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Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111

La biolixiviación de un calcopirita concentrado con microorganismos termófilos

moderados en un sistema de reactor continuo

L. Cancho, ML Blázquez •, A. Ballester, F. González, JA Muñoz

Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España

Recibido el 28 de junio de 2006; recibida en el formulario EASA 14 de diciembre de de 2006 revisado; aceptado el 19 de de febrero de de 2007

Disponible en línea el 21 de marzo de de 2007


The metal extraction efficiency of bioleaching processes can be greatly improved by using stirred-tank reactors. However, owing to the high cost of acquiring and
maintaining these, their use is restricted to the treatment of high-grade ores and concentrates. Unlike gold, the copper industry is not far from achieving commercial
implementation of stirred processes on an industrial scale. Recent research has focused on the development of continuous bioleaching processes for the treatment
of copper flotation concentrates.

The aim of the present work was to optimize a process for continuous bioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrates using moderate thermophilic microorganisms and
silver ions. The best results were obtained using a series of three reactors under the following experimental conditions: 45 °C, 14 days residence time, 2 g Ag/kg of
concentrate (silver deposition stage at 35 °C), stirring rate adjusted to 350 rpm, pH between 1.2 and 1.4 and redox potential between 400 and 500 mV vs. Ag/AgCl.
The optimized continuous bioleaching system was able to dissolve copper steadily at a concentration higher than 11 g/L. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Copper flotation concentrate; Continuous bioleaching; Moderate thermophilic microorganisms; Silver catalysis

1. Introduction technologies and processes have shown promising results on both

laboratory and pilot scales.
The aerated stirred reactor improves both the yield and the The IBES (Indirect Bioleaching with Effects Separation) and
efficiency of bioleaching processes. The higher costs associated with BRISA ( Biolixiviación Rápida Indirecta con Separación de Acciones: Fast
the manufacture and maintenance of these vessels restrict their use Indirect Bioleaching with Actions Separation) processes have been
to the treatment of highgrade ores and concentrates. Most of the developed at the University of Seville (Seville, Spain) for the
existing commercial plants that work with stirred bioreactors recover treatment of chalcopyrite in the former case, and secondary copper
gold from arsenopyrite concentrates. sulphides such as chalcocite and covellite, in the latter ( Carranza et
al., 1997; Palencia et al., 2002 ). In both processes, the
Unlike gold, the commercial implementation of this process for the silver-catalysed chemical stage (leaching) is performed separately
recovery of copper from concentrates is still in its infancy. However, in from the biological stage (bioxidation), in such a way that the high
the last few years several ferric concentrations produced by bacteria in the first reactor can later
be used to dissolve the mineral.
• Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 91 394 4339; fax: +34 91 394 4357.

E-mail address: (M.L. Blázquez).

0304-386X/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2007.02.007
L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111 101

