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Clinical case n.


+“Sonographic evaluation of diaphragm excursion to strengthen non-

invasive mechanical ventilation education program in a patient with
chronic respiratory insufficiency and claustrophobia “
A. Longoni Respiratory Therapist, D. Mangiacasale MD, P. Pozzi MD, A.D. Marco MD, L. Cattaneo MD,
M. Vago Respiratory Therapist, A. Paddeu MD.
Asst Lariana - U.O. of Specialistic Cardio-Respiratory Rehabilitation 2, “Paola Giancola Foundation” Cantù, Italy

Case history Investigations

A 56 year-old woman suffering from multiple sclerosis We studied the diaphragmatic excursion with sonography
was hospitalized for chronic respiratory insufficiency (US) in M-mode with a convex probe 1-5 MgHz in
with daily hypercapnia (pCO2: 69,4mmHg) to start spontaneous and in forced breathing in supine position.The
non invasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV). She was patient was placed in diurnal and nocturnal NIMV with nasal
previously hospitalized for one month in another pillows to avoid claustrophobia. An educational experiment
hospital but she drop out from NIMV due to was set by showing the patient the utility of NIMV through:
claustrophobia. The patient was also daily oxygen 1)The arterial blood testing in terms carbon dioxide levels
therapy for room-air desaturation and she moved in (pCO2).
wheelchair for severe back and lower limb pains. The 2) The utility of respiratory rehabilitation programs
basal pulmonary function testings (PFT) were ( PRP) and the daily attendance of the gym for the
compatible with a severe reduction of the forced vital respiratory exercises and the cycle minibike of the upper
capacity (FVC) as well as of the maximum inspiratory limbs.
and expiratory pressures (Mip=40, Mep=55, 3) The difference in US diaphragmatic excursion without
FVC=54%,Fev1=52%, Fev1/FVC=104%, Pef=30%). NIMV (1 cm and 1,5 cm in normal and forced breathing,
respectively) and under NIMV (1,6 cm and 3,9 cm,
respectively) with the direct vision of the ultrasound
examination. During the ultrasound view, in M-mode, the
The rehabilitative treatments excursion of the diaphragm movement was explained to the
The patient has performed cycles of nighttime and patient, in simple words, the correspondence between the
diurnal NIMV in S/T mode with nasal pillows, single ascent of the diaphragm during the inspiratory phase (for
circuit with leak and integrated hot humidifier. The which the diaphragm is lowered approaching the probe) and
program were integrated with daily treatments of the expiratory phase (where the diaphragm rises, moving
respiratory rehabilitation (pep bottle), fktr and motor away from the probe).
exercises with assisted minibike. Respiratory 4) The excursion of the diaphragm was then reevaluated,
evaluation of diaphragmatic excursion with after adaptation, with US during ventilation with the use oral
Ultrasound were performed at the admission and at mask M size (1,6 cm) and nasal pillow M size (2,9 cm).
the discharge in sitting position.

At the discharge (10/04 to 26/04/2018) the patient was able to carry the NIMV all night long with, almost the pCO2 value
normality (47 mmHg.), improved PFTs (Mip=53, Mep=74, FVC=56%,Fev1=55%, Fev1/FVC=106%, Pef=59%. ) and a
satisfactory diaphragmatic excursion with 2,2 cm and 4,5 cm in normal and forced breathing while 3,1 cm during
ventilation. Diaphragmatic Sonography can be an excellent educational tool, safe, fast, not expensive method to be
performed ,at the patient's bed, to strengthen a cardio-respiratory pulmonary rehabilitation program of non invasive
ventilation in patient's with problem's of Niv adaptation.

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