list, and review your expertise, strengths, and unique value,
4. Practice, practice, practice so you sound natural and confident.

Then, you will be ready to put yourself in the employer’s shoes, and...
Emphasize what will make you stand out for the company and for the job.
[For more tips on preparing for a job interview, read Pre-Interview Preparation so you
will have a solid understanding of the position and the employer. ]

The Bottom Line:

With advanced planning and practice, you can know your target employer and how
to sell yourself for the job. "Tell me about yourself" then becomes a positive and fun
exercise in demonstrating your value and getting one step closer to winning that
great new job! .

More About Successful Job Interviews:

 Smart Answers to Interview Questions
 Guide to Successful Interviews
 3 Steps to Interview Success: Build Your Interview Checklist

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