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Company Name : MUDA

Job Description : GAPENA-HOSTEL
Designed by : IRFAN
Date and Time : Friday, March 22, 2019 5:17:00 PM
(License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1)


Load Allowance = 10.0 %
Soil Bearing Capacity = 100.0 kN/m²
Minimum Steel Percentage Permitted = 0.30 %
Maximum Steel Percentage Permitted = 4.00 %
Minimum Rebar Spacing Allowed = 100 mm
Maximum Rebar Spacing Allowed = 250 mm
Enhanced Shear Multiplier = 1.5

Lean Concrete
Code of Practice fcu (N/mm²) Ec, (N/mm²) fy (N/mm²) γc γs
fcu (N/mm²)
BS8110 : 1997 30 10 24597 460 1.5 1.05

Cover (mm) Conc. Unit Weight (kN/m³) Steel Unit Weight (kg/m³)
50 24 7860


Element/Elements Supported = Column C20:(3,I)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 4.6 -0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.5 1.40
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 4.6 -0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 1.40
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C20:(3,I) -0.2 0 0.0
GB C20:(3,I) 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Equivalent loadings imposed
Equivalent Column Load = 4.90kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =0.54kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 5.44kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 5.44 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.3 m
Footing length, L = 0.3 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 5.44 / (0.3 × 0.3) = 60.41 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²
Since the pad area is governed by the stump size, hence the assigned x/y ratio is not complied.

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-1750,1450} mm
Point 1:{-1450,1450} mm
Point 2:{-1450,1750} mm
Point 3:{-1750,1750} mm
Pad Footing center = {-1600.00,1600.00} mm
B = 300
L = 300

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 1kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.40 × 4.9*10^6 / 90000 = 76.2 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 76.2kN/m²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X
xeffect = 300.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 150mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 76.2*300*150^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 0.26kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 300.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 150mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 76.2*300*150^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 0.26kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*0.26/(30*300*176²) = 0.0009
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0009)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 176 mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*0.26/(460/1.05*167) =4 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*300*250/100=225.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 226 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*300*176²*0.16/10^6 = 43.59kNm>=0.26=0.26kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*226/(300*250.0) = 0.30%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

2T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*2*12^2/4 = 226mm²
The steel area provided 226 mm²
225<226 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 175
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*0.26/(30*300*188²) = 0.0008
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0008)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 188 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*0.26/(460/1.05*179) =3 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*300*250/100=225.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 226 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*300*188²*0.16/10^6 = 49.74kNm>=0.26=0.26kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*226/(300*250.0) = 0.30%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

2T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*2*12^2/4 = 226mm²
The steel area provided 226 mm²
225<226 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 175
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for bar diameter:
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 300*176=52800mm²
Cut Area Y = 300*188=56400mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(226+226)/(52800+56400)=0.41
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.41%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.41^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

The most critical section is checked at 0.2d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.20*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.20,1) = 7.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 7.50 = 4.62 N/mm²

k = 0.20
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.20 × 182.0 = 223 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.20 × 182.0 = 223 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 76.2 × (0.090 - 0.223*0.223) = 3.074 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 3/((2 × 223 + 2 × 223)*182)= 0.02 <= vc = 4.62 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 6.9*10^3/(600*182) = 0.06 N/mm²

0.06 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction
fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.43^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.43^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 0.40d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.40,1) = 3.75
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 3.75 = 2.33 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(300*176) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 2.33 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.40d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.40,1) = 3.75
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 3.75 = 2.33 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(300*176) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 2.33 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.35d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.35,1) = 4.29
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.60 × 4.29 = 2.56 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(300*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 2.56 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.35d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.35,1) = 4.29
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.60 × 4.29 = 2.56 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(300*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 2.56 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C1:(A',5')


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 9.3 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.3 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 9.3 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.3 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C1:(A',5') 1.1 0 0.0
GB C1:(A',5') 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 11.38kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =0.74kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 12.11kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 12.11 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.35 m
Footing length, L = 0.35 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 12.11 / (0.35 × 0.35) = 98.89 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-5713,-9424} mm
Point 1:{-5363,-9424} mm
Point 2:{-5363,-9074} mm
Point 3:{-5713,-9074} mm
Pad Footing center = {-5537.52,-9248.91} mm
B = 350
L = 350

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 1kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 11.4*10^6 / 122500 = 131.9 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 131.9kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 350.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 175mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 131.9*350*175^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 0.71kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 350.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 175mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 131.9*350*175^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 0.71kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Steel Area Calculation
k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*0.71/(30*350*176²) = 0.0022
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0022)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 176 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*0.71/(460/1.05*167) =10 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*350*250/100=262.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 339 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*350*176²*0.16/10^6 = 50.86kNm>=0.71=0.71kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*339/(350*250.0) = 0.39%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

3T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*3*12^2/4 = 339mm²
The steel area provided 339 mm²
263<339 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 100
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*0.71/(30*350*188²) = 0.0019
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0019)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 188 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*0.71/(460/1.05*179) =9 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*350*250/100=262.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 339 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*350*188²*0.16/10^6 = 58.03kNm>=0.71=0.71kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Steel percentage y = 100*339/(350*250.0) = 0.39%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

3T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*3*12^2/4 = 339mm²
The steel area provided 339 mm²
263<339 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 100
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 350*176=61600mm²
Cut Area Y = 350*188=65800mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(339+339)/(61600+65800)=0.53
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.53%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.53^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.67 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.67 × 3.00 = 2.01 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.9 × (0.123 - 0.332*0.332) = 1.620 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 2/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.01 <= vc = 2.01 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.25d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.25*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.25,1) = 6.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.67 × 6.00 = 4.02 N/mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
k = 0.25
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.25 × 182.0 = 241 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.25 × 182.0 = 241 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.9 × (0.123 - 0.241*0.241) = 8.500 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 9/((2 × 241 + 2 × 241)*182)= 0.05 <= vc = 4.02 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 16.2*10^3/(600*182) = 0.15 N/mm²

0.15 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.55%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.55^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.68 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.55%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.55^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.68 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.55,1) = 2.73
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.68 × 2.73 = 1.84 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(350*176) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.84 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.55d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.55,1) = 2.73
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.68 × 2.73 = 1.84 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(350*176) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.84 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The flexural shear is checked at 0.50d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.50,1) = 3.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 3.00 = 1.95 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(350*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.95 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.50d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.50,1) = 3.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 3.00 = 1.95 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(350*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.95 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C2:(B',5')


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 8.8 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.7 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 8.8 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.7 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C2:(B',5') 0.9 0 0.0
GB C2:(B',5') 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 10.64kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =0.74kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 11.38kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 11.38 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.35 m
Footing length, L = 0.35 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 11.38 / (0.35 × 0.35) = 92.89 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-6827,-8275} mm
Point 1:{-6477,-8275} mm
Point 2:{-6477,-7925} mm
Point 3:{-6827,-7925} mm
Pad Footing center = {-6651.59,-8100.50} mm
B = 350
L = 350

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 1kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 10.6*10^6 / 122500 = 123.2 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 123.2kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 350.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 175mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 123.2*350*175^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 0.66kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 350.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 175mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 123.2*350*175^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 0.66kNm

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check Thickness Constraint
250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*0.66/(30*350*176²) = 0.0020
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0020)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 176 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*0.66/(460/1.05*167) =9 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*350*250/100=262.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 339 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*350*176²*0.16/10^6 = 50.86kNm>=0.66=0.66kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*339/(350*250.0) = 0.39%

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

3T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*3*12^2/4 = 339mm²
The steel area provided 339 mm²
263<339 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 100
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*0.66/(30*350*188²) = 0.0018
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0018)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 188 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*0.66/(460/1.05*179) =8 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*350*250/100=262.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 339 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*350*188²*0.16/10^6 = 58.03kNm>=0.66=0.66kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*339/(350*250.0) = 0.39%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

3T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*3*12^2/4 = 339mm²
The steel area provided 339 mm²
263<339 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 100
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 350*176=61600mm²
Cut Area Y = 350*188=65800mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(339+339)/(61600+65800)=0.53
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.53%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.53^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.67 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.67 × 3.00 = 2.01 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 123.2 × (0.123 - 0.332*0.332) = 1.513 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 2/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.01 <= vc = 2.01 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.25d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.25*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.25,1) = 6.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.67 × 6.00 = 4.02 N/mm²

k = 0.25
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.25 × 182.0 = 241 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.25 × 182.0 = 241 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 123.2 × (0.123 - 0.241*0.241) = 7.938 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 8/((2 × 241 + 2 × 241)*182)= 0.05 <= vc = 4.02 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 15.1*10^3/(600*182) = 0.14 N/mm²

0.14 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.55%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.55^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.68 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.55%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.55^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.68 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.55,1) = 2.73
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.68 × 2.73 = 1.84 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(350*176) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.84 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.55d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.55,1) = 2.73
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.68 × 2.73 = 1.84 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(350*176) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.84 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.50d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.50,1) = 3.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 3.00 = 1.95 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(350*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.95 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.50d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.50,1) = 3.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 3.00 = 1.95 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(350*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.95 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C8:(B',2')


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 18.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.1 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 18.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.1 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C8:(B',2') 2.2 0 0.0
GB C8:(B',2') 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 22.15kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =1.50kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 23.65kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 23.65 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.5 m
Footing length, L = 0.5 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 23.65 / (0.5 × 0.5) = 94.6 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-2469,-4051} mm
Point 1:{-1969,-4051} mm
Point 2:{-1969,-3551} mm
Point 3:{-2469,-3551} mm
Pad Footing center = {-2219.43,-3800.90} mm
B = 500
L = 500

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Pad Footing weight = 1kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 22.2*10^6 / 250000 = 125.9 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 125.9kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 500.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 250mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 125.9*500*250^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 1.97kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 500.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 250mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 125.9*500*250^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 1.97kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*1.97/(30*500*176²) = 0.0042
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0042)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 175 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*1.97/(460/1.05*167) =27 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*500*250/100=375.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*500*176²*0.16/10^6 = 72.65kNm>=1.97=1.97kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*452/(500*250.0) = 0.36%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
375<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*1.97/(30*500*188²) = 0.0037
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0037)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 187 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*1.97/(460/1.05*179) =25 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*500*250/100=375.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*500*188²*0.16/10^6 = 82.90kNm>=1.97=1.97kNm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*452/(500*250.0) = 0.36%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
375<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 500*176=88000mm²
Cut Area Y = 500*188=94000mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(452+452)/(88000+94000)=0.50
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.50%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.50^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.66 × 3.00 = 1.97 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 125.9 × (0.250 - 0.332*0.332) = 17.603 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 18/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.07 <= vc = 1.97 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.4d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.40*depth
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.40,1) = 3.75d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.66 × 3.75 = 2.46 N/mm²

k = 0.40
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.40 × 182.0 = 296 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.40 × 182.0 = 296 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 125.9 × (0.250 - 0.296*0.296) = 20.480 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 20/((2 × 296 + 2 × 296)*182)= 0.10 <= vc = 2.46 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 31.5*10^3/(600*182) = 0.29 N/mm²

0.29 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.51%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.51^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.51%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.51^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 0.95d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.95,1) = 1.58
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.58 = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(500*176) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.95d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.95,1) = 1.58
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.58 = 1.04 N/mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(500*176) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.90d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.90,1) = 1.67
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.67 = 1.06 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(500*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.06 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.90d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.90,1) = 1.67
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.67 = 1.06 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(500*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.06 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C9:(5,I)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 18.7 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.1 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 18.7 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.0 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C9:(5,I) 2.4 0 0.0
GB C9:(5,I) 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 23.16kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =1.50kN
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 24.66kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 24.66 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.5 m
Footing length, L = 0.5 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 24.66 / (0.5 × 0.5) = 98.64 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-1850,-3450} mm
Point 1:{-1350,-3450} mm
Point 2:{-1350,-2950} mm
Point 3:{-1850,-2950} mm
Pad Footing center = {-1600.00,-3200.00} mm
B = 500
L = 500

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 2kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 23.2*10^6 / 250000 = 131.8 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 131.8kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 500.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 250mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 131.8*500*250^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 2.06kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 500.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 250mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 131.8*500*250^2/2.0/10^9
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Moment Y = 2.06kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*2.06/(30*500*176²) = 0.0044
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0044)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 175 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*2.06/(460/1.05*167) =28 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*500*250/100=375.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*500*176²*0.16/10^6 = 72.65kNm>=2.06=2.06kNm
Moment checking pass