In 1998, a one-year stirred-tank bioleaching pilot test conducted at 2.7 t/day. This plant is designed to operate at temperatures exceeding
the copper mines in Mt. Lyell, Tasmania (Australia) demonstrated the 60 °C and produce 500 kg/day of copper cathodes by a SX/EW
technical and commercial feasibility of copper concentrate bioleaching process ( Olson et al., 2003; van Staden et al., 2003 ). In general, the
with moderate thermophilic microorganisms ( Rhodes and Deeplaul, principal objective of a bioleaching study is to overcome the main
1998; Brierley and Brierley, 1999 ). En el marco del Programa de drawback of the process scale-up: the low kinetics. In the case of
Investigación de la Unión Europea, un grupo de socios europeos chalcopyrite, the studies indicate formation of a passivating film on
(BRGM, Francia; Universidad ofWarwick andMIRO, Reino Unido; the surface during dissolution, which prevents direct contact between
Boliden, Suecia y Cognis, Alemania) trabajado bajo la oxidación the solution and the mineral and limits the electrochemical transport
bacteriana proyecto de alta temperatura, HIOX® 1996-1999 . el required for the electrochemical dissolution mechanism to act ( Tshilombo
objetivo de este proyecto era poner un nuevo microorganismo and Dixon, 2003; Sandström et al., 2005 ). Una de las soluciones más
termófilo para la biolixiviación de concentrados de calcopirita a utilizar comunes a este problema, y ​a la lenta cinética de los procesos de
mediante la propuesta de un proceso industrial económico y biolixiviación en general, es elevar la temperatura. Sin embargo, el
ecológico para la recuperación de cobre. Se han realizado varios uso de microorganismos termófilos extremos puede presentar una
estudios de calcopirita biolixiviación continua utilizando serie de dificultades, tales como: baja solubilidad del oxígeno en
microorganismos termófilos extremos en este proyecto. Los agua; estos microorganismos son menos resistentes a altas
resultados fueron muy prometedores, con la extracción de cobre concentraciones de metal y a los catalizadores como la plata, y
superior a 90% en 5 días de residencia y una densidad de pulpa de presentan una menor resistencia mecánica que microorganismos
12% ( d'Hugues et al., 2002 ). mesófilos a la atrición de su membrana. Por otra parte, las
reacciones de lixiviación son exotérmicas, elevando la temperatura
de tanques agitados a 40 - 50 °C, which is the optimum range for the
growth of moderate thermophilic microorganisms. In many cases,
Recent research in bioreactors has shown promising results on industry has preferred these moderate thermophilic microorganisms
the bioleaching of copper flotation concentrates with mesophilic because they are more resistant to higher pulp densities and higher
microorganisms ( Sadowski et al., 2003 ). heavy metal concentrations than extreme thermophiles ( Okibe et al.,
2003; Olson and Clark, 2004 ). Because large amounts of mineral are
An excellent example of the increasing importance of stirred-tank treated by bioleaching and bioxidation, it would be more profitable to
bioleaching was the creation of a new consortium, Alliance Copper operate in continuous mode in stirred-tank reactors with higher
Limited (ACL), between Codelco and BHP Billiton ( Batty and Rorke, volumetric productivity and lower maintenance costs. In view of these
2006; Clark et al., 2006 ). This company pioneered bioleaching of considerations and the kinetics of bacterial growth, continuous stirred
copper concentrates in stirred tanks, a new technological departure reactors are the best option for this kind of treatment.
that led to changes in the practice of the mining industry. In 1997, the
new company started a pilot plant in Chuquicamata (Chile) which
worked for 4 years, although presently the continuity of the project is
being reconsidered.

La mayoría de las plantas comerciales existentes y plantas previstas

utilizan microorganismos termófilos mesófilas o moderados con un rango The basis for selection and design of the most suitable reactor for
de temperatura de crecimiento entre 40 y 50 ° C. Un caso atípico es el a biomining process must be the physical, chemical and biological
reactor industrial semi-comercial (300 m 3) diseñada por BHP Billiton en characteristics of the system. Special attention should be given to the
África del Sur, que opera a temperaturas superiores a 60 ° C y se complex nature of the pulp, which consists of an aqueous solution
construyó para determinar los criterios de diseño más adecuados para la with cells in suspension and adhering to the mineral, and also a
planta piloto Alliance Copper Ltd., en Chile. Otro caso es el proceso suspended solid and air bubbles ( Gormely and Brannion, 1989;
compartido por Mintek-BacTech y Peñoles en México ( Rawlings et al., Acevedo, 2000 ). Yet another alternative in chalcopyrite bioleaching is
2003 ). Ellos desarrollaron conjuntamente un proceso de biolixiviación the use of silver as a chemical catalyst. Copper recovery from
tanque hasta el nivel de la planta de demostración en la operación de chalcopyrite has been improved through the use of silver as a
Peñoles. El proyecto se centró en un polimetálica (calcopirita, esfalerita, catalyst in both chemical and biological leaching systems, and the
galena) concentrado que contiene metales preciosos. Las recuperaciones reaction mechanisms (1) –( 2) involved are apparently identical in both
de 96 - 97% de Cu, 99% de Zn, 98 - 99% de Au y 40% de Ag se logra a una cases: in the presence and the absence of bacteria ( Ballester et al.,
velocidad de alimentación de
102 L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111

1990; Gómez et al., 1999 ). Silver interacts with chalcopyrite as The aim of the present work was to optimize a process for
follows: continuous bioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrates with moderate
thermophilic microorganisms and silver. To that end, different
CuFeS 2 þ 4Ag þ → 2Ag 2 S ð chalcopyrite surface Þ variables were studied (residence time, silver concentration, stirring,
þ Cu 2 þ þ Fe 2 þ redox potential and temperature) to obtain copper concentrate
Silver sulphide is formed on the mineral surface by means of a
chemical reaction involving an interchange between the silver and the
copper and iron from the chalcopyrite lattice. The silver sulphide 2. Materials and methods
dissolves in the presence of an oxidizing agent such as ferric ion:

