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In India there is no independent lithium mining and

lithium ,in the form of lepidolite ,1s recovered only as a

byproduct m the mining of pegmatites (see Bhola et al.

1966) for beryl and sheet micas. Cf the several available

sources spodumene pegmatites constitute the most important

lithium ores of the world. Although there have been a

couple of reports of spodumene (and spodumene pegmatite)

occurrences (Rana Rao and Ramachandra Rao 1939, Bhola et al.

1966) m the country, the only spodumene deposit of possible

commercial value was described in the present research area

for the first time by Sadashivaiah et al. (1980) just three

years ago. The discoverers, however, carried out only a

preliminary study of deposics and no detailed account of

the field characters, petrology, mineralogy, geocnemistry

and genesis as is accomplisned here was available. In view

of the fact that spodumene provides a preferred source of

lithium m comparison with lepidolite and the Amareshwar

spodumene pegmatites are fairly large m size and analyse on

an average 1.8% lithium, it is highly desiranle to follow­

up the present investigation by a feasimlity study from

the view point of mining the deposit. As it is oeyond the

resources of an individual research worker of an university,

it is hoped that either the Hutti Gold Mining Co. Ltd.,

which is situated m the neignbourhood or any of the state


organisations like Department of Mines and Geology, Mysore

Minerals ltd., Mineral Exploration Corporation etc., will

undertake detailed exploration and prospecting of the

deposit in tne near future.


The spodumene pegmatites occur (see Map- 3 foe

location) as tabular and lensoid intrusion like bodies (Plates

XXXLsi XXXII).In all 16 bodies have been located, these

generally vary in thickness from less than 10 ems to about

3 meters and may show persistance over a distance of 30 to

100 meters. The thickest body measures 5-6 meters across and

the loqgest body is picked up continuously for 400 meters.

Tapering of the individual bodies at one or either ends-is

an usual feature. Likewise, pinching and swelling are not

uncommon. The bodies generally strike parallel, or nearly

so, to the host rock banding/foliation i.e. in directions

varying from N-S to NNE-SSW and dip at steep angles. The

borders of the individual bodies are sharply marked and

often fine grained; the pegmatites snow overall intrusive

characters. Undigested enclaves of pre-existing amphibolite

are occasionally seen within the pegmatite bodies, but there

are no obvious gradations between the host rock (Plate XXXIIIA)and

Map 3 Geological sketch map showing location of
Spodumena Pegmatites
pegmatites. The spodumene pegmatites are nearly massive or

show only rude banding and mineral lineation particularly

with reference to spodumene and feldspar orientation;

strongly foliated character is a local feature associated

with shear planes.

Interestingly the spodumene pegmatites of Amareshwar

are confined to a narrow zone within amphibolites, but near

the contacts with gneisses. The significance of such a

localized occurrence is, however, difficult to interpret

particularly m view of the non existence of difinite

eaidence of the genetic connection between the pegmatiues

and any of the associated rocks.

There is a striking lonhomogeneity m the distribu­

tion of individual minerals, varying from one body to

another and within the limits of a single pegmatite.

Spodumene m particular may be relatively concentrated m

the border or central portions of an individual body, But,

the pegmatites on the whole are of simple type. The field

characters of pegmatites appear to suggest tneir formation

m more than a single stage and the spodumene enriched

portions perhaps represent last phase in the evolution of


The spodumene pegmatite bodies of Amareshv&r are both


zoned (banded) and unzoned types. The essential difference

between the zoned (banded) and unzoned pegmatite oodies is

in the geometric arrangement of the lithium bearing minerals.

The zoned types show an overall whitish colour, are segrega­

tions of Li minerals (viz., spodumene) into a series of

bands of differing mineral composition and texture. Spodumene

in particular shows concentration in central as well as border

portions alternating with comparatively 'barren zones'. In

such zoned (banded) pegmatites the long spodumene crystals

commonly show a striking transverse arrangement with

reference to the length of the pegmatite bodies (Plate XXXIV).

The unzoned (or unoanded) pegmatites are comparatively

fine grained, show an overall uniformity in texture and

mineral composition.


The spodumene pegmatites are light greenish to white

coloured, coarse to medium grained rocks. Grain size m

particular varies considerably and irregularly m patcnes

The thin sections show xenomorphic granular texture .

Plagioclase, althougn more common than K-feldspar, almost

consistently forms smaller laths which are generally well


twinned. K-feldspar forms large, anhsiral plates and

subhedral to near euhedral megacrysts that may measure over

2 x 3*s cms. Spodumene commonly occurs m strikingly

elongated (the length to breadth ratio might be m excess

of 13:1) prjusms and occasionally as well formed crystals

with 6 or 8 sides. Quartz usually has smaller gram size

than even plagioclase. It occurs in strained annedral grams

which typically occupy the interspaces of feldspars. Mica

is always present as anhedral plates. Garnet and gahnite

are generally present m small but nearly euhedral crystals.

The rocks are quite fresh both m specimen and in

section. The thin sections, however, usually show

saussuritization and sericitization of feldspar m small

patches and alteration of spodumene along the gram noundaries

and other weak planes.

Variation in the distnoution of both major minerals

viz., spodumene, quartz, plagioclase, K-feld spar and

muscovite and accessory minerals viz., garnet, apatite and

epidote is a common feature. (see Table 25 for modes).

These variations which are also disorderly, like gram size

and texture, are recorded withm the limits of a single

body and even m a single hand specimen. Occurrence of one

major mineral, including spodumene, as inclusions m the

other is not uncommon, out no obvious replacement relationship


between any of the minerals is observed. Almost all the

minerals show the evidence of their formation m tvo

generations and there is superimposition of met amorphic

r eery st a 1 lizat ion.

A common feature wnich is closely associated with

spodumene is the myrmekite like intergrowth between

spodumene and quartz, especially in the turbid, dusted and

altered border areas of tne individual crystals of spodumene.

A comparable but more familiar feature is myrmekite which is

occasionally noted along the contacts between K-feldspar and



On the basis of mineralogy Cameron et al. (1949)

have given a sequence of eleven mineral assemblages m the

zoned pegmatites which is still widely accepted (see Table 24).

The sequence given is broadly m the decreasing order of

abundance and in the order m vhich the pegmatite bodies

vary from the contact with country rock to the centre. Not

all the assemblages occur m all pegmatites or even m all

pegmatite districts. Crystallization proceeded from the

country rock contact inwards, because no outer assemblage

cuts an inner one, but inner assemblages do cut across


Distribution of the principal lithium minerals of pegmatites

(After Cameron et al. 1§49)

Assemblage Principal non-lithium Principal lithium

minerals. minerals.