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for steel percentage:
Steel percentage x = 100*452/(500*250.0) = 0.36%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
375<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*2.06/(30*500*188²) = 0.0039
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0039)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 187 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*2.06/(460/1.05*179) =26 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*500*250/100=375.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*500*188²*0.16/10^6 = 82.90kNm>=2.06=2.06kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*452/(500*250.0) = 0.36%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
375<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 500*176=88000mm²
Cut Area Y = 500*188=94000mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(452+452)/(88000+94000)=0.50
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.50%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.50^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.66 × 3.00 = 1.97 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.8 × (0.250 - 0.332*0.332) = 18.423 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 18/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.08 <= vc = 1.97 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.4d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.40*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.40,1) = 3.75d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.66 × 3.75 = 2.46 N/mm²

k = 0.40
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.40 × 182.0 = 296 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.40 × 182.0 = 296 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.8 × (0.250 - 0.296*0.296) = 21.434 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 21/((2 × 296 + 2 × 296)*182)= 0.10 <= vc = 2.46 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 33.0*10^3/(600*182) = 0.30 N/mm²

0.30 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.51%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.51^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.51%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.51^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 0.95d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.95,1) = 1.58
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.58 = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(500*176) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.95d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.95,1) = 1.58
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.58 = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(500*176) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.90d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.90,1) = 1.67
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.67 = 1.06 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(500*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.06 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.90d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.90,1) = 1.67
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.67 = 1.06 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(500*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.06 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C3:(A',4')


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 2
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 21.9 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.5 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 21.9 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.5 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C3:(A',4') 2.6 0 0.0
GB C3:(A',4') 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 26.98kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =1.82kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 28.80kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 28.8 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.55 m
Footing length, L = 0.55 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 28.8 / (0.55 × 0.55) = 95.2 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-4395,-8149} mm
Point 1:{-3845,-8149} mm
Point 2:{-3845,-7599} mm
Point 3:{-4395,-7599} mm
Pad Footing center = {-4119.95,-7873.74} mm
B = 550
L = 550

Thickness =250mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 2kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 27.0*10^6 / 302500 = 126.8 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 126.8kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 126.8*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 2.64kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 126.8*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 2.64kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*2.64/(30*550*176²) = 0.0052
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0052)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 175 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*2.64/(460/1.05*167) =36 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*550*176²*0.16/10^6 = 79.92kNm>=2.64=2.64kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*2.64/(30*550*188²) = 0.0045
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0045)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 187 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*2.64/(460/1.05*179) =34 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
30.00*550*188²*0.16/10^6 = 91.19kNm>=2.64=2.64kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 550*176=96800mm²
Cut Area Y = 550*188=103400mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(452+452)/(96800+103400)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.00 = 1.90 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 126.8 × (0.303 - 0.332*0.332) = 24.372 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 24/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.10 <= vc = 1.90 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.95 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 126.8 × (0.303 - 0.514*0.514) = 4.855 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 5/((2 × 514 + 2 × 514)*182)= 0.01 <= vc = 0.95 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.45d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.45*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.45,1) = 3.33d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.33 = 2.12 N/mm²

k = 0.45
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 126.8 × (0.303 - 0.314*0.314) = 25.862 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 26/((2 × 314 + 2 × 314)*182)= 0.11 <= vc = 2.12 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 38.3*10^3/(600*182) = 0.35 N/mm²

0.35 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.55,1) = 2.73
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 2.73 = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 7 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.07 ≤ vc' = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C4:(B',4')


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 2
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 22.2 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.8 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 22.2 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.8 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C4:(B',4') 2.7 0 0.0
GB C4:(B',4') 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 27.29kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =1.82kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 29.11kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 29.11 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.55 m
Footing length, L = 0.55 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 29.11 / (0.55 × 0.55) = 96.22 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-5509,-7000} mm
Point 1:{-4959,-7000} mm
Point 2:{-4959,-6450} mm
Point 3:{-5509,-6450} mm
Pad Footing center = {-5234.02,-6725.32} mm
B = 550
L = 550

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 2kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 27.3*10^6 / 302500 = 128.2 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 128.2kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 128.2*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 2.67kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 128.2*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 2.67kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Steel Area Calculation
k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*2.67/(30*550*176²) = 0.0052
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0052)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 175 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*2.67/(460/1.05*167) =36 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*550*176²*0.16/10^6 = 79.92kNm>=2.67=2.67kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*2.67/(30*550*188²) = 0.0046
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0046)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 187 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*2.67/(460/1.05*179) =34 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*550*188²*0.16/10^6 = 91.19kNm>=2.67=2.67kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Steel percentage y = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 550*176=96800mm²
Cut Area Y = 550*188=103400mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(452+452)/(96800+103400)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.00 = 1.90 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.2 × (0.303 - 0.332*0.332) = 24.658 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 25/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.10 <= vc = 1.90 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.95 N/mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.2 × (0.303 - 0.514*0.514) = 4.912 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 5/((2 × 514 + 2 × 514)*182)= 0.01 <= vc = 0.95 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.45d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.45*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.45,1) = 3.33d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.33 = 2.12 N/mm²

k = 0.45
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.2 × (0.303 - 0.314*0.314) = 26.166 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 26/((2 × 314 + 2 × 314)*182)= 0.11 <= vc = 2.12 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 38.8*10^3/(600*182) = 0.36 N/mm²

0.36 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.55,1) = 2.73
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 2.73 = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 7 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.08 ≤ vc' = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C5:(A',3')


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 21.2 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.8 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 21.2 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.7 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted
1B C5:(A',3') 2.5 0 0.0
GB C5:(A',3') 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 26.13kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =1.82kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 27.94kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 27.94 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.55 m
Footing length, L = 0.55 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 27.94 / (0.55 × 0.55) = 92.36 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-2888,-6687} mm
Point 1:{-2338,-6687} mm
Point 2:{-2338,-6137} mm
Point 3:{-2888,-6137} mm
Pad Footing center = {-2612.66,-6411.53} mm
B = 550
L = 550

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 2kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Earth Pressure Calculation
Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 26.1*10^6 / 302500 = 122.7 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 122.7kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 122.7*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 2.55kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 122.7*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 2.55kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*2.55/(30*550*176²) = 0.0050
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0050)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 175 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*2.55/(460/1.05*167) =35 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*550*176²*0.16/10^6 = 79.92kNm>=2.55=2.55kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*2.55/(30*550*188²) = 0.0044
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0044)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 187 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*2.55/(460/1.05*179) =33 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*550*188²*0.16/10^6 = 91.19kNm>=2.55=2.55kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction
4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 550*176=96800mm²
Cut Area Y = 550*188=103400mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(452+452)/(96800+103400)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.00 = 1.90 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 122.7 × (0.303 - 0.332*0.332) = 23.600 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 24/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.10 <= vc = 1.90 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.95 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
B' = 150 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 122.7 × (0.303 - 0.514*0.514) = 4.701 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 5/((2 × 514 + 2 × 514)*182)= 0.01 <= vc = 0.95 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.45d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.45*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.45,1) = 3.33d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.33 = 2.12 N/mm²

k = 0.45
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 122.7 × (0.303 - 0.314*0.314) = 25.042 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 25/((2 × 314 + 2 × 314)*182)= 0.11 <= vc = 2.12 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 37.1*10^3/(600*182) = 0.34 N/mm²

0.34 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.55,1) = 2.73
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 2.73 = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 7 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.07 ≤ vc' = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C6:(B',3')


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 21.3 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.8 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 21.3 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.8 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C6:(B',3') 2.5 0 0.0
GB C6:(B',3') 0.0 10 0.0
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 26.16kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =1.82kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 27.98kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 27.98 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.55 m
Footing length, L = 0.55 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 27.98 / (0.55 × 0.55) = 92.49 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-4002,-5538} mm
Point 1:{-3452,-5538} mm
Point 2:{-3452,-4988} mm
Point 3:{-4002,-4988} mm
Pad Footing center = {-3726.72,-5263.11} mm
B = 550
L = 550

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 2kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

ρ = 1.42 × 26.2*10^6 / 302500 = 122.9 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 122.9kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 122.9*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 2.56kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 122.9*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 2.56kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*2.56/(30*550*176²) = 0.0050
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0050)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 175 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*2.56/(460/1.05*167) =35 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*550*176²*0.16/10^6 = 79.92kNm>=2.56=2.56kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*2.56/(30*550*188²) = 0.0044
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0044)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 187 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*2.56/(460/1.05*179) =33 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*550*188²*0.16/10^6 = 91.19kNm>=2.56=2.56kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 550*176=96800mm²
Cut Area Y = 550*188=103400mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(452+452)/(96800+103400)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.00 = 1.90 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 122.9 × (0.303 - 0.332*0.332) = 23.628 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 24/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.10 <= vc = 1.90 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.95 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Punching Shear Force = 122.9 × (0.303 - 0.514*0.514) = 4.707 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 5/((2 × 514 + 2 × 514)*182)= 0.01 <= vc = 0.95 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.45d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.45*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.45,1) = 3.33d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.33 = 2.12 N/mm²

k = 0.45
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 122.9 × (0.303 - 0.314*0.314) = 25.073 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 25/((2 × 314 + 2 × 314)*182)= 0.11 <= vc = 2.12 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 37.2*10^3/(600*182) = 0.34 N/mm²

0.34 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 0.55d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.55,1) = 2.73
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 2.73 = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 7 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.07 ≤ vc' = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C7:(A',2')


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 20.9 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.3 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 20.9 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.3 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C7:(A',2') 2.4 0 0.0
GB C7:(A',2') 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 25.58kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =1.82kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 27.39kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 27.39 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.55 m
Footing length, L = 0.55 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 27.39 / (0.55 × 0.55) = 90.56 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-1380,-5224} mm
Point 1:{-830,-5224} mm
Point 2:{-830,-4674} mm
Point 3:{-1380,-4674} mm
Pad Footing center = {-1105.36,-4949.31} mm
B = 550
L = 550

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 2kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 25.6*10^6 / 302500 = 120.1 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Detailed Moment Calculation
The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 120.1kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 120.1*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 2.50kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 550.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 275mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 120.1*550*275^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 2.50kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Steel Area in X Direction
k = 10^6*2.50/(30*550*176²) = 0.0049
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0049)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 175 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*2.50/(460/1.05*167) =34 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*550*176²*0.16/10^6 = 79.92kNm>=2.50=2.50kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*2.50/(30*550*188²) = 0.0043
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0043)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 187 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*2.50/(460/1.05*179) =32 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*550*250/100=412.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*550*188²*0.16/10^6 = 91.19kNm>=2.50=2.50kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*452/(550*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
413<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 550*176=96800mm²
Cut Area Y = 550*188=103400mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(452+452)/(96800+103400)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.00 = 1.90 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 120.1 × (0.303 - 0.332*0.332) = 23.098 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 23/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.10 <= vc = 1.90 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.95 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 120.1 × (0.303 - 0.514*0.514) = 4.601 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 5/((2 × 514 + 2 × 514)*182)= 0.01 <= vc = 0.95 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The most critical section is checked at 0.45d
Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.45*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.45,1) = 3.33d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.33 = 2.12 N/mm²

k = 0.45
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.45 × 182.0 = 314 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 120.1 × (0.303 - 0.314*0.314) = 24.510 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 25/((2 × 314 + 2 × 314)*182)= 0.11 <= vc = 2.12 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 36.3*10^3/(600*182) = 0.33 N/mm²

0.33 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 2 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.02 ≤ vc' = 0.96 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(550*188) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 0.55d from column face at right portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 0.55d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.55,1) = 2.73
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 2.73 = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 7 × 10³/(550*176) = 0.07 ≤ vc' = 1.75 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C10:(5,A)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 27.9 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.6 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 27.9 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.6 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C10:(5,A) 2.7 0 0.0
GB C10:(5,A) 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Equivalent loadings imposed
Equivalent Column Load = 33.69kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =2.16kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 35.85kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 35.85 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.6 m
Footing length, L = 0.6 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 35.85 / (0.6 × 0.6) = 99.59 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-300,-3500} mm
Point 1:{300,-3500} mm
Point 2:{300,-2900} mm
Point 3:{-300,-2900} mm
Pad Footing center = {0.00,-3200.00} mm
B = 600
L = 600

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 2kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 33.7*10^6 / 360000 = 132.7 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 132.7kN/m²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X
xeffect = 600.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 300mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 132.7*600*300^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 3.58kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 600.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 300mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 132.7*600*300^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 3.58kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*3.58/(30*600*176²) = 0.0064
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0064)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 175 mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*3.58/(460/1.05*167) =49 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*600*250/100=450.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*600*176²*0.16/10^6 = 87.19kNm>=3.58=3.58kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*452/(600*250.0) = 0.30%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
450<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 150
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*3.58/(30*600*188²) = 0.0056
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0056)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 187 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*3.58/(460/1.05*179) =46 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*600*250/100=450.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 452 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*600*188²*0.16/10^6 = 99.48kNm>=3.58=3.58kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*452/(600*250.0) = 0.30%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

