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Management Support System

Importance of MSS
Computer based information systems to support managers (at any level in an
organisation) in one or more phases of the decision-making process.
The main purpose of MSS is to provide the right information to the right
people at the right time.
•Time savings.
•Enhanced decision making
•Daily, weekly, monthly operating reports are in place
•Data is presented in a user-friendly and timely manner.
SWOT Analysis of DINEIN
•Serving tasty and quality foods.
•Offering lower-priced menu than competitive restaurants.
•Providing main three types of orders in-house dining, take-away and delivery.
•Offering of free facilities such as Wi-Fi, parking facilities etc.
•As the restaurant is located at the middle of the town, the easy to reach customers.
•Lack of staff for the kitchen.
•Not have proper restaurant management system with accurate stock control.
•The DINEIN restaurant has no branches.
SWOT Analysis for DINEIN
•Expanding or providing different types of food and beverages.
•Open up branches in different places.
•Competing restaurants which are located nearby for the DINEIN restaurant and price competition with
them and opening up similar restaurant at the same area is also a threat for the DINEIN restaurant.
•Bad testimonials from the customers.
•Potential rising price of certain foods
•Changing laws of the country.
Organizational hierarchy
Database: mss_resturent

•Standalone application to carry out the functions inside the restaurant.
-Using Java programming language along with MySQL database.
•Web application was developed for delivery orders of the restaurant.
•Management functionalities were implemented in a separate web based
application for efficiency of decision making process
- Developed in PHP programming language along with MySQL database.
Standalone Application for Restaurant Functionalities
Web Application for Delivery Orders
Web Application for Management Functionalities
Advantages of making a web application for decision making
▪The application can be run on any platform.
▪Maintenance of the system is very easy as it is a distributed application.
▪Managers can access the system from anywhere at any time.
▪If any fault occur in the computer, the system can be open in another machine
without wasting the time.
▪Development cost is less.
Decision taking in Inventory Management.
The information needed to make this decision
▪Current stock details
▪Item wise stock details
▪Stock feeding details
The reports that will assist in making this decision
▪Current Stock Report and Summary Reports
▪Item wise Stock Report
▪Out Of Stock Report and Summary Reports
▪Stock Input Report
Decisions to Minimize raw material wastage.

The information needed to make this decision

▪Damaged stock details
▪Reason for stock damages

The reports that will assist in making this decision

▪Damage Stock Report
Decisions in Process and Capacity Design.
The information needed to make this decision
▪Reorder details of stock items
▪Stock forecasting details
▪Fast moving items of stock
The reports that will assist in making this decision
▪Stock Reorder Report
▪Stock Reorder Summary Report
▪Stock Forecasting Report
▪Fast Moving Stock Items Report
▪Fast Moving Stock Items Summary Report
Decisions for Cost Controlling.
The information needed to make this decision
▪Production Cost and Selling Price of meals
▪Damaged stock item details
▪Reasons for stock damages
The reports that will assist in making this decision
▪Meal Cost Report
▪Meal Cost Summary Report
▪Damage Stock Summary Report
Decision to increase or decrease the serving prices and
sizes of food items.
The information needed to make this decision
▪The sales for a particular menu item.
▪.The cost of the meal
▪The most popular meals of the restaurant

The reports that will assist in making this decision

▪Item-wise sales report
▪Most popular meals report
▪ Popular meal percentage report.
Decisions to increase the quality of DINEIN Restaurant.
The information needed to make this decision
▪Feedback of customers.
▪Order voids
▪Sales of the restaurant for one month
The reports that will assist in making this decision
▪Feedback Analyze Report
▪Void Analyze Report
▪Feedback comparison report and Void comparison report
▪Thirty days Sales Report
▪Detailed Sales Report
Sales promotion and advertising
The information needed to make this decision
▪Sales for different types of orders
▪Sales for different types of payment types
▪Sales for the day

The reports that will assist in making this decision

▪Today Sales Reports
▪Sales Report by order type
▪Sales Report by payment type
The information needed to make this decision
• Sales for the different period of time of the year.
•Sales for the week

The reports that will assist in making this decision

▪Customized Sales Report
▪Weekly Customer Forecast
Expand Business
The information needed to make this decision
▪Profit for the DINEIN Restaurant for selected period of time.
▪ The average sales percentage for the order type.
▪The income and cost of the restaurant.

The reports that will assist in making this decision

▪Profit Report
▪All the reports in the dashboard of the Restaurant Manager
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