2.1. Mineral concentrate

Ag 2 S þ 2Fe 3 þ → 2Ag þ þ 2Fe 2 þ þ S 0 ð2Þ

A differential flotation chalcopyrite concentrate, named RT, was
used (for origin and chemical composition see Table 1 ).
In bioleaching, the bacteria play an indirect role in the process,
facilitating the oxidation of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+ and depolarizing the cathodic X-ray diffraction of mineral RT showed the presence of
half-reaction in accordance with: 2 FeSO 4 þ 0:5O 2 þ H 2 SO 4 → Fe 2 ð SO 4 Þ chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) as the main phase, and pyrite (FeS 2), sphalerite
3þ H2 O ð 3 Þ (ZnS) and silica (SiO 2) as minority phases.

Reaction (3), plays an important role in the process. When the 2.2. Bacterial culture
bacterial activity decreases, the ferrous ion is not oxidized to ferric ion
and the dissolution of chalcopyrite is halted or continues at a very The culture was one of moderate thermophilic microorganisms
slow rate. (named TMRT) grown from acid mine drainage from Río Tinto
The regeneration of Ag+ gives rise to a cyclic process that (Huelva, Spain). The culture was composed mainly of S-oxidizing
increases the rate of copper dissolution. The silver effect is enhanced bacteria with ability to oxidize different sulphide minerals, especially
in the presence of iron and sulphur oxidizing microorganisms. On the copper sulphides. An important feature of the culture was that its
one hand, bacteria maintain a favourable Fe 3+/ Fe 2+ ratio, contributing heavy metal resistance at low pH was higher than that of other
to oxidation and, on the other hand, microorganisms oxidize the moderate thermophiles described in the literature. Moreover, the
elemental sulphur layer produced on the chalcopyrite surface in culture also contained different Fe-oxidizing microorganisms, but in
reaction (2), preventing chalcopyrite passivation: smaller proportions ( Gómez et al., 1999 ). Particularly important in this
culture was the moderate thermophilic microorganism named TMRT,
isolated by the Extractive Metallurgy research group at the
Complutense University of Madrid ( Gómez et al., 1997 ). This is an
Microorganism H 2 SO 4
S 0 þ H 2 O þ 3=2O 2 Y ð4Þ aerobic bacterium, strictly chemolithoautotrophic, with the ability to
oxidize reduced sulphur compounds.
The reaction of silver with mineral sulphides other than
chalcopyrite has also been considered in the bioleaching process. Ahonen
and Tuovinen (1990) reported that the leaching of zinc from sphalerite
and iron from pyrite in a complex sulphide ore was inhibited by silver The culture was grown in an orbital shaker at 45 °C, pH 1.5 and
addition. Similarly, Nakazawa et al., using a flotation concentrate 150 rpm in Norris medium, modified without iron ( Norris et al., 1986 ),
containing chalcopyrite and pentlandite, observed catalysis of silver with the following chemical composition: 0.4 g/L MgSO 4 7H 2 O; 0.2 g/L
on the bioleaching of chalcopyrite but not of pentlandite, with (NH 4)2 SO 4
increasing initial silver concentrations ( Nakazawa et al., 1993 ). and 0.1 g/L K 2 HPO 4. The RT concentrate was used as energy
substrate at a pulp density of 5%w/v. The culture was also adapted to
different amounts of silver (0.3, 0.6,

Table 1
Origin, chemical composition and particle size of RT concentrate Origin

Cu % Fe % Zn % Pb % S% Particle size

Río Tinto (Huelva, Spain) 22.44 31.20 2.70 0.02 38.79 b 105 μ m (95%)
L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111 103

1 and 2 g Ag/kg concentrate) under different experimental conditions. first reactor (6 L) was twice the volume of the second and third reactors
In the silver-catalysed bioleaching tests, the appropriate amount of (3 L) in order to increase the residence time and to encourage
Ag+ was added to the pulp before adding the bacterial inoculum. adaptation of the microorganisms.