1. Plagioclase# quartz# Airtolygonite


2. Plagioclase# quartz -
3. Quartz# perthite# Tnphyllite-lithio-
plagioclase# muscovite phillite.

4. Perthite# Quartz Tnphyllite-


5. Perthite# quartz# Amblygonite# spodumene


6. Plagioclase# quartz Spodumene# petalite (?)

7. Quartz Spodumene

8. Plagioclase# quartz Lepidolite

9. Quartz# microcline -
10. Microcline# plagio** Lithium muscovite
clase# quartz

lli Quartz —

outer ones. The first four assemblages are feldspar rich

and differ from granite only m the ratio of one feldspar to

another and in the abundance of muscovite, vjhere muscovite

is abundant/ potassic feldspar/perthite is ordinarily absent

or scarce. Tnese assemblages may be richer in Al2°3 t*ian

many granites and may have reacted with the country rock or

lost alkalies to it. Lithium minerals do not become a major

component until assemblage 5, but persist through assemblages

5 to 7. The content of quartz increases m these asseirblages

and quartz first becomes dominant in assemblage 7. The

core is commonly almost entirely quartz.

Mineral assemblages of Amareshwar pegmatites are

mostly comparable to 5/6 and 10 of Cameron et al. (1949)

but no amblygonite/ petalite or lepidolite is recognised m


The mineralogy of Amareshwar spodumene pegmatites

is relatively simple with spodumene, quartz, plagioclase,

K-feldspar and muscovite making up nearly 98% or more of the

individual bodies. The accessories are garnet, gahnite,

apatite, sphene, zircon and epidote, of wmch the last four

are scarce and noticed only m traces. Spodumene averages

24 per cent of tne mode although locally it may be

abnormally concentrated accounting for 50-53 per cent.


Quartz is somewhat less abundant than plagioclase. K-feldspar

occurs in subordinate quantities. Li-muscovite is

restricted to a few bodies. Garnet is consistently present

but seldom makes up more than 1 per cent of the mode (Table 25).

^ahnite is noted occasionally, out, it is pernaps a widespread

accessory mineral.

In the normative Qz-Fels-Eu ternary diagram (after

Stewart 1978) the analyses of spodumene pegmatites plot m

the field of quartz-f eld spar-pet a lit e triangle, close to

the petalite demarcation line, indicating a petalite precursor

for spodumene. The occurrence of similar type of spodumene

pegmatites is also reported from Peg Claims (Sundelius,

1963), Kings ilountam (Kesler 1961) 3eardmore (Milne 1962)

and Giant Volney (Norton 1982) 'see Fig. 50).

Although, no petalite as such is identified, the

myrmekite like spodumene-quartz intergrowtns, which are so

commonly notea in the Amaresnwar occurrence, could be

regarded as products of breakdown of what is originally


Spodumenei Spodumene occurs m elongate prisms, laths/

blades which vary m size from less than a mm to 6 cins x 1 cm

blades and needles. Crystals with subrounded and square -

cross sectionsare also not uncommon. The spoaumene crystals


Modal analysis of Spodumene pegmatites

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Spodumene 53 52 47 43 42 23 21 18 14 8 8 3 1 1
>?, 39> 32 V- *6'
Quartz 30) .247 40v 47' ,36. /3J3 - 38 47 29
'*“■ f
Plagioclase 10 10 8 7 16 19 15 34 23 32 26 34 29 48

An% 25- 25- 28- _ 25- ■w 27- 30- _ 25- 25- 25- 23-
28 33 31 27 35 37 26 28 32 30

Orthoclase 7 12 5 2 6 20 20 17 21 26 23 24 18 17

Microcline X 5

Garnet X X X X X X X X X 2 1 1 X X

Muscovite - 2 - - - - - - 3 - 2 - 5 —
Apatite - - — - - X - - - - - - - -
Sphene - - - - - X - - - - - -

Epidote •v

1 - H 1/ 2 - RA 47 , 3 - H 12/ 4 - RA 132 , 5 - RA 97 / 6 - H 7/
7 - H 115/ 8 - RA 45, 9 - H 9/ 10 - RA 95/ 11 - RA 29/ 12 - RA ?
13 - RA 31 and 14 - H 8.

(Refer Table 33 for specimen location)

Spodum ene Pegm atite

F ig 5 0 LiAfSfO*
show subnormal or near perpendicular orientation with

reference to the wall of tne pegmatite bodies. On weathered

surface the mineral shows up prominently with its rusty

brown colour. In the freshly cut samples it appears bright,

semi transluscent and predominantly light green coloured

(locally it puts on nearly white colour ). The lustre is

vitreous on fractured surfaces and pearly to silky on

cleavage surfaces. The mineral breaks readily along

cleavage planes to form splintery laths. High hardness

of 7 on Moh's scale is one of the distinguishing handspecimen

characters of the mineral.

In thin section spodumene shows light brown colour

and very weak pleochroism. It is fresh, but border areas of

individual crystals are commonly altered to grey turbid

substance (cookeite7). The turbid altered borders usually

consist of fine scale and intimate myrmekite like intergrowths

between spodumene and quartz (Plate XXXVI).This relationship might

suggest that the borders of spodumene crystals were of

petalite character which oecame unstable under falling

temperature conditions to result, as suggested by Stewart

(1963), in its breakdown into a mixture of spodumene and

quartz, perhaps as indicated by the following equationi

LiA1Si4O10 ----- >biAlSi206 + 2 S±02

Petalite Spodumene + Quartz

However/ as already mentioned no relics of fresh

petalite have been identified. Apart from the foregoing

there also exist coarse vermicular, bleb-like and graphic

intergrowths of quartz within the fresh and clear (especially

unaltered) spodumene crystals. The quartz bodies involved

m these intergrowths generally show optical continuity and

are perhaps related to ^eutectic crystallization. Muscovite,

Iii-bearing mica,JcaoLinite and other clay minerals (see also

jahns 1953) are other alteration products noted at places.

Spodumene may also be thoroughly replaced by a mixture of

micaceous and clay minerals (see also Schwartzs and Leonard

1926). Besides, as described by Dana (1932), the alteration

of spodumene at first to a sodium-rich product consisting

of eucryptite (Li Al Si04) and albite and subsequently to

potassium rich products m which muscovite takes the place of

eucryptite is also recorded. These alterations are perhaps

related to resorption and deuteroc reactions.

Chemically spodumenes of Amareshwar (see Table 26 )

are characterised by high manganese, potash, soda and

rubidium as compared with the Swedish examples (Deer et al.

1962), but, are similar to Indian examples (Bhola et al.

1966). Trace element analysis (Table 26 b) shows abnormally

high concentration of Be (av 47 ppm).