4T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*4*12^2/4 = 452mm²
The steel area provided 452 mm²
450<452 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 150
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for bar diameter:
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 600*176=105600mm²
Cut Area Y = 600*188=112800mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(452+452)/(105600+112800)=0.41
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.41%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.41^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 3.00 = 1.85 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.7 × (0.360 - 0.332*0.332) = 33.139 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 33/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.14 <= vc = 1.85 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.7 × (0.360 - 0.514*0.514) = 12.711 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 13/((2 × 514 + 2 × 514)*182)= 0.03 <= vc = 0.92 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.5d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 3.00 = 1.85 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.7 × (0.360 - 0.332*0.332) = 33.139 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 33/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.14 <= vc = 1.85 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 47.8*10^3/(600*182) = 0.44 N/mm²

0.44 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.43^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.43^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.93 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 4 × 10³/(600*176) = 0.04 ≤ vc' = 0.93 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.93 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 4 × 10³/(600*176) = 0.04 ≤ vc' = 0.93 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.60 × 1.50 = 0.90 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 3 × 10³/(600*188) = 0.03 ≤ vc' = 0.90 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.60 × 1.50 = 0.90 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 3 × 10³/(600*188) = 0.03 ≤ vc' = 0.90 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 0.65d from column face at right portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 0.65d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.65,1) = 2.31
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 2.31 = 1.43 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 9 × 10³/(600*176) = 0.08 ≤ vc' = 1.43 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C11:(4,I)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 2
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 27.9 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.8 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 27.9 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.8 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

1B C11:(4,I) 3.0 0 0.0
GB C11:(4,I) 0.0 10 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 33.86kN
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =2.54kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 36.39kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 36.39 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.65 m
Footing length, L = 0.65 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 36.39 / (0.65 × 0.65) = 86.14 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-1925,-325} mm
Point 1:{-1275,-325} mm
Point 2:{-1275,325} mm
Point 3:{-1925,325} mm
Pad Footing center = {-1600.00,0.00} mm
B = 650
L = 650

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 3kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 33.9*10^6 / 422500 = 113.7 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 113.7kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 650.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 325mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 113.7*650*325^2/2.0/10^9
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Moment X = 3.90kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 650.00/2.0-0.0*150.00/2.0 = 325mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 113.7*650*325^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 3.90kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*3.90/(30*650*176²) = 0.0065
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0065)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 175 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*3.90/(460/1.05*167) =53 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*650*250/100=487.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 565 mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Check for moment in x direction
30.00*650*176²*0.16/10^6 = 94.45kNm>=3.90=3.90kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*565/(650*250.0) = 0.35%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

5T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*5*12^2/4 = 565mm²
The steel area provided 565 mm²
488<565 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*3.90/(30*650*188²) = 0.0057
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0057)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 187 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*3.90/(460/1.05*179) =50 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*650*250/100=487.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 565 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*650*188²*0.16/10^6 = 107.77kNm>=3.90=3.90kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*565/(650*250.0) = 0.35%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

5T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*5*12^2/4 = 565mm²
The steel area provided 565 mm²
488<565 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 650*176=114400mm²
Cut Area Y = 650*188=122200mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(565+565)/(114400+122200)=0.48
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.48%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.48^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.65 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.65 × 3.00 = 1.94 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 332 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 113.7 × (0.423 - 0.332*0.332) = 35.508 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 36/((2 × 332 + 2 × 332)*182)= 0.15 <= vc = 1.94 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.65 × 1.50 = 0.97 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 514 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 113.7 × (0.423 - 0.514*0.514) = 18.000 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 18/((2 × 514 + 2 × 514)*182)= 0.05 <= vc = 0.97 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.55d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.55*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.55,1) = 2.73d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.65 × 2.73 = 1.76 N/mm²

k = 0.55
The dimension of the critical section
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 150 + 2 × 0.55 × 182.0 = 350 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 150 + 2 ×0.55 × 182.0 = 350 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 113.7 × (0.423 - 0.350*0.350) = 34.096 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 34/((2 × 350 + 2 × 350)*182)= 0.13 <= vc = 1.76 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 48.0*10^3/(600*182) = 0.44 N/mm²

0.44 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.49%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.49^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.65 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.49%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.49^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.65 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 5 × 10³/(650*176) = 0.05 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 5 × 10³/(650*176) = 0.05 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 5 × 10³/(650*188) = 0.04 ≤ vc' = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 5 × 10³/(650*188) = 0.04 ≤ vc' = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 0.7d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 0.70d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.70,1) = 2.14
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 2.14 = 1.40 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 9 × 10³/(650*176) = 0.08 ≤ vc' = 1.40 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C12:(4,A)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 41.1 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 44.3 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 41.1 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 44.2 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C12:(4,A) 0.0 0 0.0
1B C12:(4,A) 3.5 10 0.3
GB C12:(4,A) -0.1 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.3
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 48.71kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =4.86kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 53.57kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 53.57 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 0.9 m
Footing length, L = 0.9 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 53.57 / (0.9 × 0.9) = 66.13 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²
Since the pad area is governed by the stump size, hence the assigned x/y ratio is not complied.

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-450,-450} mm
Point 1:{450,-450} mm
Point 2:{450,450} mm
Point 3:{-450,450} mm
Pad Footing center = {0.00,0.00} mm
B = 900
L = 900

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 5kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 48.7*10^6 / 810000 = 85.1 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 85.1kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 900.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 450mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 85.1*900*450^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 7.75kNm

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y
yeffect = 900.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 450mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 85.1*900*450^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 7.75kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*7.75/(30*900*176²) = 0.0093
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0093)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 174 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*7.75/(460/1.05*167) =106 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*900*250/100=675.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 679 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
30.00*900*176²*0.16/10^6 = 130.78kNm>=7.75=7.75kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*679/(900*250.0) = 0.30%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

6T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*6*12^2/4 = 679mm²
The steel area provided 679 mm²
675<679 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 150
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*7.75/(30*900*188²) = 0.0081
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0081)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 186 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*7.75/(460/1.05*179) =99 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*900*250/100=675.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 679 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*900*188²*0.16/10^6 = 149.22kNm>=7.75=7.75kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*679/(900*250.0) = 0.30%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

6T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*6*12^2/4 = 679mm²
The steel area provided 679 mm²
675<679 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 150
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc
As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 900*176=158400mm²
Cut Area Y = 900*188=169200mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(679+679)/(158400+169200)=0.41
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.41%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.41^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

The most critical section is checked at 0.2d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.20*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.20,1) = 7.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 7.50 = 4.62 N/mm²

k = 0.20
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.20 × 182.0 = 823 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.20 × 182.0 = 823 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 85.1 × (0.810 - 0.823*0.823) = 11.319 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 11/((2 × 823 + 2 × 823)*182)= 0.02 <= vc = 4.62 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 68.9*10^3/(3000*182) = 0.13 N/mm²

0.13 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.43^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction
fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.43^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 0.40d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.40,1) = 3.75
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 3.75 = 2.33 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(900*176) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 2.33 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.40d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.40,1) = 3.75
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 3.75 = 2.33 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 0 × 10³/(900*176) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 2.33 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.35d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.35,1) = 4.29
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.60 × 4.29 = 2.56 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(900*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 2.56 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.35d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.35,1) = 4.29
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.60 × 4.29 = 2.56 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(900*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 2.56 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C30:(1,H)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 2
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 94.3 7.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 101.6 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 94.3 7.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 101.9 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C30:(1,H) 4.9 0 0.0
1B C30:(1,H) 2.9 10 0.3
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
GB C30:(1,H) 0.1 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.3
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 112.08kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =7.26kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 119.34kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 119.34 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.1 m
Footing length, L = 1.1 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 119.34 / (1.1 × 1.1) = 98.63 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{22550,6250} mm
Point 1:{23650,6250} mm
Point 2:{23650,7350} mm
Point 3:{22550,7350} mm
Pad Footing center = {23100.00,6800.00} mm
B = 1100
L = 1100

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 7kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 112.1*10^6 / 1210000 = 131.1 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 131.1kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1100.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 550mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 131.1*1100*550^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 21.81kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1100.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 550mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 131.1*1100*550^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 21.81kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment
d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*21.81/(30*1100*176²) = 0.0213
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0213)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 172 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*21.81/(460/1.05*167) =298 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1100*250/100=825.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 905 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1100*176²*0.16/10^6 = 159.84kNm>=21.81=21.81kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*905/(1100*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

8T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*8*12^2/4 = 905mm²
The steel area provided 905 mm²
825<905 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*21.81/(30*1100*188²) = 0.0187
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0187)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 184 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*21.81/(460/1.05*179) =279 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1100*250/100=825.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 905 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1100*188²*0.16/10^6 = 182.38kNm>=21.81=21.81kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*905/(1100*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

8T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*8*12^2/4 = 905mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
The steel area provided 905 mm²
825<905 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1100*176=193600mm²
Cut Area Y = 1100*188=206800mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(905+905)/(193600+206800)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.00 = 1.90 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 932 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 932 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.1 × (1.210 - 0.932*0.932) = 44.754 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 45/((2 × 932 + 2 × 932)*182)= 0.07 <= vc = 1.90 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.45d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.45*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.45,1) = 3.33d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.63 × 3.33 = 2.12 N/mm²

k = 0.45
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.45 × 182.0 = 914 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.45 × 182.0 = 914 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.1 × (1.210 - 0.914*0.914) = 49.158 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 49/((2 × 914 + 2 × 914)*182)= 0.07 <= vc = 2.12 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 158.6*10^3/(3000*182) = 0.29 N/mm²

0.29 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.47%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 0.95d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.95,1) = 1.58
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.58 = 1.01 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(1100*176) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 1.01 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.95d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.95,1) = 1.58
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.58 = 1.01 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(1100*176) = 0.01 ≤ vc' = 1.01 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 0.90d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.90,1) = 1.67
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.67 = 1.03 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(1100*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.03 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The flexural shear is checked at 0.90d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.90,1) = 1.67
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.67 = 1.03 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 1 × 10³/(1100*188) = 0.00 ≤ vc' = 1.03 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C23:(1,A)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 131.3 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 138.5 1.41
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 131.3 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 138.5 1.41
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C23:(1,A) 3.5 0 0.0
1B C23:(1,A) 4.1 10 0.4
GB C23:(1,A) 0.0 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 0.4
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 152.30kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =10.14kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 162.44kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Soil Pressure Checking
P = 162.44 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.3 m
Footing length, L = 1.3 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 162.44 / (1.3 × 1.3) = 96.12 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-650,6150} mm
Point 1:{650,6150} mm
Point 2:{650,7450} mm
Point 3:{-650,7450} mm
Pad Footing center = {0.00,6800.00} mm
B = 1300
L = 1300

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 10kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.41 × 152.3*10^6 / 1690000 = 127.1 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 127.1kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1300.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 650mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 127.1*1300*650^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 34.92kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1300.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 650mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 127.1*1300*650^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 34.92kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*34.92/(30*1300*176²) = 0.0289
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0289)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 170 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*34.92/(460/1.05*167) =477 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1300*250/100=975.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1018 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1300*176²*0.16/10^6 = 188.90kNm>=34.92=34.92kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1018/(1300*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

9T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*9*12^2/4 = 1018mm²
The steel area provided 1018 mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
975<1018 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*34.92/(30*1300*188²) = 0.0253
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0253)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 183 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*34.92/(460/1.05*179) =446 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1300*250/100=975.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1018 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1300*188²*0.16/10^6 = 215.54kNm>=34.92=34.92kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1018/(1300*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

9T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*9*12^2/4 = 1018mm²
The steel area provided 1018 mm²
975<1018 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1300*176=228800mm²
Cut Area Y = 1300*188=244400mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1018+1018)/(228800+244400)=0.43
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.43%
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.43^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 3.00 = 1.87 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 932 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 932 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.1 × (1.690 - 0.932*0.932) = 104.437 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 104/((2 × 932 + 2 × 932)*182)= 0.15 <= vc = 1.87 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 1114 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 1114 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.1 × (1.690 - 1.114*1.114) = 57.091 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 57/((2 × 1114 + 2 × 1114)*182)= 0.07 <= vc = 0.94 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 1.00 = 0.62 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 182.0 = 1296 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 182.0 = 1296 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.1 × (1.690 - 1.296*1.296) = 1.320 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 1/((2 × 1296 + 2 × 1296)*182)= 0.00 <= vc = 0.62 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.7d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.70*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.70,1) = 2.14d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 2.14 = 1.34 N/mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

k = 0.70
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.70 × 182.0 = 1005 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.70 × 182.0 = 1005 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.1 × (1.690 - 1.005*1.005) = 86.509 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 87/((2 × 1005 + 2 × 1005)*182)= 0.12 <= vc = 1.34 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 214.9*10^3/(3000*182) = 0.39 N/mm²