2.4. Experimental procedure

2.3. Continuous bioleaching set-up
All the continuous experiments were preceded by a discontinuous
Fig. 1 shows the continuous bioleaching set-up used. This stage designed to adapt the culture to the test conditions. Once each
consists of a feeding tank (A), a peristaltic pump (B) to supply fresh reactor was inoculated, metal concentration in solution (Cu, Fe, Zn),
pulp to the first of three mechanically stirred (M) reactors in cascade pH, redox potential and bacterial population were measured. The
(R-1, R-2, R-3), and a collector for the final product (P). The pulp was continuous feed was started once the optimum culture growth was
transferred by overflow from tank to tank. attained. The pulp density was 5% in all tests.

In the first three continuous bioleaching experiments, all the tanks Evaporation was restored periodically with distilled water, pH
including the feeding tank had an effective capacity of 2.4 L. The controlled and adjusted (with sulphuric acid 20% v/v) to below 1.5;
reactors were thermostatted and closed to avoid evaporation of the redox potential was measured (vs. Ag/AgCl) and a sample was
solution. Temperature was controlled with a thermocouple (T). The air removed to determine i) the number of cells in the liquid phase using
supply for bacterial growth (500 mL/min) was controlled by differential a Thoma counting chamber (depth 0.1 mm) with a phase-contrast
water manometers (D) and injected into the reactors through glass microscope, and ii) iron and copper concentration using atomic
capillaries (O). Flasks (F) were placed between both devices to absorption spectrophotometry.
prevent the backward of the liquid. The last test was performed in an
improved system. The improvement chiefly affected the stirring The end of the experiment in each reactor was reached when the
system, in which baffles were used and a flow of air was supplied bacterial population and the amount of dissolved metal stabilized. The
from the base of the reactor. Additionally, the overall yield was determined by mass balance of the solid residues
and the feeding solutions, in each reactor and in the

Fig. 1. Continuous bioleaching set-up.

104 L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111

collector. This balance is expressed by the following equation:

Metal Fed ¼ Metal R 1 þ Metal R 2 þ Metal R 3 þ Σ Metal Pi

Los principales errores asociados con este equilibrio son la pérdida de

sólidos durante la filtración y la pérdida de líquido en los pasteles. Ese error se
calcula como una función de la diferencia entre los dos términos de la igualdad.

3. Resultados y discusión

La variación de la concentración de metales (g / L), pH y el potencial

redox en los reactores de tanque (R-1, R-2 y R-
3), en el tanque de alimentación (A) y en el colector (P) se muestra para
cada prueba. Los resultados representados en la porción inicial de cada
figura ( Higos. 2 - 9 ) Ilustran la fase por lotes (discontinua) del experimento.

At the beginning of the continuous tests, the metal concentration

in solution and the cell population diminished. This indicates that the
gradual increase of metal concentration observed during the previous
discontinuous stage was a result of bacterial action. However, once
the continuous test started, the feeding of fresh pulp into reactor R-1
and the output of concentrated solution from reactor R-3 produced a
diluting effect, reducing the metal concentration in each reactor.

In the continuous experiments, the optimum residence time was

determined by the stabilization of metal concentration in solution in
the zone of maximum bacterial growth. When these curves trended
upwards the residence time would be shorter, and when they trended
downwards the time would be longer. The goal was to achieve a
constant yield for better control of the system.

Fig. 2. Preliminary test: 45 °C and 20 days residence time. Variations of the concentration
The duration of continuous experiments should be at least twice
of iron (A), copper (B) and zinc (C).
the residence time of a discontinuous process, since the system
requires a time equal to the residence time to evacuate all metals
accumulated during the discontinuous stage. In fact it is during the However, the lowest metal concentration in solution was achieved in
second stage that the system functions in continuous mode according the first reactor during the continuous stage. The dissolution of copper
to the experimental conditions. and iron in reactor R-3 was practically double than in reactor R-2, and
in the latter it was double than in R-1. Such differences are to be
expected since there is an increase of metal concentration in solution
3.1. Preliminary test as the pulp passes through the reactors in cascade, so that the
mineral reaching each reactor is subject to heavier attack and hence
The first continuous test was performed at 45 °C, with 20 days is free of surface products (flotation reagents, oxidized phases) which
residence time (across the three reactors) and without silver. The can be harmful to bacterial activity. For that reason, the
variation of iron, copper and zinc in solution is shown in Fig. 2 . microorganisms in reactor R-3 were supplied with a more readily
soluble substrate which substantially increased the dissolution yield.
The system achieved the highest yield in reactor R-1 during the
discontinuous stage, with dissolution of
26.6% Fe, 48.2% Cu and 44.4% Zn in the mineral.
L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111 105

and maintained the pH between 1.5 and 1 without acid addition,

through the regeneration of acid by bacteria. Only in the feeding tank
and in reactor R-1 were the values higher.