Chemical analysis of Spodumene

(a) (b)

1234 1234

S102 64.16 64.62 64.75 64.97 S102 61.00 65.50 64.89 62.42
Ti°2 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Al203 26.50 26.00 26.74 27.81
U2°3 26.46 26.68 26.72 26.46 Pe2°3 1.80 0.17 0.57 0.61
FeO 0.93 1.17 1.03 1.35 Feo 0.00 0.00 0.04 -
MnO 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.35 MnO 0.11 0.12 0.01 0.15
MgO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CaO 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 CaO 0.20 0.00 0.00 -
Na2o 0.15 0.15 0.13 0.18 Na20 0.60 0.70 0.05 0.40
0.65 0.24 0.16 0.40
Total 91.98 92.90 92.94 93.34
Li2° 6.9b 7.15 7.12 6.90
Rb2° 1.40 0.17 —

Mineral formula units on the

Total 99.21 100.05 99.58 98.69
basis of 6 (0)

Trace elements m ppm.

Si 2.184 2.181 2.182 2.186
Ti 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 16 25
Cu - -
Al 1.062 1.061 1.062 1.049
Sr 10 - - -

Fe 0.02o 0.033 0.029 0.038 72 23

Be - —

Mn 0 .007 0.007 0.008 0.010

Mg 0.000 0.000 0.000 OwQOO
Ca 0.0005 0.0005 0.0006 0.0005
Na 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.011

(a) Nos. 1 to 4 Spodumene from RA 29, analysed through electron

microprooe. Analyst. A. Tindle.
(b) 1. H 12, 2. RA 132 (analysis through AAS), 3. Wine yellow
spodumene from pegmatite of Varutrask, Sweden (quoted by
Deer et al.1963), and 4. Spodumene from Jeevan Mines,
Rajgarh, Rajasthan (Bhola et al. 1966).

(Refer Table 33 for specimen location)

In keeping witn the limited cnemical variation (see

Table 31 ) of the minerals/ the optical properties of

spodumene show a narrow range with 2V 5 * 53° - 62°,

C:z = 24° - 27 0, 1.65 + 0.00l/~$ = 0.015 + 0.005 and

( V ~ ) = 0.013 to 0.21 (see Table 27 for optical properties).

Quartz constitutes 24 to 47% of the mode and is a major

mineral phase. It usually forms anhedral grains with lacy

or sutured borders. It occurs occupying interspaces of

feldspar grains and as blebs within spodumene and feldspars.

Myrmdcite-like intergrowths with spodumene and feldspar are

also not uncommon. There are two genarations of quartz, the

first type is studded with dusty granular inclusions and

shows the evidence of shearing with moderate to strong

undulose extinction, whereas the second type is glass clear,

shows little undulose extinction and is practically unaffected

by deformation/shearing. 3etween the micropegmatitic and

myrmekitic intergrowths the former shows characters of

eutectic crystallization and the latter is thougnt to

constitute transition product in the process of replacement

of K-feldspar by plagioclase.

Plagroclase occurs in large plates (3 x 2.5 mm2 ) and small

(0.9 x 0.6 mm2 ) laths. The former are early formed and

are characterized by sutured borders, ubiquitous saussuriti-

zation, evidence of replacement by K-feldspar and quartz


Optical properties of numerals in Spodumene


V- i)L
Mineral 2vz Z : c An% H Y
Spodumene 53-62 0.013-0 .021 24-27 1,65 0.015

Muscovite 143-145 0.043-0 .046 mm mm -

Albite 7 5-88 - - 2-8 -

K.feldspar 95-107 - - - -

Plagioclase — — 24-37 -
and-common antiperthrtic nature (Plate -XXXVII A).
Besides/ they are studded with tiny stumps and needles of

epidote and clouded with dust like inclusions. The smaller

plagioclase grains occur occupying the interspaces and are

very fresh or show only local alteration and are albitic.

The ooservation suggests that whilst some of the smaller

sized plagioclase grains are products of late stage

crystallization/ the others were derived by the extensive

saussuritization of earlier formed large plagioclase grains

(see also Menhert 1968). An optical study of randomly

selected plagioclase grains occurring m different thin

sections covering all tne pegmatite bodies has indicated

that: (1) It ranges in composition from oligoclase/ with

An 24 to An 37, to albite, with to Ang,* (2) when

oligoclase and albite occur togetner in a single sample they

form separate grains with each pnase showing a limited

variation of less than about 5 per cent An. (3) It is

unzoned and (4) it is both twinned and untwinned and Wien

twinned it is typically patchy, bent, microfaulted and

irregular (Plate XXXVII A).

K-feldspar accounts for 3 to 26% of the modal composition.

It is both orthoclase and microcline. In the nandspecimen

it snows white to flesn red colour. In some pegmatite

bodies it occurs as large megacrysts measuring over 8 x 20 cm.

with moderate to well developed crystal boundaries and

showing transverse or near transverse arrangement with

reference to the walls of the pegmatite bodies (Plate XXXIII3).

It is generally fresn and pertnitic. The perthitic bodies

are string and stnnglet type and are commonly oriented

parallel to (100) and (010) planes of the host feldspars.

The exsolution origin of the perthite nodies is particularly

indicated by the fact that these bodies are never seen

cutting across the host K-feldspar crystal.

The chemical analysis of two K-feldspar samples has

revealed tnet they are unusually enriched m rubidium with

Rb20 accounting for 2.9 to 3.4%. Higher concentration

(0.96%) of Rb is also reported from the Li pegmatites of

Viitamemi area (Lahti 1981) in Finland and these feldspars

and micas are supposed to be formed during the final stages

of crystallization (see Table 28).

Muscovite with light green colour and typical pearly lustre

occurs m patches and scales (2 x 0.77 mm2 and less) which

are both discrete and closely associated with spodumene as

an alteration product. Whilst its optical properties
2Vx = 35° - 37° and ( /- *> = 0.43 - 0.46 are comparable

to common muscovite (Deer et al. 1963) its cnemical analysis

is characterised by a high Rb (Rb^O 3.65%) and more than

the normal amounts of lithia (Table 29).


Chemical analysis of K-feldspar from Spodumene

(a) (b) Trace-elements in ppm.
1 2 1 2 3
1 ,

S102 61.50 64.50 Rb 6852 7512 o 8382

A12°3 19.00 18.50 Sr 72 78 98

Fe2°3 0.10 0.20 Y 55 54 62

Peo 0.00 0.00 zr 15 17 14

MnO 0.01 0.01 Nb 4 4 6

MgO 0.00 0.00 Pb 97 141 114

CaO 0.20 0.20 Th 1 1 1

Na2° 2.20 1.75 Cu 13 18 15

K2° 12.75 10.95 Zn 9 11 4

Li20 0.02 0.18 Ga 32 37 51

m>2o 3.40 2.90 Nl 1 3 1

Total 99.18 99.19

Trace elements m PPm.

Cu - 8

Sr ' 57 38

Be 2 16

(a) 1. RA 29/ 2. RA 132 (Analysis through AAS).

(b) 1. RA 29/ 2. H 6/ 3. H 12 . (Analysis through XRP.

Analyst: s. Drury).