0.39 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.44^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.44^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 16 × 10³/(1300*176) = 0.07 ≤ vc' = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 16 × 10³/(1300*176) = 0.07 ≤ vc' = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 14 × 10³/(1300*188) = 0.06 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 14 × 10³/(1300*188) = 0.06 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 0.8d from column face at right portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 0.80d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.80,1) = 1.88
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.88 = 1.18 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 22 × 10³/(1300*176) = 0.10 ≤ vc' = 1.18 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C19:(4,H)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 140.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 140.5 1.40
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 140.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 140.4 1.40
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C19:(4,H) -1.1 0 0.0
1B C19:(4,H) 1.5 10 0.1
GB C19:(4,H) -0.3 20 -0.1
Total Live Load Deducted 0.1
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 154.55kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =10.14kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 164.69kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 164.69 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.3 m
Footing length, L = 1.3 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 164.69 / (1.3 × 1.3) = 97.45 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{22450,-650} mm
Point 1:{23750,-650} mm
Point 2:{23750,650} mm
Point 3:{22450,650} mm
Pad Footing center = {23100.00,0.00} mm
B = 1300
L = 1300

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 10kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.40 × 154.6*10^6 / 1690000 = 128.0 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 128.0kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1300.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 650mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 128.0*1300*650^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 35.16kNm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y
yeffect = 1300.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 650mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 128.0*1300*650^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 35.16kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*35.16/(30*1300*176²) = 0.0291
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0291)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 170 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*35.16/(460/1.05*167) =480 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1300*250/100=975.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1018 mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for moment in x direction
30.00*1300*176²*0.16/10^6 = 188.90kNm>=35.16=35.16kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1018/(1300*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

9T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*9*12^2/4 = 1018mm²
The steel area provided 1018 mm²
975<1018 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*35.16/(30*1300*188²) = 0.0255
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0255)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 182 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*35.16/(460/1.05*179) =449 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1300*250/100=975.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1018 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1300*188²*0.16/10^6 = 215.54kNm>=35.16=35.16kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1018/(1300*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

9T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*9*12^2/4 = 1018mm²
The steel area provided 1018 mm²
975<1018 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc
As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1300*176=228800mm²
Cut Area Y = 1300*188=244400mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1018+1018)/(228800+244400)=0.43
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.43%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.43^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 3.00 = 1.87 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 932 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 932 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.0 × (1.690 - 0.932*0.932) = 105.165 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 105/((2 × 932 + 2 × 932)*182)= 0.15 <= vc = 1.87 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 1114 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 1114 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.0 × (1.690 - 1.114*1.114) = 57.488 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 57/((2 × 1114 + 2 × 1114)*182)= 0.07 <= vc = 0.94 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 1.00 = 0.62 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 182.0 = 1296 mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 182.0 = 1296 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.0 × (1.690 - 1.296*1.296) = 1.330 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 1/((2 × 1296 + 2 × 1296)*182)= 0.00 <= vc = 0.62 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.7d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.70*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.70,1) = 2.14d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 2.14 = 1.34 N/mm²

k = 0.70
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.70 × 182.0 = 1005 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.70 × 182.0 = 1005 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.0 × (1.690 - 1.005*1.005) = 87.112 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 87/((2 × 1005 + 2 × 1005)*182)= 0.12 <= vc = 1.34 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 216.4*10^3/(3000*182) = 0.40 N/mm²

0.40 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.44^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.44^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 16 × 10³/(1300*176) = 0.07 ≤ vc' = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 16 × 10³/(1300*176) = 0.07 ≤ vc' = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 14 × 10³/(1300*188) = 0.06 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 14 × 10³/(1300*188) = 0.06 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 0.8d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 0.80d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/0.80,1) = 1.88
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.88 = 1.18 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 22 × 10³/(1300*176) = 0.10 ≤ vc' = 1.18 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C22:(3,H)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 2
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 156.0 17.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 172.4 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 156.0 17.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 172.9 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C22:(3,H) 8.8 0 0.0
1B C22:(3,H) 8.8 10 0.9
GB C22:(3,H) 0.3 20 0.1
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Total Live Load Deducted 0.9
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 190.21kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =12.62kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 202.82kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 202.82 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.45 m
Footing length, L = 1.45 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 202.82 / (1.45 × 1.45) = 96.47 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{22375,875} mm
Point 1:{23825,875} mm
Point 2:{23825,2325} mm
Point 3:{22375,2325} mm
Pad Footing center = {23100.00,1600.00} mm
B = 1450
L = 1450

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 13kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 176mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 188mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 188+6+50=244≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

ρ = 1.42 × 190.2*10^6 / 2102500 = 128.5 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 128.5kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1450.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 725mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 128.5*1450*725^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 48.97kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1450.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 725mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 128.5*1450*725^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 48.97kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*48.97/(30*1450*176²) = 0.0363
lever arm = 176*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0363)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 169 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*176) = 167 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*48.97/(460/1.05*167) =669 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1450*250/100=1087.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 1131 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1450*176²*0.16/10^6 = 210.70kNm>=48.97=48.97kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1131/(1450*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

10T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*10*12^2/4 = 1131mm²
The steel area provided 1131 mm²
1088<1131 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*48.97/(30*1450*188²) = 0.0319
lever arm = 188*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0319)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 181 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*188) = 179 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*48.97/(460/1.05*179) =626 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1450*250/100=1087.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 1131 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1450*188²*0.16/10^6 = 240.41kNm>=48.97=48.97kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1131/(1450*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

10T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*10*12^2/4 = 1131mm²
The steel area provided 1131 mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
1088<1131 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1450*176=255200mm²
Cut Area Y = 1450*188=272600mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1131+1131)/(255200+272600)=0.43
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.43%
thickness = (176+188)/2=182
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(182))^(1/4) )= 1.22
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.43^(1/3)*1.22*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.62 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 3.00 = 1.87 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 182.0 = 932 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 182.0 = 932 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.5 × (2.103 - 0.932*0.932) = 158.573 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 159/((2 × 932 + 2 × 932)*182)= 0.23 <= vc = 1.87 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 182.0 = 1114 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 182.0 = 1114 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Punching Shear Force = 128.5 × (2.103 - 1.114*1.114) = 110.717 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 111/((2 × 1114 + 2 × 1114)*182)= 0.14 <= vc = 0.94 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 1.00 = 0.62 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 182.0 = 1296 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 182.0 = 1296 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.5 × (2.103 - 1.296*1.296) = 54.348 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 54/((2 × 1296 + 2 × 1296)*182)= 0.06 <= vc = 0.62 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 0.85d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.85*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.85,1) = 1.76d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.62 × 1.76 = 1.10 N/mm²

k = 0.85
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.85 × 182.0 = 1059 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.85 × 182.0 = 1059 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.5 × (2.103 - 1.059*1.059) = 125.968 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 126/((2 × 1059 + 2 × 1059)*182)= 0.16 <= vc = 1.10 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 270.2*10^3/(3000*182) = 0.49 N/mm²

0.49 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.44^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.44^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.63 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 32 × 10³/(1450*176) = 0.13 ≤ vc' = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 32 × 10³/(1450*176) = 0.13 ≤ vc' = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.60 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 30 × 10³/(1450*188) = 0.11 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.60 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 30 × 10³/(1450*188) = 0.11 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.63 × 1.50 = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 32 × 10³/(1450*176) = 0.13 ≤ vc' = 0.94 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C13:(4,B)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 2
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 215.1 27.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 241.1 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 215.1 27.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 241.1 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C13:(4,B) 14.0 0 0.0
1B C13:(4,B) 13.5 10 1.3
GB C13:(4,B) -0.1 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.3
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 265.24kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =17.34kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 282.58kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 282.58 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.7 m
Footing length, L = 1.7 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 282.58 / (1.7 × 1.7) = 97.78 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{2450,-850} mm
Point 1:{4150,-850} mm
Point 2:{4150,850} mm
Point 3:{2450,850} mm
Pad Footing center = {3300.00,0.00} mm
B = 1700
L = 1700

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 17kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 168mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 184mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 184+6+50=240≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 265.2*10^6 / 2890000 = 130.6 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 130.6kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1700.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 850mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 130.6*1700*850^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 80.18kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1700.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 850mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 130.6*1700*850^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 80.18kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*80.18/(30*1700*168²) = 0.0557
lever arm = 168*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0557)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 157 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*168) = 157 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*80.18/(460/1.05*157) =1167 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1700*250/100=1275.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1357 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1700*168²*0.16/10^6 = 225.08kNm>=80.18=80.18kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1357/(1700*250.0) = 0.32%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

12T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*12*12^2/4 = 1357mm²
The steel area provided 1357 mm²
1275<1357 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*80.18/(30*1700*184²) = 0.0464
lever arm = 184*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0464)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 174 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*184) = 174 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*80.18/(460/1.05*174) =1053 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1700*250/100=1275.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1357 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
30.00*1700*184²*0.16/10^6 = 269.99kNm>=80.18=80.18kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1357/(1700*250.0) = 0.32%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

12T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*12*12^2/4 = 1357mm²
The steel area provided 1357 mm²
1275<1357 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1700*168=285600mm²
Cut Area Y = 1700*184=312800mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1357+1357)/(285600+312800)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (168+184)/2=176
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 3.00 = 1.93 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 130.6 × (2.890 - 0.926*0.926) = 265.370 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 265/((2 × 926 + 2 × 926)*176)= 0.41 <= vc = 1.93 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.97 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 130.6 × (2.890 - 1.102*1.102) = 218.769 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 219/((2 × 1102 + 2 × 1102)*176)= 0.28 <= vc = 0.97 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.00 = 0.64 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 130.6 × (2.890 - 1.278*1.278) = 164.079 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 164/((2 × 1278 + 2 × 1278)*176)= 0.18 <= vc = 0.64 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.2d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.20*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.20,1) = 1.25d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.25 = 0.80 N/mm²

k = 1.20
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.20 × 176.0 = 1172 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.20 × 176.0 = 1172 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 130.6 × (2.890 - 1.172*1.172) = 197.864 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 198/((2 × 1172 + 2 × 1172)*176)= 0.24 <= vc = 0.80 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 377.3*10^3/(3000*176) = 0.71 N/mm²

0.71 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.48%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.48^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.65 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.48%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.48^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.65 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 68 × 10³/(1700*168) = 0.24 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 68 × 10³/(1700*168) = 0.24 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.93 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 65 × 10³/(1700*184) = 0.21 ≤ vc' = 0.93 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.93 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 65 × 10³/(1700*184) = 0.21 ≤ vc' = 0.93 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.4d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.40d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.40,1) = 1.07
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.65 × 1.07 = 0.70 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 53 × 10³/(1700*168) = 0.19 ≤ vc' = 0.70 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Element/Elements Supported = Column C16:(4,E)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 225.0 28.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 251.5 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 225.0 28.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 251.5 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C16:(4,E) 11.6 0 0.0
1B C16:(4,E) 16.5 10 1.7
GB C16:(4,E) 0.0 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.7
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 276.65kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =18.38kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 295.03kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 295.03 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.75 m
Footing length, L = 1.75 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 295.03 / (1.75 × 1.75) = 96.34 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{12325,-875} mm
Point 1:{14075,-875} mm
Point 2:{14075,875} mm
Point 3:{12325,875} mm
Pad Footing center = {13200.00,0.00} mm
B = 1750
L = 1750

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 18kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 168mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 184mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 184+6+50=240≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 276.7*10^6 / 3062500 = 128.5 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 128.5kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1750.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 875mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 128.5*1750*875^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 86.07kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1750.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 875mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 128.5*1750*875^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 86.07kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*86.07/(30*1750*168²) = 0.0581
lever arm = 168*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0581)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 156 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*168) = 156 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*86.07/(460/1.05*156) =1257 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1750*250/100=1312.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 1357 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1750*168²*0.16/10^6 = 231.70kNm>=86.07=86.07kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1357/(1750*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

12T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*12*12^2/4 = 1357mm²
The steel area provided 1357 mm²
1313<1357 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*86.07/(30*1750*184²) = 0.0484
lever arm = 184*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0484)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 173 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*184) = 173 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*86.07/(460/1.05*173) =1133 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1750*250/100=1312.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 1357 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1750*184²*0.16/10^6 = 277.93kNm>=86.07=86.07kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1357/(1750*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