These results indicate that in spite of the long residence time

tested, the dissolution yield achieved was still low. The next step was
therefore to catalyse the process with silver.

3.2. Continuous bioleaching test with silver at 45 °C

A new continuous bioleaching experiment was performed at 45 °C

with 15 days residence time (across

Fig. 3. Preliminary test: 45 °C and 20 days residence time. Variations of the bacterial
population (A) and the redox potential (B).

Fig. 2 A shows the variation of iron in solution. The drop in

concentration caused by dilution at the outset of the continuous
process was followed by stabilization of the concentration after
approximately 10 days, which clearly indicates that the residence time
employed was appropriate for this metal. The lack of sharp
fluctuations in the concentration curve of this element is indicative of
weak precipitation of jarosites. Analysis of residues by X-ray
diffraction confirmed this point, since the proportion of jarosites was

The variation of copper concentration ( Fig. 2 B)

reached a steady state later than iron, practically at the end of the
experiment, with copper dissolutions of 4 g/L. An overall copper yield
of 12% was achieved.
The dissolution rate of zinc remained practically unchanged
during both discontinuous and continuous stages, as sphalerite is the
most soluble mineral in the concentrate ( Fig. 2 C).

The bacterial concentration in solution during the continuous

experiment was stable, attaining high concentrations, above 10 8 cells/mL,
in all the reactors ( Fig. 3 A). Although there was also bacterial growth
in the feeding tank, the concentration was much lower than in the
reactors at all times. This bacterial activity raised the redox potential
Fig. 4. Continuous bioleaching with silver at 45 °C: 15 days residence time and 0.3 g
to 550 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl) ( Fig. 3 B) Ag/kg of concentrate. Variations of the concentration of iron (A), copper (B) and zinc (C).
106 L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111

The copper dissolution rate increased in the three reactors during

the continuous stage, but the differences among them diminished. In
any case the overall dissolution yield of this metal was twice that
(24.5%) achieved in the test without silver ( Fig. 4 B). The zinc in
solution decreased, confirming that silver does not catalyse
dissolution of sphalerite, but conversely decreases its reactivity ( Fig.
4 C). The bacterial population was high, even more abundant than in
the test without silver, indicating that silver did not affect culture
growth and that the moderate thermophilic bacteria tolerated silver
well ( Fig. 5 A).

Fig. 5. Continuous bioleaching with silver at 45 °C: 15 days residence time and 0.3 g
Ag/kg of concentrate. Variations of the bacterial population (A) and the redox potential

the three reactors) using 0.3 g Ag/kg of concentrate, fixed on the

mineral surface at 35 °C for 24 h. This amount was chosen on the
basis of previous studies which demonstrated that lower amounts
were insufficient to catalyse chalcopyrite dissolution, whereas
amounts higher than 0.3 g Ag/kg of concentrate did not improve the
mineral dissolution ( Blázquez et al., 1999 ). In addition, these studies
showed that the most favourable temperature to fix silver on the
chalcopyrite surface was 35 °C ( Cancho et al., 2004 ). The results of
this test are shown in Fig. 4 . The

highest yield during the discontinuous stage was achieved in reactor

R-1 with dissolution of 34.8% Fe,
36.8% Cu and 71.8% Zn after 40 days. Silver was only added to the
feeding tank, and so the discontinuous stage prior to experiment 2
was performed under the same experimental conditions as the
previous test.
Based on the catalytic effect of silver ions on chalcopyrite
dissolution, it was decided to use a shorter residence time (15 days)
than in the preliminary experiment (20 days). Stabilization of the
system was readily achieved during the continuous stage, indicating
that the decision to shorten the residence time was the right one.
Fig. 6. Continuous bioleaching with silver at 40 °C: 0.3 g Ag/kg of concentrate and 15
days residence time. Variations of the concentration of iron (A), copper (B) and zinc (C).
L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111 107

of silver. The highest yield was achieved in reactor R-2:

31.8% Fe, 48.6% Cu and 51.8% Zn, after 20 days. These results
indicated a higher rate of metal dissolution than in the corresponding
discontinuous stage of the previous experiment. This was possibly
due to the presence of silver, since in the previous experiment the
silver was not added during the discontinuous stage, but to the
feeding tank during the continuous stage.