( Refer Table 33 for specimen location)


Chemical analysis of Muscovite from Spodumene pegmatite

(a) (b)

1 2 3 4 1

Si02 44.30 44.50 44.55 45.21 Si°2 46.00

Ti02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 A12°3 33.00
A12°3 32.93 32.82 32.71 34.12 Fe2°3 2.32
FeO 4.72 4.50 4.73 3.41 FeO 1.18
MnO 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.05 MnO 0.06
Mgo 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 MgO 0.65
Cao 0.20 0.01 0.01 0.01 CaO 0.00
Na2° 0.38 0.32 0.31 0.45 Na20 0.90
k2° 10.29 10.18 10.25 9.86 K2° 10.80
BaO 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Li20 0.60
F 0.09 0.09 0.22 0.22 Rb20 3.65
Cl 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00
Total 99.16
Total 92.84 92.55 92.92 93.39

Mineral formula units on the basis of 22 (0) Trace elements

in ppm.

Si 6.175 6.200 6.207 6.189 Cu 8

Tl 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.004 Sr 29
A1 5.411 5.395 5.373 5.515 Be 9
Fe 0.550 0.524 0.551 0.391
Mn 0.009 0.007 0.009 0.005
Mg 0.000 0.003 0.003 0.003
ca 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
Na 0.104 0.087 0.083 0.120
K 1.814 1.811 1.821 1.725
Ba 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
F 0.039 0.039 0.098 0.096
Cl ” 0.003 0.003" 0.000 “ 0.000

(a) 1 to 4 muscovite from RA 29, Analysis through Electron

microprobe. Analyst* A. Tindle.
(b) 1. RA 47. Analysis through AAS.
(Refer Table 33 for specimen location)

Garnet is a consistent but a minor mineral phase. It is

fresh and occurs in compact, small (0.5 x 0.4 mm or less)

subhedral to euhedral crystals. It has pale pink colour and

is devoid of inclusions and alterations. It shows a

preferential association witn feldspar often occurring

within it as inclusions.

The electroprobe microanalysis (Table 30a ) of the

garnets has shown that it is spandite (53% Aim) with

almandine and spessartite alone accounting for 97% mol

par cent of the composition. While it contains 3% grossu-

larite component, It is totally devoid of pyrope component.

On the whole the garnet is comparable to those reported

from gondites (Fermor 1909 ) and Thomas range (Miyashiro,

1955, quoted by Deer at al. 1975). Similar Mn rich garnets

are also reported from the Li pegmatites of Finland (Lahti 1981).

Gahpite x
occurs in minute ( Ou.4 -0.3 mm2 or less )

crystals which are colourless to grey and isotropic. It

differs from the closely associated and similar looking

garnet in having a well developed octahedral form ana some­

what rhombic shape.(Plate XXXVII 3).

Chemically (Table 30b) gahnite (av ZnO 38.57%) of

Amareshwar pegmatites is nearly identical with the one

reported from pegmatites of Chiapval, S. Harris, Scotland


Chemical analysis of Garnet and Gahnite from Spodumene

(a) Garnet (b) Gahnite

1 2 3 1 2 3
Slo2 36.78 37.71 36.38 sio2 0.10 0.13 0.12
Tl02 0.03 0.02 0.27 Ti02 0.03 0.02 0.00
A12°3 21.05 21.13 19.42 A12°3 56.14 55.64 55.91
FeO 20.65 25.34 22.23 FeO 5.63 4.72 7.90
MnO 21.40 16.86 18.42 MnO 0.24 0,39 0.42
MgO 0.00 0.00 0.82 MgO 0.00 0.00 0.12
CaO 1.36 0.62 0.56 CaO 0.01 0.03 -
m2o 0.04 0.06 - ZnO 37.75 39.40 35 f 85

Total L01.31 101.74 98.10 Total 99.90 100.33 100.32

Mineral formula units on the basis of 32(0)

Si 7.967 8.098 8.042 Si 0.023 0.031 0.029
Ti 0.005 0.003 0.045 Ti 0.006 0.003 -
Al 5.375 5.348 5.061 Al 16.004 15.891 15.920
Fe 3.741 4.551 4.156 Fe 1.139 0.956 1.594
Mn 3.927 3.068 3.451 Mn 0.049 0.081 0.085
Mg 0 .000 0.000 0.271 Mg 0.000 0.000 0.043
Ca 0.314 0.144 0.133 Ca 0.003 0.007 -
Na 0.017 0.026 - Zn 6.742 7.050 6.382

Almandme 46.90 58.70 5 In 60 Analyst : A. Tindle.

Spessar- 49.20 39.50 43.30
Grossular 3.90 1.80 -

Andradite - - 1.70
Pyrope - - 3.40

Analyst: A. Tindle.
(a) 1 & 2 garnets from Amareshwar Spodumene pegmatites (RA 29),
3. Almandme spessartme garnet, cavity m rhyolite,
Thomas Range, Utah. (Quoted by Deer et al. 1963).
(b) 1 & 2 Gahnite from Amareshwar Spodumene pegmatites (RA 29)
3. Gahnite from pegmatite, Chiapvaal, S.Harris, Scotland.
(Quoted by Deer et al. 1963).
(Refer Table 33 for specimen location)
(quoted oy Deer et al. 1963) excepting for a little higher

concentration of ZnO and somewhat lower concentrations of

PeO and MnQ m the former.


The spodumene pegmatites of Amaresnwar exhibit all

the chemical peculanties of the Li pegmetites reported from

many different parts of the world. An usual peculiarity of

the spodumene pegmatites is tneir remarkable enrichment in


From a survey of the available literature on tne

chemistry of spodumene pegmatites, it is rather surprising

to note that a fuller and complete major and trace element

analytical data like tne one presented here is often missing.

The present study, thus considerably supplements the existing

chemical information and should serve as a contribution to

our knowledge of the geochemistry of spodumene pegmatites.

Major constituents:

Silica: A very restrict el variation of only aoout 7 per cent

among as many as ten analyses (see Table 31 ) covering

several separate oodies, emphasises the remarkable uniformity

of the Amaresnwar pegmatites m terms of tne silica content.