12T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*12*12^2/4 = 1357mm²
The steel area provided 1357 mm²
1313<1357 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1750*168=294000mm²
Cut Area Y = 1750*184=322000mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1357+1357)/(294000+322000)=0.44
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.44%
thickness = (168+184)/2=176
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.44^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 3.00 = 1.91 N/mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.5 × (3.063 - 0.926*0.926) = 283.303 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 283/((2 × 926 + 2 × 926)*176)= 0.43 <= vc = 1.91 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.5 × (3.063 - 1.102*1.102) = 237.445 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 237/((2 × 1102 + 2 × 1102)*176)= 0.31 <= vc = 0.96 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.00 = 0.64 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.5 × (3.063 - 1.278*1.278) = 183.627 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 184/((2 × 1278 + 2 × 1278)*176)= 0.20 <= vc = 0.64 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.25d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.25*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.25,1) = 1.20d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.20 = 0.76 N/mm²

k = 1.25
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.25 × 176.0 = 1190 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.25 × 176.0 = 1190 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.5 × (3.063 - 1.190*1.190) = 211.531 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 212/((2 × 1190 + 2 × 1190)*176)= 0.25 <= vc = 0.76 N/mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 393.5*10^3/(3000*176) = 0.75 N/mm²

0.75 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.46%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.46^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.46%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.46^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.97 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 75 × 10³/(1750*168) = 0.25 ≤ vc' = 0.97 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.97 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 75 × 10³/(1750*168) = 0.25 ≤ vc' = 0.97 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 71 × 10³/(1750*184) = 0.22 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 71 × 10³/(1750*184) = 0.22 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.00 = 0.64 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 56 × 10³/(1750*168) = 0.19 ≤ vc' = 0.64 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C14:(4,C)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 230.9 29.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 258.3 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 230.9 29.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 258.3 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C14:(4,C) 11.8 0 0.0
1B C14:(4,C) 17.3 10 1.7
GB C14:(4,C) 0.0 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.7
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 284.14kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =18.38kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Total load applied = 302.51kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 302.51 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.75 m
Footing length, L = 1.75 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 302.51 / (1.75 × 1.75) = 98.78 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{5725,-875} mm
Point 1:{7475,-875} mm
Point 2:{7475,875} mm
Point 3:{5725,875} mm
Pad Footing center = {6600.00,0.00} mm
B = 1750
L = 1750

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 18kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 168mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 184mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 184+6+50=240≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 284.1*10^6 / 3062500 = 132.0 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 132.0kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1750.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 875mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 132.0*1750*875^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 88.41kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1750.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 875mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 132.0*1750*875^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 88.41kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*88.41/(30*1750*168²) = 0.0597
lever arm = 168*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0597)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 156 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*168) = 156 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*88.41/(460/1.05*156) =1294 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1750*250/100=1312.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 1357 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1750*168²*0.16/10^6 = 231.70kNm>=88.41=88.41kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1357/(1750*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
12T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*12*12^2/4 = 1357mm²
The steel area provided 1357 mm²
1313<1357 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*88.41/(30*1750*184²) = 0.0497
lever arm = 184*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0497)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 173 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*184) = 173 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*88.41/(460/1.05*173) =1166 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1750*250/100=1312.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 1357 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1750*184²*0.16/10^6 = 277.93kNm>=88.41=88.41kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1357/(1750*250.0) = 0.31%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

12T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*12*12^2/4 = 1357mm²
The steel area provided 1357 mm²
1313<1357 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1750*168=294000mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Cut Area Y = 1750*184=322000mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1357+1357)/(294000+322000)=0.44
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.44%
thickness = (168+184)/2=176
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.44^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 3.00 = 1.91 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.0 × (3.063 - 0.926*0.926) = 291.000 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 291/((2 × 926 + 2 × 926)*176)= 0.45 <= vc = 1.91 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.0 × (3.063 - 1.102*1.102) = 243.896 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 244/((2 × 1102 + 2 × 1102)*176)= 0.31 <= vc = 0.96 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.00 = 0.64 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.0 × (3.063 - 1.278*1.278) = 188.616 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 189/((2 × 1278 + 2 × 1278)*176)= 0.21 <= vc = 0.64 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.25d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.25*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.25,1) = 1.20d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.20 = 0.76 N/mm²

k = 1.25
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.25 × 176.0 = 1190 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.25 × 176.0 = 1190 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.0 × (3.063 - 1.190*1.190) = 217.278 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 217/((2 × 1190 + 2 × 1190)*176)= 0.26 <= vc = 0.76 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 404.2*10^3/(3000*176) = 0.77 N/mm²

0.77 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.46%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.46^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.46%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.46^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.97 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 77 × 10³/(1750*168) = 0.26 ≤ vc' = 0.97 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.97 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 77 × 10³/(1750*168) = 0.26 ≤ vc' = 0.97 N/mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 73 × 10³/(1750*184) = 0.23 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 73 × 10³/(1750*184) = 0.23 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.64 × 1.00 = 0.64 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 57 × 10³/(1750*168) = 0.19 ≤ vc' = 0.64 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C29:(1,G)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 234.8 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 263.0 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 234.8 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 263.0 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C29:(1,G) 12.6 0 0.0
1B C29:(1,G) 17.3 10 1.7
GB C29:(1,G) 0.1 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.7
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Equivalent loadings imposed
Equivalent Column Load = 289.32kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =19.44kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 308.76kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 308.76 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.8 m
Footing length, L = 1.8 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 308.76 / (1.8 × 1.8) = 95.3 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{18900,5900} mm
Point 1:{20700,5900} mm
Point 2:{20700,7700} mm
Point 3:{18900,7700} mm
Pad Footing center = {19800.00,6800.00} mm
B = 1800
L = 1800

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 19kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 168mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 184mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 184+6+50=240≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 289.3*10^6 / 3240000 = 127.0 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 127.0kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
xeffect = 1800.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 900mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 127.0*1800*900^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 92.61kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1800.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 900mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 127.0*1800*900^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 92.61kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*92.61/(30*1800*168²) = 0.0608
lever arm = 168*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0608)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 156 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*168) = 156 mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*92.61/(460/1.05*156) =1358 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1800*250/100=1350.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1470 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1800*168²*0.16/10^6 = 238.32kNm>=92.61=92.61kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1470/(1800*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

13T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*13*12^2/4 = 1470mm²
The steel area provided 1470 mm²
1358<1470 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*92.61/(30*1800*184²) = 0.0507
lever arm = 184*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0507)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 173 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*184) = 173 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*92.61/(460/1.05*173) =1223 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1800*250/100=1350.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1357 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1800*184²*0.16/10^6 = 285.88kNm>=92.61=92.61kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1357/(1800*250.0) = 0.30%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

12T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*12*12^2/4 = 1357mm²
The steel area provided 1357 mm²
1350<1357 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 150
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1800*168=302400mm²
Cut Area Y = 1800*184=331200mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1470+1357)/(302400+331200)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (168+184)/2=176
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 3.00 = 1.92 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.0 × (3.240 - 0.926*0.926) = 302.671 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 303/((2 × 926 + 2 × 926)*176)= 0.46 <= vc = 1.92 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.0 × (3.240 - 1.102*1.102) = 257.327 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 257/((2 × 1102 + 2 × 1102)*176)= 0.33 <= vc = 0.96 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.00 = 0.64 N/mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.0 × (3.240 - 1.278*1.278) = 204.114 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 204/((2 × 1278 + 2 × 1278)*176)= 0.23 <= vc = 0.64 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.3d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.30*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.30,1) = 1.15d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.15 = 0.74 N/mm²

k = 1.30
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.30 × 176.0 = 1208 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.30 × 176.0 = 1208 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.0 × (3.240 - 1.208*1.208) = 226.344 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 226/((2 × 1208 + 2 × 1208)*176)= 0.27 <= vc = 0.74 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 411.6*10^3/(3000*176) = 0.78 N/mm²

0.78 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.49%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.49^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.49%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.49^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 82 × 10³/(1800*168) = 0.27 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 82 × 10³/(1800*168) = 0.27 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 78 × 10³/(1800*184) = 0.24 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 78 × 10³/(1800*184) = 0.24 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.00 = 0.66 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 62 × 10³/(1800*168) = 0.21 ≤ vc' = 0.66 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C15:(4,D)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 238.3 30.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 266.9 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 238.3 30.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 266.9 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted
2B C15:(4,D) 13.3 0 0.0
1B C15:(4,D) 17.1 10 1.7
GB C15:(4,D) 0.0 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.7
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 293.59kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =19.44kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 313.03kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 313.03 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.8 m
Footing length, L = 1.8 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 313.03 / (1.8 × 1.8) = 96.61 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{9000,-900} mm
Point 1:{10800,-900} mm
Point 2:{10800,900} mm
Point 3:{9000,900} mm
Pad Footing center = {9900.00,0.00} mm
B = 1800
L = 1800

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 19kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 168mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 184mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Total depth = 184+6+50=240≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 293.6*10^6 / 3240000 = 128.9 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 128.9kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1800.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 900mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 128.9*1800*900^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 93.97kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1800.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 900mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 128.9*1800*900^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 93.97kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*93.97/(30*1800*168²) = 0.0617
lever arm = 168*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0617)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 155 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*168) = 155 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*93.97/(460/1.05*155) =1380 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1800*250/100=1350.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1470 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1800*168²*0.16/10^6 = 238.32kNm>=93.97=93.97kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1470/(1800*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

13T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*13*12^2/4 = 1470mm²
The steel area provided 1470 mm²
1380<1470 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*93.97/(30*1800*184²) = 0.0514
lever arm = 184*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0514)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 173 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*184) = 173 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*93.97/(460/1.05*173) =1242 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1800*250/100=1350.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1357 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1800*184²*0.16/10^6 = 285.88kNm>=93.97=93.97kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1357/(1800*250.0) = 0.30%
The steel percentage is OK
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction
12T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*12*12^2/4 = 1357mm²
The steel area provided 1357 mm²
1350<1357 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 150
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1800*168=302400mm²
Cut Area Y = 1800*184=331200mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1470+1357)/(302400+331200)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (168+184)/2=176
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 3.00 = 1.92 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.9 × (3.240 - 0.926*0.926) = 307.116 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 307/((2 × 926 + 2 × 926)*176)= 0.47 <= vc = 1.92 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.9 × (3.240 - 1.102*1.102) = 261.107 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 261/((2 × 1102 + 2 × 1102)*176)= 0.34 <= vc = 0.96 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.00 = 0.64 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.9 × (3.240 - 1.278*1.278) = 207.111 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 207/((2 × 1278 + 2 × 1278)*176)= 0.23 <= vc = 0.64 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.3d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.30*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.30,1) = 1.15d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.15 = 0.74 N/mm²

k = 1.30
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.30 × 176.0 = 1208 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.30 × 176.0 = 1208 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 128.9 × (3.240 - 1.208*1.208) = 229.668 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 230/((2 × 1208 + 2 × 1208)*176)= 0.27 <= vc = 0.74 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 417.6*10^3/(3000*176) = 0.79 N/mm²

0.79 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction
fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.49%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.49^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.49%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.49^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 83 × 10³/(1800*168) = 0.27 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 83 × 10³/(1800*168) = 0.27 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 79 × 10³/(1800*184) = 0.24 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 79 × 10³/(1800*184) = 0.24 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.00 = 0.66 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 63 × 10³/(1800*168) = 0.21 ≤ vc' = 0.66 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C17:(4,F)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Load Load Service Load
No. Source LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) P Mx My
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 245.1 31.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 274.6 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 245.1 31.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 274.6 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C17:(4,F) 13.4 0 0.0
1B C17:(4,F) 17.9 10 1.8
GB C17:(4,F) 0.0 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.8
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 302.03kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =19.44kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 321.47kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 321.47 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.8 m
Footing length, L = 1.8 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 321.47 / (1.8 × 1.8) = 99.22 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{15600,-900} mm
Point 1:{17400,-900} mm
Point 2:{17400,900} mm
Point 3:{15600,900} mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Pad Footing center = {16500.00,0.00} mm
B = 1800
L = 1800

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 19kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 168mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 184mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 184+6+50=240≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 302.0*10^6 / 3240000 = 132.6 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 132.6kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1800.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 900mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 132.6*1800*900^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 96.68kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1800.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 900mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 132.6*1800*900^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 96.68kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*96.68/(30*1800*168²) = 0.0634
lever arm = 168*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0634)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 155 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*168) = 155 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*96.68/(460/1.05*155) =1423 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1800*250/100=1350.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1470 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1800*168²*0.16/10^6 = 238.32kNm>=96.68=96.68kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1470/(1800*250.0) = 0.33%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