During the continuous stage, a steady state of metal dissolution

was achieved half way through the experiment. A higher iron
concentration was reached, close to 6 g/L ( Fig. 6 A). However, copper
concentration decreased slightly with respect to the previous test ( Fig.
6 B). The overall copper yield was 18.4%, an intermediate value
between the two previous tests. The pH remained between

1.0 and 1.4 as in the previous tests. The most important differences
between this test and the one carried out at 45 °C were: a) an
increase in the amount of iron and zinc in solution, principally in the
last two reactors ( Fig. 6 A and C) and b) a decrease and stabilization
of copper dissolution; c) an increase of bacteria in suspension in all
the reactors, double that of the two previous tests ( Fig. 7 A); and d)
also high oxidizing potentials of 600 mV, mainly in the last reactors ( Fig.
Fig. 7. Continuous bioleaching with silver at 40 °C: 0.3 g Ag/kg of concentrate and 15 7 B). Under these conditions, chalcopyrite passivation took place.
days residence time. Variations of the bacterial population (A) and the redox potential (B).

The redox potential in steady state was lower than in the absence The increase in the redox potential and free bacteria in
of silver. This is probably related to a decrease of the Fe (III)/Fe (II) suspension, with iron as the main oxidizable substrate, was probably
ratio produced by consumption of ferric ion during regeneration of the the result of selection of Feoxidizing bacteria in the culture caused by
catalyst according to reaction (2) ( Fig. 5 B). a reduction in temperature. According to several authors ( Olson and
Clark, 2004; Third et al., 2002 ), Leptospirillum is the dominant species
in the bioleaching of gold concentrates at 40 °C and pH 1.6, with
3.3. Continuous bioleaching test with silver at 40 °C arsenopyrite and pyrite as the main minerals.

Previous studies have shown that the catalytic effect of silver on

chalcopyrite is strongly affected by the temperature of fixation ( Blázquez Bacterial selection of this microorganism occurs when redox
et al., 1999 ). For instance, dissolution of chalcopyrite increases potential is high because it is less sensitive to high concentrations of
substantially at a silver deposition temperature of 35 °C but no ferric ion. The strong Fe-oxidizing tendency of Leptospirillum would
catalytic effect is observed at 68 °C. On the basis of these results, a explain the high redox potentials attained during these experiments.
temperature of 40 °C, close to the optimum for the silver action (35
°C), was tested. A 5 °C reduction of temperature should not be as
detrimental to bacterial growth as exceeding the maximum growth A 5 °C reduction in temperature modified the proportion of
temperature; although it might affect the kinetics of the process, this Fe-oxidizing microorganisms in the mixed culture, raised the redox
would be offset by silver catalysis. A third experiment was therefore potential of the solution to above 500 mV vs. Ag/AgCl causing
performed at 40 °C, maintaining a residence time of 15 days (across chalcopyrite passivation ( Third et al., 2002 ), and favoured the
the three reactors) with 0.3 g Ag/kg of concentrate fixed at 35 °C. dissolution of pyrite and sphalerite.

This temperature-dependant bacterial selection could negatively

affect the activity of S-oxidizing bacteria, which is inhibited in the
Fig. 6 shows the results of this test. The prior discontinuous stage presence of high concentrations of ferric ion. These conditions
was also conducted in the presence promote passivation of
108 L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111

Fig. 8. Improved continuous bioleaching system. Variations of the concentration of iron (A), copper (B) and zinc (C).

the chalcopyrite surface and are unfavourable to its dissolution. previous experimentation: in an improved system at 45 °C. The main
changes introduced were:
From these results it seems clear that the control of redox
potential is extremely important for the system, and this variable a) The stirring rate was optimized to avoid settlement of the solid. The
would therefore be a good indicator of the effectiveness of use of a stirring rate in excess of 400 rpm during experimentation
chalcopyrite catalysis. produced a more homogeneous pulp, but this affected bacterial
growth negatively by increasing cell attrition and reducing the
3.4. Improved continuous bioleaching system adherence of microorganisms to the mineral, which is necessary
for oxidation of the sulphur that forms on the chalcopyrite surface.
The last continuous bioleaching test was performed under the A homogeneous
best conditions established during the
L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111 109

Fig. 9. Improved continuous bioleaching system. Variations of the bacterial population (A) and the redox potential (B).

pulp was achieved by improving the design of the reactors: (2)). The culture used in this experiment was a mixed one (Fe-
placing baffles in the walls, using a screw propeller capable of and S-oxidizing bacteria) of moderate thermophilic
generating greater turbulence, and supplying air from the centre microorganisms unadapted to silver.
of the reactor bottom to give better gas distribution. As a result,
the solid was kept in suspension and mass transfer and optimum During the test, different variables were modified to find the best
conditions for the growth of bacteria were achieved. bioleaching conditions and to improve the overall yield of the process.