Chemical analysis of Spodumene pegmatites

1 2 3 4 5 6

S102 70.40 70.50 70.50 71.30 71.50 71.50

Al2°3 15.80 15.01 15.00 15.54 15.40 13.80
Ti02 2,62 2.20 1.35 0.04 0.60 0.45
Pe2°3 0.27 0.87 0.36 0.76 0.92 1.40
Peo 1.93 1.93 2.04 2.69 1.18 1.50
MgO 0.45 0.15 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.70
CaO 0.70 0.50 0.65 1.10 0.90 0.80
Na2° 5.20 5.00 4.00 3.78 5.80 2.80
K20 0.50 2.25 1.75 0.80 1.37 3,00
Mno 0.13 0.08 0.12 0.08 0.12 0.08
p2°5 -
- 0.11 0.04 - 0.14
Li20 1.55 1.30 2.15 2.95 0.05 2.35
Rb20 0.28 0.59 0.70 0.14 0.28 0.87
LOI 0.13 0.11 0.03 0.12 0.07

Total 99.96 100,49 99.44 99.75 98.74 99.46

Trace elements (in ppm )

Cu 36 52 56 64 43 65
Cr 40 40 5 34 40 80
Sr 10 47 24 14 33 24
V 316. 79 79 nd 396 53
Zn 70 146 84 nd 104 105
Co 37 12 12 nd 12 5
Be 20 6 27 71 32 63
Nl 00 00 00 00 00 00
Ba 00 00 00 00 00 00
S —
- — 500 .. -
Contn'd. Table 31

7 8 9 10 11 12
sxo2 71.50 72.00 /2.00 72.50 71.37 73.00
a12°3 14.00 15.00 14.80 15.00 14.93 17.00
Ti02 1.50 1.43 0.52 0.04 1.07 nd
Fe2°3 0.59 0.80 0.11 0.41 0.65 nd
p©o 1.61 1.50 2.69 2.01 1.91 nd
MgO 0.60 0.45 0.60 0.80 0.53 nd
CaO 0.60 1.10 0.80 0.50 0.76 nd
Na20 3.60 5.25 3.50 3.50 4.24 3.40

KjO 3.25 1.60 2.80 1.50 2.60

MnO 0.06 0.12 0.06 0.08 0.09 nd
P2°5 - - - 0.02 0.07 nd
1.40 1.40 1.60 3.15 1.79 1.50
Rb-0 1.38 0.34 0.73 0.14 0.54 0.20
LOX 0.32 0.10 0.23 1.15 0.24 nd

Total 100.41 101.09 101.09 100.80 100.07 97.70

Trace elements (in ppm)
Cu 52 43 61 64 54 -

Cr 30 25 50 68 41 -

Sr 38 38 20 10 26 -
V 158 132 132 nd 168 -
Zn 71' 166 190 nd 117 -
Co 18 15 31 nd 18 -
Be 27 5 14 72 34 -
00 00 00 00 00 -

Ba 00 00 00 9 <■» -

S — — — 100 — -
Contn'd. Table 31 :
C .I.P.W. Norm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

mt - 0.23 — — 1.39 - 0.23 0.70 0.23 —

il 4.41 4.10 2.58 - 1.06 0.76 2.89 2.73 0.15 -
or •2.78 13.34 10.01 4.45 7.78 17.79 18.90 9.4B 16.68 6.90
ab 44.02 41.92 29.87 24.10 48.73 13.10 29.34 43.49 29.34 13.62
an 3.34 - - - 4.45 - - - 1.67 -
di - - 1.86 4.51 - 2.53 2.43 2.87 1.89 2.13
hy * 1.1 0.40 2.29 3.90 1.86 2.68 0.73 - 5.29 4.74
qz. 30.00 27.00 32.58 34.41 29.76 36.06 30.48 27.96 30.42 38.64
eu 13.10 10.83 18.14 24.70 0.50 19.65 11.84 11.84 13.35 26.
ac - - 0.92 2.31 - 4.16 0.92 0.92 - -
vro - 1.04 - - - - — 0.69 - -
sm 0.61 1.22 - 1.34 - - - 3.1*
- -
ap 0.32 — 0.33 - - 0.33 - - - -
c 0.20 — — 2.65 - - - - - -
he 0.32 0.64
Nigcfli values

al 51.67 48.84 50.17 ' 50.33 47.48 47.70 47.90 57.87 50.00 58.56
fm 14.33 13.62 17.41 19.87 13.21 20.13 16.08 17.33 19.31 21.93
c 4.33 2.99 4.09 6.62 5.03 4.95 3.85 7.87 4.83 3.59
alk 29.67 34.55 28.33 23.18 34.28 27.21 32.17 16.93 25.86 15.94
:/fm 0.30 0.22 0.23 0.33 0.38 0.24 0.24 0.45 0.25 0.18
si 389.00 388.37 398.97 391.39 372.64 418.73 414.33 470.08 411.72 478.88
ti 11.00 7.64 4.78 - 2.51 1.77 6.64 7.08 2.07 -
k 0.56 0.22 0.22 0.13 0.14 0.41 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.40
mg 0.28 0.07 0.29 0.20 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.36
li 17.00 14.28 23.89 32.12 0.63 26.85 16.43 18.50 18.27 41.43
P - - 0.34 - - 0.36 - - - -

1 - Ra 95, 2 - H 13, 3 - RA 45 , 4 - RA 132, 5 - RA 96, 6 - H 12,

7 - RA 47, 8 - RA 29, 9 - RA 97, 10 - H 8, Analysis 1 tc> 10
Amareshwar spodumene pegmatites, 11 - Average of 1 to 10, and
12 - Spodumene pegmatite from Peg Claims, Maine (Sundelius 1963)

(Refer Tacle 33 for specimen location)

It is also observed that these la pegmatites have slightly

lower silica than similar la pegmatites reported from Peg

Claims (Table 31 No.12), Kings Mountain (74.6%) and Beardmore

alumina (see Table 21 ) contents of Amareshwar pegmatites

are strikingly uniform witn the recorded values showing a

range only 1 per cent, from about 14 to 15%. A comparison

with other spodisnene pegmatites for e.g. those reported from

Peg Claims (17%), Kings fountain (16,40%) or Beardmore

(15.90%), reveals slightly lcwer alumina concentration m

the Amareshwar occurrence.

Titania a much higher titania content (av 1.07%) of

Amareshwar spodumene pegmatites when compared to the associa­

ted gneisses (av 0.7%) and granites (av 0.77%) and an

enrichment of che constituent to an extent of about 2 times

the average crustal value of 0.44% Is a point to be noted.

Ihe bulk of titanium m these rocks is located m the

structure of spodumene and mica. It shows a strong negative

correlation with lithia (see Pig. 51 ).

Iron Spodumene, muscovite, gahnite and garnet are tne

mam carriers of iron m spodumene pegmatites, concentra­

tion of iron is considerably less (av 2.56%) m the

pegmatites when compared to its concentration in the associa­

ted granites (av 4.05%) and gneisses (4.94%). The
average Fe^^iFeo ratio (av 0.39) is lower compared to that

of gneisses (av 0.61) but higner tnan that of granites

(av 0.22). There is a distinct positive correlation between

total iron as FeO and lithia.

Magnesia content is low (av 0.53% MgO); lower than the

average value obtained for the associated granitic rocks and

the average granite of the upper continental crust. A moderate

positive correlation between, magnesia and lithia is recorded.

Lime occurs concealed in the structure of plagioclase

feldspar. It is uniformly low and the individual analyses show

a departure of less than a 0.3 per cent from the average value.

Soda the average soda content (4.24%) of Amareshwar spodumene

pegmatite is distinctively higher compared to the values

reported for Peg Claims (3.4%), Kings Mountain (3.3%) and

Beardrrore (2.9%) occurrences. The distribution of soda is

determined essentially by plagioclase. With the exception of

only one analysis, m all the other analyses of Amareshwar

spodumene pegmatites soda is in excess of potash and soda:

potash ratio shows a wide range from almost 1:1 t° 10:1.