13T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*13*12^2/4 = 1470mm²
The steel area provided 1470 mm²
1423<1470 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*96.68/(30*1800*184²) = 0.0529
lever arm = 184*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0529)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 172 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*184) = 172 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*96.68/(460/1.05*172) =1280 mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1800*250/100=1350.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 1357 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1800*184²*0.16/10^6 = 285.88kNm>=96.68=96.68kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1357/(1800*250.0) = 0.30%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

12T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*12*12^2/4 = 1357mm²
The steel area provided 1357 mm²
1350<1357 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 150
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1800*168=302400mm²
Cut Area Y = 1800*184=331200mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1470+1357)/(302400+331200)=0.45
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.45%
thickness = (168+184)/2=176
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.45^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.64 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 3.00 = 1.92 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Punching Shear Force = 132.6 × (3.240 - 0.926*0.926) = 315.958 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 316/((2 × 926 + 2 × 926)*176)= 0.48 <= vc = 1.92 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.50 = 0.96 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.6 × (3.240 - 1.102*1.102) = 268.624 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 269/((2 × 1102 + 2 × 1102)*176)= 0.35 <= vc = 0.96 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.00 = 0.64 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.6 × (3.240 - 1.278*1.278) = 213.074 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 213/((2 × 1278 + 2 × 1278)*176)= 0.24 <= vc = 0.64 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.3d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.30*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.30,1) = 1.15d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.64 × 1.15 = 0.74 N/mm²

k = 1.30
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.30 × 176.0 = 1208 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.30 × 176.0 = 1208 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.6 × (3.240 - 1.208*1.208) = 236.280 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 236/((2 × 1208 + 2 × 1208)*176)= 0.28 <= vc = 0.74 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 429.7*10^3/(3000*176) = 0.81 N/mm²

0.81 <= 4.38
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.49%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.49^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.49%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.49^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.66 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 85 × 10³/(1800*168) = 0.28 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 85 × 10³/(1800*168) = 0.28 ≤ vc' = 0.98 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 81 × 10³/(1800*184) = 0.25 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.61 × 1.50 = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 81 × 10³/(1800*184) = 0.25 ≤ vc' = 0.91 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.66 × 1.00 = 0.66 N/mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Flexural shear stress = 65 × 10³/(1800*168) = 0.22 ≤ vc' = 0.66 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C21:(3,A)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 2
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 264.6 23.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 286.3 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 264.6 23.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 286.4 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C21:(3,A) 6.4 0 0.0
1B C21:(3,A) 17.1 10 1.7
GB C21:(3,A) 0.1 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.7
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 315.02kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =20.54kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 335.56kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 335.56 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.85 m

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Footing length, L = 1.85 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 335.56 / (1.85 × 1.85) = 98.04 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{-925,675} mm
Point 1:{925,675} mm
Point 2:{925,2525} mm
Point 3:{-925,2525} mm
Pad Footing center = {0.00,1600.00} mm
B = 1850
L = 1850

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 21kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 168mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 184mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 184+6+50=240≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 315.0*10^6 / 3422500 = 130.4 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 130.4kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1850.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 925mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 130.4*1850*925^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 103.18kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1850.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 925mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 130.4*1850*925^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 103.18kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*103.18/(30*1850*168²) = 0.0659
lever arm = 168*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0659)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 155 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*168) = 155 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*103.18/(460/1.05*155) =1524 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1850*250/100=1387.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 1583 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1850*168²*0.16/10^6 = 244.94kNm>=103.18=103.18kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*1583/(1850*250.0) = 0.34%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

14T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*14*12^2/4 = 1583mm²
The steel area provided 1583 mm²
1524<1583 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*103.18/(30*1850*184²) = 0.0549
lever arm = 184*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.0549)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 172 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*184) = 172 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*103.18/(460/1.05*172) =1370 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1850*250/100=1387.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 1470 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1850*184²*0.16/10^6 = 293.82kNm>=103.18=103.18kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*1470/(1850*250.0) = 0.32%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

13T12 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*13*12^2/4 = 1470mm²
The steel area provided 1470 mm²
1388<1470 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 12mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1850*168=310800mm²
Cut Area Y = 1850*184=340400mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(1583+1470)/(310800+340400)=0.47
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 0.47%
thickness = (168+184)/2=176
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(176))^(1/4) )= 1.23
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*0.47^(1/3)*1.23*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.65 N/mm^2
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.65 × 3.00 = 1.95 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 176.0 = 926 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 130.4 × (3.423 - 0.926*0.926) = 334.392 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 334/((2 × 926 + 2 × 926)*176)= 0.51 <= vc = 1.95 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.65 × 1.50 = 0.98 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 176.0 = 1102 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 130.4 × (3.423 - 1.102*1.102) = 287.860 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 288/((2 × 1102 + 2 × 1102)*176)= 0.37 <= vc = 0.98 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.65 × 1.00 = 0.65 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 176.0 = 1278 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 130.4 × (3.423 - 1.278*1.278) = 233.253 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 233/((2 × 1278 + 2 × 1278)*176)= 0.26 <= vc = 0.65 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.35d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.35*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.35,1) = 1.11d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.65 × 1.11 = 0.72 N/mm²

k = 1.35
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.35 × 176.0 = 1225 mm

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.35 × 176.0 = 1225 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 130.4 × (3.423 - 1.225*1.225) = 250.483 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 250/((2 × 1225 + 2 × 1225)*176)= 0.29 <= vc = 0.72 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 446.2*10^3/(3000*176) = 0.85 N/mm²

0.85 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.51%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*0.51^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.67 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 0.51%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(168))^(1/4) )= 1.24
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*0.51^(1/3)*1.24*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.67 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.67 × 1.50 = 1.00 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 92 × 10³/(1850*168) = 0.30 ≤ vc' = 1.00 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.67 × 1.50 = 1.00 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 92 × 10³/(1850*168) = 0.30 ≤ vc' = 1.00 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 88 × 10³/(1850*184) = 0.26 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.62 × 1.50 = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 88 × 10³/(1850*184) = 0.26 ≤ vc' = 0.92 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.67 × 1.00 = 0.67 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 72 × 10³/(1850*168) = 0.23 ≤ vc' = 0.67 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C27:(1,E)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 267.0 28.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 293.8 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 267.0 28.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 293.8 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C27:(1,E) 12.0 0 0.0
1B C27:(1,E) 16.4 10 1.6
GB C27:(1,E) 0.0 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.6
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 323.13kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Pad Footing self-weight Load =21.66kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 344.79kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 344.79 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.9 m
Footing length, L = 1.9 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 344.79 / (1.9 × 1.9) = 95.51 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{12250,5850} mm
Point 1:{14150,5850} mm
Point 2:{14150,7750} mm
Point 3:{12250,7750} mm
Pad Footing center = {13200.00,6800.00} mm
B = 1900
L = 1900

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 22kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 111mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 117mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 117+8+50=175≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 323.1*10^6 / 3610000 = 127.0 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 127.0kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1900.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 950mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 127.0*1900*950^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 108.92kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1900.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 950mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Moment Y = 127.0*1900*950^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 108.92kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*108.92/(30*1900*111²) = 0.1564
lever arm = 111*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1564)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 86 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*111) = 86 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*108.92/(460/1.05*86) =2906 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1900*250/100=1425.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 3016 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1900*111²*0.16/10^6 = 108.92kNm>=108.92=108.92kNm
Moment checking pass

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for steel percentage:
Steel percentage x = 100*3016/(1900*250.0) = 0.63%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

15T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*15*16^2/4 = 3016mm²
The steel area provided 3016 mm²
2906<3016 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*108.92/(30*1900*117²) = 0.1407
lever arm = 117*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1407)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 94 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*117) = 94 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*108.92/(460/1.05*94) =2653 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1900*250/100=1425.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 2815 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1900*117²*0.16/10^6 = 121.06kNm>=108.92=108.92kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*2815/(1900*250.0) = 0.59%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

14T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*14*16^2/4 = 2815mm²
The steel area provided 2815 mm²
2653<2815 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1900*111=210036mm²
Cut Area Y = 1900*117=221436mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(3016+2815)/(210036+221436)=1.35
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 1.35%
thickness = (111+117)/2=114
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(114))^(1/4) )= 1.37
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*1.35^(1/3)*1.37*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.03 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.03 × 3.00 = 3.08 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 113.5 = 864 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 113.5 = 864 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.0 × (3.610 - 0.864*0.864) = 363.871 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 364/((2 × 864 + 2 × 864)*114)= 0.93 <= vc = 3.08 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.03 × 1.50 = 1.54 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 113.5 = 977 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 113.5 = 977 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.0 × (3.610 - 0.977*0.977) = 337.321 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 337/((2 × 977 + 2 × 977)*114)= 0.76 <= vc = 1.54 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.03 × 1.00 = 1.03 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 113.5 = 1091 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 113.5 = 1091 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.0 × (3.610 - 1.091*1.091) = 307.495 kN

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

punching shear stress = 10^3 × 307/((2 × 1091 + 2 × 1091)*114)= 0.62 <= vc = 1.03 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.5d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.03 × 1.00 = 1.03 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 113.5 = 1091 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 113.5 = 1091 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.0 × (3.610 - 1.091*1.091) = 307.495 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 307/((2 × 1091 + 2 × 1091)*114)= 0.62 <= vc = 1.03 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 458.6*10^3/(3000*114) = 1.35 N/mm²

1.35 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(111))^(1/4) )= 1.38
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*1.44^(1/3)*1.38*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.05 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(111))^(1/4) )= 1.38
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*1.44^(1/3)*1.38*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.05 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.05 × 1.50 = 1.57 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 112 × 10³/(1900*111) = 0.53 ≤ vc' = 1.57 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.05 × 1.50 = 1.57 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 112 × 10³/(1900*111) = 0.53 ≤ vc' = 1.57 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.99 × 1.50 = 1.49 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 111 × 10³/(1900*117) = 0.50 ≤ vc' = 1.49 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.99 × 1.50 = 1.49 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 111 × 10³/(1900*117) = 0.50 ≤ vc' = 1.49 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.05 × 1.00 = 1.05 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 99 × 10³/(1900*111) = 0.47 ≤ vc' = 1.05 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C25:(1,C)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 268.2 28.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 295.3 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 268.2 28.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 295.3 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C25:(1,C) 12.2 0 0.0
1B C25:(1,C) 16.7 10 1.7
GB C25:(1,C) 0.0 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.7
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 324.83kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =21.66kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 346.49kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 346.49 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.9 m
Footing length, L = 1.9 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 346.49 / (1.9 × 1.9) = 95.98 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{5650,5850} mm
Point 1:{7550,5850} mm
Point 2:{7550,7750} mm
Point 3:{5650,7750} mm
Pad Footing center = {6600.00,6800.00} mm
B = 1900
L = 1900

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 22kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 111mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 117mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 117+8+50=175≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 324.8*10^6 / 3610000 = 127.7 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Detailed Moment Calculation
The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 127.7kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1900.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 950mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 127.7*1900*950^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 109.50kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1900.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 950mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 127.7*1900*950^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 109.50kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Steel Area in X Direction
k = 10^6*109.50/(30*1900*111²) = 0.1564
lever arm = 111*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1564)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 86 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*111) = 86 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*109.50/(460/1.05*86) =2914 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1900*250/100=1425.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 3016 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1900*111²*0.16/10^6 = 109.50kNm>=109.50=109.50kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*3016/(1900*250.0) = 0.63%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

15T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*15*16^2/4 = 3016mm²
The steel area provided 3016 mm²
2914<3016 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 125
Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*109.50/(30*1900*117²) = 0.1407
lever arm = 117*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1407)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 94 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*117) = 94 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*109.50/(460/1.05*94) =2660 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1900*250/100=1425.00 mm²
Steel area provided = 2815 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1900*117²*0.16/10^6 = 121.68kNm>=109.50=109.50kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*2815/(1900*250.0) = 0.59%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

14T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*14*16^2/4 = 2815mm²
The steel area provided 2815 mm²
2660<2815 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1900*111=210600mm²
Cut Area Y = 1900*117=222000mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(3016+2815)/(210600+222000)=1.35
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 1.35%
thickness = (111+117)/2=114
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(114))^(1/4) )= 1.37
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*1.35^(1/3)*1.37*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.02 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.02 × 3.00 = 3.07 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 113.8 = 864 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 113.8 = 864 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.7 × (3.610 - 0.864*0.864) = 365.762 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 366/((2 × 864 + 2 × 864)*114)= 0.93 <= vc = 3.07 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.02 × 1.50 = 1.54 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 113.8 = 978 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 113.8 = 978 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.7 × (3.610 - 0.978*0.978) = 338.987 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 339/((2 × 978 + 2 × 978)*114)= 0.76 <= vc = 1.54 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.02 × 1.00 = 1.02 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 113.8 = 1092 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 113.8 = 1092 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.7 × (3.610 - 1.092*1.092) = 308.901 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 309/((2 × 1092 + 2 × 1092)*114)= 0.62 <= vc = 1.02 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.5d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.02 × 1.00 = 1.02 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 113.8 = 1092 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 113.8 = 1092 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 127.7 × (3.610 - 1.092*1.092) = 308.901 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 309/((2 × 1092 + 2 × 1092)*114)= 0.62 <= vc = 1.02 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 461.1*10^3/(3000*114) = 1.35 N/mm²

