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The Sacred Gardens of Lemuria had temples to all the Devic Kingdoms and Devic Alliances
within the Stellar Sisterhood and Brotherhood. The Temples each held harmonic vibrations
powered by crystalline beings and maintained by masters of energy.
These temple sites were dedicated and powered in the Lemurian vibration before the
establishment of Atlantean ideals. When it was time to manifest Atlantis on the earth plane,
these sites were then monitored by keepers, the original energy masters, who came and went
from the Lemurian vibration, the Lemurian resonance.

The Lemurian resonance was always a holding

frequency during all times of Atlantis for those who
were guiding this stage in the evolution of the Earth
and humanity. From all of the twelve Creator star
systems, There were many landings here, Light ships
as well as ships containing the representatives of the
Trinities of Alliances from Galactic federations.

There were landings here not at one time, but throughout

all the three rising and fallings of Atlantis. All beings, of all
kingdoms, who incarnated here in Lemurian times were
energy masters. When Atlantis was established as an ideal
civilisation, the role of maintaining specific frequencies of
Light, holding information, and carrying the manifestation
ray to connect with the Love of the Goddess and the
Godhead; was handed onto the Priestesses and Priests of
the Atlantean temples.

Priestesses and Priests of the Atlantean civilisations.

There were temple training grounds around the
Godhead volcano power point of Tap o’ Noth and the
Goddess volcano power point of Bennachie.
The Lords of Light return here to work in triad as
they have done before.
Key 2.1.5 The Keys of Enoch
"For this reason Moses-Jesus-Elijah had to come
down from the higher heavens into the physical
plane to accomplish that which could not be simply
accomplished through the Etheric Planes."

There were some of the Keepers from Lemuria who chose to take on physical incarnations
in Atlantean society; and who lived many lifetimes as record keepers, evolving the healing
powers and technological systems from the stellar creators and extending this part of their
being to the Earth plane.
Many collective consciousness chose formation at this time, like the Lords and Ladies of
Shamballa the Ascended Masters.
The Lords and Ladies of Light return to Scotland now.
Lemuria is where these keepers went when in Exodus from the Earth plane at the final
destruction of Atlantis. They had always been coming and going between the frequencies;
and for them the Lemurian vibration was, and is, the stepping stone to return to the
essence of their being.
Others who had chosen to incarnate in Atlantis for different purposes followed through the
open gateway to Lemuria. Others chose to go underground to maintain Lemurian
frequencies within the Earth’s magnetic body until the Lemurian vibration could once again
hold its awareness to allow the clearing of Atlantean abuses of power.
Now is the time for the clearing and healing of all Atlantean issues in all the Stellar
systems and on the Earth; and in the collective consciousness held in the informational
record banks. These are situated around the planet and in the collective consciousness
within the human mind.
The MAHATMA RHYNIE TEMPLE OF LIGHT was one of the frequency holding temples in
Lemurian times. Kathleen in her journey of soul reclamation was called to this site in this
lifetime to unite that part of herself which was trapped here by Pleaidian renegades. Once
united with the fairy essence of her being she was called on to restore this site to its
Lemurian template. The healing of this site began in October 1994, and has flowed in
phases up to March 21st 1997.
The Solstice of 1996 was important to connect into the crystalline heart of the Earth and to
flow the energies of Unconditional Love through Divineva, a 644 kilo piece of rose quartz
into the Earth’s internal crystalline gridwork. It was also a big call out to the Galactic
Masters through Mahasamatman the crystal skull, coming to join in the opening of
Scotland to its stellar gateways and to assist in the Awakening of the Sleeping Giant.
Now the Mahatma Rhynie Temple of Light has just begun to shine the Light of its Being out
to all the Multi-verses. Now restored and initiated into its role as Guardian Ship of the
Record keepers of All that is Light we as temple master and mistress, Washataka and
Mahasamatma, call out to all other Temple Beings to take on your role of planetary and
universal service. We call out to Merlins and Melchizedeks to join us, celebrate with us.
After the final turning of the key on site on the 21st March 1997, a key in the form of a 46
kilo Elestial generator crystal which is one of the living Libraries of Light, this Temple site is
running through a triple vortex in a pyramidical shape. This triple vortex is connected into
Christ consciousness through multi-dimensional mandalas. There is a mother crystal
mandala on site, Divineva our crystalline rosey quartz sits in the middle of this, and this is
connected up to two other crystal mandalas. One is the stone circle of East Aquorthies,
near Inverurie and the other is in Paradise Woods, near Monymusk.
Washataka and myself, Mahasamatma have recently received information as to the
connecting up of far more sites around Scotland, locally in this area and also further afield.
On the 31st May and 1st June 1997 we have dug a meditational (pit) kiva on the second
vortex outside in the garden. Around the outside of the Kiva, which has a step to sit on,
like a small amphitheatre, we had the honour of bringing together some very sacred stones
which had been part of a stone circle nearby, until all the smaller stones were cleared from
the field by the farmer, many years ago. So now we have a stone circle on site!! It is
brilliant! It was working as soon as the stones were put in place. The whole building of the
stone circle magically came together, having been blessed by Melchizedek on the 25th
May, surprise surprise! And it has been giving it welly ever since!
We do have lots more work to complete on site, on this site and laying crystal mandalas on
other sites, and we welcome any contributions. We do need lots and lots of slate to line the
inside of the Kiva. Is there any one out there who can help?
We welcome you to join us on site at the SOLSTICE CELEBRATIONS in June 1997, and to
join us at other major Earth Ascending times through out the year. We would welcome you
wholeheartedly to any of the exciting workshops that we run from here, or at other
locations throughout the world, please refer to the Events Calendar. If you wish to run a
workshop in your area, then please be in touch!
In Joy and Fun and Laughter we celebrate the energies of the Mahatma, Unconditional
Love from Mother/ Father God.

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