Potash values show a large variation from 0^5 to 3.5 per cent.

On an average Amareshwar spodumene pegmatites have a lower

potash (av 1.5%) than those of Kings Mountain (2.4%),

Peg clams (2.6%) and 9eardmore (3.3%). Potash distribution is

decided chiefly by K-feldspar and mica oontents. It snows

a negative correlation with lithia both in whole rock and

mineral analyses and a strong positive correlation with

Rb20 among minerals (see Fig. 52).

Manganese occurs concealed chiefly in the structure of tne

minor/accessory mineral phases of garnet, gahnite and

spodumene. There m fact exists a decipherable positive

correlation between the modal composition of these minerals

and the manganese content. Witn lithia it shows an


antipathetic relation in rocks and a sympathetic relation

m spodumene. Also an antipathetic relation seen oetween

Mn and Rb m minerals.

Phosphorous only 4 samples have been analysed for P, fiven

in this small number, a consideraole variation in the P„0C

content from 0.02 to 0.14% is recorded. From the available

mineralogical information it is concluded that phosphorous

distribution is determined almost entirely by apatite.

Lithxa is a major constituent of Amaresnwar spodumene

pegmatites, whilst a large proportion of this occurs

concealed m the structure of spodumene (av 7%, see Table 26b),

there is smaller but significant proportions of it is located

in the structure of mica (0.6%). It is also observed that

© Spodumene
4 Muscovite

• K-feldspar


CL 0
CL 20


0 1

^ 10
5 0

• 0
2 4 6ft 123
Li 20 %—p,g £2 **'—** RbjOVo
the average lithia content of 1.8% of Amaresnwar spodumene

pegmatites is distinctively higher compared to averages

reported far Peg Claims (1.5%)/ Kings fountain (1.5%) and

Beardmore (1.65%) occurrences.

Rubidium i One of the striking geochenical feature of the

spodumene pecpnatite is the high rubidium content, vhich

averages as much as 0.54%. However, the high Rb content is

not a peculiarity of ^rvaresnwar spodumene pegmatite alone.

Similar high Rb values have been reported from lithium

pegmatites from many different localities of the world (for

e.g. Peg Claims, Maine; Erajarvi, South Finland). From the

availaole mineral chemical data (see Tables 26, 28 & 29), it

observed that rubidium is preferentially conc-ntratea in

the structure of K-feldspar ard mica. As is always noted,

here too an excellent positive correlation is recorded

between the distribution of Rb and K (see Tables 28b & 29b)

and the observation fits into the generalization that Rb-

geochemically follows K very closely (see Fig. 52).


V, Cr, Ni, Co, Be, Sr, 3a, Cu, Pb, Zn, Y, Nb, Ga,

Zr, U, Th and S are tne trace elements for which tne

Amareshwar spodumene pegmatities have been analysed. Of

these whilst Ni, Th, U, Cr, Sr, Co, Ba, Cu, Zn, Zr are
13 i

depleted Pb, S, V, Be/ Nb, Ga are enriched and 2n, Y, are

similar to tne upper continental crustal values.

Vanadium concentration shows a large variation from 53 to

396 ppm. The average V value of 168 ppm looks abnormally

high compared to crustal averages and the average quoted

for granite. The two samples yielding the highest values of

396 and 316 ppm incidentally show highest frequency of mica/

gahnite and garnet suggesting tne possible enrichment of these

minerals in~v.

Chromium whilst the lowest content of 5 ppm Cr is recorded

m the most feldspathic sample, tne highest concentration

of 80 ppm Cr is obtained m the spodumene enriched samples.

However, neither spodumene nor any of the other ferromagne-

sian mineral have oeen analysed for Cr content to comment

on the partitioning pattern and mineralogical correlation.

Cobalt concentration varies from 5 to 37 ppm (av 18 ppm).

It does not show any decipherable correlation m its distri­

bution with reference to any of the other major or trace

element analysed.

Nickel is the most depleted of all the trace elements

determined, being less than 1 ppm in all but two samples,

one of whole rock and another of K-feldspar, in wmch it

is estimated to be 3 ppm.

Beryllium xs one of the strongly enriched trace element

of spodumene pegmatite constituting on an average 34 ppm

(as against a crustal average of 2-8 ppm). The available

mineralogical data suggests that spodumene is the chief

carrier of 3e. Interestingly Be shows sympathetic pattern

of distnoution with reference to La.

Strontium An uniformly low Sr content is one of the

striking geochemical features of the lithium pegmatites.

While it is in the range of 15 to 31 ppm in the bulk rock

samples, in the K-f eld spar it is distinctively higher

(72-98 ppm are recorded m 3 feldspar analyses) and the

available mineralogical data point towards the location of

the major proportion of Sr m X-feldspar.

Barium Only 3 bulk rock samples are analysed for Ba. The

data obtained suggests a very strong depletion of spodumene

pegmatites m Ba.

Copper with the exception of two samples (see Table 32 A and

analyses .9 and 11) which contain a few specks of chalco-

Fyrite and which analyse 60 and 93 ppm Cu, all other

samples have a low (12 to 19 ppm) Cu content, significantly

lower than the upper continental crustal average value of

24 ppm (quoted by Wedepohl 1974).


Lead a.n uniformly high (compared to the upper continental

average of 17 ppm, Wedepohl 1974) Pb values of 20 to 31 ppm.

have been record®! in the bulk spodumene pegmatite analysis.

The available mineralogical data snows the concentration of

a bulk of this Pb m K-f eld spar of the rocks (the three

K-feldspar samples analysed contain 97 to 141 ppm Pb). This

observation is in accordance with the previous reports by

Heier et al. (1967).

Zinc values vary from 15 ppm to 115 ppm in the bulk

spodumene pegmatite. The available data suggests that the

distribution of this metal is closely linked to gahnite

occurrence/ the concentration of the metal increasing witn

the frequency of the mineral. It is also observed that

K-feldspar constantly contains 6 to 7 times less Zn than the


Yttrlqrg- hereas the Y content of the bulk pegmatite samples

(av 34.4 ppm) is nearly comparable to crustal average, the

K-feldspar contains twice as much and is presumably one of

the very important carriers of Y.

Niobium The average Nb content of Amareshwar spodumene

pegmatite (41 ppm) is almost twice as high as crustal value.

The data obtained m the present study is in accordance

with the general observation that Nb is significantly


concentrated xn the pegmatites (see Rankama 1948). However#

no Nb minerals have been identified. Neither there is data

available on the partitioning of the element among the

mineral phases. But the analysis of K-feldspar has indicated

the existance of about 6 to 10 times less Nb in this mineral

than in the bulk rocks.