1.35 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(111))^(1/4) )= 1.38
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*1.43^(1/3)*1.38*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.04 N/mm^2

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction
fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(111))^(1/4) )= 1.38
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*1.43^(1/3)*1.38*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.04 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.04 × 1.50 = 1.57 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 113 × 10³/(1900*111) = 0.53 ≤ vc' = 1.57 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.04 × 1.50 = 1.57 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 113 × 10³/(1900*111) = 0.53 ≤ vc' = 1.57 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.99 × 1.50 = 1.48 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 111 × 10³/(1900*117) = 0.50 ≤ vc' = 1.48 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.99 × 1.50 = 1.48 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 111 × 10³/(1900*117) = 0.50 ≤ vc' = 1.48 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.04 × 1.00 = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 99 × 10³/(1900*111) = 0.47 ≤ vc' = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C26:(1,D)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 286.2 29.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 314.4 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 286.2 29.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 314.4 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C26:(1,D) 12.6 0 0.0
1B C26:(1,D) 17.2 10 1.7
GB C26:(1,D) 0.0 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.7
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 345.82kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =22.82kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 368.64kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 368.64 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.95 m
Footing length, L = 1.95 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 368.64 / (1.95 × 1.95) = 96.95 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{8925,5825} mm
Point 1:{10875,5825} mm
Point 2:{10875,7775} mm
Point 3:{8925,7775} mm
Pad Footing center = {9900.00,6800.00} mm
B = 1950
L = 1950

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 23kN

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 114mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 120mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 120+8+50=178≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 345.8*10^6 / 3802500 = 129.0 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 129.0kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1950.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 975mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 129.0*1950*975^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 119.60kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1950.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 975mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 129.0*1950*975^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 119.60kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Steel Area Calculation
k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*119.60/(30*1950*114²) = 0.1564
lever arm = 114*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1564)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 88 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*114) = 88 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*119.60/(460/1.05*88) =3086 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1950*250/100=1462.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 3217 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1950*114²*0.16/10^6 = 119.60kNm>=119.60=119.60kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*3217/(1950*250.0) = 0.66%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

16T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*16*16^2/4 = 3217mm²
The steel area provided 3217 mm²
3086<3217 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 100
Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*119.60/(30*1950*120²) = 0.1412
lever arm = 120*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1412)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 97 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*120) = 97 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*119.60/(460/1.05*97) =2824 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1950*250/100=1462.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 3016 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1950*120²*0.16/10^6 = 132.49kNm>=119.60=119.60kNm
Moment checking pass

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for steel percentage:
Steel percentage y = 100*3016/(1950*250.0) = 0.62%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

15T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*15*16^2/4 = 3016mm²
The steel area provided 3016 mm²
2824<3016 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1950*114=222975mm²
Cut Area Y = 1950*120=234675mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(3217+3016)/(222975+234675)=1.36
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 1.36%
thickness = (114+120)/2=117
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(117))^(1/4) )= 1.36
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*1.36^(1/3)*1.36*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.02 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.02 × 3.00 = 3.06 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 117.3 = 867 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 117.3 = 867 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 129.0 × (3.803 - 0.867*0.867) = 393.608 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 394/((2 × 867 + 2 × 867)*117)= 0.97 <= vc = 3.06 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.02 × 1.50 = 1.53 N/mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 117.3 = 985 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 117.3 = 985 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 129.0 × (3.803 - 0.985*0.985) = 365.563 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 366/((2 × 985 + 2 × 985)*117)= 0.79 <= vc = 1.53 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.02 × 1.00 = 1.02 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 117.3 = 1102 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 117.3 = 1102 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 129.0 × (3.803 - 1.102*1.102) = 333.964 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 334/((2 × 1102 + 2 × 1102)*117)= 0.65 <= vc = 1.02 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.5d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.02 × 1.00 = 1.02 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 117.3 = 1102 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 117.3 = 1102 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 129.0 × (3.803 - 1.102*1.102) = 333.964 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 334/((2 × 1102 + 2 × 1102)*117)= 0.65 <= vc = 1.02 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 490.7*10^3/(3000*117) = 1.39 N/mm²

1.39 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(114))^(1/4) )= 1.37
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*1.44^(1/3)*1.37*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.04 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.44%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(114))^(1/4) )= 1.37
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*1.44^(1/3)*1.37*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.04 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.04 × 1.50 = 1.56 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 122 × 10³/(1950*114) = 0.55 ≤ vc' = 1.56 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.04 × 1.50 = 1.56 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 122 × 10³/(1950*114) = 0.55 ≤ vc' = 1.56 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.99 × 1.50 = 1.48 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 121 × 10³/(1950*120) = 0.51 ≤ vc' = 1.48 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.99 × 1.50 = 1.48 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 121 × 10³/(1950*120) = 0.51 ≤ vc' = 1.48 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.04 × 1.00 = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 108 × 10³/(1950*114) = 0.48 ≤ vc' = 1.04 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C28:(1,F)


License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 293.4 30.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 322.0 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 293.4 30.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 322.0 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C28:(1,F) 12.7 0 0.0
1B C28:(1,F) 17.7 10 1.8
GB C28:(1,F) 0.0 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.8
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 354.24kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =22.82kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 377.06kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 377.06 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.95 m
Footing length, L = 1.95 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 377.06 / (1.95 × 1.95) = 99.16 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Point 0:{15525,5825} mm
Point 1:{17475,5825} mm
Point 2:{17475,7775} mm
Point 3:{15525,7775} mm
Pad Footing center = {16500.00,6800.00} mm
B = 1950
L = 1950

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 23kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 116mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 122mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 122+8+50=180≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 354.2*10^6 / 3802500 = 132.2 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 132.2kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1950.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 975mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 132.2*1950*975^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 122.51kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1950.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 975mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 132.2*1950*975^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 122.51kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*122.51/(30*1950*116²) = 0.1564
lever arm = 116*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1564)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 90 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*116) = 90 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*122.51/(460/1.05*90) =3123 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1950*250/100=1462.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 3217 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1950*116²*0.16/10^6 = 122.51kNm>=122.51=122.51kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*3217/(1950*250.0) = 0.66%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

16T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*16*16^2/4 = 3217mm²
The steel area provided 3217 mm²
3123<3217 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 100
Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
k = 10^6*122.51/(30*1950*122²) = 0.1413
lever arm = 122*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1413)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 98 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*122) = 98 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*122.51/(460/1.05*98) =2861 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1950*250/100=1462.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 3016 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1950*122²*0.16/10^6 = 135.54kNm>=122.51=122.51kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*3016/(1950*250.0) = 0.62%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

15T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*15*16^2/4 = 3016mm²
The steel area provided 3016 mm²
2861<3016 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1950*116=225665mm²
Cut Area Y = 1950*122=237365mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(3217+3016)/(225665+237365)=1.35
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 1.35%
thickness = (116+122)/2=119
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(119))^(1/4) )= 1.35
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*1.35^(1/3)*1.35*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.01 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.01 × 3.00 = 3.04 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 118.7 = 869 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 118.7 = 869 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.2 × (3.803 - 0.869*0.869) = 402.846 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 403/((2 × 869 + 2 × 869)*119)= 0.98 <= vc = 3.04 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.01 × 1.50 = 1.52 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 118.7 = 987 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 118.7 = 987 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.2 × (3.803 - 0.987*0.987) = 373.718 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 374/((2 × 987 + 2 × 987)*119)= 0.80 <= vc = 1.52 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.01 × 1.00 = 1.01 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 118.7 = 1106 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 118.7 = 1106 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.2 × (3.803 - 1.106*1.106) = 340.863 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 341/((2 × 1106 + 2 × 1106)*119)= 0.65 <= vc = 1.01 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.5d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.01 × 1.00 = 1.01 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 118.7 = 1106 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 118.7 = 1106 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 132.2 × (3.803 - 1.106*1.106) = 340.863 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 341/((2 × 1106 + 2 × 1106)*119)= 0.65 <= vc = 1.01 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 502.6*10^3/(3000*119) = 1.41 N/mm²

1.41 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(116))^(1/4) )= 1.36
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*1.43^(1/3)*1.36*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.03 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(116))^(1/4) )= 1.36
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*1.43^(1/3)*1.36*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.03 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.03 × 1.50 = 1.55 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 125 × 10³/(1950*116) = 0.55 ≤ vc' = 1.55 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.03 × 1.50 = 1.55 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 125 × 10³/(1950*116) = 0.55 ≤ vc' = 1.55 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.98 × 1.50 = 1.47 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 123 × 10³/(1950*122) = 0.52 ≤ vc' = 1.47 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.98 × 1.50 = 1.47 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 123 × 10³/(1950*122) = 0.52 ≤ vc' = 1.47 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at right portion of the cap
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.03 × 1.00 = 1.03 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 110 × 10³/(1950*116) = 0.49 ≤ vc' = 1.03 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C24:(1,B)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 291.7 30.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 320.2 1.42
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 291.7 30.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 320.2 1.42
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C24:(1,B) 13.5 0 0.0
1B C24:(1,B) 16.8 10 1.7
GB C24:(1,B) -0.1 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 1.7
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 352.18kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =22.82kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 375.00kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Soil Pressure Checking
P = 375 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 1.95 m
Footing length, L = 1.95 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 375 / (1.95 × 1.95) = 98.62 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{2325,5825} mm
Point 1:{4275,5825} mm
Point 2:{4275,7775} mm
Point 3:{2325,7775} mm
Pad Footing center = {3300.00,6800.00} mm
B = 1950
L = 1950

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 23kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 115mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 121mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 121+8+50=179≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.42 × 352.2*10^6 / 3802500 = 131.4 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 131.4kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 1950.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 975mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 131.4*1950*975^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 121.79kNm

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y

yeffect = 1950.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 975mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 131.4*1950*975^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 121.79kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*121.79/(30*1950*115²) = 0.1564
lever arm = 115*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1564)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 89 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*115) = 89 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*121.79/(460/1.05*89) =3114 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1950*250/100=1462.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 3217 mm²

Check for moment in x direction

30.00*1950*115²*0.16/10^6 = 121.79kNm>=121.79=121.79kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*3217/(1950*250.0) = 0.66%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

16T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*16*16^2/4 = 3217mm²
The steel area provided 3217 mm²
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
3114<3217 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 100
Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*121.79/(30*1950*121²) = 0.1413
lever arm = 121*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1413)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 97 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*121) = 97 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*121.79/(460/1.05*97) =2852 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*1950*250/100=1462.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 3016 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*1950*121²*0.16/10^6 = 134.79kNm>=121.79=121.79kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*3016/(1950*250.0) = 0.62%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

15T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*15*16^2/4 = 3016mm²
The steel area provided 3016 mm²
2852<3016 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 125
Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 1950*115=225006mm²
Cut Area Y = 1950*121=236706mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(3217+3016)/(225006+236706)=1.35
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 1.35%
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
thickness = (115+121)/2=118
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(118))^(1/4) )= 1.36
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*1.35^(1/3)*1.36*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.01 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.01 × 3.00 = 3.04 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 118.4 = 868 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 118.4 = 868 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.4 × (3.803 - 0.868*0.868) = 400.572 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 401/((2 × 868 + 2 × 868)*118)= 0.97 <= vc = 3.04 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.01 × 1.50 = 1.52 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 118.4 = 987 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 118.4 = 987 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.4 × (3.803 - 0.987*0.987) = 371.712 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 372/((2 × 987 + 2 × 987)*118)= 0.80 <= vc = 1.52 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.01 × 1.00 = 1.01 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 118.4 = 1105 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 118.4 = 1105 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.4 × (3.803 - 1.105*1.105) = 339.169 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 339/((2 × 1105 + 2 × 1105)*118)= 0.65 <= vc = 1.01 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.5d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 1.01 × 1.00 = 1.01 N/mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 118.4 = 1105 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 118.4 = 1105 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.4 × (3.803 - 1.105*1.105) = 339.169 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 339/((2 × 1105 + 2 × 1105)*118)= 0.65 <= vc = 1.01 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 499.7*10^3/(3000*118) = 1.41 N/mm²

1.41 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(115))^(1/4) )= 1.36
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*1.43^(1/3)*1.36*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.03 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.43%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(115))^(1/4) )= 1.36
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*1.43^(1/3)*1.36*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 1.03 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.03 × 1.50 = 1.55 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 124 × 10³/(1950*115) = 0.55 ≤ vc' = 1.55 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.03 × 1.50 = 1.55 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 124 × 10³/(1950*115) = 0.55 ≤ vc' = 1.55 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.98 × 1.50 = 1.47 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 123 × 10³/(1950*121) = 0.52 ≤ vc' = 1.47 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.98 × 1.50 = 1.47 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 123 × 10³/(1950*121) = 0.52 ≤ vc' = 1.47 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at right portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 1.03 × 1.00 = 1.03 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 109 × 10³/(1950*115) = 0.49 ≤ vc' = 1.03 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!