Fig. 8 shows the variation in the concentrations of iron, copper

b) The volume of the first reactor was doubled to increase the and zinc during the experiment. A silver concentration of 0.3 g/kg of
residence time, considering that there is constant dilution in that concentrate was used during the discontinuous stage. The highest
reactor due to continuous input of pulp. dissolutions were achieved in reactor R-1: 42% Fe, 60% Cu and 53%
Zn. At the start of the continuous test, the concentration of catalyst
c) The mineral was washed and silver was deposited on it at 35 °C to was kept at 0.3 g Ag/kg of RT and the residence time at 7 days.
eliminate surface compounds (flotation reagents and oxidation
products) that could interfere with the interaction between silver
and chalcopyrite. The metallic dissolution decreased in all the reactors at the
d) Recent studies have shown that the growth ofmoderate beginning of the continuous process, indicating that the residence
thermophilic microorganisms in continuous cultures and in the time was too short to achieve stabilization of the system. Therefore, a
presence of silver favours their S-oxidizing ability but inhibits their new residence time of 10.5 days was tried after day 60 of the test.
Fe-oxidizing capability ( Cancho et al., 2005 ). However, the However, the system did not respond as expected. The redox
presence of Feoxidizing microorganisms in the mixed culture is potential rose since the bacteria had longer to generate Fe (III), and
important in order to regenerate the catalyst (reaction the feeding tank produced less
110 L. Cancho et al. / Hydrometallurgy 87 (2007) 100 – 111

dilution ( Fig. 9 B). This increase of the redox potential to above 500 Silver substantially raised the rate of chalcopyrite dissolution and
mV in the three reactors coincided with a decrease of copper in copper extraction when the redox potential was lower than 500 mV
solution, which again confirms both the passivation of chalcopyrite at vs. Ag/AgCl.
high potentials and the absence of silver catalysis. The amount of Reducing the temperature caused selection of Feoxidizing
silver ion added could be insufficient if it partially reduces to metallic microorganisms and a consequent increase of the Fe (III)/Fe(II) ratio.
silver. Increasing the residence time to 14 days (after day 77 of the High Fe (III) concentrations inhibited the activity of S-oxidizing
test) and the amount of silver to 1 g Ag/kg of RT (after day 100 of the bacteria and favoured passivation of chalcopyrite and dissolution of
test) had a beneficial effect on the system: The redox potential pyrite and sphalerite.
decreased and the copper dissolution increased. Once the system
stabilized, after 143 days, further silver was added (2 g Ag/kg of RT) The stirring rate was adjusted to optimize homogenization of the
to improve the copper dissolution. After an initial reduction of copper pulp and the presence of microorganisms. A stirring rate higher than
and iron in solution, both rose until the system stabilized. The drop in 350 rpm reduced the effectiveness of the culture due to increased cell
metals seems to be connected with the culture's adaptation to the attrition and poorer adherence of microorganisms to the mineral,
increased amount of silver. which is necessary to oxidize the sulphur that forms on the
chalcopyrite surface.

The increase of Zn in solution was associated with an increase of Acknowledgements

the redox potential, leading to passivation of the chalcopyrite. The
consumption of Fe (III) during Zn dissolution produced a reduction of The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Comisión
the Fe (III)/Fe (II) ratio and hence of the redox potential, which again Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) of the Spanish
favoured chalcopyrite dissolution. government for funding this work. Furthermore, one of the authors (L.
Cancho) wishes to express her gratitude to the Comunidad Autónoma
The highest copper dissolution in the three reactors was achieved de Madrid for the graduate grant that helped her to carry out these
with 2 g Ag/kg of concentrate, at a redox potential between 400 and research studies.
500 mV vs. Ag/AgCl and at a pH lower than 1.5. The last two
variables were responsible for the resulting stable and abundant
bacterial population ( Fig. 9 A), which indicates that in these conditions
silver catalysis was efficient. The conditions at the end of the
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