Gallium The spodumene pegmatites are consistantly enricned

in Ga and the average Ga content is more than 3 times

greater than the crustal value. The K-feldspars tend to

analyse distinctively less Ga than the whole rocks. Although

the mica has not been analysed for Ga, from the literature

it is noted that a good proportion of Ga m these rocks is

expected to be located m mica, possibly substituting for


Zirconium The average Zr content of spodumene pegmatites

(24 ppm) is about 6 times less than the crustal value and

it is one of the strongly depleted trace elements, zr

depletion is also indicated by tne paucity or scarcity of


Uranium and Thorium Whilst uranium is extremely uniform

m its distnoution around 2 ppm, Th shows a large variation

from less than 1 ppm to 25 ppm. With the exception of

samples 6 and 9, whicn analyse 14 and 25 ppm and are noted


Trace element analysis of Spodumene pegmatites (in ppm)

1 1 2 3 4 5 6

Rb 1842 1440 2137 1633 1459 1481

Sr 24 20 26 22 22 19
y 34 28 28 34 34 27
Zr 22 22 19 17 17 47
Nb 45 45 16 42 38 40
ito 25 27 31 28 20 26
Th 1 1 1 1 2 19
Cu 19 14 12 13 14 18
Zn 44 86 46 86 93 81
Ga 80 70 60 69 77 63
Nl 1 1 2 1 1 1

7 8 9 10 11 12

Rb 1027 9171 1363 1848 2330 1282

Sr 15 18 31 26 28 18
Y 40 36 23 39 48 42
Zr 36 17 16 29 23 24
Nb 58 59 27 49 29 47
Pb 28 20 22 47 22 23
Th 3 5 25 2 4 3
Cu 16 17 60 13 93 13
Zn 13 38 23 94 115 53
Ga 46 79 68 61 70 61
Nl 1 3 1 1 1 1

Analyst: S. Qrury.

1. H 1, 2. H 2, 3. H 3, 4. H 4, 5. H 5 6. H 6, 7. H 7,
8. H 8, 9. H 12, 10. H 13, 11. H 14, 12. RA 29.

(Refer Table 33 for specimen location)


Trace element analyses of Spodumene pegmatites

(m ppm)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

u 0.2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Th 2 2 2 1 1 1

Analysis through ■-ray spectrometer

1. RA 29/ 2. RA 45/ 3. PA 95/ 4. RA 97/ 5. RA 132

6. H 6 and 7. H 14.

(Refer Table 33 for specimen location)

9 Spodumone Pegmatite
to contain occasional allanite and monazite, no other
analysed pegmatite samples contain U and Th bearing minerals

On the strength of established observation it is concluded

that most of u and Th in these rocks is locked up m mica,

and K-feldspar in particular appears to hold practically no

lh (see Table 28b).

Sulphur Only 3 samples have been analysed for S. Even m

this small number a large variation from 100 to 500 ppin

has been recorded. The concentration of S appears to be

determined by the occurrence of sulphide.


^>odumene pegmatites occurring m the different part

of the world have been discussed by many investigators like

3rush and Dana (1880), Schwartz and Leonard (1926), Gabnal

et al. (1942), Cameron et al. (1949), Derry (1950), Mrose

(1952), Jahns (1953), Rowe (1953), Norton and Schlegel

(1955), Stewart (1960, 1963 & 1978), Kesler (1961), Milne

(1962), Mulligan (1962, 1973), Sundelius (1963), Heinrich

(1964, 1965 and 1975), Bhola et al. (1966), Rossovsky (1967

and 1974) Cerney and Ferguson (1972), ShternDerg et al.

(1972), Grubb (1974), Norton (1975, 1982), Gyongyossy and

Spooner (1979), Sadashivaiah et al. (1980), Lahti (1981)

and Norton (1982). The association of spodumene pegmatites

with ultramafic to mafic rocks is an universal feature.

But this association is not demonstrated to be a genetic one.

As summerised by Stewart (1978); (1) the feldspathic spodumene

pegmatites are almost certainly magmatic, (2) quartz-spodumene

zones are products of a gas phase and (3) the high iron

content of spodumene prooably is the result of magmatic

parentage (see also Sundelius 1963, Lahti 1981, Norton


Considering particularly (i) the occurrence as dyke/

taoular intrusion m amphioolite and amphioolite/gneiss

contact, (n) pegmatite/myrmekite like mtergrowth between

spodumene and quartz, (m) near uniformity in chemical

(and to some extent in mineral) composition, (iv) growth

of spodumene and K-feldspar crystals perpendicular to the

walls of the individual pegmatite bodies, (v) uniform

enrichment in Rb, Be, Ti, Y, Nb and Po, and overall chemical

similarity with tne Peg Claims and otner well known

occurrences derived from residual fractions of calc-alkaline

magma, (vi) lack of evidence of met a somatic/hydrothermal

alterations; it is interpreted that the Amareshwar spodumene

pegmatites represent injections of residual Li-ricn fractions

derived at depth by differentiation of granitic/granodioritic


Occurrence of spodumene pegmatites occupying the

fracture/weak planes close to the border zones of amphiboli­

tes with granitic gneisses, presence of amphibolite

xenolithic inclusions and the near alignment of pegmatite

bodies parallel to the general trend of the host rocks,

suggest a quiet intrusion of the spodumene pegmatites as

near infillmgs into a set of pre-existing fracture plane .

The non existance of chilled borders possibly suggest the

formation of the pegmatite bodies under deep seated



As mentioned in the foregoing pages, in Amaresnwar

area no obvious evidence of genetic relation is seen between

spodumene pegmatites and any of the associated rocks.

However, some notable concentration of lithium is seen in

one each of the analysed amphibolite (RA 61, Li 166 ppm)

and Talc schist (RA 89, La 3b6 ppm) specimens, but these

are located away from tne spodumene pegmacite bodies. In

most areas of zoned pegmatite^ deposits with lithium

minerals, direct contact between the peyirvatite and granite


intrusion are seldom seen and the former tend to oe located

m the contact zone or m enveloping rocks (e.g. Heinrich

1953/ Stewart 1978/ Lahti 1981). Both mineralogieslly and

chemically the spodumene pegmatites are different from all

the associated rock types. This is almost an universal

enigmatic feature of spodumene pegmatites and for which no

acceptable explanation is available.


Fran the available data it is presumed that

pegmatites originated through the crystallization of

residual magmatic fluids. The sequence described by Cameron

et al. (1949) (see Taole 24 ) would represent the general

trend of evolution of fluids. The internal structures of

the pegmatites m the study area indicate that crystalliza­

tion was often a very complicated event. Hie process,

although essentially continuous, did not proceed uniformly,

but rather m a succession of compositional steps. Tne

pegmatite melt started to crystallize m the margins of the

deposits and proceeded inwards. The melt evidently started

to fractionate during intrusion, and margins of the feeding

channels may have partly crystallized at a different depth

than the inner-most zones.