Element/Elements Supported = Column C18:(4,G)


Loading Number Selected for Foundation Design = 1
Service Load
Load Load
No. Source P LLR. P Ult. γF
Case Comb. P (D.L.) P (L.L.) Mx My
1 G.L. G.(2D) LC1 396.5 32.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 426.6 1.41
2 G.L. G.(3D) LC1 396.5 32.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 426.6 1.41
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, W.L. for Wind Load, N.L. for Notional Load, S.L. for ELFA Seismic Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional/Seismic Load (G. for Gravity)
Load Comb. - Load Combination
Service Load - Foundation Service Load from Column/Wall, for Seismic Load, the P (Lateral) is sum of all components (kN)
LLR. - Live Load Reduction from Stump and above (kN).
P Ult. - Ultimate Axial Force after multiply by Foundation Load Combination (kN)
γF - Load Factor use in foundation design
Moment value automatically set to 0 when M / P ratio less than 5.0 mm
Foundation live load reduction only can be carried out after running 3D Analysis together with Column/Wall live load reduction set to True

Floor Column Floor L.L. Reduction % L.L. Deducted

2B C18:(4,G) 12.4 0 0.0
1B C18:(4,G) 19.5 10 2.0
GB C18:(4,G) 0.1 20 0.0
Total Live Load Deducted 2.0
Floor L.L - Floor Live Load to the Column, kN
Reduction % - Percentage of Live Load Reduction, %
L.L. Reducted - Amount of Live Load from the Reduction Percentage, kN


Equivalent loadings imposed

Equivalent Column Load = 469.24kN
Equivalent Column moment X = 0.00kNm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Equivalent Column moment Y = 0.00kNm
Load Allowance = 10%

Pad Footing
Pad Footing self-weight Load =30.38kN
Pad Footing self-weight moment X =0.00kNm
Pad Footing self-weight moment Y=0.00kNm

Total Loadings
Total load applied = 499.61kN
Total moment X applied =0.00kNm
Total moment Y applied =0.00kNm

Soil Pressure Checking

P = 499.61 kN ; Mx = 0 kNm ; My = 0 kNm
Soil bearing pressure = 100 kN/m²
Footing width, B = 2.25 m
Footing length, L = 2.25 m
Soil pressure = P / (BL) = 499.61 / (2.25 × 2.25) = 98.69 kN/m² ≤ 100 kN/m²

Design Passed

Pad Footing Cross Section Information

Point 0:{18675,-1125} mm
Point 1:{20925,-1125} mm
Point 2:{20925,1125} mm
Point 3:{18675,1125} mm
Pad Footing center = {19800.00,0.00} mm
B = 2250
L = 2250

Thickness =250mm
Pad Footing Density = 24kN/m^3
Pad Footing weight = 30kN

The depth of the footing slab = 250mm

The effective depth for reinforcement in x direction = 133mm
The effective depth for reinforcement in y direction = 139mm
Total depth = Effective depth of rebar + rebar radius + concrete cover
Total depth = 139+8+50=197≈250mm

Earth Pressure Calculation

Earth Pressure, ρ = Ultimate Safety Factor × Axial load / Pad area
ρ = 1.41 × 469.2*10^6 / 5062500 = 131.1 kN/m²

The Detailed Calculations for Footing Thickness and Reinforcement Bars

Detailed Moment Calculation

The moment is taken at 0 times of the column face to the column center
ρ = Earth pressure = 131.1kN/m²

The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment X

xeffect = 2250.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 1125mm
Moment X = ρ*y*xeffect²/2
Moment X = 131.1*2250*1125^2/2.0/10^9
Moment X = 186.73kNm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
The Calculation of Ultimate State Moment Y
yeffect = 2250.00/2.0-0.0*750.00/2.0 = 1125mm
Moment Y = ρ*x*yeffect²/2
Moment Y = 131.1*2250*1125^2/2.0/10^9
Moment Y = 186.73kNm

Check Thickness Constraint

250mm is a multiple of 50mm
Footing thickness constraint checking pass!!

Check Footing Depth

Footing slab depth ≥ minimum thickness
250mm ≥ 250mm
Footing depth checking pass!!

Moment Checking
Clause singly R.C. design(Reinforced Concrete Design, Mosley second edition, pp 62-66)

cb=limiting effective depth factor = 0.5
Mx and My are ultimate limit state moment

k1 = (0.45-0.15√fcu/17.86)fcu
k1 = [0.45-0.15*√30.00/17.86] 30.00 = 12.12

k2=1-0.45*30.00*(0.5-30.00/3828)/12.12 = 0.45

kk1 = cb*k1*(1-cb*k2)
kk1 = 0.50*12.12*(1- 0.50*0.45) = 4.69

k' = 4.69/30.00 = 0.156

Steel Area Calculation

k' =M/(fcu*b*d^2)
z = Min (d{0.5+√(0.25-k'/(2*0.67/γc))}, 0.95*d)
Steel area = M/(fy*z/γs)

M = Ultimate limit state Bending Moment

d = effective depth
γc = partial safety factor for concrete
γs = partial safety factor for steel
fy = yield strength for steel

Steel Area in X Direction

k = 10^6*186.73/(30*2250*133²) = 0.1564
lever arm = 133*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1564)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 103 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*133) = 103 mm
Steel area x due to moment = 10^6*186.73/(460/1.05*103) =4141 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*2250*250/100=1687.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 4222 mm²

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Check for moment in x direction
30.00*2250*133²*0.16/10^6 = 186.73kNm>=186.73=186.73kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage x = 100*4222/(2250*250.0) = 0.75%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in x direction

21T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*21*16^2/4 = 4222mm²
The steel area provided 4222 mm²
4141<4222 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in x = 100
Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in x = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Steel Area in Y Direction

k = 10^6*186.73/(30*2250*139²) = 0.1432
lever arm = 139*(0.5+√(0.25-(0.1432)/2*0.67/1.50))) = 111 mm
lever arm = Min (lever arm, 0.95*139) = 111 mm
Steel area y due to moment = 10^6*186.73/(460/1.05*111) =3835 mm²
Steel area that are due to minimum requirement = (steel min percentage)*cut sectional area/100 = 0.3*2250*250/100=1687.50 mm²
Steel area provided = 4021 mm²

Check for moment in y direction

30.00*2250*139²*0.16/10^6 = 203.96kNm>=186.73=186.73kNm
Moment checking pass

Check for steel percentage:

Steel percentage y = 100*4021/(2250*250.0) = 0.71%
The steel percentage is OK

Check for the sufficiency of steel area provided in y direction

20T16 is used
The total bar area is = 3.142*20*16^2/4 = 4021mm²
The steel area provided 4021 mm²
3835<4021 mm²
Area provided is sufficient!!

Check for bar spacing:

Bar spacing in y = 100
Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar spacing is ok

Check for bar diameter:

Bar diameter in y = 16mm
The bar diameter is ok

Check for Punching Shear

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc
As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Cut Area X = 2250*133=299273mm²
Cut Area Y = 2250*139=312773mm²
Average steel % = 100*(Steel Area X + Steel Area Y)/(Cut Area X+Cut Area Y)=100*(4222+4021)/(299273+312773)=1.35
Effective steel percentage = Min(Average steel %, 3) = 1.35%
thickness = (133+139)/2=136
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(136))^(1/4) )= 1.31
Shearing capacity, vc = 0.79*1.35^(1/3)*1.31*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.98 N/mm^2

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 0.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/0.50,1) = 3.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.98 × 3.00 = 2.94 N/mm²

k = 0.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 0.50 × 136.0 = 886 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×0.50 × 136.0 = 886 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.1 × (5.063 - 0.886*0.886) = 560.986 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 561/((2 × 886 + 2 × 886)*136)= 1.16 <= vc = 2.94 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.00*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.00,1) = 1.50d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.98 × 1.50 = 1.47 N/mm²

k = 1.00
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.00 × 136.0 = 1022 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.00 × 136.0 = 1022 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.1 × (5.063 - 1.022*1.022) = 526.951 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 527/((2 × 1022 + 2 × 1022)*136)= 0.95 <= vc = 1.47 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth

Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.98 × 1.00 = 0.98 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 136.0 = 1158 mm
License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 136.0 = 1158 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.1 × (5.063 - 1.158*1.158) = 488.065 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 488/((2 × 1158 + 2 × 1158)*136)= 0.77 <= vc = 0.98 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

The most critical section is checked at 1.5d

Check for the case if the critical section occurs at 1.50*depth
Enhanced shear factor multiplier, esm = 1.5
Enhanced Shear factor = Max(esm/k, 1)= Max(1.5/1.50,1) = 1.00d
Real shear capacity, vc = vc*enchanced Shear Factor = 0.98 × 1.00 = 0.98 N/mm²

k = 1.50
The dimension of the critical section
B' = B + 2 × k × d
B' = 750 + 2 × 1.50 × 136.0 = 1158 mm
L' = L + 2 × k × d
L' = 750 + 2 ×1.50 × 136.0 = 1158 mm
Punching Shear Force = ρ × (total pad area - area inside critical perimeter)
Punching Shear Force = 131.1 × (5.063 - 1.158*1.158) = 488.065 kN
punching shear stress = 10^3 × 488/((2 × 1158 + 2 × 1158)*136)= 0.77 <= vc = 0.98 N/mm²
Punching Shear Pass!

Check for Ultimate Shear

shear stress = Ultimate axial load/(ColPerimeter*d)<=Min (0.8√fcu, 5)

shear stress = 663.9*10^3/(3000*136) = 1.63 N/mm²

1.63 <= 4.38
Ultimate Shear Checking Pass!

Check for Flexural Shear

Shearing capacity = 0.79*((100*As/(b*d)^1/3)*((fcu/25)^1/3)*((400/d)^1/4)/γc

As is the minimum steel ratio in the two directions, x and y
100*As/(b*d) should not be taken as greater than 3
(400/d)^1/4 should not be taken as less than 0.67
fcu should not be taken as greater than 40 or less than 25

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in X direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.41%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(133))^(1/4) )= 1.32
Shearing capacity X, vcX = 0.79*1.41^(1/3)*1.32*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.99 N/mm^2

Un-enhanced Shear Capacity in Y direction

fcu = min(40, max (25, fcu)) = min (40, max (25, 30)) = 30
Effective steel percentage = Min(steel percentage, 3) = 1.41%
Inverted thickness = max(0.67,(400/thickness^(1/4)))
Inverted thickness = max(0.67, (400/(133))^(1/4) )= 1.32
Shearing capacity Y, vcY= 0.79*1.41^(1/3)*1.32*(30/25.0)^(1/3)/1.25 = 0.99 N/mm^2

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1

Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.99 × 1.50 = 1.49 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 182 × 10³/(2250*133) = 0.61 ≤ vc' = 1.49 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at right portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.99 × 1.50 = 1.49 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 182 × 10³/(2250*133) = 0.61 ≤ vc' = 1.49 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at upper portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.95 × 1.50 = 1.43 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 180 × 10³/(2250*139) = 0.58 ≤ vc' = 1.43 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The flexural shear is checked at 1.00d from column face at lower portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.00,1) = 1.50
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.95 × 1.50 = 1.43 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 180 × 10³/(2250*139) = 0.58 ≤ vc' = 1.43 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

The most critical flexural shear is check at 1.5d from column face at left portion of the cap
The flexural shear is checked at 1.50d from column face at left portion of the cap
Enhanced shear multiplier, esm = 1.50
Enhanced shear factor = Max(esm/k,1) = Max(1.50/1.50,1) = 1.00
Enhanced shear capacity, vc' = 0.99 × 1.00 = 0.99 N/mm²
Flexural shear stress = 162 × 10³/(2250*133) = 0.54 ≤ vc' = 0.99 N/mm²
Flexural Shear Checking Pass!

License Number: Timer-SN111-C0-1


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