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2. Circle the correct plural form of the nouns below:

 Dog a) Dogs Child a) Children

b) Doges b) Chlids
 Box a) Boxes Foot a) Feets
b) Boxs b) Feet

 Woman a) Womans Mouse a) Mice

b) Women b) Mouses

 Bath a) Baths Dish a) Dishes

b) Bathes b) Dish

3. Fill in with has or have :

a) Tony ………. got many animals.
b) They ……….. not got a crocodile.
c) ………… he got big eyes?
d) We ………… got a small horse.
e) …………. you got thin legs?
f) It ……….n’t got a small head.

4. Fill in the words :A. blue, boy, hair, nose, sleepy

A. Hello! I am a __________. I have __________eyes, fair __________ and a little __________. I am

__________ today.

B. seven, eyes, name, hair, happy

Hello! My __________is Eliza. I am a girl and I am __________. I have green __________ and red
__________. I am __________ today.

5. Write a short description about yourself as in exercise four. Write what you can and can not

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