The zoned structure of the pegmatites m Amareshwar

area is similar to those in numerous other complex pegmatites

reported in the literature. The zoning is chiefly due to

fractional crystallization (Herrera 1968, Jahns and Burnham,

1969, Luth and Tuttle 1969, Stewart 1978, Lahti 1981). The

zoned nature also points to the intrusion of the material

m successive pulses from a differentiating fluid. On

account of fractional crystallization, the pJagioclase in

the margins of the deposits is invariably richer in anorthite

content and the percentage of A lb it e component increases

towards the portions of pegmatites that were last to crystal­

lize. Therefore, sodium and lithium rich oodies are nearly

always peripheral, potassic bodies are intermediate and

microclme-oligoclase bodies are centrally located. In

districts where different types occur together, tneir trans­

gressive relations prove that the sodium-lithium bodies are

later than the potassic ones and that the latter precede the

oligoclase-microcline types (Herrera, 1968).

Ihe grain size of K-feldspar increases together with

the coarseness of the perthite structures from the contact

to tne pegmatite dykes towards the innermost zone. As in

many of the complex mtrusives reported m the literature,

the Si/Al ordering in K-feldspar and the exsolution of the

perthite phase are tvo parallel processes (Parsons and Boyd


1,971# Vorma 1971# Haapala 1977# Parsons 1978). The first

fractions that crystallized from the melt# the margins of

the dykes, show the lowest Si/Al ordering in K-feJLdspar# out

ordering increases towards the fractions that were tne last

to crystallize# m the innermost parts of the dykes.

The uniformly high Li# Rb and Be m spodumene

pegmatites is taken as an evidence of tneir derivation from

a differentiating source of magma (Sundelius 1963). As it

is well known that for reasons of size and energy these

constituents are typically enriched m residual fluids derived

through fractional crystallization.

Spodumene-Quartz intergrowth* The intergrowths of

spodumene and quartz may represent #pnmary crystallization

as suggested by Ginzburg 1949# Vesasalo 1959# Neuvonen and

Vesasalo 1960, Stewart 1963 & 1978; or recrystallization

of Petalite.


Experimental studies show that in the orthoclase-

albite-quartz-water system# tne solidus temperature at

4 Kbar pressure# corresponding to a deptn of 15 kms in the

crust# is 655° to 685°C. (Tuttle and Bowen 1958# buth et al.

1964). If plagioclase is axiorthit e-rich the solidus
spodumene pegmatite


Ab' Fig 54 An
temperature rises parallel to the rise m calcium content

(Winkler, 1976). On the other hand the elements such as

lithium, phosphorous, ooron ana fluorine consideraoly lower

the solidus temperature of the granitic melt. According

to Wyllie and Tuttle (1961, 1964) if 5 Wt% of P20g is added

to the system granite-water, the melting point of granite,

at a pressure of 2-7 Khar, is lowered by 20 pCj with 5 Wt%

of HP it is lowered by 70°C and with 5 Wt% of Li20 by as

much as 90°C.

However, tne element concentrations used m these

experiments are hypothetical and far too high to be applied

to the crystallization temperatures of natural granite

pegmatites. In the complex pegmatites with abnormally high

lithium, the content nardly exceeds 1.5 to 2 Wt% Li20

(Stewart 1978). Even so much lower lithium abundance affects

the solidus temperature. According to Stewart (1978), m

the (albite + orthoclase)-quartz-eucryptite-water system,

the eutectic melt at 2 Kbar pressure likewise contains about

2% of 1*i2Q. When both the alkali feldspars are present the

temperature drops by at least 35°C (Munoz 1971, Stewart

1978). Hence depending on the bulk total composition, the

granite water saturated melt enriched solely m lithium may,

under these conditions, crystallize at temperatures ranging

from 640° to 560°C (Lahti 1981).

In terms of the ternary system Ab-An-Qr (see Pigs.

30 & 31) a lower temperature of less than 625°C, but higher

pressure of 5 Kbars are indicated for the formation of

spodumene pegmatites of Amareshwar (See Pigs. 30,-3d and

Seek 1971, O'conner 1965, Glikson and Sheraton 1972). The

absence of a replacement sequence of petalite ——-•—>

Spodumene ———->eucryptite suggests crystallization of

Amareshwar pegmatites in essentially closed system below

600°C (Grubs 1974). Tne association of albitic plagioclase

and spodumene as demonstrated by Shternberg et al. (1972)

indicates the formation of these pegmatite bodies at 5-7

kbars pressure (corresponding to 20 kms depth) and a tempera­

ture around 600°C. Thus most available chemical and miners 1-

ogical evidence appears to point towards the formation of

Amareshwar pegmatites at temperatures around 600°C and

pressure around 5 kbars ( see Pig. 55).


The common occurrence of qpodumene-quartz intergrowths

in the Amareshwar pegmatites may suggest the following!

(1) Petalite parentage of spodumene and transformation of

early formed petalite to a mixture of spodumene and quartz

under falling temperatires after the consolidation/crystall-

ization of spodumene pegmatite bodies, or (2) remelting of


Frg 55
o 5 3 o d ~ "n e n a Pegm aM e
lithium minerals to result m uhe formation of spodumene-

quartz intergrowths (see also Fig. 42).

Absence of recognisable petalite relic might not

favour the first explanation/ but, it could oe that txie

transformation of petalite to spodumene-quartz mixture/ was

remarkably complete. Occurrence of irregular coarse grained

patches and heterogeneous variation m grain size on the

other hand might serve as an evidence of petalite lemelting

and slow recrystallization. The available evidence is thus

thought to suggest that both the processes mentioned have

possibly operated m the development of intergrowths between

spodumene and quartz.

Stewart (1978) sumim.rized all the analyses of

Li-rich rocks into a system of H20 - Li20 - K20 - Na20 -

- Si02/ which in turn was simplified into a ternary

system of Qz-(ab + Or) - Eu. Interestingly the analyses of

Amareshwar spodumene pegmatites plot in the petalite-quartz-

feldspar field (Fig. 50 ) indicating the petalite parentage

for the spodumene present m these pegmatites.

EVIDENCE OF MAGMATIC ORIGIN; (1) Occurrence as dyke and

tabular bodies with sharp boundaries/ (2) existence of

zoning although crude to moderate/ (3) occasional occurrence

of xenolithic inclusions of the host amphibolite/ (4) occu­

rrence of megacrysts of spodumene and K-feldspar showing

transverse orientation with reference to the borders/strike

of the pegmatite bodies, (5) hign average iron content of

both the bulk samples and spodumene, (6) absence of

petalite precursor relics, (7) occurrence of gahnite which

appears to be a product of crystallization of residual ZnO

(see Diet Vorst 19 80) and (8) enrichment in Li, Rb, y, Pb ,Be

and Ga similar to the residual magmatic or late magmatic

fluids; are all the evidences among other things indicative

of the formation of Amaresnwar spodumene pegmatites from

residual granitic magma.

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